Thursday, November 15, 2012

Death Valley mystery: What makes rocks wander

Image: Rock with trail behind it
A roaming rock at Racetrack Playa. Scientists have ruled out animals, gravity and earthquakes as possible culprits for the stones' strange movements.

A section of California's Death Valley is home to a strange phenomenon: Rocks that litter the landscape seem to move on their own, leaving long trails behind them in the cracked, bone-dry clay.
These wanderings have baffled scientists for more than five decades. Nobody has ever caught a glimpse of the stones actually moving, yet move they must, because the rocks' locations, and the trails they leave behind them, change over time.
A group of young scientists is taking a crack at solving the puzzle of this odd desert area known as Racetrack Playa.
Most of the wandering stones are about the size of a one-liter soda bottle and far heavier, according to Brian Jackson, a NASA scientist who has been studying the area for more than four years.

"You don't expect 20-pound (9-kilogram) rocks to go sliding across the ground very easily, but they seem to do that on occasion," Jackson said.

Jackson said crackpot theories abound to explain the stones' travels across the playa (a term for a dried-out lake bed), which is about 3 miles (4.5 kilometers) long, almost a mile and a half (2 km) across, and preternaturally flat.

"I've definitely heard aliens, magnetic fields, frat boys from UNLV" — the University of Nevada, Las Vegas — "but nothing really plausible," Jackson said. "There's no way it could really be a hoax, because if someone were pushing them you'd see footprints."

Earlier this summer, a group of interns from NASA's Lunar and Planetary Science Academy, a program run by the Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland, headed west to study the phenomenon. In addition to collecting GPS measurements and myriad other data, the students retrieved instruments that had been buried in the ground three months earlier. The sturdy little instruments they dug up, called hygrochrons, are about the size of a quarter and measure humidity and temperature; they had been planted by NASA researcher Gunther Kletetschka.

The interns plan to publish a paper this year presenting their findings, which so far seem to back up a current theory that during the winter months, ice forms around the rocks, allowing them to slip across the frozen surface of the playa.

Jackson said the data the interns gathered during their expedition confirmed that the playa had been wet and cold enough over the winter to form ice. "So that's encouraging," he said. "That tells us that at least some of the conditions required to move these rocks were met. It's pretty clear these rocks are assisted by ice somehow." Some scientists think algae blooms may play a role, he added.

Besides looking to Racetrack Playa to help solvemysteries on our own planet, researchers are examining the area to better understand conditions on other worlds. Jackson is co-author of a recent study, led by Johns Hopkins University's Ralph Lorenz, comparing the meteorological conditions of the region to those near Ontario Lacus, a vast, liquid hydrocarbon lake on Saturn's moon Titan.
Jackson said the continuing mystery of the moving rocks doesn't bother him and that, in fact, perplexing problems are a boon to science.

"Science is really all about ignorance," Jackson said. "I think the most exciting science is done in places where you don't understand what's going on. Once you're not confused about something, it's time to move on to the next problem."

How to Make a Psi Ball

A psi ball is a ball of psychic energy (psi), the creation of which is used to teach basic energy manipulation and programming. They can be programmed to carry out much, much more complicated tasks.

This exercise is a lot easier if you have a one on one tutor, but can be found in many books and other resources on magic and psychic training.



  1. 1
    Ground and center. You could start by visualizing your energy extending down into the Earth like the roots of a tree, connecting with its energy. There are other methods. This exercise is intended to balance you.
  2. 2
    Recognize the flow of psi. Psi is energy and can be sensed, but for now it's enough to know that energy exists within you and flows through your body all the time.

Method One: sourced from

  1. 1
    Learn to move psi. This is simple once you know how, but it can take a while to get the knack. The psi ball is created by moving psi energy into a desired location in the form of a small sphere. For some, the standard psi ball is a little bigger than a baseball, and smaller than a softball. However, they can be made quite large - to fit around the body in the case of a shield, or even bigger than that.
  2. 2
    Position your hands. You can use one hand or two, you can hold them vertically or horizontally. Just do what feels right. Make sure you don't get your hands in a position so that it makes you tired and makes you get all shaky because of strain. Some people find it a bit harder to feel the psi if the fingers are touching.
  3. 3
    Feel the psi flowing. Visualize psi in your solar plexus. The solar plexus is the point where your lower ribs meet in the middle; place your hand on your stomach and your pinky touching the top of your belly button. This is the area you are going to want to use. There are many impressions of what psi looks like, such as water, fire, light... Choose the one that seems right to you. Imagine it in your sternum moving around slowly, and attempt to feel your solar plexus while visualizing this. There is a major chakra located here.
  4. 4
    Move the psi. Visualize it slowly moving up, going up your chest and over to your shoulders. Try to feel it while doing so. Have it go down to your arms, and to your hands, have it pool there for a little. Bring it back up, and then back to your sternum. Do this a few times, until you start to get the hang of it.
  5. 5
    Make a shell. Pull psi from your solar plexus. When you get to your hands, instead of letting it pool, have it flow out of your palms and shape into a hollow sphere. This sphere is what you are going to use as a shell.
  6. 6
    Program the ball and fill it in. This means projecting your intentions into the psiball, to control its behaviour. Basic programming should be to maintain the psi on the inside, and to keep it in one location instead of having if fly every which direction. After you have successfully created a shell, you will want to fill it in; allow the psi to flow into the shell. Your psi ball is ready.
  7. 7
    Move your psi ball. Move it just like you moved the psi from your solar plexus. This time it won't be in your body, though. This can take practice; you will get better.
  8. 8
    Experiment with other methods. There are many ways to make psi balls, some people have much better success with doing it a certain way. The principles of it are the same; locate your "energy" source, move the psi, then put the psi into an area and use what "energy" you have to create the psi ball.
  9. 9
    Experiment with compression. Create the psiball the size of a beach ball, then when you feel you're ready compress it down into a smaller, denser ball. A lot of people seem to have good results with this.

Method Two

  1. 1
    Gather your energy. This could be from your own body or from another source. You could visualize the energy entering and filling every part of your body from the Earth through your feet, or from the sky and the sun through your crown chakra. Some people imagine energy coming into the body on the in-breath and out through the hands on the out-breath.
  2. 2
    Hold your hands steady. When you feel like you have enough energy hold out your hands. You can either hold them like you hold a basketball, you can cup them like you are holding a baseball, or you can even hold out one hand. Do whatever feels natural to you.
  3. 3
    Picture a hole appearing in your hand. Picture a trapdoor cover opening and letting the energy flow out. Imagine a hose in each of your palms slowly emitting psi. It doesn't have to be very fast, or have very much pressure, it just has to naturally flow. Don't let it out of your hands; the next step will help with this.
    • At this point you should be able to sense the psi. It could feel like heat, pressure or tingling. When you feel this, move your hands closer together a bit - if there is resistance (even a little) you will know you're sensing it.
  4. 4
    Focus the flow. Using visualization, compact the psi into a ball in your hand. You can also make it into a cube, or a triangle, or pretty much anything!
  5. 5
    Program the psi ball. This comes easier to some people than others. Have a very clear intention in your mind. Sometimes it may help to say it in words in your head. The point is make sure your message is very clear.
    • Psi balls can be programmed for pretty much anything. A common use is to get someone's attention - program the ball to "poke" someone, to let someone know you want to speak to them. The ball can travel long distances to give the message.
  6. 6
    Release the psi ball. If you programmed it, then it should carry out its programming as soon as you let go. If you made one just for practice, then it should naturally dissipate.

Edit Video

This is a simplified, easy to understand video made by Rowstar on youtube and goes over some of the techniques explained here. Note that this doesn't require the belief in the paranormal because it has been scientifically verified time and time again.

Edit Tips

  • It helps to keep the psi moving.
  • Don't get frustrated. Psychic abilities are not always just there at birth.
  • Don't force the energy. This can result in a serious headache. Let it flow.
  • You can make a psi ball anywhere. You can even make one on a wall. When you do, just don't collect the psi in your hands.
  • You choose what your energy looks like. Some people visualize it as a green fog, other as blue electricity or red lava.
  • Remember that a Psi Ball varies from person to person and you might sense it differently than other people.


Edit Warnings

  • Feel free to stop if you feel uncomfortable in any way.
  • Try not to make a psi ball while you are in an extreme emotional state of mind, such as being angry or sad. The intention you give to the ball when programming can be affected by your emotions. This is why the grounding and centering step is so important.
  • Please remember that results come with time, so keep practicing
  • Also if you take energy from a human source you may drain that persons energy

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Edit Sources and Citations

HomePsychicPsi Ball

Psi ball are created by molding psi energy with your mind and hands to form the energy into a sphere or ball shape. However, you can construct it into the shape of a square, a pyramid or any other shape your mind can think of. Psi ball is tangible and is very easy to make. It can be used for various purposes such as telepathy, healing and confidence booster. If you have practice long enough, you can start seeing psi ball with the naked eye and this is the first step to seeing the aura. The standard psi ball is a little bigger than a baseball, and smaller than a softball. However, they can be made quite large, to fit around the body and yes, even bigger than that.
How To Make Psi Ball

Find Energy Source

Go to a quite place and turn off all disturbances in the surrounding. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, concentrate on your breathing. Now you need to decide an energy source to draw energy from. Energy can comes from many sources, including the sun, moon, earth, nature, water, wind, storms, fire, emotions, and movement. If you use yourself as the energy source, you may deplete your energy and can lead to tiredness.
Drawing energy from the source is easy. All you have to do is visualize energy coming from your source and entering or surrounding your body. Visualizing is just like imagining or pretending, just picture it in your head. You can visualize anything you want, as long as it seems like your absorbing energy from the source. You can picture it as a garden hose pouring energy into you, or as a waterfall all around you. You might picture it as light surrounding and filling you, or a fire warming you. Some people close their eyes, while some don't. Try do both and see what works for you.

Making A Psi Ball

In this how to article, I will use earth as the source of energy because they are close to us and have lots of energy. Start to visualize roots growing from the base of your spine reaching down into the solid earth. You are connected with the earth, bound to the soil, perfectly grounded. Allow the earth's energy to move up with the roots , filling every inch of your body. Gather this energy, and when there feels like enough energy, hold your hands out, keeping them steady.
See the hole in your hand. A small door has been unbolted and the energy is flowing out. Feel the energy swirling and building up between your hands. Make the energy into a ball between your hands, making it more and more dense as you add energy. The psi ball can be in any color you want, but for beginners it's usually easiest to visualize the psi ball as a white light. After a while, you should be able to sense the psi. It could feel like heat, pressure or tingling. When you feel this, move your hands closer together a bit, if there is a resistance sensation, however slight, you know it’s there. Continue to compress the psi balls as more and more energy flows down your arms. As the psi ball gets bigger, just move your hands slightly further apart until you make it as large as you want it to be.
Make Psi Balls
If you have difficulty creating a strong enough psi ball to feel, try drawing more energy and adding that energy to it. It may take practice to make a strong enough psi ball to physically see, but you should be able to feel it fairly quickly. If you haven't decided to do something with it, release the energy of your psi ball by allowing it to diffuse into the air.

Play With Your Psi Ball

Practice regularly to improve your speed at creating the psi balls and your control of them. As you become more comfortable making them, try variations. Try make a pyramid, a pool of water, a crystal, and any other shape that you can imagine. Try changing the temperature of the energy, making it extra warm or extra cool.
Try making the energy carry different emotions, being agitated or soothing. If you have a willing friend, try using the psi ball to tickle them. Make a large energy ball of happy energy, and cover your friend in it. If you do it with a willing friend, but at a time they don't know what's happening, you can see how strongly it affects how they feel. This often has the effect of making the receiver very happy and bouncy, as if they've had too much sugar or caffeine.

Program The Psi Balls

This means projecting your intentions into the psi ball to carry your goal. Visualize a clear picture of your goal or what you wish to happen. In case you want someone to get well, visualize the person free from all diseases, happily smiling. Now project this picture into your energy ball. Focus this picture on your energy ball for a few seconds. Without opening your eyes , speak to your psi energy ball. Tell it to go out into the world, and bring to you what you desire. Then release the energy ball, and open your eyes. The ball can travel long distances to give the message.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Telekinesis guide

Kinetics (TK) Guide

This article was written by Neurosis on 2012-10-29 under Telekinesis.

This will be a semi-in-depth guide to learning telekinesis and the process that goes with finding your kinetic channel and properly using it. This process works for all telekinetic abilities.
First I will start off with an anecdotal story about the process this guide will be covering. So way back, many, many years ago, I wanted to learn telekinesis. I tried all the bogus techniques that were plaguing websites and the founding OEC pages. None of them worked; none of them gave me even so much as a wobble or even an induced optical illusion of movement occurring.
This was obviously very frustrating. Having been practicing other sorts of psionic abilities and energy work for a while, I had felt I was well enough rounded in the basics, that I should be getting ‘some’ kind of results. But no application of my mind or energy would get that damn wheel to turn. Then I came across some information that gave me the key I needed to unlocking telekinesis, as well as the catalyst to several concepts I learned.
They are as thus follows:
1. Kinetic abilities are a MIND power. ‘Yes,’ you say. ‘I already know this’. The importance of this will be covered.
2. Jumping out of order now—kinetic abilities have a ‘separate’ and ‘distinct’ channel.
3. You cannot strong arm your kinetic channel!
What does this mean?
All kinetic abilities are psionic abilities. Psi energy and the psionic abilities originate in the mind. NOT from internal energy (Ki) or external energy (pick your flavour du jour). Already at this point someone may notice a problem with this statement, as many claim to use some kind of energy to catalyse their kinetic process.
Building on the previous statement: many people will readily say that Ki is a lot stronger than psi. Yes. Why is this? It is because psi is a very subtle energy that does not work well in many of the ways that Ki or external energy can. How do you handle things that are subtle? With a careful hand. More on this in a moment.
The next concept is a very important concept. This one makes all the difference in the ease in which you do kinetic abilities.
Like other psionic abilities, kinetic abilities have a separate and distinct channel in which the ability operates. Those very familiar with abilities such and telepathy should be readily aware of their telepathic channel. Well the same applies to kinetics. The turning point in learning telekinesis was learning there was a separate kinetic channel, which once learned in how to open it—and in time manipulate its bandwidth/polarity—makes getting results with kinetic abilities 80% easier. Yes, it’s that big of a difference.
And lastly, back to the previous statement of careful handling. You cannot strong-arm your kinetic channel. What does this mean? The intensity in which you think/concentrate/visualize/what-have-you at the object you are trying to move does not equal the power you are bringing to bear down on that object. Simply put, those things aren’t what getting the kinetic muscle flexing at any rate. Also you must unlearn the automatic mind trap humans tend to associate with bigger/heavier objects. You must have a relaxed focused mind.
Before I get into the do’s and don’ts of the actual process, I will finish the anecdotal account with these closing words. I taught myself telekinesis in one day with this process. I taught my mother and my brother in one day with this process. I taught friends who saw what I was doing and became interested in doing it themselves in… yes; you guessed it, one day with the process.
Let’s get started:
Disclaimer: I know many people have a lot of information tucked away in their heads before coming across this guide. Do NOT overthink this process. Do NOT complicate it by adding unnecessary steps. How I present the information is all you need to do to accomplish your kinetic ability. It may NOT happen the first time, but it SHOULD happen very quickly. Don’t cut corners.
1. Again, focus does NOT mean concentrate very intensely straining your head. If you feel any physical pressure, you're thinking/straining too hard.
2. You can't think your will onto an object. You're wasting time. Kinetic abilities work on the same principle as automatic reflexive processes. Take this concept for example.
You are sitting in your living room eating a bowl of cereal. You are watching your favourite show on TV which has all you’re your conscious attention focused on it. Meanwhile your arm is reflexively going through the motions of dipping your spoon into the cereal and pulling a mouthful to your mouth, chewing it and repeating. You don’t have to think about this process. You are so used to it, the commands you’re sending to your arm to perform this task is quietly in the back of your mind.
3. This is same type of silent commands you send to an object. You are in fact so aware of how this process goes that your mind knows how to move this object absently as if it’s just shovelling food in your mouth.
3. You will feel when the kinetic channel is open. It has a very distinct feeling that can’t be confused with something else... and the feeling only gets stronger the longer you have your channel open using it.
With all that being said, we are going to momentarily forget those last four things I’ve just mentioned and shock your kinetic channel into opening.
This is accomplished by cupping your hands next to your object in question (best to start with psiwheel). Bring all your attention on the object. In fact you are bearing your will down on this object so intensely that the pressure of your mental command is creating a physical strain on your head from the exertion. You see that psiwheel spinning in your head rapidly propelled by the incredible force of your thought. Scream in your head for that dang ol’ target to SPIN. SPIN NOW! The effort of your will has your whole body straining. Every last muscle in your body is flexed to extreme tenseness, your toes all curled, and your hands are trembling; straining with the amount of exertion of your fingers pressing tightly against themselves. So much that you stop breathing while pushing all your mental and physical will on this target to spin.
That's right. Just stop thinking at it. Stop seeing it move in your mind. Stop tensing your muscles; just lightly breathe, with complete relaxation. Just calmly look at the target and slightly above it and past it.
The target should begin spinning now.
All the concentrated thought and tension you put your body through forces the kinetic channel to clamp shut tight. Then the sudden relaxation hyper-sensitizes your body, and when you stop thinking about the target moving, the kinetic channel opens up and lets the psi energy flow. Keep in mind this is a natural occurrence and has nothing to do with you mentally controlling that energy flow.
If done correctly, right now your head should be feeling awfully strange right currently. The kinetic channel is located central in your head. It’s the area just slightly above and behind where the top of your ears are.
Take a moment to imagine a small marble. Imagine what it would feel like if it were beaming energy in a forward and backwards motion (not unlike the wi-fi light symbol on a lot of routers). At the same time those same waves are coming in from forward and backwards. This would create a strange push-pull feeling on this marble.
The marble represents the focal point of your kinetic channel. And the feeling when mine is wide open is this strange push-pull feeling. At the same time the focal point itself a lot of times has a feeling like a tiny vortex spinning in the center of your head. You can imagine how this push-pull-spin sensation could be very recognizable.
If you're feeling this, then you are feeling your kinetic channel open.
Now if you are feeling this sensation in your head, but the psiwheel isn’t spinning, don’t worry. The most important thing from this hyper sensitizing process has been to locate and open your kinetic channel.
It is very important to hold this feeling as long as you can. Don’t start thinking at the object again, either with visualization or mental commands. If the object is spinning, try to contain your excitement as these little emotional outbursts tend to interrupt your kinetic channel very easily when first learning. The most important this is to become very familiar with where your kinetic channel is, and the unique feeling of it being open and in use. This feeling you want to learn to replicate on command, with just a thought.
Now that you have your kinetic channel open
Now that your kinetic channel is open the process of doing your kinetic ability should be fast tracked. The actual steps to doing a kinesis—if you haven’t picked it up already—is like this.
1. Look at your object and become aware of it. In the beginning stage, you’re your hands around it.
a. This step is simple. Just look at your object and be focused on it. Though those familiar with reaching out their mind can simply push their mind at the object. For me this manifests as a barrier type pressure of a non-living thing.
2. Open your kinetic channel
3. In that relaxed automatic reflex manner describe before, move your target. The experience is more like ‘letting’ it happen, rather than ‘making’ it happen.
This is all that is required to do a kinetic ability on command. The kinetic channel controls all the kinetic abilities, so whether doing telekinesis or electrokinesis you will be using the same process.
While learning to switch into the focus of having your kinetic channel open, you should learn a few things. One, obviously, is to open the channel with a thought. Secondly, you learn the delicate balancing of narrowing and widening the channel and you learn the subtle balance of pushing while holding back so that your kinetic channel remains open. You’ll also eventually learn what I think of as changing polarities in the channel. This allows for you to consciously rotate a psiwheel either clockwise or counter clock wise—giving direction.
Indicators: One of the most obvious and noticeable indicator that you are indeed performing telekinesis is that your object generally (most specifically with a psiwheel) defies the law of inertia. That is, your rotation speed is instantly achieved and the wheel instantly stops--no acceleration or deceleration. Also you can observe instant change from rotation in one direction, to the reverse direction.
Misfire: One common occurrence, especially when working with multiple wheels simultaneously, is what I call the misfire effect. This occurs when focusing on a specific wheel to spin, and yet a different one starts moving instead. This happens because the aim of your telekinesis is a bit off and is correctable by learning to manipulate the channel. Experimentation will show you how to best translate this into fine tuning your control.
One last thing: anyone who’s been doing psionics for any length of time has long ago learned that energy manipulation can boost psionics. By channelling energy through the channel in question, you achieve a marriage of psi energy and internal/external energy causing a boost. In the same way, you can channel energy into your kinetic channel. I repeat channel it INTO, but not out of the kinetic channel. Though the kinetic channel seems to be much more fickle than the telepathic channel or the intuitive channel, with practice you can accomplish this without interrupting your kinetic channel.

How to Keep You Own Email Private and Untraceable

How CIA Director David Petraeus’s Emails Were Traced (and How to Protect Yourself)

Late last week, CIA director David Petraeus stepped down from his position after an FBI investigation revealed an extramarital affair with his biographer, Paula Broadwell. Curiously, the revelation of the affair came about using location data from Gmail. Here's how the FBI put together the pieces, and how you can keep them from doing the same to you.

How the Affair Was Revealed by Tracing through Gmail

How CIA Director David Petraeus's Emails Were Traced (and How to Protect Yourself)As you'd expect, the timeline of the affair itself is terribly complicated, and to understand the email trace that lead to the outing of the relationship, we do need to vaguely understand what happened with the affair. Here's a very brief summation of the events.
According to the Wall Street Journal, the original red flag that caught the FBI's ear was a series of anonymous, threatening emails sent to Jill Kelley, a Florida woman who organized military social events. The FBI then traced those threatening emails to their origin—probably with an IP address given up by Google—to Paula Broadwell. The FBI then got a warrant to monitor those email addresses, and eventually stumbled upon another email account where Petraeus and Broadwell left drafts of messages for each other:
Rather than transmitting emails to the other's inbox, they composed at least some messages and instead of transmitting them, left them in a draft folder or in an electronic "dropbox," the official said. Then the other person could log onto the same account and read the draft emails there. This avoids creating an email trail that is easier to trace.
Unfortunately for them, when the IP address that logs into the account with the drafts is always the same, it can be traced back to a source. Essentially, Petraeus and Broadwell's affair was outed because Broadwell sent threatening messages over an easily traceable Gmail account to someone, and then used another Gmail account to communicate with Petraeus.

How to Keep You Own Email Private and Untraceable

This whole thing happened because everything we do online is linked in some way. An email address is attached to an IP address and that same IP address is attached to another email. You can use these techniques to keep any conversation you want private. We're not teaching you how to have an affair, but rather the security holes that might make anything you think is private suddenly public. So, what can you do to make your email untraceable? You have a few different options.

Hide Your IP Address

The core of this scandal was revealed because the FBI could easily trace the IP address of Broadwell's emails and then link them to her personal account by checking that data against other IP addresses. So, the logical step here is to hide your IP address, and for that we like the incredibly secure combination of VPN service Hamachi and the web proxy Privoxy. If you don't need that level of security, a VPN alone will do the trick, just make sure your VPN provider won't give up your IP address as easily as Google will. You will have to use the VPN every time you log in to your email for this to work—multiple instances from your home IP address will eventually lead someone directly to you.

Use Disposable Email Addresses on Both Ends of the Conversation

Broadwell got herself in trouble because she was using multiple Gmail accounts to do multiple things. In one account she and Petraeus were leaving drafts of emails for each other so they weren't easily traceable (an old terrorist trick). On another, she was sending harassing messages to a woman in Florida. Both accounts were linked together through an IP address. The easy solution here is to not send all those messages through the same email provider. It's unlikely Petraeus and Broadwell's affair would have come to light if she'd simply used another provider. Still, a better solution is to use disposable email addresses that self destruct after they're read. It's not perfect from a privacy angle, but it would have likely worked in this particular case.

Keep All Your Private Stuff Offline

As we've pointed out before, the only real way to keep private information entirely private is to hand over that information in person. Email, even when it's encrypted or hides an IP address, can always be photographed and saved for later. If they can see it, they can copy it. If you really need to send those private messages, Gizmodo recommends you at least stick with text messages.
We've shown you plenty of ways to keep your browsing anonymous before, and most of those same tricks work here if you're using a webmail client. Even still, the only surefire way to evade a FBI trace is to keep your private data offline and out of your email.

How to Train Your Brain and Boost Your Memory

How to Train Your Brain and Boost Your Memory Like a USA Memory Champion

Here's a little secret you might never have guessed: The people who can accomplish incredible mnemonic feats like memorizing the order of a shuffled deck of cards or hundreds of random numbers in minutes don't have photographic memories. They have normal brains like you and, yes, me. This past weekend I competed in the 15th annual USA Memory Championship—an olympiad of sorts where "mental athletes" test their power of recall. Lucky for me, I learned a few tricks from the reigning champ for the second year in a row, Nelson Dellis. Here are the techniques Nelson taught me that you can start incorporating into your everyday life to make your memory stronger.

Memory Techniques Anyone Can Learn

Although my memory is fine in general, I have to admit, I'm horrible with names. I am so bad that I forget a person's name before he even finishes saying it—it's like I don't even want to hear it. After one conversation/training session with Nelson, however, I was able to remember dozens of strangers' names in a couple of minutes.
Nelson, a 28-year-old former software developer turned "mnemonic mountaineer," was an average student in school with, he says, an average memory. When his grandmother Josephine started losing her memory—and memory of him—to Alzheimer's disease, he was prompted to learn more about improving memory. Now he has two national memory competition wins under his belt and the record for memorizing 303 random numbers in five minutes (beating his record last year of 248 numbers). His message is that anyone can do it. It's all in the training and technique.

My Memory Training Boot Camp

My boot camp for this event started two weeks before the competition. I received two bottles of brainstrong DHA supplements (from the event's sponsors), a t-shirt, a training manual, and a list of the events, which included: a 15-minute memorization of 117 names and faces, 5-minute memorization of 500 numbers, 15-minute memorization of a 50-line unpublished poem, and 5-minute memorization of a shuffled deck of cards. I seriously had no idea what I was getting into.
"How's your memory?" Nelson asked, at the start of our training conversation. Um, ok. I guess?
When I flipped to this frightening grid of the 500 random digits (there are 25 rows of 20 numbers), which I was supposed to be able to memorize in 5 minutes, I nearly fell off my chair:
How to Train Your Brain and Boost Your Memory Like a USA Memory Champion

Make a Picture and Anchor It Somewhere

That grid of numbers was the most intimidating part, but in my training session with Nelson he taught me how to look at it so it was slightly less intimidating. (I have to admit, I only decided to do the numbers event at the last minute, on a whim.) There are two steps, basically, for all memory challenges, whether you're in a strange mental sport/hobby or trying to remember where you parked your car:
  1. Turn abstract, boring things that the brain doesn't like to remember and can't really latch onto (like names and numbers) into more visual ones.
  2. Find a place to store or anchor mental images where you're more likely to remember them—in your "memory palace," a.k.a., in the journey method.
So, for example, for remembering names and faces, he said to take a name like Nelson and try to turn it into a picture by associating it with a famous person like Nelson Mandela (step 1). Then for step 2, find a prominent place on that person to anchor it, for example on his biggish nose—so imagine Nelson Mandela crawled up inside his nose. The more vivid, grotesque, sexual, or unusual, the better.
For the name, don't look at how the name is spelled, but how it sounds. Break it up into syllables and turn it into pictures. (If you didn't know a Nelson, you could think Nel is like kneeling and son is like the sun, so someone kneeling or a knee pointing at the sun.)
A prominent place (or peg or anchor) could be a piece of clothing, an eye, mustache, or whatever stands out to you on that person.
During the competition, one of the photos had a guy named Neil with sunglasses on and I thought of Neil Gaiman, the science fiction/fantasy/graphic artist, so I drew skulls on his sunglasses, which helped me remember his name. In another photo there was a girl named Laurie, like the snotty-nosed one I knew in grade school, so I imagined a tissue box underneath her nose. I think I got those two names right, at least.
My brainstrong Boot Camp manual suggests Joe might be Sloppy Joe for the image and if the person Joe's anchor is a mole on his face you could imagine licking a Sloppy Joe off of Joe's mole. Gross.

In truth, the more exaggerated and absurd the better (I had to tap into my inner, secret, lurid side sometimes.) And the more personal the associations, the better, too.
In sum: When you meet someone: Catch and say her name, make a picture out of the syllables of her name and place that picture onto whatever anchor/feature you've chosen for that person. The next time you see that person, you'll see that image in that feature and remember her name, instantly. (Just don't blurt out what prominent feature you've chosen to remember her by or the image you've made up, and try not to stare at the feature!)

Kevin Spacey Fencing Doughnuts with a Sneaker on My Couch

For remembering lots of digits and random cards, the same fundamental techniques (make abstract things more visual and anchor it somewhere) still apply, but stronger techniques and systems are also needed.
The technique everyone used is the Dominic System, invented by memory champ Dominic O'Brien, which basically translates numbers to letters. We turn digits into two-letter initials for people and associated actions and objects, so we can better visualize them. So, for example, the number 0, because it is round, is an O, and since it's at the start gets the two-letter translation OO. Many people use Ozzy Osbourne as their person for that number 0, the action could be biting the head off a bat, and the object a bat. It's easier to remember Ozzy Osbourne biting the head off a bat than a 0 in a sea of numbers.

But for the system to work, you have to make it personal, so for memorizing the deck of cards, for each of the 52 cards I had to create a person with an action and object. The Jack of Hearts became my husband frying eggs and the object was eggs in a pan. The King of Spades (KS) was Kevin Spacey in The Usual Suspects (which I thought worked out well initials-wise), lighting a gold lighter, and the object was a gold lighter. Edward Scissorhands (ES) was trimming hedges, and the object was hedges.
And then you need to find a familiar place to store the information. We've noted how previous memory champions have built a memory palace to peg information in familiar places or loci. It's the same technique Nelson taught me. In my memory palace, I walked through my house, starting at my front door, and placed these familiar people or numbers on my furniture.

The system enables you to memorize three cards at a time quickly. Imagine the person of the first card doing the action of the person on the second card with the object of the person on the third card. Flipping three cards up, I saw Audrey Hepburn (Queen of Diamonds) taking a bath (5 of Hearts) with a pirate sword (Jack of Spades) on my couch. Scooby Doo (Six of Diamonds) playing the cello (6 of Spades) with a dumbbell (Ace of Spades) on my kitchen counter. And Nicholas Cage (9 of Clubs) yodeling (3 of Diamonds) with Batman's grapple gun (4 of Clubs) on my entertainment center. Ok, that's not so weird.

It takes a heck of a time to set up and practice, but it also stretches your brain and when you practice putting the cards together, it really does make you think creatively (Kevin Spacey trimming hedges with Edward Scissorhands knife-hands and a hobbit ring?). I was impressed with how fast the memory champs could go through a deck of cards (Nelson has the record for remembering the order of a deck in a minute and three seconds.)

Your Memory Training Boot Camp

For everyday use, the memory palace is helpful for remembering a list or sequence of things. Start a journey beginning at a place you're very familiar with, say, your home, starting with your doorstep. So for a grocery list, the example goes, imagine a container of milk overflowing on your doorstep, and when you get inside, perhaps two giant steaks attacking you in your foyer. Continue to your living room to find pretzels dancing on your rug.

Again, the more animation, exaggerations, and senses you can put into your memory palace or journey, the better for your memorization. And the more you strengthen your memory and keep practicing to sharpen your brain, the better your chances of fighting off Alzheimer's disease.

If you don't think you're a visual person, incorporate other senses: sounds, smells, touch. In everyday life, pay more attention to how things look and sound and feel, which might improve your visualization skills. Start looking more at things and paying more attention. (I confess, pure lack of attention is probably why I always forgot people's names and faces!)

If you really want to train like a memory champ, try this great name remembering game, download Memoriad (Windows) competition training software (it's pretty serious), and lurk in the Mnemotechnics forums. And perhaps we will see you at the memory championship next year!

(Updated to add: Nelson and the other mental athletes, including a team of kickass high school kids from Hershey, PA, make it look easy, but becoming a memory champ takes serious training and practice. Most of my hours training were spent just developing the cards system and working out the numbers system, which in the end wasn't a great one (because I was short on time, instead of coming up with 100 people to memorize for each digit, like I was supposed to, I used 10 characters, from They Might Be Giant's Here Come The 123's videos. Bad idea. On each number, I was stuck in a video loop singing in my head for too long). At home I could do about half a deck of cards in five minutes, but at the competition, dazed and distracted, I only got about half that. I did name about a third of the faces right, thanks to practicing with that fun name game I mentioned above obsessively. In the end, I ranked 36 out of 46 of all the mental athletes who had come to compete—perhaps not bad for someone who would never have dreamed of entering such a thing before and who had only trained for a few hours over a week. As Joshua Foer's training-to-champ story suggests too, there's hope—if you train like a world-class mental athlete.)

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Introduction to Mudras

Introduction to Mudras

What mudras are and how to use them.
Mudras are positions of the body that have some kind of influence on the energies of the body, or your mood. Mostly the hands and fingers are held in some position, but the whole body may be part of the mudra as well.
Gyan mudraThe most well-known mudras are probably the ones performed while meditating. One sits in lotus position (or with crossed legs) and either puts one's hands on the knees, the tips of the thumb and index finger joining, or in the lap, the fingers of the right hand resting on the left palm. But also the christian crossing of the fingers for prayer is a mudra, as is the "Namaste" indian greeting gesture (that is also used while praying), where the hands are held in front of the chest, the palms touching.
The crossing of the hands puts one's attention within, while opening the heart. The indian greeting gesture puts one into a mood of respect.
Hakini mudraSome mudras are performed spontaneously by many people, like the Hakini mudra, where the tips of all fingers from the right hand touch the corresponding fingertips from the left.
Mudras have been in use in the East for thousands of years, particularly in Buddhism. Buddha statues often have the hands in certain hand positions. They have been used as a spiritual practice (and still are), as a way on the path to enlightenment.
However they're also used for physical ailments.

Using Mudras

To use a mudra, keep it for at least a couple of minutes. It is usually more effective to do them a while longer, like 15 minutes or so. You might spread that time over the day, but you could also make it part of meditation.
Hold the finger-positions with both hands, at the same time. This will have a more powerful effect than doing a mudra with just one hand.
Some mudras are simple enough so that you can even do them with your hands in your pockets, like the set of four mudras. You can do these anywhere when you feel you need them, without attracting attention.

Collection of Mudras

Mudras, their hand position, a photo and use

List with pictures of the available mudras

Acceptance mudra
Ahamkara mudra
Apan mudra
Back Pain mudra
Back Pain
Bhudy mudra
Gyan mudra
Hakini mudra
Pran mudra
Prithvi mudra
Shuni mudra