Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Mysterious planet-sized object spotted near Mercury

Is a giant, cloaked spaceship orbiting around Mercury?
That's been the speculation from some corners aftera camera onboard NASA's STEREO spacecraft caught a wave of electronically charged material shooting out from the sun and hitting Mercury.

Theorists have seized on the images captured from the "coronal mass ejection" (CME) last week as suggestive of alien life hanging out in our own cosmic backyard. Specifically, the solar flare washing over Mercury appears to hit another object of comparable size. "It's cylindrical on either side and has a shape in the middle. It definitely looks like a ship to me, and very obviously, it's cloaked," YouTube-user siniXster said in his video commentary on the footage, which has generated hundreds of thousands of views this week. Now, how this user was able to determine that the object was "obviously" a cloaked spaceship with no other natural explanation remains as much a mystery as the object itself.

Of course, there's another scientifically sanctioned explanation for the curious images, though we're not certain that skeptics and UFO enthusiasts such as SiniXster will endorse it. Natalie Wolchover of Life's Little Mysteries put the question to scientists in the solar physics branch at the United States Naval Research Laboratory (NRL). They're the people who analyze data from the Heliospheric Imager-1 (HI-1)--better known in this context as the camera that shot the footage in question.

Head NRL group scientist Russ Howard and lead ground systems engineer Nathan Rich say the mysterious object is in fact Mercury itself. And what we're seeing in the footage is the equivalent of Mercury's wake, "where the planet was on the previous day," as it travels through the solar system on its natural gravitational path:
To make the relatively faint glow of a coronal mass ejection stand out against the bright glare of space—caused by interplanetary dust and the stellar/galactic background—the NRL scientists must remove as much background light as possible. They explained that they determine what light is background light, and thus can be subtracted out, by calculating the average amount of light that entered each camera pixel on the day of the CME event and on the previous day. Light appearing in the pixels on both days is considered to be background light and is removed from the footage of the CME. The remaining light is then enhanced.
The analysts say the practice works even better when applied to far-off objects such as stars, which don't move much relative to the sun. But for moving objects, especially planets, the process is a little more complicated. And making matters even trickier is Mercury's staus as the closest planet to the sun.
"When [this averaging process] is done between the previous day and the current day and there is a feature like a planet, this introduces dark (negative) artifacts in the background where the planet was on the previous day, which then show up as bright areas in the enhanced image," Rich explained in an email.


Monday, November 12, 2012

Opening ChessTree Mode online

One of the best tools that I ever found online and free to use,You just click on the right panel your move and can see the stadistic of ,winning porcent ,evaluation of this move which mean how good is the move by it self. It is a wonderfull resource to keep in our favorite, here I have provide the link and its details about it,the following pic is one game that I was playing: the slav defense

The Opening Tree mode from our chess bestseller – Chess assistant - is now available online! You can now receive detailed statistics on all opening moves carefully classified and stored in our opening database. From the very first move of a chess game we supply you with as much info as possible:
Games The number of games where this move has been played.
If it is only one game – you can click on it and see who played it, when and where it happened and the game result
White Won The percentage of games won by White when playing this move.
Black Won The percentage of games won by Black when playing this move
Draws The percentage of games ended in a draw when playing this move
White Elo The highest ELO rating of the players who played this move for White.
Black Elo The highest ELO rating of the players who played this move for Black.
Year The most recent year in which this move has been played.
You can move a piece by clicking and dragging it to another square or by selecting the correspondent move from our openings table. The game can be re-started from the initial position at any time by clicking "Clear"
You can switch to any set position using the commands "Load PGN" or "Load FEN".
Load PGN Using the Clipboard you can enter a notation in PGN format from any game and click Load PGN. The chess board will load the position from the inserted PGN line.
Load FEN To insert a position from a program supporting FEN standard (e.g., Chess Assistant) you can copy the current position from this program to the Clipboard (for Chess Assistant – clicking “CTRL” and “\” at the same time) and insert it to Load FEN. After that click Load FEN and the inserted position will upload.
You can copy the moves in the PGN line above the statistics table and it’ll be a full PGN file that can be inserted into any chess program. You can also change the appearance of your chess pieces or flip the chess board. A Takeback function allowing you to go one move back is also available.

The book that can't be read

The mysterious and centuries-old Voynich Manuscript was written by an unknown author, illustrated with bizarre, puzzling pictures and composed in a language that even the best cryptographers can’t decode. Now, Naked Science follows new leads in the hunt for the author’s identity.
The Voynich manuscript, described as “the world’s most mysterious manuscript”, is a work which dates to the early 15th century, possibly from northern Italy. It is named after the book dealer Wilfrid Voynich, who purchased it in 1912.
Some pages are missing, but the current version comprises about 240 vellum pages, most with illustrations. Much of the manuscript resembles herbal manuscripts of the time period, seeming to present illustrations and information about plants and their possible uses for medical purposes. However, most of the plants do not match known species, and the manuscript’s script and language remain unknown and unreadable. Possibly some form of encrypted ciphertext, the Voynich manuscript has been studied by many professional and amateur cryptographers, including American and British codebreakers from both World War I and World War II.
As yet, it has defied all decipherment attempts, becoming a cause célèbre of historical cryptology. The mystery surrounding it has excited the popular imagination, making the manuscript a subject of both fanciful theories and novels. None of the many speculative solutions proposed over the last hundred years has yet been independently verified.
The Voynich manuscript was donated to Yale University’s Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library in 1969, where it is catalogued under call number MS 408 and called a “Cipher Manuscript”.
Released 4 February 2011. 46 min. Narrator: Jason Alan Carvell. TV documentary.
This is a trailer. You can still watch the full documentary on Hulu, if you’re located in USA.

I do not claim any copyright! All copyright goes to National Geographic and/or any possible 3rd party copyright holders. This video was uploaded for Research and Educational purposes, and I gain no profit from this video so it falls under "Fair Use" guidelines: www.copyright.gov/fls/fl102.html

National Geographic doesn't have this documentary available for retail as far as I know. If you have a link where people can purchase this documentary feel free to message it to me and I'll post it here.

For more information on the Voynich Manuscript see the following article and the available sources: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voynich_manuscript


Atomic Warfare in the Mahabharata

Dwarka, India - 12,000 Year Old City of Lord Krishna Found

Palm reading: A quick guide

Palm reading, otherwise known as palmistry or chiromancy, is practiced all over the world, with roots in Indian astrology and gypsy fortune-telling.[1] The objective is to evaluate a person's character or future by studying the palm of their hand. Whether you're an aspiring palm reader or you're just looking for a fun way to pass the time and impress your friends, here's how to gain insight just by holding someone's hand..

Edit Steps

  1. 1
    Choose hand. For females, the right hand is what you're born with, and left is what you've accumulated throughout your life. For males, it is the other way around.For male, the left hand is what you're born with, and right is what you've accumulated throughout your life. But it can also be whichever hand is dominant, which can be your present/past life hand and the least dominant hand could be your future life hand. Pick a palm to read.
  2. 2
    Identify the four major lines.
    Identify the four major lines.
    Identify the four major lines.

    (1) The heart line.

    (2) The head line.

    (3) The life line.

    (4) The fate line (Not everybody has this.)
  3. 3
    Interpret the heart line. This line can be read in either direction (from the pinkie finger to the index finger or vice versa) depending on the tradition being followed. It's believed to indicate emotional stability, romantic perspectives, depression, and cardiac health.
    • Begins below the index finger - content with love life
    • Begins below the middle finger - selfish when it comes to love
    • Begins in the middle - falls in love easily.
    • Straight and short - less interest in romance
    • Touches life line - heart broken easily
    • Long and curvy - freely expresses emotions and feelings
    • Straight and parallel to the head line - good handle on emotions
    • Wavy - many relationships and lovers, absence of serious relationships
    • Circle on the line - sad or depression
    • Broken line - emotional trauma
    • Smaller lines crossing through heart line - emotional trauma

  4. 4
    Examine the head line. Represents learning style, communication style, intellectualism, and thirst for knowledge. A curved line is associated with creativity and spontaneity, while a straight line is linked with practicality and a structured approach.

    • Short line - prefers physical achievements over mental ones
    • Curved, sloping line - creativity
    • Separated from life line - adventure, enthusiasm for life.
    • Wavy line - short attention span
    • Deep, long line - thinking is clear and focused
    • Straight line - thinks realistically
    • Donuts or cross in head line - emotional crisis
    • Broken head line - inconsistencies in thought
    • Multiple crosses through head line - momentous decisions
  5. 5
    Evaluate the life line. Begins near the thumb and travels in an arc towards the wrist. Reflects physical health, general well being, and major life changes (e.g. cataclysmic events, physical injuries, and relocations). Its length is not associated with length of life.

    • Runs close to thumb - often tired
    • Curvy - plenty of energy
    • Long, deep - vitality.
    • Short and shallow - manipulated by others
    • Swoops around in a semicircle - strength and enthusiasm.
    • Straight and close to the edge of the palm - cautious when it comes to relationships
    • Multiple life lines - extra vitality
    • Circle in line indicates - hospitalized or injured
    • Break - sudden change in lifestyle
  6. 6
    Study the fate line. This is also known as the line of destiny, and it indicates the degree to which a person's life is affected by external circumstances beyond their control.[2] Begins at the base of the palm.

    • Deep line - strongly controlled by fate
    • Breaks and changes of direction - prone to many changes in life from external forces
    • Starts joined to life line - self-made individual; develops aspirations early on
    • Joins with the life line somewhere in the middle - signifies a point at which one's interests must be surrendered to those of others
    • Starts at base of thumb and crosses life line - support offered by family and friends

  7. 7
    Determine the hand shape. Each hand shape is associated with certain character traits. The length of the palm is measured from the wrist to the bottom of the fingers.

    • Earth - broad, square palms and fingers, thick or coarse skin, and ruddy color; length of the palm equals length of fingers

      • Solid values and energy, sometimes stubborn
      • Practical and responsible, sometimes materialistic
      • Work with their hands, comfortable with the tangible
    • Air - square or rectangular palms with long fingers and sometimes protruding knuckles, low-set thumbs, and dry skin; length of the palm less than length of fingers

      • Sociable, talkative and witty
      • Can be shallow, spiteful and cold
      • Comfortable with the mental and the intangible
      • Does things in different and radical ways
    • Water - long, sometimes oval-shaped palm, with long, flexible, conical fingers; length of the palm equals length of fingers but is less than width across the widest part of the palm

      • Creative, perceptive and sympathetic
      • Can be moody, emotional and inhibited
      • Introverts
      • Do things quietly and intuitively.
    • Fire - square or rectangular palm, flushed or pink skin, and shorter fingers; length of the palm is greater than length of fingers

      • Spontaneous, enthusiastic and optimistic
      • Sometimes egoistic, impulsive and insensitive
      • Extroverts
      • Do things boldly and instinctively

  8. 8
    Palm reading is an awesome thing to do and I hope you will try it!
Palm-reading is a worthwhile talent that an unfortunately small amount of people know how to do. While it is relatively easy to learn the basics of reading palms, there are more than just lines on your hand. Palm reading consists of three parts: Chirognomy (study of hand shapes, including fingers and mounts), Chiromancy (study of the lines) and Dermatoglyphics (study of skin ridges and fingerprints). Read on to learn some advanced techniques to use while reading palms.

Advanced steps


  1. 1
    Examine the finger shape. Finger shape normally coincides with the shape of the hand. However, most hands represent a mixture of finger types. This mixture helps to create a diversity of qualities and talents for a person. The shape of the fingernail is also used in trying to determine the type of finger.

    • Square fingers have square nails and represent a down-to-earth quality in respect to the attributes of the finger.
    • Pointed fingers often have almond-shaped nails and reveal an artistic nature.
    • Spade-shaped fingers have square-based nails which broaden at the tip and represent inventiveness.
    • Cone-shaped fingers have oval nails and represents an imaginative quality.
    • With mixed fingers, if a person had a square type of ring finger, for example, then they would be artistically inclined. But if the same person had a pointed index finger, then their occupation will commonly not be art-related.
    • When it comes to nails, naturally long nails show a soft heart; short nails show an unfortunate paranoid and uneasy nature; wide nails show quarrelsome qualities; narrow nails show a conservative and refined nature.
  2. 2
    Examine the finger smoothness. The smoothness or knottiness of the fingers and their joints is a good indication of which area of life a person would most likely be active in. It also deals with the instinctive, practical, and intellectual attainment in regards to the fields which each finger represents. The middle finger deals with service (goals, restrictions). The index finger deals with authority (position, wealth, happiness). The ring finger deals with fulfillment (fame, success). Finally, the little finger deals with activity (health, mind, commercial ventures).

    • If your joints are generally smooth, then you may tend to be passive, letting other control you, but at the same time quite impulsive which may sometimes lead to carelessness.
    • If your top knuckles are smooth and your middle ones are internally rough, then you are a person whose intellect and practicality work well together. A strong instinctive drive is a characteristic of well-developed knuckles.
    • The fleshiness of the pads inside the fingers as well as the flatness of those areas show a good development or lack of it in regards to the attributes of each finger.
    • Well-developed balls on the ends of fingers show a strong intellect and courtesy of the mind. A flatness represents a lack of intellectual insight regarding the attributes of the respective fingers.
  3. 3
    Examine the finger spacing. It is also important to note the way fingers are spaced apart. With your hand in a relaxed position, examine how some fingers stand apart from others and how some stick close to the adjacent fingers.

    • An independent mind is signified when your little finger stands apart from the ring finger, with a great deal of space between them.
    • An art-related life is shown when the ring finger sticks close to the middle finger. Your fate will also aid in your success.
    • If your middle finger and the index finger stick close together, it shows that you will gain authority and rank through your own goals and dreams. If they stand apart, then your position will come from other means.
  4. 4
    Examine the finger build. The build and thickness of a person's fingers can denote the personality type.

    • Heavy fingers often show a more physical nature, maybe with a tough outlook on things.
    • Long and slim fingers signify more of an emotional and aggressive type of person, so this person may be very sensitive to insults or very literal to sarcastic remarks.
    • Short and thick shows that a person is more emotionally comfortable.
    • If your index finger is longer than the normal length, you tend to be a leader and tell others what to do. But if it is shorter, then you tend to sit back and let others control you.
  5. 5
    Examine the finger length. The length of your fingers are measured relative to the size of your palm. On average, the longest finger is about seven-eighths the size of your palm, and if it is just as long as your palm, then your fingers are considered long. Short fingers are shorter than seven-eighths of the palm. In relation to the fingers, the thumb is normally higher than the bottom joining of the index finger. The index finger, however, reaches a third of the way up the nail of the middle finger. The ring finger normally reaches just above the nail of the middle finger and the little, or pinkie, finger should reach the top joint of the ring finger.

    • If your ring finger is longer than the normal length, you may have an artistic talent, as well as a reckless and wild nature.
    • If your little finger is shorter than the normal length, it shows that you lack the ability to influence others. If it is longer, you tend to be very articulate, and good at writing and selling.


  1. 1
    Read the Health Line. The Health Line deals with the material well-being as much as the physical. This is especially so that when the Life Line may be faint or hard to see. If a person has very faint Fate, Fame, and Success Lines, then the Health Line also lays a strong part in the development of material wealth. The Health Line can be found extending from below the little finger, down across the palm, to the base of the thumb. Sometimes, it may even join with the Life Line.

    • Missing - it is likely that you'll have little to no health problems.
    • Strong and undisturbed - strong business sense as well as the strength to work hard and make money.
    • Wavy - potential health problems as a result of anxiety and nervousness.
    • Broken - poor health will cause problems in business situations.
    • Smaller lines crossing Health Line - prone to accidents.
    • Extra lines branches onto the Life Line - sign of life-threatening situation in old age.
    • Square encircling the line - a sign of protection, whether it be in the form of good medical treatment, or aid in solving a business problem.
    • Break in the line to form a donut shape - a need for hospitalization.
    • A triangle formed by the Life, Head, and Health Lines - known as the Lucky Triangle, where the broader the angle of the triangle, the greater your luck.
  2. 2
    Read the Fame Line. The Line of Fame reinforces the Fate Line. The Fame Line influences the social rewards of success. This line, if visible, starts at the base of the hand, and moves its way up to below the ring finger, running parallel to the Fate Line.

    • Missing - one's future fame must be looked for in other areas of the palm; may still be successful but prefer to do without public acclaim.
    • Strong and clear - distinction and satisfaction with your life's work.
    • Broken repeatedly - indication of the ups and downs of social recognition.
    • Travels straight to the ring finger - likely to have fame in the arts.
    • Starts at the Head Line and runs through the Heart Line - hard work and success late in life.
    • A separation at the end of the Fame Line (becoming two smaller lines) - success may be dubious in value.
    • Ends beneath the ring finger in a star or triangle - spectacular success awaits in the fine arts field (acting, singing, dancing).
    • Ends beneath the ring finger in a square - a kindly patron.
  3. 3
    Read the Marriage Lines. Relationships are indicated by the little line (or lines) that are located just below the base of the little finger. The closer the lines are to the base of the little finger, the later in life these relationships will be.

    • Several light lines - romances.
    • Strong and clear lines - marriage.
    • Numerous overlapping lines - affair(s).
    • Lines that meet but don't cross - children that will be born.
    • Fork at the start towards the back of the hand - long engagement.
    • Fork at the end towards the palm - separation (with or without divorce).
    • Line at the end that cuts the line off sharply - end to a relationship due to death or divorce.
    • Breaks that resumes with an overlap - separation with a later reunion.
  4. 4
    Read the Money Lines. These lines don't indicate material wealth, so much as they represent skill in acquiring riches and how it can be done.

    • Line from the base of the thumb to below the index finger, ending in a star - a natural talent for moneymaking.
    • Line from the base of the thumb to the little finger - wealth acquired through inheritance or family allowances.
    • Line from the base of the thumb to below the middle finger - money made in business.
    • Line running to the ring finger, cutting through the Fame Line - money obtained through luck and surprise.
  5. 5
    Read the Travel Lines. The Travel Lines are a major indication of the trips taken throughout your life that have had or will have a penetrating impact on your life. These lines generally start from the edge of the palm at the 'heel," opposite the thumb, and extend horizontally.

    • Intersecting the Life Line - a trip will be made under circumstances of health, or your health will be affected by a trip.
    • Crossing the Travel Line - danger, or problems within travel.
    • A square encircles the lines - a sign of protection in your travels.
    • Breaks - possible delay in your travels.
    • Intersecting the Fate Line - travel will present a life-changing experience.
  6. 6
    Read the Minor Lines. The Minor Lines can be found in most hands. They include the lines of Opposition, Intuition, Escape, and Influence.

    • Lines of Opposition: These lines can be found on the outside of the palm, between the Heart and Head Lines. These lines illustrate the opposing forces that we all must deal with in life.
    • Line of Intuition: This line appears on the outer palm (at the base of the hand under the little finger). It illustrates strong insight. If you have this line you are an extremely sensitive, intuitive person and may have ESP (extra-sensory perception). The line can appear to curve into the palm or out to the edge of the palm. Either way, the meaning stays the same.
    • Line of Escape: This line is more towards the bottom of the palm, near the base. It often crosses the Life Line, and this crossing symbolizes the time in your life the following experience may happen. The Line of Escape illustrates an individual who escapes the problems of their life by indulging in their imagination. If it connects with the Line of Fame, they retreat into creative arts ease themselves. If the Line of Escape crosses with the Health Line, the person will resort to drugs and drinking. This may also foreshadow suicide.
    • Lines of Influence: These lines originate from the base of the thumb, and radiate out into the Palm. Where they connect with other lines, they illustrate an important event. The much sought after influence lines are the ones that show how and where you will come into money, if it crosses the Money Lines.

Other Aspects

  1. 1
    Learn to read the mounts of the palm.

  2. 2
    Analyze the fingerprints on the fingers.

  3. 3
    Understand the degrees of the palm.

Edit Tips

  • Since palm lines change as you progress through life, palm reading is seen by many as an opportunity to reveal what's already happened, but not as a way of predicting the future.[3]
  • In general, the more flexible the hand, the more flexible the person. (metaphorically, or literally?) aom/articles/palm-reading-learn-how-to-read-palms.html
  • Note the texture of the hand, front and back. Soft hands signify sensitivity and refinement, while rough hands signifies a coarse temperament.[4]
  • Take out books from your local library and look up websites on the internet. The more you read, the more you'll know and the better you'll be able to palm read.
  • Try practicing on your own hands.
  • Know that palm reading is not always accurate and that the fate of your life and your decisions should not be influenced by these things.
  • Make sure the lighting in the area you are planning to read palms is good, for trying to do it in the dark makes it difficult to get a good read.

  • Edit Warnings

    • Remember that palm-reading is for entertainment purposes and there is no substantiated evidence of correlation between palm features and psychological traits.
    • If you are going to do read someone else's palms, then keep it light. Don't make any dark predictions that will make people worry about their lives.

    Edit Related wikiHows

    Edit Sources and Citations

    How to Develop Psychic Abilities

    With the pressures and stresses of modern society, we increasingly find it more difficult to slow down the mental activity of our conscious mind. A psychic is able to divert the conscious mind and begin to focus on the sub conscious.

    Our conscious mind often holds on to a range of preconceived ideas and conditioning that we have received throughout our lives. With all the pressures of day to day life we find it difficult to focus on anything else but our immediate problems and needs and our minds are full of thoughts.

    A psychic has the ability to tap into the sub-conscious and connect with the universe to sense, see and often hear messages from the spirit world. Many people have had varies psychic experiences but have put it down to coincidence or good luck. Some people who mediate regularly and are able to slow the conscious mind often comment on how they have felt a connection with the universe whilst others have been able to “see” in their minds visions of places and people.

    Some psychics have maintained their abilities through out their childhood, teenage years and adult hood whilst others develop it further in later life.

    The psychic can divert the conscious mind and contact the sub conscious mind, which allows them to concentrate on the Universal consciousness. Within this cosmic force much of the information from past, present and future is available for those who wish to access it.
    "...we are all made from the same source and can all develop different talents if we choose to."

    For many of us Psychics are looked upon as people with a gift of seeing into the future. Some of them are viewed with a sense of awe while on the other hand others view psychics with suspicion and caution.

    The fact is that we are all made from the same source and can all develop different talents if we choose to.

    It depends on what talents and abilities we are conscious of and what our beliefs are. Some people believe that psychic abilities do not really exist for anyone and they therefore would ignore any form of intuition, impression or gut reactions. But for others they believe in that these abilities are available and are ready to accept and believe in their intuition and gut reactions much more readily. The more we accept and react to something the more it begins to happen to us and the more confident we become with it. Of course different abilities vary from person to person and so to do beliefs. If something has never happened to you it is hard to believe it is true.

    But for those who believe and act on their impressions there is a huge ocean of knowledge available to them and once tapped and utilised this knowledge becomes stronger and more readily available

    We have all fallen silently and stared in space during the day. Some people call it day dreaming but there are no thoughts present in our conscious mind. We are awake and in some cases still aware of our surrounds but we have no thoughts flicking backwards and forth in our minds. This is the state in which we are able to “pick up” a range of messages.

    Have you ever sat quietly and the phone rings and you know who is on the other end? Or perhaps taken extra caution driving home because you have felt the need to be careful and almost had a severe accident but was able to avoid it because of the feeling you had earlier?

    Many of us have these experiences daily but think nothing of it. The psychic who is aware of these experiences will continue to practice and focus on the sub-conscious in order to tap into the Universal Consciousness. In some instances a psychic is able to read the mind of others and predict events that will occur in the future.

    In the last ten years we have noticed an increase in the interest of this ability and many new groups are forming which aims at teaching people how to develop their own natural abilities. The abilities are always meant to be used for the benefit of the universe as a whole and many psychics who have used these for evil or negative purposes have dearly paid the price.

    If your intentions are good and full of love you will be able to use these abilities wisely. We all have the potential to develop our psychic abilities and to use them to enhance our professional, personal and spiritual life.


    1. 1
      Meditate. Experiment with various techniques until you find one that feels right for you. Keep a healthy diet. Remember, there is no right way or wrong way to perform meditation. It is only important that you are able to relax and focus your mind. If you continue the practice of meditation for any length of time, you will begin to notice the existence of your own spiritual energy. It is the connection to your spiritual self which provides intuitive information. Strengthening the connection to your spiritual self will result in an increase of your psychic abilities Meditation is most important for psychic abilities. It can help you in many walks of life for instance if your child has trouble reading teach him to meditate and they often get better. It may seem odd but it helps a lot.
    2. 2
      Try to be more aware of your surroundings.
      Try to be more aware of your surroundings.
      Try to be more aware of your surroundings. Upon waking in the morning, make an effort to lie still for a few minutes without opening your eyes. Try to notice as many sounds, textures and smells as possible before you decide to open your eyes. This exercise, if carried out for several weeks, can greatly help to increase your levels of awareness and intuition.
    3. 3
      Listen. The act of listening is important in increasing psychic awareness. After continuing this exercise for some time, you will begin to notice an increase in your overall awareness, which affects your level of intuition.
    4. 4
      Pay attention to random thoughts and feelings.
      Pay attention to random thoughts and feelings.
      Pay attention to random thoughts and feelings. Keep a journal handy at all times and try to write down those thoughts that seem to come out of nowhere. You may notice after a while that patterns tend to emerge. Thoughts that previously seemed completely random and unconnected begin to form themes or recognizable ideas.
    5. 5
      Record your dreams in your journal. If you have been following the awareness exercise outlined above you will have noticed that your dreams are much easier to recall. Allowing yourself a few minutes to be still upon waking makes it much easier to remember dreams with more detail than if you rush out of bed in the morning and hurry to start the day. Try setting your alarm clock to wake you up ten or fifteen minutes before your normal waking time. Give yourself some time to remember your dreams and make a few quick notes in your journal.
    6. 6
      Embrace the power of silence and solitude.
      Embrace the power of silence and solitude.
      Embrace the power of silence and solitude. Keeping away from the rowdiness and distracting activities of noisy distractions, can help the mind think more clearly, in terms of developing inner mental accuracy and focus. Drink in the beauty of natural sounds, like the chirping of birds, the babbling of water from a brook, waterfall, etc. These natural echos are known to enhance intuition and psychic abilities.

    Edit Tips

    • These simple exercises can have dramatic results if practiced regularly. These steps are just a few of the many techniques available for increasing your perception of psychic ability. There are many other methods to choose from. In your search for information regarding psychic development, it is important to be wary of any methods which declare that psychic abilities are the result of external forces, or any teachings which insist that psychic powers are anything other than a natural human ability.
    • You may find that the special sensitivity provided by self-hypnosis is an aid to achieving your goals by psychic means.
    • Sometimes, just seeing the ability being done by someone else will lead to yourself being able to do the thing. Note that this is only a temporary "shock" effect by your subconscious seeing the real thing being done
    • Practice, practice practice! If you are easily disappointed, psychic abilities aren't for you. You really need motivation and dedication to get to results.
    • A technique that works well is a voice recorder. Keep it on a night table and learn to recognize dreams of probable significance while still in the dream.

    Some people believe we all have psychic abilities. Some of us may have more natural abilities than others, the same way that some of us seem inclined towards music or mathematics. But just like any other skill, psychic abilities can be trained and enhanced. The following exercise can help to increase your natural psychic skills.

    What is ESP?
    How Do I Know If Have ESP?
    Clairvoyance Test
    How to Develop ESP
