Friday, December 27, 2024

A Dream with Jesus at Christmas



A Dream with Jesus at Christmas

A Dream with Jesus at Christmas

On the night of December 24 to 25, 2024, Christmas Day, I had a dream that profoundly shaped my life. I saw myself transported to a village like those of the times when Jesus walked upon the Earth. From afar, I saw it. His figure lit up the place. Her skin was light, slightly brunette, her hair long, and her eyes clear. He spoke to the masses with a serenity I can only describe as heavenly.

I was apart, observing him from a distance, when something curious happened: I had a mobile phone in my hands, something that clearly did not belong at that time. I tried to take a picture of him, but my hands were shaking so much I couldn't concentrate. Suddenly, Jesus lifted His gaze, saw me and started walking towards me. My heart beat loudly; he knew he was before the Son of God.

With a gentle gesture of his hand, he asked me not to take that picture. Her message needed no words: "You don't need a camera to remember this moment; let your eyes and your heart be the witnesses." In that instant, I hung up and approached Him. I took her hand and held her in front of me, full of humility and repentance. I felt the need to ask for forgiveness, perhaps for having tried to capture Him with such a mundane object, or perhaps for the mistakes of my past, before acknowledging Him as the Son of the Most High God.

Jesus didn’t respond with words, but he gave me a smile full of love and acceptance. That smile said it all. Then, he turned to address the crowd, surrounded by his disciples, whose faces I failed to distinguish. The only thing that remained etched in my memory was her divine figure, her look of mercy and the impact of that eternal moment.

Upon waking up, I was filled with gratitude and prayed. I remembered an old prayer I had made to Him a long time ago, asking for the opportunity to see Him as His disciples and those who followed Him did in antiquity. Unknowingly, that wish was granted, and on a day as special as Christmas.

I understood that this dream was a gift, a reminder that we do not need cameras or technology to connect with Him. We just need faith, an open heart and the willingness to witness His love in our daily lives.

#Bible #Jesus #JesusChrist #Messiah #Dream 

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