Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The most accurate ballistic missiles in the world

 One of the most accurate ballistic missiles in the world is the Trident II (D5), deployed by the U.S. and U.K. as part of their submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) arsenals.

 The Trident II is renowned for its incredible precision, with a circular error probable (CEP) — the radius within which 50% of missiles are expected to land — of approximately 90-120 meters. This accuracy is due to advanced guidance systems that include stellar inertial navigation and GPS updates.

Other highly accurate ballistic missiles include:

  • Russia’s RS-24 Yars: A modern intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) with high precision, due to its advanced maneuverable warheads and guidance systems.

  • India’s Agni V: A long-range ICBM with a reported accuracy of around 40 meters, making it one of the most precise in India's arsenal.

While these systems have impressive accuracy, the precision of a missile depends on many factors, including the guidance system, trajectory, and warhead type. Each of these missiles demonstrates the level of technological advancement in ballistic missile systems, pushing the boundaries of accuracy.

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