Sunday, October 21, 2012

What if reality as you know it is nothing more than an illusion?

In the early 1960′s, Quantum Physicist David Bohm and Neuroscientist Karl Pribram presented a stunning theory known as the Holographic Universe.
According to this theory, the world we live in is in fact an elaborate 3D hologram projected by our minds.

Outside of our minds, the world is made up of pure energy and vibrations created by us. Which means everything, from mountains to skyscrapers to the house you live in… is simply an illusion.

So what has this got to do with manifesting?

Bohm and Pribram claim that the Holographic Universe theory perfectly explains the existence of countless phenomena that modern science still can’t fully explain.
Phenomena that distort and manipulate the hologram of reality, like ESP and psychic abilities. Out of body and near-death experiences. Psychokinesis. The placebo effect. Mind-body healing. And yes, the astounding ability some people have to manifest their desires out of thin air.

Now consider this — if your world, your thoughts, your life, was simply a function of your own personal hologram…
Wouldn’t it be possible for you to reshape that hologram?

How to Read Eye Movements

For the majority of the population, the map above indicates what kind of imaginative process is going on in someone’s brain when their eyes point in a particular direction.

NOTE: This is for right handed people only. For left-handers, simply switch left and right!

This doesn’t work for everyone, but try it out on your friends and you’ll be surprised at how accurate this model really is…



Up-Left: Visual Construct (Vc)

Indicates that a person is imagining a visual image.

Sample question: What would President Barack Obama look like if he was white?


Up-Right: Visual Recall (Vr)

Indicates that a person is remembering a visual image that they have seen in the past.

Sample question: What hairstyle did you have in the 3rd grade?
Left: Auditory Construct (Ac)

Indicates that a person is imagining (creating) a sound in their mind.

Sample question: Try to create a new, original theme song for Harry Potter in your head.
Right: Auditory Recall (Ar)

Indicates that a person is attempting to remember a specific sound.

Sample Question: How did that one MGMT song, ‘Time to Pretend,’ sound?
Down-Left: Kinesthetic (K)

Indicates when a person is recalling a smell, feeling or taste. Anything besides and image or a sound.

Sample Question: How does a Sour Warhead taste?
Down-Right: Auditory Internal Dialogue

Indicates when a person is talking to themselves…inside their head.

This could be any form of internal dialogue or when someone this thinking hard about something.

30,000-Year-Old Flower Brought Back to Life by Russian Scientists

30,000-Year-Old Flower Brought Back to Life by Russian Scientists

An Ice Age flower has come back to life. How exactly did that happen? Well, a team of Russian scientists discovered a burrow that contained fruit and seeds left in the Siberian permafrost by a squirrel that buried them about 30,000 years ago. Remnants of the Silene stenophylla blossom were found perfectly preserved, and in an experiment to extract the seeds, the scientists pioneered a new way to resurrect the plant. For thousands of years, the flower was fully encased in ice, and no water was able to get to it. The storage chambers that the squirrels created were filled with hay and animal fur to protect their treasure. Stanislav Gubin, one scientist working with the discovery, called it a "natural cryobank." The blossom with its white flowers looks similar to its modern-day version, which also grows in the same region as its predecessor. The burrows, which were found 125 feet below the surface, also contained bones of wooly mammoths, deer, and bison. So in addition to bringing the flower back to life, scientists hope to find preserved animal tissue that may one day lead to another breakthrough--wooly mammoths roaming the earth again. People on social media are saying these discoveries are eerily similar to the "Jurassic Park" movie franchise in which a mosquito trapped in amber led to the resurrection of dinosaurs. One person tweeted, "awesome."

Does it just grind your gears when someone one-ups you? That may be how the Russian scientists mentioned in the previous article may be feeling. American and Chinese scientists have made a remarkable discovery, too. They have found a nearly 300 million-year-old forest. It was found buried under a coal mine in Wuda, China, and it had been perfectly maintained under a thick layer of volcanic ash. University of Pennsylvania paleobotanist Hermann Pfefferkorn compares the discovery to the lost Roman city of Pompeii. Pompeii was completely covered in volcanic ash for more than 1,700 years from an eruption at Mount Vesuvius until it was accidentally discovered. This newly found Permian forest dates to when the first mammals, turtles, and some dinosaurs inhabited the earth. Scientists are comparing the find to a time capsule that preserved entire trees and plants exactly as they were at the time of the volcanic eruption. This has allowed scientists to digitally re-create what the 10,000-square-foot forest would have looked like. The scientists have been able to identify six different groups of trees, including some as tall as 80 feet and even a few that are now extinct.
. ... 13010.html

El cristianismo es un mito Egipcio, Horus, Isis, María, Jesus, Dios, Osiris

Estas son algunas imagenes interesantes del antiguo egipto... dejando clara una sombra de duda... no me gusta afirmar o negar rotundamente nada... pero ciertamente es bueno admirar la obra de otras culturas... es muy interesante la cultura egipcia y como afecta nuestra cultura en la actualidad

A MUST SEE-The Secret History of Dinosaurs

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Wikileaks : NASA Confirms Planet X Is Heading For Earth

Wikileaks : NASA Confirms Planet X Is Heading For Earth New NASA cam footage 2012 new news 2012 big tommy parky utubetrollpolice team 2012

Ovni shoot a laser to the sun!

Descripción del titular del video: En este estudio 9 de Octubre de 2012, se puede ver cómo enorme objeto no identificado dispara un rayo - laser en el Sol durante una llamarada solar. Además, puedes ver los gigantes "barras" cerca del sol. Las imágenes se pasa a través de un filtro y se muestran en el espectro de color. Las imágenes fueron obtenidas por el instrumento de la NASA LASCO 2. Ver el video en su totalidad, a considerar todos los detalles