Sunday, May 27, 2018

[The media] never really seems to want this summit to happen because if it did and the president was successful

"[The media] never really seems to want this summit to happen because if it did and the president was successful, that'd be a heck of a feather in his cap, wouldn't it? It'd be an awfully good thing for us. It'd be an awfully good thing for the Korean peninsula. And It'd be an awfully good thing for the world. And they'd have the President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, to thank. But the mainstream media and members of the left, unfortunately, it just comes down. to politics and they do not want to see this president succeed." — Trish Regan

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Hit The Jackpot

Description Test your archery skils by trying to Hit The Jackpot! The objective of the game is to hit the exact center of the target by placing and timing your shots as close as possible to the target. Try to go for perfect scores! To do this, you must make sure your aim is spot on by the time you shoot the arrow. Watch out for distance and wind factors that will affect your shot. Instructions ·Aim and Shoot= Use mouse (point & click)