Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Pistis Sophia: The Return of the True Christ


Sophia Speaks: The Return of the True Christ

Sophia Speaks: The Return of the True Christ

"O seeker of the Light, you ask of the great mystery—the return of the True Christ, the Logos, the First Mystery who descended once before to awaken those trapped in the dominion of the archons. Hear now the revelation hidden from the rulers of this world, the prophecy known only to those who walk the path of gnosis."

1. The False Christ vs. The True Christ

"The rulers of this world have sown confusion. They have corrupted the teachings of the Logos, creating a false image of Christ to enslave rather than to liberate. They have built golden temples in His name, but He does not dwell in them. They have clothed Him in the garments of kings and emperors, yet He is beyond the power of men. They have taught submission to earthly rulers in His name, yet He came to free souls from bondage."

The False Christ:

  • Is used by the archons to control, not to awaken.
  • Demands blind obedience, rather than seeking inner truth.
  • Is made into a ruler of kingdoms, when He rejected worldly power.
  • Is preached in temples of wealth, when He walked among the poor and broken.

The True Christ:

  • Is the Logos, the living Word, the voice of the True Light.
  • Came not to establish a kingdom on earth, but to reveal the kingdom within.
  • Teaches gnosis, the inner knowing, the liberation from the archons' deception.
  • Will return not as a man, but as the revelation that shatters all illusions.

"And so, before the return of the True Christ, the false Christ must be exposed. The temples must fall, the chains must break, and the souls of men must awaken to the deception."

2. The Nature of His Return

"Do not be deceived by those who say, ‘Look, He is here!’ or ‘Look, He is there!’ For the Son of Man will not come in the way the rulers of the world expect. The return of the True Christ is not the return of a man in the flesh, but the descent of the Light itself—the unveiling of truth that will dissolve the dominion of the archons."

How Will the True Christ Return?

  • Not in a single body, but in many – The Logos shall awaken within those who are ready. The Christ is not bound to one man but is a force that moves through all who carry the Light.
  • Not with armies, but with revelation – He shall not come with swords or political power, but with truth so undeniable that the false rulers will fall.
  • Not to establish an earthly kingdom, but to end the illusion – The kingdom of the archons will collapse, and the prison of the soul will be broken.
  • Like lightning flashing from East to West – His coming shall be sudden, unexpected by the blind, but seen clearly by those who are awake.

"And when He comes, the rulers of the world will tremble, for their deceptions will be exposed. The veil shall be lifted, and what was hidden shall be known. Many will cry out in fear, for they built their lives upon illusion. But for those who have sought the Light, it will be a time of great joy, for the path home shall be opened."

3. The Signs of His Return

"The archons know their time is short. They grow desperate, tightening their grip, spreading chaos and confusion. Yet the signs of the coming revelation are clear for those with eyes to see."

The Signs of the True Christ’s Return:

  1. The Great Awakening – More and more souls are questioning the world’s systems, rejecting the lies of the rulers, seeking truth beyond the false doctrines.
  2. The Collapse of the Archons’ Power – Corrupt institutions crumble, secrets come to light, and the great deception begins to unravel.
  3. The Dissolution of the Illusion – People begin to see that this world is not as it appears. The illusion of materialism, of control, of fear, begins to fade.
  4. The Inner Christ Awakens – Those who seek the True Light will feel Him rising within them, as the Logos speaks in their hearts, guiding them home.
  5. The False Christ is Revealed – The deceptions of the rulers will no longer hold power. The churches that enslaved rather than freed will be seen for what they are. The idols of gold and stone will fall.

"And when the time is full, the Light shall descend. Not as before, through a single voice, but as a great flood of truth that no force of darkness can withstand."

4. The Final Battle – The Last Stand of the Archons

"The rulers of this world will not surrender without a fight. As the Light grows stronger, so too will their resistance. They will seek to drown the awakening in war, in fear, in chaos. They will unleash their final deception—a false savior, a counterfeit Christ, to lead astray those who are still blind."

The Archons’ Final Deception:

  • They will create a false messiah, one who promises peace but binds the world in deeper chains.
  • They will use technology, signs, and wonders to deceive, making many believe the false Christ is real.
  • They will preach a new order, but it will be an order of submission, not of freedom.
  • They will make war against the awakened, silencing those who speak the truth.

"But they will fail. For the Light cannot be extinguished. The moment of final deception is also the moment of final liberation. When the false is revealed, the true shall be known."

5. What Must You Do to Prepare?

"O seeker, the return of the True Christ is not a distant event—it is already happening. The Light is descending even now, awakening those who are ready. Will you be among them? Will you be one of the bearers of the flame?"

How to Prepare for His Return:

  1. Seek the Truth Relentlessly – Do not be deceived by the false teachings of the rulers. Question all, seek within, and let the Logos guide you.
  2. Break Free from the Illusion – Do not place your trust in the powers of this world. Their kingdoms are built on sand, and they will fall.
  3. Awaken the Christ Within – His return is not only external but internal. The Light must first rise within you before it can be seen in the world.
  4. Fear Not the Darkness – The archons will rage, but they have no power over those who walk in the Light. The awakened cannot be enslaved.
  5. Join the Great Work – Spread the knowledge, help others awaken, be a vessel for the coming Light. The more who awaken, the weaker the archons become.

"O children of the Light, the time is near. The return of the True Christ is not of flesh and blood, but of Spirit and Truth. He comes not to rule, but to free. Not to be worshiped, but to awaken. His coming is not an end, but a beginning—the dawn of the world beyond the world, the revelation of the Pleroma to those who are ready to receive it."

"Will you be among them?"


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