Thursday, April 11, 2019

This bill to ban gun control is a communist strategy, watch communist country how they did it

How is that they can make these heavy drone and not US

Lets make our road great and safe again

# "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. Matthew 7:7

Title: Winning With the Sicilian 
Following the success of "Winning With the Dutch", this book provides a unique insight into the Sicilian Defence by top Soviet Grandmaster, Mark Taimanov. The author describes in detail the main principles of this popular opening, using a selection of fascinating and instructive games.

Play the Najdorf Sicilian.
The Najdorf Sicilian has a unique place amongst chess openings: for several decades it has been regarded by the top grandmasters as the best way for Black to play soundly for a win against 1 e4. It was a particular favourite of World Champions Bobby Fischer and Garry Kasparov, and plays a vital role in the repertoires of current top players such as Viswanathan Anand and Veselin Topalov.
Black's stance is totally uncompromising. He accepts no organicweaknesses and stays flexible, ready to counterpunch in any part of the board. White has no safe or easy option. On the other hand, he does have a vast array of extremely dangerous attacking options, such as the old 6 Bg5 main line, which can lead to the Poisoned Pawn, a variation that has undergone much development in the 21st century. The current main line is 6 Be3, intending the English Attack. But given the Najdorf's importance, White has tried almost everything imaginable in the search for an advantage, with considerable bodies of theory evolving for lines that contain merely a drop of poison.

In the ever-changing Najdorf landscape, it is easy to lose sight of the strategic backbone that underpins the Najdorf. In this book, James Rizzitano, a battle-hardened Sicilian warrior, distils the most important ideas and themes from current practice to provide an ideal guide for those looking to succeed as White or Black in the Najdorf in the modern scientific era.

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Play the Najdorf: Scheveningen Style
A Complete Repertoire for Black in this Most Dynamic of Openings
In this book Grandmaster and opening expert John Emms produces a comprehensive but workable black repertoire against all of White's possible options in the Najdorf.The Najdorf is one of the most sharp, dynamic, and popular openings that Black can play

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Beating the Sicilian def
The Sicilian defence is the most popular opening at club level and the great mass of theory is a daunting prospect for the tournament player having to face it. This book seeks to offer a complete repertoire against every variation of the defence, together with an alternative line for White where the recommended move leads to particularly sharp play.

Alexander Delchev, Semko Semkov, "The Safest Sicilian"
Bulgarian GM Delchev takes a new look at his Sicilian repertoire. After a short pause, in 2008 he returned to his pet line, the Taimanov system. The result of his work is this Second edition of The Safest Sicilian. Delchev proposes a sound yet aggressive approach, based on the following move order: 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 e6 3.d4 cd4 4.Nd4 Nc6 5.Nc3 Qc7. As Black, it is extremely difficult to get a playable position without accepting extreme risks. This book deals with reliable positional systems which will serve you for many years, without having to update your opening knowledge every two weeks. This setup is especially effective against the dreaded English attack. The author is one of the world's leading experts in that field and his recommendations are based mostly on his own games. Without hiding back his secrets, Delchev reveals many new ideas and novelties in his pet line. The authors pay also attention to White's deviations from the Open Sicilian. There are chapters about 3.c3, 3.d3, 3.Nc3, 3.b3, 3.c4 and other rare lines. The book features a new form of presentation. Every system is examined in a separate part which contains three chapters: "Quick Repertoire"; "Step by Step"; "Complete Games". You start with the "Quick Repertoire". You'll find there all the vital information that you need to start playing the variation. "Step by Step" chapters follow the usual layout of Chess Stars books with main lines that branch to sub-lines. Finally, every part ends with "Complete Games".
Defensa siciliana variante Schveningen

Defensa siciliana variante Schveningen

The Sicilian Defence is by far the most popular chess opening. If you play 1 e4 as White, on average you are likely to meet the Sicilian in virtually every other game! You need to be prepared to face the Sicilian at all times, and a ready-to-use repertoire against it is an indispensible weapon.
In this book, Gawain Jones confronts the challenge of meeting the Sicilian head on. He has constructed a comprehensive Anti-Sicilian repertoire for White, which is based on lines he has successfully employed at grandmaster level. These are sound, reliable options for White, but don't be fooled – they also contain more than a drop of poison. Variations covered include the popular King's Indian Attack, various Bb5 systems and weapons against Black's offbeat tries.
A Grandmaster's repertoire against the Sicilian
Packed with new ideas and critical analysis
Highlights key tactical and positional ideas

A new look at the sharp and dangerous Grand Prix Attack, which is one of White's most aggressive ways of countering the Sicilian Defence. It leads to very complicated play right from the opening moves and contains plenty of pitfalls for the unwary Black player. So whether you play the Sicilian as Black, or need an antidote for White, this book is an essential addition to your armoury.

The Sicilian Defence is arguably the most important of all chess openings. This text explains it in terms of typical plans and themes, rather than diving into dense reference material. The reader can grasp typical pawn structures and ideas before progressing to more advanced theory.
This guide to the Dragon, a variation of the Sicilian Defence in chess, offers a complete, Dragon-based repertoire for the attacking player. The text not only incorporates latest developments, but also recommends Dragon-friendly lines against all the anti-Sicilian systems.

The Sicilian Sozin
(Life-Long Devotee Explains the Subtleties of This Aggressive)
The Sozin Attack is White's most overtly aggressive counter to the Sicilian. White puts his bishop on c4 and often follows up with direct play against the black king. Unless Black defends with the utmost precision, the bishop's influence often fuels a deadly attack leading to a cascade of sacrifices and a brutal king hunt. The Sozin set-up can be employed against the Classical Sicilian, the Najdorf, and even the Scheveningen. Mikhail Golubev is a young grandmaster who has employed the Sozin with devastating effect throughout the whole of his adult chess career. Here he explains how White carries out that attack in its various forms (including some relatively positional lines), and presents in detail the theory of all its variations, including the razor-sharp Velimirovic Attack.

Las palabras de Max Euwe definen perfectamente el objetivo de este libro: "Quienquiera que no vea otro objetivo en el juego del ajedrez que el dar mate a su contrario, nunca llegará a ser un buen jugador." A través de la práctica se han ido conociencia

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Colle, London and Blackmar Diemar Systems (Specialist chess openings)

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Some 250 years ago, the great Philidor wrote, "The pawns are the soul of chess." Although that statement is perhaps the most common cliche in the literature of the game, it is too often misunderstood.
Pawns are usually considered weak because of their limited range of movement. But the pawns' restricted mobility is precisely what makes them so important strategically: they form a semi-permanent structure -- often called a "pawn skeleton" -- that establishes the territorial lines of the coming battle and thus the nature of the battle itself. Understanding how pawns affect strategy is the subject of this important book. In it you will learn:
-- how to handle the characteristic pawn structure of each opening "family" and each major variation
-- how to recognize the strengths and weaknesses of pawn chains
-- when to exchange pawns in the center -- and when not to
-- how to cramp your opponent's position and what to do if your opponent cramps yours
-- how to create and exploit pawn "holes"...and much, much more, all copiously illustrated by complete games from actual play.

A dramatic sacrifice might seem like the best way to achieve a dazzling, come-from-behind victory, however, the outcome of most chess matches, depends on the participants' positional skills. The first player to establish a positional advantage gains the best chance of a successful direct attack.
This complete guide, written by an Israeli grandmaster, offers valuable insights in developing a more powerful strategic game. It spans a century and a half of international chess, from the era of the legendary Paul Morphy in the 1850s to that of the modern powerhouse Gary Kasparov. The author focuses on common situations arising from practical over-the-board play. Examples — on such themes as key squares, bad bishops, and pawn structures — appear in ascending difficulty, with ample cross-reference.
Derived from the author's own coaching manuals, these instructive examples successfully assisted in training Israel's top juniors and the champions of the Israeli women's national team. Chess players at every level will benefit from this opportunity to develop an intuitive grasp of each concept and strengthen their positional play.

Development of a Chess Master (Chess books)
Learn to improve your play by cutting down on tactical and strategic mistakes. Using examples from his own games, Schiller illustrates the types of errors typically found at each stage of chess development, from early scholastic games, to professional encounters with>

Pawn Endings by Alexander Cvetkov

Practical Rook Endings by Edmar Mednis

Chess Middlegames: Essential Knowledge by Yuri Averbakh
In this companion volume to his classic 'Chess Endings: Essential Knowledge,' Grandmaster Averbakh takes the reader through the various steps to success in the middlegame. He explains the tactical skills and positional strategies that every chessplayer needs to master. Topics covered include coordinating the pieces, attack and defence, combinations and sacrifices, and much more.

Chess Middlegames (Echecs (Koneman)
This is a superb book for the strong club player to near master and I haven't seen anything like it before. It is a compilation of 4158 positions from master play grouped into 77 different tactical or positional themes. For example, 168 positions of isolated queen pawn play, 108 hedgehog positions, 168 Sicilian sacrifice positions and so on. The examples given illustrate problem solving skills at the highest level, but because of the great number, the solutions (game continuations and commentary) are necessarily brief. Hence it is a book not for the average club player who needs explanations of the methods of play, but for the seasoned player who wants to analyse out for himself the best means of playing typical positions, and to be alert to tactical opportunities. Out of Print extremely Rare 1998 First HUNGARIAN Hardcover Edition from Budapest,

How to Defeat the Smith-Morra Gambit: 6.a6
Out of Print First Edition 1993 Collectible - Like New, would be MINT except for shelf wear and the occasional inconsiderate mishandling. Paperback Pages clean, binding tight. Not a remainder or ex-library. * Purchase two or more listings here on Amazon, and I will upgrade your USA shipping to Priority Mail (2-3 days delivery estimate) for FREE!! * 23 hr shipping or quicker!! Safely packaged with delivery tracking, with confirming email to the buyer. From a SMOKE-FREE home. Thank you for visiting - Edward Labate, National Chess Master, Las Vegas, 

Play the Semi-Slav def
The Semi-Slav is one of the most popular chess openings that Black can play against 1.d4. The Semi-Slav is both sound and ambitious, which makes it a favorite of the elite. This book provides expert guidance on how to play this exciting variation. The author clearly explains which lines he recommends for Black and even offers a choice of replies against the main lines.

# investigate democrat house members

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ATT worst investment has been the bought of CNN cable news. worst rating ,worst news credibility. CNN is the worst of the worst in cable news

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Avenatti indicted on 36 charges of tax dodging, perjury, theft from clients

The breadth of Avenatti’s alleged crimes is clear in the maximum sentence he would face if convicted on all counts: 335 years in prison.