Thursday, January 24, 2013

New Theory on Why Men Love Breasts

Men are programmed to like breasts, but it isn't for the reasons scientists once thought.

Men are programmed to like breasts, but it isn't for the reasons scientists once thought.
CREDIT: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported | Gytha 

Why do straight men devote so much headspace to those big, bulbous bags of fat drooping from women's chests? Scientists have never satisfactorily explained men's curious breast fixation, but now, a neuroscientist has struck upon an explanation that he says "just makes a lot of sense."
Larry Young, a professor of psychiatry at Emory University who studies the neurological basis of complex social behaviors, thinks human evolution has harnessed an ancient neural circuit that originally evolved to strengthen the mother-infant bond during breast-feeding, and now uses this brain circuitry to strengthen the bond between couples as well. The result? Men, like babies, love breasts.

When a woman's nipples are stimulated during breast-feeding, the neurochemical oxytocin, otherwise known as the "love drug," floods her brain, helping to focus her attention and affection on her baby. But research over the past few years has shown that in humans, this circuitry isn't reserved for exclusive use by infants.

Recent studies have found that nipple stimulation enhances sexual arousal in the great majority of women, and it activates the same brain areas as vaginal and clitoral stimulation. When a sexual partner touches, massages or nibbles a woman's breasts, Young said, this triggers the release of oxytocin in the woman's brain, just like what happens when a baby nurses. But in this context, the oxytocin focuses the woman's attention on her sexual partner, strengthening her desire to bond with this person.
In other words, men can make themselves more desirable by stimulating a woman's breasts during foreplay and sex. Evolution has, in a sense, made men want to do this. 

Attraction to breasts "is a brain organization effect that occurs in straight males when they go through puberty," Young told Life's Little Mysteries. "Evolution has selected for this brain organization in men that makes them attracted to the breasts in a sexual context, because the outcome is that it activates the female bonding circuit, making women feel more bonded with him. It's a behavior that males have evolved in order to stimulate the female's maternal bonding circuitry." Why Do Men Have Nipples

So, why did this evolutionary change happen in humans, and not in other breast-feeding mammals? Young thinks it's because we form monogamous relationships, whereas 97 percent of mammals do not. "Secondly, it might have to do with the fact that we are upright and have face-to-face sex, which provides more opportunity for nipple stimulation during sex. In monogamous voles, for example, the nipples are hanging toward the ground and the voles mate from behind, so this didn't evolve," he said. "So, maybe the nature of our sexuality has allowed greater access to the breasts."Attraction to breasts "is a brain organization effect that occurs in straight males when they go through puberty," Young told Life's Little Mysteries. "Evolution has selected for this brain organization in men that makes them attracted to the breasts in a sexual context, because the outcome is that it activates the female bonding circuit, making women feel more bonded with him. It's a behavior that males have evolved in order to stimulate the female's maternal bonding circuitry."

Young said competing theories of men's breast fixation don't stand up to scrutiny. For example, the argument that men tend to select full-breasted women because they think these women's breast fat will make them better at nourishing babies falls short when one considers that "sperm is cheap" compared with eggs, and men don't need to be choosy.  

But Young's new theory will face scrutiny of its own. Commenting on the theory, Rutgers University anthropologist Fran Mascia-Lees, who has written extensively about the evolutionary role of breasts, said one concern is that not all men are attracted to them. "Always important whenever evolutionary biologists suggest a universal reason for a behavior and emotion: how about the cultural differences?" Mascia-Lees wrote in an email. In some African cultures, for example, women don't cover their breasts, and men don't seem to find them so, shall we say, titillating.
Young says that just because breasts aren't covered in these cultures "doesn't mean that massaging them and stimulating them is not part of the foreplay in these cultures. As of yet, there are not very many studies that look at [breast stimulation during foreplay] in an anthropological context," he said.
Young elaborates on his theory of breast love, and other neurological aspects of human sexuality, in a new book, "The Chemistry Between Us" (Current Hardcover, 2012), co-authored by Brian Alexander.

Idaho's Flood-Giants Remembered

The Great Basin is an area of inland drainage located in western United States. On its northern edge is a wondrous region known as the Owyhee country. Everywhere is evidence of early human struggles for existence.

Conventional theories positing wandering peoples out of Siberia dates these struggles to the last 12,000 years. Surface evidence clearly indicates the presence of huntergatherers to ten or more millennia ago. But something more materially significant may have prospered in Owyhee Country even earlier.
While Establishment scholars refuse to consider any possibilities for existence of so any a society on our continent, some Native Americans preserve oral traditions which speak of a time, very long ago, when their ancestors came into conflict with "giants" that roamed the region, interfered with activities.

These tribal accounts show some resemblance to biblical stories of a pre-flood world likewise inhabited by giants. For example, Genesis tells of the Nephilim, supposedly of great size and strength. The Judaic tradition affirms that these giants sprang from the union of fallen angels with the daughters of Cain.

They were heavenly "watchers" heaven assigned to pray for mankind, but were instead seduced to father a race of giants. These were fallen angels, sons of God, the Wnai Elohim (Job 38.7). Stories and legends of giants are not confined to the Old Testament or Native American traditions, however. Although varied from region to region, their fundamental similarities present a haunting commonality.

The giants were generally portrayed with an insatiable thirst for blood, and, because of this savage lust, were violently swept away by a great deluge. Most of them perished, but a few survivors supposedly made their way to various parts of the world.

Scientists dealing with hard data naturally dismiss such stories as mere fables. They explain widespread belief in giants found among cultures around the planet as the result of a "collective unconscious," or universal fear of overwhelming forces beyond their control.

These same conventional archaeologists likewise deny the occurrence of any natural catastrophe, such as a deluge, powerful enough to obliterate a previous worldorder. [sic] Geologists, however, continue to uncover more evidence establishing that truly cataclysmic flooding did indeed take place with the close of the last Ice Age, about 12,000 years ago, when areas inhabited by early human population centers in Europe and North America were overwhelmed by major pluvial events.

The violence of these catastrophes and the ten or more millennia that separate their time from ours have obscured almost all physical evidence of that pre-dilluvian era. But more imperishable than material artifacts are the tribal memories of peoples who ancestors actually survived. Something of those memories may have survived in the Owyhee Country. There a river, reputed to be one of the deepest on the North American continent, is surrounded by walls so steep that sunlight never penetrates to the banks far below.

The Bruneau River was named after a French fur-trader in the mid-17th Century. Near its headwaters stretches the legendary land of the giants who terrorized Shoshone forefathers, frightening them from their ancestral hunting grounds.

These were found in the Pine Nut Mountains, along the Jarbridge River. Here, the the [sic] huge Tsawhawbitts, evil spirits in superhuman form, ravaged the Indians. Their old stories tell that these giants possessed an appetite for human flesh, and could cross creeks with a single step, or scale mountains in few strides. They chased and captured people, putting hapless victims in huge baskets, which they carried to the mountaintop for cannibal feasts.

Some Tsawhawbitts gazed from a single eye, and hopped around on one leg. They were sometimes observed high on the rocky peaks digging for unknown objects. People learned to stay far from these lofty crests, because the giants, in addition to their prodigious size, were known to exercise supernatural powers. They could paralyze their prey with a glance from their large red glowing eyes, then harpooning their quarry with razor sharp hooks.

The natives so feared such peaks, that present-day natives still refer to central Idaho's Sawtooth Mountains as the Coapiccan Kahni or Giants House. A Shoshone version describes Tso'apittse, a rocky giant with pitchy hands that fed upon human flesh.

Tribal elders repeatedly warned their young to be careful around the pools of water at the springs, as these were dangerous areas inhabited by evil-spirited giants. Staring into the water, allowing one's image to be reflected, would conjure the giants to the surface. Was this a mythic recollection of the titans supposedly overwhelmed in antiquity by the Great Flood?

The Shoshone legend adds that the giants could be killed by fire or ice, but using these, weapons too enormous courage and cunning. If a Tso'apittse was found in its deep mountain cave, a large fire was built at the entrance, and allowed to eventually burn inward until the giant was consumed.

Other stories tell of the use of ice. One night, a Tso'apittse kidnapped a little girl and promptly ate her. In its greed, the giant returned for her parents and add to its bag. [sic] The Tso'apittse soon found the father, chased and captured him, then put him in the basket. But on the way back to the mountain peak, the man escaped, and ran ahead to the cave.

A freezing blizzard 
began outside, while he filled the cave's entrance with trees and branches. When Tso'apittse returned, he tried to free the obstructing materials, but they were lodged in too tightly. During the night, the father could hear the giant whining. By morning, the sounds had ceased. The Tso'apittse was frozen to death.

Tales such as these have been told and retold for unguessed generations in tribal communities. Folkish memories of events surrounding the evil giants lived on through these narratives, which are still considered factual by many Native Americans. Like all myths, they undoubtedly have at least a seed of truth buried deep within the age-old accounts.

In any case, oral tradition eventually materialized into numerous rock petroglyphs throughout the Sawtooth Mountain area. Their interpretation continues to elude academic scholars, who sometimes describe the petroglyphs as the meaningless scratching of bored Indians. Several anthropologists have used terms such as idle scrawls and doodles to characterized native rock art.
But for a preliterate people, such images still resonate with tribal memories of a time in the very deep past, when giants and monsters were purged from the Earth by a Great Flood. These petroglyphs are their only memorials, preserved in the otherwise incomprehensible marks of ancient rock art, and the minds of those who maintain the old ways. 

by Thomas E. Farner, Ph.D.
Ancient American 
Volume 6, Issue 41, page 9

Byron Belitsos - Hour 1 - The Urantia Book & The Rebellion of Lucifer Read more: - Byron Belitsos - Hour 1 - The Urantia Book & The Rebellion of Lucifer

Byron Belitsos is an award-winning publisher who has been editor of many acclaimed books. He is a long-time student of The Urantia Book and co-author of The Adventure of Being Human: Lessons on Soulful Living from the Heart of the Urantia Revelation. Byron will summarize the main cosmology presented in The Urantia Book, first published by Urantia Foundation in 1955, claiming to have been presented by celestial beings as a revelation to our planet, Urantia. We'll discuss the book's teachings on pre-history going back 500,000 years and the destiny of humanity. In the first hour, Byron tells us about the Urantia Book's teachings concerning the angelic hierarchy, the Lucifer Rebellion and a new celestial initiative that is called "the Correcting Time," which refers to the new supplemental teachings by the same celestial beings who authored the Urantia Book. In the second hour, we'll continue on in this discussion of the planetary rebellion and the Correcting Time. Byron explains the rebellion of Lucifer and how the descendents of the indigenous beings on Earth carried on his traditions right up to the present day in the form of the plans of the "elite cabal." We'll talk about how Urantia or Earth is a rare planet among inhabited planets in the universe because its angelic hierarchy went over to the "dark side." Later, we talk about the turnaround time of the correcting period and celestial help now being offered through new transmissions, such as the advanced spiritual teachings offered in his newest book. Also, we cover the afterlife according to The Urantia book.

Read more:

Secret 5000 Year Old Flying Machine Discovery with Steve Quayle
Veröffentlicht am 30. September 2012
Was verursacht den plötzlichen Ansturm von diesen mächtigsten Führer der westlichen Welt nach Afghanistan zu gehen, dieser Bericht weiter, war es, direkt die Entdeckung von US-Militär-Wissenschaftler, was als "Vimana" in einem eingeschlossenen "Time Well" beschrieben
das hat bereits das "Verschwinden" von mindestens 8 American Soldiers versuchen, es aus der Höhle in der seit der Vergangenheit geschätzt 5.000 Jahre versteckt zu entfernen verursacht.


Vimana ist ein Wort mit mehreren Bedeutungen von Tempel oder Palast mythologischen Flugmaschinen in Sanskrit-Epen beschrieben.

Verweis auf alten indischen fliegende Fahrzeuge stammt aus dem antiken indischen Quellen, sind viele der bekannten altindischen Epen, und es gibt buchstäblich Hunderte von ihnen. Die meisten von ihnen haben noch nicht einmal ins Englische noch aus dem alten Sanskrit übersetzt.

Es wird behauptet, dass vor ein paar Jahren, die chinesische einige Sanskrit Dokumenten in Lhasa, Tibet entdeckt und schickte sie an der Universität Chandrigarh übersetzt werden. Dr. Ruth Reyna der Universität sagte kürzlich, dass die Dokumente Richtungen für das Bauen interstellaren Raumschiffen enthalten!

Ihre Methode des Antriebs, sagte sie, sei "anti-Schwerkraft" und wurde auf ein System analog zu der "laghima", die unbekannte Macht des Egos bestehenden in der menschlichen physiologischen Make-up, "eine Zentrifugalkraft stark genug, um alle Schwerkraft entgegenzuwirken Basis zu ziehen. "

Nach der Hindu-Yogis ist es diese "laghima", die eine Person zu schweben können. Dr. Reyna sagte, dass an Bord dieser Maschinen, die als "Astras" durch den Text wurden die alten Inder eine Ablösung der Männer auf jedem Planeten konnte geschickt haben, nach
das Dokument, die vermutlich Tausende von Jahren alt sein wird. Die Manuskripte wurden auch gesagt, um das Geheimnis von "Antimalaria" offenbaren ", die Tarnkappe" und "Garima", "wie so schwer wie ein Berg von Blei geworden."

Steve Quayle
Stephen Quayle ist Autor von fünf Bücher. Seit über dreißig Jahren hat er untersucht antiken Zivilisationen, Riesen, UFOs und biologische Kriegsführung, wie sie die Zukunft der Menschheit betreffen. Stephen diskutiert die kommenden Worst-Case-Szenarien näher diese Welt und deren Zusammenhänge untereinander. Erdbeben, Vulkane, nuklearen und biologischen Terrorismus, mit der geplanten finanziellen Kernschmelze des US-Dollar gekoppelt wird uns in ungeahnte Leiden gestoßen. Stephen Quayle ist auf Aufzeichnung, die besagt, dass wir aus dem Reich der Naturgefahren in die Arena der übernatürlich geführt Ereignisse der unsichtbaren Hand des Bösen orchestrieren Weltgeschehen unergründlichen Proportionen verschoben.

Publié le 30 septembre 2012
Ce qui a provoqué la ruée soudaine de ces dirigeants les plus puissants du monde occidental à se rendre en Afghanistan, ce rapport se poursuit, était de voir directement la découverte par des scientifiques militaires américains de ce qui est décrit comme un «Vimana» piégé dans un "Time Well"
qui a déjà causé la «disparition» d'au moins 8 soldats américains tentent de l'enlever de la grotte, il a été caché dans le passé estimé 5.000 ans.


Vimana est un mot avec plusieurs significations allant de temple ou d'un palais à mythologiques machines volantes décrites en sanskrit épopées.

Référence à l'Inde antique véhicules volants provient de sources antiques indiens, nombreux sont les anciens bien connus épopées indiennes, et il ya littéralement des centaines d'entre eux. La plupart d'entre eux n'ont même pas été traduit en anglais encore de l'ancien sanskrit.

Il est dit que il ya quelques années, les Chinois ont découvert certains documents sanscrits à Lhassa, au Tibet et les envoya à l'Université de Chandrigarh à traduire. Le Dr Ruth Reyna de l'Université a récemment déclaré que les documents contiennent des instructions pour la construction de vaisseaux interstellaires!

Leur mode de propulsion, dit-elle, était «anti-gravitationnelle" et reposait sur un système analogue à celui de "laghima,« le pouvoir inconnu de l'ego existant dans le maquillage physiologique de l'homme, «une force centrifuge assez fort pour lutter contre toutes les gravitationnel pull ».

Selon les yogis hindous, c'est cette "laghima» qui permet à une personne de faire léviter. Dr. Reyna dit que à bord de ces machines, qui ont été appelés «Astra» par le texte, les anciens Indiens aurait pu envoyer un détachement d'hommes sur toute la planète, selon
le document, ce qui est pensé pour être des milliers d'années. Les manuscrits ont été également dit pour révéler le secret de «Antima", "le chapeau de l'invisibilité» et «garima", "comment devenir aussi lourd qu'une montagne de plomb."

Steve Quayle
Stephen Quayle est l'auteur de cinq livres. Depuis plus de trente ans, il a étudié les civilisations anciennes, les géants, les ovnis et la guerre biologique en ce qui concerne l'avenir de l'humanité. Stephen discute des prochaines pire des scénarios proches de ce monde et la façon dont ils interagissent les uns aux autres. Les tremblements de terre, les volcans, le terrorisme nucléaire et biologique, associée à l'effondrement financier prévu du dollar américain va nous pousser dans les tribulations inimaginables. Stephen Quayle est déclaré publiquement que nous sommes passés du domaine de menaces naturelles dans l'arène des événements surnaturels guidées de la main invisible du mal événements mondiaux orchestrant des proportions inimaginables.

Secret Discovery Año 5000 Old máquina voladora con Steve Quayle
Publicado el 30 de septiembre 2012
¿Qué causó la súbita oleada de estos líderes más poderosos del mundo occidental para ir a Afganistán, este informe continúa, fue a ver directamente el descubrimiento por científicos militares de Estados Unidos de lo que se describe como un "Vimana" atrapado en un "Time Well"
que ya ha causado la "desaparición" de por lo menos 8 soldados estadounidenses que tratan de sacarlo de la cueva que se ha ocultado en el pasado alrededor de 5.000 años.


Vimana es una palabra con varios significados que van de templo o palacio para mitológicos máquinas voladoras descritas en sánscrito epopeyas.

La referencia a los vehículos antiguos indios voladores provienen de antiguas fuentes indias, muchas son las conocidas epopeyas indias antiguas, y hay literalmente cientos de ellos. La mayoría de ellos ni siquiera han sido traducidos al Inglés todavía del viejo sánscrito.

Se dice que hace unos años, los chinos descubrieron algunos documentos sánscritos en Lhasa, Tíbet y los envió a la Universidad de Chandrigarh a traducir. Dr. Ruth Reyna, de la Universidad dijo recientemente que los documentos contienen instrucciones para la construcción de naves espaciales interestelares!

Su método de propulsión, dijo, era "anti-gravitacional" y se basaba en un sistema análogo al de "laghima", el poder desconocido del ego existente en estructura fisiológica del hombre, "una fuerza centrífuga lo suficientemente fuerte como para contrarrestar todo gravitacional tirar ".

Según los yoguis hindúes, es esta "laghima", que permite a una persona levitar. Reyna dijo que a bordo de estas máquinas, que fueron llamados "Astras" por el texto, los antiguos indios podrían haber enviado un destacamento de hombres en cualquier planeta, de acuerdo con
el documento, que se piensa que es miles de años. Los manuscritos también se dice que revelar el secreto de "Antima", "la tapa de la invisibilidad" y "garima", "cómo llegar a ser tan pesado como una montaña de plomo".

Steve Quayle
Stephen Quayle es el autor de cinco libros. Durante más de treinta años, ha estado investigando las civilizaciones antiguas, gigantes, los ovnis y la guerra biológica y su relación con el futuro de la humanidad. Stephen discute los próximos peores escenarios se acercan a este mundo y cómo se interrelacionan entre sí. Terremotos, volcanes, el terrorismo nuclear y biológico, junto con la crisis financiera prevista del dólar de EE.UU. nos empuje en las tribulaciones inimaginables. Stephen Quayle está en expediente como diciendo que hemos pasado de la esfera de las amenazas naturales en el ámbito de los eventos sobrenaturales guiados de la mano invisible del mal orquestando los eventos mundiales de proporciones inimaginables.


30 सितम्बर, 2012 को प्रकाशित
पश्चिमी दुनिया की इन सबसे शक्तिशाली नेताओं की अचानक भीड़ क्या अफगानिस्तान के लिए जाने के लिए कारण इस रिपोर्ट जारी है, सीधे अमेरिका क्या एक "vimana" एक "समय खैर" फँस रूप में वर्णित है सैन्य वैज्ञानिकों द्वारा खोज देखने के लिए किया गया
कि पहले से ही कम से कम 8 अमेरिकी सैनिकों को यह गुफा यह 5000 साल का अनुमान अतीत के लिए किया गया है में छिपा से हटाने की कोशिश कर के लापता होने के कारण होता है.


Vimana मंदिर या महल से पौराणिक उड़ान संस्कृत महाकाव्यों में वर्णित मशीनों को लेकर कई अर्थ के साथ एक शब्द है.

प्राचीन भारतीय उड़ान वाहनों के लिए संदर्भ प्राचीन भारतीय स्रोतों से आता है, कई प्रसिद्ध प्राचीन भारतीय महाकाव्य हैं, और वहाँ का शाब्दिक हैं उनमें से सैकड़ों. उनमें से ज्यादातर भी अंग्रेजी में नहीं किया गया है अभी तक पुराने संस्कृत से अनुवाद.

यह दावा किया है कि कुछ साल पहले, चीनी तिब्बत में ल्हासा, कुछ संस्कृत दस्तावेजों की खोज और उन्हें Chandrigarh विश्वविद्यालय के लिए अनुवाद किया जा के लिए भेजा है. विश्वविद्यालय के डॉ. रूथ Reyna ने हाल ही में कहा था कि दस्तावेजों तारे के बीच का spaceships के निर्माण के लिए निर्देश होते हैं!

प्रणोदन से उनका विधि था और उसने कहा, "विरोधी गुरुत्वाकर्षण एक" laghima, "आदमी के शारीरिक मेकअप में मौजूदा अहंकार के अज्ञात शक्ति के अनुरूप प्रणाली," एक केन्द्रापसारक काफी मजबूत करने के लिए सभी गुरुत्वाकर्षण प्रतिक्रिया बल पर आधारित किया गया था खींच. "

हिंदू योगियों के अनुसार, यह इस "laghima" जो उड़ जाना करने के लिए एक व्यक्ति के लिए सक्षम बनाता है. डॉ. Reyna कहा कि बोर्ड पर इन मशीनों, जो पाठ द्वारा "Astras" कहा जाता था, प्राचीन भारतीयों किसी भी ग्रह पर पुरुषों की एक टुकड़ी भेजी हो सकता है के अनुसार,
दस्तावेज़, जो हजारों वर्ष पुरानी माना जाता है. पांडुलिपियों के "antima" रहस्य प्रकट कहा गया था, "अदर्शन की टोपी" और "गरिमा", "कैसे के रूप में नेतृत्व के एक पहाड़ के रूप में भारी हो."

स्टीव Quayle
स्टीफन Quayle पांच पुस्तकों के लेखक है. तीस साल के लिए, वह प्राचीन सभ्यताओं, दिग्गज, UFOs और जैविक युद्ध की जांच की गई है के रूप में वे मानव जाति के भविष्य से संबंधित है. स्टीफन आने वाले सबसे ज्यादा मामले इस दुनिया में आ परिदृश्यों और कैसे वे एक दूसरे से interrelate पर चर्चा. भूकंप, ज्वालामुखी, परमाणु और जैविक आतंकवाद, अमेरिकी डॉलर की योजना बनाई वित्तीय मंदी के साथ मिलकर हमें unimagined tribulations में जोर दिया जाएगा. स्टीफन Quayle कहा कि हम प्राकृतिक खतरों में से एक दायरे से supernaturally निर्देशित बुराई orchestrating अथाह अनुपात की दुनिया की घटनाओं की अनदेखी हाथ की घटनाओं के क्षेत्र में चले गए हैं के रूप में रिकॉर्ड पर है.

Секретные 5000-летней Полет Discovery машина с Стив Куэйл
Опубликовано 30 сентября 2012
Что вызвало внезапный прилив этих самых могущественных лидеров западного мира, чтобы отправиться в Афганистан, этот доклад будет продолжаться, была напрямую просматривать открытие американских ученых Военно того, что описывается как "вимана" в ловушке "Time Well"
, что уже привело к "исчезновению" по меньшей мере 8 американских солдат пытается удалить его из пещеры она была скрыта в течение последних приблизительно 5000 лет.


Вимана это слово с несколькими значениями, начиная от храма или дворца с мифологическими летательные аппараты описаны в санскритских эпосов.

Ссылка на древнем индийском летательных аппаратов происходит от древних индийских источников, многие из них хорошо известны древним индийского эпоса, и есть сотни из них. Большинство из них даже не были переведены на английский язык еще от старого санскрите.

Он утверждал, что несколько лет назад китайцы обнаружили некоторые санскритские документы в Лхасе, Тибете и послали их в университет Chandrigarh в переводе. Доктор Рут Рейна университета недавно заявил, что документы содержат инструкции для создания межзвездных космических кораблей!

Их метод движения, сказала она, "анти-гравитационных" и был основан на системе аналогично "лагхима," неизвестная сила эго, существующих в физиологическом макияжа человека, "центробежной силы достаточно сильны, чтобы противодействовать всем гравитационного потянуть ".

Согласно индуистской йоги, именно это "лагхима", которая позволяет человеку левитировать. Доктор Рейна сказала, что на борту этих машин, которые назывались «Astras" по тексту, древние индийцы могли послать отряд мужчин на любой планете, в соответствии с
Документ, который считается тысяч лет. Рукописи были также сказал, чтобы раскрыть тайну "antima", "шапка-невидимка" и "Гарима", "как стать тяжелым, как гора свинца".

Стив Куэйл
Стивен Куэйл является автором пяти книг. Уже более тридцати лет он занимается изучением древних цивилизаций, гиганты, НЛО и биологического оружия, поскольку они относятся к будущим человечества. Стивен обсуждает предстоящие наихудшие сценарии приближающихся этом мире и как они взаимодействуют друг с другом. Землетрясения, извержения вулканов, ядерного и биологического терроризма, в сочетании с запланированным финансового кризиса курс доллара США сунул нас в невообразимые страдания. Стивен Куэйл на запись, как о том, что мы перешли из области природных угроз на арену сверхъестественным руководствоваться событий невидимая рука зла оркестровки мировых событий непостижимой пропорции.

The big lie from our government cant make us blind

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Salen a la luz las fotos ‘comprometedoras"’ de Angelina Jolie

Cuando el río suena, agua lleva. Hace apenas unas semanas nos hicimos eco de un rumor que ponía en jaque a Brad Pitt y a Angelina Jolie: la posible difusión de un vídeo porno de ella en su etapa más salvaje. El primer indicio de que la información publicada por 'National Enquirer' era cierta son estas instantáneas de alto voltaje y estética sadomasoquista.
La Angelina más pervertida (Fotos: 'Star').(foto deleted)
La cabecera sensacionalista no iba nada desencaminada, desde luego. Angie, que por aquel entonces tenía 24 años, aparece ataviada con un collar de perro y cinta aislante en los pezones, mientras disfruta del placer de un cigarrillo. Su cara de trance lo dice todo.

[Relacionado: Angelina Jolie abre su corazón en un diario]
Las fotos de la discordia han llegado a la redacción de la revista 'Star', que no ha dudado en difundirlas pese a las amenazas judiciales. Y es que Brad Pitt ofreció la friolera de 10 millones de dólares por salvaguardar el honor de su chica y que el vídeo se guardara para siempre en un cajón.
"Brad intenta proteger la nueva imagen que Angelina ha intentado construir como madre de seis hijos y embajadora por los Derechos Humanos de la ONU", comentaba una fuente cercana a la pareja.
Allá por los noventa, la directora de 'En tierra de sangre y miel' era una chica muy, muy mala. Era adicta a las drogas y a las orgías más duras, pero, claro, no había pruebas que evidenciaran tales acusaciones. Ahora, por el contrario, sí. Y muy contundentes.
La estabilidad "psicológica y emocional" de la actriz y, por ende, de sus seis retoños peligra. La traición la ha perpetrado una antigua amiga de la actriz, que va a tener que blindar su casa y contratar a un buen equipo de guardaespaldas.
"La supuesta cinta fue hecha casi al mismo tiempo que un amigo tomaba fotos pervertidas de Angelina (...) Angie estaba tan enganchada a la droga, que no recuerda exactamente lo que hizo", añadía la misma fuente. El culebrón está servido.
[También te puede interesar: ¿Se han casado en secreto Pitt y Jolie?]

¿Destruirán estas fotos la estabilidad amorosa de Brad y de Angie? ¿Hay una "mano negra" que intenta cargarse la carrera de ella? ¡Opinad!

Where there's smoke, there's fire. A few weeks ago we did echo of a rumor that put in check to Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie: the possible spread of a porn video of it in its most savage. The first indication that the information published by 'National Enquirer' was true are these snapshots of high voltage and sadomasochistic aesthetic.

The most perverted Angelina (Photos: 'Star').

The header was not anything sensational misguided course. Angie, who at the time was 24, appears wearing a dog collar and duct tape on her nipples, while enjoying the pleasure of a cigarette. His face says it all trance.

[Related: Angelina Jolie opens his heart in a newspaper]
The photos of discord have come to the editor of the magazine 'Star', which has not hesitated to disseminate despite legal threats. And Brad Pitt is offered a whopping $ 10 million to safeguard the honor of his girlfriend and that the video will be saved forever in a drawer.
"Brad tries to protect the new image that Angelina has tried to build a mother of six children and ambassador for the UN Human Rights," said a source close to the couple.
Back in the nineties, the director of 'In Land of Blood and Honey' was a girl very, very bad. She was addicted to drugs and orgies harder, but of course, there was no evidence that such accusations will evidence. Now, however, it does. And very strong.
Stability "psychological and emotional" actress and hence its six endangered suckers. Treason has perpetrated an old friend of the actress, who will have to shield your home and hire a good team of bodyguards.
"The alleged tape was made around the same time that a friend took pictures of Angelina perverted (...) Angie was so hooked on drugs, he does not remember exactly what he did," added the same source. The saga is served.
[You may also like: have secretly married Pitt and Jolie?]

They will destroy these pictures? Loving stability Angie and Brad? Is there a "black hand" that tries to load her career? Express your opinion!

Là où il ya de la fumée sans feu. Il ya quelques semaines nous avons fait l'écho d'une rumeur qui a mis en échec à Brad Pitt et Angelina Jolie: la propagation éventuelle d'une vidéo porno de celui-ci dans sa forme la plus sauvage. La première indication que les informations publiées par "National Enquirer" était vrai sont ces instantanés de haute tension et esthétique sado-masochiste.

Le plus pervers Angelina (Photos: 'Star').

L'en-tête n'est pas rien bien sûr sensation erronée. Angie, qui à l'époque avait 24 ans, semble porter un collier de chien et du ruban adhésif sur ses mamelons, tout en appréciant les plaisirs d'une cigarette. Son visage dit tout état de transe.

[Connexes: Angelina Jolie ouvre son coeur dans un journal]
Les photos de la discorde sont venus à la rédaction du «Star» du magazine, qui n'a pas hésité à diffuser en dépit des menaces de poursuites. Et Brad Pitt se voit offrir une modique somme de 10 millions de sauvegarder l'honneur de sa petite amie et que la vidéo sera enregistré pour toujours dans un tiroir.
"Brad tente de protéger la nouvelle image que Angelina a essayé de construire une mère de six enfants et ambassadeur pour les droits de l'homme de l'ONU", a déclaré une source proche du couple.
Retour dans les années nonante, le réalisateur de "En Pays du Sang et du Miel" était une fille très, très mauvais. Elle a été accro à la drogue et à des orgies les plus difficiles, mais bien sûr, il n'y avait aucune preuve que de telles accusations seront la preuve. Maintenant, cependant, il le fait. Et très forte.
Stabilité "psychologique et émotionnel" actrice et donc ses six ventouses en voie de disparition. La trahison a commis un vieil ami de l'actrice, qui aura pour protéger votre maison et d'embaucher une bonne équipe de gardes du corps.
"La bande présumé a été fait dans le même temps qu'un ami a pris des photos d'Angelina perverti (...) Angie était tellement accro à la drogue, il ne se souvient pas exactement ce qu'il a fait", a ajouté la même source. La saga est servi.
[Vous aimerez aussi:? Ont secrètement épousé Pitt et Angelina Jolie]

Ils vont détruire ces photos? Aimer la stabilité Angie et Brad? Y at-il une «main noire» qui tente de charger sa carrière? Exprimez votre opinion!


Wo Rauch ist, ist auch Feuer. Vor ein paar Wochen haben wir getan Echo von einem Gerücht, das in Schach zu Brad Pitt und Angelina Jolie zu sagen: die mögliche Verbreitung von einem Porno-Video von ihm in seiner wildesten. Das erste Anzeichen, dass die Informationen von "National Enquirer" veröffentlicht wahr sind diese Schnappschüsse von Hochspannung und sadomasochistischen Ästhetik.

Die perversen Angelina (Fotos: 'Star').

Der Header war nichts sensationelles fehlgeleiteten natürlich. Angie, die zu der Zeit war 24, erscheint das Tragen eines Hundehalsband und Klebeband auf ihre Brustwarzen und genießen das Vergnügen, eine Zigarette. Sein Gesicht sagt alles Trance.

[Verwandte: Angelina Jolie öffnet sein Herz in einer Zeitung]
Die Fotos der Zwietracht haben an den Herausgeber der Zeitschrift 'Star', die nicht gezögert hat zu verbreiten trotz juristischen Drohungen kommen. Und Brad Pitt ist eine satte $ 10.000.000 angeboten, um die Ehre seiner Freundin zu schützen, und dass das Video wird für immer in einer Schublade gespeichert werden.
"Brad versucht, das neue Bild, dass Angelina hat versucht, eine Mutter von sechs Kindern und Botschafter für die UN-Menschenrechtskommission aufbauen zu schützen", sagte eine Quelle in der Nähe des Paares.
Zurück in den neunziger Jahren, der Regisseur von "In Land of Blood and Honey 'war ein Mädchen sehr, sehr schlecht. Sie war auf Drogen und Orgien schwieriger süchtig, aber natürlich gab es keine Hinweise darauf, dass solche Anschuldigungen wird Beweise. Nun aber tut es. Und sehr stark.
Stabilität "psychologischen und emotionalen" Schauspielerin und damit seine sechs gefährdete Saugnäpfe. Treason hat einen alten Freund der Schauspielerin, die haben zu Ihnen nach Hause zu schützen und mieten Sie ein gutes Team von Bodyguards wird verübt.
Fügte der gleichen Quelle. "Der angebliche Band wurde etwa zur gleichen Zeit, dass ein Freund Bilder von Angelina pervertierten (...) Angie war so auf Drogen süchtig, er erinnert sich nicht genau, was er tat, nahm gemacht" Die Saga serviert wird.
[Sie können auch mögen:? Haben heimlich geheiratet Pitt und Jolie]

Sie zerstören diese Bilder? Lieben Stabilität Angie und Brad? Gibt es eine "Schwarze Hand", die ihre Karriere zu laden versucht? Ihre Meinung!

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