Monday, January 21, 2013

You’re Still Told Fluoridation Prevents Tooth Decay, but Science Proves Otherwise

January 20, 2013 | 146,204 views 

Total Video Length 1:13:43

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By Dr. Mercola
Despite widespread public health adoption, water fluoridation has come under close scrutiny over the past quarter century. Time has stripped away fluoridation's rosy glow. Once touted as the magic solution to dental caries, fluoride's benefit for your teeth – IF there is any, which is still debatable – comes with overshadowing downsides.
No matter which scientific studies you examine, or which population trends you view, the only rational conclusion is that fluoride's health dangers far outweigh the marginal dental benefits it might offer. The science is very clear about the following:
  • Fluoride is a toxic industrial waste product that is a poison to your body and in no way a "nutrient," offering no benefits at all to the human body. The fluoride added to water supplies can be contaminated with lead, arsenic, radionucleotides, aluminum and other industrial contaminants. Additionally, the fluoride added to municipal water supplies is not pharmaceutical grade.
  • Fluoride exposure comes from tap water, most toothpaste and many antibiotics, including ones given to farm animals. There is a large variation in exposure levels, making it impossible to accurately predict these variables for any person, family or community.
  • Fluoride exposure for many can easily reach toxic levels. For example, poison control should be called if you swallow a quarter milligram of fluoride from toothpaste. Meanwhile just ONE glass of water can contain this amount of fluoride.
  • Fluoride is a cumulative poison that has been proven to cause wide-ranging, serious health problems, such as damage to your bones, brain and endocrine system.
  • Dental caries can be prevented with means other than fluoridation, thereby avoiding the adverse effects of fluoride.

Fluoride is Found in More than Just Your Drinking Water

Fluoride is found in all natural waters to some degree. It can be extremely high in groundwater, depending on a number of factors, such as the types of rocks and minerals of that region. Drinking water is the largest fluoride source, adding to your exposure from dental products. But you may not be aware that fluoride is also present in some surprising places:
  • A variety of vegetables and fruits, grains, taro, yams, cassava, meat, poultry and fish (especially canned fish), milk and tea; most natural foods have only minor levels of fluoride, but there are a few exceptions. Tea leaves, for example, tend to concentrate fluoride from the soil; deboned meat and poultry can be very high in fluoride due to contamination from bone particles during processing.
  • Processed foods and beverages such as sodas, juices, sports drinks, baby foods, etc., are often high in fluoride.
  • Air can be tainted with fluoride, particularly in areas with greater industrial pollution from coal burning and phosphate fertilizer production; fluoride exposure can also be a problem after volcanic eruptions, as was discovered in southern Iceland.
  • Pesticides and cryolite,1 a fluoride-containing mineral used as a pesticide on dozens of food products in the U.S.
  • Non-stick pans emit a fluoride gas when heated.

Summary of Fluoride's Potential Health Hazards

It's important to realize that fluoride is a cumulative toxin, which over time can lead to more serious health concerns than dental fluorosis (spotting on your teeth). Skeletal fluorosis from fluoride toxicity can be crippling and even deadly. The neurological effects are also quite disturbing. There are now 25 studies showing fluoride is associated with diminished IQ, even at levels as low as 0.3 to 3 parts per million, which overlaps the range in many American communities (0.7 to 1.2 ppm). Studies have shown fluoride toxicity can lead to the wide-ranging problems listed below.
Increases lead absorptionDisrupts collagen synthesisHyperactivity and/or lethargyCrippling skeletal fluorosis and bone fractures
Genetic damage and cell deathIncreased tumor and cancer growthDisrupts immune systemInhibits antibody production
Brain damage, and lowered IQDementiaArthritisSevere eye problems, includingblindness
ImpairedthyroidfunctionBone cancer (osteosarcoma)Inactivates 62 enzymesMuscle disorders

Causes of Dental Caries

Dental caries are caused by demineralization of your teeth (enamel and dentin) by the acids formed during the bacterial fermentation of dietary sugars. Demineralization is countered by the deposit of minerals from your saliva, or remineralization, which is a slow process. Enthusiasts report that fluoride prevents dental caries by enhancing mineralization.2 However, dental caries are not caused by a lack of fluoride, just as depression is not caused by a lack of Prozac. Some of the primary causes of tooth decay cited in the literature include:
  • Consistent use of refined sugar, sugary soft drinks, and processed foods in general
  • Children going to bed with a bottle of sweetened drink in their mouth, or sucking at will from such a bottle during the day
  • Poor dental hygiene and poor access to and utilization of dental health services, usually related to socioeconomic status
  • Mineral deficiencies, like magnesium, which can weaken bones and teeth3
  • More than 600 medications promote tooth decay by inhibiting saliva4
By far, excess dietary sugar is the most significant factor. The World Health Organization (WHO)5 and most dental experts agree upon this fact. The evidence for dental caries being a function of social class is weak,6 at best. The massive consumption of sugar in the Western diet, particularly fructose in high fructose corn syrup, fuels the fire of tooth decay.

Does Fluoride Help Prevent Tooth Decay?

Fluoride advocates often claim that the reduction in tooth decay that's occurred since the 1950s is a benefit of fluoridated water, but the facts just don't add up. For example, in 1999 the CDC claimed that dental caries declined precipitously during the second half of the 20th Century. But what they failed to mention is that tooth decay rates "precipitously declined" in ALL Western nations, regardless of whether or not fluoridation was used – and most of those countries did NOT fluoridate!7
The American Dental Association (ADA) has helped the CDC in trying to pull the wool over your eyes. For years, the ADA has warned that if you stop fluoridating your water, your rates of tooth decay will increase. Indeed, if fluoride were effective in preventing caries, you would expect to see an increase in tooth decay when fluoridation is stopped. Yet, this is NOT what we see!
This makes it rather ridiculous to argue that water fluoridation is having any sort of health benefit. The science should be as obvious to these government agencies as it is to us, yet they continue to deny and misrepresent the truth, under the pressure of powerful lobbyists holding the purse strings for the "fluoride industry." When we examine the trend of dental caries over time, comparing those who are fluoridated to those who are not, it's easy to understand why so many people are now against fluoridation – including me. I have long advocated against the use of fluoride, as I believe there are far better – SAFER ways to improve your family's dental health.

Scientific Studies You Can't Ignore

The following demographic studies and fluoridation trends make it clear that fluoridation has very little to do with whether or not you develop cavities.
  • In Japan, fluoridation has been virtually nonexistent since the 1970s, yet rates of dental caries have declined since that time – in spite of their increased sugar consumption.8
  • In the town of Tiel in the Netherlands, water fluoridation was discontinued in 1973, and by 1993, rates of dental caries had declined.9
  • In the town of Kuopio, Finland, water fluoridation was stopped after 1992. In 1995 and 1998, dental caries had either decreased or stayed the same.10
  • In two towns in former East Germany, a significant fall in the prevalence of dental caries was seen in the twenty years following cessation of water fluoridation.11
  • In Cuba, water fluoridation was discontinued in 1990, and in March of 1997, dental caries had significantly trended downward.12
  • In Canada, "the prevalence of caries decreased over time in the fluoridation-ended community while remaining unchanged in the fluoridated community."13

Excessive Fluoride Negates Any Potential Benefit

Bill Osmunson is a full-time dentist with a Masters Degree in Public Health. According to Dr. Osmunson, some studies suggest, when viewed in isolation, that fluoride may offer a minor benefit to your teeth. However, when you factor in the excessive amounts of fluoride we're ingesting from multiple sources, any small benefit is lost under the weight of fluoride's toxic effects.
Rememberfluoride is a cumulative poison.
When authorities try to determine the safety and efficacy of fluoride in drinking water, they calculate estimated water consumption based on a location's average temperature, humidity, geology, and the "average" health status of the people living there – all factors that are so highly variable that any effort to estimate them are little more than a wild guess. How can a decision about "dosing" fluoride in your water be even remotely scientific. Dr. Osmunson explains:
"Is it appropriate to put in a substance into water, where some people may drink less than a liter a day and others drink up to 19 liters a day? That's a huge difference in the dosage amount of fluoride that they are getting. And what about the other sources?
Once fluoride became accepted as wonderful, we started putting it in toothpaste and of course there are the pesticides, the cryolite, and the post-harvest fumigants. And then there are the dental fillings, the dental topical treatment, the fluoride varnishes in the medical products, and the Teflon pans... I started to look at how much we are getting. We're getting much more – two to three times more than when they started fluoridation."
Early on, there were some convincing studies showing fluoride made teeth harder and more able to withstand acids. However, when Dr. Osmunson delved deeper into the literature, he found that the evidence supporting fluoride really wasn't as strong as it first seemed, and fluoride didn't appear to reduce tooth decay to any significant degree. In fact, there's even substantial evidence that populations with less fluoride have less decay. If you would like to hear more from Dr. Osmunson, I invite you to watch our 2011 interview on this topic.
Click HERE to watch the full interview!

Top Ten Ways to Avoid Fluoride

F.A.N. is one of the leading organizations that is working feverishly to eliminate fluoride from the water supply. Dr. Paul Connett is one of our Health Liberty partners and we deeply appreciate and applaud all his organization's hard efforts. We have reprinted their excellent recommendations on how to decrease your fluoride exposure below.
1) Stop Drinking Fluoridated Water:
Tap water consumption is, on average, the largest daily source of fluoride exposure for people who live in areas that add fluoride to the water. Avoiding consumption of fluoridated water is especially critical for infants. If you live in area which fluoridates its water, you can avoid drinking the fluoride in one of three ways:
  1. Water Filters: One way of avoiding the fluoride from tap water is to purchase a water filter. Not all water filters, however, remove fluoride. The three types of filters that can remove fluoride are reverse osmosis, deionizers (which use ion-exchange resins), and activated alumina. Each of these filters should be able to remove about 90% of the fluoride. By contrast, "activated carbon" filters (e.g., Brita & Pur) do not remove fluoride. For more information on water filters, click here.
  2. Spring Water: Another way to avoid fluoride from tap water is to purchase spring water. Most brands of spring water contain very low levels of fluoride. Some brands, however, do contain high levels (e.g., Trinity Springs). Before consuming any bottled water on a consistent basis, therefore, you should verify that the fluoride content is less than 0.2 ppm, and ideally less than 0.1 ppm. You can find out the level of fluoride level in some of the popular brands here. You can also find out the fluoride level by calling the number on the water label. (Most companies have this information readily available.)
  3. Water Distillation: A third way to avoid fluoride from the tap is to purchase a distillation unit. Water distillation will remove most, if not all, of the fluoride. The price for a distillation units varies widely depending on the size. Small counter-top units cost as little as $200, while large units can exceed $1,000.
If you don't know if your area is fluoridated, you can find out by contacting your local water department. If you live in the U.S., you can also find out by going to FAN's State Fluoride Database.
2) Don't Let Your Child Swallow Fluoride Toothpaste
Fluoride toothpaste is often the largest single source of fluoride intake for young children, and is a major risk factor for disfiguring dental fluorosis. This is because children swallow a large amount of the paste that they put in their mouth. In fact,research has shown that it is not uncommon for young children to swallow more fluoride from toothpaste alone than is recommended as an entire day's ingestion from all sources.
If you have a young child, therefore, we recommend that you use a non-fluoride toothpaste. If, however, you do use fluoride toothpaste, it's very important that you supervise your children while they brush to make sure they use no more than a "pea-sized amount" of paste, and that they fully rinse and spit and after they finish. And, lastly, do not purchase candy flavored toothpaste (e.g., bubble-gum and watermelon) as these toothpastes (which still contain adult-strength concentrations of fluoride) increase the risk that your children will swallow it (and actually want to swallow it).
3) Do NOT Get Fluoride Gel Treatments at the Dentist
Although dental researchers have stated on numerous occasions that fluoride gel treatment should ONLY be used for patients at highest risk of cavities, many dentists continue to apply fluoride gels irrespective of the patient's cavity risk. The fluoride gel procedure requires the patient to clamp down on a tray for 4 minutes and uses an extremely concentrated, acidic fluoride gel (12,300 ppm). Because of the fluoride gel's high acidity, the saliva glands produce a large amount of saliva during the treatment, which makes it extremely difficult (both for children and adults) to avoid swallowing the gel.
Even when dentists use precautionary measures such as suction devices, children and adults still ingest significant quantities of the paste, which can cause incredibly high spikes of fluoride in the blood (for up to 15 hours). These fluoride levels place patients, particularly children, at risk for stomach pain, nausea and vomiting, and places a person at risk for short-term kidney damage, harm to the reproductive system, and impairment to glucose metabolism. The next time your dentist asks you whether you want a fluoride gel treatment, say NO.
4) Eat More Fresh, Less Processed Food
When water is fluoridated, it is not just the water that is fluoridated, but all beverages and foods that are made with the water. As a general rule, therefore, the more processed a food is, the more fluoride it has. The good news is that thenaturally occurring levels of fluoride in most fresh water (e.g., spring water) and most fresh food (e.g., fruits, vegetables, grain, eggs, milk) is very low. Use this fact to your advantage by trying to shift as much as you can from processed foods to fresh. Also, since processed beverages (e.g., sodas, reconstituted juices, sports drinks) contribute far more to fluoride intake than processed foods, it is most important to focus on reducing your consumption of processed beverages. For more detailed information on how you can cut down on your fluoride intake from processed foods, see FAN's Grocery Store Guide: 7 Ways to Avoid Fluoride in Beverages and Food.
5) Buy Organic Grape Juice and Wine
In the United States, many vineyards use a fluoride pesticide called cryolite. As a result, the levels of fluoride in U.S. grape juice and wine (particularly white grape juice and white wine) are consistently elevated. Indeed, in 2005, the USDA reported that the average level of fluoride exceeded 2 ppm for both white wine and white grape. The levels of fluoride in red wine are also elevated (1 ppm), and so are raisins (2.3 ppm). If you buy grape juice and wine, or if you are a heavy consumer of raisins, buy organic. In the case of wine, if don't want to spend the extra money on organic, consider purchasing a European brand, as Europe uses far less cryolite than the U.S.
6) Reduce Your Tea Consumption (and/or Drink Tea with Younger Leaves)
Be careful of drinking too much tea, particularly bottled and instant varieties. The tea plant accumulates high levels of fluoride, and excess intake of tea is known to cause a painful bone disease called skeletal fluorosis. Some teas though contain high levels of health-boosting antioxidants. Not only are antioxidants good for health in general, they also help to protect you from fluoride toxicity.
In the ideal scenario, one could drink tea with high levels of antioxidants but low levels of fluoride. Recent research suggests that this might be a somewhat obtainable goal. It has recently been shown that the antioxidant levels in tea are far higher inyoung leaves, than old leaves. This is important because young leaves also happen to have lower levels of fluoride. Indeed, it has been proposed that the fluoride content of tea is an indicator of its quality: the higher the fluoride, the lower the quality, and vice versa.
If you love tea, therefore, try to purchase varieties that are made from young leaves (e.g., "White tea"). This will allow you to maximize tea's known benefits, while reducing its known harm.
Towards this end, avoid bottled and instant teas as they have been to contain low-quality leaves that have very low levels of antioxidants. With bottled and instant tea, therefore, you get the risk (fluoride) without the benefit (antioxidants).
Another option is to drink yerba matte – a caffeinated herbal tea from South America that contains very low levels of fluoride (< 0.2 ppm).
7) Avoid Cooking with Non-Stick Pans
Some research has found that cooking with non-stick-coated pans can significantly increase the fluoride content of food. If you have non-stick pans, consider switching to ceramic or another type of safe pan.
8) Don't Take Cipro and Be Mindful of Other Fluorinated Pharmaceuticals
Many pharmaceuticals are fluorinated, which means they contain something called a "carbon-fluorine bond." Although the carbon-fluoride bond is strong enough to resist breaking down within the body, this is not always the case.
Some fluorinated drugs have been found to metabolize into fluoride within the body and this greatly increases a person's exposure to fluoride. The most notable example is Cipro. Other fluorinated chemicals that are currently known to break down into fluoride include fluorinated anesthetics (Isoflurane & Sevoflurane), Niflumic acid, Flecainide, and Voriconazole. If you are taking any of these drugs, find out if there are any safer alternatives available.
9) Minimize Consumption of Mechanically-Deboned Chicken:
Most meats that are pulverized into a pulp form (e.g., chicken fingers, chicken nuggets) are made using a mechanical deboning processes. This mechanical deboning process increases the quantity of bone particles in the meat. Since bone is the main site of fluoride accumulation in the body, the higher levels of bone particle in mechanically deboned meat results in significantly elevated fluoride levels. Of all the meats that are mechanically deboned, chicken meat has consistently been found to have the highest levels. Thus, minimize consumption of mechanically-deboned chicken.
10) Avoid Fluoridated Salt
If you live in a country which allows fluoridated salt to be sold, make sure that the salt you buy is unfluoridated. Consumption of fluoridated salt can greatly increase a person's fluoride exposure. To see a list of countries that allow fluoridated salt,click here. (From:

If Water Fluoridation Doesn't Prevent Tooth Decay, Then What Does?

Many of the researchers who found decreased rates of dental caries after cessation of water fluoridation credited fluoridated dental products (such as toothpaste) and fluoridized salt. Many researchers seem to be unable to believe your dental health could be independent of fluoride, in some form or another. The WHO even recommends fluoridating milk! Researchers also credit improved dental hygiene, increased awareness of the importance of dental health, dental health plans, fissure sealants, and better nutrition as potential factors.
I'm not a fan of fluoridated toothpaste or fluoridated anything else – in order to remain within the "safe limits," you'd have to use such a small amount of fluoridated toothpaste that one tube would last you several years. But I AM a strong advocate of proper nutrition and good dental hygiene.
Tooth decay is generally believed to be caused by acids in your mouth, typically created from sugar being metabolized by bacteria (Streptococcus mutans). You typically don't find dental caries in primitive societies that don't consume excessive sugar. Environmental chemist and anti-fluoridation activist Dr. Paul Connett agrees that sugar is a huge problem, stating:
"We need education, not fluoridation. That education would have a double dividend. By avoiding high fructose sugar, we'll not only score a huge benefit with dental decay but also with obesity and health."
Dr. Osmunson has some interesting insights on the cause of tooth decay as well. He explains how historic studies on fluoridation showed that naturally occurring fluoride also happens to be found in areas rich in calcium and other minerals. This higher mineral content, as opposed to higher fluoride, might be the real reason some people have lower levels of tooth decay.

Preventing Tooth Decay, Safely and Naturally

The evidence for fluoridation is based on misused and misinterpreted data. Fluoridation is ineffective and may offer no benefit at all for your teeth, not to mention placing your overall health in jeopardy. Here are my basic guidelines for optimizing your dental health, safely and naturally:
  • Avoid fluoridated water and fluoridated toothpaste.
  • Minimize your sugar and grain consumption. Keep your fructose intake to less than 25 grams per day. Avoid processed foods.
  • Make sure you consume a diet rich in fresh, whole foods, fermented vegetables, and grass-fed meats, which will ensure you're getting plenty of the minerals that are so important for strong bones and teeth.
  • Practice good oral hygiene, as explained by Dr. Osmunson in the interview above; get regular cleanings from a mercury-free natural dentist.
  • Consider oil pulling with coconut oil, which is a powerful inhibitor of a large variety of pathogenic organisms.

What makes a good password 4U

Solving the Password Problem

What makes a good password, how do you keep track of all the different ones you're supposed to have, and is there hope for a future free of passwords?

Read more: Solving the Password Problem - Popular Mechanics 

Getting hacked is becoming an Internet rite of passage. Consider 2012 alone: First Zappos was hacked, its customers' passwords and other personal information exposed. Then LinkedIn announced that its users' passwords had been compromised. Then eHarmony. Then Yahoo. More than 30 million users' passwords were stolen. The growing, painful password problem is twofold: Hackers have gotten very good at what they do, with more capable tools than ever, and those tools can work so well because we are still really bad at choosing—and remembering—passwords. 

Coming up with a password is a compromise between security and convenience. Very complex passwords are highly secure but difficult to remember. To make them work, users end up in a constant loop of resetting forgotten passwords or relying on writing them down on sticky notes. Simpler passwords are easier for us to remember but all too easy for others to discern. Even if you think your pet's name is rare and choose SenorFluffypants as a password, that information would be easy for an adversary to find on, say, Facebook. Because passwords are annoying and tedious to keep track of, most of us resist changing our obvious passwords, many of which can be found in leaked databases. The top passwords of 2012 remain what they have been for years: password, 123456, and 12345678. 

Passwords like those are especially easy to crack, says Peter Theobald of KLG Computer Forensics. "Anyone with a password that can be found in the dictionary, even if it's a minor variation followed by a number, gets found quickly," he says. 

It's possible that one or more of your passwords has already been stolen (you can check PwnedList, an online database with more than 966 million compromised passwords on file), but even if it hasn't, relying on weak passwords is a fool's game. Once hackers get into an account, they immediately start searching for any linked or related accounts. Before long, a complete stranger could be wreaking havoc on your social reputation, credit rating, and finances. If you suspect that one of your online accounts has been hacked, immediately change the passwords on any other important account you have; hackers have programs designed to try the cracked password at other sites. Even if you've been smart enough to maintain separate passwords for different accounts, hackers will leverage access to your email to reset passwords for other sites. ("Forgot your password? Have a new one sent to your email account.") But when you do reset passwords, don't repeat mistakes of the past. There are ways to make passwords both secure and memorable. 

The Bad Guys

Before we examine what good passwords look like, it helps to know your adversary. Using a PC with inexpensive multicore graphics processing units (GPUs), a hacker can try about 8 billion password combinations in a second—thousands of times faster than just a few years ago, when the processing depended on just the CPU. Because they're designed for parallel computing, GPUs are much better at the large-scale mathematical operations needed for cracking passwords. Powerful password-cracking software is available for free, and hackers also have access to growing shared lists of millions of actual user passwords. 

By analyzing these lists, professional password crackers know that when forced to pick a password with a mix of upper- and lowercase letters, a number, and a special character, users tend to choose a familiar word or a dictionary word, capitalize the first letter, and add the number and special character at the end (such as Fido1*). The geekiest among us may replace vowels with numbers (leetspeak), such as F1d01, or shift our hands on the keyboard to mask the actual password. But hackers know this, and a simple algorithm is all they need to get past it. 

Even passwords that combine more than one strategy are vulnerable. Take, for example, the password MyS3cr3t!. It meets typical security guidelines, and online password-strength meters would call it strong. With faster processing, and programming rules that add characters and punctuation to a word list, a hacker could crack that password in just 12 hours. 

Don't Be an Idiot: Make a Bad Password Good

It's not all that hard to turn a mediocre password into a great one. All it takes is the addition of some strategically placed numbers and symbols—and a good base word or phrase in the first place (which means saying goodbye to pet names and favorite sayings). Below, we chart a password's journey from weak to strong, showing how long it would take for a commonly used algorithm to crack each version. 

Password: Aquarius
Time to Crack: 9.08 Mintues 

Password: Aquarius1
Time to Crack: 1.59 Days 

Password: Aquar$ius1
Time to Crack: 19.24 Years 

Password: Aqu57ar$iu3s
Time to Crack: 17,400,000 Years 

Read more: Solving the Password Problem - Popular Mechanics 

Password tips

There are two key components to password strength: length and complexity. An ideal password should be long and contain a combination of letters, numbers as well as special characters. The greater the character variety in a password the better off you are. We suggest you make your passwords as long as you can. If possible use no less than 14 characters.
It is prefered to maintain separate passwords for all your accounts, as much of a hassle as it may seem. This way you are guaranteed account isolation so if one of your account logins gets compromised chances are no others will since login credentials are not shared. This is easily accomplished by using one of the many password manager apps available on the internet.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Mobile Chess Software

Wiki and links for Mobile Chess Software
ChessMaster , Fritz , ChessMania, Kasparov Chess, 

ChessMaster Mobile - Awesome mobile chess for true lovers game lovers!
With ChessMaster Mobile you could play chess on cell phone against famous grandmasters, tweak different strenght levels, board design, hints, chess games import/export etc.

This is the best bet for Windows Mobile chess users and maybe for another OS mobiles as well. Also we'd like to note that ChessMaster Mobile plays chess quite well and do not get upset if your Samsung or Sony Ericsson chess phone beats you!
ChessMaster Mobile works properly on all modern cell phones: Nokia, Sony Ericsson, Motorola, Samsung, LG. 

  • The mobile version of the famous PC Chessmaster® game - over 5 million copies sold!
  • A high-performance game engine with an intuitive interface and a wide range of chess sets
  • Varying levels of difficulty and help features will ensure that your skill improves quickly.
  • Hours of quality fun for the most advanced players and extra modes, like Quiz and Classic Games, that are truly challenging!

ChessMania Mobile - another one great free java mobile chess game.
There is pretty nice graphic interface, an option to play versus chess cell phone or another human, different time levels, useful "Save" option and other neat features. All of these things makes ChessMania Mobile a perfect choice for any chess lover. If you're looking chess for cellphone you're on the right way! 

ChessMania Mobile works properly on all modern cell phones: Nokia, Sony Ericsson, Motorola, Samsung, LG.

Cellufun’s mobile Chess caters to both amateur and expert game players alike. Amateurs will find numerous human opponents, matched to their skill level by Cellufun’s human opponent matching algorithm; a challenging local server called AI, which beat both Chessmaster and Karpov Mobile Chess in a review; and a hint engine and a tutorial mode that can help improve play. Experts will also appreciate Cellufun’s opponent matching algorithm, full timed-play implementation, ELO ratings and AI, the powerful server side that will challenge even the highest-rated players.

The world’s greatest chess player invites you to the preeminent challenge on your mobile phone with Kasparov Chess! Players of all experience levels will be tested by the sharp mobile chess engine. Unique multiplayer system seamlessly transitions your real-time games into long-term games.   With live and correspondence chess, this title has something for everyone from apprentice to expert. Enjoy the Royal Game with the King of Chess, Garry Kasparov!

Mobile ChessPartner

Mobile ChessPartner lets you play chess against the phone.

  • Efficient Chess engine designed to run in low speed Java enabled devices such as phones.
  • 3 Levels of play.
  • Opening book of 1000 moves. 
  • Full color pieces.
  • Easy to use.
  • No network connection needed.
Beta version 0.2 available for download
MobChess.jad - Manifest
MobChess.jar  - Program file
Download both files and use the tools for your mobile phone to install the package. For Nokia this can be the Mobile Phone Suite 5.0.
Its also possible to install it over the air from our WAP site. On your phone browse to: and click the download link.
This program has mainly be tested on the Noka 6100. We are interested in feedback.

more info by clicking the link provided here

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Question like:
Are we alone? it no a real thing here,the question is : Are They ally or enemy
Are we going to give up our guns to be naked when at any moment They will take over us
Are They planning all this problem to create a machiavelli plan to take arms from the street and take the human race with out any firing.....

Pregunta como:
¿Estamos solos? que no una cosa real aquí, la pregunta es: ¿Son aliado o enemigo
¿Vamos a dejar nuestras armas para estar desnudo en cualquier momento cuando ellos se hará cargo de nosotros
¿Están planeando todo este problema para crear un plan de Maquiavelo a tomar las armas de la calle y tomar la raza humana sin ningún disparo .....

Question comme:
Sommes-nous seuls? il ne quelque chose de réel ici, la question est: sont-ils allié ou ennemi
Allons-nous abandonner nos armes à nu quand, à n'importe quel moment Ils prendront sur ​​nous
Ils sont la planification de tous ce problème pour créer un plan de Machiavel à prendre les armes de la rue et prendre la race humaine avec toute tir .....

Frage wie:
Sind wir allein? es nicht eine reale Sache hier ist die Frage: Sind sie Verbündeter oder Feind
Werden wir geben unsere Waffen zu nackt sein, wenn jederzeit Sie über uns nehmen
Planen sie alle dieses Problem eine machiavelli Plan zu den Waffen von der Straße zu nehmen schaffen und die Menschheit ohne jede Zündung .....

Вопрос, как:
Одни ли мы? это не реальная вещь здесь, возникает вопрос: являются ли они союзник или враг
Мы собираемся отказываться от наших орудий быть голым, когда в любой момент Они будут над нами
Они планируют все эти проблемы, чтобы создать план Макиавелли взять в руки оружие с улицы и принимать человеческий род с любой стрельбы .....

की तरह प्रश्न:
हम अकेले हैं? यह कोई एक असली बात यहाँ सवाल यह है: वे सहयोगी या दुश्मन हैं
क्या हम अपनी बंदूकें देने के लिए नग्न हो सकता है जब वे किसी भी क्षण में हमारे ऊपर ले जाएगा करने के लिए जा रहे हैं
रहे हैं कि वे यह सब एक Machiavelli सड़क से हथियार लेने की योजना बनाने के लिए और समस्या के साथ किसी भी फायरिंग बाहर मानव जाति लेने की योजना बना रहे हैं .....

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Windows 7 & 8 Network Settings

Windows 8 comes with a new user interface called the “Windows Start Screen”. It is the first thing you see when you login to Windows 8. This is the main interface that Windows 8 user's use to launch applications, search for files, and browse the web. A new addition to the new start screen includes the “Charms Bar”.

The Windows 8 Charms Bar is a small menu that appears when you hover the mouse over the bottom right corner or the upper right of the screen (or by pressing the Windows and C key at the same time). An example “Start Screen” and the “Charms Bar” can be seen in the image below.

The Charms Bar contains:

 Search - The search option displays the search interface (can search for “Control Panel” from here)
 Share - Share option allows you to share the data from the various Apps with another App, program, or service.
 Start - Clicking on the start option simply bring you to the classic Windows desktop
 Devices - Clicking on the devices option allows you to specify what devices you would like to play the App to.
 Settings - Clicking on the settings option allows you to configure the settings for any App that you are currently using.

The Start Screen - Start Menu

Though Windows 8 no longer has a Start Menu as we have known in the past, Windows does include a basic Start Menu that can be used to quick launch commonly used programs. To access this Start Menu, you should hover your mouse over the lower left hand corner of the desktop or Start Screen and then right-click on your mouse. This will open up the Start Menu as shown below:

***Note: On some Windows 8 Start Screens, there is a “Tile” labeled “Desktop” that will always link you to the traditional Windows Desktop

In the Windows 8 environment, there are two different ways to enter the Network Adapter’s properties settings (Accessing “Network and Sharing Center”):

1. Via the Control Panel – Network and Internet Settings – Network and Sharing Center (same for Windows Vista, 7, & 8)
2. Via the traditional Windows Desktop – Network and Sharing Center (same for Windows Vista, 7, & 8)

Getting to “Network and Sharing Center” via the Control Panel Method:
 Once in the Control Panel, select “View network status and tasks” under Network and Internet option (if in view by “Category”) or

 Select “Network and Sharing Center” if in the View by “Large Icons”

Getting to “Network and Sharing Center” via Traditional Windows Desktop Method:
Right click on a network adapter icon in the system tray, and select “Open Network and Sharing Center” (same for Windows Vista, 7, and 8):

Once into the “Network and Sharing Center”:
1. Select “Change adapter settings”

2. Select the appropriate Network adapter, right click on the adapter, and then select the “Properties” option.

3. Select “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)”

4. Ensure the adapter settings are set to “Obtain an IP address automatically” and “Obtain DNS server address automatically”

If these settings are not already set to obtain automatically, WRITE THE EXISTING SETTINGS DOWN BEFORE CHANGING to obtain automatically!
The reason is once you change the bubble selection; the previous settings are not saved and cannot be reverted back to unless manually entered!

Wireless Configurations (Windows Vista, 7 & 8):

1. If a wired connection is not present, the computer has a wireless network card, the wireless network card is enabled and receiving, the following Wireless Networks Available” icon will be displayed.

2. Double Click on the “Wireless Networks Available” Icon. Select the Wireless Network (SSID) you would like to connect to and push the “Connect” button:

3. If the Wireless Password has not previously been entered and saved; enter it when prompted:

4. The computer will attempt to connect to the Wireless Network Selected:

5. If connection was successful, you will see the Wireless Network Icon in the taskbar change to the following:

6. If the connection was unsuccessful, you may get the following warning (entered password incorrectly as an example):

Managing Wireless Network (Manually):

1. Access “Network and Sharing Center” (as previously instructed earlier) and select “Manage Wireless Networks”:

2. Select the saved “Network” and move it up or down the priority order if more than one Network is present, remove the Network so the computer can rediscover the Wireless Network if necessary, or add manually . You can also right click on the individual network and select “Properties” to manually edit the connection settings:

3. The two options for the individual saved “Wireless Network Connection” are as follows:

***Note: If the security key is saved on another machine and unknown by the user, one could goto this setting and select the “Show characters” option to see the current saved key for a wireless network
***Note: This document is not intended to be formal instruction on Microsoft Windows; it is provided as informative document for accessing network connections on the newer Windows Operating Systems only.

Windows 8 viene con una nueva interfaz de usuario llamada "Pantalla de Inicio de Windows". Es lo primero que se ve cuando se conecta a Windows 8. Esta es la interfaz principal que el uso de Windows 8 usuario para iniciar aplicaciones, búsqueda de archivos, y navegar por la web. Una nueva adición a la pantalla de inicio incluye el nuevo "Bar Charms".

El Windows 8 Charms Bar es un pequeño menú que aparece cuando se pasa el puntero del ratón sobre la esquina inferior derecha o en la parte superior derecha de la pantalla (o pulsando la tecla Windows y C al mismo tiempo). Un ejemplo de "Start Screen" y el "Bar Charms" se puede ver en la imagen de abajo.

El Bar Charms contiene:

 Buscar - La opción de búsqueda muestra la interfaz de búsqueda (puede buscar "Panel de control" desde aquí)
Compartir  opción - Compartir le permite compartir los datos de las aplicaciones diferentes con otra aplicación, programa o servicio.
 Inicio - Al hacer clic en la opción de inicio sólo le llevará al escritorio clásico de Windows
 Dispositivos - Haciendo clic en la opción de dispositivos le permite especificar qué dispositivos que le gustaría jugar para la aplicación.
 Configuración - Haciendo clic en la opción de configuración le permite configurar los ajustes para cualquier aplicación que se está utilizando actualmente.

La pantalla de inicio - Start Menu

Aunque Windows 8 ya no tiene un menú de inicio como la hemos conocido en el pasado, Windows incluye un menú de inicio básico que puede ser utilizado para el lanzamiento rápido de programas de uso común. Para acceder a este menú de inicio, debe colocar el ratón sobre la esquina inferior izquierda del escritorio o Inicio de la pantalla y luego haga clic derecho en el ratón. Esto abrirá el menú de inicio, como se muestra a continuación:

*** Nota: En algunas pantallas de inicio de Windows 8, hay un "Mosaico" etiqueta "Desktop" que siempre se vincula con el tradicional escritorio de Windows

En el entorno de Windows 8, hay dos maneras de entrar en la configuración del adaptador de red Acceso a propiedades ("Centro de redes y recursos compartidos"):

1. A través del Panel de control - Configuración de red e Internet - Centro de redes y recursos compartidos (lo mismo para Windows Vista, 7 y 8)
2. A través de la tradicional Escritorio de Windows - Centro de redes y recursos compartidos (lo mismo para Windows Vista, 7 y 8)

Llegar a "Centro de redes y recursos compartidos" a través del método del panel de control:
 Una vez en el Panel de control, seleccione "Ver estado de red y tareas" en la opción Red e Internet (si está en la vista por "Categoría") o

 Seleccione "Centro de redes y recursos compartidos" si en la vista de "Iconos grandes"

Llegar a "Centro de redes y recursos compartidos" con los métodos tradicionales de escritorio de Windows:
Haga clic derecho sobre el icono de un adaptador de red en la bandeja del sistema y seleccione "Centro de redes y recursos compartidos abierto" (lo mismo para Windows Vista, 7 y 8):

Una vez en el "Centro de redes y recursos compartidos":
1. Seleccione "Cambiar configuración del adaptador"

2. Seleccione el adaptador de red adecuado, haga clic en el adaptador y, a continuación, seleccione la opción "Propiedades".

3. Seleccione "Protocolo de Internet versión 4 (TCP/IPv4)"

4. Asegúrese de que la configuración del adaptador se establece en "Obtener una dirección IP automáticamente" y "Obtener la dirección del servidor DNS automáticamente"

Si estos ajustes no se han configurado para obtener automáticamente, escriba las configuraciones existentes antes de cambiar a obtener de forma automática!
La razón es que una vez que se cambie la selección de burbuja, los valores anteriores no se guardan y no se puede revertir de nuevo a menos que introducir manualmente!

Configuraciones Inalámbricas (Windows Vista, 7 y 8):

1. Si una conexión por cable no está presente, el equipo tiene una tarjeta de red inalámbrica, la tarjeta de red inalámbrica está activada y recibir, las siguientes redes inalámbricas disponibles "icono en la pantalla.

2. Haga doble clic en "Available Wireless Networks" icono. Seleccione la red inalámbrica (SSID) a la que desea conectarse y pulse el botón "Conectar":

3. Si la contraseña inalámbrica no ha sido previamente introducido y guardado, entrar en él cuando se le solicite:

4. El equipo intentará conectarse a la red inalámbrica seleccionada:

5. Si la conexión se ha realizado correctamente, aparecerá el icono de red inalámbrica en la barra de tareas de cambio a lo siguiente:

6. Si la conexión se realiza correctamente, puede recibir el siguiente mensaje de advertencia (password introducido incorrectamente como ejemplo):

Gestión de red inalámbrica (manual):

1. Acceso "Network and Sharing Center" (según las instrucciones anteriores) y seleccionar "Administrar redes inalámbricas":

2. Seleccione el archivo "Red" y moverlo hacia arriba o hacia abajo el orden de prioridad si hay más de una red está presente, retire la Red para que el ordenador pueda redescubrir la red inalámbrica, si es necesario, o agregar manualmente. También puede hacer clic en la red individual y seleccionar "Propiedades" para modificar manualmente la configuración de conexión:

3. Las dos opciones para el individuo salvo "Conexión de red inalámbrica" ​​son los siguientes:

*** Nota: Si la clave de seguridad se guarda en otra máquina y desconocidos por el usuario, se podría goto esta configuración y seleccione la opción "Mostrar caracteres" para ver la clave actual guardado para una red inalámbrica
*** Nota: Este documento no pretende ser una instrucción formal en Microsoft Windows, sino que se ofrece como documento informativo para el acceso a las conexiones de red en los sistemas operativos más recientes de Windows solamente.


Windows 8 kommt mit einer neuen Benutzeroberfläche namens "Windows Start Screen". Es ist das erste, was Sie sehen, wenn Sie sich anmelden, um Windows 8. Dies ist die wichtigste Schnittstelle, die Windows 8 Nutzung des Benutzers zum Starten von Anwendungen, die Suche nach Dateien und im Internet surfen. Eine neue Ergänzung zu der neuen Start-Bildschirm enthält die "Charms Bar".

Die Windows 8 Charms Bar ist ein kleines Menü, wenn Sie die Maus über die rechte untere Ecke oder der oberen rechten Ecke des Bildschirms (oder durch Drücken der Windows-und C-Taste zur gleichen Zeit) schweben scheint. Ein Beispiel "Start Screen" und die "Charms Bar" können im Bild unten zu sehen.

Die Charms Bar enthält:

 Suche - Die Suche Option zeigt die Suchoberfläche (für "Control Panel" von hier)
 Anteil - Share Option können Sie die Daten aus den verschiedenen Apps mit einem anderen App, Programme oder Dienstleistungen zu teilen.
 Start - Klick auf den Start-Option einfach bringen Sie zu den klassischen Windows-Desktop
 Devices - Klick auf den Geräten Option können Sie festlegen, welche Geräte Sie möchte die App zu spielen.
 Einstellungen - Mit einem Klick auf die Option Einstellungen können Sie die Einstellungen für jede App, die Sie derzeit verwenden konfigurieren.

Der Startbildschirm - Start Menu

Obwohl Windows 8 nicht mehr über eine Start-Menü, wie wir in der Vergangenheit gekannt haben, wird Windows eine grundlegende Startmenü, die Quick Launch häufigsten verwendeten Programmen verwendet werden können. Um diese Startmenü zugreifen, sollten Sie mit der Maus über der linken unteren Ecke des Desktops schweben oder Startbild und dann auf der Maus mit der rechten Maustaste. Dies öffnet das Start-Menü, wie unten dargestellt:

*** Hinweis: Auf einigen Windows 8 Start Screens gibt es eine "Tile" mit der Aufschrift "Desktop", die immer Link gelangen Sie zu den traditionellen Windows-Desktop

In der Windows-8-Umgebung gibt es zwei verschiedene Möglichkeiten, um den Netzwerk-Adapter-Eigenschaften-Einstellungen (Zugriff auf "Network and Sharing Center") eingeben:

Ein. Über die Systemsteuerung - Netzwerk-und Internet-Einstellungen - Network and Sharing Center (gleich für Windows Vista, 7 und 8)
2. Über die traditionellen Windows-Desktop - Network and Sharing Center (gleich für Windows Vista, 7 und 8)

Anreise zum "Network and Sharing Center" über die Systemsteuerung Methode:
 Wenn in der Systemsteuerung, wählen Sie "Ansicht Netzwerkstatus und-aufgaben" unter Netzwerk-und Internet-Option (wenn in Ansicht "Category") oder

 Wählen Sie "Network and Sharing Center", wenn in der Ansicht nach "Große Symbole"

Anreise zum "Network and Sharing Center" über traditionelle Windows Desktop-Methode:
Rechts auf einem Netzwerkadapter-Symbol in der Taskleiste klicken, und wählen Sie "Open Network and Sharing Center" (auch für Windows Vista, 7 und 8):

Einmal in der "Network and Sharing Center":
Ein. Wählen Sie "Change adapter settings"

2. Wählen Sie das entsprechende Netzwerk-Adapter, direkt am Adapter klicken, und wählen Sie dann die Option "Eigenschaften".

3. Wählen Sie "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)"

4. Sicherstellen, dass die Adapter-Einstellungen eingestellt werden, um "IP-Adresse automatisch beziehen" und "DNS-Server-Adresse automatisch beziehen"

Wenn diese Einstellungen nicht bereits gesetzt sind, um automatisch zu erhalten, schreiben Sie die vorhandenen Einstellungen vor dem Austauschen, um automatisch!
Der Grund dafür ist, wenn Sie ändern die Blase Auswahl; die vorherigen Einstellungen werden nicht gespeichert und können nicht zurück, es sei denn manuell eingegeben rückgängig gemacht werden!

Wireless-Konfigurationen (Windows Vista, 7 und 8):

Ein. Wenn eine verdrahtete Verbindung nicht vorhanden ist, der Rechner eine drahtlose Netzwerk-Karte hat, wobei die drahtlose Netzwerk-Karte aktiviert ist, und Empfangen, werden die folgenden verfügbare drahtlose Netzwerke "-Symbol angezeigt werden.

2. Doppelklicken Sie auf den "Wireless Networks Available"-Symbol. Wählen Sie das drahtlose Netzwerk (SSID), die Sie für die Verbindung und drücken Sie die Schaltfläche "Verbinden" würde:

3. Wenn das Wireless-Passwort wurde bisher nicht eingegeben und gespeichert; geben Sie, wenn Sie dazu aufgefordert werden:

4. Der Computer wird versuchen, den Wireless Network gewählte verbinden:

5. Wenn die Verbindung erfolgreich war, sehen Sie das Wireless Network Icon in der Taskleiste ändern wie folgt:

6. Wenn die Verbindung nicht erfolgreich war, erhalten Sie möglicherweise die folgende Warnung (eingegebene Passwort falsch als Beispiel):

Geschäftsführer Wireless Network (manuell):

Ein. Access "Network and Sharing Center" (wie zuvor beschrieben früher) und wählen Sie "Drahtlosnetzwerke verwalten":

2. Wählen Sie die gespeicherte "Network" und verschieben Sie sie nach oben oder unten die Priorität, wenn mehr als ein Netzwerk vorhanden ist, entfernen Sie das Netzwerk, damit der Computer die Wireless Network entdecken kann, wenn nötig, oder manuell hinzufügen. Sie können auch direkt auf den einzelnen Netzwerk und wählen Sie "Eigenschaften", um manuell bearbeiten Sie die Verbindungseinstellungen:

3. Die beiden Optionen für die einzelnen gespeicherten "Wireless Network Connection" sind wie folgt:

*** Hinweis: Wenn der Sicherheitsschlüssel auf einem anderen Rechner gespeichert wird und unbekannte vom Benutzer könnte man goto diese Einstellung und wählen Sie "Zeichen anzeigen", um die aktuellen gespeicherten Schlüssel für ein drahtloses Netzwerk zu sehen
*** Hinweis: Dieses Dokument ist nicht zur formalen Unterricht auf Microsoft Windows sein, es ist als informatives Dokument für den Zugriff auf Netzwerk-Verbindungen auf den neueren Windows-Betriebssysteme zur Verfügung gestellt.



Windows 8 est livré avec une nouvelle interface utilisateur appelée "l'écran de démarrage de Windows". C'est la première chose que vous voyez quand vous vous connectez à Windows 8. Ceci est l'interface principale que l'utilisation de Windows 8 utilisateur de lancer des applications, rechercher des fichiers et naviguer sur le Web. Un nouvel ajout à l'écran de démarrage inclut le nouveau "Bar Charms".

Windows 8 Bar Charms est un petit menu qui apparaît lorsque vous passez la souris sur le coin inférieur droit ou le coin supérieur droit de l'écran (ou en appuyant sur la touche Windows et C en même temps). Un exemple «Écran de démarrage» et le «Bar Charms» peut être vu dans l'image ci-dessous.

Le bar Charms contient:

 Recherche - L'option de recherche affiche l'interface de recherche (peut rechercher des "Panneau de configuration" ici)
Partager  option - Partager vous permet de partager les données des applications différentes avec une autre application, programme ou service.
 Démarrer - Cliquez sur l'option de démarrage simplement vous mettre directement à la classique de Windows
 Devices - En cliquant sur l'option périphériques vous permet de spécifier quels sont les périphériques que vous souhaitez jouer le App.
 Paramètres - En cliquant sur l'option Paramètres vous permet de configurer les paramètres de n'importe quel application que vous utilisez actuellement.

L'écran de démarrage - Menu Démarrer

Bien que Windows 8 ne possède plus de menu Démarrer comme nous l'avons connu dans le passé, Windows inclut un menu Démarrer de base qui peut être utilisé pour le lancement rapide des programmes fréquemment utilisés. Pour accéder à ce menu Démarrer, vous devriez passer votre souris sur le coin inférieur gauche de l'écran ou Début d'écran, puis faites un clic droit sur votre souris. Cela permettra d'ouvrir le menu Démarrer, comme indiqué ci-dessous:

*** Note: Sur certains écrans de Windows 8 Start, il ya une "tuile" marqué "Desktop" qui sera toujours le lien le traditionnel bureau de Windows

Dans le contexte de Windows 8, il ya deux façons d'entrer les paramètres de la carte réseau Accès propriétés ("Centre Réseau et partage"):

1. Via le Panneau de configuration - Paramètres réseau et Internet - Centre Réseau et partage (même pour Windows Vista, 7 et 8)
2. Via le traditionnel bureau de Windows - Centre Réseau et partage (même pour Windows Vista, 7 et 8)

Apprendre à "Centre Réseau et partage" via la méthode Panneau de configuration:
 Une fois dans le Panneau de configuration, sélectionnez «Afficher l'état du réseau et les tâches" sous l'option Réseau et Internet (si, compte tenu de "Catégorie") ou

 Sélectionnez "Centre Réseau et partage" si dans la vue en "Grandes icônes"

Apprendre à "Centre Réseau et partage" via la méthode traditionnelle de bureau Windows:
Faites un clic droit sur une icône de la carte réseau dans la barre d'état système et sélectionnez "Open Center Réseau et partage" (idem pour Windows Vista, 7 et 8):

Une fois dans le "Centre Réseau et partage":
1. Sélectionnez "Modifier les paramètres de la carte"

2. Sélectionnez l'adaptateur réseau approprié, faites un clic droit sur l'adaptateur, puis sélectionnez l'option "Propriétés".

3. Sélectionnez "Protocole Internet version 4 (TCP/IPv4)"

4. Vérifiez que les paramètres de la carte sont réglés sur "Obtenir une adresse IP automatiquement» et «Obtenir les adresses des serveurs DNS automatiquement"

Si ces paramètres ne sont pas déjà configuré pour obtenir automatiquement, écrire les paramètres existants avant de changer pour obtenir automatiquement!
La raison en est une fois que vous modifiez la sélection bulle, les paramètres précédents ne sont pas enregistrées et ne peuvent pas être revenue à moins que saisies manuellement!

Configurations sans fil (Windows Vista, 7 et 8):

1. Si une connexion filaire n'est pas présent, l'ordinateur dispose d'une carte réseau sans fil, la carte réseau sans fil est activée et la réception, les réseaux sans fil disponibles ci-dessous "icône sera affichée.

2. Double-cliquez sur les «Réseaux sans fil disponibles" Icône. Sélectionnez le réseau sans fil (SSID) auquel vous souhaitez vous connecter, puis appuyez sur le bouton "Connect":

3. Si le mot de passe sans fil n'a pas été préalablement saisi et enregistré, entrez-le lorsque vous êtes invité:

4. L'ordinateur tente de se connecter au réseau sans fil sélectionné:

5. Si la connexion est réussie, vous verrez l'icône du réseau sans fil dans la barre des tâches pour le changement qui suit:

6. Si la connexion a échoué, vous pouvez obtenir le message d'avertissement suivant (mot de passe incorrect, à titre d'exemple):

Gestion de réseau sans fil (manuellement):

1. Accès "Centre Réseau et partage" (comme indiqué précédemment plus haut) et sélectionnez "Gérer les réseaux sans fil":

2. Sélectionnez le fichier "Réseau" et le déplacer vers le haut ou vers le bas l'ordre de priorité si plus d'un réseau est présent, retirez le réseau que l'ordinateur puisse redécouvrir le réseau sans fil si nécessaire, ou ajouter manuellement. Vous pouvez également faire un clic droit sur le réseau individuel et sélectionnez "Propriétés" pour modifier manuellement les paramètres de connexion:

3. Les deux options pour l'individu sauvé "Connexion réseau sans fil» sont les suivantes:

*** Note: Si la clé de sécurité est enregistré sur une autre machine et inconnus par l'utilisateur, on peut goto ce paramètre et sélectionnez l'option "Afficher les caractères" pour voir la clé actuelle enregistrée pour un réseau sans fil
*** Note: Ce document n'est pas destiné à être des instructions formelles sur Microsoft Windows, il est prévu comme document d'information pour accéder aux connexions réseau sur les systèmes d'exploitation les plus récents Windows.



विंडोज 8 एक नए उपयोगकर्ता इंटरफेस "Windows प्रारंभ स्क्रीन" कहा जाता है के साथ आता है. यह पहली बात तुम देखना जब आप विंडोज 8 के लिए प्रवेश. यह मुख्य इंटरफ़ेस है कि विंडोज 8 उपयोगकर्ता का उपयोग आवेदन शुरू करने के लिए, फ़ाइलों के लिए खोज, और वेब ब्राउज़ है. नई शुरुआत स्क्रीन करने के लिए एक नया इसके अलावा "चार्म्स बार" भी शामिल है.

विंडोज 8 चार्म्स बार एक छोटे से मेनू है कि प्रतीत होता है जब आप नीचे दायें कोने या स्क्रीन के ऊपरी दाएँ (या एक ही समय में Windows और सी कुंजी दबाकर) माउस हॉवर है. एक उदाहरण और "स्क्रीन" "चार्म्स बार" नीचे की छवि में देखा जा सकता है.

चार्म्स बार शामिल हैं:

 खोज - खोज विकल्प खोज इंटरफ़ेस प्रदर्शित करता है (यहाँ से "नियंत्रण कक्ष" के लिए खोज कर सकते हैं)
 शेयर - शेयर विकल्प आप एक और अनुप्रयोग, कार्यक्रम, या सेवा के साथ विभिन्न Apps से डेटा को साझा करने के लिए अनुमति देता है.
 शुरू - शुरू विकल्प पर क्लिक बस आप क्लासिक विंडोज डेस्कटॉप लाने
 डिवाइसेज - उपकरणों विकल्प पर क्लिक करके आप निर्दिष्ट करने के लिए आप उपकरणों App खेलना चाहते हैं की अनुमति देता है.
 सेटिंग्स सेटिंग विकल्प पर क्लिक करके आप किसी भी अनुप्रयोग है कि आप वर्तमान में उपयोग कर रहे हैं के लिए सेटिंग कॉन्फ़िगर करने की अनुमति देता है.

प्रारंभ स्क्रीन प्रारंभ मेनू

हालांकि विंडोज 8 अब एक प्रारंभ मेनू के रूप में हम अतीत में जाना जाता है, एक बुनियादी प्रारंभ मेनू है कि जल्दी आमतौर पर इस्तेमाल किया कार्यक्रम शुरू करने के लिए इस्तेमाल किया जा सकता है शामिल है. इस प्रारंभ मेनू का उपयोग करने के लिए, आप कम डेस्कटॉप बाएँ हाथ के कोने पर अपने माउस हॉवर या स्क्रीन शुरू करना चाहिए और फिर अपने माउस पर ठीक क्लिक करें. यह प्रारंभ मेनू खोलने के रूप में नीचे दिखाया जाएगा:

*** नोट: कुछ विंडोज 8 प्रारंभ स्क्रीन पर, वहाँ एक "टाइल" "डेस्कटॉप" लेबल है कि हमेशा आप पारंपरिक विंडोज डेस्कटॉप के लिए कड़ी होगी

विंडोज 8 वातावरण में, वहाँ नेटवर्क एडाप्टर के गुणों सेटिंग्स ("नेटवर्क और साझा केंद्र तक पहुँचने) में प्रवेश के लिए दो अलग अलग तरीके हैं:

1. नेटवर्क और इंटरनेट सेटिंग्स - नेटवर्क और साझा केंद्र (Windows Vista, 7 और 8 के लिए एक ही) नियंत्रण कक्ष के माध्यम से
2. नेटवर्क और साझा केंद्र (Windows Vista, 7 और 8 के लिए एक ही) - पारंपरिक Windows डेस्कटॉप के माध्यम से

"नेटवर्क और साझा केंद्र" नियंत्रण कक्ष विधि के माध्यम से हो रही है:
 नियंत्रण कक्ष में एक बार, चुनें "नेटवर्क स्थिति और कार्य देखें" नेटवर्क और इंटरनेट के विकल्प के अंतर्गत (द्वारा "श्रेणी" अगर ध्यान में रखते हुए) या

 दृश्य में "बड़े प्रतीक" अगर "नेटवर्क और साझा केंद्र" का चयन करें

पारंपरिक विंडोज डेस्कटॉप विधि के जरिए "नेटवर्क और साझा केंद्र" के लिए हो रही है:
सही सिस्टम ट्रे में एक नेटवर्क एडाप्टर आइकन पर क्लिक करें, और "ओपन नेटवर्क और साझा केंद्र" (Windows Vista, 7 और 8 के लिए एक ही) का चयन करें:

"नेटवर्क और साझा केंद्र" में एक बार:
1. "बदलें एडाप्टर सेटिंग" का चयन करें

2. उपयुक्त नेटवर्क एडाप्टर चुनें, सही अनुकूलक पर क्लिक करें, और फिर "गुण" विकल्प चुनें.

3. "इंटरनेट प्रोटोकॉल संस्करण 4 (TCP/IPv4)" का चयन करें

4. सुनिश्चित करें अनुकूलक सेटिंग्स सेट कर रहे हैं "एक आईपी पते स्वतः प्राप्त" और "DNS सर्वर पता स्वतः प्राप्त"

यदि इन सेटिंग पहले से ही करने के लिए स्वचालित रूप से प्राप्त करने के लिए सेट नहीं हैं, के लिए स्वचालित रूप से प्राप्त करने के बदलने से पहले नीचे मौजूदा सेटिंग्स लिखने!
कारण एक बार आप बुलबुला चयन बदल, पिछली सेटिंग्स को बचाया और को नहीं लौटाया जा सकता है जब तक मैन्युअल रूप से दर्ज करने के लिए वापस नहीं कर रहे हैं!

वायरलेस विन्यास (Windows Vista, 7 और 8):

1. यदि एक वायर्ड कनेक्शन मौजूद नहीं है, तो कंप्यूटर एक वायरलेस नेटवर्क कार्ड है, वायरलेस नेटवर्क कार्ड सक्षम है और प्राप्त करने के लिए, निम्नलिखित वायरलेस नेटवर्क उपलब्ध "आइकन प्रदर्शित किया जाएगा.

2. चिह्न "वायरलेस नेटवर्क उपलब्ध" पर डबल क्लिक करें. वायरलेस नेटवर्क (SSID) आप कनेक्ट करने के लिए और "कनेक्ट" बटन धक्का करना चाहते हैं:

3. यदि वायरलेस पासवर्ड पहले दर्ज नहीं किया गया किया गया है और बचाया, यह दर्ज करें, जब प्रेरित:

4. कंप्यूटर वायरलेस चयनित नेटवर्क से कनेक्ट करने का प्रयास करेंगे:

5. यदि कनेक्शन सफल रहा था, आप कार्यपट्टी निम्नलिखित करने के लिए परिवर्तन में वायरलेस नेटवर्क चिह्न देखेंगे:

6. यदि कनेक्शन असफल रहा था, आपको निम्न चेतावनी (एक उदाहरण के रूप में दर्ज पासवर्ड गलत तरीके से) मिल सकता है:

वायरलेस नेटवर्क (स्वयं) के प्रबंध:

1. पहुँच "नेटवर्क और साझा केंद्र" (के रूप में पहले से पहले निर्देश) और चुनें "वायरलेस नेटवर्क का प्रबंधन"

2. बचाया "नेटवर्क" का चयन करें और यह कदम ऊपर या नीचे प्राथमिकता क्रम यदि एक से अधिक नेटवर्क मौजूद है, नेटवर्क को हटा दें तो कंप्यूटर वायरलेस नेटवर्क rediscover यदि आवश्यक हो तो कर सकते हैं, या मैन्युअल रूप से जोड़ने. आप यह भी सही व्यक्ति नेटवर्क पर क्लिक कर सकते हैं और 'गुण' का चयन करने के लिए मैन्युअल कनेक्शन सेटिंग संपादित करें:

3. "वायरलेस नेटवर्क कनेक्शन" बचाया व्यक्ति के लिए दो विकल्प इस प्रकार हैं:

*** नोट: यदि सुरक्षा कुंजी एक और मशीन पर बचाया है और उपयोगकर्ता द्वारा अज्ञात, एक इस सेटिंग गोटो सकता है और "वर्ण दिखाएं" विकल्प का चयन करने के लिए एक वायरलेस नेटवर्क के लिए वर्तमान बचाया कुंजी
*** नोट: इस दस्तावेज़ को माइक्रोसॉफ्ट विंडोज पर औपचारिक शिक्षा इरादा नहीं है, यह नए विंडोज ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम पर ही नेटवर्क कनेक्शन तक पहुँचने के लिए जानकारीपूर्ण दस्तावेज़ के रूप में प्रदान की जाती है.



Windows 8 поставляется с новым пользовательским интерфейсом под названием "Windows Start Screen". Это первое, что вы видите при входе в Windows 8. Это основной интерфейс, что использование Windows 8 пользователя для запуска приложений, поиск по файлам, и просматривать веб-страницы. Новое дополнение к новым экране запуска включает в себя «прелести Бар".

Windows 8 Подвески Бар небольшое меню, которое появляется при наведении указателя мыши на правый нижний угол или правой верхней части экрана (или нажав Windows, C и ключ в то же время). Например, "Стартовый экран" и "Чары Bar" можно увидеть на изображении ниже.

Подвески Bar содержит:

 поиск - поиск параметр отображает интерфейс поиска (можно искать "Панель управления" отсюда)
 Share - Доля опция позволяет обмениваться данными из различных приложений с помощью другого приложения, программы или услуги.
 Пуск - Нажав на старт опция просто приведет вас к классическим рабочий стол
 устройств - нажать на опцию устройств позволяет указать, какие устройства вы хотели бы играть в приложения на.
 настройки - нажать на опцию настроек позволяет настроить параметры для любого приложения, что вы в настоящее время используете.

Начало Screen - Start Menu

Хотя Windows 8 уже не имеет меню Пуск, как мы знали в прошлом, Windows действительно включает основное меню Пуск, которые могут быть использованы для быстрого запуска часто используемых программ. Для доступа к этому меню Пуск, вы должны навести курсор мыши на левом нижнем углу рабочего стола или экрана Пуск, а затем щелкните правой кнопкой мыши. Это откроет меню Пуск, как показано ниже:

*** Примечание: На некоторых экранов Windows 8 Start, есть "плитка" с надписью "Desktop", которая всегда связать вас с традиционными рабочего стола Windows

В Windows 8 окружающей среды, существует два различных способа ввода свойствах сетевого адаптера настройки (доступ к "сетями и общим доступом»):

1. Через Панель управления - Сеть и Интернет Настройка - Сеть и коммутационный центр (то же самое для Windows Vista, 7, и 8)
2. Через традиционные рабочего стола Windows - сетями и общим доступом (то же самое для Windows Vista, 7, и 8)

Добраться до «Сеть и коммутационный центр" с помощью метода панель управления:
 После того как в Панель управления, выберите "Просмотр состояния сети и задач» в рамках варианта сети и Интернет (если в силу по "Категория") или

 Выберите "Сеть и коммутационный центр", если в представлении на "Крупные значки"

Добраться до «Сеть и коммутационный центр" через Традиционный метод рабочий стол Windows:
Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши по значку сетевого адаптера в системном трее и выберите "Открыть Центр сети и общего доступа" (то же самое для Windows Vista, 7 и 8):

Как только в "сетями и общим доступом»:
1. Выберите "Изменение параметров адаптера"

2. Выберите соответствующий сетевой адаптер, щелкните правой кнопкой мыши на адаптер, а затем выберите "Свойства".

3. Выберите "Протокол Интернета версии 4 (TCP/IPv4)"

4. Убедитесь, что настройки адаптера установлены на "Получить IP-адрес автоматически" и "Получить адрес DNS-сервера адрес автоматически"

Если эти параметры не установлены автоматически получить, написать существующие настройки Перед заменой для получения автоматически!
Причина в том, как только вы измените пузырь отбора; предыдущие настройки не сохраняются и не может быть возвращен, если введенные вручную!

Беспроводные конфигурации (Windows Vista, 7 и 8):

1. Если проводное соединение отсутствует, на компьютере беспроводной сетевой карты, беспроводная сетевая карта включена и получения, следующих беспроводных сетей, доступных "будет отображаться значок.

2. Дважды нажмите на кнопку "беспроводных сетей, доступных" Icon. Выберите беспроводной сети (SSID) вы хотели бы подключиться, и нажмите кнопку "Подключить":

3. Если беспроводная Пароль ранее не были введены и сохранены; ввести его при запросе:

4. Компьютер будет пытаться подключиться к беспроводной сети Выбрано:

5. Если соединение прошло успешно, вы увидите значок беспроводной сети на панели задач, перейдите к следующему:

6. Если соединение было неудачным, вы можете получить следующее предупреждение (введенный пароль неправильно, как пример):

Управление беспроводной сети (вручную):

1. Access "сетями и общим доступом» (как ранее поручил ранее) и выберите пункт "Управление беспроводными сетями»:

2. Выберите сохраненный "Сеть" и переместить его вверх или вниз приоритетном порядке, если более одной сети присутствует, удалить сеть, чтобы компьютер мог обрести беспроводной сети, если это необходимо, или добавить вручную. Вы также можете правой кнопкой мыши на отдельные сети и выберите пункт "Свойства", чтобы вручную изменить настройки подключения:

3. Два варианта для отдельных спас "Беспроводное сетевое соединение" заключаются в следующем:

*** Примечание: Если ключ безопасности сохраняются на другой машине и неизвестным пользователем, можно перейти эту настройку и выберите "Показать символов", чтобы увидеть текущее сохранен ключевой для беспроводной сети
*** Примечание: Данный документ не предназначен для формального обучения по Microsoft Windows, она обеспечивает максимально информативным документом для доступа к сети связи на новых Операционные системы Windows только.

Windows 8 jest wyposażony w nowy interfejs użytkownika o nazwie "Ekran Start systemu Windows." To jest pierwsza rzecz, którą widzisz, kiedy zalogować się na Windows 8. To jest główny interfejs użytkownika Windows 8 Zastosowanie do uruchamiania aplikacji, wyszukiwanie plików i przeglądanie Internetu. Nowy dodatek do nowego ekranu startowego obejmuje Bar "Charms".

Windows 8 Bar Charms to małe menu, które pojawia się po najechaniu myszką na prawym dolnym rogu lub w prawym górnym rogu ekranu (lub wciskając klawisz Windows i C w tym samym czasie). Przykładem "Start Screen" i "Bar Charms" można zobaczyć na obrazku poniżej.

Bar Charms zawiera:

 Szukaj - opcja wyszukiwania wyświetla interfejs wyszukiwania (może szukać "Panel sterowania" z tutaj)
Podziel  - opcja Share umożliwia udostępnianie danych z różnych aplikacji z innej aplikacji, programu lub usługi.
 Start - Kliknięcie na opcję Start po prostu doprowadzić do klasycznego pulpitu Windows
 Urządzenia - Kliknięcie na opcji urządzeń pozwala określić, jakie urządzenia chcesz grać aplikacji do.
 Ustawienia - Kliknięcie na opcji ustawień pozwala skonfigurować ustawienia dla każdej aplikacji, którą aktualnie używasz.

Ekran Start - Menu Start

Chociaż Windows 8 nie ma już menu Start, jak wiemy, w przeszłości, Windows obejmuje podstawowe menu Start, które można wykorzystać do szybkiego uruchamiania programów najczęściej używanych. Aby przejść do tego menu Start, należy umieść kursor myszy nad dolnym lewym rogu pulpitu lub Start ekranu, a następnie kliknij prawym przyciskiem myszy. Spowoduje to otwarcie menu Start jak przedstawiono poniżej:

*** UWAGA: W niektórych Windows 8 ekranów Start, istnieje "Tile" oznaczony "Desktop", które zawsze będą łączyć się do tradycyjnego pulpitu Windows

W środowisku Windows 8, istnieją dwa sposoby, aby przejść do właściwości karty sieciowej ustawienia (Dostęp do "Centrum sieci i udostępniania"):

1. Za pomocą panelu sterowania - Sieć i Internet Settings - Centrum sieci i udostępniania (takie same dla systemu Windows Vista, 7, i 8)
2. Via tradycyjnego pulpitu Windows - Centrum sieci i udostępniania (również w systemie Windows Vista, 7, i 8)

Jak dostać się do "Centrum sieci i udostępniania" metodą panelu sterowania:
 Gdy w panelu sterowania, wybierz opcję "Wyświetl stan sieci i zadania" w opcji Sieć i Internet (jeśli w związku przez "Kategoria") lub

 Wybierz "Centrum sieci i udostępniania", jeśli w widoku przez "Duże ikony"

Jak dostać się do "Centrum sieci i udostępniania" poprzez tradycyjną metodę pulpitu systemu Windows:
Kliknij prawym przyciskiem myszy na ikonę karty sieciowej w zasobniku systemowym i wybierz "Otwórz Centrum sieci i udostępniania" (sam dla systemu Windows Vista, 7 i 8):

Gdy w "Centrum sieci i udostępniania":
1. Wybierz "Zmień ustawienia karty"

2. Wybierz odpowiednią kartę sieciową, kliknij prawym przyciskiem myszy na karcie, a następnie wybierz opcję "Właściwości".

3. Wybierz "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)"

4. Upewnij się, że ustawienia karty są ustawione na "Uzyskaj adres IP automatycznie" oraz "Uzyskaj adres serwera DNS automatycznie"

Jeśli te ustawienia nie są już ustawione, aby uzyskać automatyczne, WRITE istniejące ustawienia DOWN Przed zmianą uzyskać automatycznie!
Powodem jest to, kiedy zmienić wybór pęcherzyków; wcześniejsze ustawienia nie są zapisywane i nie można powrócić do tego, chyba że wprowadzone ręcznie!

Konfiguracje bezprzewodowych (Windows Vista, 7 i 8):

1. Jeśli połączenie przewodowe nie ma, komputer ma kartę sieci bezprzewodowej, bezprzewodowa karta sieciowa jest włączona i odbieranie następujące Sieci bezprzewodowe Dostępne "zostanie wyświetlona ikona.

2. Kliknij dwukrotnie na "Sieci bezprzewodowe Dostępne" ikony. Wybierz sieci bezprzewodowej (SSID), który chcesz połączyć i wciśnij przycisk "Połącz":

3. Jeśli bezprzewodowa Hasło nie zostało wcześniej wprowadzone i zapisane, wprowadź go, gdy pojawi się monit:

4. Komputer będzie próbował połączyć się z wybraną siecią bezprzewodową:

5. Jeśli połączenie było udane, pojawi się ikona sieci bezprzewodowej w zmianie paska zadań na następujące kwestie:

6. Jeżeli połączenie nie powiedzie się, można uzyskać następujące ostrzeżenie (wprowadzone hasło niepoprawnie jako przykład):

Zarządzanie siecią bezprzewodową (ręcznie):

1. Access "Centrum sieci i udostępniania" (jak wcześniej poinstruowani wcześniej) i wybierz "Zarządzaj sieciami bezprzewodowymi":

2. Wybierz zapisany "Sieć" i przesunąć go w górę lub w dół w kolejności priorytetów, jeśli więcej niż jedna sieć jest obecna, usunąć z sieci, więc komputer może odnaleźć sieci bezprzewodowej w razie potrzeby, lub dodawać ręcznie. Można również kliknąć prawym przyciskiem myszy na poszczególne sieci i wybierz "Właściwości", aby ręcznie modyfikować ustawienia połączeń:

3. Dwie opcje dla jednostki zapisane "Połączenie sieci bezprzewodowej", są następujące:

*** Uwaga: Jeśli klucz bezpieczeństwa jest zapisana na innym komputerze i nieznane przez użytkownika, można goto to ustawienie i wybierz "znaków Show", aby zobaczyć aktualny zapisany klucz dla sieci bezprzewodowej
*** UWAGA: Ten dokument nie ma na celu formalne nauczanie w systemie Microsoft Windows, to jest jako informacyjny dokumentu dla dostępu połączeń sieciowych na nowszych systemach operacyjnych Windows.