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A hate crime by a registered democrat: the Dayton, Ohio Shooter

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Connor Betts, the 24-year-old shooter who murdered 9 people in Dayton, Ohio, does not help the Democrat agenda.
As Democrats and their journalist friends have blamed President Donald Trump and Republicans for the shooting it appears he is one of theirs, Big League Politics reported.
Big League Politics can report that Connor Betts, the alleged mass shooter who killed at least 9 people in an entertainment district of Dayton, Ohio earlier today was a registered Democrat who has voted in 7 previous elections, including two Democratic Primaries. Betts was killed during the altercation with police.
Betts was a registered Democrat who, according to information made public by the state of Ohio, voted in two elections. He allegedly murdered 9 people, including his sister Megan Betts, earlier today in Dayton, Ohio.

Connor Betts, el tirador de 24 años que asesinó a 9 personas en Dayton, Ohio, no ayuda a la agenda demócrata.

Como los demócratas y sus amigos periodistas han culpado al presidente Donald Trump y a los republicanos por el tiroteo, parece que es uno de ellos, informó Big League Politics.

Big League Politics puede informar que Connor Betts, el presunto tirador masivo que mató al menos a 9 personas en un distrito de entretenimiento de Dayton, Ohio, fue un demócrata registrado que votó en 7 elecciones anteriores, incluidas dos primarias demócratas. Betts fue asesinado durante el altercado con la policía.

Betts era un demócrata registrado que, según la información publicada por el estado de Ohio, votó en dos elecciones. Supuestamente asesinó a 9 personas, incluida su hermana Megan Betts, hoy temprano en Dayton, Ohio.

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