Saturday, April 20, 2019

She is a joke living

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State Rep. Ilhan Omar was arrested in 2013 for trespassing

La héroe de los indocumentados les da un espaldarazo,no los quiere en California después que el presidente seria flexible de ponerlos a su protección alla en California

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Does Anyone Still Trust The Media? Is It Too Late To Save Themselves?

# Let Us remove these Traitors from Capitol

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#Evangelical Leader Launches Campaign to Unseat Anti-Semitic Muslim Congresswoman

The president of an evangelical group called Proclaiming Justice to The Nations, Laurie Cardoza-Moore, has launched a nationwide campaign to demand the immediate resignation of Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) for her recent anti-Semitic tirades.
Cardoza-Moore, the UN envoy to the World Council of Independent Christian Churches (WCICC), and currently the host of the popular “Focus On Israel” television program, uploaded a petition headlined, “Demand the Immediate Resignation of Minnesota Congresswoman Ilhan Omar,” to increase the pressure on Omar to stand down.

more on link

Spilled John Kerry sound: White House needed ISIS to ascend in Syria

Five Keys to Understanding ISIS - Pacific Standard

South Front reports: 

On Wednesday, Wikileaks discharged new proof of US President-elect Donald Trump's attestation that Barack Obama was the author of ISIS – a spilled sound of US Secretary of State John Kerry's gathering with individuals from the Syrian restriction at the Dutch Mission of the UN on September 22. The sound additionally is a proof of the way that prevailing press plotted with the Obama's organization so as to push the story for routine change in Syria, concealing reality about equipping and subsidizing ISIS by the US, as it uncovered a 35-minute discussion that was overlooked by CNN. 

Kerry concedes that the essential objective of the Obama's organization in Syria was routine change and the expulsion of Syrian President Bahar al-Assad, just as that Washington didn't ascertain that Assad would swing to Russia for help. 

So as to accomplish this objective, the White House permitted the Islamic State (IS) fear-based oppressor gathering to rise. Obama's organization trusted that developing intensity of the IS in Syria would drive Assad to scan for a conciliatory arrangement on US terms, constraining him to surrender control. In its turn, so as to accomplish these two objectives, Washington purposefully equipped individuals from the fear monger gathering and even assaulted a Syrian government military escort, attempting to stop a vital assault on the IS, executing 80 Syrian warriors. 

"Furthermore, we realize this was developing, we were watching, we saw that DAESH [the IS] was developing in quality, and we thought Assad was undermined," Kerry said amid the gathering. 

"(We) thought, be that as it may," he kept on saying, "We could most likely deal with that Assad may then arrange, yet as opposed to arranging he got Putin to help him." 

"I lost the contention for utilization of power in Syria," Kerry finished up. 

As indicated by Wikileaks, "the sound gives a look into what goes on outside authority gatherings. Note that it speaks to the US story and not really the whole evident account." 

Prior the sound was distributed by the New York Times and CNN, be that as it may, the two outlets picked just a few its part, investigating certain viewpoints, and discarded the most dooming remarks made by Kerry. Indeed, they endeavored to conceal the explanations that would enable open to comprehend what has really occurred in Syria. 

The full sound has never been distributed by the New York Times; the outlet discharged just chosen bits. CNN erased the sound by any stretch of the imagination, clarifying this with the solicitation of a portion of the members out of worry for their own security.

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