Tuesday, September 10, 2024

September 2024 Times/Siena Poll of the Likely Electorate Summary (Sept. 8, 2024)


September 2024 Times/Siena Poll of the Likely Electorate Summary (Sept. 8, 2024)

A nationwide poll conducted by The New York Times/Siena College from September 3 to 6, 2024, surveyed 1,695 likely voters. The poll provides insights into the political landscape as the 2024 election approaches.

Key findings include:

  • Presidential Race: The poll highlights a competitive presidential race, with voters split between the top candidates.
  • Voter Preferences: There is a division in voter support across demographics, including race, gender, and age, with each group showing different levels of support for major candidates.
  • Key Issues: Voters identified the economy, healthcare, and national security as top issues influencing their decisions.
  • Approval Ratings: The approval rating for the current administration remains a key factor, with respondents expressing varied satisfaction levels, which may affect the final outcome of the election.

This poll offers a snapshot of the electorate’s leanings and the major factors likely to shape the 2024 election.

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