Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Dios nos manda a los Cristianos a orar y rezar para que haya elecciones presidenciales y no retenga el gobierno el demonio que rige ahora

Zmode Greet

Zmodo Greet - Smart WiFi Video Doorbell

  • Answer the door wherever you are - see and speak to visitors directly from your smartphone. On-Demand video means that you can view live video of your front porch at any time, even if no one rings the bell.
  • A new HD wide-angle lens gives you a clear view of your entire space. Slide your finger over the live view screen to pan the video feed left or right.
  • Easy setup - use existing wiring for quick installation and easily connect the Greet to your WiFi using the free mobile app. Video tutorials and more can be found on our support page.
  • Smart motion detection - receive an alert and a recorded video clip whenever motion is detected New and improved two-way audio allows both parties to speak simultaneously.

The apocrypha books of KJV


The Apocrypha is a selection of books which were published in the original 1611 King James Bible. These apocryphal books were positioned between the Old and New Testament (it also contained maps and genealogies). The Apocrypha was a part of the KJV for 274 years until being removed in 1885 A.D. A portion of these books were called deuterocanonical books by some entities, such as the Catholic church.

Many claim the Apocrypha should never have been included in the first place, raising doubt about its validity and believing it was not God-inspired (for instance, a reference to magic seems inconsistent with the rest of the Bible: Tobit chapter 6, verses 5-8). Others believe it is valid and that it should never have been removed- that it was considered part of the Bible for nearly 2,000 years before it was recently removed a little more than 100 years ago. Some say it was removed because of not finding the books in the original Hebrew manuscripts. Others claim it wasn't removed by the church, but by printers to cut costs in distributing Bibles in the United States. Both sides tend to cite the same verses that warn against adding or subtracting from the Bible: Revelation 22:18. The word 'Apocrypha' means 'hidden.' Fragments of Dead Sea Scrolls dating back to before 70 A.D. contained parts of the Apocrypha books in Hebrew, including Sirach and Tobit [source]. 

Keep this in mind when reading the following apocryphal books. Martin Luther said, "Apocrypha--that is, books which are not regarded as equal to the holy Scriptures, and yet are profitable and good to read." (King James Version Defended page 98.)

access the online bible through this link

Books of the Apocrypha

Sunday, September 25, 2016

The ascent and fall (OK — generally fall) of Yahoo

The ascent and fall (OK — generally fall) of Yahoo 

Quincy Larson 

Educator at 

Jul 256 min read 

Today Yahoo reported that it will offer its center advantages for Verizon for a negligible $4.8 billion. This is just marginally more than Verizon paid for AOL — another cleaned up website period organization — a year ago. 

Yippee's business sector capitalization came to $125 billion in 2000. Throughout the following 16 years, it relentlessly tumbled — generally because of inaction and missed open doors. 

You could fill a whole MBA course with contextual analyses of all the vital bungles Yahoo has made. I'll spare you some understudy obligation and fill you in right here, in only 5 minutes. 

Botch #1: Yahoo befuddled being in the ideal spot — at the ideal time — with being keen. 

On the off chance that Yahoo had dispatched a year or two later, they most likely would have been immaterial. They rose to predominance in huge part by profiting from what Y-Combinator prime supporter Paul Graham — who worked there — called an "accepted ponzi plan": 

"Financial specialists were amped up for the Internet. One reason they were energized was Yahoo's income development. So they put resources into new Internet new businesses. The new companies then utilized the cash to purchase advertisements on Yahoo to get activity. Which brought about yet more income development for Yahoo, and further persuaded speculators the Internet was worth putting resources into." 

The developing incomes from this runaway criticism circle deceived Yahoo's administration into imagining that they were shrewd, when truly they were simply fortunate. 

As the overwhelming web entryway, cash came simple for Yahoo. They never tried to construct a solid building society, as Facebook and Google did. All things considered, why ought to Yahoo put resources into its basic innovation when they could simply procure more business people to offer flag advertisements? 

Hurray's underlying achievement gave them the hubris they expected to begin getting different organizations, believing that they could run those organizations superior to the organizations could run themselves. 

Here are a few organizations that Yahoo purchased: 

Geocities ($3.6 billion) 

Tumblr ($1.1 billion) 

Imprint Cuban's ($5.7 billion) 

Radio. On. The web. The truth is out — I'm based off of Mark Cuban. and Tumblr are generally viewed as two of the most noticeably awful acquisitions ever, and were to a great extent discounted as misfortunes. In under 10 years, Geocities went from being the third most gone to site on earth to being closed down all around yet Japan. 

What stays of the $3.6 billion dollar Geocities procurement. 

Botch #2: Yahoo overlooked what it was that got them there. 

Occupied by every one of the acquisitions, Yahoo's authority overlooked its solid center items. Here are a couple multi-billion dollar ventures it surrendered to new contestants: 

Yippee Mail lost to GMail 

Yippee Answers lost to Quora 

Flickr lost to Instagram 

What's more, most mortifying of all, Yahoo Search lost to Google Search — to such a degree, to the point that in 2009, Yahoo scrapped their 13 year-old web crawler for permitting Bing Search, which Microsoft had quite recently dispatched. 

These were all administrations where Yahoo had a multi-year occupant lead, with a large number of dynamic clients. They had the assets. They had the activity. They could have tested and enhanced these administrations. In any case, they neglected to step up. Rather, they got out-planned and out-designed every step of the way. 

Botch #3: Yahoo butchered its brilliant goose while it was all the while creating eggs. 

In 2005, Yahoo fellow benefactor Jerry Yang made one of the most astute interests ever — he bought 40% of Chinese e-trade site Alibaba for $1 billion. 

Today Alibaba is worth more than $200 billion's, despite everything it developing. That implies that Yahoo's stake in Alibaba must be worth $80 billion dollars! 

Alibaba author and CEO Jack Ma, prepared to right me. 

But, hold up. In 2012, Yahoo chose to auction critical bits of its Alibaba stock. They sold much more in 2014. 

Yippee thought they were truly astute at the time, since they benefitted a couple of billion dollars off of these deals. 

Today, Yahoo just claims 15% of Alibaba, however that benefit alone is worth $30 billion — six times as much as the greater part of Yahoo's center organizations. 

In any case, goodness, that self-contradicting $50 billion that they let escape. 

Botch #4: Yahoo succumbed to CEOs who were proficient experts. 

You may think Marissa Mayer was a terrible CEO. She did, all things considered, direct Yahoo's terrible Tumblr procurement in 2013 and offer of Alibaba stock in 2014. Furthermore, she did little to moderate Yahoo's plunge. 

However, Mayer resembles a business virtuoso when you contrast her with the supervisors who went before her. 

Rather than advancing officials from inside, Yahoo enlisted from the "expert CEO" circuit. Also, they didn't pick admirably. 

Scott Thompson commenced his residency as CEO by laying off 2,000 individuals. At that point he sold a huge amount of Yahoo's Alibaba stock (which, as we built up, would have been worth several billions of dollars today). 

He was so stressed over seeming qualified to run a tech organization that hestraight-up lied about having a degree in software engineering. 

At in the first place, Yahoo's board questioned this allegation since it was originating from an extremist shareholder. 

However, then the college Thompson went to freely affirmed that they didn't have a software engineering program back when he had gone to. 

An advertising disaster resulted, and Yahoo immediately let go Thompson. He had just worked there for 130 days. In spite of this, Yahoo wound up paying him $7.3 million for his time there. 

And after that, there's Terry Semel, who is viewed as one of the most noticeably awful CEOs ever. 

Not the look you need to see on your CEO's face. 

Semel neglected to secure Google when Yahoo got its second chance to do as such. At that point he continued to do nothing to prevent Google from wrecking Yahoo's past predominance of the inquiry business. 

Semel additionally messed up acquisitions of both Facebook and DoubleClick (the innovation that turned into the centerpiece of Google's publicizing domain). 

Also, after these slips, Semel blew his one shot at recovery: he turned down Microsoft's offer of $40 billion to purchase Yahoo by and large. 

The genuine kicker is that, over the 7 years that Semel drove the organization into the ground, Yahoo repaid him with a large portion of a billion dollars. 

Botch #5: Yahoo let their suspicions blind them to new open doors. 

Larry Page and Sergey Brin attempted to offer Google to Yahoo in 1998. They just needed $1 million. 

Hurray rejected them since they needed their clients to invest more energy in Yahoo registries, where they would be presented to flag advertisements. Better inquiry — like the kind Google was putting forth — would rapidly course clients far from Yahoo. 

It didn't strike Yahoo that doing what was best for clients may eventually be best for the organization. On the other hand that Google may utilize this innovation to, you know, contend with Yahoo. 

Hurray fellow benefactor Jerry Yang once met with Google authors Sergey Brin and Larry Page. Yang's posture is — by and large — entirely suitable. 

Obviously, we as a whole know how this story closes — with Google being worth $500 billion, and Yahoo being cut up and sold to a service organization for one-hundredth of that. 

For those of you who are running an organization or wanting to begin one, gain from Yahoo's missteps. Appreciate these lessons: 

Try not to confound being in ideal spot at the opportune time with being savvy. 

Remember what it was that got you to where you are today. 

Try not to butcher your brilliant geese while they are as yet delivering eggs. 

Try not to succumb to individuals who are proficient experts. 

What's more, the greater part of all, don't let your suspicions blind you to new open doors. 

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Friday, September 23, 2016



Kristin Tate Brutally Destroys Hillary Clinton's Lies and Law Breaking