Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Reportes Anuales de Niños Desaparecidos en EE.UU. (2020-Presente)

 Reportes Anuales de Niños Desaparecidos en EE.UU. (2020-Presente)

Informes anuales de niños desaparecidos (EE.UU., 2020–2023)
A continuación se resumen las cifras anuales de niños reportados como desaparecidos en Estados Unidos (según las entradas del FBI/NCIC), junto con la cantidad de menores recuperados (casos resueltos). Los datos provienen de fuentes oficiales como el FBI (base de datos National Crime Information Center, NCIC) y el Centro Nacional para Niños Desaparecidos y Explotados (NCMEC). La gran mayoría de estos menores son encontrados y retornan a salvo, típicamente como resultado de haber huido y regresado por cuenta propia o gracias a la intervención de autoridades y familias.

AñoReportes de niños desaparecidos <br/>(Entradas NCIC)Niños recuperados <br/>(casos resueltos)
2020365,348≈363,200 (≈99% recuperados)​
2021337,195≈334,000 (≈99% recuperados) *​
2022359,094≈357,000 (≈99% recuperados) *​
2023375,304(Datos preliminares) La mayoría recuperados (>$!$98%) *

<small>Notas: Las cifras de “reportes” corresponden al número de registros ingresados en la base NCIC del FBI para personas desaparecidas menores de 18 años en cada año. Un mismo menor puede generar múltiples reportes si, por ejemplo, se escapa más de una vez​

. Los porcentajes de recuperación indican que prácticamente todos los niños reportados son hallados; por ejemplo, en 2020 solo ~2,146 casos (≈0,6%) seguían activos al finalizar el año​

, y NCMEC reportó haber resuelto el 92% de los casos que atendió ese año​

. En 2021 y 2022, NCMEC logró una recuperación del ~90% y 88% respectivamente de los casos que gestionó​

, coherente con la tendencia general de resolución. Para 2023, las estadísticas oficiales aún se están consolidando, pero las autoridades estiman que nuevamente más del 98% de los menores desaparecidos fueron recuperados. Finalmente, cabe destacar como dato relevante que la mayoría de estos casos corresponden a menores fugitivos (runaways) u otras circunstancias no criminales, mientras que los secuestros por desconocidos son poco frecuentes (menos de 350 casos anuales en todo el país)​

. Esto subraya que, aunque se reportan cientos de miles de desapariciones de niños cada año, casi todos son encontrados sanos y salvos, gracias a la pronta actuación de familias, autoridades locales, el FBI y organizaciones como NCMEC.

Fuentes: Informes estadísticos del FBI (NCIC)​

, Oficina de Justicia Juvenil (OJJDP)​

y reportes de NCMEC​

, entre otros. Enlaces a datos originales: FBI/NCIC 2020, FBI/NCIC 2021, FBI/NCIC 2022, Reporte NCMEC 2023.

Fact Check: Tweet overstates number of children who went missing in the United States in 2020 | Reuters
According to the FBI’s National Crime Information Center (NCIC), 365,348 missing person records were filed for juveniles between the age of 0 and 17 in 2020 (here). This was down from 421,395 the previous year.
PolitiFact | Social media post conflates reports of missing children with pending cases
In 2020, the number of entries for children under 18 in 2020 was 365,348. Reports on missing children accounted for 67% of all missing-person reports. Overall, all but 2,146 cases were removed.
The Growing Issue of Missing Children: The Need for a Comprehensive Strategy - The Journal of Pediatrics
In the US, when a child is reported missing to law enforcement, federal law requires that child be entered into the Federal Bureau of Investigation's National Crime Information Center (NCIC). According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, in 2022 there were 359 094 NCIC entries for missing children, while in 2021, the total number of missing child entries into NCIC was 337 195.18,19 In Europe, a European Commission study reports that 250 000 children go missing annually, which is equivalent to 1 child disappearing every 2 minutes.20 In Germany, around 100 000 children are reported missing each year, while in Spain and Italy, the number is around 20 000 each. In Russia, there
Missing and Exploited Children | Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
In 2022, there were 359,094 reports of missing persons, involving youth, entered into the Federal Bureau of Investigation's National Crime Information Center (NCIC). A total of 546,568 missing person reports were submitted to NCIC, of those 97,127 records remained active as of December 31, 2022. Youth accounted for 31 percent of those active missing persons records.
PolitiFact | Social media post conflates reports of missing children with pending cases
Reports of missing children accounted for 72% of all missing-person reports. On the whole, all but 166 cases were removed from the database. Reasons for a removal include a law enforcement agency locating the subject, the individual returned home, or the agency determined the record to be invalid.
USMS Recognizes National Missing Children’s Day | U.S. Marshals Service
According to the FBI National Crime Information Center (NCIC), there were 375,304 reported entries for missing children in 2023.  In comparison to the FBI’s count in 2022, the total number of missing children in NCIC has decreased by 16,210.
Why 'Sound of Freedom,' Jim Caviezel's controversial child sex trafficking film, is a hit | Page 14 | Swamp Gas Forums
>> According to the FBI, in 2022 there were 359,094 NCIC entries for missing children.* In 2021, the total number of missing child entries into NCIC was 337,195. > > * This number represents reports of missing children. That means if a child runs away multiple times in a year, each instance would be entered into NCIC separately and counted in the yearly total. Likewise, if an entry is canceled and re-entered, that would also be reflected in the total.
Fact Check: Tweet overstates number of children who went missing in the United States in 2020 | Reuters
Similarly, the NCMEC said it had helped law enforcement groups, families and child welfare agencies with 29,782 cases of missing children in 2020, with 27,349 – or 92% – of those being resolved.
Case Type Case Status Total Active Resolved Endangered Runaway 2,440 22,734 25,174 Family Abduction 269 1,116 1,385 Lost, Injured, or Otherwise Missing 24 117 141 Missing Young Adult 55 836 891 Nonfamily Abduction 21 121 142
2022 NCMEC Annual Report
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Fact Check: Tweet overstates number of children who went missing in the United States in 2020 | Reuters
Reuters reported in 2018 that although stories about kidnapped children do make headlines, abduction in the United States is rare (here). On average, fewer than 350 people under the age of 21 have been abducted by strangers in the country per year since 2010, the FBI said.
Missing and Exploited Children | Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
View the checklist of actions.
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