Sunday, September 15, 2024

Mary mother of Jesus Christ in the Quran

Mary mother of Jesus Christ in the Quran

Mary mother of Jesus Christ


Mary mother of Jesus Christ is well loved in the Quran and this chapter of the Quran was dedicated to her past.

19. MARY


In the name of Allah,

the Gracious, the Merciful

1. Kaf, Ha, Ya, Ayn, Saad.

2. A mention of the mercy of your Lord to-

wards His servant Zechariah.

3. When he called on his Lord, a call in seclu-


4. He said, “My Lord, my bones have become

feeble, and my hair is aflame with gray, and

never, Lord, have I been disappointed in my

prayer to you.

5. “And I fear for my dependents after me, and

my wife is barren. So grant me, from Your-

self, an heir.

6. To inherit me, and inherit from the House

of Jacob, and make him, my Lord, pleasing.”

7. “O Zechariah, We give you good news of a

son, whose name is John, a name We have

never given before.”

8. He said, “My Lord, how can I have a son,

when my wife is barren, and I have become

decrepit with old age?”

9. He said, “It will be so, your Lord says, ‘it is

easy for me, and I created you before, when

you were nothing.’”

10. He said, “My Lord, give me a sign.” He said,

“Your sign is that you will not speak to the

people for three nights straight.”

11. And he came out to his people, from the

sanctuary, and signaled to them to praise

morning and evening.

12. “O John, hold on to the Scripture firmly,”

and We gave him wisdom in his youth.

13. And tenderness from Us, and innocence.

He was devout.

14. And kind to his parents; and he was not a

disobedient tyrant.

15. And peace be upon him the day he was

born, and the day he dies, and the Day he is

raised alive.

16. And mention in the Scripture Mary, when

she withdrew from her people to an eastern


17. She screened herself away from them, and

We sent to her Our spirit, and He appeared

to her as an immaculate human.

18. She said, “I take refuge from you in the

Most Merciful, should you be righteous.”

19. He said, “I am only the messenger of your

Lord, to give you the gift of a pure son.”

20. She said, “How can I have a son, when no

man has touched me, and I was never un-


21. He said, “Thus said your Lord, `It is easy

for Me, and We will make him a sign for hu-

manity, and a mercy from Us. It is a matter

already decided.'“

22. So she carried him, and secluded herself

with him in a remote place.

23. The labor-pains came upon her, by the

trunk of a palm-tree. She said, “I wish I had

died before this, and been completely forgot-


24. Whereupon he called her from beneath

her: “Do not worry; your Lord has placed a

stream beneath you.

25. And shake the trunk of the palm-tree to-

wards you, and it will drop ripe dates by you.”

26. “So eat, and drink, and be consoled. And if

you see any human, say, ‘I have vowed a fast

to the Most Gracious, so I will not speak to

any human today.'“

27. Then she came to her people, carrying him.

They said, “O Mary, you have done some-

thing terrible.

28. O sister of Aaron, your father was not an

evil man, and your mother was not a whore.”

29. So she pointed to him. They said, “How

can we speak to an infant in the crib?”

30. He said, “I am the servant of Allah. He has

given me the Scripture, and made me a


31. And has made me blessed wherever I may

be; and has enjoined on me prayer and char-

ity, so long as I live.

32. And kind to my mother, and He did not

make me a disobedient rebel.

33. So Peace is upon me the day I was born,

and the day I die, and the Day I get resur-

rected alive.”

34. That is Jesus son of Mary—the Word of

truth about which they doubt.

35. It is not for Allah to have a child—glory be

to Him. To have anything done, He says to it,

“Be,” and it becomes.

36. “Allah is my Lord and your Lord, so wor-

ship Him. That is a straight path.”

37. But the various factions differed among

themselves. So woe to those who disbelieve

from the scene of a tremendous Day.

38. Listen to them and watch for them the Day

they come to Us. But the wrongdoers today

are completely lost.

39. And warn them of the Day of Regret, when

the matter will be concluded. Yet they are

heedless, and they do not believe.

40. It is We who will inherit the earth and eve-

ryone on it, and to Us they will be returned.

41. And mention in the Scripture Abraham.

He was a man of truth, a prophet.

42. He said to his father, “O my father, why do

you worship what can neither hear, nor see,

nor benefit you in any way?

43. O my father, there has come to me

knowledge that never came to you. So follow

me, and I will guide you along a straight way.

44. O my father, do not worship the devil. The

devil is disobedient to the Most Gracious.

45. O my father, I fear that a punishment from

the Most Gracious will afflict you, and you

become an ally of the devil.”

46. He said, “Are you renouncing my gods, O

Abraham? If you do not desist, I will stone

you. So leave me alone for a while.”

47. He said, “Peace be upon you. I will ask my

Lord to forgive you; He has been Kind to me.

48. And I will withdraw from you, and from

what you pray to instead of Allah. And I will

pray to my Lord, and I hope I will not be dis-

appointed in my prayer to my Lord.”

49. When he withdrew from them, and from

what they worship besides Allah, We granted

him Isaac and Jacob. And each We made a


50. And We gave them freely of Our mercy,

and gave them a noble reputation of truth.

51. And mention in the Scripture Moses. He

was dedicated. He was a messenger and a


52. And We called him from the right side of

the Mount, and brought him near in com-


53. And We granted him, out of Our mercy,

his brother Aaron, a prophet.

54. And mention in the Scripture Ishmael. He

was true to his promise, and was a messenger,

a prophet.

55. And he used to enjoin on his people prayer

and charity, and he was pleasing to his Lord.

56. And mention in the Scripture Enoch. He

was a man of truth, a prophet.

57. And We raised him to a high position.

58. These are some of the prophets Allah has

blessed, from the descendants of Adam, and

from those We carried with Noah, and from

the descendants of Abraham and Israel, and

from those We guided and selected. When-

ever the revelations of the Most Gracious are

recited to them, they would fall down, pros-

trating and weeping.

59. But they were succeeded by generations

who lost the prayers and followed their appe-

tites. They will meet perdition.

60. Except for those who repent, and believe,

and act righteously. These will enter Paradise,

and will not be wronged in the least.

61. The Gardens of Eden, promised by the

Most Merciful to His servants in the Unseen.

His promise will certainly come true.

62. They will hear no nonsense therein, but

only peace. And they will have their provision

therein, morning and evening.

63. Such is Paradise which We will give as in-

heritance to those of Our servants who are


64. “We do not descend except by the com-

mand of your Lord. His is what is before us,

and what is behind us, and what is between

them. Your Lord is never forgetful.”

65. Lord of the heavens and the earth and what

is between them. So worship Him, and perse-

vere in His service. Do you know of anyone

equal to Him?

66. And the human being says, “When I am

dead, will I be brought back alive?”

67. Does the human being not remember that

We created him before, when he was noth-


68. By your Lord, We will round them up, and

the devils, then We will bring them around

Hell, on their knees.

69. Then, out of every sect, We will snatch

those most defiant to the Most Merciful.

70. We are fully aware of those most deserving

to scorch in it

71. There is not one of you but will go down to

it. This has been an unavoidable decree of

your Lord.

72. Then We will rescue those who were de-

vout, and leave the wrongdoers in it, on their


73. When Our clear revelations are recited to

them, those who disbelieve say to those who

believe, “Which of the two parties is better in

position, and superior in influence?”

74. How many a generation have We de-

stroyed before them, who surpassed them in

riches and splendor?

75. Say, “Whoever is in error, the Most Merci-

ful will lead him on.” Until, when they see

what they were promised—either the punish-

ment, or the Hour. Then they will know who

was in worse position and weaker in forces.

76. Allah increases in guidance those who ac-

cept guidance. And the things that endure—

the righteous deeds—have the best reward

with your Lord, and the best outcome.

77. Have you seen him who denied Our reve-

lations, and said, “I will be given wealth and


78. Did he look into the future, or did he re-

ceive a promise from the Most Merciful?

79. No indeed! We will write what he says, and

will keep extending the agony for him.

80. Then We will inherit from him what he

speaks of, and he will come to Us alone.

81. And they took, besides Allah, other gods,

to be for them a source of strength.

82. By no means! They will reject their worship

of them, and become opponents to them.

83. Have you not considered how We dispatch

the devils against the disbelievers, exciting

them with incitement?

84. So do not hurry against them. We are

counting for them a countdown.

85. On the Day when We will gather the right-

eous to the Most Merciful, as guests.

86. And herd the sinners into hell, like animals

to water.

Quran references Jesus (known as Isa in Arabic) in several locations

 The Quran references Jesus (known as Isa in Arabic) in several locations, highlighting his significance as a prophet and his miraculous life. Here are some key references along with their locations:

Photo of Jesus

1. **Annunciation and Birth of Jesus**:

   - **Quran 3:45-53**: The announcement of Jesus' birth to Mary (Maryam) and her reaction.

   - **Quran 19:16-34**: The narrative of Mary and the miraculous birth of Jesus.

2. **Jesus Speaking from the Cradle**:

   - **Quran 3:46**: Jesus speaks while still in the cradle.

   - **Quran 5:109-110**: Account of Jesus affirming his prophethood and miracles on the Day of Judgment.

   - **Quran 19:29-30**: Jesus speaks to people, defending his mother’s honor.

3. **Creating Birds from Clay**:

   - **Quran 3:43-49**: Jesus is described as creating a bird from clay and breathing life into it.

4. **Healing the Blind and the Lepers**:

   - **Quran 3:49**: Jesus performs miracles, including healing the blind and lepers.

5. **Raising the Dead**:

   - **Quran 3:49**: Jesus is mentioned as having the ability to raise the dead.

6. **The Table of Food from Heaven**:

   - **Quran 5:112-115**: The story of Jesus asking God to send down a table of food from heaven.

7. **Crucifixion**:

   - The Quran denies the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus, stating that he was saved by God (Quran 4:157-158).

8. **Role as a Precursor to Muhammad**:

   - Jesus is mentioned as a precursor to Muhammad, and it is believed he will return in the Second Coming to defeat the Antichrist.

These references highlight Jesus' miraculous abilities, his role as a prophet in Islam, and the distinctions between Islamic and Christian narratives regarding his life and mission.

Discover the captivating story of Jesus in Islam, one of the most revered prophets. In this enlightening video, we delve into the Quran's narrative of Jesus's miraculous birth, his divine mission, and the wonders that marked his life. Learn about Mary's purity and devotion, Jesus's ability to speak from the cradle, and his role in guiding humanity. We also explore the miracles he performed, from healing the sick to raising the dead, and his unique creation of life from clay. Understand why the Quran asserts that Jesus was not crucified and his anticipated return to Earth. 

Join us in uncovering the profound respect and significance Jesus holds in Islam.

The day when Satan becomes the enemy of our god mighty Allah

 The day when Satan becomes the enemy of our god mighty Allah

In the Quran, the creation of the earth and the dialogue between God and the angels can be found in Surah Al-Baqarah (Chapter 2), specifically in verses 29-36. These verses describe how God created Adam and informed the angels about his creation, indicating a significant moment in the creation narrative.

The day when Satan becomes the enemy of our god mighty Allah



29. It is He who created for you everything on

earth, then turned to the heaven, and made

them seven heavens. And He is aware of all


30. When your Lord said to the angels, “I am

placing a successor on earth.” They said,

“Will You place in it someone who will cause

corruption in it and shed blood, while we de-

clare Your praises and sanctify You?” He

said, “I know what you do not know.”

31. And He taught Adam the names, all of

them; then he presented them to the angels,

and said, “Tell Me the names of these, if you

are sincere.”

32. They said, “Glory be to You! We have no

knowledge except what You have taught us.

It is you who are the Knowledgeable, the


33. He said, “O Adam, tell them their names.”

And when he told them their names, He said,

“Did I not tell you that I know the secrets of

the heavens and the earth, and that I know

what you reveal and what you conceal?”

34. And We said to the angels, “Bow down to

Adam.” They bowed down, except for Satan.

He refused, was arrogant, and was one of the


35. We said, “O Adam, inhabit the Garden,

you and your spouse, and eat from it freely as

you please, but do not approach this tree, lest

you become wrongdoers.”

36. But Satan caused them to slip from it, and

caused them to depart the state they were in.

IslamicStories ####IslamicBelief ##CreationNarrative #

Álvaro Munero en el momento que lo hizo cambiar de ser torero

 Esta icónica fotografía marca el final de la carrera del matador Álvaro Munero. En medio de la batalla, de repente se arrepintió y se sentó al borde del campo.

 Posteriormente, en una entrevista, Álvaro contará: “De repente no vi cuernos, sino ojos de toro. Se paró frente a mí y comenzó a mirarme. Simplemente se quedó de pie y observó, sin intentar atacar. La inocencia que hay en los ojos de todos los animales me mira pidiendo ayuda. 

Fue como un grito de justicia y en algún lugar muy dentro de mí, de repente me di cuenta de que se estaba dirigiendo a mí de la misma manera que nos dirigimos a Dios en oración: "No quiero pelear contigo, por favor déjame, porque no he hecho nada". mal contigo. Puedes matarme si quieres, mátame si quieres, pero no quiero luchar contigo." Y yo, leyéndolo en sus ojos, me sentí como la peor criatura de la tierra y obstaculicé la guerra. 

Álvaro Munero Y el Toro

Después de eso me convertí en un vegetariano y deja de torear ". Esta historia se publicó en 2012. Después de que miles de otras publicaciones extranjeras contaran el caso, millones de personas se enteraron del matador Álvaro Munero, y esta foto se convirtió en una de las más reconocibles.

What is a Lakhovsky Coil?

 The Lakhovsky coil has always intrigued me. Initially, I dismissed it as too simple to be effective, but as I delved into the principles of electroculture, I realized its potential. The coil operates as a resonant circuit or self-resonating antenna, which may explain my interest, given my fascination with electroculture and my background as an amateur radio operator. Understanding the science behind this seemingly simple device has been captivating.

Lakhovsky Coil

### What is a Lakhovsky Coil?

Georges Lakhovsky, in his studies, discovered that basic wire coils could enhance human and plant health and even influence the taste of materials like wine. He found that these coils, called L-coils, had powerful effects on biological systems. Lakhovsky’s research from 1925 showed that these oscillator circuits, whether single-turn loops or spirals, could positively impact not just plants, but also animals and humans.

### Magnetic Circuits in Biology

Lakhovsky's coil demonstrated healing effects on plants, animals, and humans, backed by both classical and subtle scientific principles. Results from Raman laser spectroscopy indicated that these coils influenced water molecule structures. A key point is that certain animals can sense direction via Earth’s geomagnetism, possibly through natural bio-antennae, such as the semi-circular ear structures in some animals or the spiral antennae of insects.

### Magnetic Fields and Plant Biology

Research shows that magnetic fields can influence plant biology. For instance, the resonant frequency of a cell’s nucleus is proportional to the magnetic field around it. Magnetic fields, particularly low-frequency ones, can alter the behavior of ions like calcium and potassium within plants. This alteration in ion flow, especially calcium, can impact plant growth and development. This interaction is explained by geomagnetic ion cyclotron resonance (ICR) theory, where the applied signal frequency affects ionic activity in plants.

### The Science of the Lakhovsky Coil

Technically, the Lakhovsky coil, or L-coil, is an inductor-capacitor circuit, which is a type of resonant circuit. When tuned correctly, this circuit produces electromagnetic oscillations, acting as both a receiver and transmitter of energy. The coil also interacts with local geomagnetic field fluctuations and radio waves, influencing plant physiology by affecting their seed, stem, and roots.

### Resonant Frequency Calculation

The resonant frequency of the L-coil is determined by its inductance and capacitance. Lakhovsky's experiments found that a 30 cm loop captured the necessary frequencies to resonate with plant cells. This resonance enhances the natural oscillations within the plant's cellular structures, improving their vitality.

### Coil Design and Variations

Lakhovsky coils can vary in shape and size. While the original design uses circular loops, other geometric shapes can also work. The coil's angle, wire thickness, and air gap between its ends all play a role in determining its effectiveness. Additionally, variations like multi-wave configurations or split-ring resonators have been used to enhance energy transfer and efficiency.

### Conclusion

The Lakhovsky coil is a fascinating tool with diverse applications in both human and plant biology. Its ability to interact with magnetic fields and resonate with biological systems can offer various health benefits. Future research could lead to more targeted applications, such as improving plant immunity or enhancing specific plant traits like flavor.


Influence of Ca2+ Cyclotron Resonance-Tuned Magnetic Fields on Germination and Growth of Wheat Seedlings

The Secret Lakhovsky

 - Split Ring Resonator Design for Agricultural Based Applications

- L-coil Photo credits:  123456


[MISSING TRANSLATION] January 28, 2021

David Wechsler


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Leveraging Electromigration in the Garden

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