Thursday, October 20, 2016



According to a paper submitted to the American Medical Association Journal by Dr. Robert McCarrison, not a solitary individual from this little group have ever experienced any type of disease. The Hunza individuals additionally encounter fantastically delayed ripeness with a few ladies conceiving an offspring actually at sixty-five years of age. The phenomenal great soundness of the Hunza individuals has driven researchers to look at and examine their way of life to find the key to their prosperity, thus far they have a considerable measure to go on.

The Hunza eating regimen is fundamentally involved little segments of crude products of the soil, drain, grains like grain, millet, buckwheat, vegetables, eggs and in some cases cheddar. They likewise eat a ton of apricots which they devour subsequent to giving them a chance to dry in the sun.

The Hunza individuals additionally have a deep rooted convention of fasting for two to four months in a year. Amid this season of year, they don't eat anything with the exception of dried apricot juice. It is trusted that the apricots may have something to do with their drawn out future as the seeds of apricots contain a capable hostile to tumor specialist as vitamin B-17. Be that as it may, the reality of the situation might prove that the fasting itself is slowing down the impacts of maladies, for example, tumor.

Preparatory studies have found that fleeting fasting can bring about a "reset" of the resistant framework which can repulse the advancement of harmful cells. Notwithstanding their sound and inadequate eating routine, the Hunza individuals are additionally recognized by the level of physical practice that they embrace each day. The general population spend the vast majority of their days strolling which could likewise empower the advancement of an effective resistant framework which could keep ailments, for example, disease under control.

This article (The Hunza People: Never Get Sick, No Cancer And Live Up To 100 Years. Here Is Why.) is free and open source. You have authorization to republish this article under a Creative Commons permit with full attribution and a connection to the first source on READ MORE:

Introducing Pixel, Phone by Google

BREAKING: Putin Just Detonated a Nuclear Bomb on Hillary Clinton!…

BREAKING: Putin Just Detonated a Nuclear Bomb on Hillary Clinton!…

Vladimir Putin Just hit Hillary Clinton right where it hurts and Trump is loving every minute of it.
Hillary and Obama TRIED to convince the world that Putin was hacking her emails in the name of Donald Trump.
However, Putin shot this down by declaring the Russian government had nothing to do with them what-so-ever.
But that wasn’t even the best part…
“Does it even matter who hacked this data?” Putin said. “The important thing is the content that was given to the public.”
“There’s no need to distract the public’s attention from the essence of the problem by raising some minor issues connected with the search for who did it, but I want to tell you again, I don’t know anything about it, and on a state level Russia has never done this.”
Hell yeah! It looks like the former KGB agent understands Democracy better than our own politicians do. (H/T – Reuters)
He even offered to use Russian resources to help Obama find the real hackers (if he even wants to).
Putin knows that the American people deserve to know the truth behind the Clintons. IT’S OUR RIGHT AS AMERICANS!
So do what is right and help spread the news to all American voters you know. We can’t let the Democrats demonize Russia any more than they already have for the sole purpose of distracting from their own crimes.
When America works with Russia, we are able to accomplish incredible things (like defeating Hitler). When we choose to war with them, we both lose too many lives for no reason at all (Vietnam War).

RUPTURA: Putin Sólo detonó una bomba nuclear sobre Hillary Clinton ...

Vladimir Putin Sólo golpeó Hillary Clinton derecha donde duele y Trump está disfrutando cada minuto de ella.
Hillary y Obama trató de convencer al mundo de que Putin estaba hackeando sus mensajes de correo electrónico en nombre de Donald Trump.
Sin embargo, Putin disparado esta por la que se declara el gobierno ruso no tenía nada que hacer con ellos lo que tan nunca.
Pero eso no era ni siquiera la mejor parte ...
"Es más, ¿importa que hackeó estos datos?", Dijo Putin. "Lo importante es el contenido que se le dio al público."
"No hay necesidad de distraer la atención del público de la esencia del problema elevando algunos problemas menores relacionados con la búsqueda de quién lo hizo, pero quiero volver a repetir, no sé nada al respecto, y en un estado nivel Rusia nunca ha hecho esto. "
Claro que sí! Parece que el ex agente de la KGB entiende mejor que nuestros propios políticos hacen Democracia. (H / T - Reuters)
Incluso se ofreció a utilizar los recursos rusos para ayudar a Obama a encontrar los hackers de verdad (si es que aún quiere).
Putin sabe que el pueblo estadounidense merece saber la verdad detrás de los Clinton. Es nuestro derecho como estadounidenses!
Lo mismo ocurre con lo que es correcto y ayudar a difundir la noticia a todos los votantes estadounidenses que conoces. No podemos dejar que los demócratas demonizar a Rusia más de lo que ya tienen el único propósito de distraer la atención de sus propios crímenes.
Cuando Estados Unidos trabaja con Rusia, somos capaces de lograr cosas increíbles (como la derrota de Hitler). Cuando elegimos a la guerra con ellos, los dos nos perdemos demasiadas vidas sin ninguna razón en absoluto (Guerra de Vietnam).

BREAKING: Putin Jis detounen yon bonm nikleyè sou Hillary Clinton ...

Vladimir Putin Jis frape Hillary Clinton dwa ki kote li fè m mal ak Trump ki renmen chak minit nan li.
Hillary ak Obama te eseye konvenk mond lan ke Putin te ranje andedan Imèl l 'nan non an nan Donald Trump.
Sepandan, Putin tire sa a desann pa deklare gouvènman Ris la te gen anyen fè ak yo sa-konsa-tout tan.
Men, sa pa te menm pati nan pi bon ...
"Li menm matyè ki moun rache done sa a?" Putin te di. "Sa ki enpòtan se kontni an ki te bay nan piblik la."
"Gen nan pa gen bezwen distrè atansyon piblik la a soti nan sans nan pwoblèm nan yo si nou ogmante kèk pwoblèm minè konekte ak rechèch la pou ki moun ki fè li, men mwen vle di ou ankò, mwen pa konnen anyen sou li, ak sou yon eta nivo Larisi pa janm te fè sa a. "
Lanfè yeah! Li sanble ke ansyen ajan an kgb konprann Demokrasi pi bon pase politisyen pwòp nou fè. (H / T - Jounal Reuters)
Li te menm bèt yo ofri bay sèvi ak resous Ris nan ede Obama jwenn entru yo reyèl (si li menm vle).
Putin konnen ke pèp Ameriken an merite yo konnen verite a dèyè Clinton yo. Li nan dwa NOU kòm Ameriken!
Se konsa, fè sa ki dwat epi ede gaye nouvèl la nan tout votè yo Ameriken ou konnen. Nou pa ka kite Demokrat yo te dyaboliz Larisi nenpòt ki plis pase yo te deja genyen pou bi pou sèl la distrè soti nan krim pwòp yo.
Lè Amerik travay ak Larisi yo, nou yo kapab akonpli bagay sa yo enkwayab (tankou bat Hitler). Lè nou chwazi nan lagè ak yo, nou tou de pèdi lavi twò anpil pou okenn rezon nan tout (Lagè Vyetnam).

Our presidents legacy

Yes to woman for president, but NOT to Hillary Clinton,just look her history damn

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

7 Popular Devices That Spy On You Without Your Permission

7 Popular Devices That Spy On You Without Your Permission


Worldwide Atlanticism

Sean Adl-Tabatabai

The Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) composed a letter to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) requesting that they take a gander at innovation from any semblance of Microsoft, Google, Amazon and others, referring to the "dependable on" innovation as being "troubling".

Yippee Finance report:

EPIC apprehensions the normal buyer doesn't know that some of these gadgets are really keeping an eye on them by recording their discussions notwithstanding when the gadget is by all accounts killed. The protection ramifications of these gadgets, which they accept encroach on individual rights, is significant.

The organizations say the gadgets are just occupied with "discussion" when activated by a "hot word" or a specific signal. In any case, those outlines can't be depended on to dependably fill in as arranged and could bring about unplanned recordings.

In case you're stressed over your security, here's a rundown from EPIC that can help you review your odds of remaining unknown.

Google Chrome

The program is supposedly ready to remotely introduce code that permits the product to listen to clients without their insight. The code was initially intended to bolster Chrome's new "alright, Google" hot word location, which enacts a PC reaction when you converse with it. Be that as it may, a few clients assert the code was introduced and initiated on their PCs without them giving their authorization.

Google reacted to these grievances on its Chromium engineer sheets. "While we do download the hot word module on startup, we don't enact it unless you pick into hot working," the organization composed. A few engineers address this claim.

Samsung SmartTV

The Samsung SmartTV has an implicit mouthpiece that is furnished with voice acknowledgment innovation that permits clients to give verbal summons to the TV. With the end goal for Samsung to change your discourse to content, the voice charges are sent over the Internet to an outsider for elucidation.

Be that as it may, since the TV is "dependable on," the amplifier is recording each word you're stating at all times. Indeed, even in its SmartTV security strategy, Samsung recognizes that every talked word, including individual or other delicate data, are sent decoded to the outsider.

Settle Cam

This Internet-gushing home security camera is a result of Nest Labs, which is currently claimed by Google. The camera accompanies an amplifier and streams video and sound straightforwardly to a customer's advanced mobile phone continuously. With the Nest "Mindful" application, Google can record and set aside to 30 days of video and sound.

Utilizing the recording, the camera can ready clients when a "strange sound" is recognized. Settle has the ability to recognize obscure or known voices, which is a critical security highlight. Be that as it may, protection promoters are frightful in light of the fact that the organization does not unveil how the innovation functions or how much data the organization gathers.

Canary Connect

Canary Connect is another organization that creates Internet-associated home security frameworks. The security gadget can store sound and video recordings from inside a client's home for 90 days and can be set to one of three modes — "equipped," "incapacitated" and "protection." Unless the gadget is in "protection" mode, it will consequently start to record when activated by movement.

Clients have griped that there isn't a simple approach to figure out what mode the gadget is in. What's more, the interface doesn't tell shoppers when it is exchanging modes.

Microsoft's Kinect

Microsoft has introduced its "dependable on" voice and movement recorder, called Kinect, in its Xbox video game reassures. At the point when clients say "Xbox," the Kinect tracks and records the clients' voice and hand motions keeping in mind the end goal to take after summons. All together for the gadget to know when to turn on, the support screens discussions at all times.

Amazon Echo

Amazon Echo, as other voice-actuated PC projects, is activated alert by "Alexa." The gadget is continually listening in on family unit discussions for the word, which then triggers the framework to record and stream the recording to Amazon's cloud for handling and capacity. Amazon has not uncovered what information the framework gathers and on the off chance that it spares discussions or words said before "Alexa." what's more, different organizations are consolidating Alexa into their Internet-associated gadgets. Amazon has not uncovered how much data it will have admittance to once these different organizations start to gather their own particular information.

Mattel's "Welcome Barbie"

Another innovative Barbie has started an angry clamor from the promotion assemble Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood. Through a Wi-Fi association and an inherent amplifier, the new Barbie can hold discussions with a tyke. Faultfinders, notwithstanding the protection concerns, are concerned that Mattel is abusing the kids and utilizing them for monetary benefit since they can take in the tyke's preferences and abhorrences. Mattel counters that there are security precautionary measures set up and that the toy fills a specialty for youngsters who need to have the capacity to talk with their Barbie.



Max Spiers was found dead

Max Spiers was found dead

Monday, 17 October, 2016 - 15:00
Max Spiers, a British conspiracy theorist, was found dead in a flat in Warsaw, Poland, where he was due to give a talk about UFOs and other conspiracy theories.

His mother, Vanessa informed: «Max was making a name for himself in the world of conspiracy theorists and had been invited to speak at a conference in Poland in July». She also added: «His dark investigations into UFOs and government cover-ups may have made him enemies, who wanted him dead».
It was said that he died from natural causes despite no post-mortem examination being carried out on his body.