Sunday, May 26, 2019

Legendary actor Jon Voight has a message for the American people -- "Donald Trump is the greatest president since Abraham Lincoln"

What Has Jon Voight Learned from Ray Donovan?

Jon Voight Plays Down Donald Trump's Offensive Comments About Women | HuffPost

Top 20 Pictures of Young Jon Voight - YouTube

this is so funny

#Black life matter no let the leftist tells other thing

Estos son los mismos que nos hacen que los trabajos nos bajen los salarios o perdamos el trabajo, (ley de oferta y demanda) mas gente sin trabajo abarata nuestro trabajo

De verdad hay que ser anormal o mongo para dejarce meterla mentira de los liberales izquierdistas comunistas de los senadores que quieren que permitamos que entren gentes ilegales que no cumplen lo que es ley pasar por los mismos pasos que hicimos nosotros tiempo atras

mas gente aca les combiene a commpanias como walmart mcdonald donde se abarrota de gente necesitadas y los salarios bajan,los desempleos aumentan ,y los trabajos desaparecen,la gasolina sube,la leche sube,las enfermedades ya extinguidad en usa vendran otra ves y quien sabe si tus hijos seran vulnerables a esos agentes infeciosos

IRS Defends Giving Refunds to Illegal Immigrants

In a letter to Congress, IRS Commissioner John Koskinen defended the decision to allow illegal immigrants to get refunds from the agency.
Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) went “On The Record” tonight to explain that illegal immigrants who get a social security number can go back and apply for a refund through the earned income tax credit. He said this is due to President Barack Obama’s executive order on illegal immigration, calling it unconstitutional and unfair.
“It’s unfair to taxpayers that noncitizen illegals are gonna get this bonus that […] their tax money’s gonna be used for,” he said, adding that this “points to the patent unfairness” of Obama’s action.
Jordan remarked that this is especially unfair to the legal immigrants who entered the country the right way.
Jordan pointed out that this news comes on the heels of recovered IRS emails that officials said could not be found.
“John Koskinen’s got a lot of explaining to do,” Jordan said.
Watch more above.

#Death Penalty for those traitor