Friday, November 9, 2012

"Why Splenda®, NutraSweet®, and the FDA May Be Hazardous to Your Health"

"Why Splenda®, NutraSweet®, and the FDA
May Be Hazardous to Your Health"

The Deception May Be Sweet… But Deadly

ou've been conned for years, maybe even decades – and it's not your fault.
Perhaps you thought you'd been making a healthier choice by substituting those friendly little blue, pink and yellow packets for sugar (particularly if you're a dieter with a sweet tooth).
Forgoing "real" sugar in your coffee, drinking diet sodas… trying to watch those calories.
Today, you find artificial sweeteners in everything from yogurt to baked goods. Big business continues to tell you that they're "sugar-free", they're "a healthy alternative to sugar".
Tragically, the truth is this: artificial sweeteners such as Splenda and Nutrasweet are NOT healthy – or safe.
Venture with me, if you dare, into the dark heart and soul of the giant food and drug corporations… and your own government.
Discover the inside story. See how you've been deceived about the truth behind artificial sweeteners like aspartame and sucralose – for greed, for profits… and at the expense of your own health.
This is the true tale you'll find in my newly re-printed and re-released book Sweet Deception: Why Splenda®, Nutrasweet®, and the FDA May Be Hazardous to Your Health.
You probably know that I've written a number of books before. What you don't know is that this book truly tops them all due to the in-depth investigative journalism we used.
You'll see that this book reads as compellingly as a good novel. It's been meticulously researched, so you get the facts about artificial sweeteners – not hearsay.
In fact, in addition to all the research and writing done by myself and my co-author, the research for this book required seven full-time investigators over two years to compile!
We poured through stacks of papers and correspondence with the FDA…
We carefully reviewed thousands of scientific and medical studies…
All to provide you with a proven roadmap out of the health nightmare that the food and drug giants have created (and the FDA allows to continue)…

Sweet Deception Reveals Explosive Secrets Big Industry Doesn't Want You to Know…

You'll see why you need to escape the clutches of the big food industries (and do it quickly) when you read the secrets exposed in this book
You'll see why artificial sweeteners are not a diet aid – in fact, they make you more prone to gaining weight!
You'll see why, if you have diabetes, artificial sweeteners are NOT safer for you than sugar.
And you'll see other "industry insider" insights like:
Sweet Deception Book

  • Why the FDA is incapable of protecting you from toxic drugs that could potentially kill you (Their impotence is astonishing)…
  • Why this particular artificial sweetener can literally excite your brain cells to death (And lead to depression, weight gain, migraines, seizures, strokes, brain cancer, and more)…
  • This popular artificial sweetener is not safe – it's produced negative and risky side effects in over one million people (Don't you think you deserve to know this?)…
  • One simple technique that tells you if an artificial sweetener is causing you unhealthy side effects…
  • How a well-known TOP political figure manipulated the FDA to obtain approval of this popular but dangerous artificial sweetener…
  • The widely-used food additive with more complaints to the FDA than all others combined (Why haven't you been told this by the FDA?)…
  • PREGNANCY WARNING: learn about the animal studies that should prompt you to avoid sucralose at ALL costs…
  • A little-known secret to successful permanent weight loss (You probably won't hear about this anywhere else)…
  • Why only 5% of the money the FDA spends goes for drug safety (While over 80% of it goes to actually approving drugs)…
  • The startling reasons why addiction to sugar is quite similar to heroin or morphine addiction (Are YOU a sugar addict?)…
  • How to make a simple food preparation change that can drastically lower your risk of Alzheimer's, cataracts, arthritis and heart disease…
  • Find out which artificial sweetener is 10,000 times sweeter than sugar and makes aspartame look like health food (This could be the most dangerous artificial sweetener on the market – PERIOD!)…
  • The dirty little secret that the food industry exploits just to save money (Although they've never tested it on humans and could increase your risk of toxic side effects)…
  • Why this popular new natural sweetener isn't all it's cracked up to be (Plus, it's frequently adulterated and may actually cause miscarriages because of its risky toxicity)…
  • Discover the revealing story of how the manufacturer of aspartame manipulated data to win approval of this chemical artificial sweetener…
  • DIABETES DANGER: Artificial sweeteners mixed and combined with other substances (Why this invalidates nearly every study used to confirm their safety in diabetics)…
  • Six things you do that radically increases the amount of sucralose you absorb into your body…
  • How sucralose may also be harming the environment (in addition to the danger to you and your family)…
  • Two new "natural" sweeteners on the market (Don't let their "zero calories" marketing deceive you)…
  • The one sweetener that's probably the safest to use – if you absolutely must (Hint: it's the least processed and contains the highest density of sweetness per calorie of carbohydrate)…
  • In concentrated form, this natural sweetener is quite high in fiber (Yes, you can actually use it as a natural treatment for constipation)…
  • The widely-used food that actually disturbs your hormone levels and accelerates your aging process (Less than 1 person in 10 knows about this)…
  • If you're overweight, or suffer from high blood pressure or high cholesterol, you need this inexpensive blood test (It's more important than your cholesterol level, and you should have it checked regularly)…
  • The sneaky story behind Splenda®'s made-up chemical name (Hint: you'll see marketing brilliance at work followed by incredible deception… and a government agency asleep at the wheel)…
  • And much, much more…

You Can Be Part of the Wave of Change that's Coming – Join Me Today!

Largely due to the enthusiastic support of truth-seekers like you (and thousands more people like you), my last book, The Great Bird Flu Hoax, hit #3 on The New York Times bestseller list.
So, the momentum is finally in our favor…
Working together, we're creating a giant wave, one that will change the healthcare paradigm to one focused on real prevention, cure and the TRUTH.
But where The Great Bird Flu Hoax has started the wave, Sweet Deception has even greater potential to grasp the attention of the mass media…
Why? Because of the dangerous secrets about artificial sweeteners this book exposes, and because of the profound impact it can have to promote better health and decrease unnecessary suffering.
Sweet Deception really can accelerate the desperately-needed changes in the conventional medical system.
That's why I'm asking for your support today… asking you to invest in this book as an addition to your home library. (And making it near-impossible not to – by giving you four valuable gifts, too.)

15 More Reasons Why You Need To Read Sweet Deception Just as Soon as You Can

Sweet Deception Book
If you're still undecided, here are another 15 insights from the book that should jumpstart you into taking action, for your own health and for the people you care about:
  1. How the Splenda® hoax could spell disaster for diabetics (Nearly all health care professionals are unaware of this cruel deception)…
  2. Common foods with hidden sources of sugar in them (This can keep you addicted to sugar, no matter how hard you try to quit)…
  3. The ONLY product that ever prompted an FDA-initiated criminal investigation (See how they manipulated the grand jury until the statute of limitations ran out)…
  4. Which food actually causes you to increase your fat production and decrease fat breakdown? (Hint: this food contains NO fat itself)…
  5. How breakdown products from this popular artificial sweetener are now linked to the development of cancer…
  6. How FDA Advisory Panels actually form the weak link in the drug approval process (And are rife with opportunity for massive drug company conflict of interest)…
  7. Risky side effects from sugar alcohols (Which types are safest – and which ones should be avoided like the plague?)…
  8. The "natural" sweetener you clearly want to AVOID (This one may be the worst of the bunch, since it's associated with obesity, high triglycerides, high blood pressure, insulin resistance, and inflammation)…
  9. These sixteen drugs killed tens of thousands of people (Why were they even used, when safer and less expensive alternatives were readily available?)…
  10. The shocking statement about sugar and diabetes made by the chief scientific and medical officer of the American Diabetes Association…
  11. Are you at risk for the most common side effects from Splenda®? (What dangers you should be aware of – if you choose to keep using it)…
  12. Which amazing healthy sweetener has been used for many centuries in other countries, yet is banned by the FDA? (Follow the politics – and the money)…
  13. Sugar heals wounds? (This sweetener achieves remarkable results with persistently infected non-healing wounds… and has antibacterial properties too!)…
  14. STUDY SHOCKER! The surprising difference between studies funded by the manufacturer versus those that are independently funded (What does this tell you about those "safe" FDA-approved products you use on a daily basis?)…
  15. Do you know the persuasive techniques that marketing geniuses use to con you into buying highly processed foods loaded with artificial ingredients? (You'll even think it was your idea)…
Plus much, much more…

Claim Sweet Deception For Yourself

Now that the publisher has agreed to reprint and re-release Sweet Deception, I expect the response to be nothing short of phenomenal. My hope is that this book will help you on your path to vibrant energetic health, just as it has already been helping thousands of other people around the world.
If you're still on the fence, I have to ask you – why?
Please don't let such a small investment stand in the way of your own good health. You really have nothing to lose (except the risks and dangers of artificial sweeteners) – and so much improvement in the way you feel and function to gain.
The few simple changes you make with the help of Sweet Deception: Why Splenda®, Nutrasweet®, and the FDA May Be Hazardous to Your Health can make the difference between a lifetime of needless suffering – or a life full of health and promise…
In this eye-opening report (valued at $9.97), you'll discover:
  • Support your cardiovascular health
  • Promote optimal cholesterol levels
  • Enhance your muscle strength
  • Produce optimal blood pressure levels
  • Help maintain a healthy immune system
  • Support healthy kidney function
  • Promote healthy teeth
  • Help keep your bones strong and healthy
So hurry and ORDER Sweet Deception TODAY!

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