Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Karma and Dharma

The Sanskrit word “karma” means, literally, “law of cause and effect”.

Any act, be it good or bad, will have consequences. If we do good, the consequences will be good to us, however if we behave badly the consequences will be harmful. There is no effect without a cause, nor cause without effect.

In the higher worlds there is a Court of Divine Justice to judge our actions, which we also call Divine Law, and it is made up of superior beings, masters of the awakened consciousness, whose function is to weigh our good and bad actions and then justly apply the sentence, which is the consequence of our actions.

The Court of Divine Justice

This Court is ruled by Anubis and his 42 judges. In the pyramids of Egypt several illustrations of the Court of Divine Justice were found. In these illustrations the regent Anubis is represented by a jackal-headed man and the 42 judges are symbolized by several animals.

The Divine Law is founded on justice and mercy. Justice without mercy is tyranny. Mercy without justice is tolerance, complacence with offence.

Each of us has an inner “agent” of the Divine Law, which is called Kaon and the so-called Book of Life.

Depending on whether we do good or bad, Kaon writes in our Book of Life, and this will be the basis for the Divine Law to judge our actions and to decide how and when to apply the sentence.

When our actions are weighed in a scale, if the good actions scale is heavier, it produces Dharma, which is a reward for the good actions we performed.

On the other hand, if the bad actions scale is heavier it gives us a Karma, that is, suffering, pain, adversities, etc.

Types of Karma

There are several types of Karma:

Individual: when applied to a specific person. For example, in the case of sickness.

(It is important to stress that not all suffering or bad circumstances are effects of a karma, because due to our unconsciousness we can directly cause our own suffering. Example: a person who crosses a street without taking proper care can be run over).

Family: when applied in such a way that it affects a whole family. For example, if a family member is a drug addict. This causes suffering to everyone in the family.

Regional: when applied to a specific region. For example, droughts, floods or other weather adversities that occur in certain places.

National: this is a magnification of the regional karma. We have the example of some countries which are destroyed by war, dictatorships, misery, natural catastrophes, etc.

Global: when applied to all humankind. We have the example of world wars, and currently we can see the global economic problems, imminence of a nuclear war, large natural disasters, etc.

We could not forget to warn, at this point, about the approaching of the great planet Hercolubus, which will cause terrible cataclysms, earthquakes and natural disasters throughout the whole planet.

This is already happening little by little and is getting more and more intense.

This is the last global karma, which humankind will have to go through.

The only way to escape from catastrophe is by paying our debts to Divine Law, eliminating the cause of our faults, our psychological defects. This is achieved by intensely practicing psychological or mystical death.

Katancia: this is the most severe karma, which is applied to Masters, who in spite of their countless perfections, can make mistakes and consequently be penalized.

Kamaduro: the karma applied to serious errors, such as murders, ambushes, tortures, etc. This type of karma is not negotiable and when applied, goes irreversibly to the ultimate consequences.

Karmasaya: this karma is also not negotiable and is applied when a person commits adultery. In the holy scriptures it is written that "every sin will be forgiven, except for those which are commited against the Holy Spirit", and this sin is adultery. But, what is considered adultery by Divine Justice?

In Divine Law, when two people are sexually joined they are married in the inner worlds (regardless whether they are married by physical laws or not). Thus, if a person has more than one sexual partner in a determined period of time (less than a year), this person commits adultery and brings karma to him or herself.

Furthermore, when two people are sexually joined, by being married in the inner world, their karmas are joined and become common to both of them. And if one of these two people has a sexual relation with a third person, the last one will have the accumulated karma of all three people.

It is also important to know that the karmas are joined as well when one receives or donates blood to another person, since blood is a very special fluid.

Knowing this, we can have an idea of how critical the karmic situation of all humankind is.


As was said above, the foundations of Divine Law are justice and mercy. This means that, however hard our karma may be, we can pay it off with good actions and then we will have no more need to suffer.

“When an inferior law is transcended by a superior law, the superior law washes the inferior one".

“Do good works to pay off your debts. Fight the lion of the law with the scales.”

“Whoever has means to pay, will pay and his business will prosper; whoever has no means to pay, will pay with pain.”

If we put good works on one plate of the cosmic scales and bad works on the other one, it is obvious that the karma will depend on which scale plate is heavier.

We are all great debtors, whether by our acts in this life or in other past ones.

For this reason, it is imperative that we change our daily behavior. Instead of protesting if we are in trouble, we should make an effort to help others.

Instead of complaining when we get sick, we should give medication to people who can’t afford it, take people to the doctor that can’t go, etc.

Instead of complaining against people who slander us, we should learn to see things from others’ viewpoint, and abandon once and for all every kind of slander, intrigue, complaining, etc.

Our karma can be forgiven if we eliminate the cause of our mistakes, of our anger, of our envy, of our pride, etc.

The cause of our errors and, therefore, of our suffering is the ego, our psychological defects. The ego makes us unhappy, perverse and miserable.

The world would be a paradise if people would root out from their lives these inhuman abominations.

As we eliminate our own defects, the karma related to each defect is forgiven as well. This is mercy.

We should never complain against our karmic situation, since this can only worsen it.

Karma is a medicine applied to us so that we can see our greatest defects (the cause of our suffering), and begin to elimitate them through mystical death.

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