Monday, January 28, 2013

Horario de cuando nuestro cuerpo empieza la eliminacion de toxinas

Mientras dormimos: Cómo funciona nuestro organismo

De las 9 - 11pm
Es el horario en el que  cuerpo realiza actividades de eliminación, químicos innecesarios y tóxicos (desintoxicación)  mediante el sistema linfático de nuestro cuerpo. Este horario del día debe utilizarse en encontrar un estado de relajación, escuchando música, por ejemplo.
Generalmente a esta hora las mamás realizan actividades tales como limpiar la cocina, monitorear  que todo esté listo para la actividad del día siguiente, etc. actividades que generan un estado de falta de relajación lo que  genera un efecto negativo para la salud.

De las 11pm - 1am
El cuerpo realiza el proceso de desintoxicación del hígado, e idealmente debe ser procesado en un estado de sueño profundo.

Durante las primeras horas de la mañana 1 - 3am
Proceso de desintoxicación de la vesícula biliar, idealmente debe suceder también en un estado de sueño profundo.

Temprano en la mañana 3 - 5am
Desintoxicación de los pulmones. Es por esto que en ocasiones en este horario se producen accesos severos de tos. Cuando el  proceso de desintoxicación ha alcanzado el tracto respiratorio es mejor no tomar medicamentos para la tos ya que interfieren en el proceso de eliminación de toxinas.
Mañana 5 - 7am

Desintoxicación del colon, es el horario de ir al baño a vaciar el intestino.

Durante  la Mañana de 7 - 9am
Absorción de nutrientes en el intestino delgado, Es el horario perfecto para tomar el desayuno. Si estás enfermo el desayuno debe tomarlo más temprano: antes de las 6:30am. El desayuno antes de las 7:30am es benéfico para aquellos que quieren mantenerse en forma.

Quienes siempre se saltan el desayuno, deben procurar cambiar el hábito, siendo lo menos dañino realizarlo entre las 9:00 y 10:00 am en lugar de no hacerlo por completo.

Dormirse tarde y despertar tarde interrumpirá el proceso de desintoxicación de químicos innecesarios de tu organismo.
Además de eso debes tener en cuenta que de las 12:00 a las 4:00am es el horario en el que la médula ósea de tus huesos produce la sangre, así es que procura dormir bien y no te duermas tarde.
Cuida Tu salud

During sleep: How our body

From 9 - 11pm

It is the time in which body carries out disposal, unnecessary and toxic chemicals (detoxification) through the lymphatic system of our body. This time of the day should be used to find a state of relaxation, listening to music, for example.

Usually at this time moms perform activities such as cleaning the kitchen, to monitor that everything is ready for the next day's activity, etc.. activities that generate a state of lack of relaxation which generates a negative effect on health.

From 11pm - 1am

The body makes the process of detoxification of the liver, and ideally should be done in a deep sleep state.

During the early hours of the morning 1 - 3am

Detoxification of the gallbladder, ideally should happen also in a state of deep sleep.

Early morning 3 - 5am

Detoxification of the lungs. That is why in these times sometimes be a severe cough. When the detoxification process had reached the respiratory tract is best not to cough as they interfere in the process of eliminating toxins.
Morning 5 - 7am

Detoxification of the colon, is the time to go to the bathroom to empty the bowel.

On the morning of 7 - 9am

Absorption of nutrients in the small intestine, is the perfect time to have breakfast. If you're sick breakfast should be earlier, before 6:30 am. Breakfast before 7:30 am is very beneficial for those who want to keep fit.

Those who always skip breakfast, they should change their habit, being least harmful do between 9:00 and 10:00 am instead of not doing it completely.

Sleep late and wake up late disrupt the process of removing unnecessary chemicals in your body.

Besides that you have to consider that from 12:00 to 4:00 am is the time in which the marrow of your bones produces blood, so I try to sleep well and do not sleep late.

Look after your health

Während des Schlafs: Wie unser Körper


Von 9 - 23.00 Uhr

Es ist die Zeit, in welcher Stelle führt Entsorgung, unnötige und giftige Chemikalien (Entgiftung) durch das lymphatische System unseres Körpers. Diese Zeit des Tages sollte verwendet werden, um einen Zustand der Entspannung zu finden, Musik hören, zum Beispiel.

Normalerweise um diese Zeit Mütter Tätigkeiten ausführen, wie die Reinigung der Küche, zu überwachen, dass alles bereit ist für den nächsten Tag die Aktivität, etc.. Aktivitäten, die einen Zustand der fehlenden Entspannung, die eine negative Wirkung auf die Gesundheit erzeugt erzeugen.

Von 23.00 Uhr bis 01.00 Uhr

Der Körper macht den Prozess der Entgiftung der Leber, und sollte idealerweise in einem tiefen Schlaf Zustand erfolgen.

In den frühen Stunden des Morgens 1 - 3.00

Entgiftung der Gallenblase, sollte idealerweise auch passieren, in einem Zustand der tiefen Schlaf.

Am frühen Morgen 3 - 5.00

Entgiftung der Lunge. Deshalb ist in diesen Zeiten manchmal ein schwerer Husten sein. Wenn die Entgiftung erreicht hatte die Atemwege ist am besten nicht zu husten, wie sie mischen sich in den Prozess der Beseitigung der Giftstoffe.
Morgen 5 - 7.00

Entgiftung des Dickdarms, ist die Zeit, um auf die Toilette zu gehen, um den Darm zu entleeren.

Am Morgen des 7 - 09.00 Uhr

Aufnahme von Nährstoffen in den Dünndarm, ist die perfekte Zeit, um zu frühstücken. Wenn Sie krank Frühstück sollte früher, vor 6:30 Uhr. Frühstück vor 7:30 Uhr ist sehr vorteilhaft für diejenigen, die sich fit halten wollen.

Wer schon immer überspringen Frühstück, sollten sie ändern ihre Gewohnheit, ist am wenigsten schädliche Sie von 9.00 bis 10.00 Uhr statt bin nicht tun es völlig.

Spät schlafen und aufwachen spät stören den Prozess der Beseitigung unnötiger Chemikalien in Ihrem Körper.

Neben, dass Sie zu berücksichtigen, dass von 12.00 bis 04.00 Uhr die Zeit, in der das Knochenmark der Knochen produziert Blut ist, so dass ich versuchen, gut zu schlafen und schlafen nicht spät.

Kümmern Sie sich um Ihre Gesundheit

Pendant le sommeil: comment notre corps


De 9 - 23:00

C'est le moment où le corps effectue l'élimination, les produits chimiques inutiles et toxiques (détoxication) à travers le système lymphatique de notre corps. Ce moment de la journée devrait être utilisé pour trouver un état de relaxation, écouter de la musique, par exemple.

Habituellement, à cette époque mamans effectuer des activités telles que le nettoyage de la cuisine, pour contrôler que tout est prêt pour l'activité du lendemain, etc. activités qui génèrent un état de manque de relaxation qui génère un effet négatif sur la santé.

De 23 heures-1 heures

Le corps rend le processus de détoxication du foie et, idéalement, devrait être fait dans un état de sommeil profond.

Pendant les premières heures de la matinée 1 - 3h

Désintoxication de la vésicule biliaire, idéalement, devrait se produire également dans un état de sommeil profond.

Tôt le matin, 3 - 5 heures

Désintoxication des poumons. C'est pourquoi, en ces temps parfois une toux sévère. Lorsque le processus de désintoxication avait atteint le tractus respiratoire est préférable de ne pas tousser car ils interfèrent dans le processus d'élimination des toxines.
Matin 5 - 7 heures

La désintoxication du côlon, il est temps d'aller à la salle de bain pour vider l'intestin.

Dans la matinée du 7 - 9

L'absorption des nutriments dans l'intestin grêle, est le moment idéal pour prendre le petit déjeuner. Si vous êtes malade, le petit déjeuner devrait être plus tôt, avant 6h30. Petit-déjeuner avant 7h30 est très bénéfique pour ceux qui veulent garder la forme.

Ceux qui ont toujours sauter le petit déjeuner, ils devraient changer leur habitude, au moins étant nuisible ne 9:00-10h00 au lieu de ne pas le faire complètement.

Dormir tard et se réveiller en retard perturber le processus d'élimination des produits chimiques inutiles dans votre corps.

Sans compter que vous devez considérer que 12:00-04h00 c'est le moment où la moelle de vos os produit le sang, alors j'essaie de bien dormir et de ne pas dormir tard.

Prenez soin de votre santé

Во время сна: как наше тело


С 9 - 11 вечера

Это время, в котором орган осуществляет распоряжение, ненужных и токсичных химических веществ (детоксикация) через лимфатическую систему нашего организма. Это время суток должны быть использованы для нахождения состояния релаксации, слушать музыку, например.

Обычно в это время мамы выполнять такие виды деятельности, как уборка на кухне, следить, что все готово для деятельности на следующий день, и т.д.. деятельности, которая в состоянии отсутствия релаксации, которая создает отрицательное влияние на здоровье.

С 11 вечера - 1 утра

Тело делает процесс детоксикации печени, а в идеале должно быть сделано в состоянии глубокого сна.

В течение первых часов утра 1 - 3 утра

Очищение желчного пузыря, в идеале должно происходить также в состоянии глубокого сна.

Рано утром 3 - 5 утра

Детоксикация легких. Вот почему в это время иногда может быть сильный кашель. Когда процесс детоксикации достигла дыхательных путей лучше не кашлять, как они вмешиваются в процесс устранения токсинов.
Утро 5 - 7 утра

Очищение толстой кишки, настало время, чтобы сходить в туалет, чтобы очистить кишечник.

На утро 7 - 9 утра

Поглощение питательных веществ в тонком кишечнике, это идеальное время для завтрака. Если вы больны завтрак должен быть раньше, до 6:30 утра. Завтрак до 7:30 утра очень полезно для тех, кто хочет поддерживать себя в форме.

Те, кто всегда пропускаете завтрак, то они должны изменить свои привычки, будучи наименее вредным же между 9:00 и 10:00, а не делать его полностью.

Спать поздно и поздно вставать сорвать процесс удаления ненужных химических веществ в вашем организме.

Кроме того, вы должны учитывать, что с 12:00 до 4:00 утра это время, в котором мозга костей производит кровь, поэтому я стараюсь, чтобы хорошо спать и не спать поздно.

Позаботьтесь о вашем здоровье



9 - 晚上11點



從晚上11點 - 凌晨1點


在早期小時,凌晨1 - 凌晨3點


清晨3 - 凌晨5點

早晨5 - 早上7點


在早晨7 - 上午九​​時






أثناء النوم: كيف جسمنا


في الفترة من 9 - 11:00

هذا هو الوقت الذي تجري هيئة التخلص منها، لا لزوم لها المواد الكيميائية والسامة (إزالة السموم) من خلال الجهاز الليمفاوي من جسمنا. وينبغي أن تستخدم هذا الوقت من اليوم لإيجاد حالة من الاسترخاء، والاستماع إلى الموسيقى، على سبيل المثال.

عادة في هذا الوقت من الأمهات غير العاملات أداء الأنشطة مثل تنظيف المطبخ، ورصد أن كل شيء جاهز للنشاط في اليوم التالي، وما إلى ذلك. الأنشطة التي تولد حالة من عدم الاسترخاء الذي يولد له تأثير سلبي على الصحة.

من 23:00 حتي 01:00

الجسم يجعل من عملية إزالة السموم من الكبد، وبشكل مثالي ينبغي أن يتم في حالة النوم العميق.

خلال الساعات الأولى من صباح 1 - 03:00

إزالة السموم من المرارة، من الناحية المثالية يجب أن يحدث أيضا في حالة من النوم العميق.

في الصباح الباكر 3 - 05:00

إزالة السموم من الرئتين. هذا هو السبب في هذه الأوقات تكون أحيانا سعال شديد. عندما وصلت عملية إزالة السموم من الجهاز التنفسي من الأفضل عدم السعال لأنها تتدخل في عملية إزالة السموم.
صباح 5 - 07:00

إزالة السموم من القولون، هو الوقت للذهاب إلى الحمام لتفريغ الامعاء.

في صباح يوم 7 - 09:00

امتصاص المواد الغذائية في الأمعاء الدقيقة، هو الوقت المثالي لتناول وجبة الإفطار. إذا كنت يجب أن يكون الإفطار المرضى في وقت سابق، قبل 6:30 صباحا. الإفطار قبل 07:30 هو مفيد جدا لأولئك الذين يريدون الحفاظ على لياقتهم.

إن الذين يهملون وجبة الإفطار دائما، عليهم أن تغيير عادتهم، ويجري الأقل ضررا لا 9:00 حتي 10:00 بدلا من لا تفعل ذلك تماما.

النوم والاستيقاظ في وقت متأخر في وقت متأخر تعطيل عملية إزالة المواد الكيميائية غير الضرورية في الجسم.

وبالاضافة الى ذلك عليك أن تنظر أن 12:00 حتي 4:00 هو الوقت الذي نخاع العظام تنتج من الدم، لذلك أحاول أن ينام جيدا ولا ينام في وقت متأخر.

Best UFO Sightings of 2013 Illuminati Secrets Exposed! Incredible Footage!

UFOs: Secrets & Leaks:

Weekend Edition   January 28, 2012    Coast Insider Audio
UFOs: Secrets & Leaks:

On Sunday night's program, George Knapp was joined by ufologist Grant Cameron, who discussed his analysis of government leaks into the classified world of UFOs. Historian and UFO researcher Richard Dolanappeared in the first half of the 2nd hour to talk about Cameron's new book and aviator John Lear joined the conversation in the second half of the 3rd hour. Cameron observed that UFO revelations often follow a pattern where researchers examine the information, then it becomes discredited, and "everybody just drops the story" in search of the next big disclosure. However, he refuted the idea that these are patently false stories planted by the government and suggested that, in fact, they contain accurate information which is then smeared with disinformation via holes in the story that have been created ahead of time.

Furthering his thesis on these UFO disclosures, Cameron posited that the government is "putting the information out, but they are keeping the coverup going" by subsequently discrediting it. Additionally, he theorized that the era of UFO whistleblowers is over and anyone claiming to be such a witness is "working for them." To that end, he said that, since the government would easily be able to identify any 'anonymous' whistleblower, then the person must be revealing these secrets at the behest of the 'powers that be.' Cameron also contended that "all leaked documents are phony," because they are classified material and the government would swiftly arrest anyone who breached that official secrecy.

In the first half of the third hour, aviator John Lear joined the conversation to reflect on the Bob Lazar Area 51 revelations and how they may have fit into this plan of action by the government. He recalled how Lazar had been asked about his friendship with Lear during his second interview for the Area 51 job. As such, he surmised that the entire saga was initiated by the government, since they knew Lazar would eventually leak the information to him. While Cameron conceded that Lazar's academic history has been shown to be false, thus allowing for the government to dismiss his claims, he noted that the notorious whistleblower passed numerous lie detector tests and his accurate information about Area 51 is what allowed for the story to ultimately be revealed.

Appearing during the first half of the second hour, historian Richard Dolan, who is publishing Cameron's new book (co-authored with Scott Crain), called it "possibly the single best book, best I've ever read, dealing with inside government leaks from credible sources about the reality of the UFO phenomenon." Regarding the theory that the government leaks accurate information and then discredits it, Dolan noted that it represents the ideal way of getting UFO secrets out to the general public without "destabilizing the whole system."

Star People Encounters:

In the first hour, Ardy Sixkiller Clarke detailed her research into Native American encounters with Star People. Since tales of alien encounters have been passed down for generations amongst Native Americans, she said that such stories are treated as normal events even in contemporary times. Clarke professed absolute belief in the veracity of the stories she was told by various Native Americans, who had these paranormal encounters, and stressed that they were "alert recollections" told to her rather than tales procured via hypnosis or a dream state. Over the course of her appearance, she shared stories of modern Native American UFO and alien encounters as well as insights into Skinwalkers and Sasquatch.

Vaccines & Geopolitics:

On Saturday night's program, John B. Wells welcomed author Howard Bloom, who provided updates on vaccines and geopolitics. Next, homeopathic physician Andreas Bachmair shared his contention that vaccinations are dangerous and deadly... cont.

Today in Strangeness:

According to the Guinness Book of World Records, on this date in 1887 at Fort Keogh, Montana, the largest snowflake fell during a blizzard. It was said to be 15 inches in diameter. In other records on this day, in 1938, German race car driver Bernd Rosemeyer, known as the 'Silver Comet' reached the speed of 268 mph on the Autobahn, just before his death.

Tonight's Show, Monday, January 28th:

Author, lecturer, and paranormal researcher Dave Schrader will discuss his lifelong immersion into the paranormal and his new research on Mothman-like sightings before tragedies. He'll also share updates on ‘"thought form" creatures including Slender Man, Bloody Bones Man, and the Faceless, as well as the Black Eyed Kids phenomenon.

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Magnus Carlsen's Rating Record

By , GuideDecember 24, 2012
Magnus Carlsen made big waves in the chess world earlier this month. Not just for winning the London Chess Classic - Carlsen scored five wins and three draws to put up 18 points under the 3-1-0 scoring system used there, collecting his third title in the four years the event has been held - but for what happened as a result of that triumph. Magnus Carlsen's unofficial live rating now stands at 2861, which (once it becomes official on the next FIDE rating list) will make him the highest-rated chess player in history. That number is ten points higher than the previous mark, set by Garry Kasparov in 1999.
Does this make Magnus Carlsen the greatest chess player ever? Well, of course not: at least not in any meaningful way. While there's plenty of debate over what rating inflation means - some see it as natural, as players become stronger over the years, while others believe it is simply an artifact of the ratings system - there's no doubt that ratings have gotten higher over the course of the last few decades, and that ratings are chiefly meant to compare contemporary players to each other, not to make comparisons across eras.

But that won't stop people from speculating on Carlsen's place in history. As only the third player ever to hold the "highest rating ever" record, it's natural to look at how his achievement ranks with those of Kasparov and Bobby Fischer. When Fischer reached his peak in 1972, he stood an incredible 125 points ahead of Boris Spassky, while Kasparov opened up an 80-point gap over the field when he had his record rating.

Carlsen can't quite match those measures of domination, but he still pulled away from the pack far more than many fans thought he would. With Vladimir Kramnik currently ranked second in the world with a 2810 rating, Carlsen has opened up a 51-point lead, more than enough to show that he's a step ahead of his compatriots.

That's a great first step to building an all-time great resume. But to truly be in the running as the greatest player ever, Carlsen will have to win the World Chess Championship and hold onto it for a good long time - something he hasn't seriously taken a run at yet, but which we might well see happen in the years to come. At the age of 22, Carlsen certainly has plenty of time left to build his legend.

Magnus Carlsen Wins 2013 Tata Steel Tournament

Edward Scimia
By , GuideJanuary 27, 2013

The final round of the 2013 Tata Steel Chess Tournament in Wijk aan Zee was played today, with Magnus Carlsen scoring a draw with the black pieces against Anish Giri to finish with a 10/13 score and his third Wijk aan Zee title. Of course, if you were paying attention to the tournament, you already knew this on Saturday; Carlsen had clinched the victory with a round to spare, and ended up winning the tournament by 1.5 points over Levon Aronian. The result matched the 1999 score put up by Garry Kasparov as the best result in the history of the tournament; Carlsen won seven games without a loss, putting up a performance rating of 2930 -- enough to push his rating (unofficially) above 2870 for the first time.
It's another impressive performance from the young Norwegian, who has already had a career that would likely put him among the top players in history who didn't win a World Chess Championship -- nothing to scoff at, especially at the age of 22. But in order to make the leap into the list of chess immortals, Carlsen will, of course, have to win a championship eventually (and preferably in a match format for much of the chess world to consider it meaningful). That quest will begin in a couple months, when the Candidates Tournament is held for the 2013 World Chess Championship. Given his recent results, Carlsen will likely enter this tournament as the odds-on favorite to win the event and challenge Viswanathan Anand.
Speaking of Anand, the Tata Steel Tournament was also a good event for the reigning World Chess Champion. After a year of poor results in 2012, Anand bounced back with some very impressive games in the Netherlands. While his 8/13 score was only good enough for third place, it was still a bounce back tournament that showed Anand should be a force to be reckoned with not only in his upcoming title defense, but also in super-tournaments for years to come.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Positional or Tactical Chess?

Probably all chess players ask themselves at some point of their chess career: "Am I a positional chess player or a tactician?" Based on the answer to this question they choose openings and the general strategy of their games.  But if you say that it doesn't really matter, then you have a point since as a well known chess saying goes: there are no positional and tactical chess players, there are only good and bad chess players!"
What made me write this article is the usual situation when a very inexperienced chess player, practically a beginner, starts the game with 1.d4, 1.c4 or 1. Nf3. I face this situation almost on a daily basis and I need to explain to my students that they shouldn't play these kinds of openings.  Don't get me wrong, I like all of them and if you check the database, you'll see that I have employed exactly these openings during most of my chess career. So, why do I strongly advise inexperienced chess players against these perfectly normal moves?
Usually it goes like this: my student plays 1.Nf3 and when I ask him why he chose this particular opening he says: " Well, I think I am a positional player, my style is similar to Kramnik's, and this is exactly what he plays". My usual thought in moments like this is: " You are am 1100 player for God's sake!  Before you talk about being a positional or tactical chess player you really need to learn how to play good chess first, and the best way to learn it is to play open positions which start with 1.e4!"  Then I try to explain to my student that it is not a coincidence that the majority of the great chess players started their chess journey by playing 1.e4.  Later they might switch to the closed openings, but at first they played all kinds of sharp lines which really improve your tactical skills and teach you how the pieces cooperate with each other. Just look at the games played by future World Champions.
Mihail Tal was 13 years old when he played the next game:

You may say that this is what Tal was famous for, he played like this his whole life including the time when he became the World Champion.  Good point! So, let's take a look at the games played by future World Champions who were known as positional chess players.
 Vassily Smyslov was 14 years old when he played the following game:
Vladimir Kramnik was just 9 years old when he played this game:

It was an absolutely crazy game.  It is difficult to imagine that the same kid who played White later got the nickname "Drawnik".
Finally I don't want you to think that 1.e4 is the only way to play for young chess players. True, it is the easiest way to get a sharp situation on the board, but if you have a desire to start 'fire on board', then almost any opening will do!
Jose Raul Capablanca was one of the finest positional chess players in chess history, but look at how he attacked when he was 13 years old:

Capablanca's comment when he was already the World Champion is very instructive: "Today I would most probably play a simple move 29. Qd2 which was also enough for a win."  But this is the whole point, young chess players should try their hand in sharp, complicated positions first and only then try positional chess.
It was very common in the countless chess clubs of the former Soviet Union that coaches taught their young students to play gambits, sharp openings like the Greco Attack and the Sicilian Dragon. My recommendation for all my readers whose rating is about USCF 1300 or below: try to play open sharp positions as much as possible.  Even if you play 1.d4 or 1.Nf3 go for complications whenever possible! Only a chess player who is proficient in tactics can be a successful tournament player.  Don't forget the popular saying that "chess is 99% tactics".  Don't be discouraged if you lose a game or two, the most important thing is to learn how to calculate variations and visualize a position, and you learn it best in sharp open positions!
Good luck!

Grand Prix Attack