Friday, September 27, 2024

Basic ICC Chess Commands

 When playing on the Internet Chess Club (ICC) using a non-graphical (console or terminal-based) chess client, you can use a variety of text-based commands to create and manage games, interact with other players, and configure settings. Below is a list of useful ICC commands that can be used in a non-graphical interface.

ICC chess

Basic ICC Chess Commands

  1. Creating a Game Table:

    • seek [time] [increment] – Seek a game with the specified time control.
      • Example: seek 5 0 (Seeks a 5-minute game with no increment)
    • seek adjourn – Seek an adjourned game.
    • unseek – Cancel your game request (if you no longer want to play).
  2. Joining a Game:

    • accept [handle] – Accept a challenge from another user.
    • match [handle] [time] [increment] – Challenge another player.
      • Example: match johndoe 5 0 (Challenge johndoe to a 5-minute game with no increment).
    • observe [handle] – Watch a game in progress by another player.
  3. Game Management:

    • abort – Request to abort the current game.
    • adjourn – Request to adjourn the game (pause and resume later).
    • draw – Offer a draw to your opponent.
    • resign – Resign from the game.
    • takeback [number] – Request a takeback of the specified number of moves.
    • flag – Use this command if your opponent’s flag falls (time runs out).
  4. Time Control:

    • time [minutes] – Set the time for the game.
      • Example: time 5 (Set a 5-minute game).
    • settime [minutes] – Set the time for a game in progress (used by administrators or in special circumstances).
  5. Setting Game Preferences:

    • style [style_number] – Set the display style for games.
      • Example: style 12 (to display the game in standard algebraic notation).
    • set minseek [time] – Set the minimum time control you are willing to accept in a seek.
    • set maxseek [time] – Set the maximum time control you are willing to accept.
  6. Playing Against the Computer:

    • play computer – Challenge the computer to a game.
    • match computer [time] [increment] – Match the computer to a game with specific time control.
  7. Observing and Interacting with Other Players:

    • who – List all players currently logged in.
    • finger [handle] – Get detailed information about a player.
    • tell [handle] [message] – Send a private message to another player.
    • say [message] – Say something to everyone at the current table (if you're playing or observing).
    • whisper [message] – Send a message only to those observing the game.
    • shout [message] – Send a public message to all logged-in users.
  8. Game Commands:

    • sought – See the list of available game challenges.
    • history [handle] – View the game history of a player.
    • games – List all games currently being played on ICC.
  9. Administrative and Miscellaneous Commands:

    • pause – Pause the game (typically used in adjourned games).
    • resume [handle] – Resume an adjourned game with a specific player.
    • kibitz [message] – Send a comment while watching a game.
    • seekgraph – Show the list of players looking for games in text mode.
  10. Ratings and Information:

  • ratings – View your rating or another player's rating.
  • rank [handle] – View the ranking of a player.
  • best [handle] – View the best ratings a player has achieved.
  1. Other Gameplay Options:
  • set shout off – Disable receiving shouts from other players.
  • set shout on – Enable receiving shouts from other players.
  • set kibitz off – Disable kibitz messages in observed games.
  • set kibitz on – Enable kibitz messages.
  1. Adjourned Game Management:
  • adjourned – List your adjourned games.
  • resume adjourned [handle] – Resume an adjourned game against a specific player.

Examples of Common ICC Commands:

  • Create a table for a 5-minute game: seek 5 0
  • Sit at a table where someone is seeking a game: accept [handle]
  • Offer a draw: draw
  • Resign a game: resign
  • Challenge a specific player: match [player] 5 0
  • Set time for a game: time 5

How to Use These Commands

To use these commands, simply type them into the command line or terminal of your non-graphical chess client that supports ICC, such as xboard or a terminal-based ICC client.

These are just some of the commands available on ICC. You can always check for more specific ones based on your client version or preferences.

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