Wednesday, November 18, 2015

How to back feed a whole home using Magic Jack

1-Run a cat5 from router to the jack of your choice,On this case I choice the kitchen

2-Open a wall enough to setup the Ethernet jack,and run your wires behind through attic route to behind this drywall and make the jack similar to this example,

3-Power up Magic Jack and Ethernet connect it to the jack and place the phone cord from the phone base to the magic jack shown on this picture
4-Dial tone should be ready and this installation will look as the same we normally used with Voip and Pots line from ATT or Verizon

Good luck

How to activate my dlink cloud camera

First thing first. I started recording here how I did because on my first try activating ,following the book and the app on iphone this was a failure,so i went back to the website downloaded the wizard and was very easy

these are the step took it from an screen shoot that need you go over before activating this cameras on a window platform

1-Open box and connect camera to the router hardwired connection
2-Connect same router to a PC hardwired is the best choice on all my step
3-Open google chrome and type url shown on the pic
4-Match your product,follow my example on the pic below

6-Run program and wizard will look for the camera that is Ethernet connected ,once wizard see it,it will ask for  for log in or register and the rest is your

Launch the mydlink Lite app and tap New users, sign up hereto start the setup process.
If you are using a DCS-935L, select Direct Connection to set up your camera.
If you are using a DCS-6045L, select PowerLine Connection to set up your camera.
Otherwise, select Ethernet Connection to setup your camera.
Follow the steps to complete the setup of your mydlink camera.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Chessbase 13 Package braking down in prices

ChessBase 13 is a personal, stand-alone chess database that has become the standard throughout the world. Everyone uses ChessBase, from the World Champion to the amateur next door. It is the program of choice for anyone who loves the game and wants to know more about it. Start your personal success story with ChessBase and enjoy your chess even more.
After researching which chessbase13 package will feed my needs ; I got tired trying to understand what package has this and that, and its real value vs the prices set for sell ,so I started making this easy way to understand the real value inside each item and this is what i get,I should buy the premium package in I want to save in the long run .

ChessBase 13 package ChessBase 13 Premium package ChessBase 13 Mega package ChessBase 13 Starter package Upgrade from ChessBase 12 Prices
ChessBase 13 program yes yes yes yes 99.90
Mega Database 2015 (approx. 6 million games, 68,000 with annotations) yes yes Big Database 2015 (approx. 6 million games) no 189.99
1 year premium membership to yes no no no 50.00
Access to ChessBase Cloud and ChessBase Online Database (over seven million games) yes yes yes yes n/a
Games download until 31st December 2015 yes yes yes no n/a
One year subscription to ChessBase Magazine (six issues) yes yes for half a year (three issues DVD + booklet) no 125.99
Corr Database 2013 yes no no no 99.90
Endgame Turbo 4 (four DVDs with Syzygy tablebases)Available here... yes no no no 69.99
Total prices by package in Euro 369.90 269.90 179.90 99.90
Information collected on nov-2015 by Autochess (C) Total Price: 635.77

WHAT YOU CAN DO WITH CHESSBASE: Retrieve games according to openings, players and tournaments; generate tournament cross tables and full graphic statistics of players or openings; “Similarity search” shows all games with similar pawn structures, sacrifice patterns, endgame positions etc.; “Let’s check”*: access the world’s largest database of in-depth analysis (more than 200 million positions); Cloud analysis: analysis of a single position with several engines from different computers running in parallel; “Deep analysis”: generates an analysis tree that changes dynamically as with time weaker variations are dropped. One click annotates your game with the “Theoretical Novelty”; merge games on-the-fly into an opening tree; generate a player’s dossier containing all available information from the database; generate a comprehensive openings report with main and critical lines, plans and most important games; Single click publishing of games on the Internet; print games in superb quality with diagrams and multiple columns; automatic update of your local reference database with the weekly install- ments of games (only with the current Mega Database); access to the ChessBase online database with over 7 million games**.
  • The ChessBase Cloud***: you are now able to make use of your databases from any computer and later also from any mobile device. Set up your own repertoire and your own games in private space in our cloud
  • Optimise the performance of your engines with analysis tasks. First of all define which positions are to be analysed one after the other. Like this your engine will over a long period of time assemble independently and store for you in-depth analyses.
  • The improved repertoire function distinguishes between the repertoire for White and Black.
  • Ergonomic operation: Easier analysis and annotation by a new series of buttons. More efficient input of variations during analysis, new variations accepted without a request for confirmation. And much more.
ChessBase 13 - Premium Package:
  • ChessBase 13 program
  • Mega Database 2016 (approx. 6.4 million games, 68,500 with annotations)
  • 1 year premium membership on
  • Access to ChessBase Cloud and ChessBase Online Database (over 7 million games)
  • Games download until 31st December 2016
  • Year's Subscription to ChessBase Magazine (6 issues)
  • Corr Database 2015
  • Endgame Turbo 4 (4 DVDs with Syzygy tablebases)
* Let’s Check service access lasts till: 31.12.2016
** Live-Database access lasts till 31.12.2016
*** condition for access to the ChessBase Cloud: a ChessBase Account


Minimum: Pentium III 1 GHz, 1 GB RAM, Windows Vista, XP (Service Pack 3), DirectX9 graphics card with 256 MB RAM, DVD-ROM drive, Windows Media Player 9 and Internet access to activate the program,, Let’s Check, Engine Cloud and updates. Recommended: PC Intel Core i7, 2.8 GHz, 8 GB RAM, Windows 7 (64 Bit) or Windows 8 (64 Bit), DirectX10 graphics card (or compatible) with 512 MB RAM or more, 100% DirectX10 compatible sound card, Windows Media Player 11, DVD ROM drive and Internet access to activate the program,, Let’s Check, Engine Cloud and updates.

Monday, November 16, 2015

4 Network Issues in Gaming

2.4GHz versus 5GHz

This information posted by Keswani has an extraordinary importance for people who really need the wi-fi for their daily basis works

Battle of the Bands: 2.4GHz versus 5GHz

Posted by   on Jun 3, 2015 in BlogsTech -

On the radio, your favorite band may include a bunch of scruffy musicians. But on your wireless network, your band is full of channels. Your choice of band and the channels it contains can have a big impact on the network’s performance.
What is a wireless band, anyway? Radio signals are electromagnetic waves, part of the same electromagnetic spectrum that includes light and x-rays. All waves vibrate at a particular speed or “frequency,” measured in Hertz (Hz); a billion Hertz equals one GigaHertz (GHz). Radio waves are defined as a specific part of the slow end of this spectrum, called the “radio band.” To avoid interference between different uses of the radio band — broadcast radio, broadcast TV, GPS, emergency communications — the U.S. government divides it into smaller divisions, also known as bands.
Most consumer devices that emit a radio signal — wireless routers, cordless phones, cell phones, garage door openers — operate in the ISM band, short for industrial, scientific, and medical. This band was cordoned off decades ago because such devices don’t need to broadcast very far and therefore (theoretically) won’t interfere with one another, and thus don’t need to be licensed and confined to a specific frequency, like a radio or TV station. The ISM band extends from 2.401GHz to 2.473GHz, but people call it the 2.4GHz band for short.

Today, tons of devices operate in the 2.4GHz band and, as a result, cause lots of interference with nearby ISM-type devices. In an effort to prevent this from occurring, the 2.4GHz spectrum is split into 11 “channels” (small bands), each 22MHz apart. In theory, these channels provide three frequency ranges whose signals never overlap. Or, to put it another way, three 2.4GHz devices using three different channels should never interfere with one another.

Fortunately, there’s another option: a different band known as the Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure (U-NII) band, called 5GHz for short. Dual-band wireless networking equipment supports both 2.4GHz and 5GHz operation. Devices that support the Wireless AC (802.11ac) standard can move up to the higher-frequency band to take advantage of additional channels that are less prone to interference than 2.4GHz.

Be aware that there is a trade-off for minimizing interference. Because they operate at a higher frequency, 5GHz signals have a shorter range than their 2.4GHz counterparts.
But don’t let that deter you from testing out 5GHz. If your router supports Dual Band, or even Tri Band, you can create multiple independent wireless networks at the same time, one on the 2.4GHz band for the increased range and compatibility with legacy devices, the other on the 5GHz band, with shorter range but less interference. Perfect for those seeking to maximize performance within a home networking setup. 

- See more at:

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Eliza, computer therapist

ELIZA emulates a Rogerian psychotherapist.

ELIZA has almost no intelligence whatsoever, only tricks like string substitution and canned responses based on keywords. Yet when the original ELIZA first appeared in the 60's, some people actually mistook her for human. The illusion of intelligence works best, however, if you limit your conversation to talking about yourself and your life.

This javascript version of ELIZA was originally written by Michal Wallace and significantly enhanced by George Dunlop.

Note: Eliza is dumb! This is common knowledge. Please don't write to me telling me she's dumb, or how to fix it. If you don't like the way she works, you can change the code yourself. Just view source on this page to see the javascript, and save it to your hard drive. Then do a search for javascript documenation, and you should be able to make Eliza act any way you want. :)

IBM Watson: Smartest Machine ever built - Documentary

Computer Wins on ‘Jeopardy!’: Trivial, It’s Not

Carol Kaelson/Jeopardy Productions Inc., via Associated Press
Two “Jeopardy!” champions, Ken Jennings, left, and Brad Rutter, competed against a computer named Watson, which proved adept at buzzing in quickly.

Published: February 16, 2011

Two “Jeopardy!” champions, Ken Jennings, left, and Brad Rutter, competed against a computer named Watson, which proved adept at buzzing in quickly.
Published: February 16, 2011

YORKTOWN HEIGHTS, N.Y. — In the end, the humans on “Jeopardy!” surrendered meekly.

Facing certain defeat at the hands of a room-size I.B.M. computer on Wednesday evening, Ken Jennings, famous for winning 74 games in a row on the TV quiz show, acknowledged the obvious. “I, for one, welcome our new computer overlords,” he wrote on his video screen, borrowing a line from a “Simpsons” episode.
From now on, if the answer is “the computer champion on “Jeopardy!,” the question will be, “What is Watson?”

For I.B.M., the showdown was not merely a well-publicized stunt and a $1 million prize, but proof that the company has taken a big step toward a world in which intelligent machines will understand and respond to humans, and perhaps inevitably, replace some of them.
Watson, specifically, is a “question answering machine” of a type that artificial intelligence researchers have struggled with for decades — a computer akin to the one on “Star Trek” that can understand questions posed in natural language and answer them.
Watson showed itself to be imperfect, but researchers at I.B.M. and other companies are already developing uses for Watson’s technologies that could have a significant impact on the way doctors practice and consumers buy products.

“Cast your mind back 20 years and who would have thought this was possible?” said Edward Feigenbaum, aStanford University computer scientist and a pioneer in the field.
In its “Jeopardy!” project, I.B.M. researchers were tackling a game that requires not only encyclopedic recall, but also the ability to untangle convoluted and often opaque statements, a modicum of luck, and quick, strategic button pressing.

The contest, which was taped in January here at the company’s T. J. Watson Research Laboratory before an audience of I.B.M. executives and company clients, played out in three televised episodes concluding Wednesday. At the end of the first day, Watson was in a tie with Brad Rutter, another ace human player, at $5,000 each, with Mr. Jennings trailing with $2,000.
But on the second day, Watson went on a tear. By night’s end, Watson had a commanding lead with a total of $35,734, compared with Mr. Rutter’s $10,400 and Mr. Jennings’s $4,800.
Victory was not cemented until late in the third match, when Watson was in Nonfiction. “Same category for $1,200,” it said in a manufactured tenor, and lucked into a Daily Double. Mr. Jennings grimaced.

Even later in the match, however, had Mr. Jennings won another key Daily Double it might have come down to Final Jeopardy, I.B.M. researchers acknowledged.
The final tally was $77,147 to Mr. Jennings’s $24,000 and Mr. Rutter’s $21,600.
More than anything, the contest was a vindication for the academic field of artificial intelligence, which began with great promise in the 1960s with the vision of creating a thinking machine and which became the laughingstock of Silicon Valley in the 1980s, when a series of heavily financed start-up companies went bankrupt.
Despite its intellectual prowess, Watson was by no means omniscient. On Tuesday evening during Final Jeopardy, the category was U.S. Cities and the clue was: “Its largest airport is named for a World War II hero; its second largest for a World War II battle.”
Watson drew guffaws from many in the television audience when it responded “What is Toronto?????”

The string of question marks indicated that the system had very low confidence in its response, I.B.M. researchers said, but because it was Final Jeopardy, it was forced to give a response. The machine did not suffer much damage. It had wagered just $947 on its result. (The correct answer is, "What is Chicago?")
“We failed to deeply understand what was going on there,” said David Ferrucci, an I.B.M. researcher who led the development of Watson. “The reality is that there’s lots of data where the title is U.S. cities and the answers are countries, European cities, people, mayors. Even though it says U.S. cities, we had very little confidence that that’s the distinguishing feature.”
The researchers also acknowledged that the machine had benefited from the “buzzer factor.”
Both Mr. Jennings and Mr. Rutter are accomplished at anticipating the light that signals it is possible to “buzz in,” and can sometimes get in with virtually zero lag time. The danger is to buzz too early, in which case the contestant is penalized and “locked out” for roughly a quarter of a second.
Watson, on the other hand, does not anticipate the light, but has a weighted scheme that allows it, when it is highly confident, to hit the buzzer in as little as 10 milliseconds, making it very hard for humans to beat. When it was less confident, it took longer to  buzz in. In the second round, Watson beat the others to the buzzer in 24 out of 30 Double Jeopardy questions.
“It sort of wants to get beaten when it doesn’t have high confidence,” Dr. Ferrucci said. “It doesn’t want to look stupid.”

Both human players said that Watson’s button pushing skill was not necessarily an unfair advantage. “I beat Watson a couple of times,” Mr. Rutter said.
When Watson did buzz in, it made the most of it. Showing the ability to parse language, it responded to, “A recent best seller by Muriel Barbery is called ‘This of the Hedgehog,’ ” with “What is Elegance?”
It showed its facility with medical diagnosis. With the answer: “You just need a nap. You don’t have this sleep disorder that can make sufferers nod off while standing up,” Watson replied, “What is narcolepsy?”
The coup de grâce came with the answer, “William Wilkenson’s ‘An Account of the Principalities of Wallachia and Moldavia’ inspired this author’s most famous novel.” Mr. Jennings wrote, correctly, Bram Stoker, but realized that he could not catch up with Watson’s winnings and wrote out his surrender.
Both players took the contest and its outcome philosophically.
“I had a great time and I would do it again in a heartbeat,” said Mr. Jennings. “It’s not about the results; this is about being part of the future.”
For I.B.M., the future will happen very quickly, company executives said. On Thursday it plans to announce that it will collaborate with Columbia University and the University of Maryland to create a physician’s assistant service that will allow doctors to query a cybernetic assistant. The company also plans to work with Nuance Communications add voice recognition to the physician’s assistant, possibly making the service available in as little as 18 months.
“I have been in medical education for 40 years and we’re still a very memory-based curriculum,” said Dr. Herbert Chase, a professor of clinical medicine at Columbia University who is working with I.B.M. on the physician’s assistant. “The power of Watson- like tools will cause us to reconsider what it is we want students to do.”
I.B.M. executives also said they are in discussions with a major consumer electronics retailer to develop a version of Watson, named after I.B.M.’s founder, Thomas J. Watson, that would be able to interact with consumers on a variety of subjects like buying decisions and technical support.
Dr. Ferrucci sees none of the fears that have been expressed by theorists and science fiction writers about the potential of computers to usurp humans.
“People ask me if this is HAL,” he said, referring to the computer in “2001: A Space Odyssey.” “HAL’s not the focus; the focus is on the computer on ‘Star Trek,’ where you have this intelligent information seek dialogue, where you can ask follow-up questions and the computer can look at all the evidence and tries to ask follow-up questions. That’s very cool.”
This article has been revised to reflect the following correction:
Correction: February 24, 2011
An article last Thursday about the I.B.M. computer Watson misidentified the academic field vindicated by Watson’s besting of two human opponents on “Jeopardy!” It is artificial intelligence — not computer science, a broader field that includes artificial intelligence.