Sunday, January 27, 2013


tt1166827 - Zeitgeist
Extremadamente polémico documental dividido en tres partes, en primer lugar la producción de información desacreditar la religión, sobre todo a través de Christainity mostrando las similitudes de las principales figuras religiosas. La Parte 2 describe los problemas con lo que se le dijo que nosotros acerca de los acontecimientos que rodearon y 11 de septiembre y ofrece pruebas de que los autores creen realmente era responsable de los ataques. La tercera parte trata con los bancos y las teorías resultantes de los líderes mundiales planea crear un banco mundial. También se refiere a las personas responsables de la Gran Depresión.

Un documental que exige la vigilancia y la búsqueda de la verdad, mediante una comparación amañado contra el cristianismo lo demuestra su punto a todos los que se ven influidas por el mensaje que envía. Continúa por poner en efecto una vista que totalitarismo será la demanda de la mayoría acrítica. Afirmar que la religión, el estado, los medios de comunicación y más todo el trabajo con este fin.

Esta película reúne información de varias fuentes y la junta de una manera que demuestra que es posible para las personas a ser manipulado por las grandes instituciones, los gobiernos y los poderes económicos. Se divide en 3 partes. 1. Religión: Pagan creencias astrológicas frente a las religiones antiguas y modernas. (9:35-35:53) 2. 9/11: Una visión general de los numerosos aspectos cuestionables de este evento sumamente importante. (35:54-1:09:16) 3. El Banco de la Reserva Federal: una historia de su formación y su capacidad para controlar la economía. (01:09:17-01:56:23) Con muchos clips de noticias de los eventos trágicos de la historia, extractos de audio de los que creen que las personas están siendo engañados sobre el nivel de libertad que tienen, este documental fascinante se ira a aquellos que están de acuerdo con ella, así como aquellos que no lo hacen. Una pieza muy oportuno e importante de la labor que toda la gente de pensamiento libre debe ver. Advertencia Content Viewer: Esta película muestra stock fotos y películas de guerra y escenas 11 de septiembre que puede no ser adecuado para todos los espectadores. (18 años o más)

Este documental no es para los débiles de corazón. que disecciona los orígenes de la religión cristiana y ofrece una visión interesante de cómo algunos bancos americanos (y por lo tanto algunas personas muy poderosas) han aprovechado worldpower a principios del siglo 20. que también se relacionan estos temas para las grandes guerras que se han librado en el siglo 20 y todavía se está librando hoy!

Extremely controversial documentary split into three parts, first producing information discrediting religion, particularly Christainity through showing the similarities of major religious figures. Part 2 describes the problems with what was told to us about the events surrounding Sept. 11 and and provides evidence to show who the writers believe really was responsible for the attacks. The third part deals with banks and resulting theories of World leaders plans to create one world bank. Also touches on the people responsible for the Great Depression.

A documentary that calls for vigilance and the search for truth, using a rigged comparison against Christianity it proves its point to all who are influenced by the message it sends forth. It goes on by putting forth a view that totalitarianism will be the demand of the uncritical majority. Claiming that religion, state, media and more all work towards this end.

This film gathers information from many sources and puts it together in a way that shows it is possible for people to be manipulated by large institutions, governments and economic powers. It is divided into 3 parts. 1. Religion: Pagan astrological beliefs compared to modern and ancient religions. (9:35-35:53) 2. 9/11: An overview of the numerous questionable aspects of this immensely important event. (35:54-1:09:16) 3. The Federal Reserve Bank: A history of its formation and ability to control the economy. (1:09:17-1:56:23) With many news clips from tragic events in history, audio excerpts from those who believe people are being misled about the level of freedom they have, this riveting documentary will anger those who agree with it as well as those who do not. A very timely and important piece of work that all free thinking people should see. Viewer Content Warning: This film contains stock photos and film of war and September 11th scenes that may not be suitable for all viewers. (18 or older)

This documentary is not for the faint-hearted. it dissects the origins of the christian religion and gives an interesting view on how a few american banks (and thus a few very powerful people) have seized worldpower at the beginning of the 20th century. it also related these topics to the big wars that have been fought in the 20th century and are still being fought today!

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Fahrenheit 9/11

tt0361596 - Fahrenheit 9/11
Fahrenheit 9/11
Siguiendo con 'Bowling for Columbine', el cineasta Michael Moore ofrece profundidad y puntos de vista, aunque sugerentes sobre el sistema de seguridad de Estados Unidos, el nivel de paranoia, el miedo, la incertidumbre, los falsos valores y el patriotismo, todos los cuales se combinan juntos para establecer un escenario para George W. Bush para lanzar una guerra contra Irak en lugar de centrarse en conseguir el verdadero culpable (s) detrás de los ataques terroristas del 11 de septiembre de 2001. Este documental también se centra en cómo algunos sauditas de forma segura y secretamente trasladado fuera de Estados Unidos, mientras los aviones se quedaron en tierra aparentemente después de los ataques. Archivado filmaciones, entrevistas exclusivas con los políticos, y una pérdida global de los fondos públicos para una guerra que se inició en la pretensión falsa a saber: un arma de distracción masiva - para alejar la atención del verdadero enemigo y hacer que los estadounidenses pegados a sus televisores pone a mirar a iraquíes inocentes y afganos mataron conseguir. Y una guerra que acabaría por alejar a los ciudadanos de los EE.UU. y que es de casi todos los países de la Tierra.

En esta película, periodista de investigación 'Michael Moore (II)' (qv) se vuelve su mirada sobre "George W. Bush" (qv) y su Guerra contra el Terrorismo agenda. Ilustra su argumento acerca de cómo este hombre de negocios fracasado profundamente relacionadas con la casa real de Saud de Arabia Saudita y los ladinos Bin fue elegido en circunstancias fraudulentas y procedió a meter la pata a través de sus funciones, haciendo caso omiso de las advertencias de la inminente traición de sus socios extranjeros. Cuando los re-sultados traición con los ataques de 9/11, Moore explica cómo Bush no tomó medidas inmediatas para defender a su nación, sólo para después cínicamente manipulan para servir a sus ambiciones patrocinadores ricos corruptos ". A través de los hechos, material de archivo y entrevistas, Moore ilustra su afirmación de cómo Bush y sus compinches han llegado a Estados Unidos en peor situación que antes y por qué los estadounidenses no deberían tolerarlo.

Fahrenheit 9/11
Following up on 'Bowling for Columbine', film-maker Michael Moore provides deep and though-provoking insights on the American security system, the level of paranoia, fear, uncertainty, false values and patriotism, which all combined together to set a stage for George W. Bush to launch a war on Iraq instead of focusing on getting the real culprit(s) behind the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. This documentary also focuses on how some Saudis were safely and secretly flown out of America while planes were ostensibly grounded after the attacks. Archived film footage, candid interviews with politicians, and an overall waste of public funds for a war that was initiated on false pretension to wit: a weapon of mass distraction - to take the focus away from the real enemy and get Americans glued to their TV sets to watch innocent Iraqis and Afghans getting killed. And a war that would eventually alienate the U.S.A. and it's citizens from almost every country on Earth.

In this film, muckraker 'Michael Moore (II)' (qv) turns his eye on 'George W. Bush' (qv) and his War on Terrorism agenda. He illustrates his argument about how this failed businessman with deep connections to the royal house of Saud of Saudia Arabia and the Bin Ladins got elected on fraudulent circumstances and proceeded to blunder through his duties while ignoring warnings of the looming betrayal by his foreign partners. When that treachery hits with the 9/11 attacks, Moore explains how Bush failed to take immediate action to defend his nation, only to later cynically manipulate it to serve his wealthy backers' corrupt ambitions. Through facts, footage and interviews, Moore illustrates his contention of how Bush and his cronies have gotten America into worse trouble than ever before and why Americans should not stand for it.

Fahrenheit 9/11
Faisant suite à "Bowling for Columbine", le cinéaste Michael Moore fournit un aperçu profond et bien-stimulants sur le système de sécurité américain, le niveau de paranoïa, la peur, l'incertitude, les fausses valeurs et le patriotisme, qui tous combinés ensemble pour définir la voie à George W. Bush à lancer une guerre contre l'Irak au lieu de se concentrer sur l'obtention du vrai coupable (s) derrière les attentats terroristes du 11 Septembre, 2001. Ce documentaire met également l'accent sur ​​la façon dont certains Saoudiens ont été en toute sécurité et en secret volé hors de l'Amérique tandis que les avions ont été cloués au sol après ostensiblement les attaques. Archivé extraits de films, des entrevues franches avec les politiciens, et une perte globale de fonds publics pour une guerre qui a été lancée sur la prétention fausse à savoir: une arme de distraction massive - pour détourner l'attention du véritable ennemi et obtenir des Américains collés à leur téléviseur met à regarder les Irakiens et les Afghans innocents se font tuer. Et une guerre qui allait s'aliéner les Etats-Unis et ses citoyens de presque tous les pays du globe.

Dans ce film, muckraker "Michael Moore (II)» (voir ce terme) tourne son regard sur «George W. Bush» (voir ce terme) et sa guerre contre le terrorisme ordre du jour. Il illustre son argument au sujet de la façon dont cet homme d'affaires a échoué avec liens profonds vers la maison royale des Saoud d'Arabie Saoudite et les Ladins Bin a été élu sur des circonstances frauduleuses et a procédé à aveuglette à travers ses travaux, tout en ignorant les avertissements de la trahison imminente par ses partenaires étrangers. Lorsque que les coups trahison avec les attaques du 9/11, Moore explique comment Bush a échoué à prendre des mesures immédiates pour défendre sa nation, pour plus tard, cyniquement manipuler pour servir les ambitions de ses bailleurs de riches «corrompus. À travers des faits, des images et des interviews, Moore illustre sa thèse de la façon dont Bush et ses acolytes ont obtenu Amérique en pire mal que jamais et pourquoi les Américains ne devraient pas tolérer cela.

Fahrenheit 9/11
Im Anschluss an "Bowling for Columbine", stellt Filmemacher Michael Moore tief und obwohl anregende Einblicke in die amerikanische Sicherheits-System, das Niveau der Paranoia, Angst, Unsicherheit, falsche Werte und Patriotismus, die alle zusammen auf eine Bühne für Set kombiniert George W. Bush einen Krieg gegen den Irak statt zu starten, sich auf immer die wahre Schuldige (n) hinter den Terroranschlägen vom 11. September 2001. Dieser Dokumentarfilm konzentriert sich auch auf, wie einige Saudis wurden sicher und heimlich aus Amerika geflogen, während Flugzeuge wurden angeblich nach den Anschlägen geerdet. Archivierte Filmmaterial, ehrliche Interviews mit Politikern, und eine allgemeine Verschwendung öffentlicher Mittel für einen Krieg, die auf falschen Anspruch auf wit initiiert wurde: a Massenvernichtungswaffe Ablenkung - um den Fokus weg von den wirklichen Feind und bekommen Amerikaner geklebt, um ihre TV setzt, um unschuldige Iraker und Afghanen getötet zu beobachten. Und ein Krieg, der schließlich zu entfremden würden die USA und Bürger aus fast jedem Land auf der Erde.

In diesem Film dreht sich Schmierfink "Michael Moore (II) '(qv) sein Auge auf' George W. Bush '(qv) und seine War on Terrorism Tagesordnung. Er illustriert seine Argumentation darüber, wie diese gescheitert Geschäftsmann mit tiefen Verbindungen zum Königshaus Saud von Saudi-Arabien und den Bin Ladins wurde auf betrügerische Umständen gewählt und ging durch seinen Pflichten stolpern zu ignorieren Warnungen der drohenden Verrat durch seinen ausländischen Partnern. Wenn dass Verrat Hits mit den 9/11 Angriffen, erklärt Moore, wie Bush auf, umgehend Maßnahmen zu ergreifen, um seine Nation zu verteidigen, nur um später zynisch manipulieren, um seine wohlhabende Hintermänner "korrupt Ambitionen dienen fehlgeschlagen. Durch Fakten, Filmmaterial und Interviews veranschaulicht Moore seine Behauptung, wie Bush und seine Kumpane haben Amerika in schlimmeren Schwierigkeiten bekommen als je zuvor und warum die Amerikaner sollten nicht für sie einstehen.

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The 10 Worst Things You Can Do to Your Car

By Mandi Woodruff | Business Insider – Fri, Jan 25, 2013 1:28 PM EST

Like the human body, ignoring even the smallest signs of trouble in your car's performance can lead to trouble down the road. 
And some missed signals cost more than others. 
A new report by Corporation  details exactly which maintenance mistakes can cause the most damage.
Here are the top 10: 
1.  Putting off recommended / scheduled maintenance 
2. Ignoring the “check engine” light
3. Not changing the oil, or not having it changed on time
4. Not checking tire pressure
5. Neglecting coolant, brake, transmission and other fluid services
6. Continuing to drive when the vehicle is overheating
7. Not changing fuel and air filters
8. Having unqualified shops service your vehicle
9. Using generic aftermarket parts instead of original equipment manufacturer (OEM)-quality parts
10. Trying to service your own high-tech vehicle
The best example of the snowball effect of missed car repairs is the air filter. It costs about 20 bucks to replace, but if left alone, a dirty filter can bust oxygen (02) sensors in cars, which cost as much as $250 to replace. And when the sensor fails, you'll first see your gas mileage plunge, then possibly wind up with a $1,000 bill to replace your  catalytic converter.
No. 3 deserves special attention, as well. Technicians say ignoring oil changes is the "single most damaging  car maintenance item that their customers neglect that they wish they could change," according to CarMD.
The trouble with dirty oil is that it doesn't jive well with the high-tech engines in today's modern vehicles, according to  Art Jacobsen, CarMD vice president, and can lead to engine failure if left ignored for too long. 
The old go-to rule for oil changes was to refresh every 3,000 miles. But most experts agree drivers should go by the schedule their car's manufacturer dictates instead. 
"Frequent oil changes do not necessarily mean better performance or longer engine life," CalRecycle Director Caroll Mortensen told The Auto Channel.

Free Tips to increase your webpage to the higher place at Google search

From: Brad Callen
Date: Sunday, January 27, 2013 
Re: How to get hundreds of thousands of high quality one-way links, taking your Google ranking from wherever it currently is, straight to page 1 over time.

More Backlinks = Higher Google Rankings = More Traffic!
Here's a specific example that shows you that the more quality one-way links you have, the higher Google rankings you'll have as well. Below is one of my own websites that is currently in the SEOLinkVine network.
This site is in one of the most competitive niches online... the "weight loss" niche.
These stats were gathered for just one keyword phrase that now brings in over 2,000+ visitors per day to my site. All 2,000 visitors come from this 1 keyword phrase.
This chart shows the total backlinks that our site had back in November when we started. As you can see, my backlinks consistently increased over time.... and with that, Google rankings increased... And you guessed it: I got MORE TRAFFIC!
From 257 to 28,900 backlinks in a little over 3 months!

After adding 28,900 backlinks, our rankings went from position
#69 to #1 for this incredibly difficult keyword to rank for!
You can see the consistent increase in rankings below in all major search engines. Before December, my site wasn't ranked anywhere in Google. Now... it's ranked #1 for a VERY competitive keyword... And check out the traffic I'm getting to this site now! (see the next chart, below)

6,558 visitors per day to this 3 month old website!

How was I able to achieve great results like this?
It's not just the age of your site.
It's not just the on-page ranking factors like keywords, meta tags, title tags, and the name of your domain.
The #1 factor is quite simply the total number of quality one-way backlinks that your site has!
As you can see from my stats above, I was able to take a brand new site in one of the most competitive niches online (the weight loss industry), and after just 3 months of creating the site, it was ranked #1 in Google!
From those rankings alone, I'm now getting over 6,000 visitors per day to that one site... coming straight from the search engines, for free!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Growing Stones An Incredible Geological Phenomena

31 December, 2012

First version of this article was originally published on 17 May, 2012 - Earth is an amazing planet and our nature is full of wonders. We have previously written about incredible singing plants.
This time we would like to focus our readers' attention on another amazing geological phenomena, namely so-called growing stones.
It is difficult to image that stones can really grow, but these stones seem to be alive!
The Romanian Trovants Museum Natural Reserve is located in Valcea County, close to the road connecting Ramnicu Valcea and Targu Jiu, 8 km far from Horezu.
Here in a small village named Costesti, there are some fascinating and mysterious stones, called trovants, which are believed to have a life in them. Trovant is a geological term used often in Romania. It means cemented sand.

rovants are geological phenomena which consist in spherical shapes of cemented sand, appeared due to some powerful seismic activity.The earthquakes that led to the creation of the first trovants are supposed to have taken place 6 million years ago.
What makes these trovants unique and mysterious is that are reproducing after coming in contact with water.
After heavy raining the stones grow starting with 6-8 millimetres and ending with 6-10 meters.
It's really remarkable!

One of the strangest aspects about these stones is that although they vary in size, from a couple of millimeters to even 10 m, they are very similar, taking into account a natural law that states there are no such things as identical stones.

Trovants in Romania are stones that grow.
In addition, just like the famous rocks in Death Valley, California, the trovants often move from one place to another place.
Scientists believe that the stones increase in size due to high content of various mineral salts, which are under their shell. When the surface becomes wet, these chemicals start spreading and put pressure on the sand, making the stone "grow".

A "living" stone.

A trovant having a strange shape.

Today trovants are protected.

However, despite their best efforts, scientists have failed to come up with a logical explanation why the stones have extensions that remind of roots. If they are cut, their sections have colored rings, just like trees.
These stones behave almost like some kind of unknown inorganic life-form! We cannot deny that our planet is truly amazing!
Local residents have been aware of the stones unusual properties for more than 100 years, but they have never paid the trovants any special attention. The stones were often used as building materials and tombstones.
Today, the Trovants Museum in Romania is protected by UNESCO.

Amazing Phenomenon Of Singing Plants

30 December, 2012
First version of this article was originally published on 10 May, 2012 - Plants are very much alive. Not only do they dislike human noise but they also posses the capacity to learn and communicate.
Perhaps even more astonishing is that plants can also make music.
Have you ever heard the incredible music of the plants? No? Are you waiting for an invitation? Find some cheap airline tickets, hop on a plane and fly down to hear the wonderful sounds these plants can make.
Plants can actually sing and compose music and listening to it is truly beautiful and relaxing!
Ever since 1975, researchers at Damanhur, in northern Italy have been experimenting with plants, trying to lean more about their unique properties.
Researchers use devices which they have created to measure the re-activity of the plants to their environment. The devices judge the plants' capacity to learn and communicate.
Using a simple principle, the researchers used a variation of the Wheatstone bridge, an electrical circuit used to measure an unknown electrical resistance by balancing two legs of a bridge circuit, one leg of which includes the unknown component.
Music of the plants is beautiful and relaxing.
This device has 3 fixed resistances and 1 variable one. Electrical differences between the leaves and the roots of the plant are measured. These differences can then be translated into a variety of effects, including music, turning on lights, movement and many others.
There is no danger to the plants as the researchers use very low intensity electrical currents.
Researchers state that every living creature whether animal or plant, produces variations of electrical potential, depending on the emotions being experienced at the time.
The music starts at around 2:11. Credit:
The plant send impulses to the midi-instruments.
The midi-signal goes to a midi-thru-box and from there to the software
The device that takes the measurements is a tool from damanhur called U1.

The plants have the most sensitive variations when they signal the arrival of the person who cares for them, when being watered, when spoken to, during the creation of music, etc.Sensations felt within the plant induce a physiological reaction, which then expresses itself in electrical, conductive and resistance variations.

These variations can be translated in different ways, including into musical scales.
The experiments have shown that plants definitely appear to enjoy learning to use musical scales and also making their own music with the use of a synthesizer.

Although there is currently little scientific research conducted on this subject, one cannot deny that listen to these beautiful plants is a joy for the soul.
See also:
Human Noise Has A Negative Effect On Plants

30 de diciembre 2012
La primera versión de este artículo fue publicado originalmente el 10 de mayo 2012 - Las plantas son muy vivos. No sólo no les gusta el ruido humano, sino que también poseen la capacidad de aprender y comunicarse.
Quizás aún más sorprendente es que las plantas también pueden hacer música.
¿Alguna vez has oído la increíble música de las plantas? No? ¿Estás esperando una invitación? Encuentre algunos billetes de avión baratos, subirse a un avión y volar a escuchar los maravillosos sonidos que estas plantas pueden hacer.
Plantas realmente puede cantar y componer música y escucharla a ella es realmente hermosa y relajante!
Desde 1975, los investigadores de Damanhur, en el norte de Italia han estado experimentando con plantas, tratando de aprender mas acerca de sus propiedades únicas.
Los investigadores usan dispositivos que se han creado para medir la re-actividad de las plantas a su medio ambiente. Los dispositivos evaluará la capacidad de las plantas para aprender y comunicarse.
El uso de un sencillo principio, los investigadores utilizaron una variación del puente de Wheatstone, un circuito eléctrico usado para medir una resistencia eléctrica desconocido por un equilibrio entre dos patas de un circuito de puente, una pierna de los cuales incluye el componente desconocido.
Música de las plantas es precioso y relajante.
Este dispositivo cuenta con 3 resistencias fijas y 1 una variable. Diferencias eléctricas entre las hojas y las raíces de la planta se miden. Estas diferencias pueden ser traducidos a una variedad de efectos, incluyendo la música, encender las luces, movimiento y muchos otros.
No hay peligro para las plantas como los investigadores utilizan corrientes eléctricas de muy baja intensidad.
Los investigadores estatales que toda criatura viviente ya sea animal o vegetal, produce variaciones de potencial eléctrico, en función de las emociones que se experimentan en el tiempo.
La música comienza alrededor de 2:11. Crédito:
La planta de enviar impulsos a los instrumentos midi.
La señal midi-va a un midi-thru-box y de ahí al software
El dispositivo que toma las mediciones es una herramienta de Damanhur llamado U1.

Las plantas tienen las variaciones más sensibles cuando señalan la llegada de la persona que se preocupa por ellos, al ser regados, cuando se le habla, durante la creación de la música, etc.Sensations sentía dentro de la planta de inducir una reacción fisiológica, la cual se expresa en variaciones conductores de electricidad, y la resistencia.

Estas variaciones se pueden traducir en diferentes formas, incluyendo en experimentos musicales scales.The han demostrado que las plantas definitivamente parecen gozar de aprender a utilizar las escalas musicales y también hacer su propia música con el uso de un sintetizador.

Aunque en la actualidad existe poca investigación científica llevada a cabo sobre este tema, no se puede negar que escuchar estas hermosas plantas es una alegría para el alma.
Mehttp :/ / / singingplants.php #.
Ver también:
El ruido humano tiene un efecto negativo sobre las plantas

30. Dezember 2012
Erste Version dieses Artikels wurde ursprünglich am 10. Mai veröffentlicht wurde, 2012 - Pflanzen sind sehr lebendig. Nicht nur, dass sie nicht mögen menschlichen Lärm, aber sie besitzen auch die Fähigkeit, zu lernen und zu kommunizieren.
Vielleicht noch erstaunlicher ist, dass Pflanzen können auch Musik machen.
Haben Sie jemals gehört die unglaubliche Musik der Pflanzen? Nein? Warten Sie auf eine Einladung? Hier finden Sie einige billige Flugtickets, hop in ein Flugzeug und fliegen auf die wunderbaren Klänge diese Pflanzen können hören.
Pflanzen können tatsächlich singen und Musik zu komponieren und zu hören ist es wirklich schön und entspannend!
Seit 1975 haben die Forscher in Damanhur in Norditalien mit Pflanzen experimentiert und versucht, mehr über ihre einzigartigen Eigenschaften zu lehnen.
Die Forscher nutzen Produkte, die sie geschaffen, um die re-Aktivität der Pflanzen an ihre Umwelt zu messen haben. Die Geräte beurteilen die Pflanzen die Fähigkeit zu lernen und zu kommunizieren.
Verwendung einer einfachen Prinzip, die Forscher eine Variation der Wheatstone-Brücke, eine elektrische Schaltung verwendet, um eine unbekannte elektrische Widerstand durch Ausgleichen beiden Schenkeln einer Brückenschaltung, deren einer Schenkel die unbekannte Komponente zu messen.
Musik der Pflanzen ist sehr schön und entspannend.
Dieses Gerät verfügt über 3 feste Widerstände und 1 Variable ein. Elektrische Unterschiede zwischen den Blättern und der Wurzel der Pflanze gemessen. Diese Unterschiede können dann in eine Vielzahl von Wirkungen, einschließlich Musik übersetzt werden, Einschalten Licht, Bewegung und viele andere.
Es besteht keine Gefahr für die Pflanzen wie die Forscher sehr geringer Intensität elektrischer Ströme nutzen.
Die Forscher erklären, dass jedes Lebewesen, ob Tier oder Pflanze, produziert Variationen des elektrischen Potentials, abhängig von den Emotionen, die in der Zeit erlebt.
Die Musik beginnt bei rund 2:11. Credit:
Die Anlage senden Impulse an die Midi-Instrumente.
Die Midi-Signal geht auf eine MIDI-Thru-Box und von dort aus auf die Software
Das Gerät, das die Messungen braucht ist ein Tool von Damanhur namens U1.

Die Pflanzen müssen die empfindlichsten Variationen wenn sie die Ankunft der Person, die für sie sorgt signalisieren, wenn sie gewässert, wann gesprochen, die bei der Erstellung von Musik, Filz etc.Sensations innerhalb der Anlage eine physiologische Reaktion zu induzieren, die dann drückt sich in elektrischen, leitfähigen und Widerstand Variationen.

Diese Variationen können auf verschiedene Weise umgesetzt werden, einschließlich in musikalische scales.The Experimente haben gezeigt, dass Pflanzen definitiv erscheinen zu genießen lernen Tonleitern verwenden und auch ihre eigenen Musik unter Verwendung von einem Synthesizer.

Zwar gibt es derzeit kaum wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zu diesem Thema durchgeführt, kann man nicht leugnen, dass hören diese schönen Pflanzen eine Freude für die Seele ist.
Mehttp :/ / / singingplants.php #.
Siehe auch:
Menschliche Lärm wirkt sich negativ auf Pflanzen

30 Décembre, 2012
La première version de cet article a été initialement publié sur 10 mai 2012 - Les plantes sont très vivants. Non seulement ils n'aiment pas le bruit humain, mais ils ont aussi posséder la capacité d'apprendre et de communiquer.
Peut-être encore plus étonnant, c'est que les plantes peuvent aussi faire de la musique.
Avez-vous déjà entendu la musique incroyable des plantes? Non? Attendez-vous une invitation? Trouvez des billets d'avion, sauter dans un avion et voler vers le bas pour entendre les sons merveilleux ces plantes peuvent faire.
Les plantes peuvent réellement chanter et composer de la musique et de l'écouter est vraiment beau et reposant!
Depuis 1975, des chercheurs de Damanhour, dans le nord de l'Italie ont fait des expériences avec des plantes, en essayant de se pencher davantage sur leurs propriétés uniques.
Les chercheurs utilisent des dispositifs qu'ils ont créés pour mesurer la ré-activité des plantes à leur environnement. Les dispositifs d'estimer la capacité de la plante à apprendre et communiquer.
En utilisant un principe simple, les chercheurs ont utilisé une variante du pont de Wheatstone, un circuit électrique utilisé pour mesurer une résistance électrique inconnue en équilibrant deux branches d'un circuit en pont, dont une branche comprend la composante inconnue.
Musique des plantes est beau et relaxant.
Cet appareil dispose de 3 résistances fixes et 1 une variable. Différences électriques entre les feuilles et les racines de la plante sont mesurées. Ces différences peuvent ensuite être convertis en une variété d'effets, y compris la musique, allumer la lumière, le mouvement et bien d'autres.
Il n'y a pas de danger pour les plantes que les chercheurs utilisent des courants d'intensité très faibles électriques.
Chercheurs affirment que chaque créature vivante que ce soit animale ou végétale, produit des variations de potentiel électrique, en fonction des émotions ressenties en ce moment.
La musique commence à environ 2:11. Crédit:
L'usine envoie des impulsions aux instruments midi-.
Le signal MIDI-va-midi à un passe-boîte et, de là, vers le logiciel
L'appareil qui prend des mesures est un outil de Damanhur appelé U1.

Les plantes ont des variations plus sensibles quand ils signalent l'arrivée de la personne qui prend soin d'eux, lorsqu'ils sont arrosés, quand on lui parle, lors de la création de la musique, etc.Sensations sentir à l'intérieur de l'usine induire une réaction physiologique, qui exprime alors lui-même des variations électriques, conductrices et de résistance.

Ces variations peuvent se traduire de différentes façons, y compris en musique expériences scales.The ont démontré que les plantes certainement semblent jouir d'apprendre à utiliser les échelles musicales et aussi faire leur propre musique à l'aide d'un synthétiseur.

Bien qu'il n'y ait actuellement peu de recherches scientifiques menées sur ce sujet, on ne peut nier que l'écoute de ces belles plantes est une joie pour l'âme.
Mehttp :/ / / singingplants.php #.
Voir aussi:
Bruit humain a un effet négatif sur les plantes

Loneliness Is Bad for Your Health, Study Suggests

NEW ORLEANS — Feeling lonely? New research suggests you might want to reach out. Not only is loneliness an unpleasant condition, it can harm the body's immune system.
The new study, presented Saturday (Jan. 19) here at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, reveals that people who are lonely experience more reactivation of latent viruses in their systems than the well-connected. Lonely people also are more likely than others to produce inflammatory compounds in response to stress, a factor implicated in heart disease and other chronic disorders.

"Both, in different ways, indicate that the immune system is a little out of whack," said study researcher Lisa Jaremka, a postdoctoral fellow at the Institute for Behavioral Medicine Research at Ohio State University College of Medicine.
lonely boy with head in lap.
Lonely people are more likely than others to produce inflammatory compounds linked to some chronic disorders.
CREDIT: Suzanne Tucker | Shutterstock 
The lonely body
Jaremka and her colleagues were interested in immune links to loneliness because feeling socially disconnected is associated with poor health and chronic disease. They recruited 200 female breast cancer survivors, average age 51, and 134 overweight, middle-age adults with no major health problems.

In the first study, the researchers analyzed the blood of the breast cancer survivors for antibodies against cytomegalovirus, a herpes virus. These common viruses can remain dormant and symptomless inside the body. Even when active, they may not cause symptoms, but they do trigger the immune system to produce antibodies, or protective proteins that help the immune system hunt down the rogue viruses. Higher antibody levels indicate higher levels of activated virus. The participants also filled out questionnaires about their loneliness and social connectedness. [7 Personality Traits That Are Bad For You]

The results revealed that the lonelier the participant, the higher the levels of cytomegalovirus antibodies in the blood.
"It's definitely indicating that the immune system is compromised in some way," Jaremka told LiveScience. "It's unable at that time, for whatever reason, in this case loneliness perhaps, to keep that virus under control."

In a second study, the researchers measured inflammatory proteins called cytokines in 144 of the breast cancer survivors as well as the healthy though overweight middle-age adults. The participants gave a blood sample and then were subjected to the stress of having to give an impromptu speech and do mental math in front of a panel of people in white lab coats. To up the anxiety, the panel gave the participants no encouragement.

"No matter what they say and no matter what jokes they crack, no matter how much they smile, the panel just stares at them, basically," Jaremka said.
The researchers also triggered the participants' immune systems with a harmless compound from bacterial cells before taking a second blood sample.
The lonelier the person, the higher the levels of cytokine interleukin-6 after the stressful speech. This cytokine is important for healing in the short term, because it promotes inflammation — think of the redness and swelling that accompanies a healing cut. However, when cytokines react too readily, inflammation can be harmful. Chronic inflammation has been linked to coronary heart disease, arthritis, Type 2 diabetes andeven suicide attempts.

Loneliness and stress
Researchers have long known that chronic stress has a similar inflammation-producing, immune-disrupting effect on the body. Loneliness, in fact, may act as its own source ofchronic stress, Jaremka said. Earlier research shows that close and connected relationships are necessary to help people thrive; without them, people are under a constant stressful cloud of missing this crucial social connection.

People who are lonely also tend to react more strongly to negative events in their lives, Jaremka said. If lonely people experience daily life as more stressful, it may cause chronic stress, which in turn disrupts the immune system.

Solving the problem is harder than telling lonely hearts to go out and seek more close friends, Jaremka said — it's easier said than done. But if researchers can figure out how loneliness results in poor health, they may be able to come up with treatments that disrupt the links, in essence making loneliness less of a burden, at least physically. 
The study shouldn't be seen as all doom and gloom, Jaremka said. The flip side is that those who feel close to friends and family can know that their health is likely getting a boost from those relationships.