Sunday, October 28, 2012


Aprenda a mover objetos con la mente


Su energía psíquica no tiene límites, solo debe animarse a descubrirla. Practique los ejercicios que le proponemos, tenga fe en usted mismo y lo logrará.

La telequinesis es la habilidad o poder mental con la cual se pueden mover objetos o doblarlos (solo por mencionar algunas de las cosas que se pueden hacer) sin contacto físico, solo con la energía de la mente. Una de las cosas más importantes es que sí es posible y que todo el mundo tiene el potencial para usar la telekinesis.

Esta habilidad es completamente natural, el hombre primitivo la utilizaba instintivamente como una forma de supervivencia, pero para lograr desarrollarla hay que proporcionarle tiempo, práctica y paciencia para poder controlarlo.

Obstáculos a  vencer

La duda. La telekinesis es real y es un fenómeno natural. Debe tratar de aceptar ésto como un dogma, porque la duda es como un muro entre usted y la telekinesis. Salte esa pared y déjela atrás. No sea escéptico, sobre todo cuando se trata de explorar el poder de la mente.

La lógica. Es verdad que vivimos en un mundo práctico y en la vida cotidiana debemos tratar de razonar las cosas. Pero ahora no es el momento. Deje la lógica a un lado y entréguese por completo a la experiencia.

Malas razones. ¿Por qué y para qué quiere desarrollar esta habilidad? Sus razones deben ser positivas y sus intenciones, puras. Si quiere dañar a alguien o sacar beneficios económicos de su talento o impresionar a sus amigos, olvídese. Aprenda telekinesia para ejercitar su mente, para cambiar su realidad. No busque gloria barata.

Concentración deficiente. Meditar y focalizar la mente es esencial para lograrlo. Debe luchar a brazo partido contra la dispersión.

Técnica para doblar tenedores y cucharas

Este ejercicio es una buena forma de comenzar a ejercitar los poderes de la mente. La concentración psíquica consciente puede vencer la resistencia del metal. Hay quienes afirman que ésto no es estrictamente telekinesia, ya que se produce un contacto físico sobre el utensilio, pero es una excelente ejercitación, que lo puede llevar a la telekinesia propiamente dicha.

1)    Elija un utensilio.

2)    Sosténgalo en una mano, en una posición que le resulte cómodo.

3)    Siéntese, respire de modo natural y relájese.

4)    Vacíe su mente de todo pensamiento.

5)    Con los ojos cerrados, frote suavemente sus dedos en la superficie del objeto.

6)    Sienta esa superficie. Procure percibir las moléculas, los átomos, la energía.

7)    Esto puede requerir varios intentos, pero finalmente logrará percibir esa energía. En el preciso instante en que lo sienta, el objeto se doblará.

Nota: Nunca aplique la fuerza.

¿Cómo mover objetos sin tocarlos?

Este ejercicio si que es estrictamente telekinésico, ya que solo la mente está involucrada en el proceso. Es mejor que elija objetos pequeños al principio (una piedra, una fruta, etc.) y luego, a medida que vaya registrando progresos, pase a otros más grandes.

Concentresé y pruebe

1.-    Cargue su cuerpo de energía, respirando profundamente hasta alcanzar un estado de relajación. No se apresure. Estírese, como si se desperazara.

2.-    Siéntese cómodamente frente a una mesa coloque una piedra frente a usted. La piedra debe ser el único objeto sobre la mesa.

3.-    Fije su mirada en la piedra.

4.-    Cierre los ojos y visualice esa piedra frente a usted, reproduciendo mentalmente la forma, el color, los detalles de la roca.

5.-    Visualice su energía, saliendo su cuerpo influyendo hacia la piedra.

6.-    Concentre su mente en mover la piedra hacia la izquierda, utilizando el poder de la mente.

7.-    Concentre su mente en mover la piedra hacia la derecha.

8.-    Concentre su mente en mover la piedra hacia el centro.

9.-    Concentre su mente en mover la piedra hacia delante.

10.-  Concentre su mente en mover la piedra más lejos.

11.-  Concentre su mente en mover la piedra nuevamente hacia el centro.

12.-  Abra los ojos.

Artículo publicado en Predicciones nº 106.

Tantric Sex

Tantric Sex

“Sex is fun - not a serious affair” (Osho)

Ordinary sex: For most people the sex act is a release of tension, or as Osho puts it, 'it's like a good sneeze'. If a man feels an overflow of sexual energy, he usually wants to release it as quickly as possible in order to relax. However, if he ejaculates, there will be a waste of energy.

Tantric sex: When the sexual act is practised with meditative awareness and without loss of the seminal fluids, there is no loss of energy, and the act is not followed by fatigue and a feeling of the blue. On the contrary, following the Tantric sexual act vital energy is multiplied and conserved. When both partners melt with each other, vital energy is exchanged between the masculine and the feminine, and the energy build to higher levels.

The Indian master Osho says: 'If you are not in a hurry to finish the act, it by and by becomes less sexual and more spiritual. Sex organs also melt into each other. A deep silent communion happens between two body energies, and then you can remain for hours together. This togetherness moves deeper and deeper as time passes. But don't think. Remain with the moment deeply merged. It becomes an ecstasy, a samadhi, cosmic consciousness' (Osho: Book of Secrets, p. 468).

Quotes from Osho:

“Sexuality is a simple, biological phenomenon. It should not be given so much importance. Its only significance is that the energy can be transformed into higher planes.”
"The feeling of emptiness that is overtaking the whole Western mind is just because of sexual wastage."
“Sex has to be transformed – neither repressed nor indulged. And the only possible way to trans­form sex is to be sexual with deep meditative awareness”

“And if you become meditative, you will come to realize a new fact. That fact is that it is not sex that gives you bliss, it is not sex that gives you the ecstacy. Rather, it is a thoughtless state of the mind and total involvement in the act that gives you a blissful feeling.”
Controlling the orgasm through conscious breathing
The more you can open up to these feelings, the more orgasmic energy you can contain. When the sexual act is done with meditative awareness, you can expand a space of consciousness in the etheric or emotional body, and enjoy the sexual energy longer without wasting it.
In order to prevent a physical orgasm, prolong the pleasurable feelings and preserve the energy, the ANS must be controlled and kept in balance. This is best done by using relaxed, conscious breathing while you meditate. If the ANS is kept in balance without large fluctuations, the energy will try to rise through the middle channel called Sushumna up through the chakras and eventually reach the brain. This is a very difficult exercise, and in most people the energy will try to rise through either the Ida or Pingala channel activating the corresponding parasympathetic or sympathetic systems.
However, non-excitatory sex done with meditative awareness makes it possible to hold the energy in the etheric body in an ever expanding space of conscious awareness. This exercise will only be successful if you manage to control your breathing while you are consciously observing the energy. Margo Anand, Tantric Sexual Master trained by Osho says: “…you should train yourself to become accustomed to containing more and more orgasmic energy without immediate release.”
In the above brainmap from a woman experiencing a full blown physical orgasm, the brain explodes in very high brain wave frequencies such as beta and gamma activity representing high energy levels. This activation of the brain is a result of a strong excitation of the sympathetic nervous system.


The Chakras

The Chakras

When the mind is attached to worldliness, consciousness dwells in the three lower centers. Then there are no high ideals and pure thoughts, and the mind is preoccupied with lust and greed. When the energy rises to the fourth centre, the heart or Anahata, spiritual awakening takes place. At this stage the heart is flowering with love, and man has a spiritual vision of the devine light. His mind then no longer runs after worldly pleasures. When the fifth and sixth chakra (throat and eyebrow) are awakened man becomes free of ignorance and all information is available to him through his intuition. Finally, when the energy reaches the crown chakra on the top of the head, man experiences Samadhi. Samadhi is a state where consciousness experiences itself and its oneness with God.

The above model suggests that the seven chakras are correlated with brain wave frequencies in such a way that the lower chakras are associated with low and the higher chakras with high EEG frequencies. Thus, the root chakra, Muladhara, is reflected in the brain by slow delta waves which signify instincts and survival functions. The 2nd chakra (Swadisthana) is indicated by theta waves which reflects feelings, emotions and drives. Low alpha reflects the 3rd chakra (Manipura) which is the seat of the Mind and its thinking. The 4th chakra is the heart (Anahata) and its brain signature is said to be high alpha. The 5th throat chakra (Vishuddi) is the seat of communication which is reflected by low beta waves. The 6th chakra or 3rd eye (Ajna) stands for intuition and is reflected in the brain by gamma wave frequencies. The 7th or crown chakra (Sahasrara) is the seat of cosmic awareness, and we do not know whether there are associated brain wave frequencies. This is only a hypothetical but useful working model which still has to be verified.

The seven ChakrasThe word chakra means wheel or disk in Sanskrit and signifies one of seven basic energy centers in the body. Each of these centers correlates with brain structures. As we have indicated in the above model, the chakras also correlate to levels of consciousness, and to archetypal elements, developmental stages of life, colors, sounds and body functions.

Historia del Reiki

Como yo siempre digo, el Reiki está dentro de nosotros mismos, pues sabido es que el hombre está lleno de energía y pasa toda su vida viviendo y disfrutando de ella, porque Dios creo el Universo para que lo tuviéramos todo a nuestro alcance y lo utilizáramos para bien nuestro y para los demás. El Reiki es la energía vital universal la cual es de una gran utilidad como terapia natural, hace mucho bien, sobre todo tipo de dolor o sufrimiento, así sea físico o psíquico, es una sanación en la cual también podemos tener un crecimiento personal muy importante y muy elevado, a nivel psíquico. Con Reiki los problemas siguen siendo los mismos, pero una cosa sí es cierta y es que uno aprende a ver las cosas de una manera muy distinta y a entender mejor las cosas empezando por uno mismo. Aprendes a estar más conectado con tu cuerpo físico y psíquico, a entendernos mejor y también a los demás.

El origen del Reiki es de tiempos muy remotos. El antigüo método de sanación natural que hoy ha sido bautizado con el nombre de Reiki se volvió a reencontrar sobre la mitad del siglo XIX por el Sensei Mikaomi Usui, monje budista y maestro espiritual de la ciudad de Kioto, Japón. No obstante, los orígenes antigüos del Reiki datan, según los investigadores de los Anales Akáshicos, de aproximadamente 140.000 años. La primera vez que el Reiki se trajo a la tierra fue en tiempos del continente perdido de la Lemuria, donde seres del grupo estelar de las Pléyades que aún eran plenamente conscientes del ser se instalaron por primera vez en la Tierra.

Seres humanos altamente evolucionados se encarnaron en el planeta Tierra y se encontraron en el continenete perdido de la Lemuria. En aquel entonces eran totalmente conscientes de su unidad con Dios. Pasada la Edad de Oro, el Tetra Yuga, en ciertos seres humanos surgieron sentimientos bajos y anidaron en ellos la lujuria, la avaricia y la envidia. Sentimientos que transtornaron y oscurecieron su espíritu y algunos comenzaron a alejarse de su verdadera naturaleza. Con el tiempo se olvidaron de Dios y comenzaron a quedarse sumerjidos en la ilusión y en la ignorancia que proviene de los deseos de los sentidos, comenzando por primera vez a generar un Karma negativo, quedando encarcelados en la Tierra y rodeados por la ignorancia que había creado sus malas acciones.

Mikao Usui redescubrió el Reiki: Nació a mediados del siglo pasado, en el año 1885, en Japón de una familia ilustre, bien acomodada y muy debota de la doctrina Gautama Siddharta y que seguía con anhelo las enseñanzas del Buda. En el seno de este lugar se crió Mikao Usui. Desde muy joven conoció la vida y todas las historias referidas sobre la búsqueda de la verdad y de la iluminación de Buda quedando fascinado por ello.

El Doctor Usui oyó siempre narrar las grandes vicisitudes que pasó el noble Siddharta, cuando un día abandonó su palacio, sus siervos, su vida principesca, y con una simple túnica se fué en busca de la Verdad última, pasando extremas dificultades, ayunos y largas meditaciones para alcanzar la iluminación final.
Mikao Usui se sintió fuertemente atraído y seducido por el amor y la comprensión que irradiaban las enseñanzas y la personalidad de Buda y por las capacidades de sanación que adquirió después de alcanzar la iluminación.

Por todo ello, decidió investigar primero en las escrituras chinas sobre las enseñanzas de Buda y luego, posteriormente, decidió buscar en la India, donde los "Sutras Tibetanos del Loto" encontró una descripción natural del método curativo y ciertas fórmulas y símbolos. Pero eso tampoco servía para la práctica de las curaciones.

Su necesidad de alcanzar el método de sanar el cuerpo como lo hacía Buda, llevó a Usui a viajar por lugares sagrados budistas de Japón sin descanso. Encontró en su largo camino técnicas y símbolos en su búsqueda y en su empeño de querer ayudar a la humanidad, pero descubrió que después de tanto tiempo de lucha y esfuerzo sólo había conseguido eso, sólo técnicas y cómo aplicarlas. Pero se dió cuenta de que le faltaba algo, lo más importante, la conexión con la Fuerza Divina porque eso es lo que es el Reiki para la sanación y curación del Ser Humano. A través del Reiki se puede encontrar la felicidad del hombre, por eso Usui decidió subir a la montaña Kurama en meditación y ayuno absoluto. Y así fue que consiguió que le dieran la iniciación, la revelación y la Fuerza del Reiki para él y para los demás.
Y como bien sabemos lo que no se da se pierde y así debemos hacer nosotros porque sólo dando se recibe.

Artículo publicado en la revista Karma7 nº 322.

Reiki english

from wiki

Reiki (霊気?, /ˈrk/) is a spiritual practice[1] developed in 1922 by Japanese Buddhist Mikao Usui, which has since been adapted by various teachers of varying traditions. It uses a technique commonly called palm healing or hands on healing as a form of alternative medicine and is sometimes classified as oriental medicine by some professional medical bodies.[2] Through the use of this technique, practitioners believe that they are transferring universal energy (i.e., reiki) in the form of qi (Japanese: ki) through the palms, which allows for self-healing and a state of equilibrium.[3]

There are two main branches of Reiki, commonly referred to as Traditional Japanese Reiki and Western Reiki. Though differences can be wide and varied between both branches and traditions, the primary difference is that Westernised forms use systematised hand-placements rather than relying on an intuitive sense of hand-positions (see
below), which is commonly used by Japanese Reiki branches. Both branches commonly have a three-tiered hierarchy of degrees, usually referred to as the First, Second, and Master/Teacher level, all of which are associated with different skills and techniques.

The concept of ki underlying Reiki is speculative and there is no scientific evidence that it exists; a 2008 systematic review of
randomised clinical trials concluded that "the evidence is insufficient to suggest that reiki is an effective treatment for any condition. Therefore the value of reiki remains unproven."[4] The American Cancer Society[5] and the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine[6] have also found that there is no clinical or scientific evidence supporting claims that Reiki is effective in the treatment of any illness.


Some Of The Reiki Healing Health Benefits:

-Creates deep relaxation and aids the body to release stress and tension,
It accelerates the bodie's self-healing abilities,
-Aids better sleep,
-Reduces blood pressure
-Can help with accute (injuries) and chronic problems (asthma, eczema, headaches, etc.) and aides the breaking of addictions,
-Helps relieve pain,
-Removes energy blockages, adjusts the energy flow of the endocrine system bringing the body into balance and harmony,
-Assists the body in cleaning itself from toxins,
-Reduces some of the side effects of drugs and helps the body to recover from drug therapy after surgery and chemotherapy,
-Supports the immune system,
-Increases vitality and postpones the aging process,
-Raises the vibrational frequency of the body,
-Helps spiritual growth and emotional clearing
Reiki symbols are sacred healing symbols which enhance the flow of Life Force Energy. They are like keys that open doors to higher levels of awareness and manifestation.

Reiki symbols are Sanskrit-derived Japanese forms. Sanskrit is the mother-tongue of all other languages. It is the language of the Vedas, the oldest writings known to man. The Vedas say that Sanskrit is the language of the spirit world.

All Reiki Symbols Wall Decals are fully customizable for a unique look all your own. It either come with 12 medium size which you can easily position based on your liking and creativity, or a large size symbol. For best result, symbol can be mix with other for maximum results.



The correct Reiki Master Symbol

Mikao usui's Traditional Reiki symbols are 4. And they are rapresented here.

Choku Rei - First Reiki Symbol
Sei Heki - Second Reiki Symbol
Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen Third Reiki Symbol
Dai Ko Myo - Reiki Master Symbol

The Dai Ko Myo Master Symbol used by the USUI REIKI RYOHO GAKKAI (the Original Reiki Organization of which Usui was the first president) is this, which is absolutely certified as original and correct:


Dai Ko Myo written as in the dictionary

Dai Ko Myo written with brush

Dai Ko Myo typeface

Dai Ko Myo written with brush

Many different versions of this original symbol are available, the more frequent of which are:
Variant forms of Dai Ko Myo: less than precise forms of the correct symbol, but they are not to be considered totally wrong
These variant forms, while being less than precise
forms of the correct symbol, are not to be                  
considered totally wrong, since they are quite
close to the original and are merely stylized
variations of it.
Teachers which use these symbols may change
this form with the original, being very close to                  
it, and if they don’t adopt the original they can
still sleep soundly because the energy channelled
by these forms above is still the right one.
Things are quite different, though,
for the MULTITUDE of Reiki masters which INEXPLICABLY do not use Usui’s master
symbol to teach Usui’s Reiki!
Many masters use the so-called Tibetan Master
Symbol or Tibetan Dai Ko Mio (with an “i”
instead of the “y”) or Dumo.
Dumo - Tibetan Reiki Master Symbol
Other version of Dumo, the tibetan Dai Ko Mio

This symbol is quite beautiful and powerful - it is quite efficiently used in Karuna Reiki®
Certainly, Reiki Masters using this symbol
are in good faith, since they have received this                  
symbol by other masters, and probably ignore
the fact that it does NOT belong to Usui’s Reiki
I strongly recommend these teachers to
receive the initiation to the correct Dai Ko
Myo, for respect towards both Reiki tradition and their students.



Stretching back into the corridors of time, Asian religions have spoken of a mystical force called the 'Kundalini'. Throughout history many names have been given to this power. Orgone, esprit, loosh, prana, elan vital, and bio-electricity are some of these names.

The rise of the kundalini is linked with a warm liquidly magnetic energy when it rises up the spine. Physical symptoms connected to the opening of the kundalini may include crackling noises at the base of the neck, and unexplained headaches - but be careful about attributing these symbols to rising kundalini energies. Often they have a medical cause that needs the attention of a physician.

Kundalini energies are sometimes triggered by a blow to the head or other physical trauma timed by your soul to awaken your psychic journey and innate abilities.

Releasing the Kundalini energy too quickly can have serious emotional effects on a person. One should not attempt to open this thrust of energy if one is not in a balanced psychologically. This is not for those with manic depression or bi-polar disorder.

The manifestation of the Kundalini energy - frequency of vibration - links with the Sanskrit term 'Chaitanya' - the integrated force of your physiological, mental, emotional and religious bodies.

Kundalini literally means 'coiling,' like a snake. Energy and consciousness - moves in spiraling motion - coils - loops - the snake. This is a metaphor for the spiraling energies of consciousness - which is our reality of thought and is explained by Sacred Geometry the loops are the loops of time - the slinky effect - time as an illusion played out in a physical game of polarities - duality emotions.

In the classical literature of Hatha Yoga, kundalini is described as a coiled serpent at the base of the spine.

The coiled and dormant 'feminine' energy, refers to the vast potential of psychic energy contained within us all. It is normally symbolized as a serpent coiled into three and a half circles, with its tail in its mouth, and spiraling around the central axis (sacrum or sacred bone) at the base of the spine. The awakening of this serpent and the manifestation of its powers is a primary aim of the practice of Kundalini Yoga.

The image of coiling, like a spring, conveys the sense of untapped potential energy that will spring into action soon. For now we remember in small doses.

Kundalini can be described as a great reservoir of creative energy at the base of the spine. It's not useful to sit with our consciousness fixed in our head and think of kundalini as a foreign force running up and down our spine.

The concept of kundalini can also be examined from a strictly psychological perspective. From this perspective kundalini can be thought of as a rich source of psychic or libidinous energy in our unconscious.

In the classical literature of Kashmir Shaivism kundalini is described in three different manifestations.

The first of these is as the universal energy or para-kundalini.

The second of these is as the energizing function of the body-mind complex or prana-kundalini.

The third of these is as consciousness or shakti-kundalini which simultaneously subsumes and intermediates between these two.

Ultimately these three forms are the same but understanding these three different forms will help to understand the different manifestations of kundalini.

This energy is also related to one's personal storehouse of sexual energy. Kundalini takes sexual energy in its raw form and converts it into fine spiritual energy of an extremely high frequency, which then allows the fruition and activation of paranormal activities such as good quality OBE's, telepathy, matter/energy conversion, and communication with entities that inhabit the vast areas of our multi-dimensional universe.


- Activating Your DNA!

- Opening your Clairvoyant and Clairaudient abilities.

- Feeling connected to the oneness of the universe

- Your mind feels expanded in its quest for higher awareness and knowledge

- Allowing your ego to step aside and connecting with higher frequency of thought and consciousness

- Feeling unconditional love, peace, and connection with spirit



Kundalini is most often awaken through Yoga meditation - which include Mantra Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Laya Yoga or Kriya Yoga. I have prepared a meditation to help you on your path should Yoga not be available to you.

To prepare for this meditation - you might want to tape record the words on this page to listen to as your move through the meditation. Please speak slowly and softly.

Allow lots of time for the meditation - as you will need to relax when you are finished.

You may want to listen to music or be in a quiet place - or be in nature.



Find a quiet place free of distractions.

Adjust the lighting and room temperature.

Adjust clothing . . . footwear . . . eyeglasses.

Sit down or lie down
Find a position that is comfortable for you.

Quiet your mind . . . Still your thoughts.

Relax your body

Your face . . . your jaw . . . relaxing

Your shoulders . . . your neck . . . relaxed

Your arms . . . your hands . . . feel at peace.

Your torso . . . your hips . . . letting go

Your legs . . . your feet . . . totally relaxed


Focus on your breathing.

Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose.

Retain the breath as long as is comfortable.

Exhale through the mouth slowly and completely.

Repeat for two more breaths . . . or as is comfortable.


Now focus your attention on your chakras.


Starting from the top of your head visualize your crown chakra opening.

Watch as pure white light enters your crown chakra
and slowly spirals down through your spine.

The white light opens your third eye chakra.

You may experiences vibrant colors especially in blue, and violet . . .

The white light moves down to your throat chakra releasing your blockages.
You may feel like chanting or singing.

Allow the tones to resonant from your throat.

Do this as long as is comfortable . . .


The white light now enters your heart chakra.

You experience a feeling of unconditional love and compassion.

The white light enters your solar plexus.

Gently your fears - anger - tensions are released.


See the white light enter your spleen chakra

releasing pain and guilt linked to that chakra.


The white light now enters your Root Chakra the seat of your kundalini energy.

As it does, it begins to activate the energy of the base (root) chakra.


Feel the energy suddenly emerge from your Root Chakra,
Spiraling up through the base of your spine as if it were a coiled snake.

The coiled snake represents the spiraling DNA -
opening, activating, bringing you to higher levels of consciousness.

Allow the energy to flow through your chakras.

See the energy wheels rotating.



When your are ready . . . come back into your physical body.

Relax and balance your energies.

You might want to drink some water.


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Pyramid in Bosnia -- Huge Hoax or Colossal Find?

Sean Markey
for National Geographic News

May 12, 2006
He's been called a Balkan Indiana Jones. Others label him a dreamer, or worse, a pyramid buff with loony ideas.

Despite his critics (and he has many) Semir "Sam" Osmanagic believes he's discovered the find of a lifetime—a series of ancient pyramids in the heart of Bosnia.

If the Bosnian-American businessman is correct, the structures would be the first known step pyramids in Europe.

"I am 100 percent sure. There is no other option," the Houston, Texas-based Osmanagic said.

At the heart of Osmanagic's belief is Visocica hill, an undeniably pyramid-shaped mound near the town of Visoko, 18 miles (30 kilometers) northwest of Sarajevo (see a Bosnia and Herzegovina map).


On April 19 Osmanagic said he and his team unearthed large cut stone slabs on a side of the hill that form the outer surface of an ancient pyramid (see inset photo).

"Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun"
Last month Osmanagic and his team began sinking a series of wells into the 700-foot-tall (213-meter-tall) hill, which Osmanagic renamed the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun.The kick-off was observed by a clutch of onlookers, journalists, and—in what may be a first for such endeavors—contestants from the Miss Bosnia beauty pageant.So far a mixed crew of volunteers and hired help has unearthed a network of tunnels along with what Osmanagic describes as ancient mortar and sandstone blocks shaped by human hands. (See a related news photo: "Pyramid Discovered in Bosnia?").He says the pyramid is at least 2,500 years old and may even date to the last ice age, which ended about 10,000 years ago.
"Hopefully we can find some organic material, you know, the bones or the wooden fragments, or charcoal. … Then we can tell for sure," he said.
In recent months thousands of tourists have flooded into Visoko to peer at the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun and its neighbors, the nearby hills christened the Pyramids of the Moon and the Dragon.

Local entrepreneurs have been quick to cash in on the interest, knocking out pyramid-themed souvenirs, including clocks, slippers, and T-shirts.
One pizza parlor now serves triangular pies on triangular platters. And a local hotel recently changed its name to the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Motel.Supporters say the dig is a spade of positive news in the once war-torn country, which endured a brutal four-year civil conflict in the 1990s.In an email, Bosnian Meho said he was "amazed with a finding [of] pyramids, like many others Bosnians." "This is [the] first positive thing, and so many of us now [are] getting together [for the] first time after the war, because we [have] got something positive to talk about." Osmanagic echoes the sentiment: "Finally we have something so positive happening in this little, tiny, ruined country of Bosnia."Professional Outcry While he concedes that the notion of such colossal structures in the region defies accepted history, Osmanagic is adamant that the pyramids are real.But a pantheon of archaeologists disagrees. Prominent Bosnian archaeologists entered the scrum early on, denouncing the dig and lobbying to shut it down. Anthony Harding, president of the Czech Republic-based European Association of Archaeologists, has dismissed Osmanagic's ideas as "wacky" and "absurd."Garrett Fagan, of Pennsylvania State University in University Park, has slammed the project. He says that the dig will destroy bona fide archaeological sites in the area.He recently told the London Times newspaper: "It's as if someone were given permission to bulldoze Stonehenge to find secret chambers of lost ancient wisdom underneath." Experts shovel some of their scorn on the media, which have been trumpeting Osmanagic's astounding announcements in recent weeks.Many news Web sites, including the Washington Post, the Boston Globe, MSNBC, and ABC, ran a credulous Associated Press story dated April 19 that carried the headline, "Experts Find Evidence of Bosnia Pyramid." In response, the executive editor of New York-based Archaeology magazine, Mark Rose, blasted Osmanagic as a quack and the press as gullible.To emphasize his case, Rose quoted from online excerpts of a 2005 book by Osmanagic about the Maya.  Passages from the book suggest the Maya descended from the people of the mythical city of Atlantis, who themselves are aliens who came to Earth from the Pleiades star cluster. Osmanagic counters that the material was misrepresented and was not his theory, but an interpretation of a Maya codex, or ancient book.In general, the Bosnian-American dismisses Rose and other critics. Reported to have the Bosnian government's support, he plans to press on with this year's six-month excavation. "I understand that the archaeologists would be the last ones to accept the fact that thousands of years back we did have advanced civilization in this region," he said.Osmanagic remains confident his team will unearth sufficient proof to back that claim.Given the level of professional skepticism, it will be a tough sell."Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence," said Curtis Runnels, an archaeologist at Boston University in Massachusetts and a Balkan prehistory expert.He says the known Upper Paleolithic peoples in the region were lucky if they could build tents and fires. Monumental architecture on a scale not even seen in Egypt would be a cosmic leap forward. "It is not up to professional archaeologists to explain 200 years of research and evidence," Runnels said. "It is up to Mr. Osmanagic to prove his claims."
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