Friday, September 27, 2024

Top 10 chess servers where you can download chess game data from both chess engines and human players:

 Here’s a list of the top 10 chess servers where you can download chess game data from both chess engines and human players:

imagen of  chess servers and a hacker stealing chess data

1. Lichess Database

  • Overview: Lichess provides free access to millions of chess games, including those played by both humans and engines.
  • Type: Human and engine games.
  • How to Access: Lichess provides regular PGN dumps via Lichess database page.

2. ChessBase

  • Overview: A premier platform for professional-level databases. It offers a massive collection of human and engine games, accessible via their Mega Database or subscription services.
  • Type: Human and engine games.
  • How to Access: Available via the ChessBase website with a subscription or purchase of the Mega Database.

3. TCEC (Top Chess Engine Championship)

  • Overview: TCEC hosts the strongest engine matches, and you can download the PGNs of all engine-vs-engine matches.
  • Type: Chess engine games.
  • How to Access: Game data can be found on the TCEC website.

4. FICS (Free Internet Chess Server)

  • Overview: FICS offers free access to human games played on the platform, including downloadable PGN files.
  • Type: Human games.
  • How to Access: You can download game collections from FICS Games Archive.


  • Overview: has one of the largest online chess platforms. Although bulk game downloads are restricted, you can still access game archives from specific events and tournaments.
  • Type: Human games.
  • How to Access: offers PGNs through tournament archives and game databases for subscribers.

6. CCRL (Computer Chess Rating Lists)

  • Overview: CCRL tests chess engines and provides the PGN of all engine games used in their tests.
  • Type: Chess engine games.
  • How to Access: You can download games via the CCRL website.

7. ICCF (International Correspondence Chess Federation)

  • Overview: ICCF offers a rich archive of correspondence games played by top-level human players.
  • Type: Human correspondence games.
  • How to Access: Game data can be found on ICCF's website.

8. PGN Mentor

  • Overview: A comprehensive source of chess games, offering a variety of game databases across different eras, tournaments, and players.
  • Type: Human games.
  • How to Access: Downloadable games available at PGN Mentor.

9. Caissabase

  • Overview: A huge collection of human chess games, including historical and recent games.
  • Type: Human games.
  • How to Access: Free databases are available at Caissabase.

10. SCID vs PC Database

  • Overview: SCID vs PC offers a collection of databases, including those compiled from various sources such as FICS and Lichess.
  • Type: Human and engine games.
  • How to Access: Download from SCID vs PC’s resources page.

These platforms provide access to large databases of chess games, both human and engine, in formats like PGN. Whether you're analyzing human grandmaster games or exploring the latest engine matchups, these servers will help you gather the data you need.

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