Monday, April 15, 2019

BREAKING NEWS: Trump declares illicit foreigners WILL be transported to haven urban areas and states in a move intended to shock Democrats

Image result for illegal immigration in bus
BREAKING NEWS: Trump declares illicit foreigners WILL be transported to haven urban areas and states in a move intended to shock Democrats 

President Trump approached Congress to come back to Washington D.C. to 'fix the migration laws' as he battles to full fill his key crusade guarantee 

'Congress should return to D.C. presently and FIX THE IMMIGRATION LAWS!,' he tweeted on Monday morning 

Trump made structure an outskirt divider and stemming the tide of unlawful foreigners a key guarantee of his 2016 battle 

The organization has moved to move the fault to Democrats 

The White House is likewise thinking about elective thoughts -, for example, dumping unlawful outsiders into asylum urban areas 

There was a report Trump offered a presidential exculpation to the top fringe specialist if any estimates he used to prisoner foreigners was observed to be outside the law 

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said President Trump loves an arrangement to dump illicit settlers in haven urban areas 

'Democrats have said they need these people into their networks so we should check whether it works and everyone receives a success in return,' she said 

She denied the report about the absolution offer 

'We're a nation of laws and we have a president who bolsters that and isn't soliciting anyone to do anything outside from those limits,' she said

People of the planet earth what do you about the Bermuda Triangle by the Caribbean sea

Amazing physics trick

Pedro, Mata, A, Iniesta que coincidencia fatal

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This congress woman is a disgrace for USA

#Call out for step down Ilhan Omar

Democratic Representative Ilhan Omar is apologizing again, for anti-Semitic remarks.

Te acordarás un día- José Ángel Buesa ( voz: Hellengert)