Saturday, May 13, 2017

6 Best Mini PC Sticks 2016

Mini Pc Sticks Reviewed In This Wiki:
Intel Boxed Computer Stick
MeegoPad T02 Computer Stick Mini
rotor PC/TV
MoreFine M1+ Mini PC stick
Lenovo 90F20000US ideacentre Stick 300
Azulle Quantum Access LAN

Azulle Access Lan: Convert any TV or Monitor into a Windows PC!


Exceptional BULLETIN 


Dear , 

An enormous ransomware assault spread over the globe today, bolting up a large number of healing facility, media communications, and utilities frameworks in about 100 nations. The assault utilized information stolen from the NSA to adventure vulnerabilities in Microsoft Windows and convey the WanaCrypt0r ransomware. The request was for $300 per PC. 

While the ransomware was first identified wreaking devastation in crisis rooms and specialists' workplaces in the UK, the disease rapidly spread around the world, including to the US. 

We're cautioning you to promise you that in case you're as of now utilizing the excellent adaptation (or the superior trial) of Malwarebytes with continuous insurance turned on, you are shielded from this risk. Our exceptional innovation obstructs the WanaCrypt0r ransomware before it can scramble your documents. (The free form of Malwarebytes, in any case, does not secure you against WanaCrypt0r. To see which adaptation you have, open up your Malwarebytes programming and search for the rendition name at the highest point of the window.) Learn more about Malwarebytes 

In case you're not at present utilizing the top notch rendition of Malwarebytes, we prescribe that you refresh your Microsoft Windows programming quickly. Microsoft discharged a fix for this weakness in March, yet numerous clients haven't refreshed, leaving their PCs open to this assault. 

Here at Malwarebytes, we promise to keep you ensured and educated about the most recent issues. Your true serenity is our main need. 


The Malwarebytes group 

P.S. Take in more about this risk here.



Querido ,

Un enorme asalto de ransomware se extendió por todo el mundo hoy, atornillando un gran número de facilidades de sanación, medios de comunicación y marcos de utilidades en unas 100 naciones. El asalto utilizó información robada de la NSA para aventurar vulnerabilidades en Microsoft Windows y transmitir el rescate de WanaCrypt0r. La solicitud era de $ 300 por PC.

Mientras que el ransomware fue identificado por primera vez devastando las salas de crisis y lugares de trabajo de especialistas en el Reino Unido, la enfermedad se extendió rápidamente por todo el mundo, incluyendo a los EE.UU.

Le estamos advirtiendo que le prometemos que en caso de que usted esté ahora utilizando la excelente adaptación (o el juicio superior) de Malwarebytes con seguro continuo activado, usted está protegido de este riesgo. Nuestra innovación excepcional obstruye el ransomware de WanaCrypt0r antes de que pueda codificar sus documentos. (La forma gratuita de Malwarebytes, en cualquier caso, no te protege contra WanaCrypt0r. Para ver qué adaptación tienes, abre tu programación Malwarebytes y busca el nombre de la reproducción en el punto más alto de la ventana.) Más información sobre Malwarebytes

En caso de que no esté utilizando la versión de primera calidad de Malwarebytes, le recomendamos que actualice su programación de Microsoft Windows rápidamente. Microsoft descargó una solución para esta debilidad en marzo, sin embargo, numerosos clientes no han actualizado, dejando sus PCs abiertas a este asalto.

Aquí en Malwarebytes, nos comprometemos a mantenerle asegurado y educado sobre los temas más recientes. Su verdadera serenidad es nuestra principal necesidad.


El grupo Malwarebytes

PD Toma más sobre este riesgo aquí.

Исключительный ВЕСТНИК


Уважаемые ,

Сегодня в мире произошли огромные нападения на вымогателей, которые собрали большое количество исцеляющих средств, медийных сообщений и инфраструктурных утилит примерно в 100 странах. Нападение использовало информацию, похищенную из NSA, для уязвимостей приключения в Microsoft Windows и передачи WanaCrypt0r вымогательства. Запрос составлял 300 долларов США за ПК.

В то время как вымогательское оружие впервые было обнаружено, что привело к разрушениям в кризисных комнатах и ​​на рабочих местах специалистов в Великобритании, болезнь быстро распространилась по всему миру, в том числе в США.

Мы предупреждаем вас, что обещаете, что если вы используете сейчас отличную адаптацию (или пробную версию) Malwarebytes с непрерывным страхованием, вы защищены от этого риска. Наша исключительная инновация препятствует вымогательству WanaCrypt0r до того, как он сможет скремблировать ваши документы. (Свободная форма Malwarebytes, в любом случае, не защищает вас от WanaCrypt0r. Чтобы узнать, какая у вас адаптация, откройте ваше программирование Malwarebytes и найдите имя переименования в самой верхней точке окна.) Узнайте больше о Malwarebytes

Если вы в настоящее время не пользуетесь превосходным программным обеспечением Malwarebytes, мы предписываем вам быстро обновить программное обеспечение Microsoft Windows. Microsoft выпустила исправление этой слабости в марте, однако многочисленные клиенты не обновились, оставив свои ПК открытыми для этого нападения.

Здесь, в Malwarebytes, мы обещаем держать вас в курсе последних новостей. Ваше истинное спокойствие является нашей главной потребностью.


Группа Malwarebytes

Постскриптум Побольше узнайте об этом риске.
Isklyuchitel'nyy VESTNIK


Uvazhayemyye ,

Segodnya v mire proizoshli ogromnyye napadeniya na vymogateley, kotoryye sobrali bol'shoye kolichestvo istselyayushchikh sredstv, mediynykh soobshcheniy i infrastrukturnykh utilit primerno v 100 stranakh. Napadeniye ispol'zovalo informatsiyu, pokhishchennuyu iz NSA, dlya uyazvimostey priklyucheniya v Microsoft Windows i peredachi WanaCrypt0r vymogatel'stva. Zapros sostavlyal 300 dollarov SSHA za PK.

V to vremya kak vymogatel'skoye oruzhiye vpervyye bylo obnaruzheno, chto privelo k razrusheniyam v krizisnykh komnatakh i ​​na rabochikh mestakh spetsialistov v Velikobritanii, bolezn' bystro rasprostranilas' po vsemu miru, v tom chisle v SSHA.

My preduprezhdayem vas, chto obeshchayete, chto yesli vy ispol'zuyete seychas otlichnuyu adaptatsiyu (ili probnuyu versiyu) Malwarebytes s nepreryvnym strakhovaniyem, vy zashchishcheny ot etogo riska. Nasha isklyuchitel'naya innovatsiya prepyatstvuyet vymogatel'stvu WanaCrypt0r do togo, kak on smozhet skremblirovat' vashi dokumenty. (Svobodnaya forma Malwarebytes, v lyubom sluchaye, ne zashchishchayet vas ot WanaCrypt0r. Chtoby uznat', kakaya u vas adaptatsiya, otkroyte vashe programmirovaniye Malwarebytes i naydite imya pereimenovaniya v samoy verkhney tochke okna.) Uznayte bol'she o Malwarebytes

Yesli vy v nastoyashcheye vremya ne pol'zuyetes' prevoskhodnym programmnym obespecheniyem Malwarebytes, my predpisyvayem vam bystro obnovit' programmnoye obespecheniye Microsoft Windows. Microsoft vypustila ispravleniye etoy slabosti v marte, odnako mnogochislennyye kliyenty ne obnovilis', ostaviv svoi PK otkrytymi dlya etogo napadeniya.

Zdes', v Malwarebytes, my obeshchayem derzhat' vas v kurse poslednikh novostey. Vashe istinnoye spokoystviye yavlyayetsya nashey glavnoy potrebnost'yu.


Gruppa Malwarebytes

Postskriptum Pobol'she uznayte ob etom riske.

The orgone energy

About the Author
James DeMeo has undertaken experimental reviews and verification studies of the works of the late Dr. Wilhelm Reich, starting in the early 1970s, to include field applications of the techniques and devices for cloudbusting. He undertook the first systematic research investigating the cloudbuster within a mainstream academic institution, the University of Kansas at Lawrence, producing a published university thesis with positive conclusions. Since that time, he has led cloudbusting expeditions for drought abatement in various parts of the United States, with overseas desert-greening operations in Israel, Namibia and Eritrea, Africa, with numerous published articles on the subject, indicating widespread beneficial rains as an outcome. DeMeo formerly was a professor of geography and atmospheric-environmental science subjects at Illinois State University and the University of Miami. He currently is Director of the Orgone Biophysical Research Lab in Ashland, Oregon, and is a senior working member of the USA Core Network, a group of scientists, physicians and naturalists engaged over many decades in socially-responsible applications of the cloudbusting technology against drought and atmospheric stagnation. Links to more info are provided at the end of this article.
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CHEMTRAIL FLU: Doctor's stun assert planes make us wiped out so therapeutic firms can trade out

CHEMTRAIL FLU: Doctor's stun assert planes make us wiped out so therapeutic firms can trade out

A DOCTOR has made stunned cases we are intentionally being harmed - so the pharmaceutical business can take advantage of the cure.


Distributed: 16:39, Wed, Jun 29, 2016 | UPDATED: 18:10, Wed, Jun 29, 2016

Dr Horowitz claims contrails like these contail unsafe chemicals on purpose.GETTY*YouTube

Dr Horowitz claims contrails like these contail hurtful chemicals intentionally.

Dr Leonard Horowitz, 48, a previous college medicinal scientist, has been marked "unsafe" by numerous doctors due to the shocking fear inspired notions he pushes on his site, which likewise advance characteristic and option treatments.

One of Dr Horowitz's most long-standing cases is governments have schemed with real pharmaceutical organizations to make substantial sections of the populace wiped out, through the splashing of specific chemicals into the air through the alleged "chemtrail" emanations of stream planes.

He asserts a riddle influenza like disease has been expanding since the late 1990s.

Dr Horowitz stated: "We have seen this sort of a scourge since the finish of 1998 and the start of 1999.

"Individuals have been hacking and hacking with this strange ailment that does not appear to take after any consistent viral or bacterial onset and move period.

"In the event that it was a truly bacterial or a viral contamination, it would have brought on a fever yet it didn't.

"It goes on for a considerable length of time, if not months. Sinus clog, sinus waste, hack, exhaustion, general discomfort. Individuals have been feeling 'off'.

"I trust the chemtrails are in charge of a substance inebriation of people in general, which would then bring about a general invulnerable concealment, second rate to high review, contingent upon introduction.


Restrictive: 'Mystery plan to infuse all of us with ID chips through...

Hollywood hardman Chuck Norris is "chemtrail" scheme scholar

"The invulnerable brokenness enables individuals to end up plainly powerless to deft diseases, for example, this micoplasma and other sharp contaminations."

He claims to have researched the substance of fly plane contrails after they were splashed over his home in Northern Idaho.

The Centers for Disease Control Toxicology affirmed they contained a measure of ethylene dibromide in stream fuel, he said.

Dr Horowitz said ethylene dibromide was a synthetic cancer-causing agent that was expelled from unleaded petroleum for wellbeing reasons, however he trusts it is intentionally added to the fly fuel of high-height military flying machine to make the overall public wiped out.

So why might they do this?

Dr Len Horowitz talks at a conference.DRLENHOROWITZ.COM*YouTube
Dr Len Horowitz talks at a gathering.


David Icke demands Royal Family are 'shape-moving reptiles'

What's more, you ask WHY many claim 'Illuminati making New World Order'

I trust the chemtrails are in charge of a substance inebriation of people in general, which would then bring about a general safe concealment, poor quality to high review, contingent upon presentation.

Dr Leonard Horowitz

This is the place his fear inspired notion gets considerably more evil.

Dr Horowitz asserts there is a "dark" government plan to create individuals who are constantly sick and state subordinate.

This, he claims is the place the pharmaceutical firms come into offer the cure.

He stated: "You make a reliance and along these lines you debilitate the populace, and debilitated populaces are anything but difficult to control.

"They would prefer not to absolutely kill populaces totally, simply certain populaces.

"What's more, would it say it isn't, from their point of view, great? They have a secretive elimination motivation that no one's gotten on yet. It's in a perfect world what they need to deliver."

ther outrageous cases made by the previous dental practitioner are that Aids, swine influenza and ebola were all man-made to annihilate populaces.

He likewise has faith in the Illuminati, and charged cryptic, and evil association, which really run the world's administrations, and who are continually attempting to realize a New World Order and apply more control over us.