Benjamín Solari Parravicini: Profecías Cumplidas vs No Cumplidas
Benjamín Solari Parravicini, an Argentine artist and visionary, is often regarded as a modern-day Nostradamus due to the accuracy of many of his prophecies. Through his psicografías—drawings accompanied by cryptic phrases—he foresaw numerous global events. In this post, we'll explore his prophecies that have been fulfilled and contrast them with those yet to be realized. We'll also highlight prophecies related to the USA, its presidents, and its geopolitical influence, including North America and Cuba.
Profecías Cumplidas (Fulfilled Prophecies)
The Arrival of Television (1938)
- Prophecy: “La llegada del cine sonoro con la visión mundial por televisión.” (The arrival of sound cinema with world vision by television).
- Fulfillment: Parravicini foresaw the mass use of television long before it became a reality in the 1950s, predicting a new era of global communication through visual media.
Man on the Moon (1969)
- Prophecy: “El hombre llegará a la luna en el año 1966. En esa fecha algo será hablado en la luna. Lo dirán desde la Tierra.” (Man will reach the moon in 1966. At that time something will be spoken on the moon. They will speak from the Earth).
- Fulfillment: While he slightly missed the exact year (the first moon landing was in 1969), Parravicini accurately predicted the moon landing, which became one of the defining moments of the 20th century.
Twin Towers Attack (9/11) (1939)
- Prophecy: “La libertad de Norteamérica perderá su luz. Su antorcha no alumbrará como ayer y el monumento será atacado dos veces.” (The liberty of North America will lose its light. Its torch will no longer shine as it did before, and the monument will be attacked twice).
- Fulfillment: This prophecy is widely interpreted as foreseeing the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center, where two planes hit the twin towers, resulting in their collapse. The "monument" attacked twice is thought to represent the towers themselves.
Rise of Communism in Cuba (1940s)
- Prophecy: “Cuba, caído caerá en manos de hombres de barba.” (Cuba, fallen, will fall into the hands of men with beards).
- Fulfillment: This prophecy is seen as predicting Fidel Castro and the Cuban Revolution. Castro and his fellow revolutionaries, known for their beards, overthrew the Batista regime in 1959, establishing a communist government.
Profecías No Cumplidas (Unfulfilled Prophecies)
Arrival of Extraterrestrial Beings (Unknown Date)
- Prophecy: “Los platos voladores de visita a la Tierra, llegan en son de paz.” (The flying saucers visiting Earth arrive in peace).
- Yet to Be Fulfilled: Parravicini predicted the arrival of extraterrestrial beings who would make peaceful contact with humanity. While UFO sightings are reported globally, there has been no confirmed contact with extraterrestrial civilizations.
Third World War Involving Nuclear Weapons (Future Event)
- Prophecy: “¡Guerra mundial! El hombre volará en el ángulo de las explosiones atómicas. El dragón amarillo avanzará sobre América.” (World War! Man will fly in the angle of atomic explosions. The yellow dragon will advance over America).
- Yet to Be Fulfilled: Parravicini foresaw a global conflict involving atomic weapons, where "the yellow dragon" (interpreted as China) would advance over America. While tensions with China exist, this grim scenario has not yet come to pass.
Global Spiritual Awakening (Unknown Date)
- Prophecy: “La era espiritual llega sin la religión.” (The spiritual age arrives without religion).
- Yet to Be Fulfilled: Parravicini predicted a global awakening where spirituality would flourish without traditional religion. While many believe a shift toward spirituality is occurring, this prophecy remains largely unfulfilled in the present day.
Prophecies Related to the USA, Presidents, North America, and Cuba
The Decline of the United States (1940s)
- Prophecy: “La libertad de Norteamérica perderá su luz.” (The liberty of North America will lose its light).
- Interpretation: Some interpret this prophecy as a long-term prediction of the eventual decline of the USA’s global dominance. Whether this refers to political, economic, or social factors remains debated.
Concerning Future US Presidents (Future Event)
- Prophecy: “La gran nación del norte tendrá cambios inesperados bajo un nuevo líder.” (The great northern nation will have unexpected changes under a new leader).
- Interpretation: This prophecy could allude to shifts in leadership in the United States, potentially signaling a future president who will bring radical and unforeseen changes to the nation’s structure and global influence.
The Fall of a Leader in North America (Unknown Date)
- Prophecy: “Un presidente caerá por las manos de su propio pueblo.” (A president will fall by the hands of his own people).
- Interpretation: This prophecy has not been fulfilled yet. It could refer to a political assassination or overthrow of a U.S. president or leader in North America.
Cuba's Future and the United States (Unknown Date)
- Prophecy: “El país del norte unirá la bandera de Cuba en son de paz, el águila abrazará la estrella.” (The northern country will unite Cuba’s flag in peace, the eagle will embrace the star).
- Interpretation: This prophecy hints at a future reconciliation between the United States (represented by the eagle) and Cuba (represented by the star on its flag). While diplomatic relations have improved in recent years, full reconciliation has not yet been achieved.
North America's Involvement in Global Catastrophe (Unknown Date)
- Prophecy: “El norte verá grandes catástrofes que vendrán del cielo. El poder de su nación será retado desde el espacio.” (The North will see great catastrophes coming from the sky. The power of its nation will be challenged from space).
- Interpretation: This prophecy has yet to materialize. It could reference space-based technologies, meteorological events, or extraterrestrial threats, all of which challenge North America's dominance.
Benjamín Solari Parravicini's prophecies have sparked intrigue and debate for decades. While some of his predictions have undeniably come to pass—such as the rise of communism in Cuba and the attacks on the World Trade Center—others remain shrouded in mystery, awaiting fulfillment. His visions concerning the United States and North America suggest potential geopolitical shifts, including the possibility of renewed relations with Cuba or even dramatic changes in leadership. Whether fulfilled or yet to unfold, his psicografías continue to fascinate those who study them, offering glimpses into both history and the unknown future.
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