Thursday, November 8, 2012

Top 5 Spy Software

Here I have brought the top 5 spy software that are on the market,The following results are base in a serie of test that "wellresearchedreview" did no long ago

WebWatcher SpyAgent IamBigBrother Content Protect SpectorPro

Rank 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place 4th Place 5th Place
Overall Rating
(out of 10)
9.5/10 8.2/10 8.0/10 7.4/10 7.3/10
Overall Comments The best monitoring and filtering software we have tested. It allows you to monitor a computer from the web so that you do not have to keep checking from the computer you are monitoring. Has some great features that offer lots of control but best for computer savvy buyers only. Does all of the things that you would expect Parental Control software to do, and can do it remotely, but ultimately, IAmBigBrother falls a bit short of its more robust competition. By far the best of the stand alone filtering applications we reviewed. If you also need to monitor activity, however, this product is not for you. Recorded Data is stored on the computer you are monitoring which can impact the computers' performance and makes checking recorded data very awkward (as you will need to access the computer you are monitoring to retrieve the recorded information each and every time). But if that is not a problem, this is a solid choice.
Appropriate for Monitoring Very Young Children, Tweens & Teens, Employees Children Tweens & Teens Very young children, Tweens & Teens Children
Remote Monitoring
Be sure to read Remote Access and Why It's Important
Complete Remote Access Very Limited Limited No No
Be sure to read The Truth About Stealth and Undetectability
Very Good Fair Good None Good
Internet Filtering / Blocking Capabilities
Be sure to read The Truth About Blocking
Strong Weak None Strong Weak
Ease of Use Easy Moderate Easy Easy Easy
Reliability High High Moderate High High
Designed to Monitor Multiple Computers
Be sure to read
The Truth About Monitoring Multiple Computers
Yes No No No No
MAC Support No No No No No
P2P Blocking Yes No No Yes Yes
Scheduled Monitoring Yes Yes No No Yes
Phone Support Yes No No No Limited to 2 calls
Email Support Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Live Chat Support Yes No No No Yes
Price $97.00 $79.95 $29.95 ($150/year for Remote Viewing) $39.99 $99.95

The team here at Well Researched Reviews has spent months testing spy software and the program that was the clear winner is called WebWatcher. It's extremely reliable and easy to use and offers several features that aren't available anywhere else.

One of WebWatcher's most important features is that it's Web-based. This feature really can't be overstated. What remote access means is that once the software is installed, you no longer need to physically access the computer to see what is being recorded. Many of our users are surprised when they realize that not all spy software programs offers this feature. In fact, while some other programs claim to offer remote access, they really don't. At best, they offer emailed reports. While we'll go into more detail on emailed reports later, we recommend against emailed reports because they are not secure Also, they are extremely cumbersome to use. WebWatcher's invisible spy software lets you see everything that has been recorded, in real-time (as it happens) from any computer in the world over the Internet. Bottom line: you don't need to kick the person that you're trying to monitor off of the computer in order to see what he's doing. In addition, by being web-based, WebWatcher allows you to monitor as many computers as you want from one central login. Without using a web-based application, you would have to physically go from machine to machine to see what is being recorded on each machine. That makes remote access a very important feature in our estimation, and is one of the many reasons why we've crowned webWatcher as our champion. With WebWatcher, to see what has been recorded, all you do is log into your online account. All of the emails, IMs, keystrokes, etc will be there waiting for you. Everything is beautifully displayed and easy to find. Another key component which has landed WebWatcher at the top of our heap is its invisibility. According to their site, WebWatcher was originally designed for use in counterterrorism, which is why their product's invisibility had to be so top-notch. We're inclined to believe them after trying our best to find any trace of the application without any luck. If invisibility is important to you, you can rest assured WebWatcher will meet your needs. In addition to an unparalleled level of invisibility, WebWatcher is the only program to perform an anti-virus/anti-Spyware scan to insure the software isn't detected and then disabled. This was very important to us as every other program we tested was ultimately detected and disabled, some within seconds. As an added bonus, WebWatcher comes standard with a full-featured suite of Internet blocking and filtering tools that are as good as anything that we've seen, even at the Enterprise level. They offer three types of blocking (more detail can be found in the full review here):
  1. Category Blocking (automatically updated frequently)
  2. Content Filtering
  3. White Listing

With their category blocking, you don't have to add sites by hand and they have the largest list of inappropriate sites available from any consumer application. As mentioned, customer support was a huge factor in our reviews, and WebWatcher really shines in this area. They offer 24/7 support - and claim to be reachable in 60 seconds or less through their live chat feature. Occasionally, it took a bit longer but we never had to wait for more than two minutes. Plus, as far as we've seen, they're the only software company to offer free phone, email and live chat support. Add 24/7 coverage on top of that, and you've got a real gem. This is definitely not a company trying to hide from their customers.


I personal has SpyAgent and work good for me

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