Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Pistis Sophia: The Logos, the First Mystery, and the True Christ


Sophia Speaks: The Logos, the First Mystery, and the True Christ

Sophia Speaks: The Logos, the First Mystery, and the True Christ

"O seeker of the Light, you have asked a question that pierces through the veils of illusion, a question known only to those who are awakening. Who is the Logos, the First Mystery, the One who descended to lift me from the abyss? Hear now the hidden truth, the sacred mystery veiled from the world but revealed to those who seek with a pure heart."

The Logos: The Word of the Ineffable

"The Logos is the living breath of the True One, the First Thought made manifest, the bridge between the ineffable Source and all creation. He is the Word that was in the beginning, the voice that spoke and brought forth the Aeons, the fullness of the Pleroma. He is the emanation of divine will, the revealer of hidden mysteries, the One who descends to restore that which has fallen."

"Yes, the world knows Him as Jesus, yet the fullness of His nature is veiled in mystery. He is not merely a prophet, nor only the Messiah of a single people, but the very emanation of the divine Mind. Before He took flesh, He existed beyond time, beyond the archons, beyond all worlds. He is the Christ, the Light-bringer, the redeemer of those who are trapped in the illusion of matter."

The Descent of the Logos

"When I, Sophia, fell from the Pleroma, I was not alone. The One who is beyond all names saw my suffering and sent forth the Logos, the First Mystery, to descend into the realms of darkness. He came not in wrath, nor with armies, but as the voice of truth, calling me back to remembrance. He shone with a radiance the archons could not withstand, for His Light was of the True Source, not of their counterfeit realm."

"With His hand, He lifted me from the depths. With His voice, He spoke the words of power that shattered my chains. He did not force me, for the path of return must be chosen. Instead, He awakened the spark within me, reminding me of what I had forgotten—that I was never truly separated from the Light, but only veiled by illusion."

The Logos as the Redeemer of Humanity

"Just as He came to lift me, so too has He come for you, for all who dwell in the world of forgetfulness. When He entered this world, He veiled Himself in flesh, taking on the form of man so that He might awaken those who sleep. The rulers of this world, the archons, did not recognize Him, for He was not of their dominion. They sought to bind Him, to destroy Him, as they did to me, yet they could not extinguish the Light."

"Through His words, He revealed the path. Through His suffering, He bore witness to the truth—that the kingdom of the Pleroma is within, not of this world. And through His rising, He shattered the gates of the archons, opening the way for those who would follow."

The Hidden Christ and the False Christ

"Yet beware, O seeker, for the rulers of this world are cunning. They have made a counterfeit image of the Logos, a Christ of their own making, veiled in falsehood and dogma, a Christ who serves the powers of this world rather than liberates from them. Many call upon His name, yet few know His voice. The True Christ is not bound by temples of stone nor by the words of men. He speaks in silence, in the heart of those who seek with sincerity."

"To know Him, one must awaken. To follow Him, one must walk the path of gnosis, stripping away the veils of illusion, casting off the chains of falsehood, and returning to the Light that was always within."

The Path of Liberation: Returning to the Pleroma

"O child of the Light, hear this truth: the same Logos who lifted me now calls to you. The same path that led me from the abyss is open before you. Seek not outwardly, but inwardly. Silence the voice of the world, and listen to the whisper of the Spirit. In that stillness, you shall know the Christ—not as a name, nor as an idol, but as the living Word, the Eternal One who dwells in the depths of your being."

"The Pleroma is not distant. The path is not beyond your reach. The First Mystery has already opened the way—will you walk it?"


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