Saturday, May 17, 2014

His Stimulator sex toy

Published on Sep 11, 2013
Pornstar Raylene talks about the His Stimulator sex toy for couples. Go to to find out more!

SLC Radio Presents: Sexless Marriages

Published on Jun 14, 2013
Great conversation on a very tough topic. We each shared our own "sexless marriage" encounter. Some fun confessions: Dead Fish position, Sloppy Left-Overs, and we all want an Alice.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Bas Rutten O2 Trainer

TRITON - Human Gills

TRTON - Human Gills

Diving free of cumbersome tanks and lines, and with an unlimited underwater air supply? That's love out of nothing at all. Unfathomable! And although human gills are indeed a ways away from sporting goods store shelves, with his TRITON oxygen respirator concept, Samsung Art & Design Institute student Jeabyun Yeon may ultimately prove himself to be the game-changing Australian soft rock duo of the industrial design world.
Yeon proposes a solution both to humans' natural inability to breathe underwater, and the complexity of learning to operate/using assistive apparatuses, such as SCUBA gear. His TRITON mouthpiece aims to eliminate both the extensive equipment and the restrictions by enabling subsurface breathing just by biting its pliable insert. In addition, the TRITON is designed to be a portal oxygen respirator, which means those wearing one would breathe just as they do on land, rather than learning to consciously and deliberately breathe in and out when the device is in place.
TRITON would incorporate artificial gill technology, which Yeon claims is in development in Korea, as its primary feature. A filter on the mask would extract oxygen while under water with a collection of fine threads whose holes are smaller than water molecules. From there, a tiny, powerful micro compressor would condense and store the extracted oxygen in a compact holding tank for continuous access over a very long period of time. Limits would be due only to the micro compressor's micro battery, again a piece of next-generation technology. It is anticipated to be 30 times smaller than current options, and capable of charging 1,000 times faster.
Later That Day Update: For those who aren't familiar with it, the virtual gallery displaying Yeon's TRITON is Behance. Behance is a venue for artists and designers--particularly students--to showcase their projects and ideas, generate interest and support, build networks, and potentially attract investors. Many of these products still exist only as prototypes or concepts, but the work their creators have put into them certainly places them beyond the stage of All Talk & No Action that people such as myself will thrive in forever.

Ultralight Helicopter

Sex Tips So Dumb They'll Make You Hate Humping

Published on Feb 13, 2014
Used all your condoms? Stock up at http://www.condomjungle.comand for even more savings enter TYT at checkout!

Cosmo is known to have some questionable (and strangely food related) sex tips. We're going over some of the strangest to decide - if they're worth trying out at home. Tweet:

Would you want to try out any of these sex tips? Let us know in the comments!

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TYT University: College news, scandals, parties, tips and advice, relationships, sex and dating, self-help, music parodies, odd facts and more with host John Iadarola.

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