Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Mysterious Stone Structure Discovered Beneath Sea of Galilee

The circular structure was first detected in a sonar survey of part of the sea in the summer of 2003.
By Owen Jarus, LiveScience Contributor
A giant "monumental" stone structure discovered beneath the waters of the Sea of Galilee in Israel has archaeologists puzzled as to its purpose and even how long ago it was built.
The mysterious structure is cone shaped, made of "unhewn basalt cobbles and boulders," and weighs an estimated 60,000 tons the researchers said. That makes it heavier than most modern-day warships.
Rising nearly 32 feet (10 meters) high, it has a diameter of about 230 feet (70 meters). To put that in perspective, the outer stone circle of Stonehenge has a diameter just half that with its tallest stones not reaching that height.
It appears to be a giant cairn, rocks piled on top of each other. Structures like this are known from elsewhere in the world and are sometimes used to mark burials. Researchers do not know if the newly discovered structure was used for this purpose.
The structure was first detected in the summer of 2003 during a sonar survey of the southwest portion of the sea. Divers have since been down to investigate, they write in the latest issue of theInternational Journal of Nautical Archaeology
"Close inspection by scuba diving revealed that the structure is made of basalt boulders up to 1 m (3.2 feet) long with no apparent construction pattern," the researchers write in their journal article. "The boulders have natural faces with no signs of cutting or chiselling. Similarly, we did not find any sign of arrangement or walls that delineate this structure." [See Photos of the Mysterious Sea of Galilee Structure]
They say it is definitely human-made and probably was built on land, only later to be covered by the Sea of Galilee as the water level rose. "The shape and composition of the submerged structure does not resemble any natural feature. We therefore conclude that it is man-made and might be termed a cairn," the researchers write.
More than 4,000 years old?
Underwater archaeological excavation is needed so scientists can find associated artifacts and determine the structure's date and purpose, the researchers said.
Researcher Yitzhak Paz, of the Israel Antiquities Authority and Ben-Gurion University, believes it could date back more than 4,000 years. "The more logical possibility is that it belongs to the third millennium B.C., because there are other megalithic phenomena [from that time] that are found close by," Paz told LiveScience in an interview, noting that those sites are associated with fortified settlements. 
The researchers list several examples of megalithic structures found close to the Sea of Galilee that are more than 4,000 years-old. One example is the monumental site of Khirbet Beteiha, located some 19 miles (30 kilometers) north-east of the submerged stone structure, the researchers write. It "comprises three concentric stone circles, the largest of which is 56 m [184 feet] in diameter." [Gallery: Aerial Photos Reveal Mysterious Stone Structures]
An ancient city
If the third-millennium B.C. date idea proves correct it would put the structure about a mile to the north of a city that researchers call "Bet Yerah" or "Khirbet Kerak."
During the third millennium B.C. the city was one of the biggest sites in the region, Paz said. "It's the most powerful and fortified town in this region and, as a matter of fact, in the whole of Israel."
Archaeologist Raphael Greenberg describes it in a chapter of the book "Daily Life, Materiality, and Complexity in Early Urban Communities of the Southern Levant" (Eisenbrauns, 2011) as being a heavily fortified 74-acre (30 hectares) site with up to 5,000 inhabitants.
With paved streets and towering defenses its people were clearly well organized. "They also indicate the existence of some kind of municipal authority able to maintain public structures ..." Greenberg writes.
The research team says that, like the leaders of Bet Yerah, whoever built the newly discovered Sea of Galilee structure needed sophisticated organization and planning skills to construct it. The "effort invested in such an enterprise is indicative of a complex, well-organized society, with planning skills and economic ability," they write in their journal paper.
Paz added that "in order to build such a structure a lot of working hours were required" in an organized community effort.
Future exploration
Paz said that he hopes soon that an underwater archaeological expedition will set out to excavate the structure. They can search for artifacts and try to determine its date with certainty.
He said that the Israel Antiquities Authority has a research branch capable of excavating it. "We will try to do it in the near future, I hope, but it depends on a lot of factors."

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

"I Went Undercover on America's Cheating Website"

We wish we could ignore, the online playing field for married people looking to cheat. But over 8 million men and women have signed up, heeding its slogan, "Life is short. Have an affair." Eight. Million. REDBOOK couldn't ignore that number, so we sent writer Lisa Taddeo online to meet up with straying husbands and get them to answer: Why?

Related: Women cheat online, too. Our male reporter met up with one of them.

By Lisa Taddeo

Discreet Couple

By definition, Ashley Madison, a dating site for cheaters, is a disreputable place. Seedy, sad. Your first impulse may be to throw your arms up in rage and condemn its members, the ones trawling for an affair or the chance to talk dirty in an instant message. But don't you also have questions? I set out to ask married men on the site not only why they cheat, but why they do it so boldly, admitting their recklessness and confessing their betrayals on the Internet as though their morality and fidelity were items up for auction on eBay.

To get started, I create a profile with a fake name and a dark picture of myself and chart a plan. I'll respond only to men who approach me. Then I'll meet a few of them for a drink, but there will be no drunkenness. For my own safety, I won't reveal what I'm really doing. And if they try anything, I'm gone.

In my profile, I say that I'm married, because in addition to avoiding escorts, many of the men on the site don't want the complications of seeing a single woman. They want an even trade. Your fidelity for mine. The rest of what I say is mostly true, and to weed out the more aggressive guys, my tone comes off as exploratory, not sexual. I write about being curious. I say I miss autonomy. I say I'm scared to live the rest of my life with unexplored desire.

Overnight I receive 164 messages.

Several of them contain below-the-waist images. One of the men has a tagline on his profile that reads, "At your cervix, madam." Within moments of signing in, instant messages flush my screen, emails and winks from muscular men and men much older than me and young ones and proud fathers and one gray grandfather, worming out like monsters from the baseboards. Do you want to chat? Hey beautiful. Hey sexy. Alone in my house, and naked for you. And then, a familiar face. A man I know. He wants to meet; he doesn't know I ran into him just last week. Maybe I shouldn't be surprised: 68 percent of the site's members are men, and their average age is 44 — right in his demographic. But my jaw hits the ground anyway when I realize whom I'm looking at. He's married with children. A family man. Or so I thought. 

The more careful among them don't post pictures directly to the site, but they send a key that grants me access to a "private showcase" of images. Some wax their chests and others are darkly forested. One man takes a picture in front of his 1987 Camaro, parked outside of a diner. One man has his arm across the shoulders of a young Jon Bon Jovi. But most have taken their pictures recently and surreptitiously. In their bathrooms with their iPhones held up to the mirror, their faces partially obscured, their wives' J'adore behind them, on top of the toilet.

There are the ones who just want to meet to have sex; you can tell because their handles are direct and uncomplicated: Yours4Lust and DeepPassionMan. They list measurements and ask for yours, as though it's merely a matter of fitting one puzzle piece into another. I ignore these. Instead, I respond to the thoughtful ones, whose tales might help answer my questions. 

Read more: Married Men Cheating on Ashley Madison - Why Married Men Have Affairs - Redbook 

Women Cheat, Too: The Other Side of Ashley Madison

anonymous woman cheating

It's not easy to meet a married woman on Ashley Madison. I learn this after dropping $20 to sign up (unlike female members, guys have to pay) and then another $150 on "credits" that I use to send messages to women on the site.

I am honest enough: single guy, (mostly) normal, (mostly) open.

I get zero responses. Turns out, the bulk of women on the site are looking only for cybersex, wanting to fill an emotional void. 

Then the message finally comes: L., 42, an attractive mother of two. She's slightly older than many of the women on Ashley Madison — the average age of female members is 35 — and is atypical in the fact that she prefers single men. (She tried dating some of the married men but found them too paranoid. She also likes that unattached guys have apartments to go to instead of hotel rooms.) 

She tells me she has "no clue" what she's looking for, just that it's not a committed relationship and it's not a one-night stand. But she doesn't want there to be any confusion about the future. 

"Nobody was ever going to be better with my kids than my husband," she tells me over coffee after work. It's her idea to meet at Starbucks. She doesn't like bars, she explains. After more than a year of cheating on her husband with several partners, she wants to judge me with a clear head. 

"I could trade him in for another guy," she goes on about her husband, "but that guy wouldn't be the father of my children."

Despite this, L. has no interest in sleeping with her husband anymore. He lied to her about money until it destroyed their relationship, and she gets visibly pained talking about it. But she isn't ready to clamp on a chastity belt. Enter Ashley Madison.

"I'm not looking to marry you," she says. "So I don't care if you're messy or watch sports all day. I'm not your wife." 

With those words, I get a glimpse of what L.'s looking for: She wants a break. Not just from her husband but from the person she becomes when she's with him. She wants to get back at him without hurting her kids. She wants to flirt and feel sexy.

I find myself feeling sorry for her. I suspect she wishes that her husband wasn't a jerk. I suspect she doesn't like trolling a site for guys who live in bachelor pads with bare walls.

When she tries to kiss me, I turn my cheek, give her a hug, and say bye.

A few days later I get an email from L. saying she would like to meet again. I tell her it was nice meeting her but that Ashley Madison just isn't for me. 

And I never hear from her again.

Read more: Married Women Cheating on Ashley Madison - Why Married Women Have Affairs - Redbook 

Black Hole Caught Snacking on 'Super Jupiter' Planet

The black hole at the center of galaxy NGC 4845 is seen snacking on a giant gas planet or "failed star" in this screenshot from an ESA animation.
In a cosmic first, astronomers have discovered a black holechowing down on what may be a giant rogue planet.
The supermassive black hole didn't finish off its meal, which scientists say was either a huge Jupiter-like planet wandering freely through space or a brown dwarf, a strange object that's larger than a planet yet still too small to trigger the internal fusion reactions required to become a full-fledged star.
“This is the first time where we have seen the disruption of a substellar object by a black hole," study co-author Roland Walter, of the Observatory of Geneva in Switzerland, said in a statement. "We estimate that only its external layers were eaten by the black hole, amounting to about 10 percent of the object’s total mass, and that a denser core has been left orbiting the black hole."
Researchers made the discovery using the European Space Agency's Integral space observatory, which noticed an X-ray flare coming from the center of a galaxy 47 million light-years away calledNGC 4845. [Black Hole Snacks on Super Jupiter (Video)]
Follow-up observations by several other instruments — including ESA's XMM-Newton and NASA's Swift space telescopes and Japan's MAXI X-ray monitor on the International Space Station — allowed the team to trace the outburst's maximum to January 2011, when NGC 4845 brightened by a factor of 1,000 before dimming again over the next year or so.
"The observation was completely unexpected, from a galaxy that has been quiet for at least 20–30 years," lead author Marek Nikolajuk, of the University of Bialystok in Poland, said in a statement.
By studying the flare's properties, the team determined that the emission likely resulted when NGC 4845's central black hole — which is as massive as 300,000 suns — fed on an object with a mass between 14 and 30 times that of Jupiter.
That mass range corresponds to a brown dwarf, also known as a failed star. But it's also possible that the unfortunate object is quite a bit smaller, with a mass just a few times that of Jupiter, researchers said. If that's the case, then the galaxy's black hole was probably ripping apart a free-floating gas giant planet.
Such "rogue planets," which have been ejected from their native solar systems by gravitational interactions, are thought to be incredibly common throughout the universe. One recent study, for example, estimated that rogues outnumber "normal" planets with obvious parent stars by at least 50 percent in our own Milky Way galaxy.
The Milky Way's enormous central black hole is set to have a meal of its own soon. A gas cloud as massive as several Earths is spiraling toward the black hole and should be gobbled up later this year, astronomers say.
Observing more such events should help researchers better understand how black holes feed.
"Estimates are that events like these may be detectable every few years in galaxies around us, and if we spot them, Integral, along with other high-energy space observatories, will be able to watch them play out just as it did with NGC 4845," said Christoph Winkler, ESA's Integral project scientist.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Mental Energy:

CoastZone Newsletter

Mental Energy:

On Sunday's show, clinical psychologist with a deep interest in psychokinesis, Joseph Gallenberger
, discussed how we can use psychic energy to effect and change our realities, and create the circumstances we need or want. He spoke about his involvement with the Monroe Institute and their Hemi-Sync technology, an auditory stimulation system which helps to synchronize the two brain hemispheres, and facilitate meditation, relaxation and other beneficial states depending on the frequency settings.

Out of these focused meditative states, Gallenberger discovered he could do healing intention, as well as psychokinesis (PK), such as effecting the outcome of a dice roll. He experimented with his abilities to influence matter at casinos in Las Vegas primarily through dice games, and reported that he was quite successful. "The type of energy we want to build for psychokinesis is wide-open heart, grounded to the earth, in touch with spirit, feeling one with everything, feeling really good," he noted, but most people approach casino games feeling greed and fear, and end up getting the exact opposite of what they want.

Beyond the gaming aspect, the idea of being able to project energy to manifest is very useful in such areas as relationships, finances, and health, he remarked. PK and psychic ability have been scientifically proven such as by studies at Princeton, but mainstream science continues to doubt, "because we don't have the smoking gun, the causal chain-- there is resistance," as well close-minded professional skeptics that have the ear of the media and the government, he commented.

ACLU Critique:

First hour guest, author Jerome Corsi spoke about his new book Bad Samaritans
which deals with the ACLU's effort to separate church and state. The organization is determined to remove God from all aspects of American society, "which ends up being a complete perversion of the 1st amendment," he argued. The Founding Fathers spoke of freedom of religion in the Bill of Rights, not freedom from religion, he continued.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Meet Tanya, another star of Surfing magazine’s Swimsuit Issue

Another behind-the-scenes look at the photo shoot from Down Under

Our pals over at Surfing magazine have yet another hot lady from their much anticipated Swimsuit Issue for us to meet. With the issue due to drop in a month we are getting to know some of the talent in front of the lens. Without further ado, please meet Tanya.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

How to create a restore point for Windows 7?

Create a restore point

A restore point is a representation of a stored state of your computer's system files. You can use a restore point to restore your computer's system files to an earlier point in time. Restore points are automatically created by System Restore weekly and when System Restore detects the beginning of a change to your computer, such as when you install a program or a driver.
System image backups stored on hard disks can also be used for System Restore, just like the restore points created by system protection. Even though system image backups contain both your system files and personal data, your data files won't be affected by System Restore. For more information about system images, see What is a system image? You can create a restore point manually at any time by following the steps below.

  1. 1.1 or go to Control Panel-System and Security-System
  2. In the left pane, click System protection. Administrator permission required If you're prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.
  3. Click the System Protection tab, and then click Create.
  4. In the System Protection dialog box, type a description, and then click Create.
For more information about System Restore, see What is System Restore?

What is System Restore?

System Restore helps you restore your computer's system files to an earlier point in time. It's a way to undo system changes to your computer without affecting your personal files, such as e‑mail, documents, or photos.
Sometimes, the installation of a program or a driver can cause an unexpected change to your computer or cause Windows to behave unpredictably. Usually, uninstalling the program or driver corrects the problem. If uninstalling doesn't fix the problem, you can try restoring your computer's system to an earlier date when everything worked correctly.
System Restore uses a feature called system protection to regularly create and save restore points on your computer. These restore points contain information about registry settings and other system information that Windows uses. You can also create restore points manually. For information about creating restore points, see Create a restore point.
System image backups stored on hard disks can also be used for System Restore, just like the restore points created by system protection. Even though system image backups contain both your system files and personal data, your data files will not be affected by System Restore. For more information about system images, see What is a system image?
System Restore isn't intended for backing up personal files, so it cannot help you recover a personal file that has been deleted or damaged. You should regularly back up your personal files and important data using a backup program. For more information about backing up personal files, see Back up your files.
  • Click to open System Restore.Administrator permission required If you're prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.
For more information about system protection, see What is system protection?

What is system protection?

System protection is a feature that regularly creates and saves information about your computer's system files and settings. System protection also saves previous versions of files that you've modified. It saves these files in restore points, which are created just before significant system events, such as the installation of a program or device driver. They're also created automatically once every seven days if no other restore points were created in the previous seven days, but you can create restore points manually at any time.
System protection is automatically on for the drive that Windows is installed on. System protection can only be turned on for drives that are formatted using the NTFS file system.
There are two ways that you can take advantage of system protection:
  • If your computer is running slowly or isn't working properly, you can use System Restore to return your computer's system files and settings to an earlier point in time using a restore point. For more information about System Restore, see System Restore: frequently asked questions.
  • If you accidentally modify or delete a file or folder, you can restore it to a previous version that's saved as part of a restore point. For more information about previous versions, see Previous versions of files: frequently asked questions.