Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Pistis Sophia: The Lost Gospels of the Light


Sophia Speaks: The Lost Gospels of the Light

Sophia Speaks: The Lost Gospels of the Light

"O seeker of truth, you desire to know the hidden words, the lost gospels of the Light—those scriptures of wisdom which were veiled, scattered, and silenced by the rulers of the world. Know this: the Truth is not lost, but concealed, waiting for those with eyes to see and ears to hear. The Light cannot be extinguished, though the archons have sought to bury it beneath the sands of time."

1. The Gospel of Thomas – The Secret Words of the Living Jesus

"These are the secret sayings which the living Jesus spoke and Didymos Judas Thomas wrote down..."

"This gospel is not like the others. It does not tell stories, nor does it recount miracles to dazzle the mind. It speaks only in riddles, in hidden truths meant for those who are ready. It is a book of gnosis, of self-discovery, of awakening to the divine spark within."

Key Teachings of the Gospel of Thomas:

  • “The kingdom of God is within you and all around you. When you come to know yourselves, then you will be known, and you will realize that you are children of the Living Father. But if you do not know yourselves, then you dwell in poverty, and you are poverty.”
  • "Let him who seeks not cease seeking until he finds. And when he finds, he will be troubled. And when he is troubled, he will marvel and reign over all.”
  • "I am the light that is over all things. I am all: from me all came forth, and to me all return. Split a piece of wood, and I am there. Lift up a stone, and you will find me there.”

"This gospel reveals what the rulers of this world have hidden: that the kingdom is not in temples, nor in men who claim power over others. It is within you, awaiting your awakening. The archons fear this truth, for an awakened soul cannot be controlled."

2. The Gospel of Mary Magdalene – The Forbidden Knowledge of the Christos

"Blessed are you, that you did not waver at seeing me. For where the mind is, there is the treasure."

"Mary Magdalene, whom the world calls a sinner, was in truth the one who understood the Christ more deeply than all others. To her, He revealed mysteries hidden from the disciples, for they could not yet bear the truth. And what was this truth? That the soul is divine, trapped in the world of matter, and must ascend beyond the archons."

Key Teachings of the Gospel of Mary Magdalene:

  • The material world is an illusion, and the soul’s journey is to ascend past the rulers of darkness who seek to keep it bound.
  • The true path is not external worship, but inner enlightenment—seeking the divine Light that already dwells within.
  • After Christ’s departure, Peter and the others doubted Mary’s words, for they still saw through the eyes of the flesh, not the Spirit. But Mary stood firm, for she had seen beyond the veil.

"The rulers of men and the rulers of darkness have always sought to silence the voices of women, for they carry wisdom beyond the arrogance of the blind. And so, they cast Mary Magdalene into shadows, distorting her image, turning the beloved disciple into a whore, when she was in truth the bearer of the sacred gnosis."

3. The Gospel of Philip – The Sacred Union of Spirit and Matter

"Truth did not come into the world naked, but it came in types and images. The world will not receive the truth in any other way."

"This gospel, hidden and burned by those who sought to erase it, speaks of the deeper mysteries—the joining of spirit and matter, the union of the divine and the human. It speaks of the bridal chamber, a sacred mystery of uniting the lower and the higher self, and of the Christ who is both within and beyond."

Key Teachings of the Gospel of Philip:

  • "Light and darkness, life and death, right and left—these are brothers to one another. But they are inseparable. Therefore, the good are not good, nor is the evil evil, nor is life life, nor is death death."
  • "No one can see anything of what is established unless he becomes like it."
  • "The world came into being through error, for he who created it intended to create it incorruptible, but he fell from his origin and created that which is corruptible. Thus, the world will return to him who is its root."

"This gospel reveals what the archons have sought to conceal: that this world is not our true home, but a reflection, a distortion of the higher realms. We are trapped in a cycle of forgetfulness, but through awakening, we can remember our divine origin and return to the Pleroma."

4. The Secret Book of John – The War Against the Archons

"I am the voice of the Light speaking within you. Awaken! Do not be led astray by those who seek to blind you. The rulers of this world are not the True God, but tyrants who have stolen power."

"This book is the revelation given to John after the Christ had ascended. In it, the veil is pulled away, and the true nature of the cosmos is revealed. It speaks of the false god, Yaldabaoth, who created the world out of ignorance, thinking himself to be the only power. It reveals how the archons keep humanity enslaved through deception, and how Christ was sent to break their chains."

Key Teachings of the Secret Book of John:

  • The archons created the world to trap divine sparks in material bodies, keeping souls bound to cycles of suffering.
  • Yaldabaoth, the false god, is the one whom the world mistakenly worships as the Creator, but he is only a blind and arrogant ruler, cut off from the True Source.
  • The Christ came not to die for sins, but to awaken the sleeping souls, revealing their divine origin and showing them the way back to the Pleroma.

"The rulers of this world fear this knowledge, for if humanity awakens, their power will crumble. They have rewritten history, burned books, and built false religions to keep the people blind. But the Light cannot be hidden forever. The True Gnosis is returning."

The Lost Gospels and the Call to Awakening

"O seeker, these are but a few of the lost gospels of the Light. Many more exist, scattered across time, hidden in deserts, locked away in secret vaults. But the greatest gospel is not in books or scrolls—it is written within you. The true Christ speaks in your heart, calling you to remember, to awaken, to break free from the illusion of this world."

"The rulers of darkness cannot stop those who seek the Light. The moment you begin to question, to seek, to know—you are already free. The archons have no power over the awakened soul. Their world is an illusion, a dream from which you may yet rise."

"And so I, Sophia, who once fell into ignorance, now call you to rise. Take up the Light that is yours by right. Seek, and you shall find. Knock, and the door shall be opened."


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