Friday, September 27, 2024

Puzzle Title: The King's Escape


Puzzle Title: The King's Escape

a chess diagram

Puzzle Design:

  • Objective: White to move and deliver checkmate in 3 moves.
  • Scenario: The White King is under significant pressure, boxed into a corner by a combination of Black’s pieces. White needs to find a way to deliver checkmate within three moves, utilizing unexpected tactics.


  1. White Pieces:

    • King on g1
    • Queen on f6
    • Rook on d7
    • Knight on e5
    • Bishop on c4
    • Pawn on g2
  2. Black Pieces:

    • King on g8
    • Queen on d8
    • Rook on g6
    • Bishop on e6
    • Pawn on f7

Board Layout:

8 . . . . k . r . 7 . . r . . . . . 6 . . . q b . . . 5 . . . N . . . . 4 . . B . . . . . 3 . . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . P . 1 . . . . K . . . a b c d e f g h


The Queen is the key, but the Knight holds the surprise.


  1. White's 1st move: Qf8+ (forces the Black King into a vulnerable position)
  2. Black's reply: Kh7 (the only escape)
  3. White's 2nd move: Rxf7+ (removes the last defender)
  4. Black's reply: Bxf7
  5. White's 3rd move: Nxf7# (checkmate)

This puzzle teaches players to think strategically about sacrifices and piece coordination, focusing on setting up an unavoidable sequence leading to checkmate.

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