A Dream of Spiritual Battle
In the stillness of the night, my spirit was drawn into a confrontation that seemed as real as any event in waking life. I saw myself being attacked by a dark entity, a figure larger than myself, with a geometrically symmetrical body like a human's, but composed of a matter somewhere between solid and gaseous, surrounded by a thick black smoke. Its appearance was similar to the ghosts seen in movies, but its presence was unmistakable: it was a demon.
Taking advantage of my carelessness, this entity approached from behind and grabbed my hands with a strength that surpassed that of any human being. I tried to resist, but its power was greater than mine. In that moment of desperation, my spirit reacted with the only thing it could do: I called upon Heaven.
— Jesus Christ, Son of the Most High, help me.
What happened next was a manifestation of divine grace. A renewed strength filled me completely, giving me the ability to fight back. With an unexpected impulse, I managed to turn around and, with fierce determination, I bit the demon on its neck. Suddenly, I was the strong one, and it was the one retreating. Its dark structure began to fade, disintegrating into nothingness. The battle was over, and the victory was not mine alone, but that of the power that assisted me in that moment of trial.
An Encounter at the Vigil: The Prayer that Pierced the Veil
This confrontation did not occur in a vacuum. Days earlier, I had felt a genuine impulse to pray for an unknown soul. While working in a certain area, I noticed one of those signs on the road that mark the place where someone has passed away. I stopped to look at the details and saw that the deceased was young, probably in his twenties. In my heart, I felt compassion and said a prayer for him:
— Lord, I dedicate this Our Father in memory of this soul, and I ask for mercy for its rest.
It was a spontaneous act, a gesture of spiritual charity without expecting anything in return. However, what happened next made me wonder if my prayer had resonated in the spiritual world more than I imagined.
That same night, while playing chess on the second floor of a house with wooden floors, I felt something unusual. I clearly heard footsteps in the room. The wooden floor creaked, as if someone was walking around me, but I was alone. A chill ran through the left side of my body. However, unlike other paranormal events, I did not feel fear, but a deep certainty that I was protected.
When I experience this protection, there is a subtle warmth in my chest, like a small internal fire. At that moment, I know what to do.
— In the name of Jesus Christ, I command the demon or unclean spirit to leave me and go to the cross to receive its punishment for bothering me.
I felt immediate calm, but the chill returned for a few moments. Then, an idea struck me: what if it's not a demon? What if it's the soul I prayed for?
I decided to take it one step further.
— I will pray an Our Father for you.
I began the prayer, and as I said it, I noticed how the chill disappeared completely. The presence dissipated, leaving only the stillness of the room. At that moment, I felt that something had changed. Perhaps, that soul needed a little more light, a final push to reach its rest.
Coincidence or Answer from Heaven?
The events seemed to be connected. My prayer for the soul, the manifestation in my surroundings, the dream of the battle with the demon… Was the dark entity retaliation for my interceding for a soul? It’s not a far-fetched thought. In many Christian traditions, it is taught that demons latch onto suffering souls, and when someone intercedes for them, a spiritual struggle ensues.
Perhaps this was a warning that my prayer had been effective. Or perhaps it was a confirmation that if in the future I decide to devote myself more to intercession for the deceased, I must be prepared for these trials.
It was not a frightening experience, but an eye-opening one. It has made me reflect on the power of prayer and the possibility that, if I am willing, this will not be the last time I see the effects of my prayers in the spiritual world.
If God allows me to sell my patent, I have decided that half of my profits will be dedicated to the salvation of souls in purgatory. Perhaps this event was a sign that Heaven has heard my promise and is preparing me for what is to come.
Conclusion: The Door Is Open
If this was a test, I passed it. If it was an invitation, I am considering it. Perhaps, in the future, I will receive more signs, more souls calling for help, more spiritual battles like the one I experienced in my dream. But the important thing is that I now know that I am not alone. Divine protection is real, and when the name of Christ is invoked, no darkness can prevail.
This was just a first step on what could be a deeper path. I am ready to move forward.
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