Saturday, November 10, 2012

Chess Diagrams

For print or websites - updated 01.01.2010
Great job from :
On this page you'll find utilities for making figurine notation and diagrams for printing or webpages. There are also Java applets or Java Scripts for viewing chess games on a webpage. Everything is freeware or shareware.

Diagrams for printing are made as a graphics file or with chess fonts. Diagrams for webpages are usually built as GIF images, and some programs even generate the necessary HTML. If you want to show chess games on your webpage, an interactive Java applet or script is usually better than static diagrams and text.

Some links are to FTP-sites, and if you experience any problems you could search for the file at New January 2010: New utility, Zugzwang para Windows added.
ChessDiagrams Print
Freeware by A.Chatterjee. Windows.
Set up diagrams with the mouse and save as a bitmap that can be imported to a word processor. The pieces look like the well known Linares design. You can add semi-transparent arrows and mark squares with crosses and dots. There is also an option to save as html.
Download from Chess Diagrams (297 kb).

Freeware (presumably - no claims at all are made in the file). A DOS-program by Dr. Hans-Jorgen Fischer.
Diagrams are set up with mouse or keyboard and are saved in PCX-format. The design is very much like the pieces used by the old East German Sportverlag. There are facilities for problem-chess: 'neutral' pieces (both black and white), and pieces can be rotated +/- 90° and 180°. The diagrams are not framed, but frames are easily made in the wordprocessor.
An excellent program that was used for years by Nørresundby Chess Club for our newsletter.
Download Diagramm3 (37 KB)

DiagTransfer Print
Freeware by Alain Blaisot. Windows 2000/Windows XP.
Print diagrams with Alain's own true type chess font or save as RTF (paste into your word processor) or a BMP picture. You can add coloured squares and arrows. Diagtransfer can also save the position as FEN or EPD text strings that can be pasted into a chess program for analysis. One unique and ingenious feature of DiagTransfer is the ability to "copy" diagrams from the computer screen (e.g. a webpage or database). You position the DiagTransfer window with a semi transparent diagram over the diagram you want to copy, resize the semitransparent diagram to fit and "fill it up".
Read more and download from Alain's homepage

ChessOle! Print
Freeware by Frank David. Windows.
ChessOle is a program for making chess diagrams that can be printed or pasted into a document. With the program you get two true type chess fonts, ChessOle and Cheq.
Read more (in German) and download from ChessOle! Homepage (320 kb).

Chess Diagram Creator for Lotus Word ProPrint
Freeware by Duncan Keith.
Script (macro) for Lotus Word Pro. Creates diagrams with true type chess fonts. Read more and download (78 kb) from Corby Chess Club.

GenDiagW Print
Freeware by Michel Drouilly
Macro for making diagrams in Word. Just write a position in "plain English" like:
Kb3 Pa3 b2 c3 d4 Bc2 g7 / Ka1 Pe5
and run the macro. Requires either DiagramTTHabsburg or Chess Merida (type chess fonts).
Download from Michel's homepage.

Freeware by Alastair Scott.
Macros for Word 6 or higher. Requires an installed chess font. In the zip-file is the font "Chess Regular", but some fonts on our page Chess Fonts can be used as well.
Download FEN2DIAG (41 KB) and more from Alastair's web site Chess Word Macros & Fonts.

Freeware by Dirk Baechle.
Converts FEN (Forsyth Edwards Notation) strings directly to EPS (Encapsulated Postscript) files, containing the chess board diagrams. 19 different chess fonts are supported. The compiled version should run on most DOS/Windows platforms, but you can also download the source (C++) and compile it yourself.
Download FEN2eps (1.2 mb) from Dirk's web site FEN2eps.

Pgn Converter for MS Office Print
Freeware by Michael Berganovsky. MS Office 97/2000.
With this program you can open/insert pgn files into an MS Office application (e.g. Word). The moves are converted to figurine notation, and if the game begins with a diagram - specified in the header with a FEN tag (e.g. [FEN "r1b2rk1/pp1p1pp1/1b1p2B1/n1qQ2p1/8/5N2/P3RPPP/4R1K1 w - - 0 1"]), you'll get a diagram too. Most freeware chess fonts on our fonts page are supported and included. The program was made for MS Office 2000, but should work with the 97-version too.
Download pgnconv.exe (683 kb).

Schachdiagramm-Editor Print
Freeware by Ekkehard May. Windows.
Easy to use: drag and drop pieces and save or copy/paste the diagram to text as a picture. Settings for co-ordinates and squares can be adjusted. The diagrams are bitmaps and the size ca. 9x9 cm.
Download from the author's homepage (297 kb).

ChessDiagrammer Updated 23. August 2008 wwwPrint
Freeware. Windows.
Ekkehard May has made this excellent program. With 27 different styles (chess fonts) to choose from you can make diagrams in various formats suited for webpages (graphics or HTML) or printed documents. It also supports fairy chess, and has an interface to the problem solving program Popeye. Despite a wealth of possibilities the program is easy to use. Everybody who makes diagrams should try this program - it is a gem!
The program's basic version is free. The professional version is not free, but offers more features.

ChessGrafix wwwPrint
Freeware by Brian Mitchell. Windows.
New version November 2005. Use the mouse to set up a position and save as a bitmap (BMP) or JPG - or copy to the clipboard. Square colours, frames and coordinates can be changed to your liking. Easy to use.
Link: ChessGrafix (ca. 1610 KB)

Chess TaskwwwPrint
Freeware by Dirk Baechle. Windows, Unix, Linux.
ChessTask is a tool for creating collections of chess problems, each consisting of:
  • a board diagram (or position),
  • a text that describes which problem has to be solved (the task) and
  • a text with the solution.
    Creates Html or "ordinary" pages for print. Link:
    Chess Task (1,52 mb).

  • Chess HelperwwwPrint
    Shareware by Ashley Bass. Win9*/NT. Price: 5 US $
    Creates diagrams in GIF or BMP format, and you can download other boards (marble) and pieces. The program reads PGN files. Diagrams can be printed, but are best used on webpages. The diagrams however are fairly large - about 31 kb, which should be considered.
    Download Chess Helper (662 KB) from

    To top

    Freeware by Mark van der Leek. Win9*/NT.
    A chess database that can export games with figurine notation (if you like) and diagrams with true type chess fonts for use with wordprocessors. It also exports HTML and diagrams for webpages.
    Read more about ChessPad on our page with Programs & Utilities.
    Download the program from ChessPad Homepage (717 kb).

    Chess Font Diagram v.2 wwwPrint
    Freeware by Alan Hickey. Win9*.
    A nifty utility that creates diagrams with True Type chess fonts. You set up the position on a screen board and copy the "text diagram" to your word processor. The help file explains how (easy). The program can also make html files with True Type diagrams, but to be able to see the chess pieces on a web page your reader must have the chosen font installed. The program knows quite a few fonts already and can be configured for even more fonts. With the program you get the author's own font Chess Plain.
    Download (193 kb) from the author's homepage.

    EPD2diag p1.5wwwPrint
    Freeware by Manfred Rosenboom. Windows 9*/NT.
    EPD2diag is an excellent allround program. First of all it's a diagram editor, but the positions you set up or import can also be analysed with chess programs lige e.g. Rebel (extended support) and Crafty. EPD2diag can also generate HTML.
    The program reads PGN, EPD and ECT (the correspondance chess program ECTool). You can save diagrams as GIF, BMP, HTML, ASCII, EPD, PGN and RTF (Rich Text Format). That way you can easily make diagrams with true type chess fonts - just paste them into your word processor. EPD2diag supports most fonts on our fonts page (and some more), and you can add new fonts just by editing the INI file.
    Version p1.5 (669 KB) can be downloaded from, where you can read more about this great program.
    Download an updated version of "ChessFonts.ini" which supports the newest fonts on this page: 5. Feb. 2000 (2 KB). Compare the file date before you overwrite the original.
    The author's home page: Maro's www home page.

    To top

    Zugzwang para Windows wwwPrint
    Freeware by Manuel López. Windows.
    A nifty program for making diagrams with True Type chess fonts or as jpeg images. Co-ordinates possible. The program is in Spanish, but very easy to use.
    Write to Manuel and he will send the program.

    Freeware by Wim van Beusekom. Macintosh.
    A chess-playing program, but it can also be used to make diagrams for printing or for web pages.
    Link: MacChess

    Other Mac ResourceswwwPrint
    At dmoz Open Directory are links to more resources for MacIntosh chess publishing.

    Wiseboard Online Chess Diagram GeneratorwwwPrint
    Freeware by Michal Ryszard Wojcik.
    Generate a diagram online and save as a JPG image.

    To top

    Freeware by Trent.
    Make chess diagrams online and save as a png-file. You can insert a FEN text string or drag-drop the pieces. Board colours can be changed and you can select co-ordinates on/off.
    Link: ChessUp's homepage.

    Shareware by David Zechiel. Windows.
    HTML-generator that makes a page with diagram(s) and game score. Diagrams are constructed with GIF-images.
    Download from the author's homepage (1.5 MB).

    To top

    Freeware by Manfred Rosenboom. Explorer & Netscape version >= 4.0.
    jsEPD2diag is a webpage with a Java script for making diagrams for webpages - fast and very easy.
    The diagram is made of smaller GIF-images, and the program generates the necessary HTML. Just copy and paste into your own HTML document. You put the GIF images on the server, but keep the webpage on your local PC.
    Download fra forfatterens side (ca. 15 kb).

    FEN2PPM for Linuxwww
    Freeware (GNU) by Dondalah. Linux operating system.
    Makes chess diagrams from FEN (Forsyth Edwards Notation) strings. Graphic formats are png, jpeg or gif that can all be used on webpages.
    Download FEN2PPM (38 kb) from

    To top

    Freeware by Alastair Scott.
    Macro for Word 6 or higher. Converts PGN (portable game notation) to algebraic figurine notation. Requires an installed chess font. Most fonts on our page Chess Fonts can be used.
    Download PGN2FIG (26 KB) from Chess Word Macros & Fonts.

    Freeware by Dirk Bächle.
    Converts PGN to a LaTeX input file for figurine notation and Informator symbols. Requires LaTeX software.
    Read more and download on Pgn2ltx Homepage.

    Scripts and Applets

    HTML/Java Script. Freeware by Andrew Templeton.
    Actually it isn't Java, but JavaScript - for those who care about the difference! Palview is an excellent program that can take chess games or chess problem stored in PGN format and change it to HTML/javascript for online viewing on a webpage. Together with Palive it can also be used for live game transmission. The webpages are quick to load and you have lots of cool options. Read more about the program, see examples and download from our special Palview pages.

    pgn4web wwwJavascript
    Javascript. Freeware by Paolo Casaschi.
    A javascript utility for displaying chess games from a pgn file on a website. If you want to update, you just update the pgn file - there is no need to create a new html page. Fully customizable display. Each item (board, button bar, game selection menu, PGN header info, game text, game comment and more) can be displayed (or hidden) at pleasure in your html file. Supports different chess bitmaps and different chessboard sizes.
    Example and download at pgn4web. More examples at

    ChessTheatre wwwFlash
    Flash. Freeware by DGT Projects.
    A nifty program that can be used to view and publish pgn-files on the Internet. A nice program and very easy to use. Requires Macromedia Flash.
    Download ChessTheatre from DGT Projects (5,13 mb).

    PGN to JS v3wwwJava
    HTML/Java Script by Uwe Auerswald. Now freeware.
    Can - like Palview - convert chess games in pgn format to HTML pages with Java Script for online viewing. PGNtoJS has a nice interface that guides you through the process step by step. The program supports variations and chess problems, and with the latest version DGT boards are supported for live game transmission. A very webmaster-friendly program. Download from the author's site PGN to JS (1 MB). If that site is down, you can try at Ugo.

    LT-Pgn-Viewer wwwJava
    HTML/Java Script. Freeware by Lutz Tautenhahn.
    Pgn Viewer for webpages. You load a pgn text file in the right frame and by copying the text into a window in the left frame you can play through the game. This copy-paste procedure is a bit tiresome, but on the orher hand the viewer is flexible because it reads pgn text and you don't need to write an html page for a particular game. If you're ready to write a few lines of JavaScript the Lite version can let the reader pick from a drop down list.
    Download from the author's page (26 kb).

    Pgn Reader Java appletJava
    Java Applet. Freeware by Kevin Coulombe.
    A fast and nifty Java applet for displaying chess games on a web page. One of the smart features is that the user can paste his own pgn file (as text) into a window and replay the game online. Link: Pgn Reader (62 kb).

    Chess TutorTM Java appletJava
    Java Applet. Freeware by Eduardo Suastegui.
    Reads PGN files and interactively displays chess games on screen. Takes longer time to activate than the Java applets from Misty Beach or Internet Chess Club, but has more features. Chess Tutor handles files with many games, reads Java-compressed PGN (pgz), handles several files and can check the gamefile(s) for changes at user defined intervals, which is very convenient for live coverage.
    For more information, demo and download (354 KB), go to maro's Chess Games Pages or have a look at our page Chess Games Online.

    To top

    Chess Viewer Java appletJava
    Java Applet. Freeware by Andrew Gove.
    Interactively displays a chess game on screen. Loads fairly quickly, but doesn't read PGN files. The moves are written in the HTML-document with a special (though simple) notation. You can put the applet on your server or you can link to the Internet Chess Club.
    Link: Internet Chess Club (25 KB + images ca. 28 KB).

    Misty Beach PGN viewer java appletJava
    Java Applet by Mark Roulo. Free for personal non-commercial use.
    Reads PGN files and interactively displays chess games on screen. Loads quickly (10-20 sec.).
    Download from Misty Beach (110 KB).

    To top

    Java Applet. Freeware by JP Hendriks.
    A Java viewer for PGN files. Montreux loads fairly quickly and the setup is easy with a minimum of mumbo jumbo and magic spells. Read the text file "Montreux.cfg" for setup information. The colours are strong (curry!), but if you like you can create your own pieces. Montreux only works with newer browsers that support JDK1.1.
    Extensive information and download: Montreux PGN Viewer (124 KB).

    Java Applet. Freeware by Michael Keating.
    A nifty applet that reads pgn. Handles one or several games, game fragments (FEN), comments and quiz. A major advantage is the size and speed. The program is small and reads zipped pgn files, which saves time and bandwidth. The board however may seem a bit on the large side when you have to scroll to view the comments on a 17# screen.
    MyChessViewer requires IE4.*, Netscape 4.06 or newer. Freeware if you credit the author's page (84kb).

    Java Applet. Freeware by Odd Gunnar Malin.
    There are two versions of this applet: one for online replay of games and one especially designed for chess problems. The applet is small and loads quickly compared to e.g. Chess Tutor - the zipped program file with examples and all is only 70 kb! The chess board is scalable, and the problems version can show the solution, when/if you give up. The program reads PGN-files and EPD/FEN positions and supports different languages by use of country code! The applet is written in Java 1.1, which requires browsers like Netscape >= ver.4 at "the other end". Source code available.
    Link: Sjkbase.


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