Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Block Websites from your Router or using DNS

September 20th, 2012 by Aseem Kishore | File in: Featured PostsHow-To

Looking for a way to block websites in your home so that anyone connected to your network cannot access them? There are lots of programs out there that you can install on a PC or Mac to block or filter websites, but I don’t like these solutions because you have to manually install it on each computer and for any new devices that get connected to the network, they won’t be blocked.
On top of that, what if you want to block the site on other devices connected to wifi like tablets or smartphones? Well, instead of blocking websites on a device by device basis, you can block websites from your wireless router! This is great because all traffic on your internal network has to pass through your router. If you block it here, there is no need to install any software on any computer or to make any changes to the settings on any computer.
This means you don’t have to bother with proxy servers, group policy or secret software running on machines in order to block a few websites. In this article, I’ll show you how you can use your router or use DNS to block websites. All the action takes place on your router.

Block Websites on Router

Just about every router today now has the option to block or filter websites right on the router. For example, I have a Netgear N600 wireless router and there is a whole section called Content Filtering. You’ll need to log into the web interface of your router in order to access these settings.
block websites
If you click on Block Sites, you can block on a schedule or block all the time. So you could set it up so that the sites are only blocked at night or during the hours you choose. So you can prevent your kids from browsing Facebook after 9 pm very easily. Just type in the domain name or a keyword if you block websites with certain words in the URL.
content filtering
It even has the option to allow trusted IP addresses to access the blocked sites, so you can give your computer a static IP address and add it to the list. This way, you can browse everything, but no one else will be able too. In addition to blocking websites, Netgear also has options for blocking services, so you can block all FTP traffic or all AIM traffic. You can create alerts and get emails when someone tries to visit a blocked website.
Not all routers will have the same number of features like Netgear, but there is usually at least a minimum ability to block websites. If your router simply doesn’t have any mechanism for blocking sites via the software, then you can try using DNS.

Block Websites using DNS

On your router, you can also block websites by using another DNS service provider other than your ISP. OpenDNS is an awesome DNS service provider that gives you free content filtering for home use. All you have to do is sign up for a free account and change the DNS servers on your router to point to the OpenDNS servers.
dns settings
OpenDNS even has a section on how to change the DNS settings for just about every router out there. You can check out this link to change yours:
Note that you should sign up for a free Home account, not a Premium DNS account. The Home account is what gives you the ability to block individual websites. It’s great that the service is free and OpenDNS may actually be faster than your ISP DNS servers.
Those are two excellent ways of blocking websites on your home network without having to configure a single computer or device. It’s the easiest way and provides the widest coverage since you’re blocking the websites at the source. If you have any questions, post a comment and I’ll try to help. Enjoy!

How to Block Websites With Linksys Wireless Router Read more: How to Block Websites With Linksys Wireless Router

A wireless router communicates with all computers in the wireless network over radio links; it also communicates those computers to the outside world, by way of a wired network backbone -- a cable modem connection provided by an Internet service provider. Since the router can access every request for Web pages issued from any computer in the wireless network, it can keep track of all accesses to websites. You can use a feature built into Linksys wireless routers to prevent users from accessing certain websites of your choice.


    • 1
      Connect your computer to any of the ports labeled with a number on the back of the Linksys router.
    • 2
      Log in to the computer.
    • 3
      Launch a Web browser by double-clicking on its desktop icon. Navigate with the browser to the router's configuration utility. The Web address for the configuration utility depends on the model. For example, a Linksys WRT54GS has its configuration utility listening at address "".
    • 4
      Navigate to the menu section of the configuration utility where you can block websites. For example, for a WRT54GS, click "Access Restrictions."
    • 5
      Type the Web addresses of the websites you want to block in the appropriate fields, then save the configuration to the router so that changes become permanent. For example, on a WRT54GS, type the addresses of up to 4 websites into the fields in the "Website Blocking by URL Address" section. Click on "Save Settings." After that point, the Linksys router will no longer allow requests from the blocked websites to reach the outside world.

Read more: How to Block Websites With Linksys Wireless Router |

How to Filter Websites Using Wireless Router

How to Filter Websites Using Belkin N Wireless Router

by Ruri Ranbe, Demand Media
Most modern Belkin routers use 802.11n -- the technical name for Wireless N signals -- to communicate wirelessly with other devices. Compared to previous wireless standards, such as Wireless B, Wireless N is faster and offers improved signal strength. Some Wireless N Belkin routers come with a Web filter that enables users to block certain websites. Companies can enable the filter on the router to prevent employees from accessing malicious sites that could potentially harm workstations on the network.

Step 1

Launch a Web browser and type "http://router" or "" (without quotes) into the address bar. Press "Enter" to access the router administration page.

Step 2

Click "Login."

Step 3

Leave the password field blank and click "Submit" to sign in to the Belkin router.

Step 4

Choose "Website Filters" from under Parental Controls.

Step 5

Select "Block Malicious, Adult or Other Non-Family Friendly Sites," "Block Malicious and Adult Sites" or "Block Malicious Sites" from the options, depending on your preferences.

Step 6

Click "Apply Changes" to configure the Web filter on the Wireless N router.

How to Block Porn Websites for Free

How to Block Porn Websites for Free thumbnail
With an Internet filter, you can keep your computer free of porn.
Whether you want create a safe Internet browsing experience for younger computer users or you simply need to keep another user from accessing adult sites, an Internet filter is the best way to prevent pornography from being viewed on your computer. With an Internet filter installed on your computer, you can blacklist pornographic website so that they cannot be viewed on your computer. And you don't need to spend any cash to block porn on your computer--some of the best Internet filters are free.


    • 1
      Download and install a free copy of K9 Web Protection to block pornographic websites on your computer--the program is free for non-commercial use. K9 Web Protection's lets you block porn and other undesired Web content by using category based filters, such as "intimate apparel/swimsuit," "nudity," and "extreme" content. The utility even allows you to block "proxy avoidance" websites, which are designed to bypass filtration. And for newly added websites, which may not be rated or categorized yet, K9 Web Protection automatically determines if the site is acceptable, and blocks or allows the site based on your selected filters.
    • 2
      Download a free copy of the Parental Control Bar to block porn sites on your computer. The Parental Control Bar features a "Child Mode," which blocks adult sites, and a "Parent Mode," which allows mature users to browse the Web without restrictions. You can also add websites to the Child Mode's list of block sites, whether the site in question features pornography or not (e.g. you could use "Child Mode's" block feature to keep underage users off social networking sites). Parental Control Bar is only effective for computers with a single user account.
    • 3
      Install Parental Filter 3 to block porn sites your computer computer for free. Unlike many website filtration utilities, Parental Filter 3 blacklists the IP (Internet Protocol) address, rather than blocking domain names and URLs. And because IP addresses are blocked, all sub sites and offshoots of the blocked websites are filtered out.

Read more: How to Block Porn Websites for Free |

How to Block Porn on My Computer so the Kids Won't Use It Read more: How to Block Porn on My Computer so the Kids Won't Use It

If your children use your computer, you have a way to keep them from viewing porn on the Internet. Oftentimes, kids inadvertently come across adult sites when they appear as pop-up advertisements or on other pages. Many Web browsers offer tools that enable you to create settings so your computer does not have the ability to load sites with nude images or sexual topics. Access your Firefox or Internet Explorer browser and know how to block porn websites so your kids do not see them.


  1. Firefox

    • 1
      Click the "Tools" menu and then select the "Add-ons" option from the drop-down list.
    • 2
      Click the "Get Add-ons" link on the left side of the page and then enter "porn" in the text field. This action brings up a list of relevant offerings that block porn sites.
    • 3
      Click the "Install" button next to the feature you want. Follow the prompts to install the add-on and configure the porn blocker. For example, using FoxFilter, click the "Tools" menu, select "FoxFilter Settings," click the "Preferences" link in the page that displays and click the buttons and check boxes to specify your filter preferences.

    Internet Explorer

    • 4
      Click the "Tools" menu and then select the "Internet Options" option.
    • 5
      Click the "Content" tab and then click the "Enable" button under the "Content Advisor" title.
    • 6
      Click the "Nudity" and "Sexual Material" categories that display and then click and drag the slider menu to "None" to specify what computer users are allowed to see. Click the "Apply" and then "OK" buttons to save your settings.

Read more: How to Block Porn on My Computer so the Kids Won't Use It |

How to Block Porn on a Computer Without Software Read more: How to Block Porn on a Computer Without Software

How to Block Porn on a Computer Without Software thumbnail
Offensive content and images can pop up on your computer even when you perform routine searches. To block pornographic material, many families have turned to software-based solutions. Unfortunately, software is expensive, requires updating, and it can be altered by a computer-savvy youngster. You can block porn and other harmful material from your PC and your home network by filtering all incoming Internet traffic before it reaches a computer.


    • 1
      Browse to and sign up for an account. DNS is a protocol that translates alphanumeric Web addresses into the corresponding IP addresses that your computer needs to connect to a Web server or another computer over a network. Internet service providers typically designate a DNS service, but you can choose any service you want.
    • 2
      Click on the “Control Panel” icon on your desktop if you don't have a router. Click “Network Connections.” Select your connection and click on “Properties.” Select “Internet protocol (TCP/IP).” Click “Properties” and select the radio button for “Use the following DNS server address.” In the first DNS server input field, type “” and in the alternate DNS server field, type “”. Press “OK.”

  • Configure the DNS settings on your router, if you have one, rather than on a computer. The router filters traffic before it reaches any of the computers on your home network, which increases security. It also allows you to change settings just once, rather than having to configure each computer one by one. Find the DNS preferences tab on your router setup menu and change to “” for the primary DNS server and “” for the alternate DNS server. Click “Save.” You may need to reboot your router for the settings to update. Specific instructions for your router can be found on the OpenDNS website.
  • 4
    Sign in to your account on and click on the “Settings” section. Choose your desired level of filtering. To block porn and phishing websites that attempt to steal your personal information through deception, select “Low.” To block pornography, phishing, adult sites and illegal activity, select “Moderate.” If you want to block all porn, illegal activities, video sites, social networking and time-wasting websites, select “High” filtering. After you make a selection, click “Apply.”
  • 5
    Block specific websites. If you want to block a specific website, add it under “Manage Individual Domains.” After you type in the domain name, click “Add Domain.”
  • 6
    Check your settings. Wait two hours for your filtering and website blocking settings to be updated on the OpenDNS server. Then, search for websites that should be blocked. You can do a Google search for general porn by typing a query such as “free porn” and selecting one of the search results. If your settings are working properly, you should see an error message that reports, “Site blocked [website address] is not allowed on this network.

  • Read more: How to Block Porn on a Computer Without Software |

    How to block porn completely from your computer Read more: How to block porn completely from your computer

    How to block porn completely from your computer thumbnail


      • 1
        Every 15 year-old knows how to delete the internet history list (tools>>>clear private data) to keep you from seeing what they see. In order to stop this here is a list of free software you can use to keep their filthy minds back to watching cinemax.
      • 2
        Use PicBlock.
        Pickblock blocks porn images by detecting the amount of flesh tones in images. Since the software is not based on offensive keywords list or known URLs, PicBlock may not be a substitute for your content filtering software.
      • 3
        If you actually want to spend money, Check out getnetwise. This website is the best guide to blocking harmful content from your kids' eyes.
      • 4
        If you have Firefox add Foxfilter
      • 5
        You can also add ProCon Latte as a firefox addon to block even more website

    Read more: How to block porn completely from your computer |