Saturday, February 16, 2013

2011:10 best PCs to choose from

BUYING GUIDE What you need to know to buy the best PC for you


So what's the best desktop PC for you? Although they've been overshadowed by just about everything recently, the fact that they're comfortable to use and can be upgraded easily means that they're still our weapon of choice when it comes to both gaming and general computing.
We've poked through the TechRadar archives to bring you 10 of the best desktop PCs, including the best all-in-one PCs. If you're after a top desktop, look no further.

1. Acer Aspire Z5763

Acer aspire

The Acer Aspire Z5763 knows the deal: all-in-one (AIO) PCs aren't supposed to be masters of all things, they're slimline entertainment boxes. We all know that they are usually weak in the processor and more importantly the graphics department, but that doesn't mean they need to hide from the limelight. This all-in-one proudly struts its credentials, this is a 23-inch entertainment system that boasts a 1080p resolution and a Nvidia 3D-ready screen with Blu-ray 3D support.

2. CyberPower Liquid Xtreme GT


From the unassuming chassis, you'd be forgiven for thinking the Liquid Xtreme GT was just another mid-range machine from CyberPower. Maybe packing a Core i5 2500K, or a new GTX 560 Ti 448 Core. Or maybe, just maybe, it's a combination of a £500 processor and a £400 graphics card. It's the latter. CyberPower has dropped the lower-end Sandy Bridge E chip, the Core i7 3930K, into this machine and paired it up with the best single-GPU card currently available, the Nvidia GTX 580. That's around £900 worth of processor and graphics cores, easily covering half the price of this full machine.

3. Dell Inspiron One 2320

Dell aio

We're certainly warming to all-in-one computers, and if they continue to be as good the Dell Inspiron One 2320 we can happily see them taking over all of our desks. The £799 price means a lot, and there's a lower-end Pentium model also available, at an MSI Wind Top AE2210-beating £599. As with the other PC all-in-ones we've mentioned, the main "new" headline feature - despite the option of the Sandy Bridge Core i5 processor - that the marketing boys are dying to tell us about is the touchscreen. Decades of careful mouse-based interface design down the tube, as it's far more fun stabbing your podgy fingers at a desktop screen.

4. MSI Wind Top AE2210


We're keen to see if the well-priced MSI Wind Top AE2210 can manage to balance a £700 price tag with good performance. Wire-free is also something the MSI Wind Top AE2210 almost achieves - the only lead you actually need connected is the main power supply. MSI has opted for an external power supply unit, which is something to lose and an additional thing to have to lug around. We'd argue that this could help with cooling, but the unit has an obvious cooling fan. While it mostly ticks over at a low level, it's a little disappointing that it's audible at all.

5. Acer Revo RL100 

Acer revo rl100

A triumph of form over function, Acer's ultra-tiny media center PC includes a slide-out backlit touchpad keyboard. It also packs a Blu-Ray/DVD-RW combo drive, with an Nvidia Ion 2 processor to power those high-definition films and a touch of light gaming. An integrated digital TV tuner means that it will compliment a plush home cinema set up quite nicely, and it runs very quietly. It's not the cheapest media center option, but it does perform perfectly adequately.

6. Shuttle SX58H7 

Shuttle sx58h7

A great place to start your media centre PC. Stick a Core i7 CPU, some DDR3 RAM and a DX11 graphics card in this barebones PC and you'll have a fully-fledged unit that's actually capable of running the latest games. It's got a compactl form factor, and it'll certainly look the part next to a TV of epic proportions. It is a tad pricey for what it is, but in recent years Shuttle has got tiny PCs like these down to a fine art.

7. Apple iMac 27-inch 2011 

Apple imac 27-inch 2011

The mighty Apple's first venture into the world of Intel's Sandy Bridge processors comes in a 21.5-inch form factor (below), and this whopping 27-inch model. It's the most powerful iMac we've ever seen, and it totes a 2TB HDD in partnership with a 256GB SSD so it doesn't get too bogged down. Graphics are catered for with an AMD Radeon HD 6970M, and as gaming on Macs becomes more popular you'll need every megabyte of its 1GB of DDR5 memory. It looks pretty darn nice, too.

8. Apple iMac 21.5-inch 2011 

Apple imac 21.5-inch

Apple's smaller all-in-one addition is a powerful upgrade from 2010 models, and not hugely pared down from its bigger 27-inch brother. Its 21.5-inch screen doesn't need quite as much power, and the price reflects this. The graphics chip - a HD 6750M in this case - can handle games and video editing, and there's even a built-in 720p camera to take advantage of Apple's FaceTime. Just about everything impressed us here, and it's a great first step if you want to move away from Windows.

9. PC Specialist Vortex M59 OC

PC specialist

So PC Specialist, what have we here with the Vortex M59 OC? An overclocked Core i5 2500K? Why, a system with a CPU specification like that puts you in some pretty illustrious company: there's Chillblast's Fusion Rocket for starters. Chillblast's overclocked 2500K runs at 4.5 GHz, which is 300MHz slower than this rig, but then it's also £150 cheaper. There's also our new favourite Core i5 system, the AT-FX Polaris. Inside that rig lies a 2500K overclocked to 4.8 GHz, matching PC Specialist's rig. It costs nearly £300 more, but there are several luxurious higher specified components inside to justify that.

10. Sony Vaio L Series

Sony vaio l series

The Sony Vaio L Series is the Japanese firm's latest stab at this expanding market and it comes in two powerful derivatives – the VPC-L21S1E and VPC-L21M1E – the latter of which we're focusing on here. The S1E costs just under £1,500, while the M1E is a touch more down-to-earth at £1,200. The discernible differences between the pair are a Core i7 processor rather than a Core i5 in the VPC-L21M1E, an extra 4GB of RAM (making for 8GB in total) and a Blu-ray writer instead of just a Blu-ray player. Whichever of these machines you opt for, it's a considerable investment for the privilege of owning one.

What computer is best for me?

Asteroid Collision Caught on Camera on FOX NEWS


...Arthur Schopenhauer

"All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."

... आर्थर Schopenhauer
"सभी सच्चाई तीन चरणों से होकर गुजरता है.
सबसे पहले, यह उपहास है.
दूसरा, यह हिंसक विरोध किया है.
तीसरा, यह स्पष्ट होने के रूप में स्वीकार किया जाता है. "

Артур Шопенгауэр ...
"Все истина проходит три этапа.
Во-первых, он высмеивал.
Во-вторых, это яростное сопротивление.
В-третьих, она принимается как само собой разумеющееся ".

Arthur Schopenhauer ...
"Toda verdad pasa por tres etapas.
Primero, es ridiculizada.
Segundo, es violentamente rechazada.
En tercer lugar, se acepta como auto-evidente ".

Arthur Schopenhauer ...
«Toute vérité passe par trois étapes.
Tout d'abord, elle est ridiculisée.
Deuxièmement, il est violemment opposé.
Troisièmement, il est accepté comme allant de soi. "

Meteorite hits Urals in Russian

People in the Urals in Russia have seen burning objects raining down from the sky after a meteorite exploded above the Earth. Eyewitnesses reported several blasts rocking the region and long trails of smoke in the air. MORE INFO + PHOTOS:


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Météorite frappe Oural en Russie
Meteorito golpea Urales en Rusia
Метеорит попадает Урале в России
Meteorit trifft Ural in Russland
उल्का रूस में यूराल हिट
Meteorit hity Urals v Rusku
Метеорит потрапляє Уралі в Росії

About 1,100 injured as meteorite hits Russia with force of atomic bomb

A meteor streaked across the sky and exploded over Russia's Ural Mountains with the power of an atomic bomb Friday, its sonic blasts shattering countless windows and injuring about 1,100 people.
The spectacle deeply frightened many Russians, with some elderly women declaring that the world was coming to an end. Many of the injured were cut by flying glass as they flocked to windows, curious about what had produced such a blinding flash of light.
The meteor -- estimated to be about 10 tons and 49 feet wide -- entered the Earth's atmosphere at a hypersonic speed of at least 33,000 mph and shattered into pieces about 18-32 miles above the ground, the Russian Academy of Sciences said in a statement. But even small asteroids pack a tremendous punch, explained Andrew Cheng of the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory. 
"It doesn’t take a very large object. A 10-meter size object already packs the same energy as a nuclear bomb," Cheng, who led a 2000-2001 mission for NASA to orbit and land on an asteroid, told 
'It doesn’t take a very large object. A 10-meter size object already packs the same energy as a nuclear bomb.'
- Andrew Cheng of the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory, who led a 2001 mission to orbit and land on an asteroid
Amateur video showed an object speeding across the sky about 9:20 a.m. local time, just after sunrise, leaving a thick white contrail and an intense flash.
"There was panic. People had no idea what was happening," said Sergey Hametov, a resident of Chelyabinsk, a city of 1 million about 930 miles east of Moscow.
"We saw a big burst of light, then went outside to see what it was and we heard a really loud, thundering sound," he told The Associated Press by telephone.
The meteor hit less than a day before Asteroid 2012 DA14 is to make the closest recorded pass of an asteroid to the Earth for a rock of its size -- about 17,150 miles. But the European Space Agency said its experts had determined there was no connection -- just cosmic coincidence.
The meteor released several kilotons of energy above the region, the Russian science academy said. According to NASA, it was about 15 meters or 49 feet wide before it hit the atmosphere, about one-third the size of the passing asteroid.
Some meteorite fragments fell in a reservoir outside the town of Chebarkul. The crash left a 26-foot-wide crater in the ice.
The shock wave blew in more than 1 million square feet of glass, according to city officials, who said 3,000 buildings in the city were damaged. At one zinc factory, part of the roof collapsed.
The Interior Ministry said about 1,100 people sought medical care after the shock wave and 48 of them were hospitalized. Most of the injuries were caused by flying glass, officials said.
There was no immediate word on any deaths or anyone struck by space fragments.
Meteors typically cause sizeable sonic booms when they enter the atmosphere because they are traveling so much faster than the speed of sound. Injuries on the scale reported Friday, however, are extraordinarily rare.
"I went to see what that flash in the sky was about," recalled resident Marat Lobkovsky. "And then the window glass shattered, bouncing back on me. My beard was cut open, but not deep. They patched me up. It's OK now."
Another resident, Valya Kazakov, said some elderly women in his neighborhood started crying out that the world was ending.
Russian-language hashtags for the meteorite quickly shot up into Twitter's top trends.
Lessons had just started at Chelyabinsk schools when the meteor exploded, and officials said 258 schoolchildren were among those injured. Amateur video footage showed a teacher speaking to her class as a powerful shockwave hit the room.
Yekaterina Melikhova, a high school student whose nose was bloody and whose upper lip was covered with a bandage, said she was in her geography class when a bright light flashed outside.
"After the flash, nothing happened for about three minutes. Then we rushed outdoors. I was not alone, I was there with Katya. The door was made of glass, a shock wave made it hit us," she said.
Russian television ran footage of athletes at a city sports arena who were showered by shards of glass from huge windows. Some of them were still bleeding.
Other videos showed a long shard of glass slamming into the floor close to a factory worker and massive doors blown away by the shock wave.
The vast implosion of glass windows exposed many residents to the bitter cold as temperatures in the city were expected to plummet to minus 4 Fahrenheit overnight.
The regional governor immediately urged any worker who can pane windows to rush to the area to help out.
Meteroids are small pieces of space debris -- usually parts of comets or asteroids -- that are on a collision course with the Earth. They become meteors when they enter the Earth's atmosphere. Most meteors burn up in the atmosphere, but if they survive the frictional heating and strike the surface of the Earth they are called meteorites.
The site of Friday's spectacular show is about 3,000 miles west of Tunguska, which in 1908 was the site of the largest recorded explosion of a space object plunging to Earth. That blast, attributed to a comet or asteroid fragment, is generally estimated to have been about 10 megatons; it leveled some 80 million trees.
Scientists believe that a far larger meteorite strike on what today is Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula may have been responsible for the extinction of the dinosaurs about 66 million years ago. According to that theory, the impact would have thrown up vast amounts of dust that blanketed the sky for decades and altered the climate on Earth.
The meteor could have produced much more serious problems. Chelyabinsk is an industrial town long held to be one of the world's most polluted areas, and the area around it hosts nuclear and chemical weapons disposal facilities.
Vladimir Chuprov of Greenpeace Russia said the Russian government has underestimated potential risks of the region. He noted that the meteor struck only 60 miles from the Mayak nuclear storage and disposal facility, which holds dozens of tons of weapons-grade plutonium.
A chemical weapons disposal facility at Shchuchye also contains some 6,000 tons of nerve agents, including sarin and VX, about 14 percent of the chemical weapons that Russia is committed to destroy.
The panic and confusion that followed Friday's meteorite crash quickly gave way to typical Russian black humor and entrepreneurial instincts.
Several people smashed in the windows of their houses in the hopes of receiving compensation, the RIA Novosti news agency reported.
Others quickly took to the Internet and put what they said were meteorite fragments up for sale.
One of the most popular jokes was that the meteorite was supposed to fall on Dec. 21 last year -- when many believed the Mayan calendar predicted the end of the world -- but was delivered late by Russia's notoriously inefficient postal service.
The dramatic event prompted an array of reactions from prominent Russians.
Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, speaking at an economic forum in the Siberian city of Krasnoyarsk, said the meteor could be a symbol for the forum, showing that "not only the economy is vulnerable, but the whole planet."
Vladimir Zhirinovsky, a nationalist leader noted for his vehement statements, blamed the Americans.
"It's not meteors falling. It's the test of a new weapon by the Americans," the RIA Novosti news agency quoted him as saying.
Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said the incident showed the need for leading world powers to develop a system to intercept objects falling from space.
"At the moment, neither we nor the Americans have such technologies" to shoot down meteors or asteroids, he said, according to the Interfax news agency.
Jim Green, NASA's director of planetary science, called the back-to-back celestial events an amazing display.
"This is indeed very rare and it is historic," he said on NASA TV. "These fireballs happen about once a day or so, but we just don't see them because many of them fall over the ocean or in remote areas."

Read more:

Meteor hits Russia; about 1,000 injured

 | 1 day ago


A meteorite trail is seen above a residential apartment block in the Urals city of Chelyabinsk, on February 15, 2013. — AFP Photo
MOSCOW: A plunging meteor exploded with a blinding flash above central Russia on Friday, setting off a shockwave that shattered windows and hurt almost 1,000 people in an event unprecedented in modern times.
Experts insisted the meteor’s fiery entry into the atmosphere was not linked to an asteroid that was expected to pass about 17,200 miles above the Earth in an unusually close approach.
But the extraordinary event brought morning traffic to a sudden halt in the Urals city of Chelyabinsk as shocked drivers stopped to watch the falling meteor partially burning up in the lower atmosphere.
The fall of such a large meteor estimated as weighing dozens of tonnes was extremely rare, while the number of casualties as a consequence of its burning up around a heavily-inhabited area was unprecedented.
Chelyabinsk regional governor Mikhail Yurevich, quoted by the RIA Novosti news agency, said 950 people were injured, with two-thirds of the injuries light wounds from glass shards and other materials blown out by the shockwave.
Windows were blown out by the shockwave across the city with the ministry saying almost 300 buildings were damaged including schools, hospitals, a zinc factory and even an ice hockey stadium.
“At 9.20am an object was observed above Chelyabinsk which flew by at great speed and left a trail behind.
“Within two minutes there were two bangs,” regional emergencies official Yuri Burenko said in a statement. —AFP

Ein Meteorit Weg ist über einem Wohngebiet Appartementhaus in der Ural-Stadt Tscheljabinsk, am 15. Februar 2013 zu sehen. - AFP Photo
MOSKAU: Ein Eintauchen Meteor mit einem blendenden Blitz über dem Zentrum von Russland am Freitag explodierte und lösten eine Schockwelle, die Fenster zerbrochen und verletzt fast 1.000 Menschen an einer Veranstaltung beispiellos in der Neuzeit.
Experten bestand des Meteors feurigen Eintritt in die Atmosphäre nicht zu einem Asteroiden, die voraussichtlich über 17.200 Meilen über der Erde in einer ungewöhnlich engen Ansatz passieren verbunden war.
Aber das außerordentliche Ereignis brachte morgendlichen Berufsverkehr zu einem plötzlichen Stillstand in der Ural-Stadt Tscheljabinsk, wie schockiert Fahrer gestoppt, um die fallenden Meteors teilweise verglühen in der unteren Atmosphäre zu beobachten.
Der Fall einer so großen Meteoriten als Waage Dutzende von Tonnen geschätzt war äußerst selten, während die Zahl der Opfer als Folge der Verbrennung rund einem stark bewohnten Gebiet war beispiellos.
Chelyabinsk regionalen Gouverneur Michail Yurevich, zitiert von der RIA Novosti Nachrichtenagentur, sagte 950 Menschen wurden verletzt, zwei Drittel der Verletzungen Leichte Wunden aus Glasscherben und anderen Materialien, die von der Schockwelle geblasen.
Die Fenster wurden von der Druckwelle über die Stadt mit dem Ministerium sagen fast 300 Gebäude, darunter Schulen, Krankenhäuser, einer Zink-Fabrik und sogar ein Eishockeystadion beschädigt wurden gesprengt.
"Am 09.20 ein Objekt wurde über Chelyabinsk, die von großer Geschwindigkeit flog und hinterließ eine Spur hinter beobachtet.
"Innerhalb von zwei Minuten gab es zwei Pony," regional Notfällen offiziellen Yuri Burenko sagte in einer Erklärung. -AFP

Un sentier météorite est vu ci-dessus un immeuble résidentiel de la ville de Chelyabinsk Oural, le 15 Février 2013. - AFP Photo
MOSCOU: Un météore a explosé plongeant avec un éclair aveuglant au-dessus de la Russie centrale, le vendredi, déclenchant une onde de choc qui a brisé des fenêtres et blessé près de 1.000 personnes à un événement sans précédent dans les temps modernes.
Les experts ont insisté entrée ardente du météore dans l'atmosphère n'était pas liée à un astéroïde qui devait passer environ 17,200 miles au-dessus de la Terre dans une approche particulièrement étroite.
Mais l'événement extraordinaire a trafic du matin un coup d'arrêt dans la ville de Chelyabinsk Oural en tant que conducteurs choqués arrêtés pour regarder le météore tomber partiellement brûler dans la basse atmosphère.
La chute d'un tel grand météore estimé que la pesée des dizaines de tonnes était extrêmement rare, alors que le nombre de victimes à la suite de son brûlant autour d'une zone densément habitée était sans précédent.
Chelyabinsk gouverneur de la région Mikhail Yurevich, cité par l'agence RIA Novosti nouvelles, a déclaré 950 personnes ont été blessées, dont les deux tiers des blessures légères blessures des éclats de verre et d'autres matériaux soufflés par l'onde de choc.
Fenêtres ont été soufflées par l'onde de choc à travers la ville avec le ministère dit près de 300 bâtiments ont été endommagés, y compris les écoles, les hôpitaux, une usine de zinc et même un stade de hockey sur glace.
"A 09h20 un objet a été observé au-dessus de Tcheliabinsk qui a volé par à grande vitesse et a laissé une traînée derrière.
"En deux minutes, il y avait deux détonations,« régional des urgences officielle Yuri Burenko déclaré dans un communiqué. -AFP

Un rastro de meteoritos se ve por encima de un bloque de apartamentos residencial en la ciudad de Chelyabinsk Urales, el 15 de febrero de 2013. - AFP Photo
MOSCÚ: Un meteoro hundiendo explotó con un destello cegador por encima del centro de Rusia el viernes, provocando una onda expansiva que destrozó ventanas y herido a casi 1.000 personas en un evento sin precedentes en los tiempos modernos.
Los expertos insistieron en la entrada de fuego del meteoro en la atmósfera no estaba vinculado a un asteroide que se espera que pase cerca de 17.200 millas sobre la Tierra en un enfoque inusualmente cercana.
Pero el acontecimiento extraordinario interpuesto tráfico de la mañana a un alto repentino en la ciudad de Chelyabinsk Urales como conductores sorprendidos detuvo para ver el meteorito que cae parcialmente quemándose en la atmósfera inferior.
La caída de un gran meteorito estima como un peso decenas de toneladas fue extremadamente rara, mientras que el número de víctimas como consecuencia de la quema de alrededor de un área densamente habitada tenía precedentes.
Chelyabinsk regional gobernador Mijaíl Yurevich, citado por la agencia de noticias RIA Novosti, dijo que 950 personas resultaron heridas, con dos tercios de las heridas leves lesiones causadas por fragmentos de vidrio y otros materiales soplados por la onda de choque.
Ventanas estallaron por la onda de choque a través de la ciudad con el ministerio diciendo casi 300 edificios fueron dañados incluyendo escuelas, hospitales, una fábrica de zinc y hasta un estadio de hockey sobre hielo.
"En 9.20am un objeto fue observado anteriormente que voló por Chelyabinsk a gran velocidad y dejó un rastro detrás.
"En dos minutos hubo dos explosiones", dijo el funcionario regional de emergencias Yuri Burenko en un comunicado. -AFP

Метеорит след видели выше жилом многоквартирном доме на Урале, город Челябинск, 15 февраля 2013 года. - AFP Photo
МОСКВА: погружаясь метеорит взорвался с ослепительной вспышкой выше центральной части России в пятницу, положив начало ударную волну, которая выбиты стекла и повредил почти 1000 человек в событие беспрецедентное в современную эпоху.
Эксперты настаивали огненной вступления метеора в атмосфере не было связано с астероида, который, как ожидается, пройдет около 17200 км над Землей в необычайно близко подходить.
Но экстраординарное событие принес утром движение к внезапной остановке в уральском городе Челябинске, как шокировала водителей остановились, чтобы наблюдать за падением метеоров частичного сжигания в нижних слоях атмосферы.
Падение такой большой метеорит оценивается как весом в десятки тонн были крайне редки, в то время как число жертв в результате его сжигания вокруг сильно жилой площади было беспрецедентным.
Челябинский губернатор Михаил Юревич, которого цитирует агентство РИА Новости, заявил 950 человек были ранены, причем две трети травм легкие ранения от осколков стекла и других материалов выдувается от ударной волны.
Windows, были выбиты ударной волной по всему городу с министерством говорят почти 300 зданий были повреждены, включая школы, больницы, цинковый завод и даже хоккейный стадион.
"В 9:20 утра объект наблюдался над Челябинском который летел на большой скорости и оставил след позади.
"В течение двух минут было два челкой," региональные официальные чрезвычайным ситуациям Юрий Буренко говорится в заявлении. -AFP

एक उल्का निशान चेल्याबिंस्क के Urals शहर में एक आवासीय अपार्टमेंट में 15 फरवरी, 2013 को, ब्लॉक के ऊपर देखा जाता है. - एएफपी
मास्को: डूबनेवाला उल्का शुक्रवार को केंद्रीय रूस ऊपर एक चकाचौंध फ्लैश के साथ विस्फोट, एक Shockwave कि खिड़कियां टूट और आधुनिक समय में एक अभूतपूर्व घटना में लगभग 1,000 लोगों को चोट पहुँचाई.
विशेषज्ञों उल्का वातावरण में उग्र प्रवेश जोर एक क्षुद्रग्रह है कि एक असामान्य रूप से करीब दृष्टिकोण में पृथ्वी के ऊपर +१७,२०० मील की दूरी के बारे में पारित होने की उम्मीद थी जुड़ा हुआ नहीं था.
लेकिन असाधारण घटना चेल्याबिंस्क की Urals शहर में एक अचानक रोकने के लिए सुबह यातायात लाया हैरान ड्राइवरों के रूप में गिरने आंशिक रूप से निचले वायुमंडल में जल उल्का देखने के लिए बंद कर दिया.
इस तरह के एक बड़े टन की दर्जनों वजन के रूप में अनुमानित उल्का के पतन अत्यंत दुर्लभ था, जबकि एक भारी बसे हुए क्षेत्र के आसपास जल का एक परिणाम के रूप में हताहतों की संख्या में अभूतपूर्व था.
चेल्याबिंस्क क्षेत्रीय राज्यपाल मिखाइल Yurevich, रिया नोवोस्ती समाचार एजेंसी द्वारा उद्धृत ने कहा, Shockwave से बाहर उड़ा गिलास shards और अन्य सामग्री से घायल प्रकाश घाव के दो तिहाई के साथ 950 लोग घायल हो गए.
विंडोज बाहर मंत्रालय कह लगभग 300 इमारतों, स्कूलों, अस्पतालों, एक जस्ता कारखाने और भी एक आइस हॉकी स्टेडियम सहित क्षतिग्रस्त हो गए थे के साथ शहर भर में शॉकवेव से उड़ा रहे थे.
"09:20 पर एक वस्तु चेल्याबिंस्क है जो महान तेज गति से उड़ान भरी और एक निशान के पीछे छोड़ दिया ऊपर मनाया गया.
"दो मिनट के भीतर दो बैंग्स थे" क्षेत्रीय आपात स्थिति सरकारी यूरी Burenko एक बयान में कहा. - एएफपी

隕石線索以上的住宅公寓樓,2013年2月15日在烏拉爾車里雅賓斯克市。 - 法新社照片
車里雅賓斯克地區州長米哈伊爾·Yurevich,RIA Novosti通訊社引述說,受傷950人,三分之二的傷害輕傷的衝擊波吹出來的玻璃碎片和其他材料。
“兩分鐘內有兩個劉海,”區域緊急情況官員尤里Burenko在一份聲明中說。 -AFP