Tuesday, November 6, 2012

El Ojo del Cielo: La Conexión magnética entre el Sol y la Glándula Pineal

El Ojo del Cielo: La Conexión magnética entre el Sol y la Glándula Pineal

Sobre la influencia de las tormentas solares en la psicobiología humana, los neurotransmisores que secreta la glándula pineal, el simbolismo del tercer ojo, su relación con el Sol y el misterio del Ojo en la Pirámide

La relación entre la glándula pineal y el Sol es un emblema de la relación entre el hombre y el cosmos. Probablemente uno de los ejemplos más estimulantes y significativos del principio hermético más citado en el ámbito de la esoteria: “cómo arriba, es abajo” (la holofrástica de la existencia).

Un principio de correspondencia que pese a ser el fundamento cognitivo de la “ciencia” antes de la ciencia, es decir de los padres de la ciencia (de personajes como Paracelso, Giordano Bruno y el mismo Isaac Newton, quien hizo una traducción de la Tabla Esmeralda), ha sido relegado al terreno de la superstición o del pensamiento mágico; relumbrando herejía en la estructura racional de la mente científica. Sin embargo, hoy en día tenemos evidencia “científica” que sugiere convincentemente que el cosmos –”el mundo de las esferas”—tiene una influencia en la psicobiología humana. Y la clave para entender esta “influencia”, no ya sólo desde el plano simbólico de la astrología, es la glándula pineal, ese gran misterio de la psique.

Este acercamiento a este enigmático tema –sin duda una de las vetas centrales del misticismo humano—viene a colación de las recientes tormentas solares que han estado arribando al planeta con renovada intensidad, como generalmente ocurre en julio, pero marcando esta vez una especie de despertar dentro del ciclo de 11 años de nuestra estrella central. La posibilidad de que nuestro estado de ánimo e incluso nuestro estado de salud general se vea afectado por una emanación de partículas energéticas en el Sol hace algunos años les habría parecido como una aberración o un anatema a la mayoría de los científicos; hace cientos de años, les habría parecido como algo completamente natural e ineludible. Hoy en día algunos estudios, y sobre todo un entedimiento del funcionamiento de los campos magnéticos y de la glándula pineal, muestran claramente que las llamadas tormentas solares inciden en nuestro estado de ánimo y en nuestro comportamiento.
El efecto de las tormentas solares en tu cerebro
El prestigioso sitio de divulgación científica New Scientist publicó hace 4 años un artículo en el que se citan una serie de estudios que investigan la relación entre las tormentas solares, el geomagnetismo y el comportamiento humano.

Particularmente interesante es el trabajo del científico ruso Oleg Shumilov, quien, partiendo de la premisa de que muchos de los animales son sensibles a los campos magnéticos (¿y por qué no el ser humano?), investigó la afectación del geomagnetismo en la psique humana. Shumilov correlacionó datos de la actividad geomagnética de 1948 a 1997 y descubrió que durante los picos de actividad, de marzo a mayo, en julio y en octubre –detonados por tormentas solares– había un incremento paralelo en el número de suicidios en la ciudad de Kirovsk (un estudio en Australia y otro en Sudáfrica replicó el hallazgo de Shumilov).

Otro estudio, realizado por Michael Rycroft, ex director de la Sociedad Europea de Geociencias, encontró una correlación entre perturbaciones cardiovasculares y perturbaciones geomagnéticas. Según Rycroft, problemas de salud geomagnéticos afectan hasta al 15% de las personas (así que tal vez tú seas una de ellos, por si querías descubrir el algoritmo de causas y efectos que determinan tu estado de salud actual).
Tal vez no sea la Luna (o por lo menos no sólo ella), también magnética, la que nos altera las hormonas y desquicia. Un estudio publicado en el British Journal of Psychiatry (todos estos estudios pueden ser consultados en el link a New Scientist) muestra un incremento del 36.5% en hombres admitidos a un hospital por depresión en la semana posterior a una tormenta geomagnética.

¿Cómo es que estas llamaradas solares, también responsables de los sublimes fuegos de plasma de las auroras, nos afectan tanto? Al parecer se debe a que alteran nuestra producción de melatonina, un neurotransmisor que se produce en la glándula pineal, responsable de regular nuestro patrones de sueño y biorritmos. Según la psiquiatra de la Universidad de Columbia, Kelly Posenr, la actividad geomagnética puede “desincronizar los ritmos circadianos y la producción de melatonina”.

La glándula pineal es una glándula endócrina que yace entre los dos hemisferios cerebrales, a la altura del entrecejo. Aunque no se conoce bien a bien su funcionamiento –hasta hace poco más de 50 años se pensaba que era un excedente de la evolución sin una función determinada, acaso solamente el centro de numerosas especulaciones. Hoy sabemos que por lo menos produce melatonina, una hormona cuya producción se ve afectada por la luz. La oscuridad, por ejemplo, hace que se secrete melatonina –y es por esto que nos es más fácil dormir en la oscuridad (pero en realidad diferentes longitudes de onda de luz hacen que se secrete melatonina en diferentes frecuencias). Esta hormona juega un papel también en el trastorno afectivo estacional (“la depresión invernal”); interactúa con el sistema inmunológico, tiene propiedades de antienvejecimiento y sirve como antioxidante.
Si bien es importante recalcar que para la ciencia actual la glándula pineal es todavía una región relativamente inexplorada, sabemos que contiene vestigios de una retina y parece operar como transductor magnético. Las células pinealocitas en muchos vertebrados no-mamíferos son similares a las células de la retina (algunos reptiles cuentan con un tercer ojo parietal fotosensible que les permite usar al Sol como compás; las aves son capaces de “ver” el campo magnético a través de fotorecpetores que se encuentran en la glándula pineal ). Algunos científicos creen que las células pineales en todos los vertebrados comparten un ancestro evolutivo en común con las células retinales (no es quizás casualidad que la glándula pineal históricamente sea identificada con “el tercer ojo” o con un ojo dormido, literalmente parece que es un tercer ojo dormido).

Aunque las producción de melatonina en la glándula pineal podría estar determinada por una conexión con los nervios ópticos, es interesante explorar la posibilidad de que esta pequeña glándula en forma de cono de pino tenga, en sí misma, una cierta capacidad fotoreceptora y magnetorecpetora. Recientemente se ha descubierto la presencia de minerales ferromagnéticos (es decir que pueden actuar como magnetos) en la glándula pineal. Un estudio realizado en la Universidad de Ben Gurion, en Israel, encontró la presencia de microcristales de calcita en la glándula pineal. Los autores del estudio señalan que “estos cristales podrían ser responsables de una transducción biológica electromagnética”, lo que es sugerido por su “estructura y propiedades piezoeléctricas”. ¿Son estos minerales los que interactúan con los campos geomagnéticos producidos por la lluvia de fotones del Sol que choca con la atmósfera de la Tierra?

Por otro lado, el Dr. Andrew Nichols ha determinado una correlación entre la actividad geomagnética y la perececpión de fenómenos paranormales.
La percepción del Sol Invisible
Hasta ahora hemos visto, desde una perspectiva científica, que la glándula pineal, a través de una sensibilidad –no del todo entendida– a los campos magnéticos, convierte la luz del sol en un determinado estado mental. Aquello que se genera a millones de kilómetros de distancia en la corona de una estrella acaba siendo parte de nuestra modulación psíquica (el Sol se convierte en tus pensamientos). Esto, a grandes rasgos, parece ser un razonamiento científicamente intachable. Esto de manera más sutil, es justamente lo que la filosofía mística (o ciencia oculta) lleva diciendo miles de años.
Si bien el descubrimiento de la afetación psicobiológica a los fenómenos astronómicos es una incipiente, y aún controversial, línea de estudio en la ciencia moderna, antiguamente incluso se tenía una disciplina específicamente dedicada a estudiar la patología humana y su relación con eventos astronómicos y movimientos planetarios (más allá de la astrología): las iatromatemáticas

Que la glándula pineal podía ser un órgano para percibir una luz invisible (un campo magnético, por ejemplo) fue claramente atisbado por el pensamiento védico. En los Upanishads se habla del ser humano como una entidad compuesta por 10 puertas. Nueve de ellas (los ojos, las fosas nasales, los oídos, la boca, la uretra, y el ano) llevan hacia fuera, a la percepción del mundo exterior. La décima puerta, el tercer ojo (ubicado en el ajna chakra, en el entrecejo, en el caso de Shiva, entre una guirnalda de serpientes) es el puerto de acceso a los mundos interiores (al decir interiores la referencia es a las habitaciones interiores de la mansión de la mente de Dios, donde yacen los mundos superiores, las dimensiones astrales). El tercer ojo es siempre, a través de diversas culturas, la apertura divina –la visión holográfica– dentro del ser humano.

En el Bhagavad Gita se habla de la apertura de esta puerta en el momento cúlmen:
Aquel que en el momento de la partida no distrae su mente y su amor, estando en el Yoga (en fusión con Ishvara [el Sol detrás de la oscuridad], con el Dios Creador, la Conciencia Primordial), quien abre el pasaje de energía entre los ojos – aquel obtiene el más Alto Espíritu Divino.

Según la filosofía vedántica advaita, el ser humano proyecta sus propios atributos en el Brahman, el supremo espíritu cósmico, de suyo inconmensurable. La aparición del infinito Brahman en la finita mente humana es conocida como Ishvara, también representado en el Bhagavad Gita como el Sol. De aquí es posible extrapolar una relación intrínseca en la recurrente representación de la divinidad como el Sol en la mente humana, de la luz como lo divino.
La evolución religiosa de esta relación entre la glándula pineal y el Sol (una relación del hombre como imagen de Dios) tiene un claro hito en Egipto. Aquí tenemos una serie de repersentaciones que parecen indicar que los egipcios tenían conocimientos de la glándula pineal asociados con un tercer ojo, u ojo espiritual. Por una parte tenemos la representación como un ojo único de Horus, el dios del Sol, hijo de Osiris e Isis (“el hijo del nuevo eón”) y como tal símbolo de la fusión de los opuestos –al igual que la glándula pineal yace en el centro del cerebro, entre los hemisferios y entre los dos ojos.
Este símbolo parece haber evolucionado en el símbolo cristiano del Ojo de la Providencia (recordemos que Cristo es un avatar arquetípico de Osiris) y en el masónico del Ojo en la pirámide destruncada (el Ojo que Todo lo Ve). Ahí mismo tenemos el báculo de mando de Osiris, en el cual aparece un cono de pino con dos serpientes entrelazadas.

Sin duda uno de los símbolos más poderosos de la historia, evocando el conocimiento, la medicina y la alquimia –quizás en un preclaro atisbo, justamente a través de la visión interna, del ADN—y posiblemente también a la serpiente kundalini (una conexión entre Shiva y Osiris), la energía vital que se eleva desde los genitales hasta el trecer ojo y la coronilla, a su paso encendiendo y depurando los centros energéticos.
El cono de pino al parecer es un símbolo de la glándula pineal, activada a través del encauzamiento de la energía kundalini. La forma conífera de esta glándula hizo que se le llamara “pineal” o relativa al pino, según fue acuñado por el médico griego Galeno.
La presencia del cono de pino puede observarse en el báculo del Papa y en la misma Plaza de San Pedro, donde una inmensa estatua de cono de pino está rodeada de unos pavorreales (aves relacionadas con la divinidad en Egipto). Estos dos símbolos, el cono de pino y el ojo en un triángulo, aparecen en numerosas iglesias y templos alrededor del mundo.

Por ejemplo, en la Catedral de la Ciudad de México puede observarse el Ojo de la Providencia en más de un altar y en los motivos pineales, que para el observador incauto podrían confundirse como meras decoraciones, en la estructura de la nave. Aunque también habría que decir que en la espiral que forman los conos de pino se ha observado la secuencia Fibonacci y la proporción del número áureo, así que además de esta connotación esotérica, tiene una armonía estética que podría atraer sin la necesidad de una significación oculta.

Es curioso que el padre del racionalismo –esa filosofía eminentemente atomista y dualista–, Rene Descartes, haya entrevisto, en lo que para sus críticos fue un delirio, un centro unitario espiritual en el cerebro humano. Descartes famosamente designó la glándula pineal como el asiento del alma. La paradoja es doble, el hombre que concibió el racionalismo (después de un revelador sueño) usó lo que a la postre parece ser más la intuición que el pensamiento racional para ubicar el tercer ojo. En todos los demás sitios Descartes encontraba la dualidad, menos en esta glándula pineal, la cual describió como una flama pura que era llenada por espíritus animales y la cual integraba la percepción humana. Este “gran error” de la anatomía filosófica de Descartes hoy en día parece como un destello de genio.
No pretendemos aquí comprobar la existencia del alma humana o que ésta se encuentra en la glándula pineal; sí buscamos formar conexiones significativas que inspiren a la exploración del simbolismo y del sentido de nuestra vida dentro del misterio.

En este espíritu es interesante traer a colación el trabajo del Dr. Rick Strassman, una de las pocas personas que ha podido realizar estudios con dimetiltriptamina (DMT), una poderosa molécula de acción psicodélica que, según este médico de la Universidad de Nuevo Mexico, podría ser secretada por la glándula pineal y podría ser responsable de detonar lo que se conoce como experiencias cercanas a la muerte.
Hay que enfatizar en que, pese a lo que a veces se dice, Strassman no ha probado que la glándula pineal genere DMT o que el ser humano lo secrete, muy similar en su composición a la serotonina, en el momento de su muerte. Sin embargo, Strassman sugiere que la glándula pineal cuenta con todos los precursores necesarios para generar DMT y es el asiento lógico de esta sustancia que por otro lado, como la melatonina, parece tener una relación con la generación de vívidas imágenes oníricas, parafraseando a Shakespeare, parece ser la “sustancia de la que están hechos los sueños”.

Curiosamente la ayahuasca, “la viña de los espíritus”, está compuesta de dos plantas que parecen tener alcaloides que son secretados de manera natural en la glándula pineal. Por una parte la chacruna, la planta que contiene DMT, y por otro lado la liana Banisteriopsis caapi, que contiene alcaloides conocidos como beta-carbolinas, los cuales actúan como inhibidores de la monamina oxidada y hacen activo el DMT vía oral. Alcaloides beta-carbolinas como la pinolina y la triptolina se forman en la glándula pineal de manera natural. Chamanes y sanadores que utilizan ayahuasca sostienen que sus visiones no son alucinaciones, ¿acaso esto se debe a que químicamente se consigue activar el tercer ojo en la glándula pineal?

Esta relación entre los espíritus y la glándula pineal tiene otra conexión, que para algunos podría ser solo una casualidad, pero que para otros apunta a que lo que decía Descartes podría ser una inesperada verdad metafísica. En los textos del Bardo Thodol (o Libro Tibetano de las Muerte) se dice que el alma reside en el mundo intermedio (en el bardo) por 48 días y en el día 49 reencarna en el feto humano. Aparentemente la glándula pineal puede ser detectada el día 49 en el feto humano, más o menos el mismo tiempo al que se puede observar por primera vez los genitales de un bebé. Esto ha sido tomado, de manera especulativa y sin base científica, como una especie de guiño de que es a través de la glándula pineal que el alma –o aquella porción divina que posee al cuerpo—entra al mundo. De cualquier manera merece una investigación más profunda.

Buena parte de las prácticas de meditación que conocemos, inundadas sin duda de la filosofía new age que transforma las viejas tradiciones en cómodas versiones pop que se ajustan a nuestra idiosincracia moderna occidental, se centran en la activación o al menos en la concientización de la glándula pineal (tercer ojo). Proliferan dietas, audiocassettes, canalizaciones, aparatos cuánticos y demás parafernalia ritualística dedicada a este “santo grial” (o micro star gate) de la conciencia humana (algunos incluso aseguran activar tu glándula pineal por solo $9.99). Se habla al mismo tiempo de una supuesta conspiración mundial para mantener esta glándula en un estado de sopor masivo. Y ciertamente la mayoría de las personas adultas tienen la glándula pineal calcificada –algo que ha sido observado tempranamente en niños de hasta 2 años. Dentro de la teoría de la conspiración se cree que esto se debe al flúor que se utiliza en las pastas de dientes y que se ingiere en el agua potable de las ciudades –algo que aparentemente sería hecho de manera intencional por los Iluminati (¿quién más?) dueños celosos del secreto del Ojo que Todo lo Ve, para negar a las masas el poder de una glándula pineal sana (percibiendo el rostro verdadero) y activa en un mundo fantasmagórico, más allá de la ilusión de Maia-Matrix. No ahondaremos sobre este tema, harto complejo y pantanoso, que suele caer en la más obtusa paranoia; el lector puede aventurarse por su cuenta.
La pregunta fundamental es si el tercer ojo, ubicado en la glándula pineal, esa puerta solar secreta en el cerebro humano, es solamente una metáfora de la iluminación (y de la aniquilación de la dualidad) o verdaderamente un órgano en estado de duermevela que puede activarse a través de ciertas técnicas arcanas y de una correcta interacción con la energía electromagnética que proviene del cosmos en la forma de fotones (la partícula que no tiene antipartícula, unidad cuántica de la información en su estado puro e indeterminado).

Muchos de los grandes místicos de la historia de la humanidad han hablado metafóricamente de la iluminación haciendo referencia a un ojo que percibe lo que yace velado y que desencadena un cambio sustancial en la conciencia orgánica.
En el evangelio de Mateo (6:22) se dice “La luz del cuerpo es el ojo; de esta forma a si tu ojo es uno, todo tu cuerpo estará lleno de luz”.
Se le atribuye a Buda haber dicho “Oh hombre de nobleza, recuerda el cielo puro abierto de tu naturaleza verdadera. Regresa a él. Confía en él. Es tu hogar”, lo que se interpreta como una metáfora de la (re)apertura del tercer ojo –también simbolizado como una perla de luz azul.

William Blake en su poema Augurios de Inocencia, donde también describe un fractal (un mundo en un grano de arena) también habla sobre este misterioso ojo: “We are led to believe in a lie, when we see not though the Eye”. Una mentira nos guía cuando no percibimos con el Ojo, el Ojo que nació “cuando el alma dormía en rayos de luz”. ¿El Ojo que ha sido secuestrado por fuerzas oscuras?
Sir Thomas Browne lo evoca tangencialmente en una frase que siempre me ha parecido hermosa y enigmática: “Life is a pure flame and we live by an invisible sun within us” (“la vida es una flama pura y vivimos como por un sol invisible dentro de nosotros”). Ese sol invisible, en una interpretación libre, debe de ser el ojo secreto que participa en la luz divina.

Una última pincelada de esta relación entre el ojo y el Sol, según los Brahma Sutras, cuando un hombre es llevado más allá de la muerte “la palabra se convierte en fuego e ilumina, la respiración se convierte en viento y purifica, y el ojo se convierte en el Sol y arde”.

El misterio está cifrado en el lenguaje de los símbolos. La trinidad entre el Ojo, el Sol, y Dios es uno de los andamios simbólicos más profundos y enigmáticos. Podemos hablar mucho sobre esta relación y hasta encontrar destellos poéticos de iluminación verbal, pero no estaríamos más que rodeando una representación, sembrando un laberinto. Si queremos comprender el secreto de este misterio, tendremos que probar con nuestro propio cuerpo abrir ese ojo interno. Todo lo demás será solamente reciclaje metafísico en torno a un espejo, donde hay un ojo atrapado que no puede mirarse a sí mismo. O donde alguien cuenta una historia sobre una supuesta sociedad secreta que se hace llamar “los Iluminados”.

El Papa Juan XXIII fue contactado por Extraterrestres

Uno de los puntales de la investigación del fenómeno extraterrestre es el encuentro del “Papa Bueno” (así se conocía a Juan XXIII, lo que implica que los demás no lo son) con extraterrestres en su residencia de Castelgandolfo. Este vídeo de Jaime Maussan lo explica muy bien.



from link

Federal Law Prohibits Any Contact Between U.S. Citizens an Space Aliens or UFOs-Fiction!
The Truth:
Several things to say about this story.

First, the section of the Code of Federal Regulations that it is referring to is Title 14, Chapter V, Section 1211. Title 14 is the part of the code dealing with aviation and space and sections 1211 through 1299 specifically regulate the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

Section 1211 was added in 1969 when the U.S. would be bringing a space vehicle and astronauts back to earth from a mission to the moon. The section was designed to protect the earth from any contamination that may have been picked up during the trip and did not specifically describe contact with alien beings or UFO's. The wording from Section 1211 part 100 says, " NASA policy, responsibility and authority to guard the Earth against any
harmful contamination or adverse changes in its environment resulting from personnel, spacecraft and other property returning to the [earth]
after landing on or coming within the atmospheric envelope of a celestial body..." There is no mention of alien beings or vehicles.

Section 1211 was taken out of the Code of Federal Regulations in 1991. An announcement in the 1991 code says that the section was removed "...since it has served its purpose and is no longer in keeping with current policy."

A complete reading of the regulation makes it clear that it applied to any manned or unmanned space mission that lands or comes within the "atmospheric envelope of a celestial body." That would apply to anyone who has been into space, not all American citizens. It didn't prohibit contact with extraterrestrials. It merely specified what regulations would affect a mission's return to earth to protect us from space contamination.

Also, although the government has denied that there have been known contacts with extraterrestrial beings or vehicles, there has never been, to our knowledge, a governmental position that there could not be. The NASA Origins Project, for example, includes the search for any life outside of our planet. According to NASA, the project is designed to explore two questions: Where do we come from and are we alone?

Already Passed by Congress
On October 5, 1982, Dr. Brain T. Clifford of the Pentagon announced at a
press conference ("The Star", New York, Oct. 5, 1982) that contact between U.S. citizens and extra-terrestrials or their vehicles is strictly illegal.
According to a law already on the books:
(Title 14, Section 1211 of the Code of Federal Regulations, adopted on July
16, 1969, before the Apollo moon shots), anyone guilty of such contact automatically becomes a wanted criminal to be jailed for one year and fined
$5,000. The NASA administrator is empowered to determine with or without a hearing that a person or object has been "extraterrestrially exposed" and
impose an indeterminate quarantine under armed guard, which could not be broken even by court order.
There is no limit placed on the number of individuals who could thus be
arbitrarily quarantined.
The definition of "extraterrestrial exposure" is left entirely up to NASA
administrator, who is thus endowed with total dictatorial power to be
exercised at his slightest caprice, which is completely contrary to the

............................... click the link on top to read more

Karma and Dharma

The Sanskrit word “karma” means, literally, “law of cause and effect”.

Any act, be it good or bad, will have consequences. If we do good, the consequences will be good to us, however if we behave badly the consequences will be harmful. There is no effect without a cause, nor cause without effect.

In the higher worlds there is a Court of Divine Justice to judge our actions, which we also call Divine Law, and it is made up of superior beings, masters of the awakened consciousness, whose function is to weigh our good and bad actions and then justly apply the sentence, which is the consequence of our actions.

The Court of Divine Justice

This Court is ruled by Anubis and his 42 judges. In the pyramids of Egypt several illustrations of the Court of Divine Justice were found. In these illustrations the regent Anubis is represented by a jackal-headed man and the 42 judges are symbolized by several animals.

The Divine Law is founded on justice and mercy. Justice without mercy is tyranny. Mercy without justice is tolerance, complacence with offence.

Each of us has an inner “agent” of the Divine Law, which is called Kaon and the so-called Book of Life.

Depending on whether we do good or bad, Kaon writes in our Book of Life, and this will be the basis for the Divine Law to judge our actions and to decide how and when to apply the sentence.

When our actions are weighed in a scale, if the good actions scale is heavier, it produces Dharma, which is a reward for the good actions we performed.

On the other hand, if the bad actions scale is heavier it gives us a Karma, that is, suffering, pain, adversities, etc.

Types of Karma

There are several types of Karma:

Individual: when applied to a specific person. For example, in the case of sickness.

(It is important to stress that not all suffering or bad circumstances are effects of a karma, because due to our unconsciousness we can directly cause our own suffering. Example: a person who crosses a street without taking proper care can be run over).

Family: when applied in such a way that it affects a whole family. For example, if a family member is a drug addict. This causes suffering to everyone in the family.

Regional: when applied to a specific region. For example, droughts, floods or other weather adversities that occur in certain places.

National: this is a magnification of the regional karma. We have the example of some countries which are destroyed by war, dictatorships, misery, natural catastrophes, etc.

Global: when applied to all humankind. We have the example of world wars, and currently we can see the global economic problems, imminence of a nuclear war, large natural disasters, etc.

We could not forget to warn, at this point, about the approaching of the great planet Hercolubus, which will cause terrible cataclysms, earthquakes and natural disasters throughout the whole planet.

This is already happening little by little and is getting more and more intense.

This is the last global karma, which humankind will have to go through.

The only way to escape from catastrophe is by paying our debts to Divine Law, eliminating the cause of our faults, our psychological defects. This is achieved by intensely practicing psychological or mystical death.

Katancia: this is the most severe karma, which is applied to Masters, who in spite of their countless perfections, can make mistakes and consequently be penalized.

Kamaduro: the karma applied to serious errors, such as murders, ambushes, tortures, etc. This type of karma is not negotiable and when applied, goes irreversibly to the ultimate consequences.

Karmasaya: this karma is also not negotiable and is applied when a person commits adultery. In the holy scriptures it is written that "every sin will be forgiven, except for those which are commited against the Holy Spirit", and this sin is adultery. But, what is considered adultery by Divine Justice?

In Divine Law, when two people are sexually joined they are married in the inner worlds (regardless whether they are married by physical laws or not). Thus, if a person has more than one sexual partner in a determined period of time (less than a year), this person commits adultery and brings karma to him or herself.

Furthermore, when two people are sexually joined, by being married in the inner world, their karmas are joined and become common to both of them. And if one of these two people has a sexual relation with a third person, the last one will have the accumulated karma of all three people.

It is also important to know that the karmas are joined as well when one receives or donates blood to another person, since blood is a very special fluid.

Knowing this, we can have an idea of how critical the karmic situation of all humankind is.


As was said above, the foundations of Divine Law are justice and mercy. This means that, however hard our karma may be, we can pay it off with good actions and then we will have no more need to suffer.

“When an inferior law is transcended by a superior law, the superior law washes the inferior one".

“Do good works to pay off your debts. Fight the lion of the law with the scales.”

“Whoever has means to pay, will pay and his business will prosper; whoever has no means to pay, will pay with pain.”

If we put good works on one plate of the cosmic scales and bad works on the other one, it is obvious that the karma will depend on which scale plate is heavier.

We are all great debtors, whether by our acts in this life or in other past ones.

For this reason, it is imperative that we change our daily behavior. Instead of protesting if we are in trouble, we should make an effort to help others.

Instead of complaining when we get sick, we should give medication to people who can’t afford it, take people to the doctor that can’t go, etc.

Instead of complaining against people who slander us, we should learn to see things from others’ viewpoint, and abandon once and for all every kind of slander, intrigue, complaining, etc.

Our karma can be forgiven if we eliminate the cause of our mistakes, of our anger, of our envy, of our pride, etc.

The cause of our errors and, therefore, of our suffering is the ego, our psychological defects. The ego makes us unhappy, perverse and miserable.

The world would be a paradise if people would root out from their lives these inhuman abominations.

As we eliminate our own defects, the karma related to each defect is forgiven as well. This is mercy.

We should never complain against our karmic situation, since this can only worsen it.

Karma is a medicine applied to us so that we can see our greatest defects (the cause of our suffering), and begin to elimitate them through mystical death.

How to Build a DVR

The digital video recorder (DVR) is a wonderful piece of modern technology. While the VCR may have freed us from the rigid schedules of TV programming, the DVR has freed us from having to learn how to program our VCRs, not to mention trying to figure out what's on that pile of unlabelled video tapes.

But DVRs have two major flaws -- you have to pay for the privilege of using one, and you're stuck with whatever capabilities the DVR you purchase happens to come with. If you want to expand the space on your DVR for storing additional programs, or want to tweak your user interface, there isn't much you can do about it.

If you build your own DVR, you sidestep both problems. You won't have to buy the hardware or sign up for a contract with your satellite or cable company for the device, you won't have to pay for the service, and you can modify and expand your DVR all you want. And it turns out a DVR isn't very complicated -- you can easily build one with off-the-shelf technology. That's because a DVR is basically a hard drive with a way to interface with your TV signal, plus some software to control it. If you have an old desktop computer lying around, you're already halfway there.

In this article we'll guide you through the steps of building your own DVR. It doesn't take too much technical knowledge, and when you're done, you'll have a flexible, expandable DVR that won't add to your monthly cable bill.

Laying the Foundation for Your DVR

The most basic element of a homemade DVR is a computer. You could technically use any computer for this, but you'll be installing some new internal components, including a new hard drive, so a desktop is a better bet than a laptop. You could use a Mac, but you'll generally find that you have more options with a PC.

How powerful of a computer will you need? Well, that depends on what you want to do with your DVR. If you're just recording TV shows and movies in standard definition, then you don't need anything very powerful. If you'll be recording and playing back high-definition (HD) programming or want to watch Blu-ray discs, then you're going to need a computer with a little more horsepower. There are five things to watch for when buying or setting up the computer that you'll use for your DVR:
Processor - You don't need a top-of-the-line quad-core processor to run a DVR. In fact, for basic DVRing, older and slower processors will work fine, especially since the encoding will be handled by a separate component (the TV capture card). The bottom line here is that the processor should be powerful enough to run a modern operating system. If you're stuck running Windows 95 or earlier, you may have a harder time finding compatible software.

Hard Drive - You'll be surprised how quickly hard drive space gets eaten up by recorded TV shows. A single movie in HD can use up several gigabytes of drive space by itself. Hard drive prices have dropped considerably in the last five years, so if you're repurposing an old computer, you'll want to swap out the old drive for something larger. Remember, you can't have too much hard drive space, so buy as much as you can afford. You'll want a speedy drive to avoid problems with video quality. Keep in mind that you can always expand later by adding an additional drive.

Video Card - It's going to take a fairly powerful video card to process the video signal and send it to your TV. If we're talking about HD and Blu-ray, the video card will need even more power. This is the part of the DVR that's going to matter most to what you actually see on-screen, so if you're going to splurge on any part of your project, this should be it. There are many video cards to choose from, with new ones coming out all the time, so your best bet is to check audio/visual message boards for tips on which card is best suited to your purpose.

Memory - A minimum of two gigabytes of RAM will help your DVR run smoothly, although upgrading to four gigabytes won't hurt (and, again, might be necessary if HD is involved). Memory is inexpensive these days, and more RAM is almost always better.
Power Supply - A high-end video card and an extra hard drive can draw a lot of power, so you'll need a power supply that can provide it. A good way to get a rough idea of how much power you'll need is with an online power supply calculator like the one Journey Systems provides.
Next, we'll choose and install a TV capture card.

Always On?

Desktop computers can be bulky and noisy. They're not exactly ideal for living room furniture. There are, however, different form factors, some of which are designed to integrate with home theaters, although they can be more expensive or make upgrades such as installing a new hard drive difficult. Low-noise fans available as well. Why does it matter? You'll need to leave the DVR computer running most of the time so it can record shows when you're away or asleep.

TV Capture Cards

A typical computer doesn't have a video input that can accept a signal from a antenna or a set-top cable or satellite box. You'll need a TV capture card, which has its own tuner to receive television signals, to take the incoming signal and read it. Better capture cards have onboard processors that handle the encoding of the signal into the digital format the show will be saved as. A capture card that does its own encoding takes a lot of stress off the computer's main processor. In fact, if you use this type of card, you won't need a powerful main processor.

One important thing to look for in a video capture card is the ability to accept an MPEG-2 transport stream in both DBV and ATSC, sometimes referred to as digital hardware cards. That technical jargon simply refers to the format that TV shows are transmitted in over digital broadcasting networks. With the United States and many other countries switching to all-digital broadcasting, you'll want to avoid older capture cards that only accept analog signals. Many cards can handle both analog and digital signals.

A typical capture card will allow a user to record up to two programs at the same time while watching a third. If you want to record even more programs simultaneously, you'll need to install an additional capture card. But remember to make sure your power supply can handle the extra load.

Installing a video capture card isn't difficult. Most cards are PCI or PCI-Express cards -- they fit into slots on the motherboard of your computer. After removing the cover of your computer, the card is installed by pressing it firmly into the appropriate slot. The card is then secured with a single screw. There are also video capture devices available that are even easier to install. They plug into to any available USB 2.0 port.
In the next section, we'll find out what software you can use to watch and record TV programs.

You certainly don't want to deal with a mouse and a keyboard every time you watch TV, so how do you control your DVR system? Some video capture cards come with a remote and a sensor. The sensor connects via a USB port. The sensor for a wireless mouse and keyboard might be adapted for this purpose as well. In all cases, a programmable universal remote could be used, but remain cautious, as not all universal remotes are designed to work for this purpose.

DVR Software

There are several DVR software packages available, and some of them are even free. Some video capture cards come packaged with free DVR software as well, so if you like the program your card came with, you won't have to buy any additional software.
The specific software you choose comes down to personal preference and the operating system on your DVR computer. If you're running Linux, you can use Freevo or MythTV, which are free, or SageTV, which is a commercial application -- that is, you have to pay for it. SageTV is a popular choice because in addition to Linux, it also runs under Windows, along with GB-PVR (free) and BeyondTV (commercial). Mac users can try Elgato's EyeTV or Miglia's EvolutionTV (both commercial).

The main differences between the programs lie in their interfaces and how customizable they are. Some programs use a dedicated server to send programming information to your DVR computer (which will have to be connected to the Internet, of course), while others use a Web browser to access program data. Additional features include online services, weather reports and the ability to convert video files to portable formats.

There is one other interesting option: you could use Microsoft Windows Media Center to run your DVR. You could even integrate a computer running Windows Media Center with an Xbox 360 using Windows Media Extender. This way, you control the on-screen functions through the Xbox, which solves the remote control problem (which we'll address shortly). You can even purchase a special Media Center remote for use with the Xbox, but newer universal remotes can be programmed to work with the Xbox just as well. It's even possible to have your DVR computer in another room, as long as both the computer and Xbox are connected to your home network.
Once all the internal components have been connected and the software is installed, it's time to hook your DVR computer to your TV. First, attach your cable connection or satellite cable to the video capture card's input.

Next, connect the DVR computer's video card to your TV. If you plan to watch HD, you'd probably use an HDMI connection, although component, S-Video or VGA are also possibilities, depending on your particular system.

To get sound, you'll have to connect the audio output of your computer to the inputs on your home theater system, or your TV if you don't have a home theater system.
Finally, connect the computer to the Internet, turn everything on and let the program list load. You should be ready to watch and record TV shows with your own home-built DVR.
For more information on DVRs and other related topics, skip on over to the next page.


"Spontaneous human combustion (SHC)".

In December 1966, the body of 92-year-old Dr. J. Irvin­g Bentley was discovered in his Pennsylvania home by a meter reader. Actually, only part of Dr. Bentley's leg and slippered foot were found. The rest of his body had been burned to ashes. A hole in the bathroom floor was the only evidence of the fire that had killed him; the rest of the house remained perfectly intact.

­How could a man catch fire -- with no apparent source of a spark or flame -- and then burn so completely without igniting anything around him? Dr. Bentley's case and several hundred others like it have been labeled "spontaneous human combustion" (SHC). Although he and other victims of the phenomenon burned almost completely, their surroundings, and even sometimes their clothes, remained virtually untouched.

Can humans spontaneously burst into flames? A lot of people think spontaneous human combustion is a real occurrence, but most scientists aren't convinced.
In this article, we will look at the strange phenomenon of spontaneous human combustion, see what believers have to say about it and try to separate the scientific truth from the myths.

What is Spontaneous Human Combustion?

Photo courtesy Morguefile
Spontaneous combustion occurs when an object -- in the case of spontaneous human combustion, a person -- bursts into flame from a chemical reaction within, apparently without being ignited by an external heat source.
The first known account of spontaneous human combustion came from the Danish anatomist Thomas Bartholin in 1663, who described how a woman in Paris "went up in ashes and smoke" while she was sleeping. The straw mattress on which she slept was unmarred by the fire. In 1673, a Frenchman named Jonas Dupont published a collection of spontaneous combustion cases in his work "De Incendiis Corporis Humani Spontaneis."

The hundreds of spontaneous human combustion accounts since that time have followed a similar pattern: The victim is almost completely consumed, usually inside his or her home. Coroners at the scene have sometimes noted a sweet, smoky smell in the room where the incident occurred.

What makes the charred bodies in the photos of spontaneous human combustion so peculiar is that the extremities often remain intact. Although the torso and head are charred beyond recognition, the hands, feet, and/or part of the legs may be unburned. Also, the room around the person shows little or no signs of a fire, aside from a greasy residue that is sometimes left on furniture and walls. In rare cases, the internal organs of a victim remain untouched while the outside of the body is charred.

Not all spontaneous human combustion victims simply burst into flames. Some develop strange burns on their body which have no obvious source, or emanate smoke from their body when no fire is present. And not every person who has caught fire has died -- a small percentage of people have actually survived what has been called their spontaneous combustion.


Energy Ball Healing and Attunements

Posted by YaMa'EL Category: Energy Ball Healing

Just what is an Energy Ball?

chiballanime Energy Ball Healing and AttunementsUniversal Energy or "Chi" as it is known in many cultures, is the Life Force Energy that animates all life and forms of existence. A EnergyBall is simply a consciously created ball of contained Universal Energy. Anyone adapt at working with energy can easily create an Energy Ball (also known as Chi Balls) with a bit of practice. An Energy Ball is one of the most effective ways of sending Energy Healing and Attunements as Universal Energy is Perfect Divine Conscious Energy.
The Energy Ball Healing and Attunements I am guided to offer, safely protect you from all negative influence while receiving them. Remote Energy Ball Sessions are a great way to receive SPECIFIC Spiritual and Physical Healing, Attunements and Energy Boosts, especially for people with busy schedules who prefer to "participate" in their healing sessions personally at their own time and schedule. Many have reported more intense sensations, shifts and experiences being consciously and physically present while receiving their attunements this way. The effects of Remote Healing Sessions are just as profound as "in person" sessions because Universal Energy is not limited by time and space.

How Do Energy Ball Sessions Work?

chiball Energy Ball Healing and AttunementsThe Etheric Energy Ball Method I use involves sending Personal Remote Energy Healing and Attunements to you the recipient, by sending them to the Universe in an Energy Ball where it waits for you to "call it down" to you to reap the benefits filled within it. This method of receiving energy healing attunements is very empowering as you yourself personally connect to the Universe to collect the Energy Healing.
You will receive specific instructions for "calling down" and "releasing" your Persona lEnergy Ball. Once I send you an Energy Ball, the Healing Energy within the Ball remains active in the Ethers and available to you for 7 days and the healing energy may be "called down" 7 times within that 7 days before the energy is used up at which time you will "release" it back to the Universe to be transmuted back to pure love.
There are many different Energy Balls Options to choose from below. Please be sure to refresh this page with each visit to see the newest additions as they are added.

* There are 2 Energy ball Category Types listed below as follows.
1) aball1k Energy Ball Healing and Attunements HEALING Energy Balls are for Specific Healing
2) aball1n Energy Ball Healing and Attunements Energy Ball ATTUNEMENTS are for receiving specific Energy Attunements
To read details about each Energy Ball available, hold your mouse over the blue question mark image help Energy Ball Healing and Attunements next to each item listed below and a description box will appear.

How Much Does Each Energy Ball Cost??

The Energy Exchange for Each Energy Ball healing or Attunement is currently $33.00 each and you may order as many as you are guided at one time. You will receive an individual Energy Ball for each session and guided as to how to call them down when ordering more than one. You can repeat them as often as you are guided and you may also order Healing Energy Ball gifts for others, however one must personally request Energy Ball Attunements and therefore cannot be given as gifts to those who have not requested them.

Instructions for Ordering Energy Balls

* When ordering the PHYSICAL HEALING Energy Ball in the top left column below, please use the SPECIAL DIRECTIONS box located on the Paypal invoice AFTER YOU CLICK PROCEED TO CHECKOUT… to list ONE specific physical healing you desire for yourself, or if ordering as a gift for someone else, please list ONE specific gift of physical healing you would like them to receive. In other words, be sure to list the type of physical healing you are requesting healing for. It should be something physical pertaining to the physical body. If there is no one place that ails you in your body, you may request a GENERAL physical healing which directs the energy in the chi ball to use it's own "Divine Conscious Wisdom" to send the healing to any part of your body as guided by your higher self which can include parts of your body right down to the cells and molecules that you yourself may not even be aware of.
* IF ORDERING MORE THAN ONE PHYSICAL HEALING ENERGY BALL, PLEASE EMAIL ME AFTER ORDERING WITH SPECIFIC DETAILS OF EACH PHYSICAL HEALING REQUEST PER ORDER. Click The ADD TO CART buttons below for each Energy Ball you'd like to order. Each time you add an item to the cart you will have the option to check-out or to continue shopping to add more Energy Balls to your order: [After Paypal payment has been made, you will be returned to this website. You will receive a Paypal receipt as well as an email from YaMa'EL confirming your Chi Ball Order. You will receive a separate email from YaMa'EL with specific details of each Chi Ball you ordered and instructions on exactly how to use them.]
