Friday, March 29, 2013

Mystery Booms, Monarchs, & Gobekli Tepe:

On Thursday's show, investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe discussed the loud mystery booms that are persisting with intensity, the Monarch butterflies annual migration numbers declining and their possible extinction, and speculation that the function of the strange, 'alien' Gobekli Tepe excavation has to do with the recycling of souls.

In just five days between March 13 and March 17, 2013 hundreds of loud "bone-rattling, house-shaking" boom reports were made by residents to 911 and other local authorities in Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Alabama, southern California, southern Illinois, Idaho and Kentucky. Then on the afternoon of March 19, in New Jersey's Atlantic, Cape May and Cumberland Counties, "multiple earthquake-like tremors rattled homes and offices," but USGS said there was no seismic event recorded. She spoke with Louisville, KY resident Eddie Lashley who described a March 17th event in which he experienced a sound unlike he'd ever heard before that knocked picture frames off the wall, and sent his dogs running for cover under the bed. After the incident, he received phone calls from friends as far as 50 miles away who'd also experienced the boom. Anna Hoaglan of Woodland Hills, CA talked to Linda and described an odd explosive sound like glass breaking that she hea rd at her home on March 7th, yet there was no broken glass anywhere. Linda shared an email from a retired electronics engineer who suggested that the sounds being heard are coming from the Earth itself, and reflect changes deep inside the core.

Since 1994, there has been a steady decline of Monach butterfly migrations, and this winter of 2012-2013, scientists reported the lowest number of monarchs in Mexico on record - only 2.9 acres. And it is Mexico where the butterflies need to lay their eggs on milkweed for their young larvae to eat before changing into Monarchs. The unthinkable is now possible: Monarch extinction. She interviewed Professor of Biology, Chip Taylor, the Founder and Director of Monarch Watch. He told her that Canada, the U. S. and Mexico have expanded GMO corn and soybean acreages filled with herbicides that kill milkweed and consequently kill the natural cycle of Monarchs. Prof. Taylor is working with other scientists to get the three nations to create milkweed sanctuaries in home backyards, city parks and national forests to save the Monarchs.

In a two-part report, she spoke with UK author Andrew Collins who recently published the article Gobekli Tepe: Its Cosmic Blueprint Revealed. The mysterious excavation at Gobekli Tepe, in southeast Turkey, has revealed a temple complex built some 7,000 years before Stonehenge and the Great Pyramid. Collins suggested that certain large standing stones in the complex are linked by one specific circular wall that aims at the brightest star Deneb in the Cygnus Constellation, which sits at the opening of the Dark Rift in the Milky Way Galaxy. This has provoked him to speculate that the function of the temple complex has to do with the recycling or transferring of souls. One of the startling discoveries at the site is a carving of a vulture-like bird with a wing outstretched toward a circle. Later used in Egypt, the symbol of the vulture and circle related to stripping flesh from the bones of the dead and the recycling of souls from Earth to the afterlife and back again.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Alien Spacecraft and Alien Moonbase found on the Dark Site of the Moon !

NASA`S TOP SECRET MOONMISSION - Alien Spacecraft and Alien Moonbase found on the Dark Site of the Moon !

Conspiracy vid shows 'shapeshifter alien' who guards the White House

So maybe you've seen this insane conspiracy video (which has amassed a shocking number of page views in one week) that accuses the White House of using "a shapeshifter alien humanoid working for the powers that be." Also, there are Zionists involved. Anyway, the real fun of the story came when the National Security Council was contacted. "I can't confirm the claims made in this video, but any alleged program to guard the president with aliens or robots would likely have to be scaled back or eliminated in the sequester," spokeswoman Caitlin Hayden said. "I'd refer you to the Secret Service or Area 51 for more details." We're not hearing a "no." [Source]

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Fundamentals of Spatial Streams

IEEE 802.11ac: Learn the Fundamentals of the New WLAN Standard

The IEEE 802.11ac Wi-Fi standard promises to deliver greater than a Gigabit connectivity for the next generation of mobile devices. Learn more:

What is 802.11ac? 

Avril Salter, Wireless Deployment Specialist, Next Direction Technologies

AC is a new radio. We've had B, A, G, N, and we've now got AC. Why it's really exciting is it's going to go up to much, much higher data rates. It's also going to allow you to have much higher capacity of wireless traffic across your network.

How does it do that? It has several key features. One of the main features is it goes to wider bandwidths. In N, we've go 20 and 40 megahertz, and now we're going to 80 and also an option to go to 160 megahertz, significantly increasing your data rate. 

It's also introducing spatial multiplexing up to an 8x8 MIMO. There are 8 antennas, which is pretty amazing if you think about using 8 antennas on this equipment now.

The very first products you're going to see 2013 in the enterprise environment we anticipate will be a 3x3 MIMO. What that one may be able to do is get up to data rates which is over a gigabit per second. We're looking at 1.3 Gbps in good RF conditions. So it's going to give you a much, much richer user environment for doing data, video, etc. 

There are also some really other interesting features. One of the things that's also going to incrementally increase your data rate is going to 256 QAM, a much, much higher level of modulation, which I have never seen except in microwave links before. So we're now seen that in a Wi-Fi environment, and what's nice with that one is we're going to couple that with beamforming, so focusing your energy in one direction, which will allow you to get up to those higher data rates much further away from your access point, which is just really exciting that you can get now higher data rates by using these more advanced technologies.

The other one which we've not seen before is called multi-user MIMO and multi-user MIMO is actually going to allow you to have up to four users transmitting at the same time. Historically, we've had one use of our access point, and now we have four. That's going to be up to fourfold in your capacity. 

Not only are you going to have higher data rates, but you're going to have higher capacity as well. So this is super exciting that we have this new radio coming out.