Monday, May 6, 2019

According to an study in California.The greatest pigs in american are

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Unemployment at 3.6% the lower for so long

Preeminent Court case could enable natives to sue web-based social networking sites that erase their posts

The Supreme Court has consented to hear a case that could make ready for natives to document First Amendment claims against web-based life destinations like Twitter, Facebook, and Google. 
FILE - This Oct. 26, 2016 file photo shows a Twitter sign outside of the company's headquarters in San Francisco. A supreme court case could set a legal precedent that could let users sue social media companies over First Amendment complaints. (AP Photo/Jeff Chiu)
The claim at the focal point of this case, on its surface, probably won't appear to have anything to do with web-based life. It is between the Manhattan Neighborhood Network (MNN), an organization that works a community TV channel in New York, and two makers who state that the organization damaged their rights to free discourse. 

In any case, MNN trusts that the ramifications of this case could swell a long ways past free T.V. 

In the event that the Supreme Court rules against them, they've contended, it could set a legitimate point of reference that could enable online networking clients to sue any site that controls their posts.

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Are You democrat an owner of a firearm,be ware who you voted for because Joe Biden wanna ban those rifles,play this video and see by yourself

Two chess books in pdf

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Modern Chess Openings, 15th Edition
Every edition of MCO is a useful reference book. However, none of them will give a chess player a good understanding of any chess opening. Using this alone (without a database of chess games) will get you killed in correspondence chess games.
This is a great reference for chess buffs. I also have the 14th edition of this book, Serious chess players should get either one of these references.

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Tiempo de AJEDREZ - Nº 13
Año 2 - Enero 1994
Escaneada por Joaquin Chess
pdf. Prof. Matamoros 
Link de descarga:

Dime tu comunista camarada,un país donde el comunismo funciona en las América que es donde estamos

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USA markets vs Cuban +Venezulea markets

Viva el 1 mayo dia del trabajador en Cuba cojiendo palos en la plaza de la revolucion

Todavia el pajaro del embajador cubano en NY y los sap1ng0s cubanos chivatones del cdr y comunistas pasa hambres de cuba siguen defendiendo lo imposible , que beneficios tendran detras de todo eso,no lo se yo