Monday, October 29, 2012

Chessy: The new Yahoo Games Chess Client

What is ChessY ?
It is a chess client. This state of art program use the backdoor to connect to the serve; Following protocol and letting the user to play manually or automatic; can upload chess engine or replaced chess book, can play fast as no one in 1min.

1. Requirements:

- .Net Framework 2.0

- Chessy

2. Installation:

Simply extract all files to a folder. Do not change the folder structure.

3. Quickstart

Open the program. Go to Connection -> Connect. Type in your Id, Pass and Room (chess_r, chess_adv,...), then press
Connect. Wait until Image appears, then type in the Word in the Image in the bottom textbox an press "Enter Word"
Button. Wait a bit and you should see tables popping up in the main Window. Now you can join or create a Table.
During a Game, on a table, pressing Play will let the engine Autoplay. You can press this anytime during the game.
Stop will stop the engine and you can play again yourself. Make Move: Engine will play only 1 Move. Move Now:
If engine is thinking, this will make engine play immediately.
Remember that this program is a Beta Version right now, so some things may not work and it might also crash. Right now, you should always do the following things, regardless if you play with or without an engine:

Connect to yahoo by Selecting Conncetion -> Connect.

Its the same procedure like in yahoo: Type in your ID and PASS and ROOM (for example chess_adv or chess_k), and click connect.

After that, type the number of the image and then press Enter Number


After this, you can close this dialog.

Now you will see tables appearing. You can either Join a table or create one yourself. To avoid any errors, try to only have at most 1 Table open at once as long as this is a beta.


After you create or join a table, the left side are some commands same like in a real yahoo table. However, on the right side, there are for interesting Buttons:


1. Play

By Pressing this will activate engine play. The engine will continue playing for you. You can press this button any time during the game.

2. Make Move

The Engine will play one move during ur turn, afterwards you will have the control again.

3. Move Now

If its the engine is thinking, makes the engine play immediately

4. Stop

Makes the engine stop playing. You can continue playing yourself.

The other interesting part is the Menu Engine -> Settings.

There are 3 Play Modes:

Normal: The engine will play according to the time left on the clock.
Depth: The engine will calculate until this depth.
Time per Move: The engine will calculate this amount of time.

This should be enough to get you going

Chessy :новые Yahoo Игры Шахматы клиента

Что такое CHESSY ?
Это шахматы клиента. Это состояние искусства программе использовать бэкдор для подключения к служить, в соответствии с протоколом и позволяя пользователю играть вручную или автоматически; можете загрузить движком или заменить шахматы книги , может играть быстро, как никто в 1мин.

1. Требования :

- . Net Framework 2.0

- Chessy

2 . Установка:

Просто извлечь все файлы в папке. Не изменять структуру папок .

3 . Быстрый старт

Откройте программу . К подключения - > Подключить. Введите ваш идентификатор, пропусков и номер ( chess_r , chess_adv , ...) , а затем нажмите
Подключиться. Подождите, пока изображение не появится , то введите слово в изображение в нижнем текстовом поленажмите " Введите слово "
Кнопка . Подождите немного, и вы должны увидеть таблицы появляться в главном окне. Теперь вы можете присоединиться или создать таблицу .
Во время игры на столе , нажав Play позволит двигателю автозапуска . Вы можете нажать это в любое время во время игры.
Стоп остановит двигатель, и вы можете играть еще раз самостоятельно . Сделать Move : Двигатель будет играть только 1 Переместить. Переместить Сейчас:
Если двигатель думает , это сделает игру немедленно двигателя .
Помните, что эта программа является бета-версию прямо сейчас, так что некоторые вещи не могут работать, и это также может произойти сбой. Прямо сейчас, вы всегда должны делать следующие вещи, независимо, если вы играете с или бездвигателя :

Подключение к Yahoo с помощью выбора Conncetion -> Подключить .

Его же процедуру , как и в Yahoo: Введите свой ID и PASS и помещения (например chess_adv или chess_k ) , и нажмите Подключить.

После этого введите номер изображения и нажмите клавишу ВВОД Число


После этого вы можете закрыть этот диалог .

Теперь вы увидите появляющиеся таблицами . Вы можете либо присоединиться к столу или создать его самостоятельно. Чтобы избежать ошибок , постарайтесь только не более 1 таблицы открыты одновременно , пока это бета .


После создания или присоединиться к столу , левую сторону некоторые команды же , как в реальной таблице Yahoo. Тем не менее, с правой стороны , есть интересные Кнопки:


1. играть

При нажатии на эту активирует двигатель игры. Двигатель будет продолжать играть для вас. Вы можете нажать эту кнопку в любое время во время игры.

2 . Сделать переместить

Двигатель будет играть один ход во время ур свою очередь, после этого вы будете иметь контроль снова.

3 . Теперь переместите

Если его двигатель думает , делает двигатель игру немедленно

4 . Стоп

Делает остановки двигателя играет. Вы можете продолжать играть самостоятельно.

Другая интересная частьдвигателя Меню -> Настройки .

Есть 3 режима игры:

Нормальный:двигатель будет играть по времени осталось на часах.
Глубина:двигатель не рассчитает до этой глубины.
Время на ход:двигатель будут рассчитывать этот промежуток времени.

Этого должно быть достаточно , чтобы ты

Chessy :novyye Yahoo Igry Shakhmaty kliyenta

Chto takoye CHESSY ?
Eto shakhmaty kliyenta. Eto sostoyaniye iskusstva programme ispol'zovat' bekdor dlya podklyucheniya k sluzhit', v sootvetstvii s protokolom i pozvolyaya pol'zovatelyu igrat' vruchnuyu ili avtomaticheski; mozhete zagruzit' dvizhkom ili zamenit' shakhmaty knigi , mozhet igrat' bystro, kak nikto v 1min.

1. Trebovaniya :

- . Net Framework 2.0

- Chessy

2 . Ustanovka:

Prosto izvlech' vse fayly v papke. Ne izmenyat' strukturu papok .

3 . Bystryy start

Otkroyte programmu . K podklyucheniya - > Podklyuchit'. Vvedite vash identifikator, propuskov i nomer ( chess_r , chess_adv , ...) , a zatem nazhmite
Podklyuchit'sya. Podozhdite, poka izobrazheniye ne poyavitsya , to vvedite slovo v izobrazheniye v nizhnem tekstovom polenazhmite " Vvedite slovo "
Knopka . Podozhdite nemnogo, i vy dolzhny uvidet' tablitsy poyavlyat'sya v glavnom okne. Teper' vy mozhete prisoyedinit'sya ili sozdat' tablitsu .
Vo vremya igry na stole , nazhav Play pozvolit dvigatelyu avtozapuska . Vy mozhete nazhat' eto v lyuboye vremya vo vremya igry.
Stop ostanovit dvigatel', i vy mozhete igrat' yeshche raz samostoyatel'no . Sdelat' Move : Dvigatel' budet igrat' tol'ko 1 Peremestit'. Peremestit' Seychas:
Yesli dvigatel' dumayet , eto sdelayet igru nemedlenno dvigatelya .
Pomnite, chto eta programma yavlyayetsya beta-versiyu pryamo seychas, tak chto nekotoryye veshchi ne mogut rabotat', i eto takzhe mozhet proizoyti sboy. Pryamo seychas, vy vsegda dolzhny delat' sleduyushchiye veshchi, nezavisimo, yesli vy igrayete s ili bezdvigatelya :

Podklyucheniye k Yahoo s pomoshch'yu vybora Conncetion -> Podklyuchit' .

Yego zhe protseduru , kak i v Yahoo: Vvedite svoy ID i PASS i pomeshcheniya (naprimer chess_adv ili chess_k ) , i nazhmite Podklyuchit'.

Posle etogo vvedite nomer izobrazheniya i nazhmite klavishu VVOD Chislo


Posle etogo vy mozhete zakryt' etot dialog .

Teper' vy uvidite poyavlyayushchiyesya tablitsami . Vy mozhete libo prisoyedinit'sya k stolu ili sozdat' yego samostoyatel'no. Chtoby izbezhat' oshibok , postaraytes' tol'ko ne boleye 1 tablitsy otkryty odnovremenno , poka eto beta .


Posle sozdaniya ili prisoyedinit'sya k stolu , levuyu storonu nekotoryye komandy zhe , kak v real'noy tablitse Yahoo. Tem ne meneye, s pravoy storony , yest' interesnyye Knopki:


1. igrat'

Pri nazhatii na etu aktiviruyet dvigatel' igry. Dvigatel' budet prodolzhat' igrat' dlya vas. Vy mozhete nazhat' etu knopku v lyuboye vremya vo vremya igry.

2 . Sdelat' peremestit'

Dvigatel' budet igrat' odin khod vo vremya ur svoyu ochered', posle etogo vy budete imet' kontrol' snova.

3 . Teper' peremestite

Yesli yego dvigatel' dumayet , delayet dvigatel' igru nemedlenno

4 . Stop

Delayet ostanovki dvigatelya igrayet. Vy mozhete prodolzhat' igrat' samostoyatel'no.

Drugaya interesnaya chast'dvigatelya Menyu -> Nastroyki .

Yest' 3 rezhima igry:

Normal'nyy:dvigatel' budet igrat' po vremeni ostalos' na chasakh.
Glubina:dvigatel' ne rasschitayet do etoy glubiny.
Vremya na khod:dvigatel' budut rasschityvat' etot promezhutok vremeni.

Etogo dolzhno byt' dostatochno , chtoby ty


Chessy : El nuevo Yahoo Games Chess Cliente

¿Qué es Chessy ?
Es un cliente de ajedrez . Este estado de programa de arte utilizar la puerta de atrás para conectar con el saque , siguiendo el protocolo y dejar al usuario reproducir de forma manual o automática, pueden subir motor de ajedrez o reemplazado libro de ajedrez , pueden jugar más rápido que nadie en 1min .

1 . Requisitos:

- . Net Framework 2.0

- Chessy

2 . Instalación:

Basta con extraer todos los archivos en una carpeta . No cambie la estructura de carpetas .

3 . Inicio rápido

Abra el programa . Ir a la conexión - > Conectar. Escriba su ID , Pass y habitaciones ( chess_r , chess_adv , ...) , a continuación, pulse
Conectar. Espere hasta que aparezca la imagen, a continuación, escriba la palabra de la imagen en el cuadro de texto inferior y pulse " Enter Palabra"
Button. Espere un poco y usted debería ver tablas a aparecer en la ventana principal. Ahora usted puede unirse o crear una tabla .
Durante un juego, en una tabla, pulse Play para permitir que el motor de reproducción automática. Puede pulsar este en cualquier momento durante el juego.
Parada apaga el motor y se puede jugar de nuevo a sí mismo . Haga Move : Motor jugará sólo 1 Move. Mueva ahora :
Si el motor está pensando, esto hará que el juego motor inmediatamente .
Recuerde que este programa está en fase BETA en estos momentos , por lo que algunas cosas no funcionen y también se puede bloquear . En este momento , siempre se debe hacer lo siguiente , sin tener en cuenta si juegas con o sin motor :

Conectarse a yahoo por Selección Conncetion -> Conectar.

Es el mismo procedimiento como en yahoo : Escriba su ID y PASS y sala ( por ejemplo chess_adv o chess_k ) y haga clic en conectarse .

Después de eso , escriba el número de la imagen y luego pulse Intro Número


Después de esto , puede cerrar este cuadro de diálogo .

Ahora podrás ver las tablas que aparecen . Usted puede unirse a una mesa o crear uno usted mismo. Para evitar cualquier error , trataría de tener solamente un máximo de 1 Tabla abiertas a la vez , siempre y cuando se trata de una versión beta.


Después de crear o unirse a una mesa, a la izquierda son algunos comandos misma como en una mesa de yahoo real. Sin embargo , en el lado derecho , hay interesantes para Botones:


1 . jugar

Al pulsar este activará el juego motor. El motor seguirá jugando para usted. Puede pulsar este botón en cualquier momento durante el juego.

2 . Hacer Mover

El motor jugará un movimiento durante ur vez, después usted tendrá el control de nuevo.

3 . mueva ahora

Si su motor está pensando, hace que el juego motor inmediatamente

4 . Deténgase

Hace que la parada del motor de juego . Usted puede seguir jugando a sí mismo .

La otra parte interesante es el motor de Menú - > Configuración.

Hay 3 modos de juego :

Normal: El motor se reproducirá de acuerdo con el tiempo en el reloj .
Profundidad : el motor se calculará hasta esta profundidad .
Tiempo por jugada : El motor calcular esta cantidad de tiempo.

Esto debería ser suficiente para que te vas


बाँका : नई याहू के खेल शतरंज क्लाइंट

बाँका क्या है ?
यह एक शतरंज ग्राहक है . कला कार्यक्रम का यह राज्य की सेवा करने के लिए कनेक्ट करने के लिए पिछले दरवाजे का उपयोग करें, निम्न प्रोटोकॉल और उपयोगकर्ता मैन्युअल रूप से या स्वचालित खेलने के लिए दे , शतरंज इंजन को अपलोड या शतरंज किताब की जगह , 1min में कोई नहीं के रूप में तेजी से खेल सकते हैं कर सकते हैं .

1 . आवश्यकताएँ:

- . नेट फ्रेमवर्क 2.0

- Chessy

2 . स्थापना:

बस सभी फाइलों को एक फोल्डर को निकाल सकते हैं. फ़ोल्डर संरचना बदल नहीं है .

3 . quickstart

प्रोग्राम खोलें . कनेक्शन के लिए जाने - > कनेक्ट करें. अपनी आईडी , दर्रे और कक्ष ( chess_r , chess_adv , ...) में टाइप करें , तो प्रेस
कनेक्ट करें. छवि दिखाई देती है जब तक एक प्रेस "शब्द दर्ज करें " नीचे बॉक्स में छवि में वर्ड में फिर प्रकार , रुको
बटन . थोड़ा इंतजार और आप मुख्य विंडो में popping टेबल देखना चाहिए . अब आप में शामिल होने या एक टेबल बना सकते हैं.
एक खेल के दौरान , एक मेज पर , प्ले दबाने इंजन ऑटोप्ले दूँगी . आप खेल के दौरान कभी भी इस प्रेस कर सकते हैं .
बंद करो इंजन बंद हो जाएगा और आप अपने आप को फिर खेल सकते हैं. हटो बनाओ : इंजन केवल 1 हटो खेलेंगे . अब हटो :
इंजन में सोच रही है , तो यह तुरंत इंजन नाटक कर देगा .
इस कार्यक्रम अभी एक बीटा संस्करण है कि याद है , कुछ चीजें काम नहीं कर सकते तो और यह भी दुर्घटना हो सकती है. आप के साथ या एक इंजन के बिना खेलना तो ठीक है अब, आप हमेशा की परवाह किए बिना , निम्नलिखित बातें करना चाहिए :

Conncetion चयन द्वारा याहू से कनेक्ट -> कनेक्ट करें.

इसका एक ही याहू में जैसे प्रक्रिया : अपनी आईडी और पास और कमरे में लिखें ( उदाहरण chess_adv या chess_k के लिए ) , और कनेक्ट क्लिक करें.

उसके बाद, संख्या दर्ज करें तो प्रेस छवि का नंबर लिखें और


इस के बाद, आप इस संवाद को बंद कर सकते हैं .

अब आप तालिकाओं दिखने देखेंगे . आप या तो एक तालिका में शामिल हों या एक अपने आप बना सकते हैं. किसी भी त्रुटि से बचने के लिए , केवल जब तक यह एक बीटा है के रूप में एक ही बार में खुला सबसे कम 1 टेबल की कोशिश है .


आप एक तालिका बनाने या में शामिल होने के बाद, बाईं ओर एक ही तरह कुछ कमांड एक असली याहू तालिका में हैं . हालांकि, सही पक्ष पर , दिलचस्प बटन के लिए कर रहे हैं :


1 . खेल

दबाने से इस इंजन खेलने को चालू कर पायेगा . इंजन आप के लिए खेल जारी रहेगा . आप खेल के दौरान किसी भी समय इस बटन दबा सकते हैं.

2 . हटो बनाओ

इंजन उर बारी के दौरान एक कदम खेलेंगे , बाद में आप फिर से नियंत्रण होगा .

3 . अब हटो

इसके इंजन में सोच रहा है, तो तुरंत इंजन खेलने में आता है

4 . रोक

इंजन रोक खेलने में आता है . तुम अपने आप को खेल जारी कर सकते हैं .

अन्य रोचक हिस्सा मेनू इंजन है -> सेटिंग्स .

3 खेलने के तरीके हैं:

सामान्य : इंजन घड़ी पर छोड़ दिया है समय के अनुसार खेलेंगे .
गहराई: इंजन इस गहराई तक की गणना करेगा .
हटो प्रति समय : इंजन समय की इस राशि की गणना करेगा .

यह तुम जा पाने के लिए पर्याप्त होना चाहिए

संदर्भ :
Bām̐kā: Na'ī yāhū kē khēla śataran̄ja klā'iṇṭa

Bām̐kā kyā hai?
Yaha ēka śataran̄ja grāhaka hai. Kalā kāryakrama kā yaha rājya kī sēvā karanē kē li'ē kanēkṭa karanē kē li'ē pichalē daravājē kā upayōga karēṁ, nimna prōṭōkŏla aura upayōgakartā main'yu'ala rūpa sē yā svacālita khēlanē kē li'ē dē, śataran̄ja in̄jana kō apalōḍa yā śataran̄ja kitāba kī jagaha, 1min mēṁ kō'ī nahīṁ kē rūpa mēṁ tējī sē khēla sakatē haiṁ kara sakatē haiṁ.

1. Āvaśyakatā'ēm̐:

- . Nēṭa phrēmavarka 2.0

- Chessy

2. Sthāpanā:

Basa sabhī phā'ilōṁ kō ēka phōlḍara kō nikāla sakatē haiṁ. Fōlḍara sanracanā badala nahīṁ hai.

3. Quickstart

Prōgrāma khōlēṁ. Kanēkśana kē li'ē jānē - > kanēkṭa karēṁ. Apanī ā'īḍī, darrē aura kakṣa (chess_r, chess_adv, ...) Mēṁ ṭā'ipa karēṁ, tō prēsa
Kanēkṭa karēṁ. Chavi dikhā'ī dētī hai jaba taka ēka prēsa"śabda darja karēṁ" nīcē bŏksa mēṁ chavi mēṁ varḍa mēṁ phira prakāra, rukō
Baṭana. Thōṛā intajāra aura āpa mukhya viṇḍō mēṁ popping ṭēbala dēkhanā cāhi'ē. Aba āpa mēṁ śāmila hōnē yā ēka ṭēbala banā sakatē haiṁ.
Ēka khēla kē daurāna, ēka mēja para, plē dabānē in̄jana ŏṭōplē dūm̐gī. Āpa khēla kē daurāna kabhī bhī isa prēsa kara sakatē haiṁ.
Banda karō in̄jana banda hō jā'ēgā aura āpa apanē āpa kō phira khēla sakatē haiṁ. Haṭō banā'ō: In̄jana kēvala 1 haṭō khēlēṅgē. Aba haṭō:
In̄jana mēṁ sōca rahī hai, tō yaha turanta in̄jana nāṭaka kara dēgā.
Isa kāryakrama abhī ēka bīṭā sanskaraṇa hai ki yāda hai, kucha cījēṁ kāma nahīṁ kara sakatē tō aura yaha bhī durghaṭanā hō sakatī hai. Āpa kē sātha yā ēka in̄jana kē binā khēlanā tō ṭhīka hai aba, āpa hamēśā kī paravāha ki'ē binā, nimnalikhita bātēṁ karanā cāhi'ē:

Conncetion cayana dvārā yāhū sē kanēkṭa -> kanēkṭa karēṁ.

Isakā ēka hī yāhū mēṁ jaisē prakriyā: Apanī ā'īḍī aura pāsa aura kamarē mēṁ likhēṁ (udāharaṇa chess_adv yā chess_k kē li'ē), aura kanēkṭa klika karēṁ.

Usakē bāda, saṅkhyā darja karēṁ tō prēsa chavi kā nambara likhēṁ aura


Isa kē bāda, āpa isa sanvāda kō banda kara sakatē haiṁ.

Aba āpa tālikā'ōṁ dikhanē dēkhēṅgē. Āpa yā tō ēka tālikā mēṁ śāmila hōṁ yā ēka apanē āpa banā sakatē haiṁ. Kisī bhī truṭi sē bacanē kē li'ē, kēvala jaba taka yaha ēka bīṭā hai kē rūpa mēṁ ēka hī bāra mēṁ khulā sabasē kama 1 ṭēbala kī kōśiśa hai.


Āpa ēka tālikā banānē yā mēṁ śāmila hōnē kē bāda, bā'īṁ ōra ēka hī taraha kucha kamāṇḍa ēka asalī yāhū tālikā mēṁ haiṁ. Hālāṅki, sahī pakṣa para, dilacaspa baṭana kē li'ē kara rahē haiṁ:


1. Khēla

Dabānē sē isa in̄jana khēlanē kō cālū kara pāyēgā. In̄jana āpa kē li'ē khēla jārī rahēgā. Āpa khēla kē daurāna kisī bhī samaya isa baṭana dabā sakatē haiṁ.

2. Haṭō banā'ō

In̄jana ura bārī kē daurāna ēka kadama khēlēṅgē, bāda mēṁ āpa phira sē niyantraṇa hōgā.

3. Aba haṭō

Isakē in̄jana mēṁ sōca rahā hai, tō turanta in̄jana khēlanē mēṁ ātā hai

4. Rōka

In̄jana rōka khēlanē mēṁ ātā hai. Tuma apanē āpa kō khēla jārī kara sakatē haiṁ.

An'ya rōcaka his'sā mēnū in̄jana hai -> sēṭiṅgsa.

3 Khēlanē kē tarīkē haiṁ:

Sāmān'ya: In̄jana ghaṛī para chōṛa diyā hai samaya kē anusāra khēlēṅgē.
Gaharā'ī: In̄jana isa gaharā'ī taka kī gaṇanā karēgā.
Haṭō prati samaya: In̄jana samaya kī isa rāśi kī gaṇanā karēgā.

Yaha tuma jā pānē kē li'ē paryāpta hōnā cāhi'ē


Chessy : Le nouveau Yahoo Jeux Echecs client

Quel est Chessy ?
Il s'agit d'un client d'échecs . Cet état de programme d'art d'utiliser la porte dérobée pour se connecter au service; Après protocole et de laisser à l'utilisateur de jouer manuellement ou automatiquement ; peuvent télécharger moteur d'échecs ou remplacés livre d'échecs, peuvent jouer vite que personne dans 1min.

1 . exigences:

- . Net Framework 2.0

- Chessy

2 . Installation:

Il suffit d'extraire tous les fichiers dans un dossier . Ne pas modifier la structure du dossier .

3 . Quickstart

Ouvrez le programme . Aller à la connexion -> Connexion. Tapez votre identifiant , Pass et Chambre ( chess_r , chess_adv , ... ), puis appuyez
Connect. Attendez jusqu'à ce que l'image apparaisse, puis tapez le mot à l'image dans le champ du bas d'une presse " entrez un mot "
Button. Attendez un peu et vous devriez voir les tableaux surgissent dans la fenêtre principale . Maintenant, vous pouvez créer ou rejoindre une table .
Pendant un match , sur une table , en appuyant sur Play laisser le moteur Autoplay . Vous pouvez appuyer sur ce à tout moment pendant le match.
Stop arrête le moteur et vous pouvez jouer à nouveau vous-même. Faire bouger : Moteur jouera seulement 1 Move. Déplacez maintenant :
Si le moteur est la pensée , ce qui fera immédiatement le jeu du moteur.
Rappelez-vous que ce programme est une version bêta pour le moment , de sorte que certaines choses ne fonctionnent pas et il peut aussi se planter. En ce moment, vous devriez toujours faire les choses suivantes, peu importe si vous jouez avec ou sans moteur :

Connectez-vous à yahoo par Sélection Conncetion -> Connexion.

C'est la même procédure comme dans Yahoo : Tapez votre identifiant et votre PASS et la salle ( par exemple chess_adv ou chess_k ) , et cliquez sur Connexion.

Après cela , tapez le numéro de l'image et appuyez sur Entrer numéro


Après cela, vous pouvez fermer cette fenêtre .

Maintenant, vous allez voir les tableaux figurant . Vous pouvez rejoindre une table ou en créer un vous-même. Pour éviter toute erreur , essayez d'avoir qu'au plus 1 Table ouverte à la fois , tant que c'est une beta .


Une fois que vous créez ou rejoignez une table , le côté gauche sont certaines commandes même comme dans une vraie table de yahoo. Cependant, sur le côté droit , il ya des boutons intéressants :


1 . jouer

En appuyant sur cette activera le jeu du moteur. Le moteur continue à jouer pour vous. Vous pouvez appuyer sur cette touche tout moment pendant le match.

2 . faire bouger

Le moteur jouera un déménagement au cours de son tour ur, par la suite , vous aurez à nouveau le contrôle.

3 . Déplacez maintenant

Si son moteur est de penser , fait le jeu du moteur immédiatement

4 . arrêter

Rend l'arrêt du moteur à jouer. Vous pouvez continuer à vous de jouer.

L'autre partie intéressante est le moteur de Menu - > Paramètres .

Il ya 3 modes de jeu :

Normal: le moteur jouera selon le temps restant sur ​​l'horloge.
Profondeur: Le moteur va calculer jusqu'à cette profondeur .
Temps par coup : Le moteur va calculer ce laps de temps.

Cela devrait être suffisant pour vous aider à aller

référence :

Chessy : Die neue Yahoo Schach -Client

Was ist Chessy ?
Es ist ein Schach -Client. Dieser Stand der Technik Programm verwenden die Hintertür an den Aufschlag zu verbinden; folgende Protokoll und lassen die Benutzer manuell oder automatisch zu spielen; kann Schachengine hochladen oder ersetzt Schach Buch , kann schnell zu spielen wie niemand in 1min .

1 . Anforderungen:

- . Net Framework 2.0

- Chessy

2 . Installation:

Entpacken Sie alle Dateien in einem Ordner. Ändern Sie nicht die Ordner-Struktur .

3 . Quickstart

Öffnen Sie das Programm . Zur Verbindung -> Verbinden. Geben Sie Ihre ID , Pass und Zimmer ( chess_r , chess_adv , ...) , und drücken Sie
Verbinden. Warten Sie , bis das Bild erscheint , dann geben Sie das Wort im Bild in der unteren Textfeld und drücken Sie " Enter Wort "
Knopf . Warten Sie ein bisschen , und Sie sollten Tabellen Aufspringen im Hauptfenster zu sehen. Jetzt können Sie beitreten oder erstellen Sie eine Tabelle .
Während eines Spiels , auf einem Tisch, wird Play drücken lassen den Motor Autoplay . Sie können dies jederzeit während des Spiels drücken .
Stopp stoppt den Motor , und Sie können wieder selbst spielen . Machen Unterwegs : Motor wird nur 1 Bewegung spielen . Bewegen Sie jetzt :
Wenn der Motor denkt , wird dieser Motor Spiel sofort zu machen.
Denken Sie daran, dass dieses Programm eine Beta Version ist gerade jetzt, so einige Dinge, die nicht funktionieren , und es könnte auch abstürzen. Gerade jetzt, sollten Sie immer die folgenden Dinge tun , unabhängig davon, ob Sie mit oder ohne Motor zu spielen :

Connect to yahoo indem Sie Conncetion -> Verbinden.

Es ist die gleiche Prozedur wie in yahoo : Geben Sie Ihre ID und PASS und ROOM (z. B. chess_adv oder chess_k ) , und klicken Sie auf Verbinden .

Danach geben Sie die Nummer des Bildes und drücken Sie dann die Nummer eingeben


Danach können Sie das Dialogfeld schließen .

Nun sehen Sie Tabellen erscheinen . Sie können sich entweder einer Tabelle oder selbst erstellen . Um Fehler zu vermeiden , versuchen Sie, nur höchstens 1 Tabelle auf einmal öffnen , solange dies eine Beta ist .


Nachdem Sie erstellen oder beitreten Tisch, sind auf der linken Seite einige Befehle gleichen wie in einem echten yahoo Tisch. Doch auf der rechten Seite , gibt es für interessante Buttons:


1 . spielen

Durch Drücken dieser aktiviert Motors spielen . Der Motor wird weiter spielen für Sie. Sie können diese Taste jederzeit während des Spiels.

2 . Machen Bewegen

Der Motor wird während einer Bewegung ur wiederum spielen , danach werden Sie die Kontrolle wieder zu haben.

3 . Bewegen Sie nun

Wenn der Motor seine denkt , macht den Motor sofort spielen

4 . Stoppen

Macht der Motor gestoppt. Sie können weiterspielen sich .

Die andere interessante Teil ist der Motor Menü -> Einstellungen .

Es gibt 3 Spielmodi :

Normal: Der Motor wird nach der Zeit auf der Uhr zu spielen.
Tiefe: Der Motor wird bis in diese Tiefe zu berechnen.
Zeit pro Zug : Der Motor berechnen diese Zeit .

Dies sollte ausreichen, um Sie gehen

Chessy : Yeni Yahoo Oyunları Satranç Müşteri

Chessy nedir ?
Bu bir satranç istemcisi. Sanat programı Bu durumhizmet bağlanmak için arka kapı kullanmak ; ardından protokol ve kullanıcı manuel veya otomatik oynamak için izin ; satranç motoru yüklemek veya satranç kitap yerine , 1dk hiç kimse kadar hızlı oynayabilirsiniz .

1 . Koşullar :

- . Net Framework 2.0

- Chessy

2 . kurulum:

Sadece tüm dosyaları bir klasöre ayıklayın. Klasör yapısını değiştirmeyin .

3 . Hızlı başlangıç

Programını açın . Bağlantı git - > bağlayın. Sizin Kimliği , pas ve Odası ( chess_r , chess_adv , ... ) yazın , ardından basın
Bağlayın. Resim görünene kadar bir basın " Kelime girin " alt metin kutusunaResimWord'de yazın , bekleyin
Düğme . Biraz bekleyin ve ana Pencere kadar haşhaş tablo görmelisiniz . Şimdi katılmak ya da bir tablo oluşturabilirsiniz.
Bir oyun sırasında , bir masada , Çal basarakmotoru Otomatik izin verir . Eğer oyun sırasında her zaman bu basabilirsiniz .
Durdur motoru durur ve tekrar kendinizi oynayabilirsiniz . Hareket edin: Motor sadece 1 hareket oynayacak . Şimdi taşı:
Motor düşünüyor , bu hemen motor oyun yapacaktır.
Bu program şu anda Beta olduğunu unutmayın , bazı işlerin olmayabilir ve aynı zamanda çökebilir . Sizinle ya da bir motor olmadan oynarsak Şu anda , her zaman ne olursa olsun , aşağıdaki şeyler yapmak gerekir :

Conncetion seçilmesi ile yahoo bağlan - > bağlayın.

Onun aynı yahoo gibi işlem : kimlik ve PASS ve ODA yazın ( örneğin chess_adv veya chess_k için ) , ve bağlayın tıklatın .

Bundan sonra , Sayı Enter tuşuna basın resmin numarasını yazın ve


Bundan sonra, bu iletişim kapatabilirsiniz .

Şimdi tablo görünen göreceksiniz . Ya bir tablo tarihi veya kendiniz oluşturabilirsiniz. Herhangi bir hata önlemek için , sadece sürece bu bir beta olarak aynı anda açık en fazla 1 Tablo sahip olmak istiyoruz .


Bir tablo oluşturmak veya katıldıktan sonra , sol tarafında aynı gibi bazı komutları gerçek yahoo tablo bulunmaktadır. Ancak, sağ tarafta , ilginç düğmeler için vardır:


1 . oyun

Basıldığında bu motor oyun aktive eder . Motor sizin için oynamaya devam edecektir . Eğer oyun sırasında herhangi bir zamanda bu düğmeye basabilirsiniz .

2 . Taşı olun

Motor ur dönüş sırasında bir hareket oynayacak , sonra tekrar kontrole sahip olacak.

3 . Şimdi Taşı

Onun motor düşünüyor , hemenmotor oyun yapar

4 . durdurmak

Motor durdurma oyun yapar . Kendinizi oynamaya devam edebilirsiniz .

Diğer ilginç kısmı Menu motorudur - > Ayarlar .

3 Çalma Modları vardır :

Normal : Motorsaat kalan zamana göre oynayacak .
Derinlik: Motor Bu derinliğe kadar hesaplar .
Taşı başına zaman:motor bu kadar süre hesaplar .

Bu gidiyorsun almak için yeterli olacaktır
referans :

Ten Most Used BitTorrent Sites:

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The Ten Most Dangerous Mistakes YOU Probably Make With Women— And What To Do About It...

The Ten Most Dangerous Mistakes YOU Probably
Make With Women—
And What To Do About It...

Here Are The Top Ten Reasons Why Men Fail With Women—And How To Make Sure YOU Avoid Every One Of These Deadly Common Mistakes...

-By David DeAngelo, Author Of “Double Your Dating”

MISTAKE #1: Being Too Much Of A “Nice Guy”

Have you ever noticed that the really attractive women never seem to be attracted "nice" guys?

Of course you have.

Just like me, I'm sure you've had attractive female friends that always seemed to date "jerks"... but for some reason they were never romantically interested in YOU.

What's going on here?

It's actually very simple...

Women don't base their choices of men on how "nice" a guy is. They choose the men they do because they feel a powerful GUT LEVEL ATTRACTION for them.

And guess what?

Being nice doesn't make a woman FEEL that powerful ATTRACTION.

And being NICE doesn't make a woman CHOOSE you.

I realize that this doesn't make a lot of logical sense, and it's hard to ACCEPT... but GET OVER IT.

Until you accept this FACT and begin to act on it, you'll NEVER have the success with women that you want.

MISTAKE #2: Trying To “Convince Her To Like You"

What do most guys do when they meet a woman that they REALLY like... but she's just notinterested?

Right! They try to "convince" the woman to feel differently.


Never, ever, EVER.

You cannot CONVINCE a woman to feel differently about you with "logic and reasoning".

Think about it.

If a woman doesn't "feel it" for you, how in the world do you expect to change that FEELING by being "reasonable" with her?

But we all do it.

When a woman just isn't interested, we beg, plead, chase, and do our best to change her mind.

Bad idea. One that will never work.

MISTAKE #3: Looking To Her For Approval Or Permission

In our desire to please women (which we mistakenly think will make them like us), us guys are always doing things to get a woman's "approval" or "permission".

Another HORRIBLE idea.

Women are NEVER attracted to the types of men who kiss up to them... EVER.

Don't get me wrong here.

You don't have to treat women BADLY for them to like you.

But if you think that treating a woman well means "always getting her approval and permission for things", think again.

You will never succeed by looking for approval. Women actually get ANNOYED at men who seek their approval.

Doubt me? Just ask any attractive woman if Wussy guys who chase her around and want her approval annoy her...

MISTAKE #4: Trying To “Buy” Her Affection With Food And Gifts

How many times have you taken a woman out to a nice dinner, bought her gifts and flowers, and had her REJECT you for someone who didn't treat her even HALF as well as you did?

If you're like me, then you've had it happen a LOT.

Well guess what?

It's only NATURAL when this happens...

That's right, I said NATURAL.

When you do these things, you send a clear message:

"I don't think you'll like me for who I am, so I'm going to try to buy your attention and affection".

Your good intentions usually come across to women as over-compensation for insecurity, and weak attempts at manipulation. That's right, I said that women see this as MANIPULATION.

MISTAKE #5: Sharing “How You Feel” Too Early In The Relationship With Her

Another huge and unfortunate mistake that most men make with women is sharing how they "feel" too early on.

Attractive women are rare.

And they get a LOT of attention from men.

Most men don't realize this, but attractive women are being approached in one way or another ALL THE

An attractive woman is often approached several times a DAY by men who are interested. This translate into dozens of times per week, and often HUNDREDS of times per month.

And guess what?

Attractive women have usually dated a LOT of men.

That's right. They have EXPERIENCE.

They know what to expect.

And one thing that turns an attractive women off and sends her running away faster than just about anything is a guy who starts saying "You know, I really, REALLY like you" after one or two dates.

This signals to the woman that you're just like all the other guys who fall for her too fast... and can't control themselves.

Don't do it. Lean back. Relax.

There's a much better way...

MISTAKE #6: Not “Getting” How Attraction Works For Women

Women are VERY different from men when it comes to ATTRACTION.

You need to accept this fact, and deal with it.

When a man sees a beautiful, young, sexy woman, he INSTANTLY feels a sexual attraction.

But does the same apply for women?

Do women feel sexual attraction to men based mostly on looks? Or is something else going on?

Well, after studying this topic for over five full years now, I can tell you that women usually have their "attraction mechanisms" triggered by things OTHER than looks.

Have you ever noticed that you see a lot more average and unattractive men with beautiful women than the other way around?

Think about it.

Women are more attracted to certain qualities in men... and they're attracted to the way a man makes them FEEL than they are to looks alone.

If you know how to use your body language and communication correctly, you can make women feel the same kind of powerful sexual attraction to you that YOU feel when you see a hot, sexy young woman.

But it's not an accident. You have to LEARN how to do this.

And ANY guy can learn how...

MISTAKE #7: Thinking That It Takes Money And Looks

One of the most common mistakes that guys make is giving up before they've even gotten started... because they think that attractive women are only interested in men who have looks and money... or guys who are a certain height... or guys who are a certain age.

And sure, there are some women who are only interested in these things.

But MOST women are far more interested in a man's personality than his wallet or his looks.

There are personality traits that attract women like a magnet...

And if you learn what they are and how to use them, YOU can be one of these guys.

YOU DO NOT have to "settle" for a woman just because you aren't rich, tall, or handsome.

Let me say this again: If you know how to use your body language and communication correctly, you can make women feel the same kind of powerful sexual attraction to you that YOU feel when you see a hot, sexy young woman.

MISTAKE #8: Giving Away All Of Your Power To Women

Earlier I mentioned that it's a mistake to look to a woman for approval or permission.

Well, another similar tactic that a lot of guys use is GIVING AWAY THEIR POWER to women.

Said differently, guys try to get women to like them by doing whatever the woman wants.

Another bad idea...

Women are NEVER attracted to men that they can walk all over... Women aren't attracted to Wussies!

MISTAKE #9: Not Knowing EXACTLY What To Do In Each Type Of Situation With Women

Now I'm going to blow your mind...

A woman ALWAYS knows what you're thinking.

Women are approximately TEN TIMES better than men at reading body language. That's ten TIMES.

I know, it might be hard to believe. But for example, if you're out on a date with a woman, and you want to kiss her, she knows it.

And if you don't know exactly what to do and exactly HOW to kiss her, and you just sit there looking at her and getting nervous, she won't help!

And this goes for ALL aspects of women and dating...

Approaching a woman, getting her number, asking her out, kissing her, getting physical... everything.

If you don't know what to do in each situation, you will probably screw it up... and LOSE EVERYTHING.

And you KNOW it.

It is VITALLY important that you know EXACTLY how to go from one step to the next with a woman... from the first meeting, all the way to the bedroom.

MISTAKE #10: Not Getting HELP

This is the biggest mistake of all.

This is the mistake that keeps most men from EVER having the kind of success with women that they truly want.

I know, guys don't like to make themselves look weak or helpless. We don't like to ask for help.

Hey, I've been there myself.

Let me tell you a little about me and how I figured out how to be successful with women...

About five years ago I became fed up with the fact that I didn't know how to approach, meet, and get dates with women that I was attracted to.

It frustrated the hell out of me.

One night I was out with a friend, and I saw a woman I wanted to ask out, but I just couldn't get up the nerve to do it. I can still remember that night... right on the spot I made the decision to do whatever it took to learn how to be successful with women and dating.

Well, after a lot of hard work and trying all kinds of crazy things, I finally figured it all out.

I can now approach just about any woman and get her number almost instantly. I've dated models, I've dated actresses, and I've dated nice, normal, regular girls as well.

It has been a very rewarding experience. I no longer feel that sick, insecure feeling... like I don't know how to meet women... and I might wind up alone.

I know that anytime, anywhere, I can go out and meet attractive women

Sunday, October 28, 2012

A Guide To Hacking and Its Culture:Chapter 1

A Guide To Hacking and Its Culture
Creeping Death 2000
PREFACE : This is the first of a number of texts on Hacking and its
          I dont take responsibility for your actions etc.
          This section gives a little background into why hacking is
          so popular, and also the different types of hacker. There
          is also a section on what myths surround hacking and some
          encouraging news for people finding it tough ....
Contents :
        1. Why hack ?
        2. What is a hacker anyway ?
               2a. What types of hacker are there ?
               2b. Are hackers nerds and social retards ?
               2c. What are hackers like as people ?
        3. What should I be aware of before starting ?
        4. Isnt Hacking extremely difficult ?
               4a. Hacking Myths
               4b. Programming
               4c. Time 
               4d. Script Kiddies
               4e. Trojans
        5. I dont have Unix !
               5a. Windows and Hacking
               5b. Linux
               END NOTES
Hacking is an entire culture. Some people like football, some people
like sitting at the mall watching others go by, and some people live
in their computers. Hackers fall in the latter section. Why do people
hack? There are a number of reasons. Im not going to say this is what
hacking is, because different people have different opinions and
beliefs, like all things. If you find your computer and its
environment fascinating then you could be classed as a hacker. If you
start hacking you will begin to enjoy it more and more. I used to
enjoy hacking as a pastime, but come the weekend Id still go out and
get drunk, maybe go to the cinema and the like. But as I got more and
more into it, I started to stay in with some beer and simply play on
the computer. Even if I was unsuccessful in my goals, I still had a
sense of satisfaction from what I was doing. Consider a worthwhile
anology to Dungeons and Dragons, while this was a game to some, others
lived it, enjoying and feeling every minute of it. Hack enough, and
you too will experience this feeling.
There are a number of different types of hacker, so I will describe
them all. Many people fall into a number of different categories,
depending on interests and strangly time and mood. Youll understand in
a minute ...
White hat hackers are those people who have used hacking perhaps as a
job, eg security professional, or some other form, but do not do
anything illegal (ie have permission) and do no damage. Since most
people cant get grants to hack the local University, even if you do no
damage people will still punish you. There have been many people who
have made a living out of hacking. The black hat hacker is someone who
hacks without staying within the boundries of the law. Basically
someone who still doesnt do any damage but doesnt get permission to do
it. Most of us fall inside this bracket. We only do it illegally
because these laws have been made to try and stop malicous hackers and
we have to use the same techniques. Which brings us to malicous
hackers. These people are also called crackers (although thats also
another subset!). MHackers crack systems and do damage or use
information for illict gain, eg someone who steals passwords for a
system and then uses them to access important information to sell to
another company. MHackers are the ones you read about in the papers
and many of them are Script Kiddies. 
Script Kiddies are basicaly people who simply use a program written by
an actual hacker to hack a system without understanding why any of it
is happening. These people are also often the same ones that despise
newbies and give them a hard time. Newbies are those people who want
to learn to hack, and are new to it. They inevitably end up saying
something 'lame' on a posting and get flamed by Script Kiddies.
Everyone was a newbie at one point, even Kevin Mitnick. Newbies should
try and learn lots before saying anything on a board. Elite hackers
are also typically Script Kiddies. They have more distinction from
SKiddies becuase they mispell words with numbers, eg a 3 means an E.
They typically also distibute warez, or pirate software and also hate
newbies. A cracker, unlike the MHacker, is a really good programmer
who can bypass features of software that make it unuseable. They also
crack passwords and the like, although these are skills any hacker
should have. 
The old style hacker is someone with a exceptional knowledge of
anything to do with computers. Most enthusiasts fall under this
category without knowing it. In fact, the average ten year old that
can connect to the Internet and write small programs maybe in BASIC,
could be classed as a hacker back in the seventies. Although thats a
bit of an extreme example.
What am I? Not completly sure myself! I like to learn about computers
and anything to do with them. Hacking for me is all the things we
shouldnt be able to do, but can. I like hacking because it tests my
mind and challenges me. Hitting a ball at a net does not.
Some hackers are. It stands to reason. If you want to learn everything
about a particular system its going to take a lot of time and
dedication. As I said before I rarely go out anymore, prefering to
stay at home and learn about computers. This has the side effect of me
becoming known as a nerd or computer freak, but Im comfortable with
that. Some people like to do a little hacking and retain their social
life outside of networks, but many of us would rather play on a
computer. Its a lot like a hobby again. Some guys love playing
football, and would spend maybe two or three hours outside kicking a
ball. The only reason no one calls them a nerd is because they are
actually outside and people can at least see them. With hackers, the
only way you see them is if you cook them food and wait outside their
room with it...
I can only speak from personal experience. I do have friends and most
people like me as who I am. There are always some that no matter what,
are intolerent of you, but that happens in all circles. Hackers are
typically no different than everyone else, only they get excited about
anything to do with a computer. Plus they are sometimes a little more
intelligent than your average Joe Citizen. Many people turn to hacking
to stimulate their mind and challenge them the way nothing else can. I
am in much the same boat as these people, with the added bonus that Im
crap with trying to form relationships, so Ive got to the stage where
I dont even try anymore out of fear. Ask my friends which would I
prefer, a girl or a PC, and unfortunatly I'd say a PC cos its pretty
much all I have at the minute ... :(
In general hackers are just like everyone else, although we are not
like the people in the film Hackers, and hacking is not like that. No
one runs around with copies of the Rainbow books, but we may
occasionally get excited about some new technique ;)
A number of things. Firstly, be aware that this is illegal in almost
all cases. When you change a program that is breach of copyright. When
you portscan, that is, well im sure there is some law that covers it
:). Another important thing to be aware of is that you should be
prepared to give up a lot of time! Hacking is all about learning, and
to learn things effectivly, you must study a lot. Reading is the key.
The benefit is, that the material you will read is stimulating and
only helps you to develop as a hacker and shape your identity.
Slightly romatic, but its true. Having read constantly about computer
since I was introduced to them, I have become known as a hacker in
whatever place I end up. In school Im refered to as a hacker, in work
Im a hacker and amongst friends im either a hacker or some drunk guy
that knows about computers. 
Another thing to note is that you WILL find it tough going. Trying to
learn a number of programming languages at once, and trying out all
this stuff will test your concentration and mental resources to the
point that you'll get pissed off becuase you just cant quite work out
how a buffer overflow works (personal experience, which resulted in me
kicking all around me until I almost broke my foot). The difficulty in
learning this stuff is, a lot of time youll find either highly complex
texts on the net, or else wannabe bullshit. This is especially true in
the underground. When I was solely interested in explosives, I would
be sitting reading such crap, Im surprised it was even released online
it was that poor. People talking about using caesium and water to
build a bomb, when caesium can only exist for about a second before
decomposing, and they where talking about using a pound of the stuff!
Still, you will find some good tutorials, and I hope that this one is
added to the list of decent files, and that people find it helpful.
Hacking is not about sitting in front of a computer until your eyes
bleed. It most definitly is not like the film hackers, although I wish
I could at least have a group of people I knew that liked hacking as
much as they did. Here in Ireland, you're hard pushed to find anybody
interested in such things to the same degree as me, but still, thats
why god invented message boards. My personal favourite is the NewOrder
board. They are very friendly towards all levels of people, and
understand that not everyone can program in every language under the
sun. Hacking is not diffcult if you really want to learn it. It might
be hard to understand at first, but thats where the benefit of it
comes from. The satisfaction of understanding,say the buffer overflow,
is worth the probably literal pain that it took to learn about it.
Hacking is also not about just accessing a network. Hacking can be
from changing your own system in an original way, to learning how to
program in a language. Hacking is about computers and anything to do
with them, although networks are the most widespread area of hacking.
This is an essential skill. If you cant program you'll never fully
understand an exploit and become a script kiddie (and we wouldnt want
that). While many stress that BASIC is no good and have a high degree
of spite for it, its still a nice language to start with. You learn
the concepts of problem solving and it can be powerful to a limited
degree, but to get serious you really need to learn C. This opens up
the doors to a number of different languages. With an understanding of
C, you will be able to see why an exploit works, learn Java and C++
pretty quickly and have more respect in the hacker world. It can be
learnt as a first language although it will be more heavy going.
Learning HTML is good but not essential, although its so easy, you
should be able to anyway. While many frown on Visual Basic, its still
pretty good to learn a bit about it, because it comes in to some
exploits as VBasic Script (for web pages) and plus is the new virus
writing language (VBasic for Application [VBA]). Above all, persevre
with it and you will get more than you put in back.
4c. TIME
Be prepared to give up a lot of time for your purusit of knowledge. I
spent nearly three years learning about the internet and networking
and have only now started to write tutorials. Ive been programming for
close to ten years and although Im no genius when it comes to writing
progs, im proficent enough to understand code and can change it when
nessacary. You'll more than likely be regarded as some freak, but
thats a small price to pay for the benefits of becoming a hacker.
As stated before script kiddies are people who like to think they
hack, but just use someone else's code or exploit to hack a system and
then run amock on it. It is however ok to use a script if you have
given it time to understand it and learn about it. I wouldnt have been
able to write a c script to produce a DoS attack, but after I read
through the code, I could understand it and make it my own. It is this
ability that makes a real hacker. You are not expected to code every
bit of software you use. If we all did that, nobody would do any
hacking, and there would be thousands of the same bits of software
with just the name changed !
Trojons are useful tools to the newbie hacker. A trojon is a program
that pretends to do one thing while doing another. They can let you
access someones computer and we'll dicuss this in a later chapter. I
thought Id include it here, just to let everyone know that was being
put off by this, that you can get control of a system fairly easily,
and you'll learn how in the next chapter.
You can effectivly hack with windows. UNIX is not essential for many
hacks, although it is needed for some types of hack, and can make your
life much easier. UNIX can be daunting for some, especially if your'e
used to Windows, but this is where LINUX comes into play. UNIX gives
you a lot of power on the web, but as many people reading this will
have some form of Windows, I will centre most of it around this
Many of the machines found at schools and colleges run Windows 9x or
NT anyway, and this will make a nice movement to hacking. UNIX systems
are more network orientated, but with the development of LINUX, this
strict classification has changed.
LINUX is a GUI form of UNIX that resembles Windows. It has all the
power of UNIX, with the ease of a GUI system. The benefit of UNIX OS's
is that they have open source making them developable and tailorable.
Plus, UNIX systems are free! You usally only pay for the packaging or
a program that comes with it, eg Corels 'Blue LINUX' with Corel Draw.
Popular LINUX 'flavours' (types) include Slackware and Redhat. LINUX
can be installed on a windows machine without re-partitioning so you
can have both operating systems for ease of use. UNIX can be
downloaded from many FTP sites, but dont worry about getting it just
Thats it for this chapter. In the next one, we'll learn about Windows
and little tricks we can play to impress the people at school or work.
There are important lessons to be learnt there also.
Creeping Death
 To be continued.....

Rasputin—El Monje Maldito—

—El Monje Maldito—


A pesar de la prevalencia de la Iglesia Ortodoxa, existieron en Rusia, durante los siglos XVIII y XIX conocidas sectas religiosas eróticas. La evidencia indica que eran lideradas y dirigidas por hombres cuya visión, capacidades, prácticas y objetivos los revelaban como satanistas de primer orden. La secta de los khlysty [flagelantes] es un ejemplo más representativo que cualquier otro. Estos hombres sabios eran concientes de que las pasiones siempre terminan ganando. A primera vista, la "santa" justificación del placer y la lujuría que daban los sacerdotes de los Khlysty parecen hipocritas, pero cuando uno entiende el clima religioso que habia en Rusia bajo los Zares, estos mismos argumentos resultan claramente pragmáticos.

La respuesta religiosa rusa ha sido siempre conocida por su sensualidad extrema, y su alta carga emocinal. Para los rusos la extravagancia de su ritual ha jugado consistentemente un papel sustancial. Y el patrón de embriaguez, desenfreno y libertinaje seguido por un arrepentimiento contrito y angustiado estaba frecuentemente más alla de la comprensión de occidente.

¿Quiénes eran y de donde vienen los khlysty? Aparecieron por primera vez en Rusia por la misma epoca que sus antagonistas, sus hermanos "separados", los skopcy, o "castradores" (alrededor del año 1.500). Su ritual, aunque era ruso, también contenía algunas adaptaciones foráneas. Celebraban de palabra y hecho a dioses antiguos y divinidades precristianas, a dioses como Ialiro y Rusalky, que eran la personificación de la pasión y el deseo, y al Bomoboy, o genio tutelar. Los dioses invocaban a dioses biblícos del placer, así como a oscuros demonios, como Balaam, y a deidades persas como Kors. En el ritual de estos "perseguidores del goce" sus giros y circunvoluciones, seguidos de una frenética actividad sexual, eran virtualmente indistinguibles de la danza extática de los derviches.

Indudablemente el más feaciente testimonio de la influencia de sectas foráreas sobre los khlysty era su dogma del "arrepentimiento a través del pecado" —la proposición que el intercambio físico con un elegido, o una "divinidad" (alguien en quien habita un dios o bien el fuego de dios) terminaría por aboler y transformar el pecado en virtud. Aunque difiere levemente, esta doctrina tiene un asombroso parecido, a la predicada por los Hermanos del Espirtu Libre en Francia, Alemania y Checoslovaquia en los siglos XV y XVI. Los Hermanos del Espiritu Libre era una secta de disidentes abortados del útero de su Madre Iglesia Romana. Enseñaban que dentro de cada ser humano habita una pequeña chispa divina. Creían que un pequeño reconocimiento de esta esencia mágica dentro de cada hombre era suficiente para liberarse de cualquier tipo de restricciones, ya fueran sociales, sexuales o intelectuales.

A través de su historia, los rusos han sido predominantemente receptivos, aunque a veces quijotescos. Y a pesar del mito contemporáneo de la igualdad de clases, pueden hallar su lugar con mucha facilidad y reconciliarse con ello. La intriga y el cambio siempre han provenido de las más extrañas esferas. La doctrina de la llama interna fue por tanto, facilmente adaptada para que se acoplace al "alma" rusa. En lugar de cincuenta dioses menores de una congregación en busca de su divinidad, un lider humano se hacia divino. Todos se inclinaban con devoción ante este maestro o líder. Era quien los liberaría del pecado. A esto lo acompañaba el uso de un formato de liturgia ortodoxa completamente transformado, persistentemente entrelazado a los rituales. Asociado con este fenómeno, hallamos al maestro ruso y villano conveniente, Grigorig Efimovich Rasputin, el "monje loco" quien, a través de la fuerza de su personalidad, y el encanto de una naturaleza algo ambigua, tuvo éxito al detener los ataques hemofílicos del zarevich integrandose así en los circulos internos de la corte del Zar. Los khlysty han recibido mucha de la fama que tienen a través de su presunta asociación con Rasputin. Aunque toneladas de libros han sido escritos sobre el, solamente uno, la perceptiva biografía de Colin Wilson, parece dibujar su retraro con bastante percepción. Si uno tiene suficiente perspectiva, las memorias de Maria la hija de Rasputin, es bastante esclarecedora. Las cualidades poseiadas por Rasputin serán algún día el material a partier del cual se simentara la busqueda de la grandeza humana —el tipo de grandeza que hace avanzar al hombre en su desarrollo evolutivo. Algunos vieron esta grandeza en Rasputin y sintieron su efecto en formas que no podían entender, formas que incrementaban el dolor de su propia incompetencia. Debido a que utilizaba este mecanismo interno, este "detector de incompetencia", Rasputin se granjeó muchos enemigos, al igual que muchos psicofantes.

Es importante anotar que las personas que llevaron a Rasputin a San Petesburgo y lo presentaron a la corte no eran ocultistas de pacotilla, sino miembros prominentes de la aristocracia clerical y de la intelligentsia urbana. Diletantes y santos (principalmente John de Cronstadt) lo consideraban un hombre santo con poderes de Dios. (Sin embargo después de su muerte lo condenaron como un diablo). Relatos de sus incliaciones extremas y sus excesos florecian por doquier en la ciudad. Se decia que había cierta emanación azulada que parecia emerger de sus labios. Se le atribuía una capacidad escalofriante para percibir los pensamientos y las emociones ocultas de otros. Esto es sustentado por sus propias palabras, que tambien refutan en los argumentos de quienes buscaban desacreditarlo al insinuar que entre sus "vicios" estaba el hurto. Su hija, Maria, recuerda a su padre diciendo: "Nunca me atrevi a robar ni el más pequeño objeto. Solía creer que todos se darían cuenta de una vez que yo habia robado algo, ya que yo mismo notaba cuando uno de mis camaradas había robado."

Sus capacidades curativas fueron reconocidas y ampliamente divulgadas, sin embargo no lo fueron sus métodos, ya que el de Rasputin no era un chamanismo comun y corriente, propio del curandero. Su presunta vida libidinosa, libertina y extravagante ha sido el sujeto de incontables y purulentos ataques, al igual que su inexistente papel de lider-redentor en la secta de los khlysty. Que Rasputin se involucrara en una camarilla política esta fuera de duda. A pesar de su histrionismo, y de que era bastante impulsivo, franco y abierto, no era alguien fácil de impresionar, y probablemente tenía un alto nivel de inteligencia natural. Sin embargo, poco se sabe de las reuniones secretas que tenían lugar en "noches especiales" del año, en las cuales sólo se admitian unas pocas personas, tanto nobles como plebeyos —noches a las cuales se aludía pero que no se discutían, donde Rasputin era "la llama roja" y se llevaba a cabo "la gran obra".

Cuando Alejandra, la emperatriz de Rusia, fue ejecutada en el sótano de la casa Ipatiev en 1.918, dos años después del cruel asesinato de su bathiuska Grigorig, los guardias hicieron un descubrimieno único. Mientras buscaban joyas entre sus poseciones, encontraron un par de dragones verdes tallados en esmeralda cosidos a su corse, que Rasputin le había regalado muchos años atrás. ¿Podría ser que Rasputin alla tenido tratos con El Dragón Verde, la extraña orden hermética extendida por todas las Rusias? También hay muchas especulaciones sobre las verdaderas motivaciones del movimiento khlysty de fin de siècle

Historia de la Grafología


Grafología Laboral
¿Cómo son tus compañeros de trabajo?

Historia de la Grafología

En el siglo IV a. de Cristo se encontraba muy desarrollada, la modalidad china de escritura denominada de "hierba". Kuo Jo-Hsu (1110-1060 a. C.) concedió cierta importancia a la caligrafía cuando cuando señaló: "La escritura muestra indefectiblemente si procede de una mente noble o de una persona vulgar".
En la Euro de la Alta Edad Media, la escritura era practicada por los monjes de un modo profesional. Durante los siglos XII y XIII su uso se generalizó entre las personas educadas. Ya en el Renacimiento,, aprender a escribir era un deseo general. Los académicos e investigadores de la época comenzaron los primeros estudios sobre el tema. Como fruto de sus investigaciones, pudieron demostrar que Aristóteles ya se había mostrado interesado por la conexión entre la escritura y la personalidad.
El primer libro sobre grafología apareció en Bolonia a comienzos del siglo XVII. Su título fue Ideografía. A continuación, en 1622, apareció el tratado de Camilo Baldi. En su libro señalaba: "Es evidente que cada persona escribe de un modo propio y peculiar, que no puede ser imitado por otro individuo". Su obra fue el primer paso para la constitución de la grafología como ciencia.

El color de la tinta que cada persona prefiere para escribir revela características de su conducta. Anticipe el destino laboral de sus compañeros de trabajo.

La elección de un determinado color de tinta, la que utilizamos con más frecuencia para escribir en nuestro trabajo, tiene una enorme importancia para el análisis grafológico de la personalidad. Los especialistas en esta materia tienen en cuenta no sólo el tipo de letra sino también el simbolismo de los colores utilizados. Este análisis se efectúa mediante una técnica conocida como el Test de los colores de Luscher, en el cual la persona debe escoger uno, entre varios bolígrafos de tintas de diferentes colores. Para los grafólogos esta elección puede mostrar, por ejemplo, como se comporta un individuo en la esfera afectiva, como se comporta en el ámbito laboral, cuáles son sus intereses, sus preocupaciones e intenciones ocultas.
Basándose en estos conocimientos de la grafología, usted puede descubrir facetas interesantes no sólo de sí mismo sino de las personas con las que comparte a diario un ámbito laboral. Para eso debe tener en cuenta el color el color que con mayor frecuencia utiliza para escribir o preguntarle que color elegiría.
A continuación, explicamos el significado que cada elección revela.

Tinta Azul
El mejor compañero.

La preferencia por esta tinta revela a una persona de un gran equilibrio emocional. Se trata de alguien apegado a las tradiciones, que adora recordar los momentos felices. Gracias a su ánimo simple y cariñoso, conquista la simpatía de todos. Sensible, sentimental y soñadora, es una persona a quien le gusta que sus relaciones amorosas tengan una amplia base de romanticismo. Debe usar su aguda intuición para encontrar respuestas cuando las dudas lo asalten. Esta capacitada para ejercer el liderazgo en el ámbito laboral, pero muchas veces su propia bondaz de carácter la posterga. Debe buscar el equilibrio entre su bondad y su capacidad de penetración en las simpatías de los demás.

Tinta negra
La mano derecha del Jefe.

La preferencia por este color indica que se trata de alguien que se toma la vida muy a pecho. Es un gran organizador, quizá no para actuar como líder, pero sin duda es el arquetipo de "la mano derecha", o el cerebro oculto detrás del líder físico. Dotado de una gran energía, se dedica en cuerpo y alma a todo lo que emprende. A veces se muestra algo intransigente y tiene dificultades para aceptar opiniones diferentes a las suyas. También debe controlar cierta tendencia al pesimismo. Su fuerza, a veces, puede llegar a volverse en contra y el exceso de empuje llegar a debilitarlo y hacer desviar sus metas. La forma de contrarestar esta actitud y de lograr su equilibrio es  trabajar sobre esa intransigencia, permitiéndose delegar trabajo y no querer abarcarlo todo.

Tinta verde
El creativo de la empresa.

Elegir tinta de este color nos muestra a una persona que tiene un temperamento jovial, está siempre abierta a nuevas ideas y da un gran valor a su libertad. A veces puede mostrar cierta predisposición a escapar de las responsabilidades del día a día. En las relaciones amorosas, es muy comprensiva, y siempre hace lo posible por evitar conflictos y discusiones. Debe controlar cierta tendencia a la pasividad. Puede resultar un líder muy a su manera, pero la dificultad que hallará es que su forma distinta de encarar el mando provoca resistencia por incomprensión. Debe equilibrar esta conducta con la dosis justa de firmeza en el momento adecuado.

Tinta roja
Nacido para mandar.

La preferencia por la tinta de este color nos está indicando que se trata de una persona que gusta de vivir intensamente. Es el líder natural, por excelencia. Aunque como a toda personalidad inclinada al liderazgo se le suelen anteponer obstáculos casi a cada paso. Pero se trata de alguien nacido para mandar, más allá de que en la intimidad se cuestione muchas de las impulsivas e intuitivas decisiones. Muy dinámica y dotada de gran creatividad, pone en juego todas sus fuerzas en pos de lograr sus objetivos. A veces tiene actitudes impulsivas, que tarde o temprano terminan siendo motivo de arrepentimiento. Le encantan las aventuras. Debe aprender a controlar su costado agresivo.

Artículo publicado en "Predicciones" nº 79.