Thursday, October 18, 2012

Alien Species

Alien Species
Use menu below to read about various alien species. If you have had an experience with another species besides what's listed, please email us here and let us know. Also look in the sub categories to see if it's listed

"In any case, the Air Force has arrived to the conclusion that a certain number of anomalous phenomena has been produced within Belgian airspace. The numerous testimonies of ground observations compiled in this [SOBEPS] book, reinforced by the reports of the night of March 30-31 [1990], have led us to face the hypothesis that a certain number of unauthorized aerial activities have taken place. Until now, not a single trace of aggressiveness has been signaled; military or civilian air traffic has not been perturbed nor threatened. We can therefore advance that the presumed activities do not constitute a direct menace." "The day will come undoubtedly when the phenomenon will be observed with technological means of detection and collection that won't leave a single doubt about its origin. This should lift a part of the veil that has covered the mystery for a long time. A mystery that continues to the present. But it exists, it is real, and that in itself is an important conclusion."

-Major-General Wilfred de Brouwer, Deputy Chief, Royal Belgian Air Force, "Postface" in SOBEPS' Vague d'OVNI sur la Belgique - Un Dossier Exceptionnel, Brussels: SOBEPS, 1991.

Miscellaneous Possibly Related Species ( Non alphabetized)
Some people call these the first humans, possibly first hybrid descendants of the Anunnaki. It is believed that the Adam / Eve theme shows up in many cultures over every continent in in many ancient texts. It is also believed that there are two races of beings within our universal locale; Draconian's (reptiles) and the Evadamic (human) which battled for domination of Terra, or Earth. They would look somewhat middle eastern or Native American, Black, dark brown hair, dark eyes, olive eyes, in rare cases blue eyes. Or are these mythological creatures in world history?
A humanoid species that has aquatic qualities such as gills, webbed feet an hands allowing them to live beneath our seas. They possibly inhabit our deep ocean depths and piloting UFO's often seen coming out of our oceans. They have been accredited with cattle mutilations, possess such an advanced weapons systems that other specie swill not war with them. Yet others claim they are here to enlighten our consciousness. Also they've been described as being a luminous bluish gray in color of various height.
Supposedly a reptilian ( have seen them described as humanoid/reptilian) species that is associated with the Constellation Aquila, in the Altair solar system. Almost romantic descriptions have been given, they are nomads among the stars, friends to some species of Nordics, Greys Other planetary military (including ours) and actually help defend Draconian's. Also league with The Ashtar Command. There are both positive and negative thoughts about The Ashtar Command. My cult groups also channel these entities.
Are they myth or reality? Ancient Greek mythology suggest these 'beings' are in association with the gods from the star system Cassiopeia. The brave Hercules had to kill Medusa (a reptilian?) and other Beings, only then to kill himself by fire in the end. God "Zeus", supposedly fathered many offspring, well know are: and then took Andromeda's hand in marriage. There is more fiction based info on the Internet than dealing with UFO alien being related information. for reading on the god of Greece read here. information is furnished
A humanoid species associated with underground bases on earth under Antarctica and associated with fair haired pale almost bluish skinned races. I believe there are at least two other blue skinned races. In some explanations, it's said that these creatures also have reptilian qualities, they have slits instead of regular pupils and eye colors ranging from pale yellow to bright green more in tune with a cat or snakes eyes. In other explanations it is said they may be a pure Aryan race and have the swastika on their ships.
According to Edgar Cayce, the Arcturians are supposedly the most advanced beings in our Galaxy with the ability for dimensional travel. Their society which is a similar structure to that of earth. Apparently they are supposed to bring peace among warring planets. My thought is ALL Aliens have the ability to enter our earth by dimensional means. Or possibly some species have been here before humankind.
They've been described as short and stocky as in Whitley Strieber's book, 'Communion'. They are uniformed have wide faces and a darker blue color with almost comic movements, appearing to float or glide along. In Whitley's experience, they were behaving like medical doctors and examined him. Others have described as looking like a typical Grey except for the coloration and even humanoid varying from dark to brilliant blue. The was a 7 year-olds rendition.

Browns are rarer, like the rare blues and there are several grey species. Browns have been describes as 3 -7 feet tall, in various shades of brown to a tan color. Skin has been described in some cases a leathery, wrinkled appearance and eye size varies from a large almond shape to small and reptile like.
The Cassiopaeans are supposedly a highly advanced intelligent race of humanoids from the star system of Cassiopeia. Several New Age groups proclaim to channel these beings via telepathic communications. This is possibly another race based in more myth than fact. They have be described as beings of light, beings with halos or appearing in a dimensional energy form surrounded by light. Note:Coming form a former channeling cult I cannot place much stock in depending on channeled information as a source for credible information dealing with entities or aliens, or future selves....)
Will describe all forms of reptilian many species that each has it's own category. These are called Drac's for short and have a reputation of being cunning, highly intelligent, are very predatory warlike creatures. These are not the good guys, although many people would argue the point. They have been connected to Roswell, New Mexico cover-up and Dulce Caverns in New Mexico, to underground military bases supposedly in connection with our government and MILABS. They have webbed fingers, nails which resemble talons, with various shades of dark greenish grey scaly skin and have reptile eyes in various colors. They have the ability to shape shift and mask as human. They seem to feed off human energy, off of our fear or other highly charged emotions. Several sources claim they are the original inhabitants of Earth and were driven from the planet by the visiting Adamic / Evadamic (humanoid species) race who may have been part of the Anunnaki and headed for the Draco Star System, many thousands of years ago and will return to take over earth again.
These are godlike beings of super human strength intelligence and abilities often thought to be the first peoples or akin to a mating of sky gods and mankind. It's possible that these are what many ancient mythologies are based upon. There are several descriptions that would fit early Greek accounts of humans with super human powers such as Cronus ( the father of the universe) and Rhea who are the parents of Zeus.
The El's are said to be related to the Phoenician and Canaanite gods called the Elohim which is found in conjunction with Ezekiel's Wheel, and the pillars of fire that many claim is proof of extraterrestrial visitation. The word EL, translates into meaning, powerful -- "The Strong (or Powerful) One."
There are many accounts of hybrids with just about every alien species. Below are a few that have been aptly described.
  • The Grey/ Human Hybrid -- Many abductees describe accounts of seeing half human/ alien children in which they are periodically made to bond with. Children are often described as having oversized heads, large human or alien eyes small noses, small mouths and sparse hair in various colors. Their skin color varies between grey to pale white body type is slim to emaciated but there's been a few descriptions of seeing children who are of normal weight. Many abductees also remember seeing living fetus hybrids in tanks apparently waiting to be born.
  • The Reptilian/Human Hybrid-- Apparently reptilian human hybrids don't look much different from other humans. There are accounts throughout history of a serpent race of beings who mated with mankind to create a new bloodline. Some people believe that the human race of homo-erectus IS the genetic coupling of reptilians and humanoids. There is evidence of a godlike race (in some descriptions a serpent race) which visited earth and coupled with humans. There are many accounts written on clay tablets from the Sumerian era. This theme permeates many cultures. It's also believed that these reptilian hybrid bloodlines are aristocratic and comprised of kings, royals and noblemen starting in the middle east and spreading to every continent. Some people claim they have the ability to see through the human outer shell into the reptilian underneath.
An aquatic reptilian species that lives in or near water, are around 5 feet tall, they have scaly webbed feet and hands. as well as gills and began reportedly coming from the constellation Hydra (also called 'The Sea Serpent') which is comprised of three star systems of Beta Hydrae, Epsilon Hydrae and N Hydrae. In Greek mythology there are the dragons Hydra, Python, and the dragon Typhon, all serpent like.
There are many names of serpent gods and goddesses for that matter throughout every continent including hybrid prototypes engraved on tombs, on walls of unearthed ancient cities in the middle east.

Insect like beings, with big bug like eyes and thin mantas like bodies. They have been described as being 4 to 7 feet tall and are usually accompanied with small neonatal types of dark skinned grays. Some have been described as wearing hooded capes or robes. According to reports, both malevolent and benevolent agendas are being administered.
Approximately 4-5 ft. tall, with a thick base tail which touches the ground, much like an Iguana as well a hominid exterior. Abductees have often described them as seen wearing hooded monk type robes as well, capes which conceal there reptilian look which include tails. They seem to have a malevolent agenda, and some claim they are associated with sorcery, black magic. They have reddish, more sanguine colored eyes.

A species of aquatic reptilians from these have been described as lizard-like creatures 4- 6 feet tall, with gills, scales on various colors and are of the reptilian order. Some believe they were once depicted as ancient half fish/human gods of Syrian decent. They are reported to possess telepathic abilities as well as the ability to place thoughts inside humans. They are supposedly from the constellation Lacerta, the called the lizard, which extends from the head of the constellation Cepheus to the foot of the star system Perseus. Women experiencers have described being deceived and raped as these creatures had the ability to mask as movie or rock stars in dream-like experiences. They've illustrated scenes of tepid enclosed rooms with warm pools of water that are used to mate with both male and female humans. There ships have been described as either wormlike or triangular.
Lemurians are a humanoid species that hale from Pleiades. They are humanoids, dark hair and olive skin, usually brown almond-like eyes and supposedly settled in India and other areas of the middle east. They are supposedly here to enlighten the consciousness and traveled here many millennium ago because of the vibrant natural resources of what they call Terra (earth). There are several groups of people who claim to be channeling Lemurians message of peace.
They've been described as the demonic manifestation of the the alien races and have been depicted as looking like earth bound demons but have the ability to mask as human. Others have stated they are a dominant species with intent on taking over earth and enslaving humans and are supposedly connected to the Illuminati. Most likely they are reptilian in origin, as the description implies.
The human inhabitants of Lyra, who are said to have a common origin with earths human species, and the species of Terrain who are supposedly bent on taking over our galaxy. They come in all shapes, sizes from dark-skinned to Caucasian there is supposedly a red haired, light skinned giant race, with rather large features. Lyrans were evidently driven out of their star system several thousand of years ago and relocated to many areas in the galaxy.
Martians are obviously supposedly form our solar systems planet Mars. They been described as small little green men with antennae, or as an lizard like reptilian inner planet species, even humanoid. Most every description has been given. Some schools of thought think that Mars was once inhabited by humans, and they escaped to earth when resources dried up. Other believed that a Martian planetary upheaval war/planetary changes due to a pole shift. Surprisingly recent discoveries of water underneath the poles, and clear evidence of river channels, etc. as well as water on the surface makes one wonder. There is a school of thought that we once inhabited Mars- and teraformed Terra known as Earth. because of WAR.
The Neonates are an alien species with extreme intelligence. Neonates are three to four feet tall, have a fetus-like facial appearance with a large oversized cranium. They are thin muscled and spindly, have light gray to dark cream-colored skin, five digits on each hand and are reported to possess telepathic abilities. Neonates are often times mistaken for Greys, another similar alien species in stature and color. However, the Neonates (unlike the grays) have pupils and retinas in their unusually large eyes. The eyes of Alien Greys are large too, but they are entirely black and have no distinguishable pupils or retinas in them. Alien Greys have only four digits on each hand as opposed to the five digits on each hand of the Neonate.
It was the Neonate species that was reportedly involved in the Roswell New Mexico UFO crash in 1947. It is also the Neonate species that allegedly abducted Betty and Barney Hill in 1962; the first documented ‘Alien Abduction’ case on record. During that abduction Betty Hill was told by these Neonate aliens that they originated from the Zeta Riticuli star system.

A tall race of blond haired, blue eyed humanoids often related to the star system Pleiades'. Both male and females are well built with muscular athletic bodies and stand over 6 feet tall. Facial features are humanoid, with eyes, nose and lips that vary in size. They are described as a benevolent race in connection with contact experiences.
As the Nordics are light haired and eyed, the Orions have been reported to be tall, dark haired with brown almond shaped eyes and have a malevolent war like personas. Others claim they are the keepers of the heavens and actually prevent the malevolent Draconian species from attacking earth while other reports claim they are in conjunction with other warlike malevolent species.
There are as many descriptions of Greys as there are shades of gray. Other species include heights ranging from 2 to 12 feet tall, willowy to muscular bodies large eyes to small humanlike eyes. Skin textures have been describes as fine scales, to the feeling of eel skin and human hairless skin.

Usually tall and human looking , Pleiadans have been described as the other humanoid race of the universe with varying hair and eye and skin colors, One species is supposedly look human, but with luminous blue skin a thick wooly red hair.
Human people posing as aliens, formed in the mind of cult guru Rael (The Clonaid people, who've have unsubstantiated claims of cloning the first human.) Raelians are supposed to ascendants be our human race and the missing link. Supposedly this group seeded earth with another indigenous species which made humans as we are today. A whole subculture of world wide believers have grown around the leader. Similar to the Uranthans.

There are a variety of Reptilian species that are non hominid, bipedal and literally cool or cold blooded. There have been rare reports of a positive interaction with them. Descriptions vary, but a commonality seem to be the reptilian features of greenish grey reptile flesh colored skin with eyes that have slits. They range in all heights as well, including tails and sheaths which hide their sexual organs. A Majority of reports claim they are perpetuating malevolent agendas.
A species of Reptiods that is said to inhabit the subterraneous areas of Earth, the Moon and Mars. Apparently they claim to be earths original inhabitants and say the were driven underground by rogue aliens called Terrans. There is a whole sub culture of people who believe that they are from these reptilian/human bloodlines.
Reptilians that are snake like in appearance with yellow to red colored irises and elongated pupils. They have been reported to being dark greenish gray, over several feet tall with viper shaped heads, long tails and snake like scales. They have snake like movements. Others have reported them to be giant snakes, larger than the Anaconda, and they are sentinels, guards that will capture or kill humans who get too close to discovering subterranean reptilian species.
This is an aquatic reptilian species supposedly from our neighboring Dog Star Sirius. They have been described as bipedal, average in height with webbed hands and feet with gills, and others believe they are associated with the half human, half fish or mermaids and mermen. Supposedly the species have underwater bases on earth.
The Dogon peoples of Sudan, Africa believe that they received their vast knowledge of the stars from visitors to Earth, called Nommos - who are amphibian beings sent to Earth from Sirius for the benefit of humanity. The Sumerians depicted their gods as half human/fish and claimed these gods fell from the sky.
This is a species that has supposedly perpetuated a war within our universe to battle for the human soul, and domination over all humanoid species since the beginning of time. It's unclear if they are a true alien species or demonic as both sides of the Bible and UFO camps claim them as their own. There has been reference to them in the Bible, and in other religious texts. My Research suggests they may be a little of both.
This is a species that fights the Sons of Darkness within our universe to battle for the human soul, and supposedly sent to protect all humanoid species since the beginning of time. It's unclear if they are a true alien species or angelic. There has been reference to them in the Bible, and in other religious texts including the Keys of Enoch.
Supposedly the first species to come to earth and taught humankind the ability to grow crops and organize in communities. They are connected to the Phoenicians, Egypt and referenced in the Bible.
Supposedly the species of Greys that were involved in the infamous Roswell, New Mexico crash They are described as beings with large heads, willowy bodies. Supposedly, these creatures who gave the government a technological boost in exchange for human experimentation. They are supposedly capable to live underground.
According to believers the Urantia Brotherhood are benevolent teachers of the universe and are human looking. They are described as humanoid, in all shapes, colors and sizes. They were sent to help humanity to recover before the end times They will supposedly manifest before humans destroy themselves. A whole subculture of believers have formed around the Book of Urantia. Very similar to the the structure and belief of Raelians.
vampuria eye
Supposedly a species of reptilian that sustains its life force by siphoning off human energies and emotions. They are several feet with a bulb like hump between their foreheads, elongated arms and legs, eyes are red with slits for pupils, the bodies are reptile like bipedal and hands have four digits with dark talons. They are a hybrid species. I am writing about them now.
Supposedly a couple of species exist. The humanoid species descended as refugees from the Lyran Wars, they work closely with other refugee-colonists now living in the Pleiades. They look human are said to be gentle and peaceful.
The second group is also humanoid but with the characteristics of a reptile or insect like, they are described as having a greenish tint to their skin, but colors range from flesh to black. Both species are said to have large eyes
Brought into popularity by the late George Adamski , Venusians are supposedly humanoid looking with various skin and eye colors. They wear military type uniforms and working with the world governments as well as monitoring earthlings progress. They supposedly have underground bases in the Nevada desert.
These are supposedly humanoid beings that are comprised of brilliant light bodies in various shimmering colors. They are supposedly covertly helping humankind to become spiritual peaceful race. They apparently are teachers , do not have direct physical communication and prefer to channel their information.

They are tall, over seven feet, reptilians with dark reptile scales, elongated hands with thick black talons on 4 fingers. Their features are pointed and angular, large reptile eyes and thin but muscular bodies. They are very dragon like in appearance. They have the ability to shape shit to propagate. They are hostile in their abductions, they've been known to manipulate and invade dreamscapes. They feed of the emotions and energies of fear, anger. and use hypnosis , mind control .A very cunning aggressive reptilian species with the ability for trans-dimensional as well as Interdimensional travel. It appears that their sole agenda is to destroy the souls of humans, humanoid species throughout the universe.

A grey species , generally around 4 feet tall in various shades of gray, with large heads and large shiny black eyes. there body structures are thin, and they have the ability to telepathically communicate with each other as well as humans. Zetas who are largely responsible for abductions. Some claim they have a benevolent intent while other claim they are like drones who do lab work and other experiments possibly for another species.
The Mothman is a winged entity which has the ability to shape shift into anything it desires. Sightings of this creature are worldwide and it seems to just appear after a UFO flap but doesn't seem related. According to lore, It first appeared in Virginia in 1966. It appears to several people in the same locale, effecting their psychic ability to predict future events and then it will vanish prior to a major catastrophic event.
It is also called Yeti, Abdominal Snowman and Skunk Ape. This large hairy / furry creature has been reported worldwide throughout various cultures and on every continent The descriptions are similar; several feet tall with varying fur colors, it is a hominid species, possibly relating to the ape family but it's bipedal walking completely upright. Sightings indicate it is an intelligent creature with human like movements. It's often described as having a very foul body odor.
It drives its name from the term 'goat sucker' because is literally drinks the blood of its victims. The physical descriptions vary in height. But is generally described as about four feet tall with large red elongated eyes, grey skin that is part fur and part feathers, short arms with claws, legs like a kangaroo, and a line of sharp spikes down the middle of it's back. They are supposedly very powerful animals. Some reports indicate it has wings and can fly. It's been reported in both North and South America as well as the Caribbean. And appears in conjunction with UFO sightings.
See Bigfootdescription, but often described as white.
Humans who have unusual almost artificial features, almost looking like clones of each other. They are of average height, average looks, dark hair and eyes and appear to be extremely well groomed. They dress in dark or black suits, or other clothing and wear thick soled black shoes. They appear after a UFO sighting or abduction experience often asking unusual questions about the event or even talking in gibberish, and not making any sense. They have been known to represent themselves as government officials and issue threats about discussing the sighting, experience with anyone. This phenomenon is often reported in conjunction with UFO sightings
Described in the Bible and other ancient text as the sons of heaven who came down to mate with women of earth because they found them fair. There is mention of the Anunnaki / and Nephilim in ancient Sumerian writings as the sons of God. Zechariah Sitchin in his series of books called 'The Earth Chronicles' writes that the Anunnaki are a race of beings that come from our solar systems 12th planet called Nibru. See also Nephilim
The planet is supposedly on an elliptical orbit with earth and comes around every 3500 years. Its also suggested that these aliens are the ascendants of the latest version of Cro-Magnon Man, mated with human species because they found us genetically compatible. In other words they are supposedly the missing link.
Nefilim(also spelled Nephilim)
The fallen 'Angels of Heaven' perhaps, some claim they are the hybrids of the 'Watchers' and inter-mated with the women of earth during the time of Noah. They were giants that were seven to ten feet tall. According to some research The Anunnaki and Nefilim might be one and the same species.
Some reports refer to the Gypsies as having a connection with the UFO mystery or knowledge of alien races. The Gypsies purportedly hold knowledge of an ancient war, UFO crafts and technology, etc. It is supposedly a carefully guarded secret among various Gypsy tribes. Some claim to have traced the Gypsies back to ancient India, Egypt and other middle eastern regions. Many scattered across Europe
It's been reported that all branches of the military have been involved in a military cover-up of untold proportions and actually abduct people to make them think they have been abducted by aliens.
Small hairy humanoids with cloven hoofs which inhabit deep caverns beneath South America and elsewhere. According to some reports, They may be members of a pre- Adamic race which possessed angelic, animal AND humanoid characteristics. Now allied with the reptilians. They have been known, according to natives, to 'kidnap' women and children down through the ages and many stories are told of South American tribes who have battled these creatures with machetes during certain of their forays to the surface in search for women, children or food.
This type of anomaly has been described as looking like a huge floating jellyfish. It appears to pulsate like a living creature and has been described as having rotating colors of red, golden yellow and white. It seems intelligently powered either as a living entity or a possible craft and has been spotted hovering over houses, roadways before disappearing.
Tubes or Rods
This is a recent anomaly occurs near or around many UFO sightings. It is an elongated tube shape anomaly that erratically moves in all directions. It's been captured on camera and video film footage and isn't a film glitch or camera anomaly often unnoticed until film is developed or video footage is played back.


President Eisenhower had three secret meetings with aliens, former Pentagon consultant claims

  • Ex-President met with extra-terrestrials on three separate occasions at New Mexico air base
  • Eisenhower and FBI officials organised the meetings by sending out 'telepathic messages'
By Anthony Bond

Former American President Dwight D. Eisenhower had three secret meetings with aliens, a former US government consultant has claimed.
The 34th President of the United States met the extra terrestrials at a remote air base in New Mexico in 1954, according to lecturer and author Timothy Good.
 Eisenhower and other FBI officials are said to have organised the showdown with the space creatures by sending out 'telepathic messages'.

Bizarre: Former American President Dwight D. Eisenhower had three secret meetings with aliens, a former US government consultant has claimed
The two parties finally met up on three separate occasions at the Holloman Air Force base and there were 'many witnesses'.

Conspiracy theorists have circulated increased rumours in recent months that the meeting between the Commander-in-Chief and people from another planet took place.

But the claims from Mr Good, a former U.S. Congress and Pentagon consultant, are the first to be made publicly by a prominent academic.
Speaking on Frank Skinner's BBC2 current affairs show Opinionated, he said that governments around the world have been in regular contact with aliens for many decades.
Odd meeting: It has been claimed that Dwight D. Eisenhower met the extra-terrestrials at the Holloman Air Force base in New Mexico
Odd meeting: It has been claimed that Dwight D. Eisenhower met the extra-terrestrials at the Holloman Air Force base in New Mexico
'Aliens have made both formal and informal contact with thousands of people throughout the world from all walks of life,' he added.

Asked why the aliens don't go to somebody 'important' like Barack Obama, he said: 'Well, certainly I can tell you that in 1954, President Eisenhower had three encounters, set up meetings with aliens, which took place at certain Air Force bases including Holloman Air Force base in New Mexico.'
He added that there were 'many witnesses'.
Eisenhower, who was president from 1953 to 1961, is known to have had a strong belief in life on other planets.
Extra-terrestrial: Eisenhower, who was president from 1953 to 1961, is known to have had a strong belief in life on other planets
Extra-terrestrial: Eisenhower, who was president from 1953 to 1961, is known to have had a strong belief in life on other planets
The former five-star general in the United States Army who commanded the Allied Forces in Europe during the Second World War, was also keen on pushing the U.S. space programme.

His meeting with the cosmic life forms is said to have taken place while officials were told that he was on vacation in Palm Springs, California, in February 1954.

The initial meeting is supposed to have taken place with aliens who were 'Nordic' in appearance, but the agreement was eventually 'signed' with a race called 'Alien Greys'.

Mr Good added: 'We know that up to 90 per cent of all UFO reports can be explained in conventional terms. However, I would say millions of people worldwide have actually seen the real thing.'

According to classified documents released by the Ministry of Defence in 2010, Winston Churchill may have ordered a UFO sighting to be kept secret.

The UFO was seen over the East Coast of England by an RAF reconnaissance plane returning from a mission in France or Germany towards the end of the war.

Churchill is said to have discussed how to deal with UFO sightings with Eisenhower.

How to: IP Camera Remote Access

HOWTO: IP Camera Remote Access

February 16th, 2010 by James Drinkwater
Remote access is often a key factor when choosing a security camera. The ability to monitor a location remotely is a huge benefit for most and is often the main reason for selecting an IP camera.

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However, the act of setting up remote access can often be very confusing for non-technical users and can lead to difficulty. The process is actually very simple but does require some explanation.

Remote Access Steps:
1: Basic Camera Networking
2: Gather the right information
3: Set a static IP address
4: Setup Port Forwarding
5: Testing
6: Dynamic IP Addresses
7: Safety concerns – This is all safe… right?
8: Troubleshooting

1: Basic Camera Networking
Firstly we need to cover the basic setup of an IP camera.
A typical IP camera network setup
Most people will connect their IP camera to a standard Ethernet router alongside other computers and network devices. All devices will then gain access to the Internet through the router. There are no restrictions on outgoing data unless you set them within your router.

However the same is not true in the opposite direction. Routers contain a firewall which prevents anyone using the Internet from accessing your local network. This keeps your computer and local devices safe from attack by hackers but also means that you can’t connect to your camera.

Port forwarding (sometimes called port mapping or virtual servers) is the method which tells your router that you want to allow access from the Internet to a device on your network without allowing access to other devices.

2: Gather the right information

In order to set up port forwarding you will need to gather some network information, namely the IP address of your camera, internal IP address of your router, external IP address of your router and the port number to be used. Use the following techniques.
Internal IP address of your router and subnet mask

To access this information in Windows XP, go to the Start menu and click on “Run”. In the box that opens, enter “cmd” and click “OK”. In Windows Vista and Windows 7, click the Windows icon and in the search box enter “cmd” and press enter.
The Windows command window should now appear. Type in “ipconfig” and press enter. The computer will then churn out your network information for your computer. If you are using a wireless connection between your computer and router look for “Ethernet adaptor local Wireless connection”; if you are connected by a wire then look for “Ethernet adaptor local area connection”.

Once you have the right area, look for the default gateway. It should be something similar to If you find more than one and cannot decide which one is correct, try entering the IP address into a web browser. Whichever is the correct IP address should bring up your routers web page.

In the command window you will also see the subnet mask. Make note of this as you will need it later.

Command window

Camera port number
This is specified from within the camera’s web interface in the settings page. By default the port number should be set to 80. If you are using more than one then you need to change this but otherwise I would leave it alone. If you do want to change the port number it is best to choose a number over 8000.

For more information on ports visit our article: What is a Network Port and why do I need one?

External IP address of your router
To get the current external IP address of your router, go to Watch out though as this may change. See dynamic DNS below for details.

3: Set a static IP address

If you do not know what your camera’s IP address is you can usually find out by using the manufacturers search software. However, by default most IP cameras use DHCP to locate themselves on your network. This provides quick setup but also means that the IP address of the camera can change at any point. Once your port forwarding rule is set up, any changes in the IP address will break the rule and you will not be able to access remotely.

To prevent this, you need to set a static IP address in your camera. To do this, log into your camera and go into the network settings page. There should be an option there that says something similar to “Obtain an IP address automatically”. Un-tick this and enter a suitable IP address.

If you don’t know which IP address to use we would advise using the one that the camera is currently on. To check this, have a look at the address bar at the top of your page when logged into your camera. The address should be something similar to

In addition to your IP address you need to specify a subnet mask and default gateway. You gathered this information earlier so enter it as required.

You may also be asked to enter a primary and secondary DNS server. Unless you have been told differently by your ISP, enter the IP address of your default gateway address into the primary DNS server box. You can leave the second server blank.
Once you have all the information entered, save the changes and restart the camera. Test the IP address by typing it into a web browser once the camera has fully powered up.

4: Setting up port forwarding

Obviously we can’t go through configuration on all routers, the keyboard wouldn’t take it. However, there is a common way to set up port forwarding on all routers.
Think of the port forwarding table on your router as a phone book. When you want to know which number to call you scan through the names until you find one that matches and dial that number. In this case the router scans through the port numbers until it finds one that matches and then sends the information onto that address.

When entering a port forwarding rule you are often asked to enter the start and end ports. With the camera being on a single port just make them identical. The same goes for external ports if you are asked for them. Some will also ask you what type of traffic you want to allow, either TCP or UDP. You should allow TCP.

Be aware that sometimes you have to set up a rule in two steps. In these instances you have to create a service first which just adds a name for your ports before you specify IP address. For an example of this take a look at our HOWTO: Port forwarding a DG834 router guide.

Additionally you can have a look at website offers visual walkthroughs of most common routers. Just select your model and select the default guide for a basic walkthrough of how it is done.

5: Testing
Once the rule is created you need to test it. To access your camera remotely type http://external_ip_address:port into a web browser. Note that if you are using port 80 you can leave out the “:port” and still access your camera.

Don’t try to connect yourself. You may encounter an effect called NAT loopback. Some routers do not allow you to access a local device using the external IP address of your router and will act as if the rule is incorrect.

The best way to check that port forwarding is set up correctly is to try from a friend or relative’s computer. Alternatively you can check using a GPRS Internet connection or cell phone but be aware that these can sometimes provide inaccurate results.

6: Dynamic IP addresses

We get the same question a lot here at Network Webcams Tech HQ; Do I need a static IP address on my Internet connection? The answer in most occasions is no. Most cameras come with a dynamic DNS client which allows you to set up a unique name which will always point to your current IP address. For more information on dynamic and static IP addresses have a look at the Dynamic IP address Vs Static IP address.

7: Safety concerns – This is all safe… right?

Allowing access through my firewall? That doesn’t sound safe! Well, although you are allowing access through your firewall, you are doing so in a very controlled manner. Anyone accessing from the Internet will only have access to the devices you have set up on the port forwarding screen and even then will only be able to access on certain ports. For example, if you only allow access on port 80 you can’t access the same device on port 21.

However, because you have opened your camera up to the Internet you do need to make sure that a secure password is used. Don’t leave the default password on your camera as it really isn’t that difficult to work out which camera is being used and try the default password.

8: Troubleshooting
No matter how many times you have set up port forwarding sometimes things do go awry. Double check the settings you have entered and if necessary restart the router. If you still have problems take a look at the following areas.

Default Gateway
The default gateway is essentially the place where your camera will look to access the Internet. If this setting in your camera is missing or incorrect, the camera doesn’t know where to send Internet information to. In 99% of all network configurations the default gateway is the internal IP address of your router. To confirm this address, check the network settings by using the cmd window as shown above.

Hopping Port Forwarding
I have seen a number of occasions where people have been using more than one router on the same connection. It’s always a bad idea using more than one router per Internet connection unless you are a very advanced user. Keep things simple and it’ll be a lot easier to port forward.

If you must use more than one router then you need to set up port forwarding on each device to pass information from one router to the next. This is very tricky and should only be used as a last resort.

Satellite links / ISP blocking
There are ISPs out there that block remote access on certain ports. It’s very common on GPRS and satellite links and will often prevent access from the Internet completely. If you have a lot of trouble accessing it’s a good idea to give the ISP a call to confirm with them what you are doing is possible. Sometimes a change of port number to something other than 80 can sort things out.

NAT Loopback
A very common fault is encountered when people try to use the external IP address of the router to access their camera while accessing through the same router. This is often not possible due to NAT loopback.

NAT loopback happens when you try to access a local device using the external IP address or domain name. Some routers allow you to do this and some don’t. Check the user manual for your router as it should give you some indication. If Loopback isn’t supported then it will appear as if the system isn’t working.

The best way to check that the port forwarding is working correctly is to view from an external network such as one belonging to a friend or relative, or to use a GPRS connection or mobile phone web browser.

You should now have the information to configure and troubleshoot any port forwarding scenario. If you have any comments please leave them below.

This blog post is written by a technical expert at NW Systems Group‘s World Center of IP Video Expertise.

Dr. Simoncini: terapia del cáncer

Tratar el cáncer con el bicarbonato de sodio

dr. simoncini
By webmanager, 23 June, 2010, No Comment
dr. Simoncini

Tullio Simoncini es un médico nacido en Roma. Para ser más exactos, actualmente es un exmédico. Su especialidad es la oncología, diabetes y las enfermedades metabólicas.
Sin embargo, su nombre es reconocido en todo el mundo y especialmente importante para un gran número de personas que sufren o han sufrido a causa del cáncer gracias a su enorme descubrimiento que habrá de quedar por siempre grabado en los anales de la historia. El Dr. Simoncini descubrió por primera vez en el mundo que la causa del cáncer es un hongo llamado Cándida Albicans y esto lo llevó al mismo tiempo a desarrollar un tratamiento para su cura.

Actualmente en el mundo más de 8 millones de personas mueren a causa del cáncer cada año y para el 2030 se calcula que habrán muerto 21 millones. En Estados Unidos una de cada 4 personas mueren de cáncer, en Japón es una de cada 3, por lo que el descubrimiento del Dr. Simoncini es sin duda el descubrimiento del siglo y es merecedor sin duda del premio nobel.

En sus 20′s, el Dr. Tullio Simoncini perdió a un familiar a causa del cáncer con lo que decidió dedicarse al estudio de esta enfermedad. Y ahora, después de muchos años ha podido responder a la pregunta que hasta ahora nadie había podido responder: ¿Qué es el cáncer?

Su respuesta a esta pregunta es: el cáncer es un hongo, el hongo se llama Cándida Albicans
visitara Buenos Aires 2010El Dr. Simoncini con la firma convicción de que el cáncer es causado por el Cándida logra desarrollar un tratamiento que al fin es capaz de curar el cáncer. Su tratamiento ha podido curar incluso pacientes dados por terminales por otros médicos por lo que han acudido a él una gran cantidad de pacientes de todo el mundo que han oído de su prodigioso tratamiento con la esperanza de salvar sus vidas. Sin embargo, como era de esperarse, muchos de los médicos quienes habían declarado como terminales a los pacientes que fueron curados por el Dr. Simoncini se sintieron heridos en su orgullo.

 De igual forma las instituciones médicas e industria farmaceútica, así como el colegio de médicos, al demostrarse sus terapias convencionales, tales como la quimioterapia y radioterapia, totalmente inefectivas, por lo cual sintieron sus intereses financieros amenazados por el éxito de la terapia del Dr. Simoncini.

El resultado fue que el Dr. Simoncini perdiera su licencia médica, tal y como en el mito griego del dios de la medicina, Asclepio. Asclepio utlizaba su conocimiento para curar un gran número de pacientes y salvarlos de la muerte, lo que dio como resultado que ya nadie muriera, por lo que Hades, el rey del Inframundo decidió quitarle la vida.
Del mismo modo, al salvar vidas de pacientes con el Protocolo Simoncini, tanto las instituciones médicas como la industria farmacéutica perderían a un gran número de sus mejores clientes: los pacientes de cáncer.

Sin embargo, los pacientes de cáncer luchan desperadamente para sobrevivir, y para un paciente, un doctor es alguien que cura enfermedades y el dolor, por lo que no llamarían doctor a alguien que usa veneno y sólo acelera la muerte de un paciente.
Hipócrates, el descendiente de Asclepio, juró mantener lo siguiente: “Prescribiré los regímenes para el bien de mis pacientes según mi capacidad y mi juicio, y nunca en perjuicio de nadie. No daré una droga mortal a nadie aún si me lo piden”.

Incluso después de que el Dr. Simoncini perdiera su licencia, los pacientes se enteraron de sus éxitos por rumores o por medio de vídeos en Youtube. Una gran cantidad de pacientes del cáncer continúan buscándolo para obtener su ayuda en contra del cáncer. Por esa razón, el Dr. Simoncini se dió cuenta que debe luchar y hacer frente a la adversidad.

Ancient Atomic Knowledge?

"The LORD saw how great man's wickedness on the earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time. The LORD was grieved that he had made man on the earth, and his heart was filled with pain. So the LORD said, "I will wipe mankind, whom I have created, from the face of the earth--men and animals, and creatures that move along the ground, and birds of the air--for I am grieved that I have made them." Genesis 6......

flying a swift and powerful vimana
hurled a single projectile
Charged with all the power of the Universe.
An incandescent column of smoke and flame
As bright as the thousand suns
Rose in all its splendour...
a perpendicular explosion
with its billowing smoke clouds...
...the cloud of smoke
rising after its first explosion
formed into expanding round circles
like the opening of giant parasols... was an unknown weapon,
An iron thunderbolt,
A gigantic messenger of death,
Which reduced to ashes
The entire race of the Vrishnis and the Andhakas.
...The corpses were so burned
As to be unrecognizable.
The hair and nails fell out;
Pottery broke without apparent cause,
And the birds turned white.
After a few hours
All foodstuffs were infected... escape from this fire
The soldiers threw themselves in streams
To wash themselves and their equipment.

Ancient verses from the Mahabharata: (6500 B.C.?)

"Thirteen nuclear reactors existed in "prehistoric" periods along the 200-metre mine bed at Oklo --it was discovered in 1972, and they were comparable to the modern nuclear reactor in power and heat combustion.

This mine had the capability of enabling self-sustained nuclear chain reactions". This discovery shocked the entire scientific community back in 1972---but hold on,-- we'll get back to this later.

As we look at a bit of what is being called evidence of ancient atomic warfare (or simply atomic explosions),and possible ancient atomic knowledge I think its important to make a distinction. (Here I'm speaking to Believers).
It is important that we can establish through available evidence some seen on other pages here-- that: the Bible does in fact mention dinosaurs, that man and dinosaurs co-existed as the Bible would indicate; that DNA is proof of a creator, that the worldwide flood of Noah did happen, and that the world was created in one week as the Word says.
It's not that every believer needs to have these things proven, but it is at least interesting to know that there is scientific evidence that supports the Bible.
In the case of this examination of ancient atomic capability, there is no Biblical principle, doctrine or account that we need to support. Christians, as far as I can see have no stake in this one way or the other. We believe we have established on other pages here that there were pre-flood civilizations unaccounted for in traditional science.
We have pondered the question of the technological sophistication of these pre-flood civilizations. Atomic warefare or atomic capability would be another indication of this sophistication and little else. It may be that if it existed it was part of the wickedness that God saw, as referenced by the quote from Genesis 6 at the top of this page. The most interesting story on these pages is the absolutely true story of the Oklo mines on Page 2 of this section. To be fair, I'd have to label some of the other stories about nuclear craters and irradiated cities as speculative.
On the other hand, I personally would enjoy the consternation that would result among materialists/evolutionists, if it could be proven that this technology did in fact previously exist. It would be very difficult to fit that knowledge into the current paradigm, wouldn't it?
As for believer's such a confirmation could only bolster our confidence that when we say to materialists that "there are things in Heaven and earth that are not dreamed of in your philosophy", that that is proving truer every day.(Perhaps ancient weapons capability was why some were living in caves in the first place--with mobile art on the walls as technically proficient as the best art of the Renaissance).
My take is then is that there are some interesting things to consider, and that we should just take a look at it and form a conclusion. It may well be that we will reject all of the "evidence" or merely some of it. It's certainly worth a couple of minutes of our no doubt valuable time to give a look.
The "evidence" will largely fit in four categories. 1)Descriptions in what are thought to be the oldest written texts by man still in existence. 2)Discovery of archeological sites which demonstrate characteristics, including high levels of radiation, consistent with an atomic explosion and)3)physical evidence (changes in the sand) similar to those found at the site of current day atomic explosions.4)Bingo! Evidence of depleted uranium with plutonium products!

Atomic Explosions Produce Glass
The following item appeared in the New York Herald Tribune on February 16, 1947 (and was repeated by Ivan T. Sanderson in the January 1970 issue of his magazine, Pursuit):
Click and drag photo to resize.

(Photo:Olive green Trinitite formed in New Mexico as a result of atomic testing in 1945)
When the first atomic bomb exploded in New Mexico, the desert sand turned to fused green glass. This fact, according to the magazine Free World, has given certain archaeologists a turn. They have been digging in the ancient Euphrates Valley and have uncovered a layer of agrarian culture 8,000 years old, and a layer of herdsman culture much older, and a still older caveman culture. Recently, they reached another layer of fused green glass. It is well known that atomic detonations on or above a sandy desert will melt the silicon in the sand and turn the surface of the Earth into a sheet of glass. But if sheets of ancient desert glass can be found in various parts of the world, does it mean that atomic wars were fought in the ancient past or, at the very least, that atomic testing occurred in the dim ages of history?
This is a startling theory, but one that is not lacking in evidence, as such ancient sheets of desert glass are a geological fact. Lightning strikes can sometimes fuse sand, meteorologists contend, but this is always in a distinctive root-like pattern.
These strange geological oddities are called fulgurites and manifest as branched tubular forms rather than as flat sheets of fused sand.
Therefore, lightning is largely ruled out as the cause of such finds by geologists, who prefer to hold onto the theory of a meteor or comet strike as the cause. The problem with this theory is that there is usually no crater associated with these anomalous sheets of glass.
Brad Steiger and Ron Calais report in their book, Mysteries of Time and Space, that Albion W. Hart, one of the first engineers to graduate from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, was assigned an engineering project in the interior of Africa. While he and his men were travelling to an almost inaccessible region, they first had to cross a great expanse of desert.
"At the time he was puzzled and quite unable to explain a large expanse of greenish glass which covered the sands as far as he could see," writes Margarethe Casson in an article on Hart's life in the magazine Rocks and Minerals (no. 396, 1972).
She then goes on to mention: "Later on, during his life he passed by the White Sands area after the first atomic explosion there, and he recognized the same type of silica fusion which he had seen fifty years earlier in the African desert."
Interestingly, Manhattan Project chief scientist Dr J. Robert Oppenheimer was known to be familiar with ancient Sanskrit literature. In an interview conducted after he watched the first atomic test, he quoted from the Bhagavad Gita: "'Now I am become Death, the Destroyer of Worlds.' I suppose we all felt that way."
When asked in an interview at Rochester University seven years after the Alamogordo nuclear test whether that was the first atomic bomb ever to be detonated, his reply was, "Well, yes, in modern history." David Hatcher Childress in Nexus magazine

Click and drag photo to resize. Script from The Java Script Source

Pieces of Libyan Desert Glass weighing as much as 16 pounds are found in an oval area measuring approximately 130 by 53 kilometers. The clear-to-yellowish-green pieces are concentrated in sand-free corridors between north-south dune ridges.
The origin of this immense deposit of glass has been attributed by some to ancient nuclear explosions and alien activities, but investigating scientists have always been satisfied with a meteor-impact hypothesis.
A recent study (abstract below) also opts for this explanation, although no one has found a crater of suitable size or other supporting evidence.

Re: More on Libyan Desert Glass
by Gerhard Mehle
February 1998
Libyan Desert Glass is found widely scattered over an area 130 km north to south by 53 km east to west.
The Libyan Desert of Egypt is one of Earth's most remote and inhospitable regions. Uninhabited, windblown and foreboding, the Sand Sea, near the Gilf Kebir Plateau, was nonetheless the site of a remarkable discovery in 1932.
The Egyptian Desert Surveys under the able direction of Englishman Patrick A. Clayton (1896-1962) recovered specimens (about 50 kg) of an unusual, often beautiful, translucent to transparent, yellowish-green gem-like, high silica natural glass.
The Area Where The Glass Is Found
Click and drag photo to resize. Script from The Java Script Source

(Photo: from Libyan Desert Glass expedition)
After the 1932 discovery of Libyan Desert Glass, only two other expeditions (both of the 1930's) were undertaken to the location until 1971.
This latter exploration involved three scientists stopping over for only two hours and collecting some 24 samples of the glass. During this brief visit, the expedition accidentally found the site of a forced landing of an Egyptian aircraft with the remains of nine men.
The failure of Egyptian authorities to find the downed airplane for over three years is solemn validation of the remoteness of this arid region. In light of the foregoing, it is perhaps remarkable that a greater abundance of Libyan Desert Glass has been made available recently for collections and study than at any time since its discovery 65 years ago.
Libyan Desert Glass is classified by most meteoriticists with the group of curious natural glasses known as tektites. In 1900, Professor Franz E. Suess of Vienna coined the term tektite from the Greek tektos meaning "melted or molten."
Tektites are compositionally restricted, high silica, natural glasses distinguishably different from other, volcanically derived, natural glasses. Tektites range in size from microscopic (less than 1mm) to macroscopic weighing many kilograms.
Click and drag photo to resize. Script from The Java Script Source

They exhibit a marvelous range of colors from water clear, gem quality, deep forest greens of moldavites to the soothing pale to dark yellow and yellow-greens of Libyan Desert Glass as well as the stygian, impenetrable black of Australites.
Mankind has wondered about, and cherished, these enigmatic, exotic objects for hundreds of years, perhaps much longer. In the Cro-Magnon Venus of Willendorf site (Austria), dated at 29,000 BC, small moldavite flake blades were found (now lost!).
The earliest written records come from mid-10th century China referring to the black, shiny objects found after rainstorms as lei-gong-mo, "inkstones of the thunder-god". Australian Aborigines called Australites ooga, "staring eyes". The origin and source of tektites remains a mystery.
This Libyan Glass Object was Found in King Tut's Tomb
... in relation to all other tektite groups, Libyan Desert Glass exhibits a noteworthy number of unique attributes.
Lowest refractive index: 1.4616
Lowest specific gravity: 2.21
Highest silica content: 98%
Highest lechatelierite particles: fused quartz
Highest water content: 0.064%
Highest viscosity: almost 6X greater than Australites at the same temperature Other unique attributes: Color, Bubble types: 100% of included bubbles are lenticular or irregular.
..There is no evidence whatsoever, of atmospheric aerodynamic shaping and it is therefore presumed that Libyan Desert Glass formed as a melt sheet of some sort, possibly by meteoritic impact some 28.5 millions years ago. Recent French studies concluded that meteoric elements in the glass, of almost chondritic proportions, "points to an impact origin".
Interestingly, the inclusion of the high number of lechatelierite (fused quartz) particles in Libyan Desert Glass also points to an extremely high, up to 1700 C, formation temperature. Impacts of large bodies at high velocity are certainly capable of creating such high temperatures.
But, the central issue in determining the impact origin of tektites remains, that is, how to transform a mass of crushed rock into a homogeneous and relatively bubble free liquid which rapidly cools to a glass.
Even the commercial production of glass takes many hours to relieve the melt of its volatile components. No partially melted material, or target rock inclusions, have ever been found in Libyan Desert Glass.
Furthermore, other known impact glasses (impactites) such as Darwin Glass are bubbly, frothy, scoriaceous and contain partially melted materials. So the controversy continues.
This file shared with KeelyNet courtesy of Bryant Stavely. Excerpt from the World Island Review, January 1992.
Next Page: Scientists Shocked to Find Series of Ancient Nuclear Reactors: Designed or Natural?