Saturday, October 20, 2012

Mars Structures and Liquid Water

Mars Structures and Liquid Water
Aug 12, 2011, 01:29

Mars has Hidden Water

J. P. Skipper writes, “I suspect you're looking mostly for civilization evidence as that is the most dramatic, exciting, and entertaining from the public's point of view. However, in my opinion, this is also where most of the science community resistance is the hardest with MUFON waging a fight that is just really too much uphill from the science community's blind living in denial point of view.”

In my opinion, the evidence presentations need to concentrate on something more at a fundamental and basic level. That is one of the reasons why my presentations concentrate on surface water in a liquid state and biological life taking advantage of it. In my opinion, this may have a slightly better chance of being eventually understood and accepted at science and academia community level because it is viewed as a bit less threatening. The way the mainstream public behaves, this is necessary because they follow mainstream leaders that they recognize as such and everyone else is passed off as just a rogue element.

If science and academia community types once begin to grasp that yes there is surface water on Mars in a liquid state and yes there appears to be basic forest life taking advantage of it, then the implications begin to sneak up on them and then it's too late to very successfully back off. Implications like unfrozen surface means milder temperatures than they've been led to believe as well as an atmospheric envelope not as concentrated with CO2. Forests around them and flourishing carry the same message.

Once they begin to question this most basic of data at the very root of the secrecy, the process of questioning anything at all itself begins to gain momentum that will also eventually lead to recognition of the civilization evidence. On the other hand, just sticking civilization evidence alone in front of them doesn't work well enough because it is perceived by them to be threatening and something to fear creating an emotional reaction. That reaction just allows them to escape in denial by traditionally and safely dismissing it all as "conspiracy theory."

At the above link on my page promoting my book and its evidence are several profound surface water and forest life image. It's just my thinking of course but I think that you and MUFON pushing this kind of visual evidence and pounding this theme into the sand heads in addition to the usual civilization evidence will be more effective in the long run.

Thanks to J. P. Skipper

Mars Echus Chasma with liquid water

Mars Global Surve yor image

M08-05725 67.67°S 12.34°W
Scaled pixel width: 2.77 meters Thanks to Norman Breyden

Hillside Compound on Google Mars at
4 20 S 63 23 W

Thanks to Richard

Mars Rover "Curiosity," Is Heading for Curious Site

Mars rover Curiosity is expected to launch from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida on November 25, 2011, and will land on Mars in August 2012. Gale crater has been chosen for the landing site since there are no visible ruins or indications of life in the area.

NASA is introducing a new Mars probe called Curiosity that is a $2.5 billion, nuclear-powered machine that is the size of a Mini Cooper, and contains a laser that can vaporize rocks at seven meters, a percussive drill, a large robot arm and a weather station. In addition, it has 4.8kg of plutonium-238. Curiosity's main mission on Mars is to find organic compounds as a "telltale sign" that life have existed on Mars. Scientist's must pick a landing area that will most likely contain such evidence. Gale Crater features a mound of debris that is 3 miles above the crater floor, and contains layered deposits of sulfates and clays. Editor’s Note: I suggest they land at Cydonia, Elysium, or Hale Crater where pyramids, faces, tubes and cities once existed.

Mars Little Face Shot from Spirit Rover on Sol 1109

Mars Inca City as named by NASA/JPL Note Tubing that apparentlycarries water and transportation vehicles.

Typical Mars vegetation growing on the planet as temperatures reach 81 degress Farenheit in the summer months.

South Pole Ice Melting in the spring.

Mars geyzer showing liquid water and pressure

A system of tubes or subways carry the water from the poles to the settlements on Mars. They are usually 200 feet in circumference but some are a mile wide.

Various structures resemble animals such as an alligator

Mars bear as imaged by the Spirit Rover

Mars has road and Bridge like structures.

Spirit NavCamera took this image of possible lizard.

Spirit NavCamera took this image of possible structures.

Just in time for the Football Season Mars Stadium Opens

Zecharia Sitchin: Chronic of the earth; A diferent point of view of our past

 In Memoriam
July 11, 1920-October 9, 2010
According to Sitchin's interpretation of Mesopotamian iconography and symbology, outlined in his 1976 book The 12th Planet and its sequels, there is an undiscovered planet beyond Neptune that follows a long, elliptical orbit, reaching the inner solar system roughly every 3,600 years.

This planet is called Nibiru (although Jupiter was the planet associated with the god Marduk in Babylonian cosmology).[5] According to Sitchin, Nibiru (whose name was replaced with MARDUK in original legends by the Babylonian ruler of the same name in an attempt to co-opt the creation for himself, leading to some confusion among readers) collided catastrophically with Tiamat (a goddess in the Babylonian creation myth the Enûma Eliš), which he considers to be another planet once located between Mars and Jupiter. This collision supposedly formed the planet Earth, the asteroid belt, and the comets. Sitchin states that when struck by one of planet Nibiru's moons, Tiamat split in two, and then on a second pass Nibiru itself struck the broken fragments and one half of Tiamat became the asteroid belt. The second half, struck again by one of Nibiru's moons, was pushed into a new orbit and became today's planet Earth.

According to Sitchin, Nibiru (called "the twelfth planet" because, Sitchin claimed, the Sumerians' gods-given conception of the Solar System counted all eight planets, plus Pluto, the Sun and the Moon) was the home of a technologically advanced human-like extraterrestrial race called the Anunnaki in Sumerian myth, who Sitchin states are called the Nephilim in Genesis. He wrote that they evolved after Nibiru entered the solar system and first arrived on Earth probably 450,000 years ago, looking for minerals, especially gold, which they found and mined in Africa. Sitchin states that these "gods" were the rank-and-file workers of the colonial expedition to Earth from planet Nibiru.

Sitchin wrote that Enki suggested that to relieve the Anunnaki, who had mutinied over their dissatisfaction with their working conditions, that primitive workers (Homo sapiens) be created by genetic engineering as slaves to replace them in the gold mines by crossing extraterrestrial genes with those of Homo erectus.[6][7] According to Sitchin, ancient inscriptions report that the human civilization in Sumer, Mesopotamia, was set up under the guidance of these "gods", and human kingship was inaugurated to provide intermediaries between mankind and the Anunnaki (creating the "divine right of kings" doctrine). Sitchin believes that fallout from nuclear weapons, used during a war between factions of the extraterrestrials, is the "evil wind" described in the Lament for Ur that destroyed Ur around 2000 BC. Sitchin states the exact year is 2024 BC.[8] Sitchin says that his research coincides with many biblical texts, and that biblical texts come originally from Sumerian writings.

-------------------Wants to know the science facts........


New scientific discoveries continue to corroborate findings first suggested in Zecharia Sitchin's books.

Homo sapiens: The successful deciphering of a female Neanderthal genome was reported in the journal Science on February 13, 2009. The project, undertaken by scientists at the Max Planck Institute in Leipzig, Germany, aimed to verify when that failed species of humans and Homo sapiens (= Modern Man) branched off, and whether the two bad ever interbred. The New York Times pointed out that the new findings "document two important sets of genetic changes - those that occurred between 5.7 million years ago, when the human line split from the line leading to chimpanzees, and 300,000 years ago when Neanderthals and the ancestors of modern humans parted ways."

In The 12th Planet (1976), describing the Anunnaki's genetic engineering to fashion The Adam, Zecharia wrote: "Man is the product of evolution; but modern Man, Homo sapiens, is the product of the 'gods'. For, some time circa 300,000 years ago, the Nefilim took ape-man (Homo erectus) and implanted on him their own image and likeness." In The Earth Chronicles Time Chart (The Wars of Gods and Men, 1985) Zecharia wrote: 300,000 years ago: The Anunnaki toiling in the gold mines mutiny. Enki and Ninhursag create Primitive Workers through genetic manipulation... Homo sapiens begins to multiply."

The Deluge: In The 12th Planet and Divine Encounters Zecharia suggested that the biblical Flood was a giant tidal wave caused by the slippage of the ice sheet off Antarctica, causing the abrupt end of the last Ice Age circa 13,000 years ago. Two recent studies corroborate both aspects of Zecharia's take on the subject: A study of ancient temperatures in the journal Nature of 26 February 2009 concludes that while warming at the end of the last Ice Age was relatively gradual in Greenland (north Atlantic), it was "rapid and abrupt" in Antarctica (south Atlantic), about 13,000 years ago.

A study of ancient sea levels published in Science of 6 February 2009 concludes that (a) Antarctica's ice sheet collapsed abruptly and (b) that due to the topography of the continent and its surrounding sea beds, the tidal wave was at least three times higher than hitherto calculated, reaching its maximal impact some 2,000 miles away. A diagram accompanying the article shows the area of maximal tidal impact in the Persian Gulf, the Mediterranean Sea and northward therefrom - the very Lands of the Bible and Mount Ararat.

In Memoriam
11 julio 1920 a 9 octubre 2010
Según la interpretación de Sitchin de Mesopotamia iconografía y simbología, descrito en su libro de 1976 El Planeta 12 y sus secuelas, hay un planeta desconocido más allá de Neptuno que sigue una larga órbita elíptica, que llega al sistema solar interior aproximadamente cada 3.600 años.

Este planeta se llama Nibiru (aunque Júpiter era el planeta asociado con el dios Marduk en Babilonia cosmología). [5] De acuerdo con Sitchin, Nibiru (cuyo nombre fue sustituido por MARDUK en las leyendas originales por el gobernante babilónico del mismo nombre, en un intento cooptar a la creación por sí mismo, lo que lleva a una cierta confusión entre los lectores) chocó catastróficamente con Tiamat (una diosa en el mito babilónico de la creación del ELIS Enûma), que él considera como otro planeta una vez localizado entre Marte y Júpiter. Esta colisión supuestamente formó el planeta Tierra, el cinturón de asteroides, los cometas y los. Sitchin afirma que al ser golpeado por una de las lunas del planeta Nibiru, Tiamat se partió en dos, y luego en una segunda pasada de Nibiru en sí golpeó los fragmentos rotos y la mitad de Tiamat se convirtió en el cinturón de asteroides. La segunda mitad, golpeó de nuevo por una de las lunas de Nibiru, fue empujada a una nueva órbita y se convirtió en la Tierra hoy en día planeta.

Según Sitchin, Nibiru (llamado "el duodécimo planeta" porque, afirmó Sitchin, los dioses sumerios-dada la "concepción del Sistema Solar contó los ocho planetas, más Plutón, el Sol y la Luna) era el hogar de un ser humano tecnológicamente avanzado -como la raza extraterrestre llamada los Anunnaki en sumerio mito, que los estados Sitchin se llaman los Nefilim en Génesis. Él escribió que evolucionaron después de Nibiru entró en el sistema solar y por primera vez en la Tierra probablemente hace 450.000 años, en busca de minerales, especialmente oro, que encontraron y extraído en África. Sitchin afirma que estos "dioses" eran los trabajadores de base y archivo de la expedición colonial a la Tierra desde el planeta Nibiru.

Sitchin escribió que Enki sugirió que para aliviar los Anunnaki, que se habían amotinado sobre su descontento con sus condiciones de trabajo, que los trabajadores primitivos (Homo sapiens) se creó por ingeniería genética como esclavos para volver a colocarlas en las minas de oro por el cruce de genes extraterrestres con los de Homo erectus. [6] [7] Según Sitchin, antiguas inscripciones informan de que la civilización humana en Sumer, Mesopotamia, fue creada bajo la dirección de estos "dioses", y el reino humano fue inaugurado para proporcionar intermediarios entre la humanidad y los Anunnaki (creando el "derecho divino de los reyes" doctrina). Sitchin cree que las secuelas de las armas nucleares, que se utilizan durante una guerra entre facciones de los extraterrestres, es el "mal viento" que se describe en el Llanto por Ur Ur que destruyó alrededor del año 2000 antes de Cristo. Sitchin afirma el año exacto es 2024 antes de Cristo. [8] Sitchin dice que su investigación coincide con muchos textos bíblicos, y que los textos bíblicos son originarios de los escritos sumerios.

------------------- Quiere conocer los hechos científicos ........


Nuevos descubrimientos científicos continúan para corroborar las conclusiones sugirió por primera vez en los libros de Zecharia Sitchin.

Homo sapiens: El desciframiento exitoso de un genoma neandertal femenina se informó en la revista Science el 13 de febrero de 2009. El proyecto, llevado a cabo por científicos del Instituto Max Planck en Leipzig, Alemania, con el objetivo de verificar cuando esto falló especies de los seres humanos y el Homo sapiens (hombre = Moderno) bifurcan, y si los dos se cruzaron mal nunca. The New York Times señaló que los nuevos hallazgos "documento de dos conjuntos importantes de los cambios genéticos - los que se produjeron entre 5,7 millones de años, cuando la línea humana se separaron de la línea que conduce a los chimpancés, y 300.000 años atrás, cuando los neandertales y los antepasados ​​de los humanos modernos se separaron. "

En El Planeta 12 (1976), que describe la ingeniería genética de los Anunnaki a la moda de Adán, Zecharia escribió: "El hombre es el producto de la evolución, pero el hombre moderno, el Homo sapiens, es el producto de los" dioses "Porque algunos circa tiempo. Hace 300.000 años, los nefilim tomaron hombre-mono (Homo erectus) y se implanta en él su propia imagen y semejanza. " En Crónicas de la Tierra Tabla de tiempos (Las Guerras de Dioses y Hombres, 1985) Zecharia escribió: hace 300.000 años: La trabajadora Anunnaki en el motín de las minas de oro. Enki y Ninhursag crear Trabajadores Primitivos a través de manipulación genética ... Homo sapiens comienza a multiplicarse. "

El diluvio: en el Planeta 12 y Encuentros Divina Zecharia sugirió que el Diluvio bíblico era una gigantesca marea causada por el deslizamiento de la capa de hielo de la Antártida, haciendo que el abrupto final de la última glaciación hace 13.000 años alrededor del año. Dos estudios recientes corroboran tanto los aspectos de Zecharia de tomar sobre el tema: Un estudio de las temperaturas antiguas en la revista Nature del 26 de febrero 2009 concluye que, si bien el calentamiento al final de la última Edad de Hielo fue relativamente gradual en Groenlandia (Atlántico norte), fue "rápido y abrupto" en la Antártida (Atlántico sur), a unos 13.000 años.

Un estudio del nivel de los mares antiguos publicados en Science del 6 de febrero 2009 concluye que: (a) hoja de la Antártida hielo se derrumbó abruptamente y (b) que debido a la topografía del continente y sus alrededores fondos marinos, la onda de marea era por lo menos tres veces mayor calcula que hasta la fecha, alcanzando su máximo impacto a unos 2.000 kilómetros de distancia. Un diagrama que acompaña el artículo muestra el área de impacto máximo de las mareas en el Golfo Pérsico, el Mar Mediterráneo y al norte del mismo - las Tierras de la Biblia y el Monte Ararat.

В память
11 июля 1920, 9 октября 2010
Согласно интерпретации Ситчина месопотамской иконографии и символике, изложенные в его книге 1976 12-я Планета и ее последствиями, есть неоткрытые планеты за орбитой Нептуна, который следует за длинным, эллиптической орбите, достигнув внутренней части Солнечной системы примерно каждые 3600 лет.

Эта планета называется Нибиру (хотя Юпитер планета связана с бога Мардука в вавилонской космологии). [5] По данным Ситчина, Нибиру (чье имя было заменено на Мардук в оригинальной легенды вавилонского правителя тем же именем в попытке кооптировать создание для себя, что приводит к некоторой путанице среди читателей) столкнулся с катастрофическим Tiamat (богиня в вавилонском мифе создания Энума Элис), которые он считает другой планете когда-то расположенного между Марсом и Юпитером. Это столкновение якобы формируются планеты Земля, пояса астероидов, комет и. Ситчин утверждает, что при ударе одной из лун планеты Нибиру, Тиамат разделить на две части, а затем на второй проход Нибиру сама ударила осколки и половины Тиамат стала поясом астероидов. Вторая половина, снова ударил по одной из лун Нибиру, был выдвинут на новую орбиту и стала планетой Земля сегодня.

По словам Ситчина, Нибиру (так называемый "Двенадцатая планета", поскольку, утверждает Ситчин, шумеры «богов данная концепция Солнечной системе учитываются все восемь планет, а Плутон, Солнце и Луна) был дом технологически продвинутый человек -как внеземные расы называли Ануннаки в шумерском мифе, который Ситчин состояния называются Нефилимы в Книге Бытия. Он писал, что они развивались после Нибиру вошла в Солнечную систему и первым прибыл на Землю, вероятно, 450000 лет назад, глядя на полезные ископаемые, особенно золото, которое они найдены и добываются в Африке. Ситчин утверждает, что эти "боги" были рядовые работники-файл колониальной экспедиции на Землю с планеты Нибиру.

Ситчин пишет, что Энки предложил, чтобы облегчить Аннунаки, которые взбунтовались над своим недовольством с их условиями труда, что примитивные работников (человек разумный) быть созданы с помощью генной инженерии в качестве рабов, чтобы заменить их на золотых приисках путем скрещивания генов внеземных с теми человека прямоходящего. [6] [7] Согласно Ситчин, древние надписи сообщают, что человеческая цивилизация в Шумере, Месопотамии, была создана под руководством этих "богов", и человеческие царства был открыт обеспечить посредников между человечеством и Аннунаки (создание «божественное право королей" доктрина). Ситчин считает, что радиоактивные осадки от ядерного оружия, использовались во время войны между группировками инопланетян, является "злой ветер", описанные в Плач по Ура Ура, которые разрушили около 2000 года до нашей эры. Ситчин утверждает, точный год 2024 до н.э. [8]. Ситчин утверждает, что его исследования совпадают со многими библейскими текстами, и что библейские тексты первоначально происходить из шумерского сочинения.

------------------- Хочет знать, науке факты ........

НОВЫЕ ОТКРЫТИЯ подтверждают Ситчин

Новые научные открытия продолжают подтверждать выводы впервые предложен в книгах Захарии Ситчина.

Хомо сапиенс: успешная расшифровка генома неандертальца женский сообщили в журнале Science от 13 февраля 2009 года. В рамках проекта, предпринятого учеными из института Макса Планка в Лейпциге, Германия, направленных на проверку, когда это не удалось видов людей и Homo Sapiens (= Modern Man) ответвляется и ли два плохих никогда не скрещивались. Нью-Йорк Таймс отметил, что новые результаты "документ два важных набора генетических изменений - те, что произошли от 5,7 миллиона лет назад, когда человеческая линия отделилась от линии, ведущей к шимпанзе, и 300.000 лет назад, когда неандертальцы и предки современные люди расстались ».

В 12-й Планеты (1976), описывающий генной инженерии ануннаки в моде Адам, Захария писал: "Человек есть продукт эволюции, но современный человек, хомо сапиенс, является продуктом« богов »Действительно, некоторое время около. 300000 лет назад нефилим взяли человека-обезьяну (человек прямоходящий) и имплантировали на него по своему образу и подобию ». В земле Хроники Time Chart (Войны богов и людей, 1985) Захария написал: 300,000 лет назад: Аннунаки трудящихся в золото бунта мин. Энки и Нинхурсаг создают примитивных рабочих через генетические манипуляции ... Хомо сапиенс начинает размножаться ".

Потоп: В 12-й Планеты и Божественной встречи Захария предположить, что библейский потоп был гигантской приливной волны, вызванной проскальзывания ледникового покрова Антарктиды с, что приводит к резкому концу последнего ледникового периода около 13000 лет назад. Два недавних исследования подтверждают оба аспекта Захария взять на тему: изучение древних температуры в журнале Природа от 26 февраля 2009 к выводу, что в то время как потепление в конце последнего ледникового периода была относительно постепенной в Гренландии (Северная Атлантика), это было "быстрые и резкие" в Антарктиде (Южная Атлантика), около 13000 лет назад.

Изучение древних уровня моря, опубликованной в Science от 6 февраля 2009 к выводу, что (а) ледникового покрова Антарктиды рухнул внезапно и (б) что в связи с топографией континента и окружающих его кровати море, приливную волну, по крайней мере в три раза выше чем до сих пор рассчитываются, достигнув своего максимального воздействия около 2000 км. Диаграмма сопровождающей статье показано, область максимальной приливной влияние в зоне Персидского залива, Средиземного моря и к северу от него - очень землям Библии и горы Арарат.

11, 9 जुलाई 1920 से अक्टूबर, 2010
मेसोपोटेमिया शास्त्र और प्रतीकविद्या, अपने 1976 पुस्तक 12 वीं ग्रह और उसके सीक्वेल में उल्लिखित Sitchin व्याख्या के अनुसार, वहाँ एक अनदेखा ग्रह नेपच्यून से परे है कि एक लंबे, अण्डाकार कक्षा के बाद, आंतरिक सौर प्रणाली मोटे तौर पर हर 3600 साल तक पहुँचने है.

इस ग्रह Nibiru कहा जाता है (हालांकि बृहस्पति कसदियों ब्रह्मांड विज्ञान में भगवान Marduk साथ जुड़े ग्रह). [5] Sitchin के अनुसार, Nibiru (जिसका नाम था मूल किंवदंतियों में Marduk के साथ एक ही नाम के एक प्रयास में बेबीलोन शासक द्वारा प्रतिस्थापित खुद के लिए निर्माण सह चुनते हैं, पाठकों के बीच कुछ भ्रम की स्थिति के लिए अग्रणी) catastrophically (बेबीलोन निर्माण मिथक Enuma Elis में एक देवी) टाईमैट, जो वह करने के लिए एक और एक बार मंगल और बृहस्पति के बीच स्थित ग्रह हो समझता के साथ टकरा गई. इस टक्कर माना जाता है कि पृथ्वी ग्रह, क्षुद्रग्रह बेल्ट और धूमकेतु का गठन किया था. Sitchin कहा गया है कि जब एक ग्रह Nibiru चन्द्रमाओं के द्वारा मारा, टाईमैट दो में विभाजित है, और फिर एक दूसरा पास ही Nibiru पर टूटे हुए टुकड़े और टाईमैट की एक आधा क्षुद्रग्रह बेल्ट बन गया मारा. दूसरी छमाही, Nibiru चन्द्रमाओं के द्वारा फिर से मारा, एक नई कक्षा में धकेल दिया गया था और आज पृथ्वी ग्रह बन गया है.

Sitchin के अनुसार, Nibiru (बुलाया "12 ग्रह" क्योंकि, Sitchin ने दावा किया, 'सुमेर निवासी सौर प्रणाली की अवधारणा - देवताओं दिए गए सभी आठ ग्रहों की गिनती, प्लस प्लूटो, सूर्य और चंद्रमा) एक तकनीकी रूप से उन्नत मानव के घर गया था की तरह अलौकिक दौड़ सुमेरियन मिथक में Anunnaki, जो Sitchin राज्यों उत्पत्ति में Nephilim कहा जाता है कहा जाता है. उन्होंने लिखा है कि वे विकसित बाद Nibiru सौर प्रणाली में प्रवेश किया और पहली बार पृथ्वी पर शायद 450.000 साल पहले पहुंचे, खनिज, विशेष रूप से सोना है, जो वे पाया और अफ्रीका में खनन के लिए देख रहे हैं. Sitchin में कहा गया है कि इन "" देवताओं ग्रह Nibiru से पृथ्वी पर औपनिवेशिक अभियान के रैंक और फ़ाइल के कार्यकर्ता थे.

Sitchin लिखा है कि Enki सुझाव दिया है कि Anunnaki, जो उनके असंतोष पर उनके काम की परिस्थितियों के साथ विद्रोह था, कि आदिम श्रमिकों (होमो sapiens) जेनेटिक इंजीनियरिंग द्वारा बनाया जा सकता है के रूप में दास के लोगों के साथ अलौकिक जीन पार से सोने की खदानों में उन्हें बदलने के लिए छुटकारा पाने के लिए होमो erectus. [6] [7] Sitchin के अनुसार, प्राचीन शिलालेख की रिपोर्ट है, और है कि सुमेर, मेसोपोटामिया में मानव सभ्यता इन "देवताओं" के मार्गदर्शन के तहत स्थापित किया गया था मानव शासन मानवता और Anunnaki के बीच मध्यस्थ प्रदान करने का उद्घाटन किया गया (सिद्धांत "राजाओं के दिव्य सही" बनाने). Sitchin का मानना ​​है कि परमाणु हथियारों, बाह्य के गुटों के बीच एक युद्ध के दौरान प्रयोग किया जाता है, से नतीजा "बुरी हवा" ऊर कि 2000 ईसा पूर्व के आसपास ऊर नष्ट कर दिया के लिए विलाप में वर्णित है. Sitchin राज्यों सटीक वर्ष 2024 ई.पू. है. [8] Sitchin का कहना है कि उनके शोध कई बाइबिल ग्रंथों के साथ मेल खाता है, और कि बाइबिल ग्रंथों सुमेरियन लेखन मूल रूप से आते हैं.

------------------- विज्ञान तथ्यों को जानना चाहता है ........

नई खोजों SITCHIN की पुष्टि

नई वैज्ञानिक खोजों के लिए 1 Zecharia Sitchin पुस्तकें में सुझाव दिया निष्कर्षों की पुष्टि जारी है.

होमो sapiens: एक महिला निएंडरथल जीनोम का सफल गूढ़ रहस्य साइंस पत्रिका में 13 फरवरी, 2009 को सूचना मिली थी. परियोजना, Leipzig, जर्मनी में मैक्स प्लैंक इंस्टीट्यूट, सत्यापित करने के लिए है कि जब मानव और होमोसेक्सुअल sapiens प्रजातियों (= आधुनिक मनुष्य) बंद branched, और चाहे दो बुरा कभी interbred विफल करने के उद्देश्य में वैज्ञानिकों द्वारा किए गए. न्यूयॉर्क टाइम्स ने बताया कि नए दस्तावेज़ निष्कर्ष "आनुवंशिक परिवर्तन के दो महत्वपूर्ण सेट - जो कि 5.7 के बीच मिलियन साल पहले हुई, जब मानव लाइन चिम्पांजी के लिए अग्रणी लाइन से विभाजित है, और 300.000 साल पहले जब Neanderthals और पूर्वजों की आधुनिक मनुष्य तरीके जुदा.

12 (1976) ग्रह, Anunnaki फैशन एडम को जेनेटिक इंजीनियरिंग का वर्णन, Zecharia लिखा है: "मनुष्य विकास का उत्पाद है, लेकिन आधुनिक मनुष्य, होमो sapiens, 'देवताओं' के उत्पाद है, कुछ समय के लगभग. 300.000 साल पहले, बंदर आदमी Nefilim (होमो erectus) ले लिया है और उस पर अपनी छवि और समानता प्रत्यारोपित किया. " 300.000 साल पहले: सोने की खदानों के गदर में Anunnaki मेहनतकश धरती में समय (पुरुषों और देवताओं, 1985 के युद्धों) चार्ट Zecharia लिखा है इतिहास. Enki और Ninhursag आनुवंशिक हेरफेर के माध्यम से आदिम श्रमिक बनाने के लिए ... होमो sapiens गुणा करने के लिए शुरू होता है. "

बाढ़: 12 ग्रह और देवी मुठभेड़ों Zecharia में सुझाव दिया है कि बाइबिल बाढ़ एक विशाल ज्वारीय लहर अंटार्कटिका बंद बर्फ की चादर के slippage की वजह से अंतिम हिम युग की अचानक अंत के कारण लगभग 13,000 साल पहले था. दो हाल ही के अध्ययन की पुष्टि Zecharia के दोनों पहलुओं विषय पर ले: 26 फरवरी 2009 के जर्नल नेचर में प्राचीन तापमान के एक अध्ययन में निष्कर्ष निकाला है कि जबकि अंतिम हिम युग की समाप्ति पर वार्मिंग ग्रीनलैंड (उत्तर अटलांटिक) में अपेक्षाकृत क्रमिक था, यह था "तेजी से और अचानक" में अंटार्कटिका (दक्षिण अटलांटिक), के बारे में 13,000 साल पहले.

प्राचीन समुद्र के स्तर के 6 फरवरी 2009 के विज्ञान में प्रकाशित एक अध्ययन में यह निष्कर्ष निकाला है कि (क) अंटार्कटिका की बर्फ की चादर अचानक ढह गई और (ख) कि महाद्वीप और उसके आसपास के समुद्र बिस्तरों की स्थलाकृति के कारण, ज्वार की लहर कम से कम तीन गुना अधिक था की तुलना में अब तक की गणना, अपने अधिक से अधिक प्रभाव 2000 कुछ मील दूर तक पहुंच गया. बाइबिल और माउंट Ararat के बहुत भूमि - एक लेख के साथ आरेख फारस की खाड़ी, भूमध्य सागर और उधर से उत्तर की ओर अधिक से अधिक ज्वारीय प्रभाव के क्षेत्र से पता चलता है.


In Memoriam
11 juillet 1920-Octobre 9, 2010
Selon l'interprétation de Sitchin de l'iconographie mésopotamienne et la symbologie, décrit dans son livre 1976 La 12ème Planète et ses suites, il ya une planète inconnue au-delà de Neptune qui suit une longue orbite elliptique, atteignant le système solaire interne à peu près tous les 3600 ans.

Cette planète est appelée Nibiru (bien que Jupiter était la planète associée au dieu Marduk de Babylone dans la cosmologie). [5] Selon Sitchin, Nibiru (dont le nom a été remplacé par MARDUK dans les légendes originales par le souverain babylonien du même nom dans une tentative de coopter la création pour lui-même, ce qui conduit à une certaine confusion chez les lecteurs) sont entrés en collision catastrophique avec Tiamat (une déesse dans le mythe de la création babylonienne du Elis Enûma), qu'il considère comme une autre planète autrefois située entre Mars et Jupiter. Cette collision a supposé formé la planète Terre, la ceinture d'astéroïdes, les comètes et les. États Sitchin que lorsqu'elle est frappée par une des lunes de la planète Nibiru, Tiamat scindé en deux, puis un second passage de Nibiru se frappa les fragments brisés et la moitié de Tiamat devint la ceinture d'astéroïdes. La seconde moitié, a de nouveau frappé par une des lunes de Nibiru, a été poussé dans une nouvelle orbite et est devenue la planète Terre aujourd'hui.

Selon Sitchin, Nibiru (appelée "la douzième planète» parce que, Sitchin revendiquée, les Sumériens «dieux donnée par la conception du système solaire compté tous les huit planètes, ainsi que Pluton, le Soleil et la Lune) était la maison d'un homme de haute technologie -comme la race extraterrestre appelée les Annunaki en sumérien mythe, qui stipule Sitchin sont appelés Nephilim dans la Genèse. Il a écrit qu'ils ont évolué après Nibiru entré dans le système solaire et le premier arrivé sur Terre il ya 450.000 années sans doute, à la recherche de minéraux, en particulier l'or, qu'ils ont trouvées et exploitées en Afrique. États Sitchin que ces «dieux» sont les travailleurs de rang et de fichiers de l'expédition coloniale à la terre de planète Nibiru.

Sitchin a écrit que Enki a suggéré que pour soulager les Anunnaki, qui s'étaient mutinés plus leur mécontentement face à leurs conditions de travail, que les travailleurs primitifs (Homo sapiens) est créé par génie génétique comme esclaves pour les remplacer dans les mines d'or en franchissant gènes extraterrestres avec ceux de Homo erectus. [6] [7] Selon Sitchin, inscriptions anciennes signaler que la civilisation humaine à Sumer, la Mésopotamie, a été mis en place sous la direction de ces «dieux», et la royauté humaine a été inauguré pour fournir des intermédiaires entre les hommes et les Anunnaki (création du «droit divin des rois" doctrine). Sitchin estime que les retombées de l'arme nucléaire, utilisés au cours d'une guerre entre factions des extraterrestres, est le «vent mauvais» décrite dans la Lament for Ur Ur qui a détruit vers 2000 av. Sitchin dit l'année exacte est 2024 BC. [8] Sitchin dit que sa recherche coïncide avec de nombreux textes bibliques, et que les textes bibliques sont à l'origine des écrits sumériens.

------------------- Veut connaître les faits scientifiques ........


De nouvelles découvertes scientifiques continuent à corroborer les constatations d'abord suggérées dans les livres de Zecharia Sitchin.

Homo sapiens: Le décryptage du génome d'un succès femme de Neandertal a été rapporté dans la revue Science le 13 Février 2009. Le projet, entrepris par des scientifiques de l'Institut Max Planck à Leipzig, en Allemagne, dans le but de vérifier quand cela a échoué espèce humaine et l'Homo sapiens (l'homme moderne =) bifurqué, et si les deux mauvais jamais croisés. Le New York Times a fait remarquer que le nouveau conclusions «document deux ensembles importants de ces changements génétiques - qui a eu lieu entre 5,7 millions d'années, lorsque la lignée humaine s'est séparée de la ligne conduisant à des chimpanzés, et 300.000 ans, lorsque les Néandertaliens et les ancêtres des l'homme moderne se séparèrent. "

Dans La 12ème Planète (1976), décrivant le génie génétique des Anunnaki à la mode d'Adam, Zecharia a écrit: «L'homme est le produit de l'évolution, mais l'homme moderne, Homo sapiens, est le produit des« dieux »En effet, certains vers le temps. il ya 300.000 ans, les Néfilim pris singe-homme (Homo erectus) et implanté sur lui sa propre image et ressemblance ». Dans La Terre Chronicles Tableau des Temps (La Guerre des Dieux et des Hommes, 1985) Zecharia a écrit: il ya 300.000 ans: La laborieuse Anunnaki dans la mutinerie des mines d'or. Enki et Ninhursag créer travailleurs primitifs par manipulation génétique ... Homo sapiens commence à se multiplier. "

Le déluge: Dans La 12ème Planète et Divine Encounters de Zecharia suggéré que le déluge biblique est une vague géante de marée provoqué par le glissement de la calotte glaciaire large de l'Antarctique, provoquant la fin brutale de la dernière période glaciaire il ya 13.000 ans circa. Deux études récentes corroborent les deux aspects de Zecharia de prendre sur le sujet: Une étude des températures anciennes dans la revue Nature du 26 Février 2009 conclut que le réchauffement à la fin de la dernière période glaciaire a été relativement graduelle au Groenland (Atlantique nord), il était "rapide et brutale" dans l'Antarctique (au sud de l'Atlantique), près de 13.000 ans.

Une étude du niveau des mers anciennes publiés dans Science du 6 Février 2009 conclut que (a) calotte glaciaire de l'Antarctique s'est effondré brusquement et (b) que, en raison de la topographie du continent et de ses fonds marins environnants, le raz de marée était au moins trois fois plus élevé que jusqu'à présent calculée, pour atteindre son impact maximal environ 2.000 miles. Un schéma qui accompagne l'article montre la zone d'impact de la marée maximale dans le golfe Persique, la mer Méditerranée et au nord de celle-ci - les terres mêmes de la Bible et le mont Ararat.


In Memoriam
11. Juli 1920-9. Oktober 2010
Nach Sitchin Interpretation der mesopotamischen Ikonographie und Symbolik, in seinem 1976 Buch The 12th Planet und seine Fortsetzungen beschrieben, gibt es eine unentdeckten Planeten jenseits des Neptun, die einen langen, elliptischen Umlaufbahn folgt, erreicht das innere Sonnensystem etwa alle 3.600 Jahre.

Dieser Planet wird als Nibiru (obwohl Jupiter der Planet mit dem Gott Marduk in Babylon Kosmologie verbunden war). [5] Nach Sitchin, Nibiru (dessen Name mit MARDUK in original Legenden vom babylonischen Herrscher des gleichen Namens in einem Versuch ersetzt zu kooptieren die Erstellung für sich selbst, was zu einiger Verwirrung bei den Lesern) kollidierten katastrophal mit Tiamat (eine Göttin in der babylonischen Schöpfungsmythos der Enûma Elis), die er als ein anderer Planet einst zwischen Mars und Jupiter sein. Diese Kollision angeblich bildeten die Planeten Erde, den Asteroidengürtel und die Kometen. Sitchin Staaten, wenn sie von einem Planeten Nibiru Monde geschlagen, aufgeteilt Tiamat in zwei, und dann auf einem zweiten Durchgang Nibiru selbst schlug die Bruchstücke und eine Hälfte von Tiamat wurde der Asteroidengürtel. Die zweite Hälfte, schlug wieder von einem Nibiru Monde, wurde in eine neue Umlaufbahn geschoben und wurde heutigen Planeten Erde.

Nach Sitchin war Nibiru (genannt "der zwölfte Planet", weil behauptet Sitchin, der Sumerer Götter gegebene Konzeption der Solar System alle acht Planeten gezählt, plus Pluto, die Sonne und der Mond) die Heimat von einer technologisch fortschrittlichen menschlichen -wie außerirdische Rasse namens Anunnaki in sumerischen Mythos, die Sitchin Staaten aufgerufen, die Nephilim in Genesis sind. Er schrieb, dass sie nach Nibiru in die Solaranlage und die ersten kamen auf der Erde vermutlich vor 450.000 Jahren auf der Suche nach Mineralien, vor allem Gold, die sie gefunden und abgebaut in Afrika entwickelt. Sitchin erklärt, dass diese "Götter" die rank-and-file Arbeiter der kolonialen Expedition Erde vom Planeten Nibiru waren.

Sitchin schrieb, dass Enki vorgeschlagen, dass die Anunnaki, die über ihre Unzufriedenheit mit ihren Arbeitsbedingungen hatte meuterten, dass primitive Arbeitnehmer (Homo sapiens) durch Gentechnik erzeugt werden als Sklaven, um sie in den Goldminen zu ersetzen durch Kreuzung außerirdische Gene mit denen des zu entlasten Homo erectus. [6] [7] Nach Sitchin berichten alten Inschriften, dass die menschliche Zivilisation in Sumer, Mesopotamien, wurde gemäß der Anleitung von dieser "Götter" gesetzt, und die menschliche Königtum eingeweiht als Vermittler zwischen Mensch und Anunnaki bieten (Schaffung des "göttlichen Recht der Könige" Doktrin). Sitchin glaubt, dass Fallout von nuklearen Waffen, während eines Krieges zwischen den Fraktionen der Außerirdischen verwendet wird, ist die "bösen Wind" in der Lament for Ur, die Ur um 2000 v. Chr. zerstört beschrieben. Sitchin erklärt das genaue Jahr ist 2024 BC. [8] Sitchin sagt, dass seine Forschung mit vielen biblischen Texten übereinstimmt, und dass biblische Texte stammen ursprünglich aus sumerischen Schriften.

------------------- Will die Wissenschaft Fakten kennen ........

Neue Entdeckungen BESTÄTIGEN Sitchin

Neue wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse weiter zu erhärten Befunde zunächst in Zecharia Sitchin die vorgeschlagenen Bücher.

Homo sapiens: Die erfolgreiche Entschlüsselung eines weiblichen Neandertaler-Genoms wurde in der Zeitschrift Science am 13. Februar 2009 berichtet. Das Projekt, das von Wissenschaftlern des Max-Planck-Institut in Leipzig, Deutschland, zielte darauf ab, zu überprüfen, wenn die fehlgeschlagen Arten von Menschen und Homo sapiens (= Moderne Man) abgezweigt, und ob die zwei schlechten jemals gekreuzt vorgenommen. Die New York Times wies darauf hin, dass die neuen Erkenntnisse "Dokument zwei wichtige Sätze von genetischen Veränderungen - diejenigen, die zwischen 5,7 Millionen Jahren aufgetreten ist, wenn die menschliche Linie von der Leitung zum Schimpansen aufgespalten und 300.000 Jahren, als Neandertaler und die Vorfahren der modernen Menschen trennten sich die Wege. "

In der 12. Planet (1976), beschreibt der Anunnaki Gentechnik Fashion Das Adam schrieb Zecharia: "Der Mensch ist das Produkt der Evolution, aber der moderne Mensch, Homo sapiens, ist das Produkt der" Götter "Für einige Zeit circa. 300.000 Jahren, nahm die Nefilim Affen-Menschen (Homo erectus) und implantierte ihn am eigenen Bild und Gleichnis. " In The Earth Chronicles Time Chart (Die Kriege der Götter und Menschen, 1985) Zecharia schrieb: 300.000 Jahren: Die Anunnaki werktätigen im Goldminen Meuterei. Enki und Ninhursag erstellen Primitive Arbeiter durch genetische Manipulation ... Homo sapiens beginnt sich zu vermehren. "

Die Sintflut: In The 12th Planet und göttliche Begegnungen Zecharia vorgeschlagen, dass die biblische Sintflut ein riesiger Flutwelle, die durch den Schlupf der Eisdecke der Antarktis verursacht wurde, was das abrupte Ende der letzten Eiszeit circa 13.000 Jahren. Zwei aktuelle Studien bestätigen beide Aspekte Zecharia die über das Thema zu nehmen: Eine Studie des antiken Temperaturen in der Zeitschrift Nature vom 26. Februar 2009 zum Schluss, dass während der Erwärmung am Ende der letzten Eiszeit war relativ schrittweise in Grönland (Nordatlantik), war es "schnellen und abrupten" in der Antarktis (Südatlantik), vor etwa 13.000 Jahren.

Eine Studie des antiken Meeresspiegel in Science vom 6. Februar 2009 veröffentlicht Schluss, dass (a) der Antarktis Eisdecke abrupt zusammengebrochen und (b), dass aufgrund der Topographie des Kontinents und seiner umgebenden Meeresboden, war die Flutwelle mindestens drei Mal höher als bisher berechnet, erreicht seine maximale Wirkung etwa 2.000 Meilen entfernt. Ein Diagramm dem Artikel beigefügt zeigt das Gebiet der maximalen Gezeiten Auswirkungen im Persischen Golf, das Mittelmeer und im Norden davon - die sehr Lands der Bibel und den Berg Ararat.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Wireless Product Equipment: Know the technology out there

Wireless Product Equipment - Network Routers, Access Points, TV, Adapters and More

By , Guide

This is a great topic that shows us how the technology is to be used

Wireless Routers
Linksys WRT54G Wireless Broadband Router
The centerpiece product of many home computer networks is a wireless router. These routers support all home computers configured with wireless network adapters (see below). They also contain a network switch to allow some computers to be connected with Ethernet cables.
Wireless routers allow cable modem and DSL Internet connections to be shared. Additionally, many wireless router products include a built-in firewall that protects the home network from intruders.

Illustrated above is the Linksys WRT54G (compare prices). This is a popular wireless router product based on the 802.11g Wi-Fi network standard. Wireless routers are small box-like devices generally less than 12 inches (0.3 m) in length, with LED lights on the front and with connection ports on the sides or back. Some wireless routers like the WRT54G feature external antennas that protrude from the top of the device; others contain built-in antennas.

Wireless router products differ in the network protocols they support (802.11g, 802.11a, 802.11b or a combination), in the number of wired device connections they support, in the security options they support, and in many other smaller ways. Generally only one wireless router is required to network an entire household.


Wireless Access Points
Linksys WAP54G Wireless Access Point
A wireless access point (sometimes called an "AP" or "WAP") serves to join or "bridge" wireless clients to a wired Ethernet network. Access points centralize all WiFi clients on a local network in so-called "infrastructure" mode. An access point in turn may connect to another access point, or to a wired Ethernet router.
Wireless access points are commonly used in large office buildings to create one wireless local area network (WLAN) that spans a large area. Each access point typically supports up to 255 client computers. By connecting access points to each other, local networks having thousands of access points can be created. Client computers may move or roam between each of these access points as needed.
In home networking, wireless access points can be used to extend an existing home network based on a wired broadband router. The access point connects to the broadband router, allowing wireless clients to join the home network without needing to rewire or re-configure the Ethernet connections.

As illustrated by the Linksys WAP54G (compare prices) shown above, wireless access points appear physically similar to wireless routers. Wireless routers actually contain a wireless access point as part of their overall package. Like wireless routers, access points are available with support for 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g or combinations.


Wireless Network Adapters
Linksys WPC54G Wireless Network Adapter
A wireless network adapter allows a computing device to join a wireless LAN. Wireless network adapters contain a built-in radio transmitter and receiver. Each adapter supports one or more of the 802.11a, 802.11b, or 802.11g Wi-Fi standards.Wireless network adapters also exist in several different form factors. Traditional PCI wireless adapters are add-in cards designed for installation inside a desktop computer having a PCI bus. >USB wireless adapters connect to the external USB port of a computer. Finally, so-called PC Card or PCMCIA wireless adapters insert into a narrow open bay on a notebook computer. One example of a PC Card wireless adapter, the Linksys WPC54G (compare prices) is shown above. Each type of wireless network adapter is small, generally less than 6 inches (0.15 m) long. Each provides equivalent wireless capability according to the Wi-Fi standard it supports.

Some notebook computers are now manufactured with built-in wireless networking. Small chips inside the computer provide the equivalent functions of a network adapter. These computers obviously do not require separate installation of a separate wireless network adapter.


Wireless Print Servers
Linksys WPS54G Wireless Print Server
A wireless print server allows one or two printers to be conveniently shared across a Wi-Fi network. Adding wireless print servers to a network:
  • Allows printers to be conveniently located anywhere within wireless network range, not tied to the location of computers
  • Does not require a computer be always turned on in order to print
  • Does not require a computer to manage all print jobs, that can bog down its performance
  • Allows administrators to change computer names and other settings without having to re-configure the network printing settings.
A wireless print server must be connected to printers by a network cable, normally USB 1.1 or USB 2.0. The print server itself can connect to a wireless router over Wi-Fi, or it can be joined using an Ethernet cable.

Most print server products include setup software on a CD-ROM that must be installed on one computer to complete the initial configuration of the device. As with network adapters, wireless print servers must be configured with the correct network name (SSID) and encryption settings. Additionally, a wireless print server requires client software be installed on each computer needing to use a printer. Print servers are very compact devices that include a built-in wireless antenna and LED lights to indicate status. The Linksys WPS54G (compare prices) 802.11g USB wireless print server is shown as one example.

Wireless Game Adapters
Linksys WGA54G Wireless Game Adapter
A wireless game adapter connects a video game console to a Wi-Fi home network to enable Internet or head-to-head LAN gaming. Wireless game adapters for home networks are available in both 802.11b and 802.11g varieties. An example of an 802.11g wireless game adapter appears above, the Linksys WGA54G (compare prices).
Wireless game adapters can be connected either to a wireless router using an Ethernet cable (for best reliability and performance) or over Wi-Fi (for greater reach and convenience). Wireless game adapter products include setup software on a CD-ROM that must be installed on one computer to complete initial configuration of the device. As with generic network adapters, wireless game adapters must be configured with the correct network name (SSID) and encryption settings.

Wireless Internet Video Cameras
Linksys WVC54G Wireless Internet Camera
A wireless Internet video camera allows video (and sometimes audio) data to be captured and transmitted across a WiFi computer network. Wireless Internet video cameras are available in both 802.11b and 802.11g varieties. The Linksys WVC54G (compare prices) 802.11g wireless camera is shown above.
Wireless Internet video cameras work by serving up data streams to any computer that connects to them. Cameras like the one above contain a built in Web server. Computers connect to the camera using either a standard Web browser or through a special client user interface provided on CD-ROM with the product. With proper security information, video streams from these cameras can also be viewed across the Internet from authorized computers.

Internet video cameras can be connected to a wireless router using either an Ethernet cable or via Wi-Fi. These products include setup software on a CD-ROM that must be installed on one computer to complete initial Wi-Fi configuration of the device.
Features that distinguish different wireless Internet video cameras from each other include:
  • resolution of the captured video images (for example, 320x240 pixel, 640x480 pixel, and other image sizes)
  • motion sensors, and the ability to send email alerts when new activity is detected and captured
  • ability to time stamp images
  • built-in microphones and/or jacks for external microphones, for audio support
  • types of WiFi security supported, such as WEP or WAP

Wireless Range Extender
Linksys WRE54G Wireless Range Expander
A wireless range extender increases the distance over which a WLAN signal can spread, overcoming obstacles and enhancing overall network signal quality. Several different forms of wireless range extenders are available. These products are sometimes called "range expanders" or "signal boosters." The Linksys WRE54G (compare prices) 802.11g Wireless Range Expander is shown above.
A wireless range extender works as a relay or network repeater, picking up and reflecting WiFi signals from a network's base router or access point. The network performance of devices connected through a range extender will generally be lower than if they were connected directly to the primary base station.

A wireless range extender connects via Wi-Fi to a router or access point. However, due to the nature of this technology, most wireless range extenders work only with a limited set of other equipment. Check the manufacturer's specifications carefully for compatibility information.

Wireless VGA to TV converter
Wireless PC to TV Converter

Wireless VGA to TV converter for professional presentations, computer gaming, internet videos, and more on your TV.

Click here to learn more about PC to TV connectivity.
Simply connect the sender unit to the VGA and audio ports on any laptop, desktop, video game console, or any other VGA source with the supplied cable. The sender converts the signal from VGA to the signal your TV uses and sends both the video and audio signals wirelessly up to around 75-100 feet line of sight. The transmitter unit is equipped with composite outputs. Simply connect your TV to the receiver unit using the included cables (composite video/audio).
The unit also functions as a wired VGA to converter box. There are composite, S-video, and RGB out ports on the sender unit as well.

Note: Not reccommended for text based applications such as email or web browsing, however if neccessary the manufacturer recommends at least a 14 point font

This device uses the 2.4Ghz frequency, which can also be used by Wireless internet, cordless phones, remote controlled electronics and other wireless devices. To help you avoid interference, you can select from 4 channels on the SW-28760, but in some cases there may not be enough available bandwidth to get a clear signal. In those cases we recommend looking at our wide range of wired PC to TV converters like the SW-23000.

AT&T Wireless Receiver

Even with TV Wireless Receiver, the basic U-Verse setup is unchanged. AT&T's residential gateway plugs into a phone outlet, and its wireless access point connects to the gateway. The gateway and access point each connect to a power outlet.
Here's where it gets innovative: The TV and wireless receiver reside together in another room. The solution isn't entirely wireless, however, as the TV connects to the receiver via HDMI, and both devices plug into a power outlet. Video is streamed over your Wi-Fi home network.
The wireless box is a fully functional U-verse receiver, capable of showing both standard and high definition TV. It has DVR capabilities, and can access interactive TV apps and the U-verse movies library. It also includes a wireless signal indicator to help you find the best location for the receiver.

Wireless TV Headphones

Product Description

How to Optimally Position a Wireless Access Point or Router

How to Optimally Position a Wireless Access Point or Router

Maximize home network performance

By , Guide
The performance of a Wi-Fi home network greatly depends on signal strength of the wireless router or wireless access point (base station).
If a given wireless client falls out of range of the base station signal, obviously that network connection will fail or "drop." Clients situated near the edge of the network range will likely experience intermittent dropped connections. But even when a wireless client stays within range consistently, its network performance can still be adversely affected by distance, obstructions, or interference.To position your wireless equipment for optimal network performance, follow these guidelines:
  • First and foremost, don't settle prematurely on a location for the wireless access point or router. Experiment; try placing the device in several different promising locations. While trial-and-error may not be the most scientific way to find a good spot for your equipment, it is often the only practical way to assure the best possible Wi-Fi performance.

  • Strive to install the wireless access point or router in a central location. If you have only one wireless client, installing the base station near this client is best. For WLANs with multiple wireless clients, find a good compromise position. Clients too far away from the base station will manage only 10% - 50% the bandwidth of clients nearby to it. You might need to sacrifice the network performance of one client for the good of the others.

  • Next, avoid physical obstructions whenever possible. Any barriers along the "line of sight" between client and base station will degrade a Wi-Fi radio signal. Plaster or brick walls tend to have the most negative impact, but really any obstruction including cabinets or furniture will weaken the signal to some degree. Obstructions tend to reside closer to floor level; therefore, some folks prefer to install their wireless access point / router on or near the ceiling.

  • Avoid reflective surfaces whenever possible. Some Wi-Fi signals literally bounce off of windows, mirrors, metal file cabinets and stainless steel countertops, lessening both network range and performance.

  • Install the wireless access point or router at least 1 m (3 feet) away from other home appliances that send wireless signals in the same frequency range. Such appliances include some microwave ovens, cordless telephones, baby monitors, and home automation equipment like X-10 devices. Any appliance that transmits in the same general range as 802.11b or 802.11g (2.4 GHz) can generate interference.

  • Likewise, install the unit away from electrical equipment that also generates interference. Avoid electric fans, other motors, and flourescent lighting.

  • If the best location you find is only marginally acceptable, consider adjusting the base station antennas to improve performance. Antennas on wireless access points and routers can usually be rotated or otherwise re-pointed to "fine tune" Wi-Fi signalling. Follow the specific manufacturer's recommendations for best results.

If using these guidelines you still cannot find a suitable location for your wireless gear, there are alternatives. You can, for example, replace and upgrade the base station antenna. You can also install a Wi-Fi repeater (often called a "range extender" or "signal booster.") Finally, in extreme cases, you may need to configure a second base station to extend the range of your WLAN.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Hollow earth strange photos.

El poder de los simbolos

3 Surprising Reasons to Give Up Soda

By David Zinczenko with Matt Goulding
Jan 24, 2012

America has a drinking problem. No, not booze. I'm talking about soft drinks. According to the Beverage Marketing Corporation, the average American guzzles 44.7 gallons of the sweet stuff every year. Not sure what 44.7 gallons looks like? It's about what you'd need to fill a small kiddie pool.

But the truth is, you don't need me to tell you that soda isn't healthy. We all know that America’s drink of choice contributes to our country's ever-expanding obesity problem. But, as writer Leah Zerbe discovered, love handles are just the beginning. Read on for her report on three shocking soda facts that will have you saying “Just water, please” from now on.

And for more instant secrets that will keep you healthy and fit all year long, follow me right here on Twitter or sign up for our FREE Eat This, Not That! daily newsletter to lose weight without ever dieting again.

Shocking Soda Fact #1: Soda fattens up your organs

A recent Danish study revealed that drinking non-diet soda leads to dramatic increases in dangerous hard-to-detect fats. Researchers asked participants to drink either regular soda, milk containing the same amount of calories as regular soda, diet cola, or water every day for six months.

The results? Total fat mass remained the same across all beverage-consuming groups, but regular-soda drinkers experienced dramatic increases in harmful hidden fats, including liver fat and skeletal fat. The regular-soda group also experienced an 11 percent increase in cholesterol compared to the other groups! And don’t think switching to diet varieties will save you from harm: Artificial sweeteners and food dyes have been linked to brain cell damage and hyperactivity, and research has shown that people who drink diet soda have a higher risk of developing diabetes.

Read out about the 7 biggest food label lies.
FIX IT WITH FOOD: The average American drinks 450 calories a day. By switching to water as your go-to beverage, you'll make room in your diet for these 40 Foods with Superpowers—foods that, even in moderation, can strengthen your heart, fortify your bones, and boost your metabolism so you can lose weight more quickly.

Shocking Soda Fact #2: Soda contains flame retardants

Some popular soda brands, including Mountain Dew, use brominated vegetable oil—a toxic flame retardant—to keep the artificial flavoring from separating from the rest of the liquid. This hazardous ingredient—sometimes listed as BVO on soda and sports drinks—can cause bromide poisoning symptoms like skin lesions and memory loss, as well as nerve disorders. If that’s not a good enough reason not to “Do the Dew,” I don’t know what is. (We reveal more insidious ingredients hiding onsupermarket shelves in the 15 Scariest Food Additives).

Are you addicted to diet soda? Find out now!
DRINK DISASTERS: Soda isn’t the only dubious drink you have to watch out for. Many bottled beverages pack enough sugar and calories to foil your get-fit plans in one fell sip. Protect yourself by avoiding the 11 Worst Beverages in the Supermarket!

Shocking Soda Fact #3: Drinking soda makes you a lab rat

Many American soda brands are sweetened with high-fructose corn syrup, a heart-harming man-made compound derived mainly from genetically engineered corn. The problem? Genetically engineered ingredients have only been in our food chain since the 1990s, and we don't know their long-term health impacts because the corporations that developed the crops never had to test them for long-term safety. Case in point: Some recent findings suggest that genetically engineered crops are linked to digestive tract damage, accelerated aging, and even infertility!
Ready to switch to water for good? Thought so. Here's a foolproof way to Cure Your Soda Addiction!