Thursday, September 19, 2019

Chess Books

Colección completa de Ocho x Ocho (Del 1 al 224) + los 6 números extraordinarios.

En esta entrada ofrecemos los 224 números de la revista OchoXOcho, más los 6 números especiales, todo ello agrupado en 4 archivos comprimidos independientes (cada uno de ellos se puede descomprimir por sí mismo, sin necesidad de bajar los demás). Junto con el nombre del archivo está su tamaño en Megas, para que nadie se lleve sorpresas.

OchoXOcho 001-100 (676 MB)Opción 1Opción 2
OchoXOcho 101-150 (419 MB)Opción 1Opción 2
OchoXOcho 151-200 (593 MB)Opción 1Opción 2
OchoXOcho 201-224 + 6 Extraordinarios (374 MB)Opción 1Opción 2
Nota: El trabajo original de escaneo de estas revistas se debe a D. José Santamaría, que ha publicado individualmente los 230 documentos pdf en Scribd, y que describe cómo bajarlos desde esa página en la siguiente entrada del blog "Ajedrez, Mi Pasión", de D. José Luis Matamoros:


Posted by John | May 8, 2010 | Hobbies and Interest |  |     
Almost 14,000 Free Chess Ebooks
Are you a bookworm then click here now
Almost 14,000 Free Chess Ebooks
A great collection of free chess ebooks, either digitized or scanned by individuals. Wide variety of titles to choose from. I’m sure these titles will keep chess enthusiasts occupied for quite a while. Have fun!
Click on the link below to start downloading this free ebook:-
Almost 14,000 Free Chess Ebooks – Various Formats
Items posted here are free at the time of posting. If you find they are no longer free, kindly notify us immediately through our contact form.

Posted byThe Musicians Library0 comments

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J. R. Capablanca "Chess fundamentals" (ENG, 1934)

J. R. Capablanca Chess fundamentals book"In chess the tactics may change but the strategic fundamental principles are always the same".
J. R. Capablanca
Let us introduce to you this classic chess book by Jose Raul Capablanca, the most clear player in the chess history. It'll be very useful especially for young players and those who make the first steps in chess education.

Download PDF version (11,8 Mb)
:: Added 29.06.2009

Reinfeld Fred, Reuben Fine "Alekhine vs. Bogoljubow (1934)" (ENG, 1967)

Reinfeld Fred, Reuben Fine Alekhine vs. Bogoljubow (1934)This book by Reinfeld Fred and Reuben Fine covers the second World chess championship title match between Alexander Alekhine and Efim Bogoljubov. All the games are heavily annotated in an old, non-computer style. Enjoy the chess classic!You need the DJVU viewer to read and print this ebook.
Download DJVU version (1,9 Mb)
:: Added 15.02.2009

Flesch "Planning in Chess" (ENG, 1983)

Flesch Planning in Chess BookForming a correct plan in the middle game is one of the most important aspects of chess and a feature that distinguishes the master from the amateur. The author uses complete games to illustrate which factors influence the selection of a correct plan and how this plan is carried out.In addition he examines the established chess "rules" and how and when they can be broken.

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:: Added 18.10.2008

Pandolfini "Pandolfini's Endgame Course" (ENG, 1988)

Pandolfini's Chess Endgame Course BookExisting books on chess endings were of two unsatisfactory types. Either they were too analytic and technical or too vague and general. There was a compelling need to combine the best features of both types into a single instructional chess endgame book format.So on my own I started to collect insightful endgame positions, explaining in both words and chess variations the concepts I judged to be most helpful to my students. My goal was to create an inventory of positions that would benefit any chessplayer who studied them.
Bruce Pandolfini
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:: Added 07.05.2008

Korn "The Brilliant Touch in Chess" (ENG, 1966)

Korn The Brilliant Touch in ChessThe popularity of books on combinations among chess players has a deeper reason than mere love of the brilliant, the sensational, the unexpected. No doubt this love is an integral part of their attraction, but deeper down there is the realization that the combination is an essential part of the game.When both sides have played tenaciously and well, there comes a time when the players are, as it were, on the verge of deadlock, with a draw as the inevitable result.
Than the supreme effort, the combination, comes to the rescue, not necessarily to win a piece or to bring about mate, but, possibly, merely to effort a breach or to gain the essential tempo which will enable the player to turn the scales in his favour.
You need the DJVU viewer to read and print this ebook.

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:: Added 10.03.2008

Edward Lasker "Chess Strategy" (ENG, 1915)

Edward Lasker Chess StrategyThere is no doubt that any chess player who will take the trouble to study Chess Strategy will spend many a pleasurable hour. Incidentally new vistas will be opened to him, and his playing strength increased to a surprising degree.
The large majority of chess players who would like to improve their game, have not the necessary opportunity of pitting themselves against players of master-strength, or at least of obtaining the desired instruction from personal intercourse with them. It is for such players that the present work is intended.
The perfect Chess Strategy ebook prepared by Nasser Baei.

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:: Added 06.01.2008

E. Znosko-Borovsky "How not to play chess" (ENG, 1961)

E. Znosko-Borovsky How not to play chessHow Not to Play Chess has long been regarded as a classic of a chess literature. It illustrates Eugene Znosko-Borovsky's gift for explaining a difficult subject briefly and yet unhurriedly.
Addressed to beginners and average chess players, it impacts valuable knowledge and gives them a glimpse into the delightfully complex problems of master chess.
You need the DJVU viewer to read and print this ebook.

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:: Added 30.12.2007

Winter "Kings of chess" (ENG, 1954)

Winter Kings of chessIn bringing before the chess playing public this account of the matches contested for the highest crown of chess ability, the title of Champion of the World, William Winter (British Open Chess Champion 1935, 1936) actuated by the desire to give present-day players some idea of the colourful personalities who strove for it, their general concepts of play and the conditions under which they fought.You need the DJVU viewer to read and print this ebook.
Download DJVU version (4 Mb)
:: Added 09.12.2007

Troitzky "360 Brilliant and Instructive Endgames" (ENG, 1968)

Troitzky 360 Brilliant and Instructive EndgamesIn chess, as in advertising, there are brand names. Few names are honored in chess as that of Troizky, who for more than forty years maintained a magnificent record of unbroken creative activity.During that time he composed hundreds of these delightful chess endgame studies which are unsurpassable for elegance and subtlety. Troizky is the great artist of the endgame domain, immitable in his skillful manipulation of the chess pieces.
The present collection contains the chess studies that Troizky considered his best. It would be difficult to think of a more enjoyable experience than savoring and enjoying these gems.
You need the DJVU viewer to read and print this ebook.

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:: Added 02.12.2007

"Kasparov - Karpov. Seville 1987" (ENG, 1988)

Kasparov - Karpov 1987 matchThis is the fourth match for the world title between these two players. Their first (unlimited) competition (September 1984 - February 1985) was interrupted by FIDE President Florencio Campomanes without declaring a winner, when the score was +5 -3 =40 in favor of Karpov. The second and third contests were won by Kasparov, the scores being +5 -4 =16 and +5 -4 =15 respectively.Before the Seville Match the players had met each other over the chess board one hundred times exactly, the total score being +13 -12 =75 in favor of Kasparov.
David Bronstein, an outstanding International Grandmaster, once a Challenger himself, illuminates the underlying philosophy of each chess game of this exciting contest.
You need the DJVU viewer to read and print this ebook.

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:: Added 18.11.2007

Keres, Kotov "The Art of the Middle Game" (ENG, 1964)

Keres, Kotov The Art of the Middle GameMany chess-players know a large variety of openings and understand well the pattern of the endgames - but what happens in the middle? The difficulty of understanding the principles of middlegame play is perhaps best illustrated by the dearth of good chess books on the middle game. They can be counted on the fingers of one hand.Yet the middle game is a real challenge to the player. Here in the full orchestration of the chess game the player has the chance to use all his pieces to carry out his ideas. All players will be grateful to the grandmasters, Keres and Kotov, for their masterly analysis of attack and defense in the middlegame, and to Mr Golombek for his translation and fully authoritative introduction.

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:: Added 01.11.2007

"Kasparov - Karpov. New York - Lyon 1990" (ENG, 1991)

Kasparov - Karpov 1990 matchThe fifth World Chess Championship match between Garry Kasparov and Anatoly Karpov (New York - Lyon, 1990) was one of the most complicated in the chess history. The opponents presented the highest level of chess mastership and notable grandmasters hardly discovered the plans and ideas of the world champion and his challenger for title in the press center.You can find all of 24 annotated games in this ebook.
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:: Added 14.10.2007

Yudovich "Garry Kasparov" (ENG, 1988)

free Garry Kasparov ebookOne should remember that the creative element in chess takes shape in hard-fought battles, in which, apart from talent and knowledge, a player must have the energy and will to win.There is ample evidence of this in the present book, dealing with the chess career and creative development of the 13th World Chess Champion Garry Kasparov and his contribution to modern chess. The book is interesting because it shows how the chess talent of this brilliant chess player has evolved; how, by strenuous work in chess, he succeeded in overcoming the shortcomings of his play, in improving chess style and in deepening his understanding of the chess strategy and chess tactics.
You need the DJVU viewer to read and print this ebook.
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:: Added 08.10.2007

"San Remo 1930" (ENG, 1973)

San Remo 1930The international tournament in San Remo, Italy, in 1930 brought together the leading chess masters of Europe. The competition itself was an outstanding triumph for Alexander Alekhine. The games annotations written by Alekhine, Nimzovitch, Spielman, Botvinnik, Ragozin and other great chessplayers. Enjoy!Download PDF version (1,1 Mb)
:: Added 20.09.2007

M. Euwe "Judgment And Planning In Chess" (ENG, 1953)

Euwe Judgment And Planning In ChessDuring the Plymouth Congress in August 1948 I met Mr. J du Mont, then editor of the British Chess Magazine, who suggested that I should write a book on the lines of the present volume.His idea was to give practical player some guidance as to how to proceed in a game from the point where the books on opening theory leave off. The result is the present volume...
Max Euwe
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:: Added 05.09.2007

Reinfeld Fred, Reuben Fine "Alekhine vs. Bogoljubow (1934)" (ENG, 1967)

Reinfeld Fred, Reuben Fine Alekhine vs. Bogoljubow (1934)This book by Reinfeld Fred and Reuben Fine covers the second World chess championship title match between Alexander Alekhine and Efim Bogoljubov. All the games are heavily annotated in an old, non-computer style. Enjoy the chess classic!You need the DJVU viewer to read and print this ebook.

Download DJVU version (1,9 Mb)
:: Added 15.02.2009

"Kasparov - Karpov. Seville 1987" (ENG, 1988)

Kasparov - Karpov 1987 matchThis is the fourth match for the world title between these two players. Their first (unlimited) competition (September 1984 - February 1985) was interrupted by FIDE President Florencio Campomanes without declaring a winner, when the score was +5 -3 =40 in favor of Karpov. The second and third contests were won by Kasparov, the scores being +5 -4 =16and +5 -4 =15 respectively.Before the Seville Match the players had met each other over the chess board one hundred times exactly, the total score being +13 -12 =75 in favor of Kasparov.
David Bronstein, an outstanding International Grandmaster, once a Challenger himself, illuminates the underlying philosophy of each chess game of this exciting contest.
You need the DJVU viewer to read and print this ebook.

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:: Added 18.11.2007

"Kasparov - Karpov. New York - Lyon 1990" (ENG, 1991)

Kasparov - Karpov 1990 matchThe fifth World Chess Championship match between Garry Kasparov and Anatoly Karpov (New York - Lyon, 1990) was one of the most complicated in the chess history. The opponents presented the highest level of chess mastership and notable grandmasters hardly discovered the plans and ideas of the world champion and his challenger for title in the press center.You can find all of 24 annotated games in this ebook.
Download PDF version (220 Kb)
:: Added 14.10.2007

Yudovich "Garry Kasparov" (ENG, 1988)

free Garry Kasparov ebookOne should remember that the creative element in chess takes shape in hard-fought battles, in which, apart from talent and knowledge, a player must have the energy and will to win.There is ample evidence of this in the present book, dealing with the chess career and creative development of the 13th World Chess Champion Garry Kasparov and his contribution to modern chess. The book is interesting because it shows how the chess talent of this brilliant chess player has evolved; how, by strenuous work in chess, he succeeded in overcoming the shortcomings of his play, in improving chess style and in deepening his understanding of the chess strategy and chess tactics.
You need the DJVU viewer to read and print this ebook.
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:: Added 08.10.2007

"San Remo 1930" (ENG, 1973)

San Remo 1930The international tournament in San Remo, Italy, in 1930 brought together the leading chess masters of Europe. The competition itself was an outstanding triumph for Alexander Alekhine. The games annotations written by Alekhine, Nimzovitch, Spielman, Botvinnik, Ragozin and other great chessplayers. Enjoy!
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:: Added 20.09.2007

"St. Petersburg Tournament, 1895-1896" (ENG, 1896)

St. Petersburg Tournament, 1895-1896Feel another whisper of chess history with the rare contribution "St. Petersburg Tournament, 1895-1896". This ebook is an exact copy of original book published in 1896 and contains all games with annotations by James Mason.You need the DJVU viewer to read and print this ebook.
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:: Added 19.07.2007

"Supertournament Moreliya - Linares, 2007" (RUS, 2007)

Supertournament Moreliya - Linares, 2007In this collection you can find all games of XX category super tournament Morelia - Linares which was completed recently. All the games are annotated by the experts of chess sites and ChessZone. You can also find here online-notices by the Grand Master Sergey Schipov ( those of you who prefer to study games in ChessBase we recommend to get CBV version of this collection.
Download PDF version (1,75 Mb)
Download CBV version (300 Kb)
:: Added 17.06.2007

"Supertournament Wijk-aan-Zee, 2007" (RUS, 2007)

Supertournament Wijk-aan-Zee, 2007, 2007In this collection you can find all games of XIX category super tournament Wijk-aan-Zee which was completed recently. All the games are annotated by the experts of chess sites and ChessZone. You can also find here online-notices by the Grand Master Sergey Schipov ( those of you who prefer to study games in ChessBase we recommend to get CBV version of this collection.
Download PDF version (2,4 Mb)
Download CBV version (340 Kb)
:: Added 11.03.2007

"Match on championship of the world Alekhin - Euwe" (RUS, 1935)

Match on championship of the world Alekhin - Euwe, 1935Raritive collection of games of match on chess championship of the world 1935 between Alekhin and Euwe with the notes of participants is offered to your attention . In a sharp fight the great Russian chess-player was not able to protect the title and Max Euwe was proclaimed a new world champion on chess . Joint account of match +9 -8 =13.You need the DJVU viewer to read and print this ebook.
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:: Added 23.02.2007

D. Bronshtein "200 opened games" (RUS, 1970)

D. Bronshtein 200 opened gamesA delightful book of the brightest romanticism in history of chess David Bronstein, quite recently, alas, gone from us, will not leave indifferent any chess-player.200 won, lost and finished the draw, chess games of knights's, incorporated a general motto: "1. �4 �5 - not anachronism!", looked over on the single breathing and inspire on creation of own, though and not such accomplished, masterpieces in a chess.
You need the DJVU viewer to read and print this ebook.
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:: Added 14.01.2007

M. Botvinnik "Match Flor - Botvinnik" (RUS, 1934)

Match Flor - Botvinnik, 1934Commented by sixth world champion on the chess Mikhael Botvinnik collection of games of match Flor - Botvinnik (1934) will enable you to present the atmosphere of the colossal getting up of chess of that epoch and also to feel deeply all degree of responsibility of young chess-player which it was enabled to battle in a match from 12 parties with one of strongest grossmesterov of the thirtieth years of the last century Salo Flor.You need the DJVU viewer to read and print this ebook.
Download DJVU version (950 Kb)
:: Added 21.12.2006

P. Keres "100 games" (RUS, 1966)

100 gamesCreativity of prominent Estonian grand master - one of the most bright pages in history of chess art of XX age. Depth and beauty of his chess projects, originality and activity of creative process, rare talent is all in combination with the personal charm made the name of Paul Keres by a magnet for the hundreds of thousands of amateurs of our noble chess art.You need the DJVU viewer to read and print this ebook.
Download DJVU version (3 Mb)
:: Added 06.12.2006

A. Liliental "Life - to the chess" (RUS, 1969)

Life - to the chess"Life - to the chess" - it is not appeal. The name of book establishes a fact only. Folded so, that meeting once with this wise game, Andre Arnoldovich Liliental devoted it right through life.An author complimented with the chess world quite a bit authentic works of chess art. Reading this book, chess enthusiasts will get large aesthetic satisfaction.
An excellent in quality electronic version is prepared by Valery Scherba.
You need the DJVU viewer to read and print this ebook.
Download DJVU version (3,3 Mb)
:: Added 19.10.2006

G. Levenfish "Select games and memoirs" (RUS, 1967)

Select parties and memoirsFlashbacks of international grand master Grigory Yakovlevich Levenfish, participant of first three Moscow international tournaments (1925, 1935 and 1936 y.y.) engulf the period of the first half of the twentieth age.Contemporary of Lasker, Kapablanka and Alekhin, he repeatedly met behind a board not only with them but also with Nimtsovich, Rubinshteyn, Tartakoverm and many other foreign and soviet chess-players of those times. On his eyes and there was becoming of soviet chess school at his direct participation.
An electronic version is prepared by Valery Scherba.
You need the DJVU viewer to read and print this ebook.
Download DJVU version (3,7 Mb)
:: Added 14.08.2006

"Third international chess tournament. Moscow, 1936" (RUS, 1937)

Third international chess tournament. Moscow, 1936Third international chess tournament, taking place in Moscow in 1936 assembled very representative composition: Kapablanka, Lasker, Botvinnik, Liliental, Flor... Rarest collection of games of this unique contest, published in 1937 now for generl use. Thank you Valeriy Scherba!You need the DJVU viewer to read and print this ebook.
Download DJVU version (3,3 Mb)
:: Added 14.07.2006

V. Panov "300 select games by Alekhin" (RUS, 1954)

300 select games of AlekhinWith gladness we offer to your attention the best from some time published collection of select games of 4th world champion A. A. Alekhin. All parties are commented on by prominent grand master with one's own hand.You need the DJVU viewer to read and print this ebook.
Download DJVU version (6,6 Mb)
:: Added 07.04.2006

D. Bronshtein "International Grand Master tournament" (RUS, 1983)

International tournament of grand mastersAll games of tournament of applicants, which was conducted in Neygauzene and Zurich in 1953, are presented in a book. In a creative relation this tournament appeared one of most rich in content in post-war years. In comments author most attention spares the analysis of middle of game. A book is considered one of the best in chess literature, and interest does not diminish at the years to it.You need the DJVU viewer to read and print this ebook.
Download DJVU version (4 Mb)
:: Added 07.04.2006

R. Fisher "My 60 memorable games" (ENG, 1969)

My 60 memorable games"This book gives the key to solution of one of main secrets of Fisher's successes is his exceptional devotion to the chess art, incessant creative burning. A book to full degree exposes this secret and herein its untransient value".
world ex-champion V. Smyslov
You need the DJVU viewer to read and print this ebook.
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:: Added 07.12.2005

P. Romanovskiy "The best games" (RUS, 1954)

Select games of P. Romanovskiy"Selected author's games can serve as a wonderful train aid. They are located on thematic principle, and the detailed notes to them, as justly P. A. Romanovsky specifies, expose �internal sense of processes of fight�. In book entered games of author with Alekhin, Botvinnik, Kotov, Levenfish, Bondarevsky, Averbakh and many other great masters. Not always the class of game is identical in these parties, but there are deep and rich in content notes at unchanging high level". L. ABRAMOVIn this book the author in inherent himself analyses the select games in containing self-criticism manner. The deep and instructive comments of P. A. Romanovsky make happy everyone, who aspires to perfection and increase of class of the game sure.
Accessible 2th edited and corrected electronic edition. Thank you Krey for a correction!
For correct reflection of text of book it is necessary to get and set the special chess fonts. Download chess fonts.
Download DOC version for print (2th publication) (700 Kb)
:: Renewed 04.06.2006

M. Botvinnik "Three matches of Anatoly Karpov" (RUS, 1975)

Book of 6th world champion on chess, prominent grand master, Michael Moiseevich Botvinnik tells about a not simple road on chess Olympus then yet young Anatoly Karpov. All games of three challenger matches of selection cycle 1973-1975 years commented, bringing after the Fisher's waiver of defence his title to young grand master crown of world champion.
You need the DJVU viewer to read and print this ebook.
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:: Added 25.02.2006

Em. Lasker "My match against Kapablanka" (RUS, 1925)

My match with Kapablanka"When in 1922, after long-term negotiations, repeatedly calling in question possibility of competition on championship in the world, two of genii chess thinkers sat down against each other, to begin unexampled in history of chess art fight, all the world caught breath, preparing to witness extraordinary yet tension of chess idea and will, exceptional on the deep penetration in truth of creation". P. ROMANOVSKYThe electronic version of 2th edition of book of Em. Lasker is here presented "My match with Kapablanka" (1925) in which a world ex-champion analyses motion of fight of two brightest chess-players began XX ages for a world chess crown.
Source: site of Valery Segal
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:: Added 01.09.2004

J. R. Capablanca "Chess fundamentals" (ENG, 1934)

J. R. Capablanca Chess fundamentals book"In chess the tactics may change but the strategic fundamental principles are always the same".
J. R. Capablanca
Let us introduce to you this classic chess book by Jose Raul Capablanca, the most clear player in the chess history. It'll be very useful especially for young players and those who make the first steps in chess education.
Download PDF version (11,8 Mb)
:: Added 29.06.2009

Edward Lasker "Chess Strategy" (ENG, 1915)

Edward Lasker Chess StrategyThere is no doubt that any chess player who will take the trouble to study Chess Strategy will spend many a pleasurable hour. Incidentally new vistas will be opened to him, and his playing strength increased to a surprising degree.
The large majority of chess players who would like to improve their game, have not the necessary opportunity of pitting themselves against players of master-strength, or at least of obtaining the desired instruction from personal intercourse with them. It is for such players that the present work is intended.
The perfect Chess Strategy ebook prepared by Nasser Baei.
Download PDF version (1 Mb)
:: Added 06.01.2008

E. Znosko-Borovsky "How not to play chess" (ENG, 1961)

E. Znosko-Borovsky How not to play chessHow Not to Play Chess has long been regarded as a classic of a chess literature. It illustrates Eugene Znosko-Borovsky's gift for explaining a difficult subject briefly and yet unhurriedly.
Addressed to beginners and average chess players, it impacts valuable knowledge and gives them a glimpse into the delightfully complex problems of master chess.
You need the DJVU viewer to read and print this ebook.
Download DJVU version (2,3 Mb)
:: Added 30.12.2007

Y. Averbakh "What is necessary to be known about the end-game" (RUS, 1960)

What is necessary to be known about end-game"To play off end-game correctly means to carry out maximal activation and provide clear co-operation of the battle forces", - grand master Y. Averbakh talks. His brochure must help a beginning chess-player in a capture necessary theoretical information in area of end-game.
You need the DJVU viewer to read and print this ebook.
Download DJVU version (1 Mb)
:: Added 04.10.2006

E. Shiffers "Manual for self-tuition of chess game" (RUS, 1911)

Manual for self-tuition of chess gameBefore you there is a legendary pre-revolution book which the not alone generation of chess-players study on. Edition consists of three "departments": "Preparatory" (information of commons about a chess game, governed, notation, etc.), "Course of opens, explained on played games" and, grant an interesting, last department "Ends of game" (end-game positions in accordance with material).
Thanks a lot for titanic work for Evgeniy Maykov.
You need the DJVU viewer to read and print this ebook.
Download DJVU version (10 Mb)
:: Added 14.08.2006

Y. Averbakh, M. Beylin "Chess manual for self-tuition" (RUS, 1970)

Chess manual for self-tuition"Chess manual for self-tuition" consists of 44 lessons and section of "Basis of aesthetics of chess". Basic principles and laws of chess are expounded in lessons, in the section of "Basis of aesthetics of chess" a reader meets with originality of this ancient art, fastens knowledges, got at the study of rules of chess, and acquires necessary for reading of chess literature skills. Classic games, showy combinations of this section can come to love for reader, and in a chess achieves success only that, who understands and values their beauty
You need the DJVU viewer to read and print this ebook.
Download DJVU version (2,5 Mb)
:: Added 26.03.2006

Em. Lasker "Textbook of chess game" (RUS, 6th edition, 1980)

Textbook of chess gameMany prominent chess-players studied on this edition. A book contains primary information about a chess game, studies about opens. The special chapters are devoted to combination, pozition fight, problems of chess aesthetics. A final section is made by commented on author's games.
You need the DJVU viewer to read and print this ebook.
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:: Added 26.03.2006

I. Bondarevskiy "Study to play chess" (RUS, 1966)

Study to play chessThe rules of game are expounded in this small book, and also elementary information is resulted from a theory and advices are given to the beginnings chess-players.
You need the DJVU viewer to read and print this ebook.
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:: Added 26.03.2006

A. Suetin "How to play a debut" (RUS, 3th edition, 1981)

Book of the known theorist, international grand master A. Suetin, contains information of commons about principles of playing off a debut and recommendation on the study of debut theory.
You need the DJVU viewer to read and print this ebook.
Download DJVU version (800 Kb)
:: Added 26.03.2006

B. Vaynshteyn "Traps Takequeen" (RUS, 1990)

Traps TakequeenRemarkable, easy and merry book by A. Vaynshteyn, about that, how to play in a debut properly, how to develop combination sight, what is necessary to be done, not to meet in traps, and how to learn to place sly traps.
You need the DJVU viewer to read and print this ebook.
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:: Added 26.03.2006

D. Bronshteyn "Manual for self-tuition of chess game" (RUS, 1987)

Manual for self-tuition of chess gameBook of prominent grand master, long-term applicant on world championship and popular man of letters David Bronsteindiffers from ordinary manuals for self-tuition, that addressed people, who already plays a chess.A "manual" for self-tuition is an unusual book. An author offers itself in interlocutors to the reader and a frank talk conducts about that, how strong chess-players play, about what they think before and during party, as choose a plan and separate motions.
For correct reflection of text of the book it is necessary to get and set the special chess fonts.
Download chess fonts.
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:: Added 08.08.2005

M. Botvinnik "Method of preparation to the competitions" (RUS, 1996)

Method of preparation to the competitionsMaterials, illustrating the method of preparation to the competitions of M.M. Botvinnik, are plugged in collection. Head "Notebooks of Botvinnik" is published first. This small train aid is counted on young chess-players, trainers, wide circle of chess enthusiasts.
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:: Added 26.03.2006

V. Zak "Way of perfection" (RUS, 2nd edition, 1988)

Ways of perfectionThe problems of method of teaching chess are explored in the book of the known chess teacher, deserved trainer of USSR V. Zak. Coming from rich own experience on the examples of games of young chess-players an author acquaints readers with typical errors, incident to the young chess-players and by the ways of their removal.
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:: Added 26.03.2006

A. Kotov "How to become grand master" (RUS, 1985)

How to become grand masterExcellent book of grand master A. Kotov became one of the first works, devoted a decision-making method behind a board. Such interesting problems as making of position flair, criteria of estimation of position and finding of plan of game, method of trainings, moments of problems of calculation of variants, sense of danger, prosecution of debut and end-game and other major questions of chess creation rise in a book.
You need the DJVU viewer to read and print this ebook.
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:: Added 26.03.2006

Flesch "Planning in Chess" (ENG, 1983)

Flesch Planning in Chess BookForming a correct plan in the middle game is one of the most important aspects of chess and a feature that distinguishes the master from the amateur. The author uses complete games to illustrate which factors influence the selection of a correct plan and how this plan is carried out.In addition he examines the established chess "rules" and how and when they can be broken.
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:: Added 18.10.2008

Pandolfini "Pandolfini's Endgame Course" (ENG, 1988)

Pandolfini's Chess Endgame Course BookExisting books on chess endings were of two unsatisfactory types. Either they were too analytic and technical or too vague and general. There was a compelling need to combine the best features of both types into a single instructional chess endgame book format.So on my own I started to collect insightful endgame positions, explaining in both words and chess variations the concepts I judged to be most helpful to my students. My goal was to create an inventory of positions that would benefit any chessplayer who studied them.
Bruce Pandolfini
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:: Added 07.05.2008

Korn "The Brilliant Touch in Chess" (ENG, 1966)

Korn The Brilliant Touch in ChessThe popularity of books on combinations among chess players has a deeper reason than mere love of the brilliant, the sensational, the unexpected. No doubt this love is an integral part of their attraction, but deeper down there is the realization that the combination is an essential part of the game.When both sides have played tenaciously and well, there comes a time when the players are, as it were, on the verge of deadlock, with a draw as the inevitable result.
Than the supreme effort, the combination, comes to the rescue, not necessarily to win a piece or to bring about mate, but, possibly, merely to effort a breach or to gain the essential tempo which will enable the player to turn the scales in his favour.
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:: Added 10.03.2008

Troitzky "360 Brilliant and Instructive Endgames" (ENG, 1968)

Troitzky 360 Brilliant and Instructive EndgamesIn chess, as in advertising, there are brand names. Few names are honored in chess as that of Troizky, who for more than forty years maintained a magnificent record of unbroken creative activity.During that time he composed hundreds of these delightful chess endgame studies which are unsurpassable for elegance and subtlety. Troizky is the great artist of the endgame domain, immitable in his skillful manipulation of the chess pieces.
The present collection contains the chess studies that Troizky considered his best. It would be difficult to think of a more enjoyable experience than savoring and enjoying these gems.
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:: Added 02.12.2007

Keres, Kotov "The Art of the Middle Game" (ENG, 1964)

Keres, Kotov The Art of the Middle GameMany chess-players know a large variety of openings and understand well the pattern of the endgames - but what happens in the middle? The difficulty of understanding the principles of middlegame play is perhaps best illustrated by the dearth of good chess books on the middle game. They can be counted on the fingers of one hand.Yet the middle game is a real challenge to the player. Here in the full orchestration of the chess game the player has the chance to use all his pieces to carry out his ideas. All players will be grateful to the grandmasters, Keres and Kotov, for their masterly analysis of attack and defense in the middlegame, and to Mr Golombek for his translation and fully authoritative introduction.
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:: Added 01.11.2007

M. Euwe "Judgment And Planning In Chess" (ENG, 1953)

Euwe Judgment And Planning In ChessDuring the Plymouth Congress in August 1948 I met Mr. J du Mont, then editor of the British Chess Magazine, who suggested that I should write a book on the lines of the present volume.His idea was to give practical player some guidance as to how to proceed in a game from the point where the books on opening theory leave off. The result is the present volume...
Max Euwe
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:: Added 05.09.2007

R. Fine "The Ideas Behind The Chess Openings" (ENG, 1943)

Fine The Ideas Behind The Chess OpeningsIt has been said that ideas are weapons. That is certainly as true in chess as in any fields. A mastery of a little theory which conveys real understanding of the game is infinitely more valuable than a carefully memorized compilation of endless moves.
Reuben Fine
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:: Added 05.08.2007

R. Reti "Modern Ideas In Chess" (ENG, 1920)

Reti Modern Ideas In ChessDear reader, we are pleased to share with you an old ebook by an outstanding Czech grandmaster Richard Reti (1889 - 1929) titled "Modern Ideas In Chess". Enjoy the chess classic!You need the DJVU viewer to read and print this ebook.
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:: Added 14.07.2007

P. Romanovsky "The Middlegame. Combination" (RUS, 1963)

Middlegame. CombinationContinuation of work of author "The Middlegame. Plan". The book "The Middlegame. Combination", not denying importance of aesthetic essence of tactic in a chess art, above all things called to show the position hidden motive of combination shots, necessity of strategic ground of tactical actions.The permanent estimation of position, even on a "burning" chess-board, serves as reference point for us at the choice between motions-candidates, helps to chop off from a position point sights that have no prospects, though and tempting, continuations. This book is directed to develop these skills.
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:: Added 17.06.2006

I. Lipnitsky "Questions of modern chess theory" (RUS, 1956)

Questions of modern chess theory"In this work we aimed to reflect the modern understanding of row of key questions of general theory of debut and its connection with middlegame.Correct understanding of general principles of debuts, laws, ideas, I.e. a major value has mastering so to say of general "spirit" of debut. A chess-player as though gets durable foundation for creative development of the most various projects, not feeling tied down to the numberless reference books of debuts".
I. Lipnitsky
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:: Added 12.06.2006

V. Alatorcev "Problems of modern chess theory" (RUS, 1960)

Problems of modern chess theory"The problems of modern chess theory, being based on the basic law of development of chess game - law of co-operation of forces are analysed in this book (figures and pawns). The offered solutions of these problems are a result of long-term researches and personal practice of author as chess master. A book is intended for the chess-players of most significant digits, methodists, teachers and trainers and can be useful for self-education".
V. Alatorcev
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:: Added 11.06.2006

P. Romanovsky "Middlegame. Plan" (RUS, 1960)

Middlegame. Plan"The book of the honoured master of sport and deserved trainer of USSR P.A. Romanovsky "Middlegame. Plan" comprehensively lights the questions of theory of middlegame - the major stage of chess game. The book will help chess-player to capture skill of drafting and realization of plan in chess game".You need the DJVU viewer to read and print this ebook.
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:: Added 12.01.2006

A. Nimtsovich "My system" (RUS, 1930)

My system"Nimtsovich is bold pione, confidently laying new original ways in maze of chess possibilities. His book "My system" offers great logical and psychological interest".
Emmanuel Lasker
"My system" conquered itself excellent reputation, and many prominent modern grand masters without vibrations name it one of the most deep and bright textbooks of position game.
Thanks Unisky for the likable prepared CHM edition.
For correct reflection of text of the book it is necessary to get and set the special chess fonts.
Download chess fonts.
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Download CHM version (730 Kb)

:: Added 12.01.2006

B. Musin "Theoretical completions: practical guidance of chess-player" (RUS, 2001)

"Long-term trainer's experience shows that the littleexperienced chess-players do not have exactly the knowledges of exact (theoretical) positions, above all things, which for this book is intended. The attentive study of these positions must bring them a large benefit. It seems, a book will be useful to the skilled chess-players, and also chess trainers and teachers as a manual".
ig A. Panchenko, deserved trainer of Russian FEDERATION
From kind permission of author Bulat Magsumovich Musin we publish his excellent manual, devoted major theoretical completions knowledge of which needs a chess-player-practical worker. Presently an author finds possibilities of edition of book in a "paper" variant, therefore if someone from our visitors can help him in this question we ask to report about them to Bulat Magsumovich.
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:: Added 05.10.2005

M. Euwe "Course of chess lectures", "Strategy and tactic" (RUS, 1936)

Course of chess lectures, Strategy and tacticBook of the fifth world champion "Course of chess lectures", long-term president of FIDE, professor Max Euwe was written soon after the conquest of title of world champion and is the attempt of new champion to reflect the looks on the pas, nastoyaschee and future of chess. In it the evolution of understanding chess is consistently analysed beginning from Dzhoakino Greko and to William Steynits (lection 1-6). Five last lectures are devoted strategy and end-game technique.Second book of M. Euwe "Strategy and tactic" is one of the best manuals from this class, according to A. Karpov.
For correct reflection of text of the book it is necessary to get and set the special chess fonts. Download chess fonts.
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:: Added 06.09.2005

S. Belavenets "Basic principles of game are in middlegame" (RUS, 1963)

Master S. BelavenetsOn Your court, respected chess enthusiasts, the article of one of the most gifted chess masters of pre-war chess school of USSR Sergey Belavenets darts out . This article was first published in 1963 in a book "Master Sergey Belavenets".You need the DJVU viewer to read and print this ebook.
Thanks a lot graycrow for editing!
Download DJVU version for reading (77 Kb)
Download DOC version for print (39 Kb)

:: Added 30.10.2004

Winter "Kings of chess" (ENG, 1954)

Winter Kings of chessIn bringing before the chess playing public this account of the matches contested for the highest crown of chess ability, the title of Champion of the World, William Winter (British Open Chess Champion 1935, 1936) actuated by the desire to give present-day players some idea of the colourful personalities who strove for it, their general concepts of play and the conditions under which they fought.You need the DJVU viewer to read and print this ebook.

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:: Added 09.12.2007

V. Gort, V. Yansa "Together with grand masters" (RUS, 1976)

Together with grand masters"230 examples in this book are not dry chess material at all. In them - critical, deciding the moments of games, minutes of the greatest tension, requiring the most intensive mental efforts. Life of man also can be compared to large chess party. Happy memoirs are alternated in a book with moments less pleasant; during a bookwork we as though again outlived all chess gladnesses and adversities and now want to divide them with you".
GM V. Gort, GM V. Yansa
For correct reflection of text of book it is necessary to get and set the special chess fonts.
Download chess fonts.
Download DOC version (210 Kb)
:: Added 11.12.2005

G. Kmokh "Defence in chess game" (RUS, 1934)

Defence in chess gameSmall book of the known chess-player of beginning of the last century Gans Kmokh devoted defence in chess game and interesting possibility to give a glance on questions of chess problems art by professionals of the last century eyes, seeing in a chess not only the mean of earnings or logical game but also opredelenuyu philosophy, in a great deal calling with life.
Stand and unobtrusive style of exposition, characteristic for literature began XX century, will make happy amateurs, and the interesting ideas of experimental master will interest strong chess-players certainly.
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:: Added 05.11.2005

Text Box

viernes, 22 de junio de 2018

Ajedrez Logico Jugada a Jugada + CD-ROM

  Chernev, en un lenguaje sencillo nos conduce a través de 33 partidas y nos muestra la "razón" que hay en cada movimento "clave" de la partida, un documento imperdible si eres principiante y deseas realmente mejorar dramaticamente tu nivel, este es el libro q debes leer si o si, incluye CD-ROM que me costo mucho trabajo conseguir ya que todos los links en la red estan muertos o no existen, el PDF viene en excelente calidad.

Tipo: RAR
Peso aprox: 41Mb
Titulo Original: Logical Chess: Move by Move
Año de Publicacion: 2001
Editorial: Paidotribo
Pass:  ajedrezurbano 


Acerca del CD-ROM

Vale pena mencionar algunas utilidades de este CD-ROM q tanto trabajo me costo obtener

1) Se puede acceder a todo el libro en forma virtual asi como a las 33 partidas que contiene, visualizarlas en tiempo real ya que incorpora un visor de partidas

2) Visor de archivos PGN, este Cd lo incorpora y para poder usarlo basta con colocar los archivos PGN en la carpeta "Ficheros" que se encuentra dentro del CD-ROM,  tambien se puede usar para crear archivos PGN

3) Motor de Ajedrez "Crafty", un motor q no conocia y que permite analizar las partidas tanto del libro como las que hayas ingresado manualmente, la unica pega es q no permite agregar mas motores

martes, 19 de junio de 2018

Tratado General de Ajedrez(Roberto Grau)Nueva Edicion Año 2000

     Roberto Grau(1900-1944) fue un Ajedrecista Argentino y Co-Fundador de la FIDE(Federacion Internacional de Ajedrez), fue asistente de Alekhine en su pelea por el Campeonato Mundial de Ajedrez contra Capablanca en 1927, esta; su maxima obra, vio la luz por primera vez en 1930, y fue reelanzada nuevamente por Ediciones Colihue en Notacion Algebraica en 1996, 4 años mas tarde la Editorial Española "La Casa del Ajedrez" lo pone a la venta nuevamente, Grau nos dejo muy pronto, pero antes de irse nos dejo este hermoso legado, por mucho, la mejor obra sobre El Ajedrez en Español jamas escrita, una lectura obligatoria para aquellos Principiantes que realmente desean jugar verdadero Ajedrez. Los documentos presentados a continuacion son de "La Casa del Ajedrez" en excelente calidad muy superior a los encontrados en la red, con "marcadores" para encontrar rapidamente el tema q se este buscando, saludos y Felices Jaques.

Roberto Grau(1900-1944)

domingo, 3 de septiembre de 2017

domingo, 13 de agosto de 2017

Chess Endgames - Lazlo Polgar

PAGS: 1156
PESO:  33 Mb
PASS: Ninguno

Mi Sistema - A Nimzovich

PAGS: 235
PESO: 8.4Mb
PASS: Ninguno

La Pasion del Ajedrez- Gary Kasparov

 PESO:  entre 17 a 25 megas
PASS: Ninguno

miércoles, 9 de agosto de 2017

El Ajedrez de Torneo - D.Bronstein

Este libro recopila las partidas del Torneo de Candidatos de Zurich de 1953, por supuesto, estan incluidas todas las rondas y comentadas respectivamente, una joya invaluable para el ajedrecista

PAGS: 440
PESO:  12 Mb

Garry Kasparov Campeon del Mundo - Angel Martin

Este libro narra los inicios del Ogro de Bakú, abarca sus primeros logros hasta 1985 en el Campeonato de Moscu donde se proclamo Campeón del Mundo venciendo al entonces Campeón Anatoly Karpov en una ronda de 24 partidas, este libro incluye el analisis de cada una de ellas

PAGS: 197
PESO:  23.9 Mb

martes, 8 de agosto de 2017

Chess 5334 Problems, Combinations and Games - Lazlo Polgar

PAGS: 1184
PESO:  3.9 Mb
PASS: Ninguno

Este es uno de los "dificiles de conseguir" el PDF viene completamente en ingles a diferencia de otros que andan circulando en la red que vienen en chino, este viene en ingles

Bobby Fischer - Enseña Ajedrez

Un imperdible q no debe faltar en nuestra biblioteca, buenisimo para nivel basico y medio


El Gran Libro del Ajedrez - Natale Ramini

PESO:  37M Aprox

Text Box

I don't have the whole collection but few are the links.
1.Pawn Structure Chess
Some 250 years ago, the great Philidor wrote, ''The pawns are the soul of chess.'' Although that statement is perhaps the most common cliche in the literature of the game, it is too often misunderstood.
Pawns are usually considered weak because of their limited range of movement. But the pawns' restricted mobility is precisely what makes them so important strategically: they form a semi-permanent structure -- often called a ''pawn skeleton'' -- that establishes the territorial lines of the coming battle and thus the nature of the battle itself. Understanding how pawns affect strategy is the subject of this important book. In it you will learn: -- how to handle the characteristic pawn structure of each opening ''family'' and each major variation -- how to recognize the strengths and weaknesses of pawn chains -- when to exchange pawns in the center -- and when not to -- how to cramp your opponent's position and what to do if your opponent cramps yours -- how to create and exploit pawn ''holes''...and much, much more, all copiously illustrated by complete games from actual play.

2.Rethinking the Chess Pieces
Professionals know that during the course of a game, the value of chess pieces change. And they use this knowledge to decide which pieces to exchange--and when. International grandmaster Andrew Soltis, the author of Bobby Fischer Rediscovered , helps pass this important information on to novices so they can benefit, too. He investigates why the traditional ''chart of relative values'' or computer analysis so often fails to explain why certain trades and sacrifices work and others just don't. All the typical decisions a player has to make, such as whether to swap two minor pieces for rook and pawn, receive detailed scrutiny. Players will appreciate the insightful analysis.

3.How to Choose a Chess Move (Batsford Chess Books)
There are more than 30 moves to choose from in a typical chess position. Yet masters regularly manage to select the best one--and they do it faster, more confidently, and with less calculation than other players. The reason: masters know shortcuts that enable them to think more efficiently. International Grandmaster Andrew Soltis explains these techniques, including how to use specific cues to find good moves, how to streamline the analysis of a move's consequences, and how to use both objective and highly subjective criteria to find the right move--from any position. An enlightening window into a Grandmaster's thinking process.

4.The Inner Game of Chess: How to Calculate and Win
Every player has heard the saying, "Chess is 99 percent tactics." It isn't.It's 99 percent calculation. But until now there has never been a book devoted entirely to this most mysterious and essential chess technique.This book examines both the technical and practical aspects of how to think ahead -- the selection of candidate moves, the evaluation of end positions, finding the proper move order, and the like.Special attention is paid to the broad range of calculating mistakes, such as overlooked zwischenzugs and "quiet moves," visualization blunders, and "believing" your opponent.

5.Turning Advantage into Victory in Chess
Emmanuel Lasker, one of the greatest chess players in history, once said, "The hardest game to win is a won game." How to Turn an Advantage into Victory is for the player who wins in the middlegame but doesn't know the right moves to pull off a victory. Learn how to overcome the most common -- and most challenging -- situation in every chess game.
6.Studying Chess Made Easy
Study is a necessity for competitive chess players, and acclaimed chess author and International Grandmaster Andrew Soltis explains how it should be done. In his trademark witty, accessible style, Soltis provides tips on everything from the need for memorization to the use of computers-and even how to develop that indefinable thing called intuition.
7.El Arte de La Defensa En Ajedrez (Spanish Edition)


8.Grandmaster Secrets: Endings. Everything you need to know about the endgame
Using a Socratic teacher-student approach in the characters of GM Noah Tall and Pat Sayre, Soltis centers his comments around the subjects of: the various pieces, techniques, plans, mismatches, rules, and how to get started—all dealt with from a chess grandmaster's perspective. Profuse illustrations and games allow everyone to grasp the concepts quicker, so you will improve in a shorter amount of time. Charts, graphics, and annotated examples in algebraic notation will add to your reading pleasure.

9.The Baltic Defense to the Queen's Gambit


10.Beating the Ruy Lopez with the Fianchetto Variation

11.Winning with the Ruy Lopez Exchange Variation (Subtitle: Fischer's Weapon)

12.Why Lasker Matters
Emanuel Lasker was the longest-reigning world champion (1894-1921) and remained one of the world's top 10 players for nearly four decades. He competed against top players such as Capablanca, Rubinstein and Alekhine at the height of their game, and was consistently successful, yet almost no one studies his games today. Lasker is often overlooked by the modern chess player, and the secrets of his success remain a mystery. Chess journalist Andy Soltis reveals for the first time the winning formula behind Lasker's phenonemal acheivements. Over 100 annotated games, Soltis analyses the tricks, traps and techniques behind the winning moves, and makes Lasker's methods accessible to today's players.

13.Bobby Fischer Rediscovered
A lively, personal, and wonderfully informative look at Bobby Fischer, his personality and his playing. Although three decades have passed since Fischer won the world chess title from the former Soviet Union, he still remains a source of fascination and admiration for all players. Andy Soltis, a grandmaster and author of numerous chess books, looks back at his first encounters with Fischer in New York when they were both teenagers; assesses Fischer's exceptional ability to obtain and realize an advantage in play; and analyzes his career right up to his final matches with Boris Spassky. Most important, Soltis comments on and annotates many of Fischer's major matches in detail, explaining the logic behind the moves in illuminating detail. A must for any fan of chess and this remarkably enigmatic champion.

14.Transpo tricks in chess: finesse your chess moves and win
A transposition in chess is a little like a bait-and-switch marketing ploy. The customer thinks he’s getting a bargain on one piece of merchandise, but he ends up buying another at a much higher price. In the first book devoted to chess transpositions, New York Post columnist and acclaimed chess author Andy Soltis shows how this strategy works over the board. By transposing a series of well-known moves (i.e., making them in an unfamiliar order), a player leads his opponent into an unfavorable position that he would normally have shunned. Using entertaining examples from the games of the masters, Soltis covers a variety of transpositions in virtually every kind of opening: double e-pawn, Sicilian, the Reti, English, Indian, and others.

15.The Wisest Things Ever Said About Chess (Batsford Chess Books)
As a professional journalist and popular chess author, International Master Andrew Soltis is perhaps the best qualified to collect and edit this treasury of chess wisdom through the ages. With quotations running the gamut from timeless irony (“The winner of the game is the player who makes the next-to-last mistake.”—Anonymous) to pithy advice (“To get squares, ya gotta give squares.”—Bobby Fischer), each nugget of wisdom is accompanied by a chess position illustrating the idea behind it. Divided into chapters on Calculation, Intuition, Strategy, Position Evaluation, Openings, Sacrifices, Attitude, Endgames, Mistakes, Studying, Time Management, and Tournament Tactics, this is a book that chess fans will appreciate as much for its memorable wit as for its practical lessons.

16.Winning with the Giuoco Piano and the Max Lange Attack

17.The Stonewall Attack

18.Beating the French Defense with the Advance 

19.Catalog of Chess Mistakes

20.What It Takes to Become a Chess Master
The title of What It Takes to Become a Chess Master is about as straightforward and descriptive of the contents as any chess book you will find. As Soltis explains, "only two percent of the people who take chess seriously make master." He claims "the answers aren't mysterious"; however, his conclusions as to why this is may still surprise you. For instance, he states that being good in core areas such as tactics and endgames, and having a good general awareness of principles, may have been enough to get you where you are, but getting better at them will not necessarily take you further. The same goes for opening knowledge, memory, overall experience, and calculation, with Soltis writing that there is "a powerful law of diminishing returns in chess calculation," because it is very rare to even have to see, say, six or seven moves ahead.
21.Frank Marshall United States Chess Champion: A Biography with 220 Games

22.365 Chess Master Lessons.
In-depth analysis of 365 chess games, one for every day of the year.
23.100 Chess Master Trade Secrets
.Any would-be chess master has to know certain essential tips and techniques in order to achieve greatness—and this one volume has them all! From openings to endgames, renowned grandmaster Andrew Soltis provides the top 20 skills and strategies in every category: sacrifices, crucial middlegame decisions, exact endgames, and more. Written in Soltis's eternally engaging and accessible style, this book is invaluable for any serious player.
Covers important ideas from endgame to sacrifices.
24.Soviet chess, 1917-1991
This large and magnificent work of art is both an interpretive history of Soviet chess from the Bolshevik Revolution to the collapse of the U.S.S.R. in 1991 and a record of the most interesting games played. The text traces the phenomenal growth of chess from the days of the revolution to the devastation of World War II, and then from the Golden Age of Soviet-dominated chess in the 1950s to the challenge of Bobby Fischer and the quest to find his Soviet match. Included are 249 games, each with a diagram; most are annotated and many have never before been published outside the Soviet Union. The text is augmented by photographs and includes 63 tournament and match scoretables. Also included are a bibliography, an appendix of records achieved in Soviet national championships, two indexes of openings, and an index of players and opponents.

25.Understanding the Queen's Indian Defence 

26.The United States Chess Championship, 1845-1996
Both the games and the occasions are covered in depth, including biographical details, descriptive settings, anecdotes, tournament drama, unusual games, and grandmaster analysis.

27.Black Defensive System For The Rest Of Your Chess Career

28.William Steinitz, chess champion : a biography of the Bohemian Caesar
Long known as one of the greatest chess masters of the nineteenth century, William Steinitz had a rich and elevated career and life, which can now be known as well. From Steinitz's own writings and the fruits of extensive first-time-ever research by the author, a fascinating portrayal emerges of the life and genius of a man widely known as the "Bohemian Caesar" quite apart from his chess dominance. Lengthy annotations for the 15 selected games are provided by modern grandmaster Andy Soltis, often augmented by Steinitz's own observations.Three additional games are also included. Each game is illustrated

Of course some someone will share the missing parts like "Mikhail botvinnik 2013"!!
Thank you.

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