Monday, October 29, 2012

2012 Best Satellite Internet Service Comparisons and Reviews



Satellite Internet Review

Why Use High-Speed Satellite Internet?

If you’re in a rural area, you may not have many options for internet service. High speed satellite internet allows you to say goodbye to dial-up internet access. No more using phone lines to access the internet or waiting for webpages to load. Satellite broadband internet websites load many times faster than dial-up. Although cable and DSL are faster than satellite, if you live in an area that doesn’t offer the faster options, satellite might be the best thing available. Learn more by reading articles on high-speed satellite internet. As long as you have a clear view of the southern sky where the provider can stick the small satellite, and you have a PC or Mac, you can access the internet.


High-Speed Satellite Internet: What to Look For

The high-speed satellite internet companies we reviewed, such as HughesNet, WildBlue and MyBlueDish, offer service for the 48 contiguous states. Some of the best satellite internet providers also offer coverage for Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and surrounding areas. Some of the companies manufacture their own equipment and sell service plans. Other companies resell the equipment and services. Law requires them to sell the satellite broadband plans at the same prices but they can include additional fees or discounts. We've looked at everything these satellite internet providers offer so you can compare satellite broadband services. At TopTenREVIEWS We Do the Research So You Don’t Have To.™
Speed & Threshold
In this section we considered the download and upload speeds of each product. None of the satellite internet providers we reviewed guarantee the speed of their products. They only give the maximum speed the plan can reach. During high traffic hours, your speeds may be lower.
We also considered bandwidth allowance. Each satellite internet provider has a Fair Access Policy that restricts how much of the bandwidth each customer can use. We calculated the bandwidth cap for a 30-day period to help you compare amounts. If you pass the allowed threshold, your provider will decrease the speed of your system for as long as 30 days per infringement. Some providers offer free downloading times in the middle of the night.
One downside of satellite broadband internet is its high latency. You won’t notice it while web surfing but you will in real-time gaming, video streaming and while using VoIP applications. It also doesn’t work well with virtual private networks (VPN).
Help & Support
Our biggest concern regarding help and support was the tech and customer support the providers offered. We looked for 24/7 support, helpful and knowledgeable representatives and prompt service. We also looked for companies that have online chat features and email addresses for customer service that potential customers can use to ask questions. Those who manufacture their own equipment and train their technical staff are also higher on our list of great satellite internet providers.
We were more impressed with providers who offer a customer support website for their customers. We also looked for bandwidth threshold meters, billing information, diagnostic tools and other features. We weren’t so impressed with those companies who had outdated information on their websites.
Additional Features
Free one-year anti-virus and anti-spyware software is one of the nice features that come with most of the satellite internet packages. After the free period, you can opt to pay a monthly fee to continue the service. Some providers offer blogging tools, links to internet safety tips and dial-up service options. Most of the services we reviewed also allow you to customize your homepage.
Purchasing Options
Some providers give you the option of purchasing or leasing the satellite internet equipment. If you purchase the equipment, they usually offer a one-year limited warranty. If you lease the equipment, there’s an additional fee. Many of the providers we reviewed allow you to pay the lease upfront or monthly.
As you compare pricing information, read the small print. Some providers only offer discounted prices for several months. Talk to providers and resellers about whether they offer mail-in rebates and discounts, and what you must do to receive them.
Find out about all the fees before you sign up for a service. Free installation typically only applies to standard installation. Ask about activation fees, return policies and cancellation charges.


Muchos misterios se encierran en la historia de la humanidad y uno de los muchos enigmas son los llamados UFOS o también denominados OVNIS. Toda la civilización esta acostumbrada a escuchar estas denominaciones o bien en medios de comunicación o en alguno o otro relato espontáneo de algún personaje publico, pero los llamados OSNI son también un acontecimiento no menos relevante y existen de igual forma relatos civiles y militares indicando una presencia mas allá de los llamados “platillos voladores” de este tema trataremos en este articulo de forma a elucidar todos los interesados en el tema.

        Las extensiones oceánicas de la Tierra parecen esconder tantos Misterios como los cielos azules o él más distante sistema cósmico, pero los OSNI son fascinantes, cuyo su avistamiento causa tanto entusiasmo como enigmatismo. Estos aparatos al contrario de sus “hermanos” se sumergen bajo la superficie Liquida de este Planeta Azul, lo cual esta formado por 3/ 4 de esta sustancia que le da su color, el agua.

        Los OSNI son famosos igual que el OVNI en confundir los complejos sistemas de control y de defensa territorial de todos los países del mundo, tienen como característica principal su capacidad de maniobra impresionante y sus altas velocidades a enormes profundidades que dejaran desconcertados en mas de una vez a las marinas del mundo.

La Flota de la OTAN versus OSNI

Que se ha pasado en los fiordos noruegos en Noviembre de 1972, entre OSNIS y parte de la Flota de la OTAN?

De verdad es que nadie lo sabe muy bien, durante tres semanas la marina noruega, con la ayuda de navíos y aviones de la OTAN busco un misterioso intruso que fue localizado y sin saber como lo perdió en el fiordo de Sogne. En la “caza” de este misterioso aparato intervinieran varios equipos como una docena de navíos, helicópteros, aviones con equipamiento de sonar activo y utilizaran cargas de profundidad pero no había forma de hacer con que este objeto subiera a la superficie.

En 23 de Noviembre un gran objeto de color oscuro fue visto moviéndose debajo de la superficie del fiordo de Lustre en Noruega, y más o menos al mismo tiempo en el fiordo de Aurlands un navío de guerra detecta un enigmático submarino con su radar. En aquella noche la flota de la OTAN vio como seis cohetes rojos salieran de los fiordos y como en una sierra próxima se observaron luces Verdes en sus picos y como en un instante todos los navíos de guerra en la zona y los aviones perdieran sus comunicaciones literalmente como se una interferencia se tratara pero de alta densidad.

En 27 de Noviembre una declaración oficial de los hechos afirma que el submarino causante de todos los problemas atrás referidos ya no se encontraba en las mediaciones pero que continuarían con la búsqueda de esta nave que tantos problemas habían suscitado. En todas estas ocasiones no fue encontrado ninguno vestigio de estos aparatos o identificado sus orígenes. 

En 1973 en el Atlántico Norte, el portaviones WASP de la U.S.Navy junto a otros 12 navíos que se encontraban en una simulación de combate, detectaron en sus radares un enorme objeto que se movía a una velocidad impresionante de cerca 230 km/hora, este objeto permaneció durante tres días en el perímetro de estos navíos sumergido a una profundidad de 8.200 metros, cuando el registro de máxima profundidad de un submarino de la época era de 1900 metros.

Ivan Sanderson, biólogo marino y fundador de la Soc. de Investigación OSNI, sugiere que debajo de los océanos puede vivir una raza más antigua que la humana, que se encuentran a millones de años por delante de la humanidad, esta raza evita el contacto directo con las formas primitivas y se desenvuelve tecnológicamente en todos los campos, capaces de superar incluso la necesidad del más sencillo acto voluntario del cuerpo humano, el respirar, hablando literalmente como lo conocemos los humanos
En 1973 la Sociedad Argentina de Investigaciones de Fenómenos Extraños, afirmo que después de muchos años de investigaciones, no dudaba que otros mundos hubieran ya establecido bases submarinas en este planeta en los Golfos de San Matías y San Jorge, en la costa Patagónica, y en Venezuela, fueran vistos tantos objetos salir del mar y entrar en el que para las personas de las localidades marítimas es ya un caso normal como cualquier otro.

SCCT Super Book League III


SCCT Super Book League III is over !

First of all,
Many Thanks to all Book Authors,for participating in the current exiting tour !

The SCCT III Champion: Guardian Angel - BIG Congratulations to Giuseppe Petruccelli !!
Also My Congratulations to: Marcos K.Matsuda - the Author of JapanTopTeam / Dragon !

Note also that:
-Probably the current competion will be the last one of my book tour series

Plantas carnívoras

Secuencia sobre dos plantas carnívoras y la lagartija de Valverde. Pertenece a la serie Tesoro del Sur, producida por Avatar Producciones y dirigida por el naturalista Luis Miguel Domínguez

Japanese Qigong(kikou) doctor Kanzawa - Amazing!

Japanese Qigong(kikou) doctor Kanzawa relaxes animals and puts them to sleep.

Nephilim, Nefilim, Elohim, Annunaki

In the Hebrew Bible and several non-canonical Jewish and early Christian writings, nephilim means the fallen [ones] are a people created by the cross-breeding of the "sons of God" and the "daughters of men". The word nephilim is loosely translated as giants or titans in some Bibles, and is left untranslated in others.


Cylinder Seal depicting War in Heaven
The Nephilim (plural) are the offspring of the "sons of God" and the "daughters of men" in Genesis 6:4, or giants who inhabit Canaan in Numbers 13:33. A similar word with different vowel-sounds is used in Ezekiel 32:27 to refer to dead Philistine warriors.

In the Hebrew Bible and several non-canonical Jewish and early Christian writings, nephilim means the fallen ones are a people created by the cross-breeding of the "sons of God" and the "daughters of men". The word nephilim is loosely translated as giants or titans in some Bibles, and is left untranslated in others. The phrase "sons of God" is sometimes translated into English as "sons of gods". The Hebrew word, "Elohim", is a plural form, but is often used with single verbs and adjectives (as in this case) when the single meaning is traditionally understood. The traditional Jewish view, deriving from the Book of Enoch, is that the fathers of the nephilim, the "sons of God", were the Grigori (a class of fallen angels also called the Watchers); however, there is some controversy on this point. Some commentators suggest the nephilim were believed to have been fathered by members of a proto-Hebrew pantheon, and are a brief glimpse of early Hebrew religion, most of the details of which was later edited out from the Torah. Others, especially some Christians, suggest the "sons of God" were fully human. It is sometimes suggested that ridding the Earth of these nephilim was one of God's purposes for flooding the Earth in Noah's time. Despite the literal text of the Bible and its traditional interpretation, the idea that heavenly beings mated with humans is controversial, particularly among Christians, who cite the teaching of Jesus in the Book of Matthew that angels do not marry (they may take the verse in question out of context because Jesus said that the resurrected don't marry in heaven but are as the angels). Others who find the idea of angels mating with humans as distasteful have suggested more figurative interpretations of the nephilim, such as the idea that they were the offspring of men possessed by demons.Still others, including the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, take the traditional view of Genesis 6:1 that the allusion refers to some men, from the godly lineage of Seth, called sons of God (an expression denoting those in covenant relationship with YHWH, cf. Deuteronomy 14:1; 32:5), began to pursue fleshly interests, and so took wives of the daughters of men, i.e., those who were unbelievers descended of Cain. This is also the view presented in a few extra-biblical, yet ancient works, particularly the Second Book of Adam and Eve.


Rephaim is a general title that the Book of Joshua states was given to the aborigines of Palestine, which were afterwards conquered and dispossessed by the Canaanite tribes. They were known to the Moabites as Emim, i.e., "fearful", (Deut. 2:11), and to the Ammonites as Zamzummim. In the Books of Samuel, it states that some of them found refuge among the Philistines, and were still existing in the days of David. We know nothing of their origin.


In the Torah, the Anakim are the descendants of Anak, and dwelt in the south of Palestine, in the neighbourhood of Hebron. In the days of Abraham they inhabited the region afterwards known as Edom and Moab, east of the Jordan river. They are mentioned during the report of the spies about the inhabitants of the land of Canaan. The book of Joshua states that Joshua finally expelled them from the land, excepting a remnant that found a refuge in the cities of Gaza, Gath, and Ashdod. The Philistine giants whom David encountered were supposedly descendants of the Anakim.

Nephilim in Other Works

The story of the nephilim is chronicled more fully in the Book of Enoch (part of Ethiopian biblical canon). There are also allusions to these descendants in the deuterocanonical books of Judith, Sirach, Baruch, and Wisdom of Solomon.

Nephilim in Parahistory

There have been many interesting attempts to reconcile mythology with evolution, the theory being that mythology often contains grains of truth in the form of a highly distorted "folk memory" of events in the remote evolution of the human past. In this context, the nephilim have been associated with everything from Atlantis to extraterrestrials in efforts to rationalize their literal existence. One theory is that nephilim were actually surviving Neanderthals, or a Homo sapiens-Neanderthal hybrid. It is believed by such people that modern man shared several thousand years of history with Neanderthals, and also that the Middle-Eastern region was home to some of the last surviving pockets of Homo sapiens or H. neandertalensis. Therefore, it is conceivable that a Folk Memory of these creatures survived by way of mythology- but not necessarily in the way that it is imagined.  In addition, it appears that the very last Neanderthals adopted some of the technological and cultural innovations of their contemporaries. So, the theory goes, surviving Neanderthals or hybrids might have been very large, powerful men, possessing the intellect and societal characteristics of our species, explaining their identification as: "mightiest ones" and "men of renown," which could be a great exaggeration based on some level of prowess. One major flaw in this "theory" some have suggested is that neanderthalensis were in fact slightly shorter in height than H. sapiens and unlikely to have been named giants. On the other hand, they were giants relative to their even shorter predecessors, Australopithecus and Homo habilis. Of course, this flaw is easily resolved when one remembers that the word Nephilim earlier described means "fallen ones" and not giants, the word being translated in the King James Bible as "Giants", recognized now as somewhat of a mistranslation.

Simply put, the Nephilim were aliens who came to Earth to create humans. Like everything else we call the history of humanity, it was all mythology, as reality is a consciousness hologram brought forth into the physical to study emotions.

La frase “hijos de dios” se traduce a veces a inglés como “hijos de dioses”. La palabra hebrea, “Elohim”, es una forma plural, pero es de uso frecuente con solos verbos y adjetivos (como en este caso) cuando el solo significado se entiende tradicionalmente.

La visión judía tradicional, derivando del libro de Enoch, es que los padres del nephilim, los “hijos de dios”, eran el Grigori (una clase de ángeles caidos también llamó a los vigilantes); sin embargo, hay una cierta controversia en este punto.

Algunos comentaristas sugieren que el nephilim fuera creído haber sido engendrado por los miembros de un panteón proto-Hebreo, y que sea una breve ojeada de la religión hebrea temprana, la mayor parte de los detalles cuyo fue corregido más adelante hacia fuera del Torah. Otros, especialmente algunos cristianos, sugieren que los “hijos de dios” fueran completamente humanos. Se sugiere a veces que librando la tierra de estos el nephilim era uno de los propósitos de dios para inundar la tierra en el tiempo de Noah.

The two most important crop circles ever. No joke

Analized by Jaime Maussan