Sunday, September 15, 2024

Eyes Wide Shut Movie Reviews

 *"Eyes Wide Shut"* is often regarded as one of Stanley Kubrick's most polarizing films, and its rating depends on how viewers engage with its layered messages, pacing, and overall execution. Here's a breakdown based on the factors you mentioned:

Eye wide shut movie photo

### 1. **Plot**:  

Kubrick’s adaptation of Arthur Schnitzler's novella presents a complex and provocative narrative about marital tension, desire, and the human psyche. The plot is slow-burning and methodical, with Kubrick opting for an atmospheric, psychological exploration rather than traditional storytelling. While some find the pacing tedious, others appreciate the film’s dreamlike structure and symbolic depth.

**Rating for Plot**:  

- **Strengths**: Intricate themes of jealousy, desire, and social power; tension builds through surreal, almost nightmarish situations.

- **Weaknesses**: The slow pace and ambiguous conclusion leave many viewers either fascinated or frustrated.

**Score**: ★★★★☆ (4/5) — Deep and layered, but the pacing may alienate some viewers.

### 2. **Eye-Opening Messages**:  

*"Eyes Wide Shut"* is rich with provocative messages about relationships, sexual fantasies, and the hidden elite's power structures. The film explores the fragility of marriage, human insecurities, and the nature of trust and fidelity. It invites viewers to question societal norms and personal boundaries when it comes to sexuality and power dynamics. Kubrick also blurs the line between dream and reality, leading to numerous interpretations about whether Bill’s experiences are literal or symbolic of his internal struggles.

**Rating for Eye-Opening Messages**:  

- **Strengths**: Explores complex themes related to human sexuality, power, and control in society; opens doors to multiple interpretations.

- **Weaknesses**: The ambiguity can make the film difficult to fully digest on a first viewing.

**Score**: ★★★★★ (5/5) — Profound and layered with symbolism, offering insight into human nature and societal dynamics.

### 3. **Viewer Feedback**:  

Feedback from viewers and critics has been mixed but often leans toward positive among cinephiles and those interested in deep, cerebral films. Some find it a masterpiece of surrealism and psychological tension, while others criticize it for its sluggish pace and seemingly gratuitous sexual content. Its release came with high expectations, especially as Kubrick’s last film, and some viewers felt it did not live up to those expectations, while others saw it as a fitting swan song that encapsulated Kubrick's cinematic brilliance.

**Rating for Viewer Feedback**:  

- **Strengths**: Cult following has grown over the years, with many appreciating the film’s ambiguity and layered meaning.

- **Weaknesses**: Mainstream audiences might find it too slow or pretentious.

**Score**: ★★★★☆ (4/5) — Divisive but increasingly recognized for its depth, especially by Kubrick enthusiasts.


### **Overall Rating**:  

**Score**: ★★★★☆ (4.3/5)  

*"Eyes Wide Shut"* is a complex, visually stunning, and intellectually challenging film that offers thought-provoking messages about human relationships, societal power structures, and the boundaries of desire. While it may not appeal to everyone due to its pacing and ambiguity, those who appreciate Kubrick’s style and enjoy films that invite deeper reflection will find it a rewarding experience. It’s a movie that continues to spark conversation and analysis long after the credits roll.

What does the “Eyes Wide Shut” movie is about?.

 *"Eyes Wide Shut"* (1999) is a psychological drama and erotic mystery directed by Stanley Kubrick, based on Arthur Schnitzler’s novella *Traumnovelle* (Dream Story). The film delves into themes of sexual desire, jealousy, and the nature of marriage, set against the backdrop of a surreal and dream-like journey.

Photo of the movie eye wide shut

### Plot Summary:

The story follows **Dr. Bill Harford** (played by Tom Cruise), a wealthy New York physician, and his wife **Alice** (played by Nicole Kidman). The couple seems to live a glamorous life, but one evening, after attending a lavish party, their relationship is put to the test.

Alice confesses to Bill that she once had a fleeting but intense fantasy about another man, which deeply disturbs him. Obsessed with the idea of his wife’s potential infidelity, Bill embarks on a nocturnal odyssey through the streets of New York. His journey takes him through a series of increasingly strange and erotic experiences, culminating in his discovery of a secret, elite society.

Bill stumbles upon a mysterious mansion where a masked orgy is taking place, and after infiltrating the ceremony, he is exposed and threatened. From this point on, Bill becomes entangled in a web of secrecy and danger, unsure whether the events he has witnessed are real or part of a larger conspiracy.

### Themes:

- **Jealousy and Sexual Desire**: The film explores the psychological impact of jealousy within a marriage, especially as Bill is driven to irrational thoughts by Alice’s confession of her fantasies.

- **Dream vs. Reality**: Kubrick blurs the lines between reality and fantasy, with much of the film playing out like a dream. Bill’s journey often feels surreal, and the audience is left questioning how much of it is real.

- **Power and Secrecy**: The secret society Bill encounters represents a powerful, unseen world, suggesting themes of control and manipulation by the elite.


### Tone and Style:

Kubrick uses long, deliberate takes, haunting music, and surreal visuals to create a dreamlike atmosphere, making the audience feel disoriented and unsure of what’s real. The film is slow-paced, with a heavy emphasis on mood and psychological tension rather than action.

### Conclusion:

In the end, Bill confesses his entire journey to Alice, who suggests that they both accept their fantasies as part of human nature but remain faithful to their marriage. The film closes on an ambiguous note, with Alice suggesting that the only way forward is to be together and move past their anxieties, concluding with the final word, "f***."

*Eyes Wide Shut* is an intricate meditation on marriage, fidelity, and the darker side of human desire. Its ambiguous and dreamlike qualities have made it a subject of analysis and debate, especially given that it was Kubrick’s final film.

Does the bell sound could improve our health.…

 Yes, bell sounds can have potential health benefits for humans due to the effects of their frequency and resonance. This idea is rooted in the concept of **sound therapy** or **vibrational healing**, which suggests that certain sounds and frequencies can positively affect physical, emotional, and mental health.

Photo of bells

Here are some ways bell sounds and their resonance might improve well-being:

### 1. **Stress Reduction and Relaxation**:

The soothing, rhythmic sound of bells, particularly those used in meditation (like Tibetan singing bowls or temple bells), is believed to induce relaxation, reduce stress, and promote a sense of peace. The sound frequencies from bells can help slow down brain waves, inducing a meditative or calming state. This is often referred to as "entrainment," where external rhythmic stimuli guide brainwave activity.

### 2. **Balancing Energy and Chakras**:

In various spiritual and holistic practices, bell sounds are said to balance the body's energy centers (chakras). The resonance of the sound is believed to harmonize the energy flow within the body, leading to improved physical, mental, and emotional health. This is a common belief in Ayurvedic and yogic traditions.

### 3. **Cleansing and Purification**:

Some traditions believe that the sound of bells can cleanse negative energy from spaces or even from a person’s aura. This practice is seen in many cultures, where bells are rung during spiritual rituals or ceremonies to "clear" the environment and promote a positive atmosphere.

### 4. **Enhanced Concentration and Mindfulness**:

The sound of bells, especially when used in a ritualistic or meditative context, can help enhance focus and concentration. This effect is often seen in mindfulness practices or religious ceremonies where the bell's sound signals a moment of reflection or prayer, helping to center the mind.

### 5. **Vibrational Healing**:

Proponents of vibrational healing suggest that different frequencies affect the cells and tissues in the human body. Some bells, like tuning forks or Tibetan bowls, are designed to resonate at specific frequencies believed to promote healing or balance in the body. These sounds may influence cellular structures and promote relaxation or even physical healing through vibrational alignment.

### Scientific Perspective:

While traditional medicine doesn’t fully embrace all these concepts, modern research has shown that **music therapy** and exposure to certain sound frequencies can have positive effects on mental health, including reducing anxiety, improving mood, and aiding sleep. Sound waves, through resonance, may also impact bodily rhythms, which can influence relaxation and stress levels.

In conclusion, while much of this falls under alternative or holistic health practices, many people report feeling better and more balanced through the use of sound, including bell resonance. It's a field that combines both ancient wisdom and modern interest in the effects of frequency and vibration on human well-being.

Do the bells sound irritate lizards or reptilians around this places?

 Bells, being inanimate objects, do not have the ability to intentionally irritate or affect living creatures directly. However, the vibrations and frequencies produced by bells could potentially influence certain animals, including reptiles, depending on their sensitivity to sound.

Photo of bells

Some reptiles, like lizards, can detect vibrations and sounds within certain frequency ranges, though their hearing capabilities are typically not as acute as mammals. It's plausible that loud or repetitive bell sounds could create discomfort or agitation in some animals due to the intensity or unfamiliarity of the noise, much like how sudden loud noises might disturb other animals.

As for reptilians in a more esoteric or conspiracy context, such as theories about reptilian beings, there's no credible evidence to suggest that bells would have any particular effect on them. This idea would fall more into the realm of speculative fiction or mythology rather than observable reality.

Where did all the bells go? And Why?

 The phrase "Where did all the bells go?" could have various interpretations depending on the context. Historically, bells have played significant roles in communities, particularly in religious and civic settings, but their use has declined in many parts of the world for several reasons:

Photo of bells

1. **Technological Advancement**: In the past, bells were essential for communication, signaling time, or calling people to worship. Modern technology, like phones, clocks, and digital notifications, has largely replaced these functions, making bells less central in daily life.

2. **Cultural Shifts**: Societal changes, such as urbanization and the secularization of many parts of the world, have led to less reliance on church bells or civic bells for communal gatherings or announcements. Bells are now often seen as noise pollution in densely populated areas.

3. **Economic and Practical Considerations**: Many churches or buildings no longer maintain large, costly bells due to the expense of upkeep. Electronic chimes or recorded sounds are more cost-effective alternatives.

4. **World War Requisitioning**: During both World Wars, many bells were melted down for their metal, particularly in Europe. This left some areas without their traditional church bells.

Despite this decline, bells still hold symbolic and ceremonial importance in some cultures and religious practices. In certain places, they are preserved as historical artifacts, rung during special occasions, or even used as a tourist attraction.

Los 10 Mandamientos, La clave para la salud y la longevidad.

 Aquí te traigo algunos ejemplos donde Jesús dice "tus pecados te son perdonados" a los enfermos y ofrece una explicación sobre el contexto y su posible relación con los 10 mandamientos.

1. El paralítico de Capernaum (Mateo 9:1-8, Marcos 2:1-12, Lucas 5:17-26)

Este es uno de los pasajes más conocidos donde Jesús pronuncia la frase "tus pecados te son perdonados". Unos hombres llevan a un paralítico ante Jesús, bajándolo desde el techo por no poder acceder al lugar debido a la multitud. Jesús, viendo la fe de los hombres, le dice al paralítico:

"Hijo, tus pecados te son perdonados."
(Marcos 2:5)

Ante esto, algunos escribas cuestionaron en su corazón, preguntándose quién podía perdonar pecados aparte de Dios. Jesús, conociendo sus pensamientos, les responde:

"¿Qué es más fácil, decir al paralítico: ‘Tus pecados te son perdonados’, o decir: ‘Levántate, toma tu lecho y anda’?"
(Marcos 2:9)

Luego, para demostrar su autoridad divina, le ordena al paralítico que se levante y ande, lo cual sucede inmediatamente.

Imagen de una balanza de justicia donde la tabla de los dies mandamientos nos pone en juicio nuestras faltas

2. La mujer pecadora que unge los pies de Jesús (Lucas 7:36-50)

En este relato, Jesús es invitado a cenar en la casa de un fariseo llamado Simón. Mientras estaban en la casa, una mujer conocida por ser pecadora se acerca a Jesús, llora a sus pies, los unge con perfume y los seca con sus cabellos. Simón se incomoda, pensando que si Jesús fuera un profeta, sabría que esta mujer es una pecadora. Entonces, Jesús le cuenta una parábola sobre el perdón y, al final, le dice a la mujer:

"Tus pecados te son perdonados."
(Lucas 7:48)

Nuevamente, los presentes se sorprenden, preguntándose quién es Jesús para perdonar pecados.

3. El hombre en la piscina de Betesda (Juan 5:1-15)

Aunque en este pasaje no se utiliza explícitamente la frase "tus pecados te son perdonados", hay una implicación similar. Jesús cura a un hombre que llevaba 38 años enfermo, esperando ser sanado en la piscina de Betesda. Jesús le dice:

"Levántate, toma tu camilla y anda."
(Juan 5:8)

Más tarde, Jesús se encuentra con él en el templo y le dice:

"Mira, has sido sanado; no peques más, para que no te suceda algo peor."
(Juan 5:14)

Reflexión sobre el porqué Jesús perdonaba pecados antes de sanar

Jesús muchas veces relacionaba la sanación física con el perdón de los pecados. En el contexto de los 10 mandamientos, esta relación podría estar conectada con varios aspectos:

  1. El Primer Mandamiento (No tendrás dioses ajenos delante de mí): Al perdonar pecados, Jesús estaba mostrando su autoridad divina. Como sólo Dios puede perdonar pecados, Jesús se presenta no sólo como sanador físico, sino también como el Hijo de Dios que tiene el poder de perdonar. Al aceptar el perdón de Jesús, las personas reconocen su autoridad y obedecen el mandamiento de no tener otros dioses.
  2. El Sexto Mandamiento (No matarás): El pecado no siempre se refiere a acciones físicas como el asesinato, sino también a acciones espirituales y mentales que matan el espíritu o la relación con Dios. El perdón que Jesús ofrece es una restauración del alma y de la vida espiritual.
  3. El Octavo Mandamiento (No dirás falso testimonio): Jesús muchas veces perdonaba pecados a aquellos que habían sido condenados por los demás como pecadores, como la mujer en Lucas 7. En este contexto, el perdón de Jesús es una defensa contra el "falso testimonio" de los demás, que los etiquetaban como irredimibles. Al perdonar, Jesús restablece la verdad de la dignidad humana, mostrándoles que, a pesar de sus errores, todavía son hijos de Dios.
  4. El Décimo Mandamiento (No codiciarás): La sanación y el perdón de Jesús pueden estar relacionados con el desapego de lo terrenal y la codicia. En lugar de enfocarse en las posesiones materiales o en los deseos mundanos, el perdón de Jesús invita a las personas a buscar la sanación espiritual y una relación con Dios, lo cual es más valioso que cualquier bien terrenal.


¿Por qué Jesús decía "tus pecados te son perdonados" antes de sanar a los enfermos?

  1. Sanación espiritual antes que física: Jesús nos enseña que la sanación del alma es prioritaria sobre la sanación del cuerpo. El perdón de los pecados representa una limpieza interior, un restablecimiento de la relación con Dios, que es lo más importante para vivir plenamente.
  2. El pecado como obstáculo: En muchos casos, el pecado era visto como un obstáculo para la comunión con Dios. Al perdonar los pecados, Jesús eliminaba esa barrera, permitiendo que la persona no solo fuera sanada físicamente, sino también espiritualmente.
  3. El perdón es un acto de misericordia y amor: A través del perdón, Jesús demostraba el amor incondicional de Dios. No importaba cuán graves fueran los pecados de una persona, Jesús siempre estaba dispuesto a perdonar. Esto muestra una profunda conexión con los mandamientos, que son expresiones del amor de Dios hacia la humanidad.
  4. Una invitación a la conversión: Al perdonar, Jesús invitaba a las personas a la conversión y al arrepentimiento, para vivir una vida alineada con los mandamientos de Dios. La sanación física se convertía en un signo visible de una sanación interior más profunda.

Estos pasajes nos invitan a reflexionar sobre la importancia del perdón y la necesidad de purificar nuestro corazón y espíritu para acercarnos a Dios, tal como lo sugieren los mandamientos.

The Gospel Of Thomas These are the secret sayings which the living Jesus has spoken and Judas who is also Thomas (the twin)

 The Gospel Of Thomas

These are the secret sayings which the living Jesus has spoken and Judas who is also Thomas (the twin) (Didymos Judas Thomas) wrote.

Gospel of Thomas

1. And he said: Whoever finds the interpretation of these sayings will not taste death.

1. He said to them: Whoever discovers the interpretation of these words shall never taste death.

John 8:51 Very truly I tell you, whoever keeps my word will never see death.

2. Jesus said: Let him who seeks not stop seeking until he finds, and when he finds he will be troubled, and when he has

been troubled he will marvel (be astonished) and he will reign over all and in reigning, he will find rest.

2. Jesus said: Let him who seeks not stop until he finds, and when he finds he shall wonder and in wondering he shall reign, and in reigning he shall find rest.

3. Jesus said: If those who lead you say to you: Look, the Kingdom is in the sky, then the birds of the sky would enter before you. If they say to you: It is in the sea, then the fish of the sea would enter ahead of you. But the Kingdom of God exists within you and it exists outside of you. Those who come to know (recognize) themselves will find it, and when you come to know yourselves you will become known and you will realize that you are the children of the Living Father. Yet if you do not come to know yourselves then you will dwell in poverty and it will be you who are that poverty.

3. Jesus said, If those who lead you say, "See, the Kingdom is in the sky," then the birds of the sky wiII precede you. If they say to you, "It is under the earth," then the fish of the sea will precede you. Rather, the Kingdom of God is inside of you, and it is outside of you.

Those who come to know themselves will find it; and when you come to know yourselves, you will understand that it is you who are the sons of the living Father. But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty.

Luke 17:20 And when he was demanded of by the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: Neither shall they say, Lo here! Lo there! For, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.

4. Jesus said: The person of old age will not hesitate to ask a little child of seven days about the place of life, and he will live. For many who are first will become last, (and the last will be first). And they will become one and the same.

4. Jesus said: Let the old man who has lived many days not hesitate to ask the child of seven days about the place of life; then he will live. For many that are first will be last, and last will be first, and they will become a single one.

Mark 9:35-37 He sat down, called the twelve, and said to them: Whoever wants to be first must be last of all and servant of all. Then he took a little child and put it among them, and taking it in his arms, he said to them: Whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me welcomes not me but the one who sent me.

5. Jesus said: Recognize what is in front of your face, and what has been hidden from you will be revealed to you. For there is nothing hidden which will not be revealed (become manifest), and nothing buried that wiII not be raised.

5. Jesus said: Know what is in front of your face and what is hidden from you will be revealed to you. For there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed..

Unlock the hidden wisdom of the Gospel of Thomas in this enlightening video! Discover the unique sayings attributed to Jesus, focusing on wisdom rather than narrative. As part of the Gnostic Gospels, the Gospel of Thomas challenges traditional Christian views and offers alternative interpretations of Jesus's message. Explore the text's emphasis on self-knowledge, inner peace, and the present reality of the Kingdom of Heaven. Learn about Thomas as a trusted disciple and the transformative power of belief. Join us on a journey to uncover the profound spiritual truths and the importance of seeking and finding within oneself.


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