Friday, October 26, 2012

CoastZone: Annunaki, Genetics, & Artifacts

CoastZone: Annunaki, Genetics, & Artifacts

October 24, 2012 Coast Insider Audio
Annunaki, Genetics, & Artifacts:

On Tuesday's show, scientist and researcher Michael Tellinger discussed archaeological and genetic evidence in support of Zecharia Sitchin's work showing that the Anunnaki created humans through genetic experimentation to serve as slaves for gold mining. Tellinger spoke of a "vast vanished civilization" in Africa-- there are ancient circular structures that cover large parts of the southern half of Africa. These stone ruins, which number in the millions, are associated with the Annunaki, and gold mining operations, he contended. Further, the structures are linked by mysterious channels and roads-- not a single stone structure is unconnected, and they have no doors or entrances, so they were not used as dwellings, he said, adding that he believes an advanced technology using sound frequency was involved with the structures.

One of the structures in South Africa, which bears some similarity to Stonehenge, he dubbed ' Adam's Calendar,' and suggested that it's one of the oldest human sites (at least 75,000 years), and linked to humanity's creation. Interestingly, Tellinger said the African shaman Credo Mutwa was familiar with the site, and referred to it by a name that translates as "Birthplace of the Son," a place where humanity was created by the gods.

The Annunaki were not a benevolent species-- they were very much "service to self," Tellinger noted. He now believes that their need for gold was not to fix the atmosphere of their home world (as Sitchin argued), but to use it to form an atmospheric shield to block other intelligences from observing activities on their home planet. The Annunaki's genetic work with the "entwined essence" (the Sumerian phrase for DNA) involved mixing their DNA with existing Earth species, and energy from the stone structures was utilized in their cloning efforts, he explained.

Space & Technology Update:

First hour guest, aerospace and defense systems developer Sir Charles Shults shared updates about a shiny object found on Mars, exoplanets, and technology. The object spotted by the Curiosity rover, found underneath the surface of Martian soil, may be a water-created mineral, he reported. Shults shared his illustration of the new planet found in the Alpha Centauri system-- it's the closest planet to Earth outside of our solar system, he noted. He also described recent experiments with quantum teleportation, in which a particle of light was teleported 89 miles.

Blast from the Past:

Our two free audio clips this week are from a pair of shows from eight years ago, when Dr. Steven Greer spoke about an official suppression of images sent to the Space Science Institute by Cassini, a space probe visiting Saturn & its moons. According to a witness, the Cassini probe had captured images of several large craft; and Dr. J.J. Hurtak told Art Bell about using expanded consciousness to contact " ultraterrestrials," beings who exist within a unique reality.

Today in Strangeness:

Drifting up toward obscure heavenly bodies, William Lassell discovered Ariel and Umbriel, two satellites of Uranus, on this day in 1851. Back down on Earth, Annie Edson Taylor celebrated her 63rd birthday by becoming the first person to survive a barrel ride over Niagara Falls (1901), and Los Angeles reached its 18th straight day of smog ('55).

Tonight's Show, Wednesday, October 24th:

In the latter half of the show, author James Wasserman will discuss the importance of the spiritual quest, the power and influence of secret societies, the occult practices of Aleister Crowley, and how awakenings during the 60s and 70s were fueled by the embrace of Eastern religions, and Western Magic. Check the Coast site later today for info on who will be the guest in the first half of the program.

The Best Indicator of Heart Disease Risk (Not Your Weight)

The World's #1 Natural Health Website

Confirmed: Belly Fat is Far More Dangerous than Having a Total BMI in Obese Range

October 26 2012
    By Dr. Mercola

A study on belly fat presented at the European Society of Cardiology Congress1, 2 confirms that visceral fat – the type that gathers around your internal organs – is far more dangerous to your health than you might think.

The traditional index of obesity, BMI (body mass index), has been proven to be terribly flawed as having a normal overall BMI and high abdominal obesity was found to be more dangerous than having a total BMI in the obese range.

For example, cardiovascular deaths in the study were 2.75 times higher for those of normal weight who had big bellies compared to those with both a normal BMI and a normal waist-to-hip ratio. It also implies that monitoring one's belly fat is more important than watching BMI.

According to Medical News Today:3

"Francisco Lopez-Jimenez, M.D., senior author and a cardiologist at Mayo Clinic in Rochestor, explained: 'We knew from previous research that central obesity is bad, but what is new in this research is that the distribution of the fat is very important even in people with a normal weight.

This group has the highest death rate, even higher than those who are considered obese based on body mass index. From a public health perspective, this is a significant finding.'

...Dr. Lopez-Jimenez wants readers to understand that even though their body mass index might be normal, it doesn't mean they have a low risk of heart disease. People can determine their risks by getting a waist-to-hip measurement, because where fat is distributed on the body can tell a lot, even if people have normal body weights."

Your Ideal "Weight" is Not Necessarily Based on Pounds...

There are a number of methods for calculating your ideal body size. The study above used waist-to-hip measurement. This is done by measuring the circumference of your hips at the widest part, across your buttocks. Then measure your waist at the smallest circumference of your natural waist, just above your belly button. Divide your waist measurement by your hip measurement to get the ratio.

The University of Maryland offers a handy online waist-to-hip ratio calculator you can use, which also tells you whether or not you might be at an increased risk for heart disease. The featured study used the following waist-to-hip ratio designations:

•Normal = 0.85 or below in women, and 0.90 or below in men

•High = 0.85 or greater in women, and 0.90 or greater in men

Another even simpler method to figure out if you have a weight problem is to measure only your waist circumference (the distance around the smallest area below the rib cage and above your belly button). Waist circumference is the easiest anthropometric measure of total body fat.

Either of these methods are far better than BMI for judging disease risk, as BMI fails to factor in how muscular you are. BMI also cannot give you an indication of your intra-abdominal fat mass.

Waist size, on the other hand, gives a good indication of the amount of fat you're carrying, particularly around the stomach area. Abdominal fat is considered an important risk factor for cardiovascular diseases such as coronary heart disease and stroke. Your waist size is also a powerful indicator of insulin sensitivity, as studies clearly show that measuring your waist size is one of the most powerful ways to predict your risk for diabetes. If you're not sure if you have a healthy waist circumference, a general guide is:

•For men, between 37 and 40 inches is overweight and more than 40 inches is obese

•For women, between 31.5 and 34.6 inches is overweight, and more than 34.6 inches is obese

Body Fat Percentage – Another Way to Gauge Ideal Body Size

Yet another tool, which many experts are now leaning toward as the most accurate measure of obesity, is body fat percentage. As it sounds, this is simply the percentage of fat your body contains, and it can be a powerful indicator of your health.

•Too much body fat is linked to chronic health problems like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

•Too little body fat is also problematic and can cause your body to enter a catabolic state, where muscle protein is used as fuel.

A general guideline from the American Council on Exercise is as follows:

Classification Women (percent fat) Men (percent fat)

Essential Fat 10-13 percent 2-5 percent

Athletes 14-20 percent 6-13 percent

Fitness 21-24 percent 14-17 percent

Acceptable 25-31 percent 18-24 percent

Obese 32 percent and higher 25 percent and higher

Body fat calipers are one of the most trusted and most accurate ways to measure body fat. A body fat or skinfold caliper is a lightweight, hand-held device that quickly and easily measures the thickness of a fold of your skin with its underlying layer of fat. Taken at three very specific locations on your body, these readings can help you estimate the total percent of body fat within your entire body.

You can also use a digital scale that determines body fat, which is what I use personally. I use an Eat Smart Precision GetFit Body Fat Scale that I picked up from Amazon for around $50. Although many body fat measurements can be inaccurate, they are nearly all more accurate than BMI, and are particularly useful to determine whether you are gaining or losing fat. Although the absolute value may be off, the direction you are going (whether your body fat is going up or down) will be very accurate, and this is an incredibly useful measure of whether you're nearing your health goals or not.

Remember that it is FAR better to monitor your body fat percentage than it is your total weight, as the body fat percentage is what dictates metabolic health or dysfunction – not your total weight.

Does Reducing Fructose Intake Matter If You Want to Lose Weight?

A recent study published in the Nutrition Journal4 has brought questions about the health impact of high fructose corn syrup versus sugar back to the fore. The authors claim their findings indicate there's no difference between regular sugar and high fructose corn syrup on weight loss. Dr. Richard Johnson, author of The Sugar Fix, and The Fat Switch (which I'll discuss in a moment), sent me the following rebuttal to share with you.

A recent study from James Rippe's group reported in the Nutrition Journal that low calorie diets caused equivalent weight loss regardless of the content of sugar or high fructose corn syrup. The study involved randomizing 267 overweight adults to receive low calorie diets containing either:

•10 percent of the calories as sugar (sucrose)

•20 percent as sugar (sucrose)

•10 percent as high fructose corn syrup, or

•20 percent high fructose corn syrup

Each group was given a diet calculated to reduce total calorie intake by 500 calories, and all groups were enrolled in an exercise program. At the end of 12 weeks all low-calorie groups showed similar decreases in weight. The authors concluded that the key aspect for weight loss is caloric restriction and not the content of fructose in the food. They also said that diets containing sucrose and high fructose corn syrup acted no differently from each other.

Why the Fructose Content of Food Counts

Let us address two issues that this study raises. The first question is whether it matters to reduce the intake of added sugars when you go on a diet. The second question is whether there is any real difference between table sugar (sucrose) and high fructose corn syrup.

1.Does reducing sugar content matter? It is true that weight is largely governed by the law of thermodynamics, and that to lose weight the most effective way is to reduce food intake. This is why any diet that reduces calories will be effective at weight loss. However, reducing intake of added sugars, such as from table sugar (sucrose) or high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), does matter. These sugars contain fructose, and fructose has been shown to encourage weight gain because fructose can induce resistance to leptin, a hormone that controls appetite.

When fructose is fed to animals, they lose their ability to control their appetite. Restricting fructose intake can lead to a recovery of leptin sensitivity. This may be one reason low carb diets encourage weight loss, as they are essentially low fructose diets.

However, the problem with the study by Rippe is that all four diets consisted of an equivalent reduction in calories – so the benefit of reducing fructose on weight would have been largely obscured. However, we can see trends of a benefit – in that the two diets that contained 10 percent sucrose or HFCS showed a 3.3 and 4.15 kg weight loss, whereas the two diets that contained 20 percent HFCS or sucrose only had a 2.4 and 1.9 kg weight loss. This is likely because the diets lower in fructose were able to satisfy the appetite more effectively and likely did lead to some differences in energy intake.

Of greater concern is not weight, but the effects of fructose on body composition, fatty liver and insulin resistance. Fructose can rapidly induce metabolic syndrome and fatty liver that is not observed in animals fed the same number of calories as glucose or starch.

Weight gain is driven more by calories, but fatty liver and insulin resistance are driven more by fructose. In this study, the authors did not look at fatty liver or insulin resistance as outcomes. However, they did measure changes in fat percentage – again we see similar trends, with a reduction of 1.5 to 2.4 percent of fat in the 10 percent sucrose and HFCS groups, and a reduction of 1.1 to 1.3 percent of fat in the 20 percent sucrose and HFCS groups.

Thus, these studies suggest that reducing calories may reduce weight, but the content of fructose does matter.

Indeed, it is a shame that the authors did not include a hypocaloric diet with high sugar content. For example, some adolescents are ingesting 30 percent of their diet as added sugars. We found that laboratory rats given a diet of 40 percent sugar developed frank diabetes and fatty liver even when they were calorically restricted. We therefore need to rethink about the question of whether calories are just calories. Calories are important when it comes to weight, but the type of calorie can make a big difference on how it affects our risk for fat accumulation and diabetes.

2.Are there differences between sugar and HFCS? The study by Rippe's group also implies that HFCS and sugar are relatively equivalent in their effects. For sure, both contain fructose and can induce metabolic syndrome and weight gain in animals. However, there are several differences that suggest that HFCS may be slightly worse.

First, soft drinks containing HFCS do contain more fructose than soft drinks with the equivalent amount of sucrose, in part because of the higher fructose content in HFCS. Our group found that this translates into higher blood fructose levels and higher blood pressure following ingestion. More recently, Michael Goran's group found that the percentage of fructose in HFCS-containing drinks is often higher than labeled, and may contain as much as 65 percent fructose.

Second, there may also be differences in how the fructose is absorbed between the two drinks. Thus, HFCS may result in faster absorption of the fructose since the fructose is not bound, whereas sucrose must first be degraded to glucose and fructose in the gut before it is absorbed. Our group found that mixtures of fructose and glucose led to worse fatty liver in laboratory animals than equivalent amounts of sucrose. Clearly more studies are needed, but the evidence does suggest that there are likely biological differences in these two added sugars.

In summary, we would recommend reducing intake of added sugars, both from sucrose and from HFCS, in any dietary plan. Reducing natural fruit intake is less necessary for while these fruits also contain fructose, they also contain many excellent nutrients that help combat the effects of fructose. More studies are needed to determine if the biological differences between HFCS and sucrose are clinically important.

'Fat Switch' May be Key to Turning Off Obesity

If you have ever struggled losing weight and keeping it off, you already know what a challenge that can be. Dr. Johnson's new book, The Fat Switch, presents a groundbreaking approach to preventing and reversing obesity. Dr. Johnson asked me to publish his book to help spread the word and we hope to do just that. It's the first book we've published that I did not write, because I felt it shared a powerful message on a very important topic that is central to the work we teach on this site.

I firmly believe that understanding how fructose influences your fat metabolism by activating your "fat switch" is key for achieving optimal weight and health. According to Dr. Johnson, based on his decades of research:

"Those of us who are obese eat more because of a faulty 'switch' and exercise less because of a low energy state. If you can learn how to control the specific 'switch' located in the powerhouse of each of your cells – the mitochondria – you hold the key to fighting obesity."

I highly recommend picking up a copy of this book, which has been described as the "Holy Grail" for those struggling with their weight. In it, Dr. Johnson explains the details behind these five basic truths:

1.Large portions of food and too little exercise are not solely responsible for why you are gaining weight

2.Metabolic Syndrome is a normal condition that animals undergo to store fat

3.Uric acid is increased by specific foods and causally contributes to obesity and insulin resistance

4.Fructose-containing sugars cause obesity not by calories, but by turning on the fat switch

5.Effective treatment of obesity requires turning off your fat switch and improving the function of your cells' mitochondria

How Biological Survival Mechanisms Influence Your Weight

While Dr. Johnson is a kidney expert, his research has led him into areas the typical nephrologist will never delve into. In The Fat Switch, he explains how biological survival mechanisms influence body weight in previously unsuspected ways. In the first official review of the book, published in the University of Colorado Hospital magazine, The Insider, Todd Neff writes:

"Uric acid is best known for causing gout, a type of arthritis caused by buildup of uric acid crystals in joints. But the more Johnson and his team looked at uric acid, the more havoc the acid appeared to wreak. In research pending publication, Miguel Lanaspa and Johnson have fingered uric acid as a culprit in obesity.

Uric acid comes from the breakdown of the cellular fuel ATP (produced by the mitochondria) as well as the breakdown of DNA and RNA, primarily from foods. But this breakdown doesn't have to yield uric acid, Johnson and Lanaspa found. There's a fork in the metabolic road, with only one of the paths leading to uric acid.

It's a rocky path. Uric acid stresses mitochondria, which leads mitochondria to boost fat synthesis while burning less energy, Johnson and colleagues have found. The implication is that the same amount of food builds fat into – and saps energy from – people on the uric acid pathway, Johnson and colleagues found.

'Too much food intake plus too little exercise equals Fat,' Johnson wrote. 'However, our work suggests the interpretation is different. Obesity is not from gluttony and idleness, but rather because we have activated the same program all animals use to increase fat stores.'"

How is this biological "fat-storage program" activated? In short: fructose consumption.

Fructose, regardless of its source (although in the modern diet, the vast majority of it comes from processed foods and beverages), is acted on by the enzyme fructokinase in your cells. This enzyme is needed for your body to extract the energy from the fructose. But before getting to that energy, the fructokinase uses up ATP – the fuel in your cells – which activates the fat-storing uric acid metabolic pathway.

So while diet and exercise are still important factors, consumption of fructose appears to have an overriding impact on whether or not your body will hold on to and keep adding to its fat stores or not – despite your best efforts at eating well and exercising. To learn more, listen to my previous interview with Dr. Johnson, in which we discuss the book and the fat-switch mechanisms at greater depth.

Download Interview Transcript

Story at-a-glance

A study on belly fat confirms that visceral fat – the type that gathers around your internal organs – is far more dangerous than having a total BMI in the obese range

Cardiovascular deaths in the study were 2.75 times higher for those of normal weight who had big bellies compared to those with both a normal BMI and a normal waist-to-hip ratio

Three different measurement techniques are reviewed – all of which are better indicators of disease risk and healthy body size than using BMI, which does not take muscle mass into consideration

In his new book, The Fat Switch, Dr. Richard Johnson overturns age old paradigms about diet and obesity by revealing how fructose turns your body into a fat-storage machine – not by way of excess calories but by turning on your “fat switch”

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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Vampiros:Mito or realidad

El origen etimológico de la palabra "vampiro" es eslavo ("vampir") y su significado sería algo a medias entre un ser volador, bebedor-succionador de sangre y lobo.
Posteriormente, a través del alemán, el término pasaría al húngaro, aunque no parece introducirse en las lenguas de la Europa Occidental hasta 1730, a causa de un misterioso episodio de histeria colectiva desatado precisamente en Hungría.

Pero remontémonos más atrás en el tiempo y hagamos un pequeño repaso de la figura del vampiro a lo largo de la historia y su presencia en las diferentes culturas:
En el antiguo Egipto encontramos deidades vampíricas como Srun, caracterizado por aspecto de lobo con largos colmillos, que se alimentaba de los cuerpos de sus víctimas humanas

En la antigua Grecia, existía en su mitología la leyenda de "Lamia'', que era hija del rey oriental Belus y cuyos hijos fueron asesinados por la diosa Hera al conocerse que ''Lamia'' tuvo un romance con Zeus. Para vengarse, ''Lamia'' comenzó a perseguir a todos los niños que se encontraba para extraerles la sangre para alimentarse.

Esta leyenda se convirtió en superstición que se transmitía en las zonas rurales de Grecia y que contaba que ''Lamia'' atacaba a todos los viajeros extraviados, seducidos por la belleza de la "chupasangre". Este caso es el más parecido a la concepción histórica de vampiro. También en la mitología griega se encuentra el caso de ''Empusa'', hija de la diosa Hécate, un ser con pies de bronce y monstruoso que podía transformarse en una bella mujer y conquistaba a los hombres para aprovecharse de su sangre. Además en la Hélade existían en sus leyendas las ''striges'', deidades con rostro de mujer y cuerpo de pájaro que absorbían la sangre de los humanos mientras estos dormían.

También existía un ser llamado ''Vrycolaka'', que atacaba a su familia después de muerto.
Autores como Virgilio, Plinio, Herodoto, Homero o Aristófanes creían en la existencia de licántropos, además de otros seres espectrales denominados "empusas" - emparentados posteriormente con los "lémures" romanos (espíritus de difuntos) - que adoptaban aspectos diferentes para asesinar niños y alimentarse de su sangre.
En la Roma Clásica, además de los ya mencionados "lémures", se temía también la aparición de Strix, un vampiro volador que sembraba el terror entre los campesinos.

En la antigua china se temía a un vampiro capaz de chupar la sangre de sus víctimas en unos pocos segundos, llamado "Kiang". Además también se tiene conocimiento de un diablo, "Giang Shi", que actuaba de la misma manera.
Haciendo un considerable salto en el tiempo, en el folclore centroeuropeo, especialmente en Rumania, nos encontramos con que los campesinos sentían un profundo temor ante la siempre intuida presencia del "Strigoi", un repugnante ser con patas de caballo o cabra, que se alimentaba de su sangre mientras dormían.

Tópico: Arqueólogos descobrem caveira com mais de 100 mil anos
23/Jan/2008 - 12:44
A group of Chinese archaeologists exhumed the fósseis of a caveira human being who can have 100 a thousand years more than, what she becomes it one of the more important archaeological discoveries in the country, informed the Chinese state press today.
“It is the greater discovered in the China since that the remaining portions of the Man of Pequim at the beginning of century XX had been found”, it related the director of the State Administration of the Cultural Inheritance, Shan Jixiang, to the official periodical China Daily.

Shan added that this finding comes “to launch light on a critical period of the evolution human being”.

The discovery alone was divulged today but the archaeologists had found the caveira in the month passed in hollowings located in Xuchang, in the province of Henan, the center of the country, where they work has two years and way.

The archaeological remaining portions include 16 parts of an almost complete caveira that possesss sobrancelhas prominent and small forehead.

According to director of equips of archaeologists who work in the hollowing, Read the Zhanyang, “most surprising is that the caveira still conserves a membrane fossilizada in its interior, what will allow the scientists to study the nervous system of ancestor of the Paleolithic period”.

The remaining portions of the caveira had suffered a process from fossilização because the five meters of depth had been embedded, close to a water source with high calcium levels.

Beyond the remaining portions of the caveira human being, a total of 30 a thousand fósseis of animals and other artefactos produced with bones and rock had been found in these hollowings in the two last years.

“We wait to continue this work with discoveries of importance in this zone “, concluded I read.

Last week, another one equips of Chinese archaeologists also discovered that one that considers to be the sword oldest some time discovered in China, with about 2.500 the 2,600 years, in a tomb in Jiangxi, in the east of the country.

Daily Digital/Lusa
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Todo esto sin olvidar que, según algunas interpretaciones del Antiguo Testamento, el primer vampiro de la historia fue Caín ya que, después de matar a su hermano Abel, renegó de Dios y fue condenado a vagar el resto de sus días, oculto en las tinieblas, lejos de la luz del sol, alimentándose "de cenizas y de sangre".



Imagen IPB

Drácula es, sin duda, el más famoso de todos los vampiros. Es la invención de un escritor irlandés llamado Abraham Stoker, que para crear el personaje, además de otras extrañas influencias, se basó en el siguiente personaje real de la historia rumana.

Vlad Tepes.(Vlad el Empalador)

Imagen IPB

''Vlad III de Valaquia'': Príncipe de Valaquia (hoy parte de Rumania), nacis (según se cree) en la hoy ciudad rumana de Sighisoara (en alemán Schdssburg) entre noviembre y diciembre de 1431 y murió asesinado en diciembre de 1476 en las cercanías de Bucarest. También es conocido como ''Vlad Tepes'' (pronunciación: tse'pesh) o ''Vlad el Empalador''.
Gobernante de carácter brutal y sanguinario, fue el mas temido de todos los gobernantes de Europa Oriental en el siglo XV, fue uno de los tres hijos de Vlad Dracul (del cual viene el termino ''Dracula'' o ''Draculea'': hijo de Dracul), quien fue incluido en la Orden del Dragón de manos de Segismundo de Luxemburgo, también rey de Alemania, Bohemia y Hungría, en 1428. Dado que en la mitología rumana no existían los dragones, por analogía fonética de "Drac" (dragón en Húngaro) pass a ser conocido como "Dracul", que en Rumano significa diablo o demonio.
De Vlad III el Empalador, príncipe de Valaquia, se cuentan numerosas historias y leyendas. Fue rehén de los invasores otomanos hasta los diecisiete años de edad, cuando logra tomar el trono de Valaquia, del cual fue depuesto poco tiempo después. Sin embargo, en 1456, tras la Batalla de Belgrado, Vlad ascendis de nuevo al trono, tras matar a su contrincante Vladislav II, y ya no lo abandona hasta 1462. Después vivió en el exilio hasta 1474, momento en que se lanza de nuevo a la batalla para recuperar el cargo, lo que conseguiría en 1476.
Sin embargo, en diciembre de este año caería luchando contra los turcos, rodeado de su leal Guardia Moldava. Vlad se hizo famoso por tres cosas: su increíble arrojo y valentía (murió luchando con un ejercito de tan solo 200 hombres contra un ejercito de 120.000 turcos, algo que había hecho antes varias veces con éxito), su implacable sentido de la justicia y su extraordinaria crueldad, capaz de llamar la atención incluso en aquellos tiempos sangrientos. Como su apodo indica, su argumento contundente favorito era el empalamiento, una técnica de tortura y ejecución que consiste en introducir un palo sin punta, (ya esto aseguraba un mayor sufrimiento en la víctima), por el ano o la vagina hasta la boca o el hombro, fijarlo a la carne con un clavo y después levantarlo para que la víctima muera allí lentamente, entre dolores atroces. Al menos cien mil personas, y probablemente muchas mas, murieron de esta manera a manos de los hombres del Empalador: enemigos, traidores, delincuentes de todo tipo y las familias de todos ellos, incluyendo a los bebes y a elementos de su propia milicia que "merecían" ser castigados.
Un delegado papal en la corte húngara lo describía así: "No era muy alto, pero sí corpulento y musculoso. Su apariencia era fría e inspiraba cierto espanto. Tenía la nariz aguileña, fosas nasales dilatadas, un rostro rojizo y delgado y unas pestañas muy largas que daban sombra a unos grandes ojos grises y bien abiertos; las cejas negras y tupidas le daban aspecto amenazador. Llevaba bigote, y sus pómulos sobresalientes hacían que su rostro pareciera aún mas enérgico. Una cerviz de toro le ceñía la cabeza, de la que colgaba sobre unas anchas espaldas una ensortijada melena negra." (Nikolaus Modrussa).
Vlad hizo y deshizo alianzas tanto con turcos como con húngaros siempre por los intereses de su patria, Valaquia. Durante todo su reinado se caracteriza como un auténtico patriota y siempre defendió los intereses de su pueblo ya que tanto húngaros como turcos miraban a sus territorios como región a conquistar. Casi siempre contó con un ejército reducido y muchas veces utiliza las tácticas de la guerrilla (utilizaba la táctica de tierra quemada, infectaba los pozos de agua, mandaba enfermos de tuberculosis a los campamentos turcos) para luchar contra sus enemigos.
Sus hechos fueron inmortalizados por el juglar alemán Michel Beheim, en su obra poética ''Von ainem wutrich der hies Trakle waida von der Walachei'' en 1463.

NOSFERATU (Max Schreck)

La idea original del director F. W. Murnau era la de hacer una adaptación cinematográfica de la novela Drácula de Bram Stoker, pero su estudio no logró hacerse con los derechos de la historia.
Murnau decidió seguir adelante con el proyecto, haciendo su propia versión y sustituyendo el nombre por "Nosferatu" (antigua palabra rumana para vampiro o no-muerto, aunque su origen no es muy claro). La historia, que conserva un evidente paralelismo con el "Drácula" de Stoker, está protagonizada por el casi desconocido actor Max Schreck, quien interpreta al siniestro conde Orlok.
La falta de información sobre su vida se une a la leyenda negra surgida alrededor del inquietante personaje que representa en la película, el Conde Orlok, un alter ego del Conde Dracula. El mito dice que el actor realmente era un vampiro, y que el director F.W. Murnau le pagó para que en la escena final de la película mordiera el cuello de la protagonista. Esta leyenda sirvió de base a la película La sombra del vampiro de E. Elias Merhige (2000), que narra el rodaje de Nosferatu.
¿Es posible que Murnau en su afán por dar el máximo realismo a su película consiguiera contratar a un vampiro auténtico?

ERZSÉBET BÁTHORY. La condesa Sangrienta

Según la leyenda, Erzsibet Bathory fue una cruel asesina en serie obsesionada por la belleza, que utilizaba la sangre de sus jóvenes sirvientas y pupilas para mantenerse joven en una época en que una mujer de 44 años se acercaba peligrosamente a la ancianidad. La leyenda cuenta que Erzsibet vio a su paso por un pueblo a una anciana decrepita y se burló de ella. La anciana ante su burla la maldijo diciéndole que ella también estaría como una vieja en poco tiempo.
Según el testimonio del conde Gyvrgy Thurzs (primo y enemigo de Erzsibet, nombrado investigador general por el Rey) cuando su hueste llegó al castillo el 30 de diciembre de 1610 no halló oposición, ni a nadie para recibirles. Lo primero que vieron fue a una sirviente en el cepo del patio, en estado agónico debido a una paliza que le había fracturado todos los huesos de la cadera. Esto era practica corriente y no les llamó la atención, pero al acceder al interior se encontraron a una chica desangrada en el salón, y otra que aún estaba viva aunque le habían agujereado el cuerpo. En la mazmorra encontraron a una docena que todavía respiraba, algunas de las cuales habían sido perforadas y cortadas en varias ocasiones a lo largo de las últimas semanas.
De debajo del castillo exhumaron los cuerpos de 50 muchachas mas. Y el diario de Isabel contaba día por día sus víctimas, con todo lujo de detalles, hasta sumar un total de 612 jóvenes torturadas y asesinadas. Por todas partes había toneles de ceniza y aserrín, usados para recoger la sangre que se vertía tan pródigamente en aquel lugar. Debido a esto, todo el castillo estaba cubierto de manchas oscuras y despedía un tenue olor a podredumbre. Todo empezó en 1604, poco después de la muerte de su marido. Una de sus sirvientas adolescentes le dio un involuntario tirso de pelos mientras la estaba peinando. Al principio tuvo mucha suerte: la condesa reaccionó regentándole la nariz de un fuerte bofetón (cuando lo normal entre la nobleza de la época habría sido sacarla al patio para recibir cien bastonazos). Pero cuando la sangre salpicó la piel de Isabel, a esta le pareció que allí donde había caído desaparecían las arrugas y su piel recuperaba la lozanía juvenil.
Todas las leyendas sobre canibalismo aseguran igualmente que la sangre humana prolonga la juventud. Tras consultar a sus brujas y alquimistas, y con la ayuda del mayordomo Thorko y la corpulenta Dorottya, desnudaron a la muchacha, le hicieron un profundo corte en el cuello y llenaron un barreño con su sangre. Isabel se baña en la sangre, o al menos se embadurnó con ella todo el cuerpo, y probablemente la bebió, para recuperar la juventud. Entre 1604 y 1610, los agentes de Isabel se dedicaron a proveerla de jóvenes entre 9 y 26 años para sus rituales sangrientos. En un intento de mantener las apariencias, habría convencido al pastor protestante local para que sus víctimas tuviesen entierros cristianos respetables. Cuando la cifra comenzó a subir, éste comenzó a manifestar sus dudas: morían demasiadas chicas por "causas misteriosas y desconocidas". Así es que ella le amenazó para que callase y comenzó a enterrar en secreto los cuerpos desangrados. Esta es, al menos, la versión de este pastor, que fue quien la denunció "oficialmente" al Rey Matyas a través de la curia clerical. Más adelante en la época en la que los errores de Gabor la pusieron en una situación política delicadísima, tomó la costumbre de quemar los genitales a algunas sirvientas con velas, carbones y hierros por pura diversión. También generaliza su practica de beber la sangre directamente mediante mordiscos en las mejillas, los hombros o los pechos. Para estas cuestiones privadas se apoyaba en la fuerza física de Dorottya Szentes, que aunque ya mayor, seguía siendo muy capaz de inmovilizar a cualquier joven en la posición requerida. Esto ocurría mientras estuvo en Viena.
En 1609 Isabel, por la falta de sirvientas en la zona como consecuencia de tantos crímenes, cometió el error que acabaría con ella: utilizando sus contactos, comenzó a tomar a niñas y adolescentes de buena familia para educarlas. Algunas de ellas comenzaron a morirse pronto por las mismas "causas misteriosas y desconocidas". Esto no era raro en la Edad Media, con sus elevadísimas tasas de mortalidad infantil y juvenil, pero en el "internado" de Cachtice el número de fallecimientos era demasiado alto. Ahora las víctimas eran hijas de la aristocracia menor, por lo que sus muertes eran consideradas importantes. La bruja Darvulia le habría prevenido que nunca tomara nobles, pero esta anciana había fallecido algún tiempo atrás. Fue su amiga Erszi Majorova, viuda de un rico granjero que vivía en la cercana localidad de Milova, quien convenció a la condesa de que no pasaría nada. Hacia el final, muchos cuerpos se ocultaron en lugares peligrosamente insensatos, como campos cercanos, silos de grano, el río que corría bajo el castillo, el jardín de verduras de la cocina...
Finalmente, una de las víctimas logró escapar antes de que la matasen e informó a las autoridades religiosas. Esto era algo que había ocurrido varias veces en el pasado, con sirvientas; por ejemplo, en el otoño de 1609...
"...una joven de doce años llamada Pola logrs escapar del castillo de algún modo y busca ayuda en una villa cercana. Pero Dorka y Helena Jo se enteraron de donde estaba por los alguaciles, y tomándole por sorpresa en el ayuntamiento, se la llevaron de vuelta al Castillo de Cachtice por la fuerza, escondida en un carro de harina. Vestida solo con una larga túnica blanca, la condesa Isabel le dio la bienvenida de vuelta al hogar con amabilidad, pero llamaradas de furia salman de sus ojos. Con la ayuda de Piroska, Ficzko y Helena Jo, arrancó las ropas de la doceañera y la metieron en una especie de jaula. Esta particular jaula estaba construida como una esfera, demasiado estrecha para sentarse y demasiado baja para estar de pie. Por su cara interior, estaba forrada de cuchillas del tamaño de un dedo pulgar. Una vez la muchacha estuvo en el interior, levantaron bruscamente la jaula con la ayuda de una polea. Pola intentó evitar cortarse con las cuchillas, pero Ficzko manipulaba las cuerdas de tal modo que la jaula se balancease de lado a lado, mientras que desde abajo Piroska la punzaba con un largo pincho para que se retorciera de dolor. Un testigo afirmó que Piroska y Ficzko se dieron al trato carnal durante la noche acostados sobre las cuerdas, para obtener un malsano placer del tormento que con cada movimiento padecía la desdichada. El tormento terminó al día siguiente, cuando las carnes de Pola estuvieron despedazadas por el suelo".

Esta descripción tiene su parecido con otro artilugio de tortura utilizado por la Bathory, llamado Doncella de hierro, la cual era una especie de sarcófago que reflejaba la silueta de una mujer y que por dentro tenía afilados pinchos. Este artilugio se abría para introducir a al víctima y luego encerrarla para que los pinchos se le incrustaran en su cuerpo. Es imposible saber, hoy en día, que sucedió realmente. Desde el punto de vista psiquiátrico, Erzsibet Bathory sería una anomalía que se sale del patrón común a todos los asesinos en serie conocidos. En la época era común castigar cruelmente a siervos y pupilos, y ejecutar incluso a pequeños delincuentes de las maneras mas espantosas. Puede que Erzsibet fuera inocente, y solo se comportara como una noble más de su época. Quizás fuera sádica, y en consecuencia se aplicara especialmente a la hora de imponer disciplina, o incluso obligara a sus sirvientas a tomar parte en practicas sadomasoquistas mas o menos extremas; de nuevo, ninguna novedad para la nobleza de su tiempo, cuya impunidad y poder legal les permitía tratar a la servidumbre como quisieran. O quizás fue realmente una torturadora y asesina en serie amparada en su status, que sslo se perdis cuando por falta de nuevas víctimas entre la plebe recurría a las hijas de la nobleza menor que formaba.


En el London Daily Express del 17 de abril de 1925 aparecis esta noticia:


El jueves 16 de Abril, en Berlmn, se anunciaba que el cuerpo de Fritz Haarman - ejecutado la víspera por haber cometido 27 asesinatos, no sería enterrado hasta que lo hubieran examinado en la Universidad de Gotinga. Debido al Modus Operandi del criminal - a la mayoría de sus víctimas les mordía la garganta hasta la muerte -, el caso despertó enorme interés entre los científicos alemanes, que planeaban estudiar su cerebro para encontrar en il evidencias físicas de su perversidad.
Fritz Haarman recibis el apodo del "Vampiro de Hannover". Nacis en 1879, estudió en el Colegio Militar y sirvió al ejército. Poco después de salir del ejército se le acuso de "cometer actos indecentes con niños". Se le llevó a juicio y ahí se determinó que debería internarse en un sanatorio como desequilibrado mental que se le diagnosticó. Una vez fuera del hospital, Haarman tuvo riñas tremendas con su padre, a tal grado que lo arrestaron de nuevo. Cuando obtuvo su libertad, se alista en una unidad del ejército, en la que sirvió por un tiempo y demostró excelente conducta. Otra vez fuera del ejército, se metió en problemas que tenían que ver con robos y actos de violencia La historia de este vampiro era cíclica: Lo arrestaban y salma libre una y otra vez. En 1918 estaba fuera de la cárcel en una Alemania sacudida por la guerra. Puso una taberna de baja categoría, donde vendía carne e información secreta que le aportaba dinero extra. Eso, durante el día. Por las noches se paseaba en las salas de la estación central de Hannover, y siempre recogía a algunos muchachos que en su mayoría eran refugiados o fugitivos de las zonas mas castigadas por la guerra. Haarman lograba ganarse su confianza e invitarlos a su casa. En un principio se le detuvo por mantener relaciones sexuales con un desertor de dieciocho años. Entonces cumplió nueve meses de prisión. Años después durante el juicio que motivaron sus 27 asesinatos, declars: "Cuando me arrests la policía, la cabeza del muchacho, llamado Friedel Rothe, estaba escondida bajo un perisdico, detrás de mi negocio. Luego la arrojó al canal." [i]
Fritz Haarman no fue un ejecutor solitario. Con él trabajaba Hans Grans a quien conoció en 1919. Se dice que unos quinientos homosexuales de Hannover - fascinados por la personalidad del Vampiro - aguardaban ansiosos el momento de ejecutar sus órdenes.
Por su parte, Haarman y Grans elegman a sus vmctimas entre los homosexuales que se reunían en los cafés gay de Hannover: El Cafi Krvpcke - adonde acudían los muchachos de altos recursos económicos - y el cafi Zur Schw|len Guste, que se encontraba en el otro extremo de la escala social. El vampiro y su acompañante incondicional abordaban a los jóvenes y la conversación con ellos concluía de manera invariable con una cita en su casa.
Un periodista anónimo del News of the World manifiesta su horror en el reportaje que escribió del juicio de Haarman y Grans, y que se publicó el 7 de diciembre de 1924. A continuación un resumen del artículo: [I]
"El asesinato de 24 muchachos tuvo lugar tras esta puerta. El horror se magnifica porque el monstruo tenía el descaro de vender a sus clientes la carne de los cadaveres que il ya no podma consumir... estando Haarman en el banquillo de los acusados, aparecis un hombre mas joven, Hans Grans, al que se le acuss primero de complicidad en los asesinatos. Mas tarde fue acusado de incitar a Haarman a cometerlos y de aceptar objetos robados. La policma sigue la pista de un tercer hombre - llamado Charles -, tambiin carnicero, que se supone es el tercer miembro del monstruoso grupo. Se cuenta ya con cerca de 200 testigos que probaran que todos los muchachos desaparecidos fueron llevados a la muerte con el mismo horrible procedimiento - es decir, a "la manera del vampiro".
Charles utilizaba sus habilidades de carnicero para descuartizar los cuerpos que echaba al río. En ocasiones los clientes del local comían, sin saberlo, parte de la carne de las víctimas que Haarman les servía con una buena cerveza."
El Vampiro de Hannover fue ejecutado en 1925. Sin embargo, al añoo siguiente los diarios recogieron la noticia de nuevas desapariciones de muchachos. Las sospechas apuntaban hacia la carnicería de Haarman y Grans, aunque éste cumplía en prisión una condena de doce años, y Fritz ya no existía (aparentemente).


Aunque parece difícil en pleno siglo XXI que se mantengan ciertas creencias o supersticiones, como la existencia de vampiros, la verdad es que sobreviven entre nosotros. De la misma manera, tal vez, que sobrevivieron entre otras culturas en otras épocas... Gracias a esto es posible que se hayan conservado hasta nuestros días y todavía hoy puedan continuar asustándonos...
Pero, aunque hoy en día, todo este tipo de historias parecen asociarse más al cine o la literatura, como si hubiesen sido meras creaciones artistas del pasado, lo cierto es que en algunas épocas anteriores hablar de vampiros resultaba cosa bastante más seria.
En los siglos XVI, XVII y XVIII, por ejemplo, el vampirismo era un problema bastante más serio que se extendió como una plaga por países como Austria, Hungría, Yugoslavia o Rumanía (dividida entonces en tres estados independientes: Transilvania, Moldavia y Valaquia). De este hecho se pueden encontrar multitud de fuentes y testimonios de la época de todo tipo de personalidades e, incluso, de pequeñas aldeas enteras aterrorizados por los ataques de los vampiros.
Un cirujano de la época, investigando una serie de casos para los que había sido requerido, ante la existencia de los mismos signos en todas las víctimas observadas, escribió lo siguiente:
+El vampirismo... se propagó como una pestilencia a través de Eslavia y Valaquia, causando numerosas muertes y trastornando todo el país con el temor a los misteriosos visitantes contra los cuales nadie podía sentirse seguro.;
Pero si no hace apenas unos doscientos años de esto, ¿cómo puede ahora parecer que todo esto es una película simplemente?
Incluso personalidades de tal calibre como el gran filósofo francés Jean Jacques Rousseau ante la evidencia no pudo más que afirmar lo siguiente:
+Si hubo alguna vez en el mundo un hecho garantizado y probado, es el de los vampiros. No falta nada: informes oficiales, testimonios de personas de alta categoría, de cirujanos, de religiosos y de jueces; las pruebas judiciales son abrumadoras.;

Por lo tanto, haciendo un pequeño salto en el tiempo hasta nuestros días, mucho más pequeño aún para un ser eterno e inmortal, parece imposible pensar que no sigan estando ocultos entre nosotros.
Puede que resulte más sencillo ser vampiro hoy en día, amparado por el anonimato de vivir en una gran ciudad, mezclándose sin problemas entre su vida nocturna y con la ventaja de ser alguien o algo que, "en teoría", no existe. Puede que a lo largo de toda su historia el mayor poder de los vampiros procediese del miedo que nos inspiraban y nos paralizaba ante su sola presencia... ¿De qué poder no gozarán ahora si encima cuentan con el factor de la sorpresa?
El miedo es una reacción adoptativa que nos predispone para la acción ante una situación amenazadora por lo que el hecho de perderlo nos vuelve, a priori, más vulnerables... El hecho de no sentir miedo no significa estar a salvo.
En nuestra sociedad actual, totalmente diferente a otras épocas pasadas, en la que la información se transmite al momento a todas las partes del mundo, en la que nuestro propio desarrollo genera un sin fin de problemas que nunca habían existido antes, en la que parece que las leyendas del pasado son meras fábulas y dónde, por encima de todo, cualquier cosa es manipulable, viven y campan a sus anchas entre nosotros, pasando además desapercibidos como si nunca hubieran sido más que simples personajes de cuento de miedo.


Existen un sin fin de creencias y opciones diferentes a la hora de dar el paso hacia la inmortalidad y el mundo de las sombras. Dependiendo de la cultura a la que nos remitamos encontraremos diferentes creencias aunque, como siempre, todas parecen coincidir en las más importantes. Parece evidente que una de las principales causas de vampirismo es ser infectado por otro Nosferatu, aunque esto no significa que siempre sea así. Algunos vampiros dicen no recordar su transformación -tal vez porque no quieren hablar sobre el tema-. Otros aseguran que no pueden transmitir su condición a ningún mortal o, al menos, nunca lo han hecho...
En la antigüedad eran dispares las supersticiones que, mezcla de miedo e ignorancia, circulaban entre los hombres. Algunas hablaban de maldiciones o señales de nacimiento...
A continuación se enumeran algunas de las supersticiones mas comunes presentes en el folclore popular y transmitidas casi siempre de generación en generación.
• Si un animal (normalmente un gato) salta sobre el cadáver
• Tener el cabello pelirrojo solía ser una señal de que esa persona al morir regresaría como vampiro:
• Se entierra a los muertos con algo de comida en el ataúd para evitar "punzadas" de hambre que podrían hacerle regresar a alimentarse entre los vivos
• Quien ha sido mordido en vida por un vampiro será vampiro después de su muerte. Existe una forma de anular el maleficio consistente en comer tierra de la tumba del propio vampiro y frotarse con su sangre. Existen historias que parecen bastante creíbles de soldados que durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial fueron atacados por vampiros y tras regresar y narrar su historia aseguraron haber comido tierra de la tumba y haberse frotado con la sangre del vampiro. En ambos casos llevaron una vida aparentemente normal, pero a su muerte, en ambos casos, parece ser que regresaron y mordieron a sus familiares. Los nocturnos ataques no cesaron hasta que a todos los cadáveres infectados se les práctico el rito habitual consistente en clavar una estaca en el cuerpo y separarlo de la cabeza, además de incinerarlo posteriormente y, en algunos casos, incluso enterrar las cenizas con ajo y sal.
• Beber la sangre de otro vampiro
• Suicidio
• Haber sido victima de un asesinato sin vengar
• Ser mago o bruja
• Ser el séptimo primogénito varón de la cadena de una familia
• Ser el séptimo hijo varón de una familia.

The HAARP proyect: Science proyect or another conspiracy

General Questions about HAARP

What is HAARP?

HAARP stands for The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program. The goal of this program is to further advance our knowledge of the physical and electrical properties of the Earth's ionosphere which can affect our military and civilian communication and navigation systems. The HAARP program operates a world-class ionospheric research facility located in Gakona, Alaska.

Questions about the research

Why is ionospheric research important?

The fundamental goal of research conducted at HAARP is knowledge; to explore and to understand natural phenomena occurring in the Earth's ionosphere and near-space environment. Information derived from this research will have major value in the design of future communication and navigation systems for both military and civilian use.

What kind of research will be conducted at the HAARP facility?

The research to be conducted at HAARP falls into two broad categories:
  1. The study of basic natural processes that occur in the ionosphere under the natural but much stronger influence of solar interaction. This includes studying how the natural ionosphere affects radio signals with the goal of developing techniques that may be available for mitigating these effects to improve the reliability and/or the performance of communication and navigation systems.
  2. Development of technology to use effects produced through ionospheric interactions. One example of this is learning how to generate new signals in the ELF range for the real application of subsurface communications.
for more FAQ check the link


HAARP - New World Order Mind Control
and Weather Warfare Weapon
United States Secretary of Defense William Cohen apparently stated in a press briefing, while commenting on new technological threats possibly held by terrorist organizations: "Others are engaging in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, (and) volcanoes remotely, using the use of electromagnetic waves." Dr Begich's news release adds: "While the Secretary of Defense suggests this capability might be possessed by terrorist organizations, the U.S. military continues to deny that they also control such technology."
-Dr. Nick Begich

"Our school system increasingly teaches our children how to memorize data and totally ignores teaching them how to think, or analyze, for themselves! This is totally planned as a part of the New World Order. Mark and I have been told by many people that our book, which speaks out about mind-control, offers a thread in tying things together. All of a sudden the New World Order has meaning; the erosion of constitutional values and morality in this country begins to make sense when the concept of mind-control is introduced into the picture."
- Cathy O'Brien and Mark Philips authors of the book "TRANCE Formation of America"

HAARP-Type Technology Could Perform A Variety Of Tricks

HAARP is intended to heat and lift a portion of the ionosphere above a selected location or locations on the planet in order to make a huge invisible "mirror" for bouncing electromagnetic radiation back to the surface of Earth. Why? The answer is that the U.S. military wants to:

  • communicate with its submerged submarines by penetrating the oceans with ELF (Extremely Low Frequency) radiations.
  • penetrate the land with ELF in order to search for hidden tunnels or other sites of military interest (a process known as earth-penetrating tomography).

What else could a HAARP-type project do in the near future? If the technology is scaled up in size, it could:

  • Shield a territory from intercontinental ballistic missiles
  • Fry satellites
  • Discriminate between incoming objects (missiles)
  • Enhance communications
  • Disrupt communications over a large area of the globe
  • Change the chemical structure of the upper atmosphere and possibly alter the weather
  • Affect human mental functioning
  • Impact the health of humans and other biological systems.

Ionospheric heaters as a class of research instruments are nothing new; they have operated in Puerto Rico, the former Soviet Union and Tromso, Norway (operated by Max Planck Insitut fur Aeronomie) as well as at another site in Alaska. But what is being tested in the Alaskan wilderness since 1994 is new -- a tool that can focus and steer the radio frequency energy upward. This makes it capable of hitting the ionosphere with a far greater impact than possible from the previous design of heaters.

I post the link here, to the lector that wants to read more about

Nick Begich on The Power Hour, : HAARP, mind control

I will introduce my research with an amasing video that will cover everything that I would type here, I hope u guys download this video because this will no long much at youtube


The Akashic Records

Reality is a consciousness hologram. The Akashic Records refer to the matrix of consciousness programs that create our reality within that hologram. One could look upon it as a library of light wherein one can access all information.

Kelly Jones Akashic Records Reading
The Akashic records (Akasha is a Sanskrit word meaning "sky", "space" or "aether") are collectively understood to be a collection of mystical knowledge that is encoded in the aether; i.e. on a non-physical plane of existence. The concept is prevalent in New Age discourse.

The Akashic Records are understood to have existed since the beginning of The Creation and even before. Just as we have various specialty libraries (e.g., medical, law), there are said to exist various Akashic Records (e.g., human, animal, plant, mineral, etc) encoding Universal lore. Most writings refer to the Akashic Records in the area of human experience but it is understood that all phenomenal experience as well as transcendental knowledge is encoded therein.

History of Akashic Records

Those who champion the truth of the Akashic Records assert that they were accessed by ancient people of various cultures, including the Indians, Moors, Tibetans, Bonpo and other peoples of the Himalaya, Egyptians, Persians, Chaldeans, Greeks, Chinese, Hebrews, Christians, Druids and Mayans. It is held that the ancient Indian sages of the Himalayas knew that each soul, jiva, atma, or entity recorded every moment of its existence in a "book", and that if one attuned oneself properly then one could access that book (refer mindstream for example). Nostradamus claimed to have gained access to the Akasha, using methods derived from the Greek oracles, Christian and Sufi mysticism, and the Kabbalah. Other individuals who claim to have consciously used the Akashic Records include: Charles Webster Leadbeater, Annie Besant, Alice Bailey, Samael Aun Weor, William Lilly, Manly P. Hall, Lilian Treemont, Dion Fortune, George Hunt Williamson, Rudolf Steiner, Max Heindel and Edgar Cayce amongst others. A Chinese man named Sujujin was reported to need only the first name of anyone to access the Akasha and describe their life history. Another Chinese seer, named Tajao, explored a variety of topics in the Records which span over two thousand years. In Surat Shabda Yoga cosmology, the Akashic Records would be located within the causal plane of Trikuti.

Description and Explanation of the Akashic records

The Akasha is said to be the library of all events and responses concerning consciousness in all realities. Every lifeform therefore contributes and has access to the Akashic Records. It is asserted that to gain access into the Akashic Records, every individual human can become the physical medium, and various techniques and spiritual disciplines (e.g., yogic, pranayama, meditation, prayer, visualization) can be employed to quiet the mind, become a "witness", and achieve the focused, preconscious state necessary to access the Records. While accessing the Akashic Records, both the events and responses are said to be perceived. This is analogous to having a meta-enhanced cinematic experience. When accessing the future, the events are known, but the responses are only probable. Based on an individual's responses in the past, the Akashic seer/reader can investigate probable future responses and give the highest future probability. A simple illustration of this might be witnessing several alternate endings to the main characters in a movie (e.g., Run, Lola, Run). At some point in the evolution of the Akashic reader, however, a state of unification and awareness can be achieved whereby even the future responses are known with absolute clarity instead of only as a probability.

Claims and Skepticism

Believers in the Akasha make many claims about how widely the Akasha was used, including:
  • The claim that the Vedas of Hindus and the language of Sanskrit itself were extracted from Akasha.
  • The claim that in Egypt, those who could read the Akasha were held in high standing and would advise the Pharaohs on daily activities and dream interpretation.[citation needed]
  • The claim that the Druid cultures of Ireland, Scotland, Wales and England (???-500 (est.)) demonstrated the ability to access the Akasha.[citation needed]
  • The claim that the Bible refers to the Akasha records as the Book of Life in both the Old Testament (Psalm 69:28) and the New Testament (Philippians 4:3, Revelation 3:5, 13:8, 17:8, 20:12, 20:15 and Revelation 21:27 "Nothing impure will ever enter it, nor will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb's book of life.")

Despite claims that the Akashic Records have been used by mystics throughout history, there are not any direct references to the Akasha to be found in any of the historical documentation of the aforementioned groups. The term Akasha itself, along with the concept of an etheric library, originated with the 19th century movement of Theosophy. Skeptics say that the concept of Akashic Records has been attributed indiscriminately and inappropriately to a wide range of historical religious figures and movements. Traditionally the theory has also been rejected by the scientific community, due to a lack of any independently verifiable evidence. Interestingly, Ervin Laszlo (2004) explores science and the Akashic Records in the spirit of Occam's razor, and champions the theory of the Records as resolving many anomalies within history, science and experience with simplicity.

Specific Accounts of the Akashic Records

In Theosophy and New Age discourse the Akashic Records are records of all knowledge, including all human experience, held in the Universe. The Akashic Records are metaphorically described as a library and are also likened to a universal computer or the 'Mind of God'. The Akashic Records are referred to by Edgar Cayce, who stated that each person is held to account after life and 'confronted' with their personal Akashic record of what they have or have not done in life in a karmic sense. The idea is comparable to the biblical Book of Life which is consulted to see whether or not the dead are admitted to heaven. Jane Roberts in the Seth books describes a different version of a similar idea when Seth asserts that the fundamental stuff of the universe is ideas and consciousness, and that an idea once conceived exists forever. Seth argued that all ideas and knowledge are in principle accessible by "direct cognition". Direct cognition shares semantic congruency with intuition and allows for the possibility of direct knowing without time elapsing and without knowledge needing to be transferred e.g. in speech or text. This is similar to what Robert Monroe refers to as rotes in his out-of-body book trilogy. Some writers believe that, free from and independent of all religions and faiths, there exist many libraries or record repositories such as the Akashic library throughout the universe, albeit on various planes of existence. According to Max Heindel's Rosicrucian writings, the Memory of Nature (Akashic Records) may be read in three different inner worlds. In the reflecting ether of the Etheric region there are pictures of all that has happened in the world - at least several hundred years back, or much more in some cases - and they appear almost as the pictures on a screen, with the difference that the scene shifts backward. The Memory of Nature may be read, in an entirely different manner covering the essence of a whole life or event, in a higher world, in the highest subdivision of the Region of Concrete Thought of the World of Thought, and, last, it may be read in the World of Life Spirit, covering events from the earliest dawn of our present manifestation, but only spiritual adepts, spiritual entities and through grace is access to the Records granted. In Michel Desmarquet's book Thiaoouba Prophecy, the author claims to have been abducted by supreme alien beings, that in one part of the book guides him through something that is most likely the Akashic records. The term they are using is Psychosphere. The author's understanding is that the Psychosphere is like a "vibratory cocoon, which turns at a speed seven times that of light. This cocoon acts as a blotter, as it were, absorbing (and remembering) absolutely every event occurring on the planet. The contents of this cocoon are inaccessible to us on Earth - we have no way of Ôreading the storyÕ"

Urantia Book

The Urantia Book confirms the validity and reality of these Living Records in several accounts. In Paper 25 is found the statement: "The recording angels of the inhabited planets are the source of all individual records. Throughout the universes other recorders function regarding both formal records and living records. From Urantia to Paradise, both recordings are encountered: in a local universe, more of the written records and less of the living; on Paradise, more of the living and less of the formal; on Uversa, both are equally available. Again in Paper 28 in The Urantia book we find reference: "The Memory of Mercy is a living trial balance, a current statement of your account with the supernatural forces of the realms. These are the living records of mercy ministration which are read into the testimony of the courts of Uversa when each individual's right to unending life comes up for adjudication, when "thrones are cast up and the Ancients of Days are seated. The broadcasts of Uversa issue and come forth from before them; thousands upon thousands minister to them, and ten thousand times ten thousand stand before them. The judgment is set, and the books are opened." And the books which are opened on such a momentous occasion are the living records of the tertiary seconaphim of the superuniverses. The formal records are on file to corroborate the testimony of the Memories of Mercy if they are required."

Mention in "The Law of One"

In The Law of One, Book I, a book purported to contain conversations with a channeled "social memory complex" known to humans as "Ra," when the questioner asks where Edgar Cayce received his information, the answer received is, "We have explained before that the intelligent infinity is brought into intelligent energy from eighth density or octave. The one sound vibratory complex called Edgar used this gateway to view the present, which is not the continuum you experience but the potential social memory complex of this planetary sphere. The term your peoples have used for this is the "Akashic Record" or the Hall of Records. Akashic Records Wikipedia