Monday, January 14, 2013

Spassky - Fischer 1972 WCH Game 17 (B09)

Spassky - Fischer 1972 WCH Game 17 (B09)

  • WeirdDictatorS.jpg
Bobby once again introduces an opening novelty by playing the Pirc Defense (in a tnmt/match game) for the first time in his life, sparking another exciting battle that eventually ends up in a peaceful draw. Note the differing opinions by GMs Krogius, Evans and Gligoric at several points in the game, including Fischer's "dubious" or "necessary" exchange sacrifice on move 21, depending on who you think is the most accurate evaluator (in this case not Krogius IMHO).
OTB (OFF The Board) activities prior to this game included a press release made by the atty of the hapless Chester Fox, who had paid in advance for the TV rights to the match which turned out to be a very bad investment after Fischer refused to play with any TV cameras filming the games (they were too noisy for him, even although no one else could hear them). Spassky's second GM Geller then accused Bobby of employing voodoo (this is poetic license on my part - NR) and/or "Mission Impossible" type tactics (ie hi-tech devices) to upset Boris, which would account for his balking at any cameras around that might record his "misdeeds." Prior to this game the Icelandic Police posted guards at the playing site the night before Game 17 while it was examined for electronic devices, voodoo dolls of Boris with pins stuck in them, etc and after a through search found 3 dead flies in one of the overhead light fixtures.
Halldor Petursson was an Icelandic caricature artist who drew 18 cartoons of the match for a local newspaper. In this one Bobby, the American Eagle, swoops down on his Russian Bear opponent with the apparent intent of making off with Spassky's jealously guarded crown. You can see them all without any cropping at

Sunday, January 13, 2013

the REAL reason why they haven't been back to the Moon

Uploaded on May 18, 2008
........the aliens are on the Moon, and they've been there for a very long time...that's why NASA wont go back there...this vid explains it all.

Undeniable Evidence Aliens Do Not Come From Other Galaxies

Published on Jun 2, 2012
Ancient Advanced Civilization Found On Moon- Nasa Footage mirrored from Shield of the Son Productions

Mona Lisa- an alien spaceship on the moon

End Times Message To Humanity

Millions Of Abductees Illuminated For The Golden Age Of Aquarius

The Greys- The New Age Millions Of Years In The Making

Lightworkers To Lead The World Into The New Age

Millions Brainwashed Into The New Age

Russian man abducted by unidentified orb, caught on security camera

Uploaded on Jul 21, 2009
Very little is known of this video, except that it recently surfaced on Russian TV.

Courtesy of

Rough translation:
A golden orb started moving in strange directions according to a video uploaded on youtube. A car that was driving along the path quickly braked as though he was curious. 2 people seemed frantic and confused while 2 more people on the other side of the crosswalk acted the same way. One took photos while another ran away, possibly (seeking help)

Homme russe Enlevé par orbe non identifié, pris à la caméra de sécurité
Envoyé le 21 Juillet 2009
On sait très peu de cette vidéo, si ce n'est qu'elle a récemment refait surface à la télévision russe.

Avec l'aimable autorisation de

Traduction approximative:
Un orbe dorée commencé à se déplacer dans des directions étranges Selon une vidéo téléchargée sur YouTube. Une conduite automobile le long du chemin C'était comme si je freine rapidement était curieux. 2 personnes semblait frénétique et confus, tandis que deux autres personnes de l'autre côté du passage pour piétons ACTED de la même manière. Un a pris des photos pendant qu'une autre se sont enfuis, peut-être (demander de l'aide)

Hombre ruso secuestrado por orbe no identificado, captado por la cámara de seguridad
Subido el 21 de julio 2009
Muy poco se sabe de este video, excepto que recientemente apareció en la televisión rusa.

Cortesía de

Traducción aproximada:
Un orbe de oro comenzó a moverse en direcciones extrañas es selon vídeo subido en youtube. Un coche de conducción a lo largo Ese fue el camino como si se frena rápidamente sentía curiosidad. 2 personas Parecía frenético y confuso, mientras que dos personas más en el otro lado del paso de peatones ACTED la misma manera. Uno tomó fotografías mientras otro se escapó, posiblemente (la búsqueda de ayuda)

Rosjanin uprowadzony przez niezidentyfikowanego orba, złowiony aparatu bezpieczeństwa
Przesłane dnia 21 lipca 2009
Bardzo mało wiadomo o tym filmie, poza tym, że się niedawno w rosyjskiej telewizji.

Courtesy of

Nieostrożne tłumaczenie:
Golden orb ruszył w dziwnych kierunkach jest video selon wrzucone na youtube.Jazdy samochodem wzdłuż To było tak, jakby ścieżka hamowana Szybko był ciekawy. 2 ludzi wydawało frantic i zdezorientowany gdy dwie osoby z drugiej strony przejściu działał w ten sam sposób. Jeden robił zdjęcia podczas gdy inny uciekł, prawdopodobnie (pomoc skokach)

रूसी आदमी अज्ञात गोला द्वारा अपहरण कर लिया है, सुरक्षा कैमरे पर पकड़ा
21 जुलाई, 2009 को अपलोड किया गया
इस वीडियो बहुत कम जाना जाता है, सिवाय इसके कि यह हाल ही में रूसी टीवी पर सामने. के सौजन्य

असहज अनुवाद:
एक स्वर्ण ओर्ब अजीब दिशाओं में आगे बढ़ शुरू कर दिया selon वीडियो यूट्यूब पर अपलोड किया गया है. कि साथ में एक कार ड्राइविंग के पथ के रूप में हालांकि वह जल्दी उत्सुक था braked. 2 लोगों उन्मत्त और उलझन में लग रहा था जबकि crosswalk के दूसरे पक्ष पर दो से अधिक लोगों को उसी तरह काम किया. एक तस्वीरें ले ली जबकि एक अन्य भाग गया, संभवतः (मदद मांगने)

What is my speedtest

Problem with your speed connection?

Complete the most accurate test by clicking on "Begin Test." Speedtest. will automatically select the server with the lowest ping time. This means you will be connected to the closest server from a computer networking perspective. provides hundreds of different servers located around the globe, thereby eliminating internet congestion that negatively impacts your speed test.
The "Begin Test" method is the most reliable, but feel free to experiment with manually choosing a server by selecting the white locator dots on the "Begin Test" map. You may also select a "Preferred Server" in your Settings to permanently give a selected server priority in any future tests. Due to Internet congestion and unpredictable ping times, you are usually better off letting Speedtest. select the best server for each test.
Test often and at different times of the day to ensure that your connection is up to speed! Utilize the My Results page to compare your Internet connection with others, and remember to use your test results when searching for solutions or settling disputes with your Internet service provider.


speedtest at&t

How it works

Start the speed test by clicking on the big button in the center of the page. The check will start by downloading a file and will measure your download speed. Once the download has finished, the broadband speed test will try to upload a file and will measure your upload speed

 If you want to get accurate results then you should not use your internet connection for any other applications once the speed checker is running.
Speed test is performed against the nearest of these servers - Ashburn (VA), Dallas/Fort Worth (TX), Los Angeles (CA), Miami (FL), Newark (NJ), Palo Alto (CA), Seattle (WA), St. Louis (MO)


What must be installed to use Broadband speed checker?

Speed checker should work in any web browser that supports Flash of version 8 and javascript.

Why the download or upload test does not work?

If you have a firewall or antivirus software installed that is not configured properly, then speed checker may not work correctly. Try to disable the firewall / antivirus when you are running the speed checker. After the test has been completed do not forget to turn it back on so you stay protected.

What does kbps mean?

It means kilobits per second. Usually, when you purchase a broadband then ISP explains speed in Mb. 1 Mb has 1024 kilobits.

What might affect my speed test?

Any applications running on your PC can affect the speed, so you should disable temporarily :

  • email checking software
  • instant messenger or other chat software
  • internet radio
  • windows updates
  • any other downloading

How does the speed checker work?

Our speed checker downloads a file from the server and measures how long your connection takes to download it. The size of the file will be different according to your line speed.

How accurate is the speed checker?

We have tried to build the speed checker as accurate as possible but there are several factors that can affect the test. The speed checker measures the speed at the time of the test so if your network is running slow at that time then speed checker will report a slow speed. This does not necessarily mean that your internet connection is slow at the other times.

How long it takes the speed checker to complete?

About 20 seconds.
Make your speedtest now

Bandwidth Calculator

How long does it take to download a file at different connection speeds?

Instructions: Our calculator measures the estimated time needed to download a file at different connection speeds. Simply type in the file size in the field below and choose a measurement unit. The fields below will automatically populate with estimated download times *based on connection speed.
 MB (Megabytes)
 GB (Gigabytes)
 TB (Terabytes)
33.6 K (Modem)33,600 bps41 mins, 36 secs
56 K (Modem)56,000 bps24 mins, 57 secs
64 K (DS-0)64,000 bps21 mins, 50 secs
128 K (ISDN)128,000 bps10 mins, 55 secs
256 K (DSL)256,000 bps5 mins, 27 secs
640 K (DSL/Cable)640,000 bps2 mins, 11 secs
768 K (DSL/Cable)768,000 bps1 min, 49 secs
T1, DS-11.544 Mbps54 secs
T3, DS-344.736 Mbps1 sec
OC-151.840 Mbps1 sec
OC-3155.520 MbpsLess than a second.
OC-12622.520 MbpsLess than a second.
OC-482.488 GbpsLess than a second.
OC-19210GbpsLess than a second.
*Note: these calculations assume a "perfect" connection at the stated speed. Actual performance will vary due to retries, latency, transmission protocol requirements, and other concurrent traffic.

August 11th, 2010 

Upload vs. Download

posted by Hanna

Upload vs. Download, what’s the difference?

For the average user, download throughput is the primary metric used when considering the speed of your broadband package to measure the quality of your online experience. Download throughput represents how quickly you can receive information, such as reading email, browsing web pages, downloading content such as music, photos or applications as well as the quality and buffer rate when streaming video.
Because download is more meaningful for popular activities, residential Internet packages are typically asynchronous, and normally download is much faster than upload. An example: 5.0Mbps/1.5Mbps package means 5 megabits of downstream per second, while only a fraction of the upstream at 1.5 megabits per second. Packages vary widely with some having upload as low as 128Kbp/s or just about twice as fast as a dial-up connection. In a future post we will provide suggested download and upload speeds for a variety of online activities.
Naturally, upload speeds are very important if you are hosting information via a web or email server. This is because the upload throughput will determine how quickly other users can access information from your network. Your upload is another person’s download and vice versa. Most residential users aren’t hosting servers, so in that respect upload is typically not a big issue.
However, where upload throughput really matters is when you want to quickly share outbound content from your connection. Examples of these activities include sending an email and uploading photos or video to a website like Facebook, Flickr or YouTube. As more users have a higher need to send large emails and post higher resolution photos and videos to websites, upload is telling a larger part of the whole story. Another increasingly popular use of upload is peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing programs, such as BitTorrent, where upload is required to continually send content in order to have the privilege of downloading. VoIP, Video Conferencing and Online Gaming also require upload throughput for the bi-directional interactions.
So, depending on what you are looking to do with your broadband connection, be sure to consider upload speed carefully. Remember that although neither are particularly fast, even 256Kbp/s will allow you to upload twice as fast as 128Kbp/s and you’ll appreciate that the next time you upload pictures or send that big email attachment to a friend.

October 27th, 2010

Improve your Internet speed

posted by Hanna
We believe that everyone should have free access to tools and information that help them get the best possible value from their Internet service. Our company has been working to ensure that the public gets faster, more high-quality Internet for years, and the goal of this post is to share that expertise with you. The power to optimize one’s Internet performance and increase overall satisfaction could be just a few simple steps away.
Remember: the overall quality and speed of an Internet connection is largely determined by the capabilities of your Internet Service Provider (ISP). However, there are questions you can ask – and answer! – to help ensure that you’re getting the most value from your connection.
To learn more about this topic, please read our full article “Improve your Internet speeds” in our Wiki.

What is

Use to determine the quality of your broadband Internet connection. Streaming media, voice, video communications, and online gaming require more than just raw speed. Test your connection now to get your rating and share the result

About the Line Quality Components:

Packet Loss

Much as it sounds, if you have anything less than complete success in transmitting and receiving "packets" of data then you are experiencing this problem with your Internet connection. It can mean much slower download and upload speeds, poor quality VoIP audio, pauses with streaming media and what seems like time warping in games -- your connection may even come to a total standstill! Packet loss is a metric where anything greater than 0% should cause concern.


This measurement tells how long it takes a "packet" of data to travel from your computer to a server on the Internet and back. Whenever you experience delayed responses in Internet applications - this would be due to a higher than desired ping. Similar to packet loss, lower is better when it comes to ping. A result below 100 ms should be expected from any decent broadband connection.


Once you understand ping, jitter should also make sense. Jitter is merely the variance in measuring successive ping tests. Zero jitter means the results were exactly the same every time, and anything above zero is the amount by which they varied. Like the other quality measurements, a lower jitter value is better. And while some jitter should be expected over the Internet, having it be a small fraction of the ping result is ideal.

Instantly boost your Broadband speed by around 5 X with one easy click.

YouTube Video

Test your Internet connection quality at

You don't have to spend more money upgrading your high speed Internet Broadband service to get faster Internet speed.
We looked in to other options and found out and proved that anyone can get about 5 X faster Internet speed from their existing Broadband connection with one simple step.
We did real life tests to see if it was possible and would actually work and we found that it can be done very easily.
This video shows a quick summary of our tests and the solution.
See more details on

Web Speed Test Page -

Another online third pary broadband speed tester:

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Are they among us


Air Force Academy Cadet Chapel 1
Contemporary Art Museum, Niteroi, Rio de Janeiro     Foggy Golden Seattle Sunrise
30 St. Mary Axe   The UFO has landed   Torre Agbar #2
They are among us! Need more "proof"? Check out the tag search results for alien architecture.

Island from James Bond movie ‘Skyfall’

Residence (Colour)
The James Bond film franchise reached $1 billion in the international box office with the latest film “Skyfall” at the end of 2012. Much like the previous films, Mr. Bond outwits foes in an array of eye-catching shooting locations, and one particular Japanese island stands out for its shabby condition: Hashima Island (端島; meaning “Border Island”). The gem of urban exploration also goes by other names, including Gunkanjima (Battleship Island in Japanese) and Ghost Island.
According to Wikipedia, coal mining was the basis of its industrialization that began in the late 1800s. But Japan’s energy demand switched to petroleum, resulting in the eventual abandonment of the concrete-packed island in 1974.
Explore more of the ruins from this location at these Flickr destinations: Battleship Island gallery | Battleship Island:軍艦島 group | Hashima Island on Places: Nagasaki Prefecture.
Posted by Arnold Chao